LEGO Star Wars The Video Game Gba Guide

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| 1. Controls......................[CNTRL] |
| 2. Walkthrough...................[WLKTH] |
| 2.1 Episode 1..................{EPSD1} |
| 2.11 Level 1................<LEVL1> |
| 2.12 Level 2................<LEVL2> |
| 2.13 Level 3................<LEVL3> |
| 2.14 Level 4................<LEVL4> |
| 2.15 Level 5................<LEVL5> |
| 2.16 Level 6................<LEVL6> |
| 2.2 Episode 2..................{EPSD2} |
| 2.21 Level 1................<LVL01> |
| 2.22 Level 2................<LVL02> |
| 2.23 Level 3................<LVL03> |
| 2.3 Episode 3..................{EPSD3} |
| 2.31 Level 1................<LV001> |
| 2.32 Level 2................<LV002> |
| 2.33 Level 3................<LV003> |
| 2.34 Level 4................<LV004> |
| 2.35 Level 5................<LV005> |
| 2.36 Level 6................<LV006> |
| 3. Characters....................[CHRCT] |
| 4. Specials&Abilities............[SPECL] |
| 5. Power-Ups.....................[PWRUP] |
| 6. Death Star Plans..............[DSTRP] |
| 7. Unlockables...................[UNLOK] |
| 8. Cheats........................[CHEAT] |
| 9. Version History...............[VRSNH] |
| 10. Contact.......................[CNTCT] |
| 11. Disclaimer....................[DISCL] |

+NOTE+ To reach a section faster COPY the code next to the desired section
and then press and hold CTRL and F to open a search box. PASTE the code
in the box and hit find next. Its as simple as that.

= [CNTRL] \ 1. C O N T R O L S -

D-Pad - Moves your character

A - Jump

B - Attack

Left Shoulder - Special 1

Right Shoulder - Special 2

Start - Pauses game; Brings up Status Screen

Select - Shows available team mate; Switch to available team mate

= [WLKTH] \ 2. W A L K T H R O U G H -

( <LEVL1> - Federation Ship)

Negotiating Room
After the cutscene you will be lead to a confrence room. After an explosion
goes off you will need to investigate it. Before leaving the room jump onto
the desk to collect some bolts. Then shake the four chairs that around the
table by pressing LEFT SHOULDER BUTTON.
After shaking all of the chairs for all of their worth approach the switch on
the wall to the right of the door and press LEFT SHOULDER BUTTON to press the
switch and open the door. In the next hall a small army of Battle Droids will
come up the hall.

Deflect their shots by using your lightsaber by pressing B. This will knock
their shots back into them and thus injuring them. Take out the first three
droids and continue down the hall, while collecting bolts along the way, to
the corner where another three droids lay in wait.

Destroy the three Battle Droids and go down the hallway to the right. In the
room at the end of the hall are two Battle Droids and a blue bolt. As well as
a Sand Person. Approach him and you can buy health for 25 bolts. Take it if
you are in dire need of health by pressing A. If not return to the hall.

Now continue to go down the hall. Step on the tiles on the ground for items to
drop from the ceiling. The first tile drops a yellow bolt. The second drops a
force refill and the third is health. Enter the room at the end of the hall
and destroy the two Battle Droids.

Approach the glowing green legos next to the wall and use Force Move to turn
them into a platform. Jump onto it and then onto the ledge. Defeat the two
Battle Droids up here and then use Force Move on the glowing green legos to
make another platform. Jump onto it and then onto the ledge.

Destroy the single Battle Droid at the beginning of the hall and then continue
down it. Destroy the four Battle Droids at the corner of the hallway. At the
corner where the Battle Droids are you can step on the four tiles on the
ground to open the door to the left or go down the hall to the right.

For some health go down the hall to the right and step on the tile at the end
of the hall. If you are ready go through the door you opened by stepping on
the four tiles. In the next room take out the three Battle Droids and then use
Force Move on the pile of legos to the right.

Jump onto the newly made platform and then onto the ledge. Go down the hall and
defeat the four Battle Droids, while collecting the blue and grey bolts.
Continue to go down the hallway upon defeating the four Battle Droids and
go past the arrow at the end of the hall to reach a new area.

In the next room collect the bolts in the left and right corners. Then proceed
down the hallway. Step on the flashing tiles on the left side of the hallway
in order until you reach the last one. You will gain several yellow bolts and
a damage multiplier.

Take out the three Battle Droids then return to the door you came through.
Along the wall there will be a hall leading off from the main hall. There will
be a turret in this hall so go down the hall and destroy the turret to get
health and a Death Star Plan. the first out of five.

Now go down the hallway in the opposite direction as the door you came in
through. Along the way to the left will be a ledge that you can hop onto. Keep
jumping from ledge to ledge until you reach the top with three tiles and two
Battle Droids and a vent door.
Destroy the two Battle Droids and then use Force Move on the vent door to open
it. Now enter through the vent. In the next room are a lot of yellow bolts and
destructable boxes that yield health and force refill. Collect all of these
items and Battle Droids will begin to spawn.

Fight your way out to the bottom of the room and go through the door to return
to the hall you were originally on. Now press the three tiles and an
Invincibility pick up will drop down. Quickly run to the end of the hall and
go around the corner to find a turret.

Destroy it while you are invincible. Now jump onto the ledge that is above the
turret to find a Sand Person. He will sell you health for 50 bolts. Take it
if you need it then drop back down onto the hallway. Continue down the hall to
the right.

Next to the ledge with the Sand Person on it to the right is another ledge you
can jump onto. There are two Battle Droids up here an a damage multiplier.
Fall back down onto the main hallway and destroy the turret and any nearby
Battle Droids.

After clearing out any nearby enemies destroy the box to get some bolts. Keep
going down the hall to the right. There will be another ledge to the right of
the ledge you were just on. There will be a Sand Person up here who will sell
you a force refill.

Buy it for 50 bolts should you need it. If not drop into the hall and take out
another turret and any nearby droids. Continue to the end of the hall and take
out a Battle Droid and then hop onto the last ledge. Hop onto it and get all
of the bolts.

Hop onto another ledge and destroy the droid and box. The box will drop some
bolts. Go to the end of the ledge and use Force Move on the legos to construct
a platform. Hop onto the platform and then to the ledge. Walk to the end of the
hall to reach an arrow leading to the next area.

Launching Dock
Go up and down to break open two boxes to get some bolts. Then step onto the
tiles on the door you came through to get an Invincibility pick up. Now go down
the ramp to the right and fight through the army of Battle Droids. At the
bottom of the ramp go down and along the corridor to find a Sand Person.

He sells health for 50 bolts. Now go up past the ramp and destroy the box for
some bolts. Keep going straight up to find four tiles. Step on them to get some
bolts and all of them for a damage multiplier. Break the box to the right of
the tiles for some more bolts.

Go down from the tiles until you come to a light blue line on the ground
leading to the right. Follow this line to the right. When you come to a Droid
Transport Ship jump onto it to get some bolts. Jump to the top of the ship and
then to the platform on the left.

Theres a Death Star Plan on the platform. After getting it drop back down onto
the blue line. Open the door on the ship using Force Move and enter into the
ship. Get the health in the middle of the room and then break open both boxes
in here to get some bolts.

Exit out of the ship and destroy the turret to the right. Then jump onto the
next ship to the right and collect the bolts. At the very top of the ship hop
onto the platform to the left for a big force refill. Now go to the door of
the ship and open it with Force Move.

Inside of the ship are six boxes. Destroy all of them to reveal both bolts and
Battle Droids. Destroy the droids and collect all of the bolts then exit out
of the ship. From the ship go down. At the wall at the very bottom are two
Grunt Battle Droids(Blue) as well as bolts.

Destroy both of them and collect the bolts then continue down the hall to the
right. Destroy the three Battle Droids at the end of the hall. In the next room
jump onto the ship and collect the bolt and get the Death Star Plan. If you
try to open the door to the ship a question mark appears above Obi Wan's head.

Destroy the box at the bottom corner of the screen and collect the bolts. Then
run along the row of tiles along the right side of the ship. Run with the light
of the tiles lighting up from top to bottom. This will cause the ships door to
open so board the ship. Defeat the four Battle Droids and some bolts will drop.

The ship will begin to shake and rumble as it takes off. After the screen fades
black view the Stats Screen that will show how many droids you destroyed,
how many lightsaber swings you took, how many bolts you collected and how many
Death Star Plans you found. You will then be awarded bolts.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Qui-Gon

( <LEVL2> - Naboo Forest )

Landing Zone
From the starting point go to the right and destroy the two Battle Droids.
Break open the two crates in the starting area for some bolts. Jump onto the
tree stump to get a damage multiplier. Hop onto the stump below it to get some
more bolts. After passing the log Battle Droids on Hoversleds appear.

You will have to destroy the hoversled first before you can destroy the droid.
Take out all four then go down and break open the barrel. From the barrel go
to the right. There will be a large worm that you can open its mouth and
infront of it is a large health.

Before entering the worm hop onto the log to the right and get some bolts. Then
enter the worm to find an Invincibility pick up and some bolts. There will be
some Battle Droids that will be equally surprised to find you in such a place.
Destroy them then proceed to the back of the worm for a Death Star Plan.

Exit back out of the worm and continue to the right. In the next clearence
take out the small army of Battle Droids and Battle Droids on hoversleds.
With all of them defeated hop onto the long at the top of the screen to get
some bolts then go past the arrow to the right.

Gungan Outskirts
You will be in a large clearing. Go to the right side of the screen and hop
onto the stump to get a damage multiplier. Now go to the left side of the
screen and step on all of the tiles on the ground for bolts to drop. Collect
all of the bolts and continue to the top of the screen.

A scene will play as Jar Jar Binks runs into the clearing after being chased
by some Battle Droids on hoversleds. Defeat all of the chasing droids. After
defeating all of the droids press SELECT while standing near Jar Jar for him to
join your party.

As Jar Jar you can now jump higher than before. Jump onto the platform to the
right and destroy the droid and talk to the Sand Person to buy a Regenerator
for 25 bolts. Now drop down and go to the left side of the screen and jump onto
the ledge.

Go down and to the left while on the ledge to get a large health pick up.
Then go up and step on the tile to disable a force field behind a Battle Droid
Carrier Ship on the far right side of the screen as well all the force fields.
Drop down and go to the right and at the smal section go up.

There will be a Death Star Plan here. Return to the platform with the switch
and jump onto the platform above you to get a bolt. Four more bolts will drop
down. Jump to the next platform to get another bolt and several more bolts will
drop down.

Jump to the platform to the right and from this one to the one at the top of
the screen to get another bolt. Drop down from the platform and climb up to the
top of the Battle Droid Carrier Ship and then onto the ledge. From the ledge
jump onto the log on the left for some bolts.

Go to the right side of the screen and hop onto the stump to get a damage
multiplier and go even further right for health. Go towards the top of the
screen to spot two turrets. By pressing RIGHT SHOULDER BUTTON you can turn
invisible as Qui Gon as I suggest you do.

