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Course: English 6
TASK: Ask students 5 questions from the list. Ask students individually and encourage
them to give complete answers.

1. What are the good and the bad things about the place where you live?

yo vivo en Puente Piedra y lo bueno es contar con muchas piscinas. y lo malo es

vivir lejos del centro

I live in Puente Piedra and the good thing is to have many swimming pools. and
the bad thing is to live far from the center

2. How do you get to college? How long does it take you?

normalmente voy en bus a la universidad y me demoro 20 minutos en llegar
I usually go by bus to the university and it takes me 20 minutes to arrive
3. How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet?
El se llama marcos lo conoci desde el 2014. en la univeridad haciendo un
trabajo grupal

He is called Marcos I have known him since 2014. At the University doing a
group work

4. What did you have for dinner last night

anoche cene pollo con mi familia
I had chicken with my family last night

5. What do you spend money on?

mi dinero lo gasto en comprar zpatillas, ropa y polos
I spend my money buying shoes, clothes and polo shirts

6. Do you think it’s important to save money? Why?

si es important, porque puedes hacer negocios
if it is important, because you can do business

7. Do you prefer to shop in malls, or online? Why?

yo prefiero comprar en centros comerciales. porque es mas divertido
I prefer to buy in shopping centers. because it's more fun

8. Do you prefer to watch or play sports? Why?

yo prefiero hacer deporte. mi deporte favorito es montar bici es bueno para el
I prefer to play sports. my favorite sport is riding a bike is good for the heart
9. Do you enjoy traveling? Why?
me gusta viajar porque es relajante y divertido
I like to travel because it is relaxing and fun

10. What’s your most important possession? Would you ever sell it?
mi posesión mas importante es mi laptop. y jamas lo venderia
My most important possession is my laptop. and I would never sell it

11. What do you do to stay healthy?

voy al gym y tomo mucha agua
I go to the gym and drink a lot of wáter

12. How much exercise do you get a week?

3 veces a la semana
3 times a week
13. What are you doing after today’s class?
después de clases voy a mi casa para ver mi serie
After school I go to my house to watch my series
14. Would you like to live abroad in the future?
si me gustaria, viviria en canada
If I would like to, I would live in Canada

15. What’s the best birthday present you’ve ever received? Why?
el mejor regalo fue mi celular lo utilizó todo el día
the best gift was my cell phone he used it all day
16. Tell me about the place where you live. (Talk about the weather, the peolpe,
su gente es muy amable y el clima es muy caliente
its people are very friendly and the weather is very hot

17. Tell me about the series you are watching on TV right now.
estoy viendo la serie good doctor esta muy buena.
I'm watching the good doctor series is very good.

18. Tell me about a recent movie you saw.

la pelicula que vi recientemente fue de zombis trata e como sobrevivir a un
The movie I saw recently was about zombies, and how to survive an apocalypse

19. Tell me about a recent book you read.

en estos momentos estoy leyendo una novela de un joven que asesino a su
vecino es de un escritor argentino
Right now I am reading a novel by a young man who murdered his neighbor is
from an Argentine writer

20. Tell me about your last birthday.

en mi ultimo cumpleaños llegaron muchos amigos y familiares, comimos torna
y no divertimos mucho.

on my last birthday many friends and family arrived, we ate torna and we didn't
have much fun.

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