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SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020


Isidro, Sophia Ivy S. 12/18/19

10- Saint David Mr. Legaspi

My involvement with my groupmates during outreach is when we arranged the foods

and prizes that we have to prepare. Also, I lead the opening prayer to have a good start
with our program. My expectations in that outreach is to have a good program and
that these kids will enjoy as we start our program. We had a game called “stop dance”
because the staff there tell us that these children loves to dance. My realization
throughout that period of time is that all of us are really blessed because we are given
the chance to spend time with our families especially during special events. I learned
that I need to be thankful of what I have right now because these children really want
to have a big and complete family. I value all of the things I have right now by
spending time with my family and to be thankful that they are still there to support my
needs. I am thankful that I have my family on my side when I am not okay and they
are there to guide me.

I can say that their shelter is good enough to secure their safety. I am happy that they
put and effort to have a good shelter to these kids that is in need of family. Some of
the things that they need to improve is their playground area because it might hurt
these kids if they do not have a good basketball ring and this can also contribute for
the children to have a good and comfortable play.

The staff in that foundation are really trying their best to be with these children. I can
say that they provide a good care among these children. They are giving equal
treatment to them. I am happy that these people are responsible enough to welcome us
and to have a prepare a simple gift for us which we really appreciate.

My eyes are opened in some instances when they introduced themselves to us. I can
see that there are a lot of children being abandoned by their parents and the
population there are getting bigger. I can see that they are really happy of what they
have now. They are all contented because they are given the chance by the foundation
to have a simple and normal life which they really deserve. They are also given the
chance to study in Recto Elementary School which I am really proud of because
despite of their loneliness to their parents they still want to pursue their dreams to
become a successful person someday.

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