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English G4 S1

Questions tag
Name: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks using the right question tag.

1) He's from Texas, _____________________?

2) Dogs like meat, _____________________?
3) There are some apples left, _____________________?
4) I'm late, _____________________?
5) Let's go, _____________________?
6) Don't smoke, _____________________?
7) He does sing in the bathroom, _____________________?
8) He'll never know, _____________________?
9) I think, he's from India, _____________________?
10) Lovely day today, _____________________?
11) Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, _____________________?
12) The car isn't in the garage, _____________________?
13) You are John, _____________________?
14) She went to the library yesterday, _____________________?
15) He didn't recognize me, _____________________?
16) Cars pollute the environment, _____________________?
17) Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, _____________________?
18) The trip is very expensive, _____________________?
19) He won't tell her, _____________________?
20) Hugh had a red car, _____________________?

B.Match the sentence with the question tag.

C. Find and circle the adjectives in these sentences.
1. My doll has short brown hair and blue eyes.
2. Mom bought two giant watermelons at the grocery store.
3. Charles was foolish to believe nobody would see him graffitti the wall.
4. The tree was decorated with red and green lights.
5. Matthew took a quick peek in the window to see if anyone was at home.
6. The giant cat-shaped balloon floated over the mouse city.
7. Dylan has a weird sense of humor.
8. You need to get off the bus at the next stop.
9. The sports car had a white stripe on the hood.
10. The sharp knife cut the thick loaf of bread easily.

D.Study each picture and then writes a sentence with adjective and adjectival phrases to tell more about the noun.
1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________
E. Directions: Complete the sentences by choosing the correct words to match the underlined synonyms
1) If the answer is false, it is ____________. [correct, untrue]
2) You can buy items at a shop or ____________. [school, store]
3) Pack your things in a sack or a ____________. [bag, car]
4) When you reply to someone, you ____________ them. [hurt, answer]
5) To be loyal means to be ____________. [scary, faithful]
6) At a birthday, you can bring a present or ____________. [test, gift]
7) If you are under the bed, you are ____________ it. [below, on]
8) A clown is funny and ____________. [mad, silly]
9) You can put sand in a bucket or ____________.[pail, book].
10) When you want to leave, you ____________ the building. [jump, exit]
11) You can take a taxi or ____________ into the city. [cab, boat]
12) When you look at something you ____________ it. [touch, see]


loyal new noisy polite rich avoid
safe sad vacant baffle weak collect

Directions- Choose a synonym from the box to replace a word in each sentence. Circle the word in the sentence and
write the replacement word on the line.

1) The guards made sure the plane was secure. ____________________

2) The magician will confuse you with his tricks. ____________________

3) The family wanted to buy a modern home. ____________________

4) It is always nice to be courteous to others. ____________________

5) The abandon house was empty. ____________________

6) My dog is a faithful friend. ____________________

7) A wealthy man flew around the world. ____________________

8) If they bother you, just ignore them. ____________________

9) When she missed the bus, she was unhappy. ____________________

10) The rowdy boys went to the party. ____________________

11) The old woman was very frail. ____________________

12) I need to gather wood for the fire. ____________________

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