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Running Head: Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development


Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Table of Contents

Chapter 4: Data analysis and discussion of findings ...................................................................... 4

4.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4

4.2. Pilot study............................................................................................................................. 4

4.2.1. Reliability test for IV1 ................................................................................................... 4

4.2.2 Reliability test for IV2 .................................................................................................... 4

4.2.3 Reliability test for IV3 .................................................................................................... 5

4.2.4 Reliability test for IV4 .................................................................................................... 5

4.2.5 Reliability test for DV .................................................................................................... 5

4.3. Research Approach .............................................................................................................. 6

4.3.1. Descriptive Analysis ...................................................................................................... 6

4.3.2. Reliability Test ............................................................................................................ 11

4.3.3. Normality Test ............................................................................................................. 12

4.3.4. Linearity....................................................................................................................... 13

4.3.5. Pearson Correlations Analysis ..................................................................................... 14

4.3.6. Multiple Regressions Analysis .................................................................................... 16

4.4 Summary of the chapter ...................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................... 21

5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 21

5.2. Overview of findings and conclusion ................................................................................ 21

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

5.3. Implication of the study...................................................................................................... 22

5.4. Limitation of the study ....................................................................................................... 23

5.5. Recommendation of the study ............................................................................................ 24

5.6. Summary of the chapter ..................................................................................................... 26

5.7. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 26

Reference list ................................................................................................................................ 27

Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 29
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Chapter 4: Data analysis and discussion of findings

4.1. Introduction

In this section of the, there will be a discussion on various analyses used in this research, as well

as descriptions about the finding s from the analysis. It will provide a clear understanding of the

reliability and validity of the research. Moreover, the respondent’s responses and understanding

about the subject also can be understood from this study as well.

4.2. Pilot study

4.2.1. Reliability test for IV1

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.985 4

The points calculated from the reliability analysis were generated as .985 and since this score is

close to 1 that is why the data is highly consistent. This indicates that the flexibility

manufacturing system was quite effectively developed for good quality management.

4.2.2 Reliability test for IV2

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.985 4

The score of alpha with respect to the four items in the table is calculated as .985 from the SPSS

output and the result denote the high internal consistency within the data. Therefore it is reliable.
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

4.2.3 Reliability test for IV3

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.986 4

The alpha numbers for the reliability test with regards to the four variables are found out as .986

thereby showcasing the similarities and consistency of the data to be highly reliable.

4.2.4 Reliability test for IV4

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.992 4

The score of the reliability scale for the four questionnaire of IV4 is found to be .992 and that

shows the high number of evenness so as to suggest the reliability of the data with respect to the


4.2.5 Reliability test for DV

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.979 4


The alpha coefficient for the following four DV is .979 thereby denoting that the consistency of

the data is relatively high. The consistent data variables show that the information with respect to

the dependant variable is reliable.

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

4.3. Research Approach

4.3.1. Descriptive Analysis

Sexual identity

From the above table of the two sexual identities has selected for this study, those are male and

female. In those two sexual identities Male has 53% of all responses and female has 47% of all

the responses in the survey process.

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Numbers of percentages for men is greater than women it suggests that most of the in the matter

of TQM, Male respondents are more interested than Women interested. However, as the

differences between those two identities are very close, in real life there is no differences that can

be found. From the analysis table and chart, it can also be said that maybe in the surrounding of

the survey place is slightly Male dominant that is the reason in the survey more respondents are



From this table, it can be seen that there are four different age groups of respondents are selected

in this study, those are > 20years, 21 years to 30 years, 31 years to 5o years and more than 50

years. From this, it can be understood which age group of respondents have mostly influenced

by TQM choices in an organization.

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

From the above chart, it can be seen that most responses came from the age group of people 21

years top 30 years old. 37.5% of the responses came from that group as well as 35% cam from

the group of 31 years to 50 years of respondents. It suggests respondents who may have some

organizational experiences which happen mostly after 20 years of age are more interested in this

study subject.

