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How to Dig Deep Into Google

Questions and Answers

Below are the strings you can try with any URL to find more specific information about a
webpage (via the Google search engine).



Related: This string will return similar pages to the specified URL, for instance typing will return a variety of search engines like yahoo, Hotbot and Altavista.

Cache: If the webpage you are looking for no longer exists, this syntax will show you a cached
version of the webpage. example:

Link: Returns a list of pages that link to the specified URL. for instance if you type Google will show you a big list of webpages linking to WikiHow.

intitle: This string will return pages that have the specified word(s) in the title, for instance
typing Intitle:"How to Dig Deep Into Google" will return this page.

Define: Will return with a definition of the word specified.


Time This operator tell you the current time according to your location. Usage: Time NC

Allinanchor: This operator tells you the position with your anchor text.

site: this will search for the specified phrase in the specified website. Example
"dig deep into google" or "dig deep into google" would return this page:)

Do deeper and “x-ray” searches on Google to find

“unadvertised” jobs
January 9th, 2014
There is a blog post from Lifehacker that is making the rounds on Facebook. The advice is
simple and definitely something you should already know. You can read the original post here:
Find Unadvertised Job Openings with a Clever Google Search

The gist of the post is to use Google (or whatever search engine you use) smarter. Here’s the
formula they suggest:

Let’s break this formula down. If you are already really advanced on x-ray search ideas, spend
time on Glen Cathey’s Boolean Black Belt site, where he goes deeper on this than I’ll ever go.

FIRST, the site:__________ tells Google to restrict the search results to a certain site. You
aren’t searching the entire web, you are searching the content from one website. In this example
you are saying to only return results from
Next, the intitle tag is used to narrow down the search results. This is optional, but once you
figure out how to use it, and figure out how your target website you are searching on uses it, it
might come in really handy. You must understand that intitle is not referring to an actual job
title, rather to some html code… here’s what the html looks … see the title there? Don’t mix up
the the concept of a job title and the title in the html code, although I’m guessing most of the
time a site like taleo will put the actual job title in the html title.

In taleo you can see the title in two places… neither of them are on the website. The first is in
the tab (ever wonder where that text came from?):

The other place to see what the title tag has is the source code, which will look like this:
Next, the search criteria. This is not optional. You can do all kinds of cool things to really
narrow your search, including using quotes, parenthesis, + or – signs, etc. See how I have two
search criteria, both in quotes, and the results are showing hits with both of those phrases?

The post at Lifehacker suggests that you will find unadvertised jobs. That is such a tricky
word… I think if it is posted online it is “advertised.” This concept of unadvertised jobs is NOT
the “hidden job market.” But these search tricks give you a good way to find things you aren’t
finding right now on a normal Indeed search.

Play around with this on LinkedIn. Let’s do one more simple example, borrowing from Glen
Cathey’s tutorials. Like I said, he goes deeper than I’ll ever go. A good place to start is this
primer he wrote in December.

Note in the image below, we are searching only on LinkedIn, we want to have “pub” or “in” in
the URL, and the keyword is president. The second result shows up because “in” is in the URL
of an article (click on it to see the article, then look at the URL, you’ll see “-in-” in the ULR).

If you click the image above it will take you to the google search page with that query. How
would you show ONLY presidents, and not vice presidents? Easy… put a -vice in the search
query, which says “but don’t show me anything with vice in it.” Try it for yourself…

Playing around with this I found it to be a bit quirky. I really want to see individual profiles, but
sometimes the results returned took me to a search on LinkedIn that was the same… anyway,
play around with it. Here are some other great posts Glen wrote:

 Bing Beats Google for the Best Way to X-Ray Search LinkedIn
 LinkedIn X-Ray Search Results Change: Update Your Strings
 Searching LinkedIn with Google and Yahoo for Free (from 2010, so not current but great

What do you think – will this help you as you search and research? You can use these
tricks and techniques on pretty much any website.

When you click on a cached result, you can see our current title phrase search is working, despite
the bullet separating the word “Current” and “Financial Advisor:”
It is important to note that if you click through the results, out to page 17 for example, you’ll
notice Bing drops the estimated number of results from over 1100 down to 373.

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