This will allow you to sneak up behind enemies and turrets and defeat them
easily. Take out both turrets along with any enemies that will come from the
ships to reveal two buttons that disable the force field. Before going past
the force field, go along side the right of the screen.

On this side is some health and another Death Star Plan. Now return to where
the turrets once were and step on the two switches that now occupy the
turrets' space. This will disable the force field at the top of the screen.
Walk past the opening and into the arrow.

Hidden Lake
Destroy the crate and then, as Jar Jar, jump onto the ledge to the left and
defeat the Battle Droid. In the next clearing take out any Battle Droids, then
go to the top of the screen and Force Move all of the boxes. Small tubes will
appear. After the last box is opened follow the path of blue bolts.

Follow them to the top of the screen and pass through the opening of where
there was once a force field. In the next open area jump onto the log for
health and bolts then go above the log for a Death Star Plan. Follow the path
to the bottom left.

Every few seconds a swarm of Battle Droids on hoversleds will come by. Some
will ignore you if you are far away or clocked as Qui Gon. Fight your way and
get the damage multiplier from the stump along the way. After the stump with
the damage multiplier jump onto the log for bolts at the top of the screen.

At the right of the screen is a stump with a large force refill. Continue going
down and to the left and jump on another log with bolts and health. After this
log is a Destroyer Droid. These droids have shields to that reflect most
weapons. Wait for the shiled to go down and attack.

After defeating the Destroyer Droid collect any dropped items or take out any
Battle Droids on hoversleds and then proceed to the bottom of the screen. Run
past the arrow and some pictures will be shown of what happens with the

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Jar Jar

( <LEVL3> - Naboo City )

You will spot Amidala being led off by some Battle Droids. The screen will then
scroll down to the location of Qui Gon. Switch to Jar Jar and jump onto the
platform to the left and destroy a barrel for bolts. Then jump to the platform
above it and destroy a Battle Droid.

Theres a Sand Person here who will sell you health for 50 bolts. You shouldn't
need it right now after starting the level but return to this spot should you
desperately need the health. Drop down from the platform and follow the lower
path. You'll find bolts and droids on the way.

When you come to a dead end jump to the top of the platform to the left as Jar
Jar. Then turn to the left and jump to a platform with a Death Star Plan as
well as two Battle Droids guarding it. Destroy them to get the plan. Now return
to the platform you were just on.

Jump to the ledge to the right and take out the three Battle Droids and then
break open the barrels for some bolts. Jump onto the platform next to the
barrels and then onto the street. Once on the street switch from Jar Jar to
Qui Gon and take out three Battle Droids to the left.

Next go to the right and approach the windows. Use Force Move on them to get
some items. From the windows go to the left and use Force Move on the switch
thats on the wall. Then switch to Jar Jar and jump to the top where the
switch is on to find a Death Star Plan.

Now switch back to Qui Gon and drop down. Run to the bottom left corner and use
Force Move on each switch on the lifts. This will cause bolts to drop onto the
top of the lifts. After using Force Move on the last one drop down and go to
the top of the screen from the last lift.

Use Force Move on the grating and on the platform above it. The platform will
move to the left and drop some bolts. Use Force Move on the grating below where
it lands and enter into the sewer. Destroy all of the Battle Droids and then
break open the barrels. Collect all of the bolts and any pick ups then exit.
Return to the first grating and enter to find a Sand Person. Talk to him to buy
a Regenerator for 25 bolts. Exit the sewer and go to the right. At the top of
the screen is a door you can open with Force Move. Enter into the room for
Invincibilty and destroy the two Battle Droids. Exit back onto the street.

Continue to the right and open the next door with Force Move. Enter into the
room to find a Sand Person who sells health for 50 bolts. Buy it if you need
it then exit back to the streets. To the right of the door is a barrel. Break
it open and continue to the right.

When you reach a dead end go down until you come to the first lift with a
Death Star Plan on it. Jump onto it as Jar Jar and then to the top of the wall.
Theres an Droideka up here. Destroy it and then approach the large
door and a stream of bolts will drop down.

Talk to the Sand Person for force refill at the price of 25 bolts. Drop back
down and go all the way to the left. Jump onto the platform you moved to above
the grating and then jump onto the wall above it as Jar Jar. While on the wall
go to the right to see Amidala being led off.

Switch to Qui Gon while on the wall and fight through the Battle Droids to the
right. Stop at the first platform at the top of the screen and jump to the top
of it as Jar Jar for large health. Drop back down as Qui Gon and continue to
the right. Jump to the top of the second platform for a Death Star Plan.

When you come to a low wall jump to the top of it as Jar Jar then switch back
to Qui Gon. At the top of the wall are two Battle Droids and two Elite Battle
Droids. Fight through them and then go past the arrow all the way to the right
to reach the next section.

Royal Courtyard
A cutscene will play as it shows the location of Amidala. She is being guarded
by two Droidekas and the whole area is swarming with them. From the
starting point go along the path to the top left side of the screen. When you
come to a dead end go to the right.

Use Force Move on the platform then jump from the platform to the top of the
wall as Jar Jar. Destroy any Battle Droids up here and go to the right. Use
Force Move, as Qui Gon, on some blocks to make a platform. Then switch to Jar
Jar and jump onto it and break open the barrels.

Return to the platform you first moved and continue to the right. Talk to the
Sand Person to buy a Regenerator. From the Sand Person go down and destroy a
barrel. Continue towards the bottom of the screen and defeat all of the Battle
Droids on the way.

At the bottom of the screen are two Droidekas destroy them both then
go around the corner to the right. Stay towards the bottom of the screen and go
all the way right to reach a dead end. There are a few Battle Droids here along
with a Sand Person who sells force refill for 50 bolts.

Go left from the Sand Person and go through the two pillars into the next
open area. At the top of the screen is a door that can be opened with Force
Move. Open the door and enter into the room. There are two Battle Droids in
here, destroy them both for yellow bolts to drop down.

Exit out of the room and break open the barrel to the left of the door. Now
go to the right side of the area. Use Force Move on the platform at the top of
the screen. Then continue all the way to the right to find Amidala. Destroy the
Droidekas then press Select to switch to her.

Return to the platform that you moved earlier and jump from it to the wall. Go
all the way to the left until you reach a door that causes your character to
react to it. As Amidala you can shoot the blue ovals on the wall. The two on
either side of the door will open it. Go through the door.

As a side note, if you encounter any more blue ovals on walls you can shoot
them as Amidala and they will drop items. You will now be in a Hangar. At the
bottom right corner of the screen is a number. You must now save five pilots
that are scattered through the hangar.

From the starting point you can force move the boxes on the pillars on the left
side of the screen. Also hit the gas tank for some bolts. At the top of the
screen is the first pilot. Use Force Move to free him from the chains. Go to
the right.

In the next room go down and use Force Move on the platform at the bottom. Hop
on it when it stops and then, as Jar Jar jump onto the top of the wall to
reach another Death Star Plan. Drop down from the wall and go to the right to
find another pilot. Free him with Force Move.

Hop onto the ship for a damage multiplier. In the middle of the room are some
pillars with boxes on them that can be used with Force Move to get bolts. Also
break open the barrel. Continue to the top of the room to find another pilot.
Free him with Force Move and then go to the left.

Climb up each floor and go all the way towards the top of the screen. You will
reach an area full of Battle Droids all surrounding one pilot. Destroy them all
and save the pilot. Return to the last pilot that you saved. Once back go to
the right.

Use Force Move on the platform to move it under a ledge. Then jump onto it and
then the ledge as Jar Jar. On the next floor is a Destroyer Droid. Jar Jar can
diable its shields with an energy ball so then switch to Qui Gon to finish it.
Then jump onto the nearby ship.

Theres a Sand Person here who sells force refill for 50 bolts and theres health
on the nose of the ship. Go towards the top of the screen to find some tiles
and a turret. Take out the turret first and then step on the tiles from bottom
to top. Some yellow bolts will drop.

Jump onto the ship for some health and at the top of the screen is another
pilot. Free him from his chains with Force Move. Turn around and hop onto the
ship and the level will now be complete. No cutscene will play, it will go
straight to the status screen.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Amidala

( <LEVL4> - Tatooine )
From the starting point go to the top of the screen. Along the way you will
have to fight Tusken Raiders. At the top of the screen is a Sand Person
who sells health for 25 bolts. You may not have enough bolts right now so go
to the right and hop onto the building.

When on hte building use Force Move on the legos to turn it into a computer
that will cause the nearby satelite to activate. Use Force Move on the gears
that are on the building to get some bolts. Drop back onto the ground and head
to the left.

Continue to go to the left, while avoiding the sand worm's mouth on the way,
until you reach a huge drop. Use Force Move on the legos at the top of the
screen that are next to the drop to make a computer. This will cause another
nearby satellite to activate.

With both satellites activated a land speeder will appear at the level start
point. Go to the right from the drop and run around the land speeder and
collect the health. With all the health and any unfinished business finished
hop onto the speeder and use Force Move.

Force Move will allow you to fly the speeder over the drop and to solid ground
across the hole. Once parked on the other side get the two bolts and the
damage multiplier. Take out any Tusken Raiders in the area and make your
way to the right.

Stop when you come to a large ship where Tusken Raiders are emerging from.
Use Force Move to lock the door on them so that no more Tusken Raiders
will emerge. From the ship go to the left and go towards the top of the screen
while avoiding the sand worm. Run past the arrow at the top of the screen.

Mos Eisley
Watch the cutscene as Darth Maul walks along the Dunes where you once were.
Some people towards the top of the screen will be talking about an old man and
R2D2. Go to the left to fight some Tusken Raiders. Turn left at the corner
to go down another street.

At the next corner are three Tusken Raiders. Take them out and go around
the corner to the left. At the top of the street will be the droid R2D2 running
around in a circle. Defeat all of the nearby Tusken Raiders and you will
then be able to press Select to play as R2D2.

Now go towards the bottom of the screen. There will be a large drop but you can
fly as R2D2 while pressing A to fly to a platform with a switch. Step on it to
open a gate and a large force refill will drop. Fly back over the hole and
switch to Qui Gon.

Defeat all of the Tusken Raiders that come from the gate. In the next area
destroy the two turrets at the top of the screen then fly to another platform
as R2D2 to the left. Once on the platform step on the switch to open the next
gate and to get another large force refill.

Fly back to the area with the turrets and go through the gate at the top of the
screen. Run down the narrow passage and around the corner a small army of
Tusken Raiders will appear. Fight through them and go around the corner
to the right.

Another group of Tusken Raiders will appear. Fight through them and
continue down the path. If you go down the path to the right there is a barrel
with some bolts. Return to the main path and go all the way to the top to find
Watto. Press Select to talk to him to free Anakin.

Return to Dunes
Run towards the bottom of the screen and avoid the sand worm. Approach the ship
on the right and use Force Move on the door to prevent Tusken Raiders from
exiting the ship. Then use Force Move on the legos to make a platform. Use the
platform to get ontop of the ship.

