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Sound installation:

- 'out of body' -- sound

- can't forget humor / meanness

sound files (#1):

- files that can be 'redefined by situation'
- experiment, make a few

Class session 04-08-2019

- Wednesday 3-5, Friday 12-2:30 (equipment checkout times)
- Installation:
- arcadia -> memorializing the self (foundational for western art?)
- 'free mending library' = example of public intervention
- installation:
- takes over / transforms the space
- surrounds the viewer
- multiple sensory experiences (?)
- within, more than outside
- generally authorized
- audience = usually the art world
- early installation: Kurt Schwitters 'Merzbau'
- also: Marcel Duchamp
- 1970s -- more outdoors
- 'Sieve of Erastothenes' -- example of plop art (di Suvero)
- 'The Spiral Jetty' - Smithson -- site specific, unauthorized so to speak
- Nakaya's fog sculpture
- "Total installation"
- every aspect of the space is worked out
- typically a full enclosure within an enclosure (e.g. the museum as the latter)
- Sound installation
- ambient?
- inherently pervasive, takes over space
- "Poeme Electronique"
- Tudor "Rainforest IV" early piece
- Christina Kubsich "Electric Walks" -- interesting tech-based
- hans w Koch - 'Circle of Fifths'
- Intervention:
- performance / event
- objects? projection? site-targeted?
- institutional or social critique, may address community
- unauthorized?
- 'Erased de Kooning'
- Survival research labs
- Wrapped Reichstag, Lord Napier Wrapped
- Conflict Kitchen
- who decides?
- more recently, curators have taken stronger creative roles for display
- in different contexts, the same piece may be read differently
- e.g. 'the act of killing'
- Julie: new platforms democratize but perhaps make more quotidian
- further: large museums have the responsibility to be community oriented
- many 'anti-spaces' during the 70s when curator power was at its peak
- big yikes @ this girl who says 'ew' to the pursuit of popularity
- I'm an actual idiot

- Growing white noise from Conway's Game of Life simulation until you snap at it
directionally to destroy it
- High entropy sounds for living things (little cute chirps)
- Low entropy noise growing as the organisms die

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