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The bar graph illustrates four means of transportation namely buses, cars, trains, subways used in

European cities to travel to and from work in 1960, 1980 and 2000. Overall, the popularity of cars among
commuters increased significantly, whereas bus use is denied. This also indicates that there were
fluctuations between the train and the tube during this period.

In 1960, buses were the most popular transportation among commuters, around 40 percent. while cars
are the least protected mode of transportation where they only stand around 10 percent. but these
figures, the fast transition two decades after (1980), when car use increased dramatically by more than
10 percent, as for buses, fell by more than 10 percent, where it was left slightly above a quarter.
However, in 2000, this figure dropped by around 15 percent. In contrast, the percentage of cars has
increased significantly where it is the top choice for passengers around 35 percent.

Nama : Karna Muhammad Mahdun

NIM : 19540144011

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