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UJIAN TENGAH/AKHIR SEMESTER Bahasa Inggris | -Semua Prodi 100 Menit No dictionary is allowed Put a cross (X) for the correct answer in the ANSWER SHEET. Questions: Read the following texts and find the mai idea or topic of each paragraph. Text 1 Strictly speaking, cartography is the drawing or compiling of maps. The explorers and surveyors go out and make the measurements and gather the information from which the cartographers draw theit maps. ‘Sometimes the fieldwork and the creation of the map are done by the same person. But when the scope is broad and the sources of information many, maps are more often a compilation of that information. They represent the accumulated work of many people, brought together under the supervision of one person, the compiler. The value of the map depends, of course, an the expertise of the compiler, who must shift through available information, select the most accurate data, and come up with a thoughtful and accurate synthesis, of the geographic knowledge of the region. 1, What is the main idea of the passage? A. The definition of cartography is the drawing or compiling of maps. B. Maps are the product of a group effort brought together usually by one person. C. Notall of the information initially compiled for maps is accurate. 1D. The compiler's task is more important than that of the explorers and surveyors, Text 2 ‘Speculation about the earth's crust has a special edge of urgency in California, which sits on the San Andreas fault, the world’s most famous and respected fracture zone. Not surprisingly, it was a scientist at the California Institute of Technology, Charles F. Richter, who invented the Richter scale used to measure earthquakes. Seismic activity in California is being constantly monitored and mapped. Seismometers register many thousands of small earthquakes every year, and computers instantly caloulate the location, depth, and magnitude of an earthquake, Laser distance-ranging networks can detect change of length, indicating change in crustal stress, accurate to about half an inch in 20 miles. Satelite measurements of crustal blocks are improving, and California seismologists believe they may in time be precise enough to allow earthquake prediction. 2. The main idea of the following passage is_ ‘A. the Richter scale was invented in Califomia. B. computers provide a variety of information about earthquakes. C._agreat deal of attention is paid to earthquake activity in California, D. earthquake prediction will be possible in the future, Text 3 People who work in large office buildings get sick more often than normal. They may have headaches, slomachaches, or sore, red skin. The reason for this lies in the buildings themselves. These large buildings usually have windows that cannot be opened. The same air stays in the bullding for a long time and become unhealthy. It may be full of chemicals that come from the furniture, the rugs, or the photocopy machines. Or it may be full of cigarette smoke. This unhealthy air causes sick building syndrome" as doctors call this ala beatsk kecurangar akademik (mask pelanggaran a er jar dalam setiap proses pembeejran MB ‘akan diberikan sank sesun praturan yang beriku | se UJIAN TENGAH/AKHIR SEMESTER | (Perit clentik 2017/2018, jester Ganjil Tahun Ak problem. In order to cure the people with this syndrome, itis necessary to treat the building. The answer is simple: more fresh air. 3. The author main's idea is that__ A. nowadays, many people suffer from sick building syndrome. B. itis normal for people who work in large office building to get sick . “large building with unhealthy air can cause iliness for people who work there. D._people working in large office building need more fresh air than those who work outdoor. Text 4 The energy crisis has resulted in many interesting ideas for new sources of energy. One particularly interesting idea makes use of the ocean currents to generate electricity. Gary Steelman from lowa is ‘experimenting with huge parachutes and the ocean currents. His idea would use forty parachutes attached toa metal cable in a loop just below the surface of the water. The current would fil the parachutes with water and push them along the cable. The loop is connected to an electrical generator. The result, in theory, would be 98,000 kilowatts of electricity. Perhaps the currents could be utilized in this way. The government ‘apparently thinks 0: Mr. Steelman was aWarded a $35,000 grant to study the possibilty 4, The main idea ofthis paragraph is that _ Gary Steelman from lowa isthe pioneer in parachuting forty large parachutes would be attached to a metal cable the energy crisis has caused people to find new sources of energy one interesting idea makes use of ocean currents to generate electicity pomp Texts ‘The term