Theres a Sand Person up here who sells force refill for 100 bolts. There are
more legos up here that you can make a platform out of but there is no one
in your team right now that can jump onto the building for the Death Star Plan.
Jump off of the ship and continue towards the bottom of the screen.

When you come to the large drop switch to R2D2 and fly over it with Jetpack.
Once on the other side get the large force refill and continue to the bottom of
the screen to find Obi Wan. Follow him to the bottom of the screen. There will
be an army of Tusken Raiders on your tail.

Avoid them for the most part and continue along the line of pickups to stay
strong from the Tusken Raiders. Continue towards the bottom of the screen
to reach an arrow. Run past it and a cutscene will play as Darth Maul will run
from Mos Eisley and get stuck at the drop.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Tusken Raider

( <LEVL5> - Naboo Forest )

Gungan Alliance
A cutscene will play as an army of Battle Droids enters the forest. Move out
from the starting point to the top right portion of the screen. Upon entering
into the open Battle Droids will begin to appear. Go to the top of the screen
to find a Death Star Plan.

Continue towards the top right section of the screen while taking out Battle
Droids. Sprint works well for this area because you will smash through enemies
quickly. When you reach some turrets run right by them. The energy balls will
not damage them unless you use a lot of them.

At the top of the screen run to the right. When you come to a cliff drop down
into the small area below and run past the arrow pointing towards the bottom
of the screen. A cutscene will play as it shows Anakin piloting one of the
Naboo Fighters.

Battle Front
A counter will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen of Battle Droids
and the number 30. Before jumping onto the top section at the top part of the
screen run along the bottom and collect everything off of the logs and talk
to the Sand Person on the stump to buy force refill for 25 bolts.

When you reach the worm's mouth a Destroyer Droid will emerge from it. Disable
its sheilds with an energy ball and take it out. At the bottom of the screen is
a turret to the right of that turret is a Death Star Plan. Run through the plan
and avoid the turret.

Now go up from the turret and on the stump is a Death Star Plan and on the log
is a Sand Person who sells Regenerators for 25 bolts. Then jump onto the top
ledge. A cutscene will play where several groups of Battle Droids appear. Take
out all of those droids.

At the bottom section of near the edge is a Sand Person who sells health for
25 bolts. And at the very top of the screen jump onto the ledge to find another
Death Star Plan. With the last droid defeated anothe cutscene will play. It
dipicts Anakin destroying the space station.

Gungan Victory
A cutscene will play as Jar Jar is boxed in by Battle Droids. Just when it
looks like the Gungan has uttered his last stupid phrase all of the Droids
explode. You now have 35 seconds to run around the area collecting blue bolts.
The scene will then switch to The Royal Palace.

( <LEVL6> - Naboo )

Royal Palace
You will be back in Naboo in the Royal Palace. As Obi Wan watch as Qui Gon
chases Darth Maul through the energy shields. When you regain control of Obi
Wan run through the same sheilds the Qui Gon and Maul just passed. Wait for
the sheild to go off before passing through the archway.

At the last shield a cutscene will play as Qui Gon is killed by Maul. Pass
through the archway and avenge Qui Gon with the blocks of Maul. Run to Maul
and begin to attack. Force Push works well when you want to preserve some

Be careful because Maul can also use Force Push. When you confront Maul in a
Lightsaber fight there is a chance that your Lightsabers may lock. When they
lock a bar will appear at the bottom right side of the screen. Keep pressing
B to fill the blue bar up and you will counter and do damage.

After the fight another cutscene shows as Maul is sliced in half and falls into
the pit in the center of the room. With Maul now fully defeated and disposed
of, Obi Wan approaches his fallen Jedi Master and mourns over the loss of
Qui Gon.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Darth Maul
Done Well you have young Jedi.

Revealed this secret code. On the PAUSE screen, this code enter!

+NOTE+ Refer to the Cheats section for a full list of the codes.


( <LVL01> - Tatooine )

Anakin Returns
An older Anakin will have a dream of his home on Tatooine and will return to
investigate. You wil also have Padme for this level as will. Go to the left to
find a building surrounded by Tusken Raiders with a pilot on the roof of it.
Take out all of the Tusken Raiders that surround the building.

The pilot will sell you health for 50 bolts after saving him, how grateful he
is. Use Force Move on the gears on the building to get bolts. Drop off from
the building and go to the left side of the screen until you come across a
pilot surrounded by Tusken Raiders.

Defeat all of the Tusken Raiders to save the pilot. In turn he will give you a
land speeder that you can use to cross the gap. Hop onto the land speeder and
use Force Move to cross the gap. On the other side health will drop from the
land speeder.

Hop off of it and go towards the top of the screen and use Force Move on the
ship's door to open it. Enter into the ship. There are two Tusken Raiders in
here along with large health and three yellow bolts. Exit out of the ship and
run past the sand worm and the arrow at the top of the screen.

Mos Eisley
Run to the top of the street and fight the lone Tuskan Raider on the way. Be
sure to also break any barrels. At the top of the street are some Repair Droids
that can be destroyed for bolts and powerups. Go around the corner to the

On the next street fight your way to the top through all of the Tusken Raiders
while also breaking apart any barrels. The path at the bottom left side of the
screen has health on it should you need it. At where the gate was during the
last visit are two blue ovals that can be broken by Amidala.

You can also buy large force refill for 50 bolts. Pass through the gateway. In
the next area are some more Tusken Raiders as well as barrels. On the small
bridge at the bottom left side of the screen is a Sand Person who sells a
Regenerator for 25 bolts.

Pass through another gateway. Follow the narrow path to the top and break the
barrel. Turn the corner and continue to the right. Defeat any Tusken Raiders
and break any barrels or Repair Droids. When you come to a path leading off
to the bottom of the screen go along it.

There will be some health and a large force refill as well as a lot of Tusken
Raiders. At the bottom of the path is a small area with a Death Star Plan and
four Tusken Raiders. Defeat all of the raiders then return to the main path and
follow it to the top of the screen.

Watto will be here waiting and shocked at the sight of you. Talk to him with
Select to learn what had happened to Anakin's mother. Anakin and Amidala will
run past Watto and to the left to try and find out where it is that Anakin's
mother is.

Moisture Farm
Anakin will talk to one of the workers. A cutscene will play as it shows
Tusken Raiders surrounding an irrigation device. Looks like the raiders came
through and broke them. You will need to use Force Move to fix five irrigation

Go to the right and fix the first device. Now go to the left and buy health
from the Sand Person for 50 bolts should you need it. Continue to the right
and drop into the large hole. Theres another device down here so fix it then
talk to the Sand Person if you want to buy a Regenerator.

Climb out of the hole and go to the left side of the screen to fix another
device. While in the process a swarm of Tusken Raiders will come from the top
of the screen. Now go to the top of the screen and use Force Move to cave in
the holes that the Tusken Raiders came though.

With all the caves closed off go to the right side of the screen to find ship.
Close the door of it with Force Move and then go towards the bottom of the
screen while sticking to the right wall. Close the last cave and then go to
the top left corner of the screen.

Fox the device that is here and then go diagonally towards the bottom right of
the screen and use Force Move on the last device. Run down to the worker and
press Select to learn more about Anakin's mother. Anakin will run off to the
Tusken Raider Camp for revenge.

Tusken Raider Camp
Anakin will find his mother and rescue her. But he was too late and his mother
collapses to the floor after being freed. Anakin exits the camp with Lightsaber
in hand. You must now defeat 25 Tusken Raiders. Run up the hill and at the top
defeat a Tusken Raider.

Enter into the house by using Force Move on the door. Inside are some bolts and
a Sand Person who sells a Regenerator. Exit the house when ready. Jump onto
the bone platform to the right. Jump to the second platform and defeat another
raider and then use Lightsaber Throw to take out a far away raider.

Drop from the platform and head towards the top of the screen and take out
every Tusken Raider on the way. At the top of the sand hill to the right is a
house. Enter it to defeat two Tusken Raiders. Exit the house then and jump onto
the roof for a large health.
Run towards the bottom of the screen and hop from the ledge to platform to
platform to reach a Death Star Plan. Hop back to solid ground and then jump
onto the roof of the house to take out another raider and to get a large force
refill. Then enter the house. There are two raiders.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Anakin

( <LVL02> -Genosis Factory )

From the starting point go to the right. Turn at the corner and head for the
top of the screen. Fight the Geonosian along the way. Along the left side of
the path will be some broken droids. Repair them with Force Move to gain some

At the second path leading to the right go down it and wait for the robotic
arms to raise before running past them. In the other part of the room run
towards the bottom of the screen taking out Genosians on the way. At the bottom
go down the stairs to the right.

At the bottom of the stairs run towards the top of the room while avoiding
the robotic arms. At the top of the screen break any nearby barrels and then
go down the stairs to the right. At the bottom of the stairs are droids that
can be repaired with Force Move, a barrel, and a Death Star Plan.

Run up both sets of stairs until you return to the section after the first set
of robotic arms you passed by. From the stairs go to the top of the screen and
go into the room that has barrels lining the walls. Break all of the barrels
and collect anything that they drop.

One of the barrels conceals a Sand Person who sells regenerators for 25 bolts.
Return to the main hall and go to the right. There is a line of switches on the
ground that are near the top of the screen. Be careful as there are robotic
arms above each switch. Wait for the arm to rise then run to the switch.

After pressing all of the switches, the force field at the end of the hall at
the top of the screen will disable. Walk through the archway and enter into the
next room. In here are some legos that can be used to make a platform. Use
Force Move on them until they form a platform.

Hop onto the platform and then onto the next floor. Run to the right and wait
until a robotic arm raises before grabbing the large health and dropping down
to the floor below. You will land on a small platform with Geonosians. Defeat
them and drop onto the next platform.

Drop down two steps to reach a Death Star Plan. Continue to drop down steps
until you reach a solid floor. Run towards the bottom of the screen. Along the
way to the left will be a broken droid you can repair with Force Move and past
that is a computer.

This will disable a force field above the computer but you will not be able to
reach it. Continue to the bottom of the screen, collecting the yellow bolts
that are below the robotic arms. Near the bottom of the screen is a door across
from a robotic arm with an arrow. Go through this door.

From the starting point go to the right. There will be two turrets and some
Geonosians. You will need to take out all enemies. With the room clear there
are four switches on the ground to the left of a force field on the wall to
the right.

Step on all four switches to disable the force field. With the force field down
pass through the arch way. On the next hall are five robotic arms to avoid.
Wait in between each one for the next one to lift before moving. In the next
room are two turrets and a bunch of Geonosians.

Defeat both turrets and enemies until the room is clear. Now step on the four
swtiches that surrounded the first turret in the room. Then go towards the
bottom corner of the screen and step on another tile. This will disable a force
field next to it.

