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Running Head: Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1


Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Question: 1: Five potential ethical issues while conducting research ............................................. 3

Is resources are ethical to Research Respondents ....................................................................... 3

Approach to respondents in an Ethical Manner .......................................................................... 4

Questions must not be leading and biased .................................................................................. 4

Avoid racist, disablist and sexist language.................................................................................. 5

The population of study represents the sample ........................................................................... 5

Question: 2: Four major critique of Qualitative research ............................................................... 6

Is qualitative research is subjective and findings vary or unable to generalize?......................... 6

Is qualitative research is difficult to replicate insufficiency and error that could replicate the

same situation? ............................................................................................................................ 6

Problems of generalization since the study and result are various. ............................................. 7

Lack of transparency while data collecting. ................................................................................ 7

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 8

References: ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1


Research Conducting can be defined as a practice of scientific investigation that is done with

integrity. This includes the application and awareness of established ethical principles and

professional norms. This is a performance of all activities related to scientific research. The

purpose of research conduction is to provide knowledge and understanding on a certain matter

and subject. On the other hand, Research Methodology can be defined as a specific technique

and procedures that are used to analyze, identify, process, select the information on a certain

topic (Brinkmann & Kvale, 2015). This allows a reader to evaluate the reliability and validity of

the whole study. Here, in this study, the discussion will be based on two questions regarding

research conduct and methodology. The questions include ethical and qualitative research on a

certain topic.

Question: 1: Five potential ethical issues while conducting research

Is resources are ethical to Research Respondents

Respondents are people who have been invited to take part in particular research and study. They

are the persons who actually take part in research or study. A researcher needs to provide all the

important resources to the respondents. This will help in perfect research and findings. If the

resources are ethical a respondent can easily give their 100% to research and this cannot be an

ethical issue during research. As opined by Shen & Benson (2016), with the help of honesty,

empathy, compassion, responsibility, and integrity a researcher can be ethical with their
Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1

respondents. This cannot be an issue if the resources are ethical. This will not cause any ethical

issue while research.

Approach to respondents in an Ethical Manner

A researcher needs to be ethical while asking the respondents for conducting research and

methodology. The approach needs to ethical. This will not be an issue in research if a researcher

is using a polite and obliging manner with the respondents. The approach can be identified as

ethical if the researcher uses utilitarian, justice, fairness, problem-solving, virtual and right

approach to the respondents. This will help in making research useful and impactful with all the

positive results on a certain topic or subject. The right approach helps in focusing on human

dignity and respect. The approach needs to be in a manner that holds that human dignity is based

on a person’s own ability to choose freely how they are going to respond on that particular

subject or topic. An approach in an ethical manner will not be an issue for research.

Questions must not be leading and biased

This will not be an issue if the question is free from leading and biasing. A leading and biased

question can be stated as a question that forces a respondent to answer in a certain way. This is

not ethical for research conduction and methodology. In accordance with Williamson (2016), an

implication of bias questions can manipulate the answer of a respondent who took part in the

research. This results in inaccurate information and incomplete answer. Research cannot be

successful if the answer is not in an informative manner. Leading and bias questions always have

an answer in yes or no. The question that is not leading and biased helps in getting all the
Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1

information needed for that particular research. A non-leading question includes direct, simple

language, more interval questions, and break down the ideas with multiple questions among


Avoid racist, disablist and sexist language

Avoidance of racist, sexist and disablist language helps in making research successful and

worthy. With the help of polite, simple, friendly and, direct language a researcher can achieve

the trust of the respondents. This will make research unbiased and informative. Racism behavior

or language is something that states the superiority of one particular race over others. This can

cause discrimination, prejudice, and antagonism for other people or respondents. Research can

never be successful and ethical if the sexist language is introduced by the researcher. This is

discrimination or prejudice based on a respondent’s gender race and sex. On the other hand,

disablist language is one of the most unethical ways used for any research. A person is mocked

with a different type of names and this is not at all ethical. Avoidance of such things makes

research conduction and methodology successful and worthy.

The population of study represents the sample

The sample in research is a term that defines a group of objects, items or people who are taken

from large measurements and population for doing the research. During the conduction of

research and methodology, a sample is important. Many researchers take a sample of some

students and people who gives their thought and advice according to their understanding. This is

an ethical way of doing the research. A sample needs to be in a representative way that can
Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1

ensure to generalize the findings for the whole population. This cannot be an issue if the sample

is informative for the huge population. This helps in making that research and findings

successful and informative (Tenhiälä et al. 2016).