weathering refers to all the ways in which rock can be disintegrated and decomposed. It takes place because minerals formed in a particular way (say at high temperatures, in the case of igneous rocks) are often unstable when exposed to various conditions. Weathering involves the interaction of the lithosphere (the earth’s crust) with the atmosphere and hydrosphere (air and water). It occurs at different rates and in different ways, depending on the climatic and environmental conditions. But all kinds of weathering ultimately produce broken minerals and rock fragments and other products of the decomposition of stone. Soil is the most obvious and, from the human point of view, the most important result of the weathering process. Soil is the weathered part of the earth's crust that is capable of sustaining plant fe. The character of soil depends on the nature of the rock from which it is formed. It also depends on the climate and on the ‘elative “age” of the soil. Immature soils are little more than broken rock fragments. Over time, immature soil develops into mature soil, which contains-quantities of humus, formed from decayed plant matter. Mature soll is darker, richer in microscopic Ife, and more conducive to plant growth 5. The first paragraph primarily describes _. ‘A. the process by which racks are broken down B. the weathering of igneous rocks C. gradual changes in the earth weather pattern D. the climatic and environmental conditions 6. The main topic of the second paragraph is_. ‘A. a description of immature soil B. the growth of plants CC. the evolution of soil D. the character of soil 7. ‘The main idea of the entire passage is that__. ‘A. the process of soil development is more important to humans than that of weathering B. weathering break down rocks and leads to the development of soit C. soils may be classified as mature or immature D. the earth's crust is constantly changing BB segata bent kocoranganakademik (temmasuk pelanggoran ata et win) dam stan proses pembelajran MB ‘kan dibertion sans sea peratara yng beak UJIAN TENGAH/AKHIR SEMESTER IPeréamina, Text Solar salt ponds for electricity production have advai expensive like oil, nor are they messy like coal, which are not dangerous to the environment like nuclear en intages over other methods. Solar salt ponds are not leaves biack dust and makes dangerous smoke. They ergy plants or complex like solar cells. Necessary paris are a small body of water, just the right amount of sat, and sunshine for energy. With a simple turbine pump, the solar salt pond produces clean, inexpensive electricity in a pollution-ftee manner. Ii sounds almost feo good to be true, yet the electricity supply company for Southern Califomia (Southern Calfornia Edison) is Planning a solar pond plant on the shore of the Slaton Sea, a lake that lies about 240 fect below sea lovel The Salton Sea is a natural solar pond. It was created in the valley between the Chocolate and Santa Rosa Mountains when the Colorado River flooded. Between the years 1905 and 1907 i filed up a place where ‘an ancient lake once was. Now this landlocked body of water is thirty miles long and eight miles wide, It Consists of a layer of fresh water on top ofa layer of salt water (orine). Sunlight passes through the fighter fresh water and heats up the brine. The fresh water layer acts as insulation, keeping the heat in the brine and stopping heat loss. According to the plan, pipes will carry the naturally heated brine into a plant in the Plant the heat from the brine will be used to tum a turbine and create electricity. Then the brine is cooled and returned to the solar pond. The whole system will be clean and not expensive, Other sites for solar salt ponds have been suggested: along the Dead Sea (where there are already some working solar ponds), along the Great Salt Lake of Utah, and in the salt flats of San Fransisco Bay. The concept is not limited to natural salt sea areas, however. Solar salt ponds are easily built in other places. The question is whether solar salt ponds will ever be tested well enough to convince people oftheir possible value. 