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Below are copies of online tests over the novel, Night.

Read over the questions and try to determine the answers.

NOTE: This is NOT a copy of my test. This is just a study guide to help you. You may want to split the work
amongst a group of individuals to lessen the load.

Night Test
1. Which sentence does not describe Moshe the Beadle?
A. He worked at the Hasidic synagogue.
B. He was able to make himself seem insignificant, almost invisible.
C. He was Aryan, not Jewish.
D. He was timid, with dreamy eyes, and did not speak much.

2. Which sentence does not describe Elie Wiesel's father?

A. He was the most learned man in the town.
B. He was cultured and unsentimental.
C. He had more concern for outsiders than for his own family.
D. He was a storekeeper.

3. Why was Moshe the Beadle important to Elie Wiesel?

A. Moshe taught Elie to read.
B. Moshe was the only person who understood Elie's feelings.
C. Moshe inspired Elie to make plans to leave Sighet and study at a university.
D. Moshe became his cabbalist, or instructor in the mystical aspects of the Jewish faith.

4. What did Moshe the Beadle tell the people on his return from being deported?
A. The foreign Jews were made to dig coal to fill the large furnaces.
B. The foreign Jews were shot and dumped into large mass graves.
C. The foreign Jews were sent on a boat to Palestine.
D. The foreign Jews who had money were able to buy their freedom.

5. What was the setting and the year for the first section of the book?
A. 1935-1939 in Prague, Czechoslovakia
B. 1950-1952 in Palestine and Jerusalem
C. 1910-1915 in Berlin, Germany
D. 1942-1944 in Sighet, Transylvania

6. Which of these events occurred last?

A. Two ghettos were set up.
B. The Jews had to start wearing the yellow star.
C. The Germans arrested the Jewish community leaders.
D. The Jewish residents were not allowed to leave their houses for three days.

7. Elie Wiesel said he began to hate them because they were his and his community's first
oppressors. Who were they?
A. the Gestapo officers
B. the Hungarian police
C. the members of the Jewish council
D. their non-Jewish neighbors

8. To what did Wiesel compare the world?

A. He compared it to a blind and deaf person.
B. He compared it to a large hole in the ground.
C. He compared it to a cattle wagon hermetically sealed.
D. He compared it to the Bible story of the Jews in slavery in Egypt.
9. What did Madame Schächter see in her vision?
A. She saw large open graves full of children.
B. She saw a fire--a furnace, with huge flames.
C. She saw row after row of empty houses.
D. She saw the face of Hitler laughing at the entire world.

10. What did the Jews in the train car discover when they looked out the window?
A. They saw several large factories surrounded by barbed wire fences.
B. They saw lines of soldiers with truncheons, ready to beat them as they got off.
C. They saw flames gushing out of a tall chimney into the sky.
D. They saw wagons full of dead bodies.

11. What did Wiesel say about the travelers' illusions?

A. They left their illusions in the ghetto in Sighet.
B. They were still clinging to their illusions even though they gave up their possessions.
C. They left their cherished objects and illusions behind on the train.
D. Seeing the German soldiers made them give up their illusions.

12. Which notorious SS officer did they meet at the concentration camp?
A. They met Hitler himself.
B. They met Eichmann.
C. They met General Kolomaye.
D. They met Dr. Mengele.

13. What was Elie's main thought as the men and women were being herded from the train?
A. It was to stay with his father at all costs.
B. It was to keep his faith in God.
C. It was to stay alive and healthy.
D. It was to be as brave as possible.

14. Which statement is true?

A. They went to Birkenau, then to Bergen-Belsen, then to Auschwitz.
B. They stayed at Nuremberg for one month.
C. They stayed at Galicia for six days, and then went to Birkenau.
D. They were at Auschwitz for about three weeks. Then they went to Buna.

15. What did Elie Wiesel do when Idek hit his father?
A. Elie did not do anything to help his father.
B. He hit Idek over the head with a chair.
C. He prayed out loud for forgiveness for Idek.
D. He hit his father himself for not avoiding Idek's punishment.

16. What did Franek want from Elie?

A. He wanted Elie's new shoes.
B. He wanted the money Elie was hiding in the hem of his pants.
C. He wanted Elie's gold tooth.
D. He wanted Elie's blanket.

17. What were the only things in which Elie took an interest?
A. He only took an interest in sleep and prayer.
B. He only took an interest in his and his father's health.
C. He only took an interest in counting the days until he could get out.
D. He only took an interest in his soup and his crust of stale bread.
18. What happened to the young man from Warsaw?
A. He was tortured and hanged for hitting an SS officer.
B. He was electrocuted when he tried to climb over the fence.
C. He was hanged for stealing during the air-raid.
D. He was shot while trying to escape.

