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10 Personality Traits about Koreans You Should Know!

Although not everyone can fit so neatly into a list of personality traits, there are definitely some
shared by most. Here’s a few we thought are pretty common in Korean people.

1. Nationalistic

The most Korean of athletes are always nationalistic. Whether it be olympians that dedicate their
victories to their home country, or MMA fighters that dedicate their wins to the Independence Day of
Korea (UFC Fight Night 37), nearly all Korean athletes are loyal to their country. Koreans are raised
to put their country before themselves, and that leads to nationalistic activists that fight for Korea’s
ownership of the Dokdo Islands (aka Liancourt Rocks), expansion of Korea’s airspace territory, or
even Koreans abroad fighting for renaming of the Sea of Japan (contested as the East Sea). Koreans
are bred to be nationalistic, mostly with the phrase: Daehanminguk manse (대한민국 만세)! Victory to

2. Green

South Korea is definitely on the forefront when it comes to the term “Save the Earth”! We always try
to save on energy and recycling. The Korean government initiated a program throughout the country
back in 2005 that tries to limit green house gases by conserving the energy costs of businesses
through the Cool Biz program. Korea also takes its recycling programs serious! Bio-waste matter (left
over food) is recycled through yellow plastic bags that are meant specifically for compost matter
(which is rumored to be super eco-friendly and fed to pigs!). In addition, everything is separated by
glass, plastic, cardboard and cans. And if you don’t believe us, watch your trash not get picked up!

3. Sleepless

Korea’s really a night owl’s paradise. After work, friends like to get together and have dinner with a
few drinks. But going home right after that isn’t very Korean. Instead, there’s almost always a round
2 (2 차 – i-cha) and sometimes rounds 3, 4 and 5, going on well past most people’s bedtimes. Good
thing there are tons of businesses that stay open in the AM hours. From dinner, to drinks, to singing,
to coffee and beyond, the ability to stay out late has become essential to making it here. But all that
doesn’t mean Koreans get a free pass coming in late to work the next day. And that makes for a less
romantic, Sleepless in Seattle Seoul.

4. Emotional

Koreans are extremely emotional in all facets of life. It’s just another Korean personality trait. When
a person dies in Korea, it’s not quiet; Koreans give new meaning to the word “cry.” But of course
death is an emotional aspect for any culture. Just watch any show on Korean television, and you’ll see
emotional underdog stories (as can be seen by this Superstar K video) and hear ultra sappy music,
a part of any broadcasting company’s repertoire. Binge watch a Korean drama and you might have
your fill of emotions for the week. And although life here isn’t like it is in the dramas, we can assure
you that the emotions are definitely real!

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