8. The main idea of paragraph 1 is that__. A. solar salt ponds are not expensive to build, but they are complicated B. anyone can build a solar salt pond as long as itis near the sea C. solar salt ponds might become clean and safe producers of electricity D. Southern California Ecison is building a solar salt pond plant near.the Salton Sea 9. The topic of paragraph 2 is __ ‘A. howa solar salt pond works in the United States B. why the Salton Sea was selected to be the solar salt pond C. why pipes are necessary in a solar salt pond D. why electricity from a solar salt pond is dean and inexpensive 10. The topic of paragraph 3 is _ the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake suggested places for using solar salt ponds how to build a solar salt pond ‘when solar salt ponds will be tested cop> QUESTIONS 11-16 Match paragraphs 11 to 16 with their appropriate headings (A-l) in the box Responsibilties of responding police officers Perceived advantages of rapid response Police response to public satisfaction ‘Communicating response time to people requesting help When rapid response is and is not necessary Role of technology in improving police response Response time and success of response Public demand for catching eriminals Obstacles to quickly contacting the police =zaamoom>| BB sogstabentatckecurangan akademile (ermasuk planggsran tata tert via) dalam seiap proses pembetajaan kan diberikan sank sesul peraturen yang beriaku 2 8 4 15 16 er Pee Text7 Police departments in the United States and Canada see it as central to their role that they respond to calls for help as quickly as possible, This abilty to react fast has been greatly improved with the aid of technology. “The telephone and police radio, already long in use, assist greatly n the reduction of police response time. In more recent times there has been the introduction of the '911” emergency system, which allows the public ‘easier and faster contact with police, and the use of police computer systems, which assist police in plan patrols and assigning emergency requests to the police officers nearest to the scene of the emergency. ‘An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits. The more obvious ones are the ability of police to apply first-aid life-saving techniques quickly and the greater likelihood of arresting people who may have participated in a crime. It aids in identifying those who witnessed an emergency or crime, as well as in collecting evidence. The overall reputation of a police department, too, is enhanced if rapid response is consistent, and this in itself promotes the prevention of crime. Needless to say, rapid response offers the public some degree of satisfaction in its police force. While these may be the desired consequences of rapid police response, actual research has not shown it to be quite so beneficial. For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call Is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes — stil quite a rapid response -the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced. Similarly, in identifying witnesses to emergencies or crimes, police are far more likely to be successful if they arrive at the scene no more than four minutes, on average, after receiving a call for help. Yet both police officers and the public define ‘rapid response’ as responding up to 10-12 minutes after calling the police for help. ‘Should police assume all the responsibilty for ensuring a rapid response? Studies have shown that people tend to delay after an incident occurs before contacting the police. A crime victim may be injured and thus unable to call for help, for example, or no telephone may be available at the scene of the incident. Often, however, there is no such physical barrier to calling the police. Indeed, itis very common for crime victims to call their parents, their minister, or even their insurance company first. When the police are finally called in such cases, the effectiveness of even the most rapid of responses is greatly diminished. ‘The effectiveness of rapid response also needs to be seen in light of the nature of the crime. For example, ‘when someone rings the police after discovering their television set has been stolen from their home, there is litle point, in terms of identifying those responsible for the crime, in ensuring a very rapid response. It is common in such burglary or theft cases that the victim discovers the crime hours, days, even weeks after it hhas occurred. When the victim is directly involved in the crime, however, as in the case of a robbery, rapid response, provided the viclim was quickly able to contact the police, is more likaly to be advantageous. Based on statistics comparing crimes that are discovered and those in which the victim is directly invalved, ‘Spelman and Brown (1981) suggest that three in four calls to police need not be met with rapid response. It becomes clear that the importance of response time in collecting evidence or catching criminals after a crime must be weighed against a variety of factors. Yet because police department officials assume the public strongly demands rapid response, they believe that every call to the police should be met with it ‘Stuaies have shown, however, that while the public wants quick response, more important is the information ‘given by the police to the person asking for help. Ifa caller is told the police will arrive in five minutes but in fact t takes ten minutes or more, waiting the extra time can be extremely frustrating, But if caller is told he or she