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Vence Nova F. Absin S.Y.


BEEd 1(D) February 6, 2020

The importance of digital technology in the field of communication in today's generation is that

digital technologies helps a lot to make our life easier. We can easily communicate to our love

one's especially when they are far away or abroad. We can also easily know what are the

happenings to our surroundings through social media like Facebook. Television is also

important for us to know about the latest news worldwide.

As a student it is important to have a smartphone because it helps me find more information

instead of going to library I usually do research some information through Google. The gadgets

are very useful, they help us to connect to each other, they make us learn and discover new

things. There are also many disadvantages of digital technologies like over using of gadgets can

be harmful to our health especially in our eyes. Some students waste their important time in

watching videos and playing video games.

Anyway, digital technologies are made to make our life easier but if we misuse, overuse, and

abuse digital technologies it can lead to a health problem and it can affect to our daily lives.

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