Income level

From the above table, it can be seen that people of four different income level ranges are selected

for this study. Those are less than MYR 2100, MYR 2200 to MYR 3000, Myr 3001 to MYR
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

7000, and more than MYR 7000. It will help this study to understand which income group of

people is informed about the TQM practices in an organization

From the above pie chart and table, it can be seen that most of the responses came from the

lowest-earning section of the study, as they have 33.5% of the total responses. As well as the

middle range of income level also has respectively the same percentage as the lower-income

level of respondents that is 33%. There most income responses have the least number of

responses it suggests that there is a lot of people who do not have a great income possibility and

only few numbers of people have access to greater income level in their life among the

respondents of the survey. According to that, it can be concluded TQM matters for all types of

people as there is not a lot of responses can be found form the highest income level peoples, also

a lots of responses came from tghe lowest income level as well, that suggest for not having a

great numbers of high-income level people it lacks in responses in that society where survey is

done, as well as there is a lot of lower-income level people there as they respondents in this


Educational background
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

From the above table, it can be seen that responses gained from four different types of

respondents are Graduation, post-graduation, Diploma, Ph.D. It will help this study to understand

the educational background of the respondents is their responses’ validity on TQM.

From the above chart and table, it can be understood that most of the respondents have education

background of graduation and the least amount of respondents have an education background of

Ph.D. As 52.%% of all the respondents have a background of graduation it suggests people get

engaged with organization activities mostly after their graduation among the respondents taken

in the survey process.

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

4.3.2. Reliability Test

From the above table, it can be seen that the value of Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.997. The value of

Cronbach’s alpha is ranges from 0 to 1, where it is called the alpha coefficient. The value of the

alpha coefficient determines the reliability of the variables, where 0 determines no reliability and

as the value grows towards 1, reliability increase with the value. As suggested by Sellier (2016),

the value of the variable above 0.7 is usually called reliable variables. As here in this study

reliability coefficient or alpha co-efficient value is 0.997, it shows there is very strong reliability

that can be seen among the variables of this study. It suggests this study is highly reliable and

can be used for future research purpose. Moreover, Cronbach’s Alpha also determines the

internal consistency of the variables as well. In order to provide internal consistency as the value

grows towards 1, the internal consistency of the variables also increased as well. Alpha

coefficient value is more than 0.7 usually taken as highly consistent. As this study, internal

consistency is very because the value of the alpha coefficient is 0.997 which is very close to 1, it

can be said that internal consistency among the response taken in various variables is really

reliable as those are consistent. It also provides suggestions that this study is very reliable due to

great consistency among the responses of the variables surveys (Scott, 2018).
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

4.3.3. Normality Test

From the above table is can be seen that the sigma value of Dependent variable TQM is 0.000,

independent variables such as training, flexible manufacturing, process improvement, employee

empowerment respectively all have sigma value of 0.000. Sigma value ranges from 0 to 1, where

the value of sigma under 0.05 signifies that gathered data for this study is normally distributed,

according to the sigma value of the Shapiro-wink test. As this test is taken only for the

respondents less than 2000, and as in this study there are only 200 respondents there, this test is

considered for gaining the distribution of the data gathered for this study. As opined by

Eberhardt & Presbitero (2015), moreover, the value of the variables’ sigma lesser than0.05 also

signifies that the null hypothesis selected for the variables will be rejected and the alternative

hypothesis will be accepted for this study. Moreover, the normal distribution of the data among

the variables also suggests that distribution is greatly suited and fitted in this study. MOreoevr, as

the value of the variables, is distributed normally it also improves the reliability of this study and

concludes that this study can be used in future research purposes for this study as well. This

normality also described as Gaussian distribution, which referenced many data distribution

tendencies. The Gaussian distribution suggests the distribution probability of the variables

around te mean naturally which is essential for the future development of this subject because
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

from this information outcome of the variables can be acknowledged which improves the

validity and reliability of this study in future research purposes. Moreover as the variables data

distribution is normal it also suggests that data are taken in the survey process in random and

helps this study to find a greater conclusion based on the analysis which is all the independent

variables can change the outcome of the dependent variables in a very deep manner.

