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Group 1 (High-School Musical)


(Scene 1)

Principal(Jimarnie): Good day to each and every student and teacher for today’s special day, The Graduation
Ceremony! (Applauses from the crowd) Seeing all of you here makes me really proud, like a mother to her
children, I know life was never easy and we all had the flaws that tries to hinder us from success, but despite
those, you got through all of it gaining precious treasures called memories. May your futures be up to your
plans, may God help all of you. May the favors of success be with you! (Another huge crowd of applauses)

Principal(Jimarnie): I humbly now open the giving of certificates that certify your journey here is coming to an
end and yet another one will appear, Congratulations to all the graduates! (The principal then starts calling the
names of the graduates starting with, Martha Cox[Marielle], Jason Cross [Karl], Kelsi Nielsen[Jhanyl], Ryan
Evans [Palang], Zeke Baylor[Andre], Sharpay Evans[Jill], Taylor McKessie[Diane], Gabriela Montez[Lyka],
Troy Bolton[Felip], Chad Danforth[Joshua])

(Chad was nowhere to be found and whispers built up)

Troy(Felip): Zeke! Hey Zeke! Where’s Chad?

Zeke(Andre): I don’t know, never seen him since I came here.
Troy(Felip): O-okay, thanks. Where could he be?
Principal(Jimarnie): Chad Danforth? Is his parents or relatives here?

(Troy dashes off and searches for Chad, until he thought of the basketball court)
Troy(Felip): Someone’s inside. (Troy checks who could be playing basketball inside and saw Chad)

Troy(Felip): God, Chad!

Chad(Joshua): Oh hey! Why are you here? The Graduation Ceremony is ongoing you know?
Troy(Felip): Yes, and I should be the one asking that, you are supposed to be there too.
Chad(Joshua): I’m just scared, we all will be separating ways once we get the diplomas.
Troy(Felip): What makes you think we’re going to separate ways?
Chad(Joshua): (sighs) One question does Berkeley play?
Troy(Felip): Oh yeah! We’re scheduled to kick some Redhawk butt next November.
Chad(Joshua): (smiles widely) Game on. Hoops!
(Troy gets the ball)
Troy: Oh! One more steal. The final point!
Mrs. Bolton(Patrice): Danforth! Bolton! You get out of there and you get on stage!
Troy(Felip): Oh, never thought my mom would say that!
(Troy and Cahd runs back to the graduation ceremony but before that Troy stops and hugs his mom)

-------{We’re all in this together}-------

(Flashback, Scene 2)

(New Year’s Eve)

Mrs. Montez(Kailah): Gabriela, why are you still here? I told you to attend the party or what they call that, a
gathering that is just a few blocks away from our house.
Gabriela(Lyka): But mom you know I am not good with new people.
Mrs. Montez(Kailah): That’s why you go there and improve yourself with new people.
Gabriela(Lyka): Fine mom…
(Gabriela prepares and gets ready)

(In the Bolton’s house)

Mrs. Bolton(Patrice): You’re out here playing basketball again, why don’t you go to the gathering held just a
few meters away?
Troy(Felip): But I want to stay and practice mom. (shoots a ball)
Mrs. Bolton(Patrice): You can do that later, I heard there’s a new family in town, you should go introduce and
tell them about the town.
Troy(Felip): A new family in town? O-okay mom, I’ll go.

(At the Gathering/Party)

(Gabriela and Troy have just arrived and Gabriela immediately looks for a seat where she can stay the whole
night with the feeling of being out of place. Troy then sees his friends and greeted them individually)

Chad(Joshua): Oh Troy, man! I thought you were not coming?

Troy(Felip): Well I never missed any gatherings, remember?
(Troy continues to greet his friends, shaking hands and doing high-fives) (After a while)

Kelsi(Jhanyl): Good evening everyone! So as we all know that in every gathering we have a tradition for
whoever is shone by the spotlight will have to sing in front. Let us now start!
(Troy and Gabriela were both shone by the spotlight at the same time)

--------[Start Of Something new]-------

Troy(Felip): (smiles and offers his hand) Troy!

