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Submitted by: Adzhar Namla

11 ICT

Submitted to: Ms. Krizza Ferolino Tabiliran


We are living in a world where some people think that violence is the only reason to solve every
problem If people keep this violence around us, it’s not going to get better. Violence has been in this world for
centuries now and for the same causes, to gain power of authority. Kids in schools feel superior to others by
calling other kids horrible names and making fun of them. Men hit women so they can “earn” their respect back.
The point is that violence won’t make you a better person, it will make you a monster and nobody likes a

There are many different kinds of violence. One of them is called bullying. The victims of this violence
are mostly kids and teenagers around the ages of 10-18. Bullying is when someone says mean things to
someone in person or in a social network. Most of the time it happens in the social network because kids thing
that by making fun of someone in a social network area, they won’t get in trouble by an adult. This is one of the
worst violence in the world because is between kids and teenagers. Most of the teenagers today have very low
self-esteem because of the media. They haven’t still found what they want to do with their lives, so, by saying
mean things to them, it won’t help them be successful since they think that what they are saying is true.

There are over 3.2 million of students that are victims of bullying each year. Because of these,
approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day to avoid the bullies. Some of these students drop out of
school. Some schools don’t even help the victims that are been bullied. Over two-thirds of students believe that
schools respond poorly to bullying, with high percentage of students believing that adult help is infrequent and
ineffective. I didn’t know that harassment and bullying has been linked to 75 percent of school-shooting

Like I said before, most of the teenagers have a very low self-esteem and by telling them mean things,
they will only become worst. Everybody makes mistakes. Kids today are always in the internet and they meet
strangers every day. As a parent, you need to pay attention to everything that the kid is doing. If you don ’t want
to have problems like this, don’t talk to strangers over the internet. Once it’s on the internet it stays there forever.
If you see someone that is being bullied over the internet or at school, contact an adult or confront the person
yourself. If we all stand up together against bullying, the world will be a better place. You might think that the
one that you are making fun of is a monster because of the stuff he or she has done, but in reality, you are the
monster for making them feel worst.

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