Now instead of going down go up the stairs at the top of the screen and go to
the right to find a broken computer. Fix it with Force Move and then enter the
room. Inside the next room a mob of enemies will appear. Defeat the Battle
Droids, Droidekas and Geonosians then get the Death Star Plan.

Go to the right after leaving the room to find a Death Star Plan. There will
also be health and a bolt outside of the room. Drop down from the Plan outside
to find a Sand Person who sells regenerators for 25 bolts. Return to the
archway and pass through it to find a large force refill.

There is a line of Geonosians behind the refill. Fight through them. Drop onto
each step towards the bottom of the screen for bolts. At the bottom to the
right is a Sand Person who sells force refill for 50 bolts. Go to the
left from the Sand Person. Along this hall are robotic arms.

Avoid each arm the same way as you did for the rest of this level. In the next
room are two turrets in the center of the room and some Geonosians. Take out
any threats then go to the top of the room to find a Sand Person who sells
health for 50 bolts.

Run the the bottom left corner of the room and drop down another set of stairs.
At the bottom run down the hall to the right that is lined with robotic arms.
Use the same tactic as you did with all of the other robotic arms. In the
next room Obi Wan will be blocked in and a cutscene plays.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: R2-D2

( <LVL03> -Genosis Factory )

Rescue Party
A cutscene will play as Anakin and Amidala are captured or wounded. It looks
like R2D2 has to rescue them and Obi Wan. R2D2 doesn't have the greatest of
weapons so evasion would be a better option for this level. From the starting
point there are bolts in the shape of an arrow pointing to the right.

Collect all of the bolts and then use R2D2's jetpack to fly over the gap in
between platforms to the right. On the next platform are two Geonosians. Drop
a mine inbetween them and avoid their shots until the mine explodes. Theres
another set of bolts shaped like an arrow pointing to the right.

Gather up all of the bolts and then fly to the next platform to the right. On
the next platform is an Droidekas as well as another set of bolts in
the shape of an arrow to the right. Grab all of the bolts then fly to the next
platform to the right.

On the next platform are two Geonosians and an arrow of bolts pointing towards
the top of the screen. Defeat the Geonosians and then gather up all of the
bolts. Now fly towards the top of the screen to reach a platform with a droid
and two bolts. Get both bolts then approach the droid.

Py pressing Select the droid will give you a stronger jetpack that will last
until you let go of A. Hold A to fly all the way to the top floor. At the top
are two Droidekas and two Geonosians to the left. Ignore them if you
are low on health and go to the right.

At the corner go to the top of the screen. Along the way will be a Geonosian.
At the top of the screen is a computer. Hack it with Right Shoulder Button to
rescue Anakin. Now pass in between the robotic arms to the right and press
Select to switch to Anakin.
Continue to the right until you reach a dead end. Use Force Move on a broken
computer. This will knock over the cansiter that Amidala is in as well as
disable the force field to the left. Run past the archway of where the force
field once was.

Drop down all of the steps to the bottom. Run to the bottom right corner of
the big room at the bottom of the steps to find Amidala. Press Select to switch
to her. Run to the left side of the room. Along the way is a turret and a few

Fight through them to reach the left wall. Here there is a door being guarded
by two Droidekas defeat them and then break the two ovals on the
left and right side of the door. With the door open run through it and past the
arrow to reach the next section.

Assembly Line
Run towards the bottom of the screen down the hall fighting Geonosians on the
way. At the bottom of the hall, hack the computer as R2D2 to diable to force
field to the right. With it down run down drop into the next room. Run towards
the bottom of the screen.

When you reach the bottom go to the left to find a Death Star Plan as well as
two barrels. Destroy the barrels and run through the plan then return to where
you dropped into the room from. Head towards the top of the screen. At the
very top wait at the small bridge leading into a large room.

Wait for the robotic arm to lift and then enter. Break open all of the barrels
and then talk to the Sand Person at the top to buy a regnerator for 25 bolts.
Exit back to the hall and head towards the bottom of the screen. Go down the
stairs at the end.
Now on the lower section go towards the top of the screen and turn right at the
corner. Hack the computer as R2D2 to disable the force field to the right.
Drop into the next hall. In the hall run towards the top of the screen and jump
up each step to reach a Death Star Plan.

Drop down all of the stairs and run towards the bottom of the hall. At the
bottom of the hall, a little before the corner will be a door to the left.
Infront of this door is an arrow that will bring you to the next area. Run
through the door to the right.

Search for Dooku
From the starting point go to the right. There will be two turrets and some
Geonosians. You will need to take out all enemies. With the room clear there
are four switches on the ground to the bottom left of a force field on the
wall to the right.

Step on all four switches to disable the force field. With the force field down
pass through the arch way. On the next hall are five robotic arms to avoid.
Wait in between each one for the next one to lift before moving. In the next
room are two turrets and a bunch of Geonosians.

Take out all of the enemies and then go up the stairs at the top of the screen.
Along the wall at the top of the screen is a computer that can be fixed with
Force Move. Fix it then go through the door to the right. In this room
Geonosians will spawn every few seconds.

Theres a Death Star Plan in the center of the room as well as a bunch of
barrels and a Sand Person who sells force refill in the top right corner of the
room for 50 bolts. Exit the room when ready. Back in the main room continue to
the right.

At the end of the platform are some bolts shaped like an arrow pointing to the
bottom of the screen. Collect the bolts and then switch to R2D2. Fly over the
large gap towards the bottom of the screen until you reach a platform. Once on
the platform hack the computer.

Drop down from the platform and go to the force field to the left. Run from the
tile to the right to left infont of the force field to disable it. Now pass
through the archway. Fight through the line of Geonosians and drop down each
step to the bottom.

Go to the left at the bottom. Along this hall are robotic arms. Avoid each arm
the same way as you did for the rest of this level. In the next room are some
Geonosians. And in the center of the room are some legos that can be moved into
a moving platform.

Jump onto it when its ready and use Force Move to make it go next to a platform
in the top right corner. Jump onto the platform and hack the computer as R2D2.
Then drop down from the platform to the left and hack another computer. Three
Droidekas will appear after hacking the computer.

Jump back onto the moving platform and then to the platform with the computer.
Fly across the gap to the left onto another platform with a computer. Drop down
and go to the left side of the room. Run through the Death Star Plan and then
go through the archway.
Drop down all of the steps and at the bottom avoid the robotic arms to the
right. In the next room are some Geonosians and theres a turret. Take out all
enemies then use Force Move on the legos at the top of the screen. Hop onto
the platform and then the ledge.

To the left is a Sand Person who will sell you health for 50 bolts. Buy it
should you really need the health. And then go to the left where the doorway
is to find an arrow leading into the next area. Run past the arrow and into the
next room.

Dooku's Chamber
Go to the right to view a cutscene. Obi Wan and Anakin will be knocked out by
Dooku. Yoda will enter into the room and take on Dooku. This fight is much
like Maul's. There will also be pieces of rubble falling down that you'll need
to avoid.

Dooku will be able to shoot out electricity. Try to hit him with your
lightsaber before he can use it. If you run low on health or need force refill
be sure to break open any of the barrels that are around the room. Damage Dooku
enough and a cutscene will play.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Yoda

Revealed this secret code. On the PAUSE screen, this code enter!

+NOTE+ Refer to the Cheats section for a full list of the codes.


( <LV001> -Seperatist Ship )

Docking Bay
Turn around at the starting point and step on the four tiles on the ground.
After stepping on them all some bolts will drop down from the ceiling on the
left side of the screen. Run towards the bottom of the screen and step on the
three tiles to disable the force field.

Pass through the archway into the next room. Take out the turret and then run
to the end of the hall. At the end is a line of three Battle Droids. Break
past them and enter into the next room. Step on the line of tiles towards the
bottom of the screen and then step on the tiles towards the top.

This will disable the force field on the right side of the screen. Run past the
archway and take out the two surprised Battle Droids. After defeating them drop
down the ledge to the right. In the next hall towards the top of the screen are
Use Force Move on them to turn them into bikes that drop bolts. The room at the
end of the hall on the left has a Death Star Plan as well as some barrels. When
finished with the room contiue down the hallway to the right. There will be a
force field in the way.

Use Force Move on the computer on the wall to the right. This will disable the
force field. Enter into the next room. It will be empty so run to the far back
wall. Use Force Move on the elevator door and then enter onto the elevator. Use
Force Move on the computer on the wall to start the elevator.

While it is moving bolts will drop from the ceiling. Collect them until the
elevator stops. Use Force Move on the computer again. Something is wrong with
the elevator. Looks like R2D2 will have to fix it. You will now gain control of

There will be two Battle Droids on the right side of the screen as well as some
bolts and a damage multiplier. Fight or avoid the Battle Droids and go through
the hallway at the bottom of the screen. In the next room hack the computer on
the right side of the screen to open the nearby door.

Behind the door are six Battle Droids. Drop mines all around them and go
through the hall and around the corner and head towards the top of the screen.
At the top of the hall fly over the row of four tiles and into the next room.
If you step on them a force field will generate.

In the next room is a Death Star Plan as well as two Battle Droids. Take out
the droids and get the plan and then hack the computer. This will re-enable the
elevator that Anakin is on. You will now regain control of Anakin. Collect any
bolts that drop until the elevator stops again.

A cutscene will play as a Droideka will disable the force field that leads to
the elevator and the camera will scroll along the hall showing Battle Droids
and Droidekas along the way. When you regain control of R2D2 turn around and
destroy the Battle Droid.

Next fly over the tiles and past the archway into the hall. Drop a mine in
between two Droidekas and then head towards the end of the hall. Turn right at
the corner and destroy another Droideka and enter into the next room. There
will be a large health pickup in the doorway as well as two Battle Droids.

Grab the health and take out the droids then head towards the right side of the
screen and go through the archway. Hack the computer terminal for a bolt and
pickups. Drop off the legde to the right. Go towards the bottom of the hall and
go into the room on the left for a large health pickup.

Exit from the room to the right and continue down the hallway to the right. In
the next room are two Destroyer Droids to the left as well as a Battle Droid.
I recommend you avoid them and run to the computer at the back of the romm.
Hack it to open the elevator door and then enter the elevator.

Once on the elevator press Select while standing next to Anakin to play as him.
Use Force Move on the switch on the wall to start the elevator. Now the
elevator will be working properly. Collect any bolts that should drop from the

Security Checkpoint
After getting off of the elevator run down the hall to the left and defeat a
Battle Droid. Halfway down the hall is a Sand Person who sells health for 50
bolts. Buy the health should you need it and then continue down the hall. Turn
at the corner and enter into the room.

On the left side of the room are Battle Droids and Destroyer Droids. Take them
all out and then go to the right side of the room and use Force Move on the
legos to make a platform. Jump from it to the ledge to find a Death Star Plan.
There are also Battle Droids and a Sand Person up here.

Buy force refill from the Sand Person for 50 bolts should you need it and then
jump onto the higher ledge to the left. Go to the left to find an arrow shaped
from bolts. Switch to R2D2 and fly using the jetpack to the left side of the
screen and land on the ledge.