Gabriela(Lyka): (smiles as well) Gabriela, nice to meet you.
(Troy introduces Gabriela to his friends)

(Scene 3)

(School bell rings)


(Gabriela enters the classroom and smiles when she sees Troy, Gabriela finds a vacant seat and Troy approaches
Troy: Hey! I didn’t know that you are also studying here.
Gabriela: Well, we moved in here so surely I need to move to another school that is near to our new home.
Troy: Oh I see.
(The Professor[Jimarnie] enters the classroom and starts the class)

(After the class)

(Gabriela goes out of the classroom and Troy approaches her)

Troy(Felip): Hey wait!
Gabriela(Lyka): (Turns around to Troy) O-oh hi!
Troy(Felip): I just thought that since you’re new hew here, maybe you want me to…you know show you
Gabriela: Su-sure!
(As they walked to the hallways they saw a girl posting something and then they went to see what the poster
was all about.)

Troy(Felip): You seem to be really interested about that poster over there, wanna check it out?
Gabriela(Lyka): I would love- (gets her words cut off because of Sharpay immediately joining the conversation)
Sharpay(Jill): Oh hey Troy! You’re going to audition too? Because this star is going to light up the audition and
be the most famous there could ever be in our campus!
Troy(Felip): (sarcastic) Y-yeah sure!
(Sharpay giggles but then notices Gabriela beside Troy.)
Sharpay: Oh! I didn’t see her there, who is she?
Troy: She’s Gabriela, the transferee!
Sharpay: Oh whatever!

(Sharpay and Ryans moments or performance)
Teacher(Jimarnie): That was a very great showcase of talents, we will just post the results for who will get the
call back. Audition time is over (claps) Let’s pack things up!

(Then Gabriela swiftly and bravely goes to the stage.)

Gabriela(Lyka): I want to audition! (Troy was shocked)

Teacher: Audition time is over as I have said miss.
Troy: I also want to audition!
Teacher: (amazed) Oh! Mr. Troy Bolton. I said audition time is over. Kelsi! Go pack things up now.
(Kelsi obeyed and cleaned things but due to her being clumsy, she stumbled across the floor.)
(Troy and Gabriela hurriedly runs towards Kelsi to help her out)
Troy(Felip): Are you alright?
Kelsi(Jhanyl): Y-yeah, I am fine, thank you…
Troy(Felip): Hey…Aren’t you the one who composed the song that Sharpay and Ryan sang earlier?
Troy: So you’re the playmaker? You make the show run smoothly and without you, this show won’t be going
Kels(Jhanyl):I am?
(Troy nods in agreement)
Troy: Do you wanna hear how the duets supposed to sing?

------[I like you so much]--------

(Scene 4)

(Marga was walking on the hallway)

Marga(Angel): Oh, interesting!

(Sharpay then arrives)
Sharpay(Jill): What are you doing?
Marga(Angel): I have read here that you are looking for an assistant?
Sharpay(Jill): Yes, because due to my popularity it would be such a difficulty for me to handle my schedule. So
I thought I needed an assistant to handle my schedules. Why?
Marga(Angel): I want to apply as your assistant. It would be an honor to serve such a famous person as you.
(Sharpay was delighted and looks at Marga from top to toe)

Sharpay(Jill): Okay, it seems like you have a good taste of fashion. Okay, you’re hired.
(Sharpay walks away but then quickly returns)
Sharpay(Jill): Oh I forgot, everything that is related to color orange, you better throw it all away.
(Sharpay gives Marga her bag and continues walking, Marga then follows her.)

Teacher(Jimarnie): Toda I have a special announcement. There will be a prom to be upheld and this prom will
be the last you will experience before stepping to the next level of your life. This year’s theme is going to be
(Everyone gets excited and the teacher assigns Kelsi and Ryan for their jobs)
Jelyn: Oh my god, I’m gonna get ready for the prom with my beautiful dress!
Aneza: Me too, I am gonna tell my mother so that I can prepare for a beautiful dress for the prom!
Cynil: I wonder who’s going to be the prom queen this year.
Sharpay(Jill): Well, obviously me!

(Taylor and Gabriela looked at each other and laughs)

(Taylor goes in for a whisper to Gabriela)

Taylor(Diane): I hope he will ask me out for his date on prom. (giggles)

(After Class)
(Troy, Chad, Gabriela and Taylor were talking)

Troy(Felip): Hey, who’s the lucky girl?

