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 Archaic Words

 In the below table you will see a number or words that are no longer used or are used rarely. See if
you have heard any of them.

Mottle to spot or blotch

Haver to talk foolishly

Caulk to seal the seams of a ship

Fulminate to flash like lightning

Evince to show or illustrate a quality

Delate to inform against someone

Baize coarse woollen material usually for covering

Inveigh to speak violently against

Jorum a large bowl for a drink such as punch

Knurl a knot or knob

Latchet a strip of leather for fastening a shoe

Aurist an ear specialist

the act of rollerblading or skating while wearing a modified version of rollerskates

called rollerblades

a type of athletic shoe designed for cross-training
Televangelist an evangelist who conducts regular religious services on television

aggressive driving habits often accompanied by the dehumanisation of other

Road rage
drivers and sometimes resulting in violence against other drivers

Artsy pretending to be artistic, or overly artistic

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