On this ledge are a bunch of tiles. You will need to step on each tile to
disable a force field that blocks the way towards the top of the screen. But
theres a catch. You can only step on the flashing tile. After stepping on it
another tile will flash so you must then stop on that one.

Step on the wrong tile and you'll have to start all over. When the force field
is down drop from the ledge and head towards the top of the screen and through
the archway where a force field once stood. Run towards the top of the screen
and go down the hall to the left when you come to it.

There will be three Battle Droids at the start of the hall. Break past them and
run to the end of the hall to find a droid. Switch to R2D2 and press Select to
get a stronger jetpack. Now fly all the way up to reach a platform. Land on it
and get the Death Star Plan.

From the Death Star Plan go to the left and around the corner towards the top
of the screen. At the top go to the right and grab the large health pickup.
Return to the main hallway down below and run to the top of the screen. Run
past the arrow to the next area.

Prisoner's Chamber
From the doorway go the top and bottom of the screen to find a barrel. Then go
down the stairs and collect some bolts. At the bottom of the stairs go to the
left side of the screen to find a Death Star Plan. Now go to the right side of
the screen and press Select to save Chancellor Palpatine.

After freeing Palpaine Dooku will run into the room. Its up to Anakin to defeat
him. Stay close and continuosly hit him with your lightsaber to keep him from
using Force Lightning. After defeating him use Force Move on Palpatine to free

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Dooku

( <LV002> - Kashyyyk )

A cutscene will play as the Clone Troops are pushed back by Battle Droids. The
camera will pane up to where Yoda is. You will need to find and rescue five
Clone Soldiers. From the starting point go towards the bottom right corner of
the screen to find the first Clone Solider.

Free him from the holding device with Force Move. After freeing the solider go
to the left and then towards the bottom of the screen after reaching the end
of the wall. There will be a turret and a Clone Soldier. Take out the turret
and then free the Clone Soldier with Force Move.

Go towards the bottom right corner of the screen to find Chewbacca. Press
Select to switch to him. Now from Chewbacca go towards the right side of the
screen to find another two Clone Soldiers and a turret. Destroy the turret and
any nearby enemies.

With the area clear use Force Move to free both of the soldiers. Go to the
bottom left corner of the area to find a Death Star Plan. Now make your way
towards the top of the screen. Along the way you will reach a dock with the
last captured Clone Solider.

Free him with Force Move and a cutscene will play as some soldiers disable a
force field. Before heading towards the archway of where the force field once
stood, go all the way to the left and jump onto the ship. Use Force Move to
fly it towards the bottom of the screen and to a Death Star Plan.

Now go all the way to the right side of the screen. When you come to the very
computer terminals that the Clone Soldiers, its a little above where you
rescued the two soldiers. Pass through the archway where the force field once
was and then pass the arrow to reach the next area.

Wroshyr City Gates
Follow the boardwalk towards the bottom of the screen and around the corner to
the right. On the ground you should see a valve that can be moved with Force
Move. Use Force Move to put it on the pipe. Continue to the right and use Force
Move on the second valve to put it on the pipe.

The last valve is behind a force field. You won't be able to reach it from here
so drop off from the boardwalk to the left to land at the very bottom of the
area. At the very bottom go to the right. Along the way you will come to a
Sand Person who sells health at 50 bolts.

Don't buy it just yet, instead continue to the right until you reach a valve on
the ground. Perform Force Move on it to place it on the pipe. Continue to the
right and place another valve on the pipe. Keep going to the right and place
another valve on a pipe.

The last valve will open a net high above. Keep going to the right and go up
the narrow passage to encounter. Two droids on a hoversleds and a Sand Person.
Take out the droids and buy a Repair Droid for 100 bolts. Exit the passage and
head to the left side of the screen.

Along the way buy health from the Sand Person. Continue to the right and climb
up to the second ledge, the one that leads off to the left. Stay along the
higher path and then jump onto the boardwalk. After getting onto the boardwalk
a group of Battle Droids will walk towards you from the right.

Plow through them and continue to the right. When you come to the higher ledge
jump up onto it. Continue going to the right and destroy the Droideka and
the turret before the next higher platform. With the turret out of the way jump
onto the next boardwalk.

Run to the top of the screen to come to an archway where the netting once was.
There are two Droidekas guarding the way here. Defeat them both and pass
through the archway. Climb up the ledges until you reach a boardwalk. At the
top head to the left.

You can buy some force refill for 50 bolts from a Sand Person up here. Turn
at the corner and run towards the bottom of the screen. At the edge of the
boardwalk jump onto the ship and use Force Move to fly it to the left. Along
the flight path of the ship you will pass by some pillars.

The first pillar will have a turret on it. Ignore it and fly to the second
pillar. There will be a Death Star Plan on here. Jump onto the pillar and then
back to the ship. Continue to fly it towards a boardwalk. There will be two
Droidekas on the path.

Continue to the left to reach a tile that will disable a force field. There is
also a valve below the tile, the very valve from the beginning of the level.
Use Force Move on it now to open some netting and an arrow will appear towards
the top of the screen walk past it to reach the next area.

From the starting point collect all of the bolts then cross over the bridge.
While crossing the bridge there will be a Droideka. Continue to the next
canopy and take out all of the Battle Droids and then go through the doorway
on the canopy.

Collect all of the bolts in the canopy then go over the bridge to the right.
While crossing the bridge a Destroyer Droid will roll onto the bridge. Defeat
it and go through the doorway of the next canopy. You will be in a small room
with a Sand Person who sells Repair Droids for 100 bolts.

There are also two canisters to destroy for items. Go through the door to the
left. Once outside cross over the bridge to the right. In the next canopy drop
onto the bridge towards the bottom of the screen. Run along the bridge to the

Halfway down the bridge a Destroyer and Battle Droid will appear. Destroy them
both and continue to the end of the bridge. At the end hop onto the canopy
towards the top of the screen. Collect all of the bolts on the canopy and buy
the force refill from the Sand Person for 50 bolts if you need it.

Head towards the top of the canopy to find a bridge being guarded by two
Droidekas. Destroy them both and go along the bridge to the left. Turn around
the corner towards the top of the screen and enter into the canopy. Go through
the doorway.

In the next room destroy all of the canisters and then go through the door.
Destroy the Droideka and cross over the bridge to the right. There will be two
Battle Droids on it and a Battle Droid using a cannon on the canopy. Run
through the door of the canopy.

In the next canopy go along the bridge at the bottom of the screen. Follow the
bridge to reach another canopy. Theres a Droideka here and a Battle Droid as
well as a Sand Person. You can buy health from him for 50 bolts. When ready
go along the bridge at the bottom of the screen.

On the bridge is a Battle Droid manning a cannon and two Droidekas. Fight
through them to the end of the bridge then jump onto the canopy on the right.
Defeat the Droideka on the canopy then go along the bridge to the left. On
the next canopy go through the door.

After the screen loads you will be on another canopy. Cross over the bridge to
the right. Go to the top of the screen canopy and go through the doorway. Pass
through the Death Star Plan then go through the door. Get onto the bridge on
the right.

Defeat the two Battle Droids on the bridge. With both gone grab the large
health pickup and continue across the bridge to the right. On the next canopy
defeat any nearby Battle Droids. With the area clear go through the door
and past the arrow to beat the level.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Chewbacca

( <LV003> - Utapau )

Landing Pad
From the starting point turn around and step on the tile for some bolts to drop
down. Run towards the bottom right corner of the screen and step on the tiles
towards the top of the screen along the way to get some bolts and pickups.
Stop when you come to a cannon at the top of the screen.

Destroy the cannon and run by its remains towards the top of the screen and go
up the ramp to the left. At the top take out the two turrets and any Battle
Droids. Break open the barrels at the top of the screen for bolts and pickups.
Run back down the ramp and to the main hall.

From the main hall continue towards the bottom right corner of the screen until
you reach a ledge. Jump up onto it and destroy the two Droideka and then
collect the blue bolts. Then keep going to the right taking out turrets and
droids along the way.

When you come to a dead end jump onto the ledge at the top of the screen.
While on the higher level go to the right and the camera will pan over to some
turrets infront of a force field. You will need your droid to get past the
force field.

The camera will switch to the droid when it doesn't respond to Obi Wan's call
to show it being surrounded by Battle Droids. You have 1 minute and 30 seconds
to run back to the starting point. Just drop from the higher ledge and run all
the way to the left.

Avoid any enemies on the way until the Battle Droids that surround the droid
will attack you. Defeat all of the Battle Droids in the time limit and then
approach your droid and press Select to switch to it. Obi Wan will run off
leaving you only as the droid.

Go towards the bottom left corner and go up the first corridor towards the top
of the screen, the one with the ramp. Drive up the ramp and at the top go to
the right and fly to the higher platform to the right. Take out the two
Droideka and then break open the barrels.

With your business finished fly to the right to reach another platform. Destroy
any Battle Droids and break open the barrel. Theres a Death Star Plan on the
higher ledge that you won't be able to reach as R2D2. Hack the computer to
disable the force field in the top right corner.

As well as disabling the force field it will also take out a line of three
turrets that you saw as Obi Wan and open the field behind them leading to
the next area. Before leaving this platform go to the edge towards the bottom
of the screen and fly off it and to the right.

Stop when you come to the platform for a large force refill. Then fly to the
right again to find a Death Star Plan. Fly back to the platform with the
computer and go to the top right corner where the force field once was. Fly
through the archway to the next floor to the right.

On the next platform go to the bottom of the screen and take down the two
Battle Droids and then grab the large health pick up. Pass by the ramp and go
to the top section of the platform. There are some barrels as well as a Sand
Person who sells regenerators.

When done go down the ramp you passed by earlier. At the bottom of the ramp
you will be back in the room with the turrets. Press Select near Obi Wan for
him to rejoin your team. If you want to get the Death Star Plan that you passed
earlier you can go back for it now.

Simply go up the ramp and fly over the gap to the next platform. Then hop onto
the ledge to get the Death Star Plan. Return back to the room where you
reunited with Obi Wan and go to the right. Pass through the archway and run by
the arrow.

Seventh Level
As soon as the level starts head towards the top of the screen and step on the
two tiles below to the wall for health. Then use Force Move on the lego pieces
in between the tiles. This will make a platform allowing you to get onto the
next floor.

You now have the option of taking the left route or the right. For now go to
the left and enter into the huge room. This room is swarming with Battle
Droids. Along the way to the top of the room, break open the barrels for
pickups and bolts.

At the top is a force field and below it is a floor of tiles. On the left side
are some already lit tiles while on the right none are lit. Look for the
already lit ones on the left and step on the unlit tile to the right of it.
After all the corresponding tiles are lit the force field will be disabled.

On the other side of the force field are some Droideka and a turret. Continue
to the top of the screen. At the top is a computer. Hack it and then go to
the right. Break open all the barrels then drop off the ledge at the bottom of
the screen.

