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Sto. Niño Biñan City, Laguna

College of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Extrasensory Perception

Submitted by: Tolentino, Patricia Melynne A.

16 – 2847 – 935

February 13, 2020

I. Introduction

Extrasensory Perception or ESP refers to the gathering and handling of data not got through

the physical senses, however are detected by through a person's or individual’s mind. ESP that

happens independently of the known sensory procedures. Normally remembered for this

classification of phenomena, are telepathy, or thought transference between people, clairvoyance

or hyper vision, a supernormal consciousness of items or occasions not really known to other

people; and precognition, or information in the future. According to Gertrude Schmeidler

Parapsychology or psychic is the scientific study of ESP and of such related subjects as

psychokinesis and survival of the character after real death. ESP is now and then defined as a

superset inside which perceptiveness, clairvoyance, and precognition are subsets, clairvoyance

being an ESP reaction to an article or event, telepathy as an ESP reaction to a feeling or thought,

and precognition as an ESP reaction to a future situation.

The failure to comprehend the idea of the experience, and a dualistic understanding of mind

or awareness, has prompted ESP being interpret as a paranormal activity. A paranormal

impression of individuals, places or events by methods for hyper vision or clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance or hyper vision is the capacity to gain data about a specific article, situation, physical

occasion or area using extrasensory methods. Since earliest times individuals have talked about

something strange and now and then significantly important individual experiences. Such as

experiences have been reported for by most of the total population over all societies. In present

day times they are as yet revealed by the majority of people, including most of school educators.

These experiences, called "psychic" or psi, recommend the presence of deep, undetectable

interconnections among individuals, and among articles and individuals. ESP as a precognition

define as an atypical perceptual capacity that permits the obtaining of non-inferential data

emerging from a future point in spacetime. Sciences advance unevenly, and inside the study of

psychology, parapsychology is a field that has progressed slowly. A look at the psychological

abstract shows that by the paradigm of number of distributed articles, parapsychology is just a
minor and ESP is just one of its subtopics. Be that as it may, would it be a good idea for us to infer

that ESP is irrelevant? not necessarily, for a lacking subarea of a science may, when it is grown

further, become a significant major area. It is grown further, become a significant area. In the

nineteenth and mid twentieth centuries, for instance, research on precognition and learning

stepped forward while work at inspiration failed behind, however this didn't imply that inspiration

was unimportant.

In the ESP test the subject 1 takes at a series of cards while the subject 2 guess which

symbol was on each card and record the results. To attempt to observe clairvoyance or hyper

vision, the pack of cards is hidden to everybody while the subject 2 try to guess. To attempt to

observe precognition, the order for the cards is resolved after the guesses are made. In every such

test the order for the cards must be random or at first were shuffled by hand, with the goal that hits

are not gotten through systematic bias or earlier information. The cards that the subjects used are

the zener cards test which the first zener cards, named after their originated designer , Karl Zener

were a deck of 25 plain white cards, each printed with one of five basic, particular examples. But

the experimenters test used 50 cards, in terms of visual design, the cards are the simplest, which

have five different shapes, a star, a circle, a rectangle, a cross, and three wavy line that drew in a

white background. According to Dr. Joseph Rhine, what the cards are intended to do is more

confused because they proposed to test something that half of Americans believes in a large

portion of scientific researchers says doesn't exist by any means of precognition or ESP. Since the

1930s, Zener cards, otherwise called ESP cards, have been utilized to measure psychic ability,

testing for clairvoyance and special insight. Scientific examination of these and similar phenomena

from the late nineteenth century, with most supporting proof coming from tests including card

guessing. Subjects try to figure effectively the symbols of cards hidden their view under controlled

conditions, a better than chance level of right approaches a statistically number of trials is viewed

as a evidence of ESP. Although numerous researchers keep on questioning the presence of ESP,

individuals who claims this ability are sometimes utilized by groups looking for missing individuals

or things.
II. Method

The experimenters used the ESP test which is consist of fifty (50) cards with five trials

in all. The apparatuses that used are the zener cards, fifty (50) cards with five different

symbols, ten (10) for each symbol, pencil and a bond paper. The method in the test are, the

subject will be tasked to guess the symbols in each card with no insight regarding whether

he/she is getting the right guess or not. There are five (5) trials in this experiment. Which

means the subject has guess two-hundred fifty (250) times and the experimenter will record

each guess. The cards will only be shuffled once and it will maintain a permanent

arrangement all throughout the five 5 trials. The experimenter will tally the answers of the

subject and would total all the missed (x) or hit (/) symbols.

III. Results
The table above shows the different symbol and the record of the missed and hit symbols

from trial one (1) to five (5). The symbols represent zen card which shows that there are fifty (50)

cards with five (5) trials. The subject guesses two-hundred fifty (250) times and the result are

shown above. As shows on the table there are more missed than the hit in every trial. It is because

the subject will need to guess what symbols did the experimenter will show to the experimenter.