4.3.4. Linearity

From the above map, it can be seen that with observed value and expected normal’s graph

suggested that all the variables used in this subject is close to the mean value of the variables.

From the graph, it can also be seen that as the value of observed value increases 5 points, 2

points of expected normal also grows. However, as the values of the variables grows those are

becoming more distributed from the mean line and lastly again falling for the mean line. It

suggests that the values of the selected variables are very closely related and they are

surrounding the mean line. Some of the values are also impacted by byline always. That suggests

with the help of the linearity phenomenon, the future outcome of a variable can be predicted
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

which made this study lot more reliable and valid at the same time. Values of the variables which

touched the line show perfect linearity and others are also close to those which increse those

variable’s predictable functionality. From that, it can be suggested linearity is very important for

any variables in order to provide more flexibilities of the data and better future value predictable

ways for the variables in the future development process of this study.

4.3.5. Pearson Correlations Analysis

From the above discussion, it can be seen that the Pearson-Correlation coefficient of Flexible

manufacturing is 0.975, Process improvement is 0.989, Employee empowerment is 0.990,

Training is 0.991 with the respect to dependent variables. As suggested by Bossé (2016), Pearson

correlations factor value ranges from -1 to 1, where - sign determines that negative co-relation

and as the value close to 1, the co-relation becomes stronger.

Correlations between IV1 and DV

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

From the 1st independent variable, flexible manufacturing, table of correlation is can be

understood that its value of sigma is 0.975 with its dependent variable. That suggests it has a

positive and stronger correlation with the dependent variable. That implies the changes in

flexible manufacturing will positively predict the outcome of dependent variable TQM.

Moreover, as its 1 tailed sigma value is 0.0000, and as the sigma value is lesser than 0.05 it

implies that there is values are normally distributed among the independent variable and for that

reason null hypothesis of this variable will be rejected and alternative hypothesis will be

accepted for this variable.

Correlations between IV2 and DV

From the Pearson co-relation of 2nd independent variable, it can be seen that its value is 0.989.

That suggests there is a strong positive correlation can be found among the dependent and

independent variable. That means this independent variable can successfully predict the future

outcome of the dependent variable.

Moreover, its 1 tailed sigma value is also 0.000, it suggests, this variable’s data are normally

distributed as well. That suggests that the entire null hypothesis for this variable will be rejected

and all the alternative hypotheses of this variable will be accepted. It makes this study more

reliable and valid at the same time.

Correlations between IV3 and DV

The value of the 3rd independent variable’s Pearson correlation is 0.990, which is more than 0.7.

That suggests there is a positive correlation stands among the dependent and independent
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

variables, which means changes in this independent variable can successfully predict the future

outcome of the dependent variable.

Same as above it’s its sigma value of 0.000 which suggest there is a normal distribution can be

found among the data of independent variable, which rejects the entire null hypothesis made

based on this independent variable and accepts the entire alternative hypothesis suggested for

this independent variable. It makes this study reliable for future research purposes as well.

Correlations between IV4 and DV

Independent variable training’s Pearson correlation value is 0.991, which is larger than 0.7, that

suggests there is a positive correlation among the independent variable and dependent variable

presents. That means with the help of this variable future prediction of the dependent variable is


Moreover, it also has 1 tailed sigma value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05, and that suggests all

the null hypothesis of this variable will be rejected as well as all the alternative hypotheses of

this variable will be accepted. Moreover, data of this independent variable is distributed

normally which can be known from this sigma value as well.

