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Unit 14

Circle the correct answers. /5

1. I can’t find the student book for physics. Will you ____________ it to me?
a lend b owe c pay d spend
2. Natasha has Down Syndrome. Her parents are very _____________________ of her.
a attractive b cooperative c decorative d protective
3. This is a $100 dollar bill. Can I __________________ it for $10 dollar bills?
a copy b exchange c borrow d barter
4. Carrots and potatoes are both types of ________________.
a coins b silver c crops d shells
5. Anna is always drawing. She is so _______________________!
a active b creative c attractive d collaborative

Listen and check (✓) the correct pictures. Write the words. /8
1. 2.

a b a b
____________________________ ____________________________

3. 4.

a b a b
___________________________ ____________________________

Unscramble the sentences. /5

1. he / to / Swedish, /move / If / Sweden/ spoke / would / he
2. faster, / If / won / was / have / I / the / race. / would / I
3. earlier, / If / studied / failed / wouldn’t / you / had / have / you/ English.
4. a / diverged / roads / wood / in / yellow / Two /
5. weekend, / the / parents / to / I / at / dinner / At / went / with / my / Oliver

Circle the correct words. /6

1. I would have been / will be glad to have your expertise in making cakes if I
was making one!
2. She would / will throw a birthday party for Alice next year.
3. If I have / had the ingredients to make a cheesecake, the menu would’ve been

Complete the sentences. /6

could knew get visit take visited had

1. If I ________________ how they embezzled the funds, I ___________________help you

register the case properly.
2. If I ____________ a stand mixer, I would _____________ a much fluffier and stable
buttercream frosting for the cake.
3. “I will _______________ you all to ___________________ Maldives this summer.” said

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