The first trial the subject got total of thirty – seven (37) missed and thirteen (13) hit symbols,

means in this trial the subject has a chance expectations of extrasensory perception (ESP). On the

second trial the subject got forty – three (43) missed and seven (7) hit symbols, means in this trial

the subject has a chance expectations of extrasensory perception (ESP). On the third trial the

subject got fifty – five (55) missed and five (5) hit symbols, means in this trial the subject has a

chance expectations of extrasensory perception (ESP). On the fourth trial the subject got thirty –

four (34) missed and sixteen (16) hit symbols, means in this trial the subject has a chance

expectations of extra sensory perception (ESP). On the fifth trial the subject got forty – two (42)

missed and eight (8) hit symbols, means in this trial the subject has a chance of expectations of

extrasensory perception (ESP). While taking the test the experimenter also observed how focus

the subject is, how she wants to try guessing the correct symbol. And observed if her focus has a

significant effect to the extrasensory perception (ESP).

The table above shows the recorded tally of subject 1 and 2 from 5 trials. The subject one

got 13, 7, 5, 16, 8 with at total of 49 hit symbols. While subject two got 10, 7,9,17,9 total of 52 hit

The subject 1 that gained a total score of fifty-two (52) has a clear extrasensory perception (ESP)

based on the interpretation scores and the subject 2 that gained a total score of forty – nine (49)

has also a clear extrasensory perception (ESP).

Chart Title






T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Tota l
s ubject 1 s ubject 2

The chart above shows the difference between the subject 1 and the subject 2 from the first trial

until fifth trial. As shows on the chart, the subject 1 on the first trial has a low number of hits than

the number of hits of the subject 2. In the second trial both subject 1 and 2 got a tie score of seven.

On the third trial the subject 2 has a low number of hits than the subject 1 got nine hits. On the

fourth trial, the subject 1 and 2 almost close but the subject 1 got seventeen while the subject 2 got

sixteen only, one point is the difference between them. On the last trial, it is also the same as fourth

trial they only got one point difference between them. Overall scores, the subject 1 got total of forty

– nine (49) and subject 2 got total of fifty – two (52) in all their trials. Means both of them has a

clear extrasensory perception (ESP), only three (3) points is the difference.
IV. Discussion

Extrasensory Perception or ESP is the psychic ability of mind, refers to the capacity

to acquire information about your general surroundings without using the ordinary five

senses of sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. The basic assumption behind ESP is that

people can encounter things that go past by the capabilities of the known senses. There are

a few types of extrasensory perception. The significant types of ESP are telepathy,

clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, mediumship, and psychometry. Maybe the

absolute most remarkable argument against the presence of ESP is that no demonstrations

of ESP have been repeated in independent laboratory of non believers of ESP. Numerous

experiments on ESP have given significant outcomes yet many researchers keep on

doubting the presence of ESP powers. And the possible outcome of this, they will tend to

block out those perception that might in other cases become conscious extrasensory

perception. Although considerable lot of people, have many personal doubts that something

like if extrasensory perception is real, the effort to set up ESP as a scientific reality has been

a nonstop battle the result of which despite everything stays uncertain. Yes, the

experimenter already encountered of ESP, it is just that the experimenter is not fully believed

and keep on doubting by the power of the ESP because it is not proven by many people.

V. Conclusion
The hypothesis of the experiment is focus has a significant effect to the extrasensory

perception (ESP). Based on the experiment and all the tables and chart shows which result

on has a clear expectations in the extrasensory perception (ESP) of the subjects. It

conclude that focus is doesn’t have a significant effect to the extrasensory perception (ESP)

of a person. Because the ESP doesn’t need of focusing technique, it is the guessing test

which the subject freely tell the symbols that comes in her mind. Focus may affect if it is

logical topics.

VI. References
Sonali Bhatt Marhawa, Edwin C. May, (March 24, 2015) , India & California, Rethinking

Extrasensory Perception: Toward a Multi phasic Model of Precognition, Retrieved from:
Gershon Dublon and Joseph A. Paradiso, (July 2014), America, Extrasensory Perception,

Retrieved from:

Simon R. Foster, Eugeni Roura, Walter G. Thomas, ( April 2014), Extrasensory perception:

Odorant and taste receptors beyond the nose and mouth, Retrieved from:!

J.B Rhine PhD, edited by Adolph Caso, (1997-2011),Extrasensory Perception,

Retrieved from:

Sarah Mae Sincero (Sep 10, 2013). Extrasensory Perception. Retrieved Feb 12, 2020

Rouder, J. N., Morey, R. D., & Province, J. M. (2010) A Bayes factor meta-analysis of recent

extrasensory perception experiments, Retrieved from:

Taylor and Francis, Gertrude Schmeidler (2017), New York, Extrasensory Perception,

Retrieved from: https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-ws4-capi2-distribution-p.s3-eu-west-1.

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