19. How did Elie say the soup tasted the night the pipel (young servant boy) was hanged?
A. He said it tasted delicious.
B. He said he did not even taste it.
C. He said it tasted of corpses.
D. He said it tasted like blood.

20. When did the men hold their prayer service and wish each other a Happy New Year?
A. on the eve of Rosh Hashana
B. on the first day of Hanukkah
C. on Yom Kippur
D. on December 31

21. What was Elie's inheritance from his father?

A. The inheritance was a few diamonds Mr. Wiesel had hidden in the heel of his shoe.
B. The inheritance was a gold watch and chain.
C. The inheritance was a knife and spoon.
D. The inheritance was a long underwear and a pair of socks.

22. Why was his father giving it to him?

A. Mr. Wiesel had been selected. He was giving it to his son before his death.
B. Mr. Wiesel thought Elie might be able to buy his freedom.
C. Mr. Wiesel wanted Elie to be comfortable.
D. Mr. Wiesel thought Elie had a better chance of hiding the things than he did.

23. What did Elie dream of when he dreamed of a better world?

A. He imagined a world without German soldiers.
B. He imagined a soup pot that was always full.
C. He imagined all people living in peace.
D. He imagined a world with no bells.

24. What happened to the patients who stayed in the hospital instead of being evacuated?
A. The local townspeople took care of them until the end of the war.
B. They all died of starvation.
C. They were liberated by the Russians two days after the others left.
D. They were murdered by the Germans before they left.

25. What was the last thing the head of the block ordered the men to do before they evacuated?
A. He ordered them to burn all of the buildings.
B. He ordered them to shred all of the records about the camp.
C. He ordered them to eat all of the remaining food.
D. He ordered them to clean the block.

26. What was the weather like during the evacuation?

A. It rained the entire time.
B. It snowed the entire time.
C. It was clear but below zero.
D. There was a hail storm.
27. While running, an idea began to fascinate Elie. What was the idea?
A. It was death.
B. It was escape.
C. It was murdering the soldiers.
D. It was finding his mother

28. What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou's son just after the evacuation?
A. The son was dead and the Rabbi could not admit it.
B. The son had been trying to lose his father as the men were all running.
C. The son had escaped and did not take his father.
D. The son betrayed his father to get extra bread for himself.

29. Who died in the train just before the men were unloaded?
A. Juliek
B. Meir Katz
C. Ezra Malik
D. Tzipora

30. How many men started out in the train? How many were left when they arrived at
A. Ten thousand men started out. Five hundred were left.
B. Three hundred started out. Fifty were left.
C. Four thousand started out. Two thousand were left.
D. One hundred men started out. About twelve were left.

31. What was Elie's only desire?

A. He wanted to eat.
B. He wanted to sleep.
C. He wanted to find out if his mother and sisters were alive.
D. He wanted to take a bath.

32. When did the first American troops arrive at the camp?
A. 3 AM, May 5, 1946
B. Midnight, June 1, 1945
C. 6 PM, April 10, 1945
D. 10 AM, March 30, 1947

33. Where are the Jews of Sighet first taken after the Germans arrive?
a. concentration camps
b. ghetto
c. Hungarian prison
d. German prison

34. What did Elie Wiesel want to study early in the book?
a. beadle
b. geometry
c. cabbala
d. Russian

35. Who helped Elie with his studies?

a. his father
b. Moshe the Beadle
c. the Rabbi
d. his mother
36. When the Jews of Sighet are deported, how many people are on each train car?
a. 12
b. 80
c. 100
d. 120

37. What occupation does Elie tell the SS officer he is?

a. student
b. electrician
c. farmer
d. philosopher

38. Madame Schachter’s visions about fire are an example of what?

a. foreshadowing
b. irony
c. simile
d. metaphor

39. What age is Elie when he reaches Auschwitz?

a. almost 12
b. 18
c. 21
d. almost 15

40. What do the men say as they are approaching the crematory?
a. Talmud scripture
b. Kaddish
c. Bible scriptures
d. cabbala

41. How is Elie identified at the camp?

a. Eliezer
b. A-7713
c. C3PO
d. D-1134

42. What happened to those who broke the rules at camp?

a. hanged
b. beaten
c. shot
d. all of the above

43. What item did the SS extract from the Jews at the camp?
a. inheritance
b. gold keys
c. gold teeth
d. feet
44. Elie prevents the SS from extracting this item (from #43) by
a. saying he is sick
b. saying it was already taken
c. saying he has to work
d. extracting it himself

45. Whose death symbolizes the loss of Elie’s faith?

a. Juliek, the violinist
b. Akiba Drumer
c. Moshe, the Beadle
d. the pipel

46. What do the men do to help their chances during selection?

a. jumping jacks
b. clean themselves up
c. run
d. wear extra clothing

47. What happened to the men who slowed down on the way to Gleiwitz?
a. shot
b. trampled
c. both A + B
d. none of the above

48. Why does Elie go to see the doctor?

a. His foot is infected.
b. His head has been beaten.
c. His tooth aches.
d. He has been whipped 25 times.