will have to wait 10 minutes and the police indeed arrive within that time, the caller is normally satisfied, Thus, rather than emphasizing rapid response, the focus of energies should be on establishing realistic expectations in the caller and making every attempt to meet them. QUESTIONS 17-24 Match each statement in the left hand column below with its relevant continuation in the right hand column. Segala benmak Kecuranganakademik (termasuk pelanggaran aa trib ua) dalam setiap proses pembelajaran akan diberican sanksisesuai peraturan yong Berl a S UJIAN TENGAH/AKHIR SEMESTER | erismina No A B 17. | Even though prices have risen sharply, ‘A the proposed legislation was generally 18. | Itis an interesting theory. well-eceived 19. | While rather expensive, B | although some progress has recently been 20. |In spite of the fact that some criticisms were | | reported made, __. However, itis not fully specified in some areas. 21. | The animals are herbivorous. consumer spending is stil high itis the best available, consumer spending is stil high, Nevertheless, a few cases of preying on small rodents have been reported aumoo * QUESTIONS 22.25 Which sentence is not directly and clearly related to the main idea of the each text? Text 8 Rain sets the rhythm of desert plants(1]. Sometimes, rain also causes hardiness for animals(2]. Plants in the desert may appear dead for months or even years, but when it begins to rain, the plants seem to come to life overnight (3). The leaves tum green, and flowers appear [4]. The plants produce seeds quickly, before the rain stops [5], These seeds may lie on the ground for years before the rain starts the cycle of growth again (6). The plant's biological clock gave the signal for these things to happen [7]. 22, A. Sentence [2] . Sentence [4] B. Sentence [3] D. Sentence [5] Text 9 ‘Scott and his men built a building as their base camp near the ocean’s edge and spent the winter there{], ‘They used sleds and ponies to carry a ton of supplies farther inland to a place that they named the One Ton Depot{2}. The ponies might appear weak but they were not [3]. When spring came, a few of the men started ahead of the others with motorized sleds to leave supplies along the way[4]. However, after only a few days the sleds broke down and the men had to pull them} 23, A. Sentence [1] C. Sentence [3] B, Sentence [2] D. Sentence [4] Text 10 In 1900, Kingsley went to South Aftica to help in the hospitels during the Boer Wer, but she planned to return to West Africal]. However, in a short time she became sick and died at the age of 37(2]. She was buried at seaf3]. The sea was infamous for its dangerous waves(4]. 24, A. Sentence [1] C. Sentence [3] B, Sentence [2] D. Sentence [4] Seen eee ae ume ea ae Text 14 Cover craps such as vetch, peas, and especially clover give farmers three good reasons to avoid many chemicals(1], First, these plants naturally supply an essential nutrient, nitrogen, to soil, largely eliminating the need to apply industria fertlizers(2]. Second, some cover crops provide habitat for beneficial insects that prey on destructive bugs{3]. When that happens, the use of insecticides can be sharply reduced or eliminated[4]. Many farmers use different methods for kiling insects{5]. And finally, the very presance of @ cover crop reduces erosion and hinders the emergence of competitive weeds: no weeds, no need to suppress them with a chemical herbicide(6} 26. A. Sentence [3] C. Sentence [5] B. Sentence [4] C. Sentence [6] Questions: 26-33 Complete the following sentences by choosing the best alternatives provided. 26. Photophobic individuals do not enjoy __ A. hiking C. reading B, sunbathing D. running 27 Does life exist only on the earth? Is__ life impossible? A. intraterrestrial C. extraterrestrial B.interterrestrial D. subterrestrial 28. When threatened with tetanus, our bodies produce an __to kill the invading tetanus germs. A. antidote C. antibody B. antibiotic D. antiseptic: 29.A selective __ destroys weeds without injuring desirable plants. A pesticide C. herbicide B. fungicide D. insecticide 30, The ___ consists of ten seperate competitions, among other things : hurdles, javelin throw, disc throw, pole vault, high jump and tong jump. ‘A decahedron C. decathlon B. decalogue D. decagon 81, You always find fault with others and never say a good thing or word about anyone, Why are youso__? A. hyperactive ©. hypereritical B. hypersensitive D. hyperbole 32.In 1911, @__ agreement was signed by the Great Britain, Japan, Russia and the U.S. on the hunting of seals. A unilateral ©. trilateral B. bilateral D. muttiateral 33. Newspapers including other print media, such as magazines, tabloids and journals are making huge money by publishing __in their products. A. headlines C. cassified ads B caricatures D. cartoons, BE sexsinbestk Lecurangan stadeik (emasck plnggaan tata fet jin) dalam sep proses penbelaran MB akan diberian sani ssa peraturan yang berlaas, UJIAN TENGAH/AKHIR SEMESTER | Peréamina 34. The low carbohydrate diet was found to undermine the body's ability to recover fre The word undermine can best be repiaced by v eter A. support C. strengthen B. weaken D. organize 36. | heard somewhere that when an aircrafts defueled (for welght and balance or whatever) ‘the removed fuel must be disposed of and definitely not returned into the same reservoir. The word defueled can best be replaced by A. filing up fuel C. refilling fuel B. emptying fuel D. adding fuel QUESTIONS 36-37 Following are statements of main thoughts - the topic sentences. Below these topic sentences are other sentences. Some are relevant, others irrelevant to the main thoughts. In the blanks write the numbers of the irrelevant sentences. 36. One of the world’s great problems is the threat of overpopulation 1. Few thinkers in the past could have guessed that the whole word might become inadequate for its population, The ever-increasing population causes one of today's great problems. We have other problems too, such as control of atomic power. The constant confrontation between capitalism and communism is another problem. We wil probably have to worry more and more about regulation of space activities. But unless we devise new methods of producing food the world may literally be unable to feed all its people in another two hundred years. Controlled births rates are suggested as a solution. But various religions object fo many types of contraception Penen Answer: 37. Haying days are busy ones on the farm Not all farms use the procedure given in the following, but a great many do. After the hay has been cut and tumed over inta rows its baled. ‘baling machine runs over the field picking up the hay and packing it into bales ‘These are picked up and loaded into a truck or onto a trailer to be taken to the barn The bales are then stacked high in the barn ‘One must be sure that the bar floor is strong enough to support their weight, or the floor will give way. Many troubles can arise when one tries to use modern procedures with an old barn. For instance, doorways may nat be enough for a tractor with its driver to pass through eoaene Answer: MB sees bene kcrengn sami Gemasok sane ath ja) dalam ea proses pembsaan ‘kan diberkan sa seta’ peratuan yng Dera QUESTION 38 Put the following sentences into the correct order. (1) There was a good deal of confusion after the game. (2) Bob could not get the car out of the parking lot for about twenty minutes. (3) There was a terrific trafic jam all over the town. (4) Cars were bumper to bumper for blocks. (5) After all, there were over forty thousand people at the game. (6) It took us about a half hour to walk from our seats in the stadium to the parking lot. (7) The game was one of the big ones on the university's schedule, (8} Bob tried a shortcut through an alley when we left the parking lot, but that only made things worse. (9) We did not arrive at the fraternity house until after Ginner time. (10) Those two and a half haurs were the only unpleasant part of the weekend. Answer: QUESTIONS 39-40 Write the numbers indicating a possible coherent order of presentation for the sentences in a satisfactory paragraph. 39, | will never forget the day Dad tried to fix the sink. tended with the sink useless, the kitchen all tom up, and Dad and Mom both angry. Dad got mad at Mom's comments. My lle brother was hurt when 2 wrench slipped out of Dad's hands. ‘Mom said that in the future she would always call a plumber. Itall started when the drain clogged : Dad managed to get the trap off the pipe underneath the sink, but he could not get in on again 8. When Mom first told Dad about the matter, he plunged into the project happily enough 9, He told us, the children, to get all the tools in the house. 10. Most of them were stil ittering the kitchen flaor the next day, 11. We had to go out for dinner that night. 1." Canning peaches is both simple and economical 2. The process is a very easy one 3. The first stop is to prepare a syrup. 4, The syrup is made simply of sugar ans water. 5. While the syrup is simmering, one shout take the skins off the peaches. 6 Quick immersion into boiling water leaves the skins easy to detach. 7. Allthat is needed in canning is peaches, sugar, three lerge kettles, and jars and caps. 8. After skinning the peaches, one cuts them in helf and packs them into jars: 9. Itmay cost you only eight dollars to can some twenty-four quarts of peaches. 10. The peaches should be firm and ripe, but not overripe. Answer: BB Seas beak ecurangan aaemik(emasik pelanggaran tt er jan) dalam ein proses pembeljaran kan dieriksn sanksi sesusi perturan yang berlaks

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