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Zian Raamjohn


All over the world there are many different varieties of person that can be found, who uses body art as a
form of self expression. Whether it be tattoos (permanent or temporary), hair styles, piercings or
exercising to shape their physical features . Being a person who is part of this culture I’ve chosen “Body
Art" as the theme for this internal assessment.

The purpose of this IA is to educate those by having them understand that this isn’t a form of disgrace to
society of to themselves.

This IA consist of two main sections; Exposition and Reflection. For my reflective piece I’ve written a
journal which expresses, my personal experience and takes readers on a journey of events that
happened, giving readers understanding on, my emotions, my mental and physical changes and
explaining the reason for my different body arts, which aid in reinforcing my purpose. For the exposition
section, both primary and secondary sources were used to give detailed evidence on this topic.

Being a History Student , having learnt about different cultures, races and tribes I’ve understood that
even in today’s world most of these person use different body arts as a form of expressiveness in their
own unique way. It has always been in my interest to become a social worker who encourages persons
to Express themselves no matter what as it can be a form of closure, a healing method and a sense of
helping them cope with their emotions. Thus my journal should assist a reader to understand how body
art has helped me which would relate with the purpose of my future career .

Lastly most of my family and peers don’t believe in body art and see it as a form of disrespect towards
the body in which God has given to me, this emotional impact me to know that they believe this. My aim
is to educate them and anyone on why I don’t se it as a disrespect and why it’s an important aspect of
my life.

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