49. Who does the prisoner next to Elie in the hospital say that he trusts the most?
a. Elie
b. the doctors
c. Hitler
d. himself

50. What happened to the men who slept in the snow at the caved-in brick factory?
a. shot
b. trampled
c. died
d. none of the above

51. What was the last word Elie’s father said?

a. mercy
b. water
c. food
d. Eliezer
52. What do the liberated prisoners think about after being freed?
a. food
b. revenge
c. freedom
d. their families

53. On the train to Auschwitz, what does Madame Schächter have visions of?
a. Burning pits of fire
b. The angel of death
c. The death head of Auschwitz
d. God

54. The visions seen by Madame Schächter are an example of:

a. Foreshadowing
b. Symbolism
c. An allusion
d. A nightmare

55. What town does Elie and his family come from?
a. Budapest
b. Gleiwitz
c. Sighet
d. Warsaw

56. Why is the hanging of the pipel so emotional for the prisoners?
a. The prisoners have already witnessed another hanging
b. They know there would be no soup that day
c. They think he is a symbol for Jesus
d. The pipel is so young and angelic looking

57. Why does Elie end up having to have an operation?

a. His foot swells
b. His tooth is infected
c. He is in pain from his appendix
d. His arm swells

58. Upon his return from the forest, what does Moshe the Beadle attempt to do?
a. Warn the Jews about what is going to happen
b. Find his faith in Elie
c. Teach the cabbala to the young
d. Create a resistance movement

59. After they arrive at Gleiwitz, what does Elie hear in the middle of the night?
a. Screaming of children
b. Juliek playing his violin
c. Moans of the injured
d. Whispers from the dead in his dream
60. With what instrument is Elie’s gold crown removed with?
a. A rusty fork
b. Franek’s bare hands
c. A scalpel
d. A rusty spoon

61. What is Elie’s “inheritance” from his father?

a. A bag of gold
b. His jacket
c. A rusty can and knife
d. A spoon and knife

62. What stares back at Elie at the end of the novel?

a. The SS Soldiers
b. The American liberators
c. A corpse
d. His vision of his mother and father

63. What is the slogan for Auschwitz?

a. “Live Free or Die”
b. “Live Long and Prosper”
c. “Live for Germany”
d. “Work is Liberty”

64. Why don’t Elie’s new shoes get taken away at Buna?
a. They are ugly
b. They are covered in mud
c. They are not needed
d. He trades his gold crown

65. When a factory foreman beats Elie, who was he comforted by?
a. A French girl
b. His father
c. Juliek
d. The boy with “a face like an angel”

66. Elie’s father:

a. Buried their savings in the synagogue
b. Conspired with the German leaders because he was wealthy
c. Buried their savings in the cellar of their home
d. Told Elie to forget that God lived

67. What is the Kaddish?

a. A special food served at Passover
b. A dance to worship God
c. Jewish prayer for the dead
d. An ancient language of the cabbala
68. Elie’s father was:
a. Unsentimental
b. Respected by his community
c. Concerned about the community more than his family
d. All of the above

69. The young Pole and the others who stole food during the air raid alerts were:
a. Hanged
b. Given reduced rations
c. Beaten
d. Made to work extra hours

70. Wiesel saw German workmen laugh as prisoners fought to death over:
a. A gold chain
b. A game of cards
c. A crust of bread
d. A dirty blanket

71. Wiesel’s town’s first impression of the German soldiers was that they were:
a. Friendly b. Polite
c. Harmless d. All of the above

72. The strong man on the train that gives up hope, but is comforted by Elie’s father was named:
a. Akiba Drumer b. Juliek
c. Cholomo d. Meir Katz

73. The Jews were shipped by ______ from one concentration camp to another.
a. Bus b. Cattle Wagon
c. Train d. Car

74. When thousands attended a Rosh Hashanah service at the camp, Wiesel:
a. Fasted
b. Did not join the prayers
c. Spoke the blessing
d. Went to the barrack and slept

75. After playing a Beethoven concerto in the barracks, Juliek:

a. Gave his violin to Elie
b. Was beaten for playing German music
c. Died
d. Escaped the concentration camp

76. In the Holocaust, what is the estimated number of Jews that died?
a. Six hundred b. Sixty thousand
c. Six Million d. Five hundred thousand