General Grievous
Obi Wan will approach Grievous and then 6 Droideka will enter the room. Destroy
them all and then the 2 Droideka at Grievous' side will attack you. Defeat them
as well and then Grievous himself will attack. Grievous has no force abilities
so you can attack from a distance with Force Move.

If you need health or force refill, step on the tiles that are around the edge
of the room. When Grevious loses about half of his health he will use a new
attack. He will sprint foward and spin four lightsabers around. Run away when
he does this.

What Greivous lacks in force abilities he makes up for with speed and strength.
Use your Force Move as often as possible. With him destroyed the scene will be
shown as Obi Wan picks up a blaster and shoots and destroys the General

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: R4-P17

( <LV004> - Kashyyyk )

Skyreach Huts
You will start in a small empty room. Approach the door and use Force Move to
open it. Proceed into the next room. In the next room is a Droideka and some
bolts. Destroy the Droideka and collect the bolts. When ready open the door
with Force Move and then enter into the next room.

There are four Battle Droids to deal with in this room. Destroy them all and
then break open the canisters for bolts and pick ups. Open the door with Force
Move then enter the next room. A Destroyer Droid will roll into the room.
Defeat it and open the door and head into the next room.

Theres a Sand Person who sells health for 50 bolts. There are also 5 Repair
Droids on the ground that can be activated with Force Move. Once activated they
can be destroyed for bolts and pick ups. When ready open the door and head into
the next room.

The next room has a force refill in the middle as well as four Battle Droids.
Take them out then open the door and proceed into the next room. In the next
room there are four Battle Droids and a turret. Take out all of the enemies and
then grab the damage multiplier and large fore refill. Head to the next room.

Break open the four canisters in this room to get some bolts and pick ups. No
enemies to worry about so use Force Move on the door and enter into the next
room. Only a Death Star Plan in here. Run through it and go through the door
and into the next area.

Order 66
You will now be outside, from the starting point go across the bridge at the
bottom of the screen. Follow the bridge to find some Clone Soldiers in battle
with Battle Droids. A transmitter will activate and say 66. The soldiers will
then turn and attack Yoda.
Defeat your former allies and the Battle Droids. Drop onto the bridge on the
left side of the canopy. Follow the bridge to reach another canopy. Hop onto
it and defeat all the nearby soldiers and then grab the large health pick up.
Cross the bridge on the left and a Destroyer Droid will roll onto it.

On the canopy go through the open doorway. In the next canopy you can buy a
regenerator for 25 bolts. Then go to the right side of the canopy and cross
the bridge to fight Clone Soldiers and Battle Droids. Go through the doorway
of the canopy.

In the next room is a turret and some bolts. Destroy the turret first then
gather the bolts. When ready go through the doorway. On the next canopy go to
the bridge in the top left corner of the screen. There are three turrets and
some Clone Soldiers you will need to fight through.

Once past them go down the bridge to the left and activate the Repair Droids
with Force Move if you want bolts or pick ups and at the canopy at the end is
a Sand Person who sells health for 50 bolts. Also break open the canisters.
Return to the canopy at the end of the first bridge and go through the door.

A small army of Clone Soldiers will attack you on the next canopy from the
bridge on the right side of the screen. Defeat them all and then talk to the
Sand Person to buy health from him for 50 bolts. Cross the bridge and destroy
the turret and soldiers. Then pass through the door on the canopy.

There will be four Battle Droids in the next room. Destroy them all and then
grab the large health pick up in the middle of the room. When ready go through
the next door. On the next canopy a Destroyer Droid will be waiting. Destroy it
and then follow the bridge at the bottom of the screen.

When you reach the corner the path to the left will be blocked by a force field
so instead go to the right. At the canopy at the end will have some switches
on the ground. Step on them for a Repair Droid to appear and some bolts and
pick ups to drop down.

Now go back over the bridge to find some pick ups and Clone Soldiers. Fight
your way to the corner where there was a force field to find it now shut off.
Walk around the canopy to break open some canisters and get some bolts. When
ready go through the door.

On the next canopy cross the bridge to the right and break the canister for two
Clone Soldiers to appear. Continue across the bridge to the next canopy. At the
bottom of the screen is a turret. Take it out and then destroy the two turrets
and talk to the Sand Person.

He will sell you a regenerator so I recommend you buy it. Drop onto the bridge
at the bottom of the screen. There are two Clone Soldiers down here as well as
a health pick up. Run across the bridge to the right. About halfway a cross
there will be a Destroyer Droid.

Defeat it and continue across the bridge. At the end of the brdige jump onto
the canopy. There are two turrets on the canopy, one on the left side and one
on the right. Destroy them both and then step on the eight tiles for some bolts
and pick ups to drop down and for a force field to be disabled.

Run along the bridge thats at the top of the screen and goes to the left. At
the first corner are three Clone Soldiers and then a little past it is a
turret. Fight through them and continue along the bridge. At the end of the
bridge you will reach the last canopy.

From the bridge run onto the canopy. There will be two Clone Soldiers. Deal
with them as you see fit. Take this time to run around the outer rim of the
canopy to collect all of the health pick ups. When you are ready go through the
door and past the arrow.

Wroshyr City Escape
To the left will be a Sand Person selling force refill for 50 bolts and to the
right will be two Clone Soldiers. The path to the left will be blocked by a
force field so you will need to disable it. Go to the right and destroy a

Run along the boardwalk to the right. At the end will be another Sand Person
selling health for 50 bolts. Drop down to land in the midst of two Clone
Soldiers and a turret. Destroy them then hop onto the higher ledge to the

Go to the right to find three Battle Droids on hoversleds. Destory all of them
and then continue to the right to find a turret. Destory it as well and then
use force move on the valve on the ground to connect it to the pipe and thus
disabling the force field.

Destroy the turret at the top of the screen and then step on the three tiles
to open the netting. Climb up the ledges to the top and then go to the left.
Step on the four tiles to the left to disable the force field from the
beginning of the area.

Drop off the board walk at the bottom of the screen. Follow the board walk all
the way to the left until you come to a set of legdes. Climb up them to the
top and pass through the archway. Now run to the left and past the arrow to
enter the next area.

Beach Escape
You will instantly be attacked by three Clone Soldiers and there will be a
Battle Droid controling a turret at the top of the screen. Take them all out
and then head for the bottom right corner of the whole area to get a large
health pick up and a Death Star Plan, guarded by a Battle Droid with a turret.

From the Death Star Plan go to the right until you come to a beach. Walk along
the breach towards the top of the screen and then walk onto the board walk
until you come to some legos that can be moved with Force Move. Use Force Move
for the first of four tiles of a force field to be enabled.

Continue towards the top of the screen while staying on the board walk. When
you come a to a hut go to the right to find some more legos that can be moved.
Move them with Force Move for another tile to be enabled. Now go to the right
to find the third set of legos.

Walk along the top section of the wall behind the third set of legos to find
the last set. Use Force Move on them to disable the force field. Now go to the
right and pass through the archway. All the tiles will be lit and the force
field will be disabled. Walk past the arrow.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Clone Trooper

( <LV005> - Utapau )

Seventh Level Retrace
You will be back in the same room that you fought Grevious in. Step on all of
the tiles that line the bottom and right sides of the room. This will open the
door on the right. Go through it and you will be on the higher platform. Two
Droideka will appear on the right so take care of them.

Follow the path to the top of the screen and go to the left at the corner.
About halfway past the tiles will be a line of Battle Droids fight pass them
and go down the hall to the right at the force field. Run to the bottom of the
screen and go down the hall to the left at the force field.

At the end of the hall will be three tiles with health on them. Collect all of
the health and the force field blocking the way into the next room will be
disabled. Enter the next room and head for the bottom of the screen. At the
bottom of the screen go down the next hall to the right.

Run over the tiles and a force field will generate behind you. Continue into
the next room. In the next room break open all the barrels and fight through
all of the Battle Droids. Along the right wall will be a ledge. Drop down it
to enter the next area.

Water Cavern
The camera will scroll over to where a transmitter is playing by some Clone
Soldiers of the same message if 66 as seen on Kashyyyk. The nearby Clone
Soldiers will now attack you. Fight through the soldiers and turrets. At the
second turret drop off the ledge to land in a lower cavern.

Run to the lower left corner and jump from platform to platform to reach a
large platform. Defeat the two Clone Soldiers and then use Force Move on the
legos. This will disable to the force field to the exit of the area. Drop down
from the platform and go all the way to the top of the screen.

When you come to a wall with a Death Star Plan on it jump from the small
platform onto the wall to get a Death Star Plan. Run along the wall to the
right and then jump from each platform to the right. When you reach the large
platform run past the arrow.

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Obi Wan

( <LV006> - Mustafar )

Volcanic Flats
A cutscene will play as Anakin talks with Padme and then Obi Wan appears.
Anakin will knock out Padme and then run away. Obi Wan will look over her and
then you will control him. Climb the platforms to the right to the top to a
large section.

At the top go to the right first and take out the four Drodieka and then go to
the top right corner to find a Death Star Plan. Return to the spot you were
at, at the top of the platform and go up the ramp at the top of the screen.
Once at the top of the ramp you should see Anakin run off.

Take out the turret and follow Anakin to the left. Defeat two Drodieka and then
climb the ramp. Once you reach the top destroy another two Droideka and then
jump over the river of lava to the right. Keep jumping over the lava and
landing on solid ground.

On the large section of land will be two Droideka. Destroy them and continue
to the right by jumping the lava. At the last platform with a bolt drop down
to the lower level. You will need to jump over the river of lava again to reach
each platform.

On the last platform will be two Droideka. Defeat them then go down the ramps.
At the bottom of the last ramp destroy another Droideka. Hop over some more

lava to the next bit of solid ground. Destroy the two Drodiekas and then run
down the ramp and past the arrow.

Unstable Foundation
The camera will show Anakin jumping from platform to platform. Don't bother to
fight any enemies or collect any bolts. The platforms will begin to fall apart.
After the platform with a Droideka jump to solid ground. Hop onto the higher
platform to spot Anakin.

Follow him to the right and down a ramp. Grab the health and into into the
large area. Anakin will be down here waiting. He is very powerful and is able
to throw his lightsaber. Stay close to him and try not to get hit by his

When he throws it run away to avoid being hit when it comes back to Anakin.
After Anakin loses about half of his health he will run off. Run to the top
left corner for health and then follow him from platform to platform. At the
last one will be three Clone Soldiers.

Fight through them and then go down the ramp. At the bottom jump to a small
platform and then to the ground on the right. Jump to the small platform to the
left to find a Death Star Plan and then return to the main path. Continue to
the top of the screen to spot Anakin again.

Run up the ramp and then jump to the higher level. Jump from platform to
platform again to the top right corner of the screen. At the top begins jumping
to the left. Then towards the bottom of the screen. On the solid ground Anakin
will appear again.

