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Unit 13

Look and read. Write Yes or No. /5


1. A girl took off her jacket. ____________________

2. A woman took the trash out. _____________________
3. A man sat down. ________________________
4. A robber broke into the bank. ___________________________
5. A car broke down. ___________________________

Listen to the clues. Answer the questions. Use full sentences. /5

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Read the clues. Write the words. /5

1. This word has eight letters. It describes something that is easily broken or damaged.
2. This word ends in -ing. It means to persuade someone to want to do something, even
if wrong or unwise. ____________________________
3. This word regards the parts in your body used lift heavy objects. It has seven letters.
4. This word has four letters. It means having vast knowledge, experience and good
judgement. __________________________
5. This word means to display or have intense, vicious or powerful emotion. It starts with
an f. __________________________

Circle the correct answers. /4

1. We should ___________________________ use plastic because it is bad for the Earth.
a often b never c sometimes d always
2. When her parents are at work, she is______________ alone at home.
a often b never c sometimes d always
3. I have __________________ known to never swim in the deep ends of the ocean because
the sharks can eat you.
a often b never c sometimes d always
4. My aunt _______________________ sends me chocolate on my birthday. It is the best
chocolate I have tasted.
a often b never c sometimes d always

Circle the correct words. /6

1. The teacher responded calm / calmly to the angry student.
2. She is fidgeted nervous / nervously before her class presentation.
3. ‘’Anya is a polite / politely young woman.’’ said Mr. Charles.
4. The man rude / rudely pushed her from the line and took her place.
5. Dina delicate / delicately set the crystal vase of the table.
6. The brave / bravely boy saved all the village from the suicide bomber.

Complete the sentence with the words in the box. Change the words endings when
necessary. /5

shy greedy terrifying beautiful aggressive calm

1. I am always very __________________ around people I don’t know.

2. She saw the most __________________ birds in Brazil.
3. The thief started at the diamonds ____________________ as the policemen handcuffed
4. We were __________________ when we went into the haunted house, only to be
pleasantly surprised by the pink wonderland inside.
5. Even in times of crisis, leaders behave _________________.

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