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Clone or Copy My Hard Drive with Norton Ghost

When upgrading your hard drive to a bigger faster hard drive the Norton Ghost utility called
Copy My Hard Drive can make the upgrade quick, easy, and painless. Copy My Hard Drive
used to be referred to as cloning the hard drive.

First we’ll need to prepare the new hard drive. Click the Windows Start button -> Control
Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management.

When Disk Management is opened after a new hard drive is installed the Initialize Disk dialog
window should open. Unless you know what you’re doing, select the disk that matches yours,
and choose MBR (Master Boot Record).
Some people have reported problems initializing a new disk, so Microsoft has written the
following support articles to help solve problems when the Initialize Disk window doesn’t pop
up automatically.

A basic disk’s status is Not Initialized.

Cause: The disk does not contain a valid signature. After you install a new disk, the operating
system must write a disk signature, the end of sector marker (also called signature word), and a
master boot record or GUID partition table before you can create partitions on the disk. When
you first start Disk Management after installing a new disk, a wizard appears that provides a list
of the new disks detected by the operating system. If you cancel the wizard before the disk
signature is written, the disk status remains Not Initialized.

Solution: Initialize the disk. The disk status briefly changes to Initializing and then Online status.
For instructions describing how to initialize a disk, see Initialize New Disks.

If that doesn’t work maybe this next one will help.

Initialize New Disks

To initialize new disks

In Disk Management, right-click the disk you want to initialize, and then click Initialize Disk.

In the Initialize Disk dialog box, select the disk(s) to initialize. You can select whether to use the
master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style.

Your new hard disk should now be initialize, but the hard drive space remains Unallocated.
To format the new hard disk right-click, then choose New Simple Volume, which is a new

Assign the next logical drive letter. Now the hard drive can be seen by other programs on the PC.

Now open Norton Ghost. In older versions you would see Clone Hard Drive, but newer
versions use Copy My Hard Drive which is the same utility.
The Copy Drive wizard will walk us through the steps.
First select the source drive you want to copy everything from, so this is the old hard disk.

Now we’ll select the new hard drive we are upgrading to. Notice how on my Dell computer it
lists the drive as Disk 2, and Destination as Dell Utility. The only distinguishing identification is
the size of 931.5 GB. This is a 1 TB hard disk, so this is clearly the disk we are looking for.
When you get to the Advanced options do not choose Check source for file system errors, or
Check destination for file system errors. Checking these two options could cause the copy
process to take days.

All you need to check is the Set drive active (for booting OS), and Copy MBR -> Destination
partition type: Primary Partition. The drive letter does not need to be assigned.
I have a lot on my hard drive so it averages about 25 minutes.
Looks like it took closer to 24 minutes to complete.
Power off your computer, and unplug the power cord. Now you can remove the power cable and
data cable from the old hard drive, and hook up both cables to the new hard drive. Power up your
computer, and it should boot into the new hard disk. If not, hook up the old drive, use Norton
Ghost to create a backup image, and a Norton Ghost System Boot Disc, shut down the computer,
unhook the old drive, hookup the new drive, power up with the System Boot Disc ready, and
restore from the disk image to the new hard drive. Remove the System Boot Disc, reboot, and
you’ve got everything copied.

Click the Windows Start button -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer
Management -> Disk Management. As you can see here there is one partition 222.78 GB,
which was the size of the old hard disk, and a 708.73 GB Unallocated partition.

Since we want to use the entire hard disk for the C: drive we will right click on Disk 0 -> Extend
Volume (which is a partition).
A wizard pops up to guide us through the process of expanding the smaller volume to take up the
entire hard disk.

Add your Disk from the Available side to the Selected side, and use the Maximum space
available to expand the whole disk.
Click Finish.
Now the hard disk has a single large volume (partition) that extends across the entire disk.

Note: You can upgrade to an equal or larger size hard disk only.
Bagaimana meng-Copy Hard disk menggunakan Norton Ghost 15
Posted on August 19, 2011

Menginstall sistem operasi pada komputer berikut dengan program-program dan driver-nya bisa
memakan waktu sekitar 4 sampai 6 jam, itu juga kalau semuanya berjalan lancar. Tentu saja jika
kita mempunya spesifikasi komputer yang sama, sehingga kita tidak perlu menginstall lagi

Namun dengan Norton Ghost 15 anda dapat melakukannya hanya dalam waktu sekitar 30 menit

Norton Ghost mempunyai feature yang bernama Copy My Hard Drive yang dapat meng-
cloning dengan cepat dan mudah.

Pertama, kita harus persiapkan hardisk baru yang akan kita install OS-nya.

Hard disk tersebut sudah di hubungkan dengan komputer lama yang akan kita ganti hard disk
nya atau yang akan kita copy isi berikut sistem operasinya sehingga kita tidak harus repot-repot
menginstall semua program dan driver dari awal.

Masuk ke-Windows Start button -> Control Panel ->Administrative Tools -

> Computer Management -> Disk Management.

Window pertama pada Disk Management muncul Initialize Disk dialog window. Pilih hard disk
yang baru yang akan di isi OS dan pilih MBR (Master Boot Record).
Hard disk baru akan terlihat dan berstatus Unallocated.

Untuk mem-format hard disk baru, klik kanan dan pilih New Simple Volume, yang berarti anda
membuat partisi baru.

Pilih drive yang akan anda gunakan.

Lalu buka Norton Ghost. Pada versi lama Clone Hard Drive, tapi pada versi terbaru yaitu Copy
My Hard Drive.
Muncul jendela Copy Drive wizard yang akan memandu kita ke langkah selanjutnya.
Pilih sumber hard disk yang berisi file-file operating sistem yang ingin anda copy semua isinya.

Lalu pilih hard disk baru yang akan kita isi operating sistemnya
Ketika muncul pilihan pada Advanced options jangan memilih Check source for file system
errors, atau Check destination for file system errors. Mengisi dua pilihan tersebut akan
membuat proses peng-copy-an akan berlangsung lama.

Yang perlu anda pilih hanya Set drive active (for booting OS), dan Copy MBR -> Destination
partition type: Primary Partition. pilihab drive letter tidak perlu diisi.
Proses peng-copy-an akan berlangsung sekitar 30 menit tergantung besarnya isi hard disk yang
akan kita copy/cloning.
Matikan komputer, cabut kabel power. Lepaskan hard disk lama dan pasang hard disk baru.

Nyalakan komputer, lalu masuk ke Windows Start button -> Control Panel -> Administrative
Tools -> ComputerManagement -> Disk Management. Seperti terlihat pada gambar di bawah
di sana terdapat satu partisi yang berkapasitas 222.78 GB, sama seperti hard disk lama(yang kita
cloning), dan partisi yang Unallocated 708.73 GB.

Karena kita ingin menggunakan total kapasitas hard disk kita pada drive C: klik kanan pada Disk
0 -> Extend Volume
Lalu akan muncul jendela yang akan memandu kita melalui proses pengubahan ke total hard disk
kita yang baru.

Tekan Add pada hard disk pada sisi Available side ke Selected side, dan gunakan Maximum
space available untuk mendapatkan kapasitas total hard disk anda.
lalu klik Finish.
Sekarang anda mendapatkan total kapasitas hard disk anda yang baru.

Note: Anda hanya bisa mengkloning hard disk tersebut ke yang berkapasitas lebih besar atau
minimal sama.

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