Now you will need to defeat him. Stay close and attack with your lightsaber.
Knocking him into the lava with Force Move will do a ton of damage. After the
last stroke is delievered Anakin will be taken from the lava by Palpantine
and Anakin will become Darth Vader.
Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Darth Vader

Done Well you have young Jedi.

Unlocked this character for purchase in Free Play you have: Jango Fett

Revealed this secret code. On the PAUSE screen, this code enter!

+NOTE+ Refer to the Cheats section for a full list of the codes.

Revealed this secret code. On the PAUSE screen, this code enter!

+NOTE+ Refer to the Cheats section for a full list of the codes.

Congratulations you have just finished Lego Star Wars!

= [CNTRL] \ 3. C H A R A C T E R S -
[Obi-Wan Kenobi]
|Story Mode : Level 1 of Episode 1. |
|Class : Jedi |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Lightsaber |
|Ability : Lightsaber Smash(Jump + Attack) |
|Special 1 : Force Move |
|Special 2 : Force Push |
[Qui-Gon Jinn]
|Story Mode : Level 2 of Episode 1. |
|Class : Jedi |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Lightsaber |
|Ability : Lightsaber Smash(Jump + Attack) |
|Special 1 : Force Move |
|Special 2 : Cloak |
[Jar-Jar Binks]
|Story Mode : Level 2 of Episode 1. |
|Class : Gungan |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Gungan Energy Ball |
|Ability : High Jump |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Sprint |
[Queen Amidala]
|Story Mode : Level 3 of Episode 1. |
|Class : Queen of Naboo |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : Glass Smash |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Gas Grenade |
|Story Mode : Level 4 of Episode 1. |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Mines |
|Ability : Jetpack |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Hack |
[Anakin Skywalker]
|Story Mode : Level 1 of Episode 2. |
|Class : Jedi |
|Alignment : Neutral |
|Weapon : Lightsaber |
|Ability : Lightsaber Smash(Jump + Attack) |
|Special 1 : Force Move |
|Special 2 : Lightsaber Throw |
|Story Mode : Level 3 of Episode 2. |
|Class : Jedi |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Lightsaber |
|Ability : High Jump, Lightsaber Smash |
|Special 1 : Force Move |
|Special 2 : Status Field |
|Story Mode : Level 2 of Episode 3. |
|Class : Wookie |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : Glass Smash |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Swipe |
|Story Mode : Level 3 of Episode 3. |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Mines |
|Ability : Jetpack |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Hack |
[Darth Maul]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Jedi |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Double Sided Lightsaber |
|Ability : High Jump, Lightsaber Smash |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Force Move |
[Jango Fett]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Bounty Hunter |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : Jetpack |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Homing Missle |
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Count |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Lightsaber |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Force Move |
|Special 2 : Force Lightning |
[Clone Soldier]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Soldier |
|Alignment : Neutral |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : Glass Smash |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Gas Grenade |
[Darth Vader]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Jedi |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Lightsaber |
|Ability : High Jump, Lightsaber Smash |
|Special 1 : Force Move |
|Special 2 : Lightsaber Throw |
[Tusken Raider]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Raider |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Rifle |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Swipe |
[Destroyer Droid]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Not Used |
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Homing Missle |
[Battle Droid]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Gas Grenade |
[Repair Droid]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Emp Grenade |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Not Used |
[Blue Gungan]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Gungan |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : Gungan Energy Ball |
|Ability : High Jump |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Sprint |
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Light |
|Weapon : None |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Not Used |
[Droid on Hoversled]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : Float |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Not Used |
[General Grevious]
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Droid |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Two Lightsabers |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Not Used |
|Story Mode : N/A |
|Class : Genosian |
|Alignment : Dark |
|Weapon : Blaster |
|Ability : None |
|Special 1 : Not Used |
|Special 2 : Not Used |
= [SPECL] \ 4. S P E C I A L S & A B I L I T I E S -

|Character| Special | Description |
| Obi-Wan |Force Move | Effects the enviorment. |
| |Force Push | Knocks back enemies. |
| Qui-Gon |Force Move | Effects the enviorment. |
| |Cloak | You will be invisible to enemies but will now |
| | | move slowly. |
| Jar-Jar |Not Used | No Special. |
| |Sprint | Will begin to sprint in no particular order. |
| | | Damages enemies if you run into them. |
| Amidala |Not Used | No Special. |
| |Gas Grenade | Sends out a small grenade that spreads gas. |
| R2D2 |Not Used | No Special |
| |Hack | Allows you to hack computer terminals. |
| Anakin |Force Move | Effects the enviorment. |
| |Lightsaber Throw | Throws the Lightsaber like a boomerang. |
| Yoda |Force Move | Effects the enviorment. |
| |Status Field | A field will develop around the enemy keeping |
| | | them from moving or attacking. |
|Chewbacca|Not Used | No Special. |
| |Swipe | Will swipe at the air hitting any nearby |
| | | enemies. |
| R4-P17 |Not Used | No Special. |
| |Hack | Allows you to hack computer terminals. |
|Darth |Not Used | No Special. |
| Maul |Force Push | Knocks back enemies. |
|Jango |Not Used | No Special. |
| Fett |Homing Missle | Sends out a missle that will target close by |
| | | enemies. |
| Dooku |Force Move | Effects the enviorment. |
| |Force Lightning | Sends out bolts of electricity. |
|Clone |Not Used | No Special. |
| Soldier |Gas Grenade | Sends out a small grenade that spreads gas. |
| Darth |Force Move | Effects the enviorment. |
| Vader|Lightsaber Throw | Throws the Lightsaber like a boomerang. |
|Tusken |Not Used | No Special. |
| Raider|Swipe | Will swipe at the air hitting any nearby |
| | | enemies. |
|Destroyer|Not Used | No Special. |
| Droid |Not Used | No Special. |
|Droideka |Not Used | No Special. |
| |Homing Missle | Sends out a missle that will target close by |
| | | enemies. |
|Battle |Not Used | No Special. |
| Droid |Gas Grenade | Sends out a small grenade that spreads gas. |
|Repair |Not Used | No Special. |
| Droid |Not Used | No Special. |
|Blue |Not Used | No Special. |
| Gungan |Sprint | Will begin to sprint in no particular order. |
| | | Damages enemies if you run into them. |
| C-3PO |Not Used | No Special. |
| |Not Used | No Special. |
|Droid on |Not Used | No Special. |
|Hoversled|Not Used | No Special. |
|General |Not Used | No Special. |
| Grevious|Not Used | No Special. |
|Genosian |Not Used | No Special. |
| |Not Used | No Special. |

|Character| Ability | Description |
| Obi-Wan |Lightsaber Smash | After jumping can smash their lightsaber onto |
| | | enemy below. |
| Qui-Gon |Lightsaber Smash | After jumping can smash their lightsaber onto |
| | | enemy below. |
| Jar-Jar |High Jump | Able to jump higher than most characters. |
| Amidala |Glass Smash | Breaks ovals that are on walls throughout level.|
| R2D2 |Jetpack | Allows you to fly for as long as the force meter|
| | | lasts. |
| Anakin |Lightsaber Smash | After jumping can smash their lightsaber onto |
| | | enemy below. |
| Yoda |Lightsaber Smash | After jumping can smash their lightsaber onto |
| | | enemy below. |
| |High Jump | Able to jump higher than most characters. |
|Chewbacca|Glass Smash | Breaks ovals that are on walls throughout level.|
| R4-P17 |Jetpack | Allows you to fly for as long as the force meter|
| | | lasts. |
|Darth |Lightsaber Smash | After jumping can smash their lightsaber onto |
| Maul | | enemy below. |
| |High Jump | Able to jump higher than most characters. |
|Jango |Jetpack | Allows you to fly for as long as the force meter|
| Fett | | lasts. |
| Dooku |Not Used | No Ability. |
| | | |
|Clone |Glass Smash | Breaks ovals that are on walls throughout level.|
| Soldier | | |
| Darth |Lightsaber Smash | After jumping can smash their lightsaber onto |
| Vader | | enemy below. |
| |High Jump | Able to jump higher than most characters. |
|Tusken |Glass Smash | Breaks ovals that are on walls throughout level.|
| Raider| | |
|Destroyer|Not Used | No Ability. |
| Droid | | |
|Droideka |Not Used | No Ability. |
|Battle |Not Used | No Ability. |
| Droid | | |
|Repair |Not Used | No Ability. |
| Droid | | |
|Blue |High Jump | Able to jump higher than most characters. |
| Gungan | | |
| C-3PO |Not Used | No Ability. |
|Droid on |Float | Allows you to fly for as long as the force meter|
|Hoversled| | lasts. |
|General |Not Used | No Ability. |
| Grevious| | |
|Genosian |Not Used | No Ability. |

= [PWRUP] \ 5. P O W E R - U P S -
| Name | Description |
| Health | This will refill your health. It appears as a small |
| | heart. It can be bought from Sand People. |
| Large Health | Refills more health than the regular Health. |
| | This refills your force bar. The lightsaber that |
| Force Refill | appears under your health, in the top left corner, is |
| | is the force bar. Can be bought from Sand People. |
| Large Force Refill | Refills the force bar more. |
| Damage Multiplier | A blue lightsaber icon that is picked up after |
| | enemies. Increases the strength of your attacks. |
| Invincibility | Gives you a short amount of invincibility to all |
| | attacks from enemies. |
| Berserker Mode | Makes you go faster and your attacks stronger. |
| Speed Up | You will move faster. |
| Regenerator | If you die while in battle the droid will bring you |
| | back to life and refills all of your health. |

= \ 6. D E A T H S T A R P L A N S -

Episode I

Level 1:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Federation Ship | Jar Jar | Jump onto the higher ledge where |
| | | | the first Sand Person is. |
| 2 | Interior |Any Character| Destroy the first turret on the |
| | | | first hall. |
| 3 | Interior |Any Character| Destroy the second turret on the |
| | | | first hall. |
| 4 | Launching Dock |Any Character| On the first ship you come to jump|
| | | | onto it and then the platform. |
| 5 | Launching Dock |Any Character| On the third ship you come to, |
| | | | climb onto it. |

Level 2:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Landing Zone | Any Jedi | When you reach a worm in the cliff|
| | | | side use Force Move to open its |
| | | | mouth and enter. |
| 2 | Gungan Outskirts | Jar Jar | After disabling the force fields |
| | | | go to the alcove at top of screen.|
| 3 | Gungan Outskirts |Any Character| Before the arrow is a ship to the |
| | | | right. Go to the right of it. |
| 4 | Hidden Lake | R2D2 | After jumping up the cliff go to |
| | | | right and disable the force field |
| | | | then go along the lower path. |
| 5 | Hidden Lake |Any Character| Along the main path at the top of |
| | | | the screen. |