4.3.6. Multiple Regressions Analysis

Model Summary
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

From the above table, it can be seen that the Durbin Watson value is 0.960, R-value is 0.995b

and the r-square value is 0.990. Durbin Watson’s value suggests auto-correlation among the

variables. It can range from 0 to 4, where 0 to 2 suggests correlation and more than 2 suggest no

autocorrelation among the variables. As opined by Pollina (2017), lesser than 2 also suggest

positive auto co-relation and more than 2 suggest negative autocorrelation as well. As the value

is 0.960 it suggests there is autocorrelation among the variables used in this study found and it is

positive at the same time. From that, it can be suggested, the reliability of the variables are highly

influential for this study. R-value represents the percentage variation and r square value shows

variances in the data of the variables. As the r-value is 0.995, it means there is a 99% variation in

the gathered data taken for this study which made this study a lot more reliable and valid at the

same time. As the R-square value is more than 0 as it is 0.990 it suggests that there is a positive

variance of 99% present in the gathered data of the variables which also made this study a lot

more reliable and valid at the same time.

Coefficients (use equations)

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

From the coefficient table, it can be seen that the sigma value of most of the variables is 0.0000

and for the process, improvement is 0.0162. As most of the values are lesser than 0.05 it can be

said that for all those variables which have a sigma value lesser than 0.05, that’s alternative

hypothesis can be accepted, as well as their null hypothesis will be accepted at the same time.

However, as from this table, it can be seen that only one independent variable has a value

slightly more than 0.05, its null hypothesis can be accepted and the alternative hypothesis will

be rejected. However, that is possible but as most of the other variables value is not the same as

that independent value, it can be summarized that for having trouble in the survey process and

for not carefully gathering the values of that independent variable it value came like that. For that

reason, its null hypothesis will be rejected and the alternative hypothesis will be accepted at the

same time.

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

From the table of Anova, it can be seen that sigma values of the variables are 0.0000 which

suggests that there is positive variances can be found among the variables selected for this study.

As stated by Watkins (2018), that is because sigma value lesser than 0.05 suggest variance in the

data’s different acceptance of the hypothesis collection. As the value is lesser than 0.05 it

suggests all the null hypothesis of the variables will be rejected as well as all the alternative

hypotheses of the variable of this study will be accepted at the same time.

Hypothesis Pearson correlation Sigma value from ACCEPTANCE


1. Flexible 0.975 0.0000 Accepted

manufacturing is

related to TQM

2. Process 0.989 0.000 Accepted

improvement is

related to TQM

3. Employee 0.990 0.0000 Accepted

empowerment is
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

related to TQM

4. Training is related 0.991 0.000 Accepted

to TQM

From the above table, it can be seen that all the independent variable has a positive stronger

correlation with the dependent variable because they all have the value of more than 0.7. As this

Pearson Correlation value lesser than 0.7 suggest that there is no autocorrelation there, from the

table it can be said that the entire hypothesis are related to the dependent variables. Moreover as

all the independent variable have value lesser than 0.05 it suggests the entire alternative

hypothesis will be accepted and all the null hypothesis will be rejected. That concluded all the

hypothesis proposed for this study is accepted and it makes this study lot more reliable than other

studies, It will help the future researchers in the future research development process on this


4.4 Summary of the chapter

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that, slated all the analysis helped this study to

become more reliable and acceptable. Moreover, all findings made this more realistic and helpful

in future research purposes. However, as all the analyses provided a strong recommendation to

follow this study with the help of more resources and time it could have become better. As the

hypothesis is accepted in this study it can be said that made researches are very well informed

and helped in maintaining the systematic approach of this study.

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation

5.1. Introduction

Organizational development requires the input of a lot of efforts and strategies to achieve a total

quality management within the organization. The chapter consists of the detailed review of the

previous four chapters of the dissertation with respect to the BURSA food services. As suggested

by McDermott et al. (2019), the quality management system can be maintained by four main

factors namely flexible manufacturing system, process improvement, employee satisfaction and

employee training. The implication and limitation of the study are also mentioned.

