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How did I end up here?

I had just finished a degree plan with Lamar

University, and felt I still needed something.
My teaching life had changed, and I was now
being looked to on my campus and in my
district to lead. I knew I needed to grow,
think, and evolve. As I looked at the process
of learning, this program kept coming back to
the top of my list. After a lot of back and
forth, reflection, and changing of my mind, I
decided to start an entirely new program. I
started this journey to make better decisions,
lead teachers in a way they could
understand, and be a better overall teacer.
My journey was unpredictable after the first
day to say the least.
Where did I start?

WEll everything started here. We were told we had

to start an ePortfolio. Like everyone else in the
program I was lost. I had no clue how to begin, or
just how much time and energy I would be putting
into this page. Over the entire spam of the class I
began to rely on my ePortfolio more and more. I
am very proud of the organization, structure, and
design I have put into this work.

After the ePortfolio jitters began to ease, I knew I

was in for some work. I began the program
thinking I had all of the answers, and that I was not
going to have to put in a ton of hours. I was
seriously wrong. This program doesn’t allow for
half effort. I finally had to decide that to be a better
leader, that meant opening yourself up. I dropped
the attitude, and focused on learning.
Where did I start? Over time, I began to develop new skills I
had not experienced during my time in a
classroom. The ePortfolio gave me a place
to showcase this in the form of sections like
the blog, and freedom of COVA driven

The introduction of COVA, showed me a new

path for my teaching. I had already made
my classroom a COVA friendly environment,
but finally had a name and defined ideas on
how to better support my students
What have I done?

Things started off great. I created my learning manifesto, my

“why”, an innovation plan, and developed my growth mindset
plan. I felt I had everything in complete control and would fly
through the rest of the courses, but….
What have I done?
Then I hit a wall. My plan had holes, and this is when I began to get constructive
ideas from my professors, co-workers, and friends. I resisted, and hit a low point.
I was ready to quit. I lost more than a few nights sleep over fine tuning my plan.

At some point during this class, EDLD 5313, everything became clear. I finally
began to use the COVA system I had been forcing on my students, and I learned
that sometimes leading meant to listen to others and not have to always be right.
What did this do for me?

It provided me with two things. I allowed me to

open my eyes to what my learning style needed
to be compared to what is was before, and it
showed me what administrators and campus
leaders deal with regularly. It gave me an
example of how by taking a step back and
learning, leaders become better and can create
real change.
This image has been on my classroom wall for
three years, and I never gave attention to the
word reflection right below leadership. Reflection
became my motivation word for 2019.
Did I have any highs to compare to my lows?
Of course. Once I got my head into the right learning mode, I really made huge strides to becoming a
better leader. I also looked at my leadership opportunities on my campus with a new approach. I began
to see them in the same way I was moving through the program, more open and engaging.

I alsp began to see creation of projects for the DLL classes in the ePortfolio with thoughtful well designed
projects. At the same time, my innovation project went through many different changes and re-works.
Through my growth I welcomed ideas and changes to have a better plan. Classes like 5315 ,5314,
5317, and 5318 were very productive in helping me become a better over all teacher and leader.

EDLD 5314
Here are links to the
content created in these EDLD 5315
classes. It is content
that will aid in the actual EDLD 5317
implementation of my
plan next school year. EDLD 5318
Where am I, and where do I go from here?
I think my ePortfolio shows
exactly what I have
accomplished in this program.
As I looked back at it the other
day, I could see how my ideas,
plans, and process changed
over time. After the program is
complete, I will go back and
change a few things. I want it
to reflect a more concise plan
rather than the look of
someone learning the process.
Where am I, and where do I go from here?
Teachers Teachers
From here I keep moving
forward. My innovation
plan, will be put into place Teachers Teachers
to begin next school year.
I will take much of what I
learned back to teachers
and students alike. By
incorporating the COVA Students Students
strategy into both my plan
and classroom, I can help
mold new leaders in both Students Students
Where am I, and where do I go from here?
Looking back over the last 18 months, I can see what this
program was designed to do, and what it did for me. I entered
the program with M. Ed. in special education already complete.
I started this program to grow, and surely did. This journey for
me was not one of furthering my career, as much as it was one
of discovery of self. Every degree I have ever earned was to
improve my status. This program was purely for me to
become a better teacher, leader, and overall more well
rounded person. I feel this program did all of that through my

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