77. Hitler’s political party was called the:

a. Bohemians b. Sades
c. Nazis d. Podos

78. Hitler’s goal for the Jews was to:

a. Completely wipe them out from Europe
b. Make them slaves
c. Make them leaders
d. Educate them
79. Jewish people were forced to wear what to identify them as Jews?
a. Crosses b. Red shirts
c. Yamakas d. Stars of David

80. Jews were moved into small areas of towns and forced to live in over-crowded, diseased, and unsanitary conditions.
These areas were called:
a. Neighborhoods b. Synagogues
c. Ghettos d. City-States

81. Moshe the Beadle and Elie’s relationship can be described as:
a. Teacher/Student
b. Father/Son
c. Uncle/Nephew
d. None of the above

82. In the Forest of Galacia, Moshe the Beadle saw:

a. Foreign Jews forced to dig huge graves
b. Babies used for target practice
c. Foreign Jews murdered
d. All of the above

83. After the Forest of Galacia, Moshe’s only reason for living was:
a. To question God’s love for his people
b. To organize a resistance group
c. To warn everyone else
d. None of the above

84. When Elie and his family arrive at Birkenau, they:

a. Stick together b. Are split up
c. Able to escape d. None of the above

85. How does Elie begin to feel toward his father when he doesn’t avoid being beaten by Idek?
a. Fear b. Love
c. Anger d. Hatred

86. Elie gets 25 lashes for:

a. Catching Idek with a Polish girl
b. Stealing
c. Running away from camp
d. All of the above

87. Elie prays that:

a. The Germans will all die at the end of the war
b. He will never leave his father like Rabbi’s son did
c. He will have the courage to leave his father like the Rabbi’s son did
d. He will die

88. Deep down, when Elie’s father dies, he feels:

a. Relief b. Sorrow
c. Shame d. Hatred
89. Concentration Camps are:
a. Camps where people are forced to work and live in horrible conditions, usually until death
b. Camps where people think really hard
c. Camps where people volunteer to work
d. None of the above

90. The main reason Elie didn’t want to give his father water was:
a. He wanted it for himself
b. He knew the water would only hurt his father’s condition
c. He thought it was dirty
d. He wanted to use the water for a bath

91. When the prisoners were liberated (freed) from Buchenwald, their first thought was:
a. Food b. Revenge
c. Their families d. None of the above

92. What town do Elie and his family come from?

a) Budapest b) Gleiwitz c) Sighet d)Warsaw

93. Upon his return to Sighet, what does Moshe the Beadle attempt to do?
a) warn the Jews about what will happen to them
b) find his faith in Elie
c) teach cabbala to the young
d) create a resistance movement

94. On what day are Elie and his family deported from the ghetto?
a) Christmas Day b) Yom Kippur c) on the Sabbath d) on the seventh day of Passover

95. On the train to Auschwitz, what does Madam Schächter have visions of?
a) burning pits of fire b) the Angel of Death c) the death head of Auschwitz d)God

96. What is the Kaddish?

a) a special food served at Passover c) a dance of worship to God
b) an ancient language of the caballa d) Jewish prayer for the dead

97. With what instrument is Elie’s gold crown removed?

a) a rusty fork b) Franek’s bare hands c) a scalpel d) a rusty spoon

98. Why does Akiba Drumer decide to die?

a) he is in too much physical pain c) he is too old and lonely
b) he has lost his faith in God d) he is sick anyway

99. Why does Elie end up having to have an operation?

a) his foot swells b) his tooth is infected c) he is in pain from his appendix d) his arm swells

100. What does Elie pray to God that he will never do?
a) abandon his father c) stop praying
b) die in the concentration camps d) rise up and seek vengeance
101. After they arrive at Gleiwitz, what does Elie hear in the middle of the night?
a) screaming of children c) moans of the injured
b) Juliek playing his violin d) whispers from the dead in his dreams

102. Why is the hanging of the pipel so emotional for the prisoners?
a) the prisoners have already witnessed another hanging
b) they know there would be no soup that day
c) they think he is a symbol for Jesus
d) the pipel is so young and angelic looking

103. What is Elie’s “inheritance” from his father?

a) a bag of gold b) his jacket c) a rusty can and knife d) a spoon and knife

104. What stares back at Elie at the end of the novel?

a) the SS soldiers c) the American liberators
b) a vision of his mother and father d) a corpse

105. What is the slogan for Auschwitz?

a) “Live Free or Die” c) “Work is Liberty”
b) “Live Long and Prosper” d) “Live for Germany”

106. Why don’t Elie’s new shoes get taken away at Buna?
a) they are ugly c) they are not needed
b) they are covered in mud d) he barters his gold crown

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