5.2. Overview of findings and conclusion

The quality management system was a primary focus of the researchers with respect to the

BURSA food services based in Malaysia. It has been observed with the help of earlier study that

the management of quality is not an easy task to overcome. As per the case scenario, the quality

assurance of the food company can be achieved on the basis of their interrelationship with four

main factors. As opined by Kwak & Park (2019), the Flexible manufacturing system is directly

proportional to the quality of the machines and manufacturing equipment that are used for the

purpose of operating more than one task at a time. The flexibility of the machines have brought

an evolution in the working of the industry and increased the pace of operation.

The flexible manufacturing system has brought a positive impact on the quality system of the

company. Improvement of process has posed a positive effect on the management of quality. It

improves the organizational structure with regards to employee performance, leaders approach to

the employees and the management of the hierarchy. Effective dedication of all the members of
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

the organization enhances the workflow and productivity thereby improving the process of

working. Therefore the quality management is related to the process improvement. Two other

factors by which the quality of the organizational management can be known is the employee

review with respect to employee training and employee satisfaction. As suggested by Tavakoli et

al. (2019), the training of employees is an important aspect as it makes them fully aware of the

kind of work they have to do so that they could further deliver great results. Employee

satisfaction is necessary because satisfied employees give out better output and they are more

efficient in their work. Therefore, employee satisfaction and training is interrelated to the total

quality management of the working system of Bursa food services.

5.3. Implication of the study

The quality management of the organization ensures that the product services and development

of the workflow process are consistent. The entire study deals with the effect of the four main

aspects of the organizational culture to form an impact on the total quality management of the

food company based in Malaysia. The implication of the study says that these factors are the

basis of enhancing the productivity of organizations. According to Marioni et al. (2018), the

flexible manufacturing system is said to have an impact on the quality performance as it saves a

lot of manual effort and unnecessary inputs of time and energy. It saves a lot of time so that it

can be used for other good cause. The employee plays a key role in delivering any form of task

as they are the primary source of the workflow and hence are bound to be satisfied and be

provided with effective training of skills and development. This will further form a positive

impact on the quality performance of the company. The interview with the employees of the

Malaysian food firm had led the researchers to come to the following conclusion. The process

improvement of the company has significantly grown as well as its flexibility in the
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

manufacturing unit has also improved. Employees are given perks and required sick leaves and

their performances are accordingly recognized and that is the reason for their good performance

as their input. As opined by Watkins (2018), satisfied employees are prone to stay back to the

company and work with full dedication and in addition to this the retention rates of the company

is liable to decrease. The overall performance of all the units have caused the total quality

management of the BURSA food services to gradually improve so as to make the company

competitively advanced.

5.4. Limitation of the study

The researchers had to deal with certain limitations for carrying out this dissertation related to

TQM of BURSA food services. The meeting with the employees was fixed after a lot of effort.

The reason behind being late is the documentation that needs to be submitted to the reception

desk of the firm. The time management in preparing the data was also not quite effective. The

researchers had to make a timetable and they distributed each task amongst themselves. The first

week they had to gather the primary data. The entire compilation of the research work was done

within 1 month period and hence the issue of time management was resolved. There were

requirements of some financial resources for gathering data and information on the quality

management related factors with respect to the company. The researchers needed to pay fees

amount as for taking permission to carry out the questionnaire survey and to form the research

paper of the entire topic. Due to less financial asset possession they were not being able to find

appropriate journals, articles and peer reviewed referenced resources. This limitation was solved

by downloading PDFs of secured resources that were related to the quality performance of the

management if the company that is based in Malaysia.

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

5.5. Recommendation of the study

As per the case scenario, the total quality management of the BURSA food services can be

improved by a change management system and customer focus.

A) Change management system can highly impact the workflow of the company and

increase productivity.

Objectives Goals

Specific The change management approach is specific as it can help in improving

the quality of performance.

Measureable The above strategy can be measured by analyzing the needs and

preferences of the current situation of the workflow and productivity.