Question: 2: Four major critique of Qualitative research

Is qualitative research is subjective and findings vary or unable to generalize?

Qualitative research is primary and exploratory research that gives an understanding of human

reasons and behavior that governs a particular behavior. Here, in this research, a researcher gives

a polaroid camera to the students of science streams. In this research, there are 20 males and 20

females who are participating in the research conduction on the environment. This research was

based on how young people look at the environment. The number of people in thi8s research is

forty and all have different views on this matter. As stated by Walliman (2017), every student

has their own opinion, emotion, judgment, and interpretation on this subject. This can create a

variable finding and research cannot be helpful in providing specific information on the subject


Is qualitative research is difficult to replicate insufficiency and error that could replicate

the same situation?

Qualitative research is subjective and it is very hard to replicate. This kind of research includes

all the minute factors and issues related to that particular research and findings. In the case, if the

data gathered from the conduction of research is insufficient and with error, this will be a tough
Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1

work to do further study. Qualitative research is something where a person gives their own

opinion on a certain matter. According to Rahi (2017), the Mismatch of data can become a

barrier for further study and findings. A researcher needs to be highly careful while collecting the

data for the research. Here, the number of students is 40 with their own opinion on the

environment-related factors. A researcher needs to collect all their opinions carefully and

soundly. This will help in doing further study.

Problems of generalization since the study and result are various.

There is a problem of generalization since this study includes various results and various

elements. The researcher gives a camera to every student and tells them to click the picture that

they think can be useful for the environment. Every student has clicked the picture according to

their opinion on the environment. Everyone has a different opinion and different thoughts on the

environment. This results in various information and answers. This is the reason that the research

has been unclear for the whole population. There is not a single answer yet different answers and

thoughts on different matters. Qualitative research faces problems in generalization most of the

time as this research is designed on phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography and on the

whole case study. A person cannot be clear with the results that come from these findings and

research. Answers always become blurred and unclear in this researches (Rahi, 2017).

Lack of transparency while data collecting.

Qualitative research is not transparent as sometimes respondents are not true with their opinion

and feelings on a certain topic and matter. This makes a research lack of transparency and
Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1

unclear. There is a need for proper data collection. Data collection needs to be in a real situation

and real surroundings. Only this will help in making the research successful and informative. The

questions that are asked with the respondents need to be in a real situation and related to the

topic. Qualitative research is a naturalistic process that needs a deep understanding of social

phenomena that set in natural surroundings. A researcher needs to ask the question in details to

the respondents in order to get the specific result and answer from them. This will be helpful in

further study and findings. Proper questions related to the topic will help in making the research

and findings successful.


From, the above study it becomes clear that a researcher needs to be ethical while asking a

respondent to take participation in a research. Qualitative research can give a depth analysis of a

certain topic. However, this method needs to be used carefully. With the help of particular

research and findings, a researcher can be successful in qualitative research as well. This study

covers all the steps and measures that a research conduction and methodology needs.
Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1


Brinkmann, S., & Kvale, S. (2015). Interviews: Learning the craft of qualitative research

interviewing (Vol. 3). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieve on: 19th November, Retrieve




Rahi, S. (2017). Research design and methods: A systematic review of research paradigms,

sampling issues and instruments development. International Journal of Economics &

Management Sciences, 6(2), 1-5. Retrieve on: 19th November, Retrieve from:


Shen, J., & Benson, J. (2016). When CSR is a social norm: How socially responsible human

resource management affects employee work behavior. Journal of Management, 42(6),

1723-1746. Retrieve on: 19th November, Retrieve from:




Tenhiälä, A., Giluk, T. L., Kepes, S., Simón, C., Oh, I. S., & Kim, S. (2016). The

Research‐Practice gap in human resource management: A Cross‐Cultural study. Human

Resource Management, 55(2), 179-200. Retrieve on: 19th November, Retrieve from:


Conducting Research And Research Methodology 1



Walliman, N. (2017). Research methods: The basics. Routledge. Retrieve on: 19th November,

Retrieve from:




Williamson, V. (2016). On the ethics of crowdsourced research. PS: Political Science &

Politics, 49(1), 77-81. Retrieve on: 19th November, Retrieve from:


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