Chad(Joshua): Still no lucky girl for now, all I’m thinking about is partying at the prom and playing basketball.
Troy(Felip): Oh man, that’s kinda terrible…(laughs awkwardly)
(Taylor glares at Chad with such anger)
Taylor(Diane): You really don’t have any plans on asking me out to be your prom date, don’t you?! You…You
(Taylor walks out)

Troy(Felip): Hey, I want to say something to you in private. Let’s go on the rooftop, shall we?
(Gabriela smiles and agrees to go)

Gabriela(Lyka): So what is it that you want to say to me?
Troy(Felip): I wanna ask you out for prom night, but I don’t know much about dancing waltz…(scratches his
heads out of embarrassment)
Gabriela(Lyka): (giggles) My father taught me the basics of waltz, want me to show you? Come on!

------[Can I have this Dance]-------

Troy: So is it a yes?
Gabriela: Of course! (Troy gives Gabriela a necklace)


Chad(Joshua): Man, I-I don’t think I can do it now, there’s a lot of people!
Troy(Felip):Hey, it’s now or never. You can do it man!
Chad(Joshua): Ughhh, maybe later?
Troy(Felip): No, you should do it now.
Chad(Joshua): It’s so noisy man.
Troy(Felip): (shouts) Hey everyone…Hey everyone…Everyone!!!
(Everybody stops from what they’re doing and the place goes quiet)

Troy(Felip): My friend here, Chad, has to say something!

Chad(Joshua): (embarrassed) Taylor…will you be my date for…prom?
Taylor(Diane): What? I can’t hear you…
(Chad climbs up on the table with excitement)

Chad(Joshua): Taylor!!! I want to ask you out to be my date on prom. Would you allow me?!
(Taylor gets joyful and goes to her friends ,whispering to them and returns back to Chad)

Taylor(Diane): It would be an honor, Chad.

(Everyone cheers and some applauds)

------[Insert Song]-------
(Scene 5)

(Gabriela’s Room)
(Gabriela then arrives)
Mrs. Montez(Kailah): Sweetheart, there’s something for you here (hands out the envelope with a letter inside) I
think this letter came from Stanford University.
Gabriela(Lyka): (checks and read what was written on the letter) Really? Oh my god…I passed!
Mrs. Montez(Kailah): Oh sweetheart, I am so proud of you, I know you can do it! Is something wrong? You
seem like you’re not that happy about it.
Gabriela(Lyka): I am just worried about Troy’s feelings, because if I will move there, it might separate us a
thousand miles apart.
Mrs. Montez(Kailah): I’m sure Troy would understand. Well, whatever your decision may be, I am here to
support it. Just always remember to think carefully and follow your heart, okay? (kisses on the forehead).
Gabriela(Lyka): Thanks, mom…

(School Lobby)
Taylor(Diane): What?! You got accepted to an outstanding university?
Gabriela(Lyka): Hey! Shhhh!
Kelsi(Jhanyl): Does Troy know about this already?
Gabriela(Lyka): N-not yet…
(Marga was hiding and eavesdropping on their conversations)
Marga(Angel): This is an intriguing news, Sharpay needs to know about this!
(Marga, hurriedly runs where Sharpay could be)
Marga(Angel): Hey, Sharpay, I’ve got some news!
Sharpay(Jill): What? Is it that important? (bored and snubs)
Marga(Angel):I heard that Gabrela is accepted to Stanford University!
Sharpay(Jill):What?! She passed? That’s unbelievable!
Marga(Angel): I know right (nods) You know what’s more interesting?
Sharpay(Jill): What?( raises an eyebrow)
Marga(Angel): Troy still does not know about this.
Sharpay(Jill): (excited) Oh well! If that’s the case, I will tell Troy about it myself!
(Sharpay hurriedly goes to the basketball court)

Sharpay(Jill): Troy, who’s going to be your prom date, because I heard that Gabriela is leaving next week to go
to Stanford University.
Troy(Felip): What are you saying?
Sharpay(Jill): Oh, you don’t know? I guess Gabriel has no plans in telling you all about it after all. Well then,
just call me if you need a prom date because it would be an honor for you to date such a famous person called
Sharpay, Toodles!