Actionable As suggested by Scott (2018), a lot of strategic planning for the change of

the organization's culture with respect to workforce is provided for the step

to be actionable. Employee satisfaction and proper training must also be

included to increase productivity.

Realistic The objective is realistic as it can increase the overall delivery of the

stakeholders and hence be fruitful. The dedication of the employees can

bring in more innovative ideas to carry out the change management


Time bound The strategy will take about 2-3 months.

Table 5.1: SMART objectives and goals for change management system

(Source: Created by the author)

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

B) Customer focus requires customer satisfaction in order to contribute in quality

management system.

Objectives Goals

Specific The strategy of customer focus is specific as it can increase customer loyalty

and spread brand awareness.

Measureable As opined by Eberhardt, & Presbitero (2015), customer satisfaction is

brought about by focusing on the consumers and it is measurable as it will

demonstrate the effectiveness of the products and services of the company.

Actionable The strategy can be actionable as it will directly put a positive impact on the

sales of the services thereby increasing the overall revenue of the company.

Realistic The plan is realistic because the customers can only be increased upon being

satisfied and that is why they are an important stakeholder for any


Time bound The strategy can be applied within 1-2 months period.

Table 5.2: SMART objectives and goals for customer focus

(Source: Created by the author)

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

5.6. Summary of the chapter

This section of the study helped in providing the highlights of the objective of this study.

Moreover, how this study achieved those objectives also described in this section as well. In

order to handle TQM practices better in an organization, various recommendations are also

provided in this study as well. Various research gaps for better future research development

purposes are also acknowledged in this section of the study which made this study lot more

reliable and realistic at the same time. The implication of this study is also9 acknowledged in this

section as well.

5.7. Conclusion

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that this study helps in the development process

of TQM practices in various organization. The benefits of great TQM practices and cons of TQM

practices are also acknowledged in this study which helps to understand the role of TQM in an

organization setting. Moreover, dependencies of the dependent variable of the independent

variable discussion in this study show how to improve TQM in an organization. The pilot test

also provided to signify the importance and reliability of the gathered data in this section.
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Reference list

McDermott, T., Puhl, M., Kirlic, N., Akeman, E., Al Zoubi, O., Feinstein, J., & Aupperle, R.

(2019). T27. Emotional Patterns: Multivariate Pattern Analysis and Test-Retest

Reliability of an fMRI Emotional Faces Task. Biological Psychiatry, 85(10), S139-S140.

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Kwak, S. G., & Park, S. H. (2019). Normality Test in Clinical Research. Journal of Rheumatic

Diseases, 26(1), 5-11. Retrieved from:


Tavakoli, M., Arghami, N., & Abbasnejad, M. (2019). A Goodness of Fit Test For Normality

Based on Balakrishnan-Sanghvi Information. Journal of The Iranian Statistical

Society, 18(1), 177-190. Retrieved from:


Marioni, R. E., Suderman, M., Chen, B. H., Horvath, S., Bandinelli, S., Morris, T., ... & Deary, I.

J. (2018). Tracking the epigenetic clock across the human life course: a meta-analysis of

longitudinal cohort data. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 74(1), 57-61. Retrieved


Watkins, M. W. (2018). Exploratory factor analysis: A guide to best practice. Journal of Black

Psychology, 44(3), 219-246. Retrieved from:
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Scott, M. C., Temiz, N. A., Sarver, A. E., LaRue, R. S., Rathe, S. K., Varshney, J., ... &

Largaespada, D. A. (2018). Comparative transcriptome analysis quantifies immune cell

transcript levels, metastatic progression, and survival in osteosarcoma. Cancer

research, 78(2), 326-337. Retrieved from:

Eberhardt, M., & Presbitero, A. F. (2015). Public debt and growth: Heterogeneity and non-

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Bossé, M., Marland, E., Rhoads, G., & Rudziewicz, M. (2016). Searching for the Black Box:

Misconceptions of Linearity. CHANCE, 29(4), 14-23. Retrieved from:

Pollina, G., Hamaus, N., Dolag, K., Weller, J., Baldi, M., & Moscardini, L. (2017). On the

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Sellier, A., Multon, S., Buffo-Lacarrière, L., Vidal, T., Bourbon, X., & Camps, G. (2016).