Level 3:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Streets | Jar Jar | Jump to the highest platform from |
| | | | the starting point. |
| 2 | Streets | Jar Jar | When you reach the street jump |
| | | | onto the first platform. |
| 3 | Streets | Jar Jar | On the second platform on the wall|
| | | | at the top of the screen before |
| | | | the arrow. |
| 4 | Royal Courtyard | Jar Jar | From the wall at the very top of |
| | | | the screen go all the way to the |
| | | | right and drop onto the wall. |
| 5 | Hangar | Jedi+JarJar | Go right around wall and push |
| | | | block at bottom of the screen. |
| | | | Jump from it to wall. |

Level 4:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Dunes | Jar Jar | From the starting point go to the |
| | | | top of the screen and jump onto |
| | | | the ship. |
| 2 | Dunes | Jar Jar | Jump to the top of the building to|
| | | | the left of the Sand Person. |
| 3 | Mos Eisley | Jar Jar | From the starting point jump to |
| | | | the top of the building on the |
| | | | right. |
| 4 | Mos Eisley | Jar Jar | Pass through the second locked |
| | | | gate and go down the side path and|
| | | | then jump to the top of the |
| | | | building. |
| 5 | Return to Dunes | Jedi+JarJar | Go to the right and climb onto the|
| | | | ship and build the platform then |
| | | | climb the tower. |

Level 5:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Gungan Alliance |Any Character| Go to the top of the screen. |
| 2 | Gungan Alliance | Any Jedi | Use Force Move on a box on a stump|
| | | | then drop past where a force field|
| | | | once was. |
| 3 | Battle Front |Any Character| Go to the bottom of the screen. |
| 4 | Battle Front |Any Character| Go to the stump on the left side |
| | | | of the screen. |
| 5 | Battle Front | Jar Jar | Jump to the very top of the screen|
| | | | and onto a ledge. |

Episode II

Level 1:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Anakin Returns | Jar Jar | From the starting point climb to |
| | | | the top of the left building. |
| 2 | Mos Eisley |Any Character| Go past the second gate and go off|
| | | | the main path to the right. |
| 3 | Mos Eisley | Jar Jar | Climb the building to the top next|
| | | | to Plan #2. |
| 4 | Tusken Raider Camp |Any Character| When you come to a set of bone |
| | | | platforms jump to the far right |
| | | | one. |
| 5 | Tusken Raider Camp |Any Character| From the last house jump from the |
| | | | roof to a pillar to the right. |

Level 2:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Tunnels |Any Character| Go to the lowest spot in the area.|
| 2 | Tunnels |Any Character| On the main path. |
| 3 | Tunnels | Jedi/JarJar | After getting the second Plan, at |
| | | | bottom of the stairs follow the |
| | | | path and at the top of the screen |
| | | | use Force Move on some legos then |
| | | | jump to the platform above. |
| 4 | Welding | Any Jedi | In the room after the conveyor |
| | | | belt go through the door at the |
| | | | top of the screen. |
| 5 | Welding |Any Character| To the right of the door you went |
| | | | through for Plan #4. |

Level 3:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Rescue Party | Darth Maul | In the first area go to the left |
| | | | side and use Force Move on some |
| | | | legos then climb to the top. |
| 2 | Assembly Line |Any Character| After hacking the first computer |
| | | | as R2D2 in the next hall go left. |
| 3 | Assembly Line |Any Character| After hacking the second computer |
| | | | as R2D2 in the next hall go right.|
| 4 | Search for Dooku | Any Jedi | In the second large room go up the|
| | | | stairs at the top of the room and |
| | | | enter through the door. |
| 5 | Search for Dooku |Any Character| It is on the left side of the |
| | | | third large room. |

Episode III

Level 1:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Docking Bay |Any Character| In the hall after the first force |
| | | | field, go into the room on the |
| | | | left. |
| 2 | Docking Bay |Any Character| After hacking the computer to open|
| | | | a door into a hall at the end of |
| | | | the hall fly over the tiles and |
| | | | into the next room. |
| 3 |Security Checkpoint | Any Jedi | In the first large room use Force |
| | | | Move on some legos on the left |
| | | | side of the room and climb onto |
| | | | the wall. |
| 4 |Security Checkpoint | R2D2 | After the first force field go |
| | | | down the hall and turn to the left|
| | | | into the next hall and fly to the |
| | | | above floor. |
| 5 |Prisoner's Chambers |Any Character| On the left side of the one room. |

Level 2:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Beach | Jar Jar | From the starting point go down |
| | | | and jump to the top of a wall. |
| 2 | Beach |Any Character| On the middle left side of the |
| | | | area. Approach from the above. |
| 3 | Beach |Any Character| Go to the bottom left corner of |
| | | | the area. |
| 4 | Wroshyr City Gates | Any Jedi | On the main path, will be a ship |
| | | | you can fly with Force Move. When |
| | | | you pass the second pillar jump on|
| | | | it. |
| 5 | Canopy |Any Character| It will be on the main path. |

Level 3:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Landing Pad | R4-P17 | Fly from one of the top platforms |
| | | | to the third tower to the right at|
| | | | the bottom of the screen. |
| 2 | Landing Pad |R4P17/Anyone | On R4-P17's path there will be a |
| | | | plan on a high ledge. |
| 3 | Seventh Level |Any Character| In the top right corner of the |
| | | | area behind some barrels. |
| 4 | Seventh Level | Jar Jar | After the section with the tiles, |
| | | | jump onto the higher ledge and |
| | | | enter the cave. |
| 5 | Seventh Level | Jar Jar | On the same ledge from Plan #4 go |
| | | | to the right. |

Level 4:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Skyreach Huts |Any Character| It is on the one path. You can't |
| | | | miss it. |
| 2 |Wroshyr City Escape | R2D2 | It will be on a tower to the right|
| | | | of the starting point. |
| 3 | Beach Escape |Any Character| Go to the bottom left corner of |
| | | | the area. |
| 4 | Beach Escape |Any Character| On the middle left side of the |
| | | | area. Approach from the above. |
| 5 | Beach Escape | Jar Jar | From the starting point go towards|
| | | | the top of the screen and jump |
| | | | onto the wall. |
Level 5:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 |SeventhLevelRetrace | Jar Jar | Exit the starting room and on the |
| | | | next ledge jump to the top of a |
| | | | platform and enter the cave. |
| 2 |SeventhLevelRetrace |Any Character| In the room after the force field |
| | | | where you step on the tiles next |
| | | | to it to disable it, at the top of|
| | | | this room. |
| 3 |SeventhLevelRetrace | Any Jedi | Drop into the room at the very |
| | | | bottom of the area. |
| 4 | Water Cavern | Jar Jar | From the bank on the left side of |
| | | | the cavern jump to the wall. |
| 5 | Water Cavern |Any Character| Its on the way to the Area Exit. |
| | | | You can't miss it. |

Level 6:
|Number| Location | Character | What To Do |
| 1 | Volcanic Flats |Any Character| Climb the ledges at the beginning |
| | | | of the level and make your way to |
| | | | to the right. |
| 2 | Volcanic Flats |Any Character| Climb the ledges at the beginning |
| | | | of the level and make your way to |
| | | | to the left. |
| 3 | Volcanic Flats | Jar Jar | After crossing the lava rivers and|
| | | | falling off a cliff jump to the |
| | | | solid ground towards the bottom of|
| | | | the screen. |
| 4 |Unstable Foundation |Any Character| Before dropping off a cliff to |
| | | | fight Anakin for the first time |
| | | | run up the ramp at the top of the |
| | | | screen. |
| 5 |Unstable Foundation |Any Character| On the far right wall jump to a |
| | | | small platform to the left. |
= [UNLOK] \ 7. U N L O C K A B L E S -
| Unlockable | When Unlocked |
|Amidala | Complete Level 3 (Naboo City) in Episode I|
|Anakin | Complete level 1 of Episode II |
|Chewbacca | Complete Level 2 in Episode III |
|Clone Trooper | Beat level 4 of Episode III |
|Darth Maul | Complete Episode I in Story Mode |
|Darth Vader | Complete Episode III in Story Mode |
|Dooku | Complete Level 1 in Episode III |
|Jango Fett | Complete Episode I, II, and III |
|Jar Jar | Complete Level 2 in Episode I |
|Obi Wan | Beat level 5 Episode III |
|Qui Gon | Complete Level 1 in Episode I |
|R2 D2 | Beat level 2 Episode II |
|R4-P17 | Complete level 3 in Episode III |
|Tusken Raider | Beat level 4 Episode I |
|Yoda | Complete Episode II in Story Mode |
= [CHEAT] \ 8. C H E A T S -

While in the Pause Menu, press the different button combinations for the
desired effect:
| Code | Effect |
| L , L, R, start | Black color of lightsaber, force and gun shots. |
| R, R, R, start | Blue color of lightsaber, force and gun shots. |
| R, L, R, start | Green color of lightsaber, force and gun shots. |
| Start,start,left,up, | Play as Destroyer Droid. |
| right,down,right,up | |
| L, R, L, start | Purple color of lightsaber, force and gun shots.|
| L, R, R, start | Red color of lightsaber, force and gun shots. |
| R, R, L, start | Yellow color of lightsaber, force and gun shots.|

Enter the following codes:

| Code | Effect |
|While on the pause menu, press down, down, down, |Instantly gives a repair|
|down, L, right, down, right, L. |robot. |
|While in the pause menu, press right, right, down, |More speed for a while. |
|up, right, L. | |
|On the start screen, Start, start, left, down, down,|Play as a Droideka. |
|down, down, right. | |
|While paused, start, start, down, right, left, down,|Play as Battle Droid. |
|right, left. | |
|While paused, start, start, up, up, up, down, down, |Play as a Repair Droid. |
|down. | |
|While on the pause menu: start, start, down, left, |Play as blue Gungan. |
|right, down, left, right. | |
|While paused, press start, start, left, down, right,|Play as C-3PO. |
|up, right, right. | |
|While the game is paused press, Start, Start, Down, |Play as Droid on |
|Up, Down, Up, Down, Up. |Hoversled. |
|While the game is paused press, Start, Start, Down, |Play as General |
|Down, Down, Down, Down, Down. |Grievous. |
|While paused: Start, Start, Right, Down, Right, |Play as Geonosian. |
|Down, Left, Up | |
|While the game is paused press, Start, Start, Up, |Play as R2-D2. |
|Up, Up, Up, Up, Up. | |
|While the game is paused press, Start, Start, Up, |Play as R4-P17. |
|Down, Up, Down, Up, Down. | |
|While the game is paused press, Down, Down, Left, |Powerful Blasters. |
|Right, Down, L. | |
|While paused, down, up, R, L, R, R, R, down, down, |See all the cut-scenes. |
|up, down, down, select. | |
|While paused, Down, L, R, SELECT. |See Yoda quotes. |
|While paused, L, R, L, down, up, R, R, right, left, |Sheep Mode. |
|down, right, right, select. | |
|While on the pause menu, press L, L, L, right, left,|Some random coins will |
|R, R, R. |be dropped near you. |
|While paused, L - L - L - LEFT - LEFT - R - R - |Strange colors. |
|Up, right, down, left, up, right, down, left, |+Gives you 10 bolts. |
|select. | |

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