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Harris Clint Dalida BSED – E SECTION – L

We are connected but, Alone

Good day everyone, we are gathered here today to witness my speech on the effect of social
media to ourselves. Social life is essential to self as part of development. It defines individuals’
character through social interaction. It lets someone’s feeling, gender and power to be express
as human. To contribute meaningfully and actively engaged within the society. Social life let the
people know their interest and their want and what they wanted to be in the future.
Internet plays big role in developing a social self. It lets everyone get connected in just one
finger tap. It gives better life among people living in a society. It tickles and open every single
mind to widen up by getting connected to the internet. Technologies takes everyone where
they wanted to go. Mobile devices are psychologically powerful because it doesn’t just change
individual’s way of living, it also changed the way a person is. The connection between two
people has changed. This is the problem that the world is facing right now. People are not
mentally present when they are with their phones. In the present days, phone matters to
everyone because it is the reflection of self. This affects the development of face to face
relationship between people. Human nowadays are having trouble in having real conversation
because they used to customize conversation at their phones. Chatting, texting and emails are
not effective means of communication between two people, for it doesn’t shows real emotions
and feelings by simply reading chats. One can’t appreciate, reflect and understand one’s mood,
which is the problem nowadays. Mobile devices are human’s best friend. Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram are social robots that someone can talk to but, they are not human, that can
understand and emphasizes someone’s feeling. Robots doesn’t have soul like human, it can’t
understand life they do not empathize.
People are looking and expecting more on technologies less from each other. Technologies are
more appealing to people where human are most vulnerable. Robots are just an illusion of
companionship without the demand of friendship. Being alone feels like the problem that
needs to be solved but, people are trying to solve it by connecting however the connection is
not real. People needs people and get connected, to support the fragile feeling of a person.
Reflection and conversation among people are important to create good social interaction. Self-
aware, makes room for everyone specially in the family. Make use of technologies in the right
way. Social medias are making someone unsocial. Real conversation doesn’t not. It is the key
to make the world realized the value of each and every one within the society.

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