(Troy runs angrily and tries to find Gabriela)

(At the Grounds)

Troy(Felip): Gabriela!!!
Gabriela(Lyka): Troy!
Troy(Felip): Don’t you have anything to say to me?
Gabriela(Lyka): No-nothing…What do you mean?
Troy(Felip): Oh really?(sarcastic) I’ve heard that you’re going to go to Stanford University next week…
Gabriela(Lyka): Troy…
Troy(Felip): How nice is that? (Laughs sarcastically) Something that I should be knowing and hearing from you
and now I heard it from a different person.
Gabriela(Lyka): Troy, it’s not like that, I was just worried about how you would feel…
Troy(Felip): Don’t you trust me that I have the ability to understand you?
Gabriela(Lyka): No…Troy I’m just…confused.
Troy(Felip): Of what? Just because of these past few days, you would lose hope on our relationship and lost
your trust on me?
Gabriela(Lyka): No, Troy i-it’s not like that.
Troy(Felip): Then what?!

-------(I gotta say what’s on my mind)-------

Scene 6
(Music Area)

Ryan(Palang): Morning.
Kelsi(Jhanyl): Morning.
Ryan(Palang): "I just wanna be with you."

----- Intro: I just wanna be with you -------

Ryan(Palang): It's beautiful.

Kelsi(Jhanyl): Thanks.
Ryan(Palang): I mean, really. This, the prom number, everything. It's going to be a great event. (Smiles)...
Speaking of prom, what are you doing?
Kelsi(Jhanyl): It's two days before the show. I'm writing orchestrations and fixing charts. I still have to write
Ryan(Palang): Great. I'll pick you up at 8:00. (Winks and walks out)

(While playing basketball)

Troy(Felip): She's not coming back, man.
Chad(Joshua): Is she going to miss prom?
Troy(Felip): No, she's not coming back at all.
Chad(Joshua): Wow. That's lousy, man.
Troy(Felip): It really is.
Chad: But, hey, man. Everybody knows you don't bring the girl with you after high school. Look, Gabriella is
already one step ahead. As usual. Right now you got to snap out of it, dude.
Troy: She's off to Stanford. I should have been the one to understand her that she would pick what is right for
her future.
Chad: Cheer up man, we, your friends, are here you know. We can be your prom date. (Jokingly laughs)

(Stanford University)

Troy(Felip): I figured you'd be the last one to out of the building. (Smile)
Gabriela(Lyka): Troy! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the prom now.
Troy(Felip): I think I just took a wrong turn on the way to prom.
Gabriela(Lyka): I don't believe this (laughs) You are indeed a crazy, Wildcat.
(Laughs together)

Gabriela(Lyka): And what is it with you and trees?

Troy(Felip): I guess I see things more clearly from up here.
Gabriela(Lyka): You look handsome. (Smiles) Prom is tonight in Albuquerque. It's a thousand miles away.
Troy(Felip): My prom is wherever you are. If I'm going to have a last dance at East High, it's going to be with

----- Can I have this Dance part 2 -------

(After dancing)

Troy(Felip): (sighs) You know... I'm not the only one that changed when you came to East High. Students that I
used to just pass by in the hallway... we're friends now. And we're supposed to be doing a show together. The
problem is, East High changed when you got there and now it's changed again because you left. You might be
ready to say goodbye to East High, but East High's not ready to say goodbye to you.
(Troy and Gabriela arrived together at the prom)

(Sharpay and Karl performing)

Troy(Felip): Hey!
Ryan(Palang): You guys got to see this.

(They are all laughing)

[After the performance of Sharpay and Karl]

Ryan(Palang): Kelsi, they're here! (Pointing Troy and Gabriela)

Kelsi: Oh, continue, continue!

Martha(Marielle): Let's go! You're on!

------- I just wanna be with you -------


------ We're all in this together ------

Troy(Felip): East High is a place where teachers encouraged us to break the status quo. And define ourselves as
we choose. Where a jock can cook up a mean creme brulee. And the brainiac can break down on the dance
floor. It's a place where one person... if it's the right person......changes us all. East High is having friends that
we'll keep for the rest of our lives. And I guess that means we really are all in this together.

Because once a Wildcat...... always a Wildcat.

Chad(Joshua): Yeah, man!

Troy(Felip): Thank you! Thank you, sir. Thank you very much.

----- High School Musical -----

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