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hydration, temperature and drying effects. Cement and Concrete Research, 79, 301-315.

Retrieved from:

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development


Appendix 1: Questionnaire

Section 1

What is your sexual identity?

Male (106)

Female (94)

What is your age group?

Below the age 20 (35)

From age 21 to age 30 (75)

From age 31 to age 50 (70)

Above the age 50 (20)

What is your educational background?

Graduation (105)

Post graduation (36)

Diploma (50)

PHD (9)

What is your level of income?

Below MYR 2100 (67)

From MYR 2200 to MYR 3000 (54)

From MYR 3000 to MYR 7000 (66)

MYR 7000 above (13)

Section 2
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Respondents’ value is distributed from 1 to 5, from left to right, value determinants are provided


5 = strongly disagree

4 = disAgree

3 = Neutral

2 = Agree

1 = strongly agree

IV1 Flexible manufacturing system is relatable with TQM

Flexible manufacturing is essential for TQM in

1.1 an organization because it improves effectiveness 5 15 25 77 78

and efficiency of the organization.

Flexible manufacturing improves TQM with

1.2 10 15 15 75 85
better management in the workplace

Flexible manufacturing improves productivity

1.3 10 8 12 81 89
which is essential for TQM

Flexible management enhances capabilities of an

1.4 8 12 8 85 87

IV2 Process improvement is relatable with TQM

Process improvement reduces workload and extra

2.1 10 6 3 94 87
work in an organization which improves TQM
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Process improvement improves flexibility of an

2.2 6 15 6 115 58
process which is really essential for TQM

Process improvement reduces the number of

2.3 10 8 12 81 89
activities in a project which improves TQM

Process management is essential because in

2.4 improves profitability by reducing extra expenses 8 3 9 102 78

in a project

IV3 Employee empowerment is relatable with TQM

Employee empowerment, improves motivation of

3.1 the employees that enhances effectiveness of the 13 12 3 87 85


Employee empowerment is essential because it

3.2 enhances decision making abilities of an 10 8 12 81 89


Employee empowerment is essential because it

3.3 help an organization with better organizational 10 6 3 94 87

culture ,TQM got enhanced

Employee empowerment is essential because it

3.4 increases employee satisfaction which improves 8 9 8 88 87

efficiency of an organization

(IV 4) Training is relatable with TQM

4.1 Training reduces the skill gaps of the employee 10 8 12 81 89

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

which is essential for better TQM practices

Training improves effectiveness and efficiency of

4.2 3 5 8 97 87
an organization

Training imporvces capacity of a firm which

4.3 14 8 8 126 44
imporves TQM in an organization

Training improves innovation power of an

4.4 organization which enhances TQM practices in 5 7 8 115 65

an organization.


TQM practices improves customers satisfaction

5.1 11 6 3 126 54
in an organization

TQM improves leadership quality of an

5.2 10 8 12 81 89

TQM helps an organization in identifying

5.3 7 8 3 95 87
problems in a better way.

TQM improves commitment of the employees in

5.4 14 8 8 126 44
an organization
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Appendix 2: Abbreviation

IV: Independent Variables

DV: Dependent Variables

TQM: Total Quality Management

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

Appendix 3: SPSS outputs

1. Reliability for 30 Respondents

Variable 1

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items


.985 4

Variable 2

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items


.985 4

Variable 3

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items


.986 4

Variable 4

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

.992 4

Variable 5

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items


.979 4

2. Reliability for 200

3. Frequencies
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

4. Descriptive analysis
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

5. Regression
Impact Of TQM In Organizational Development

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