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"Management is defined as the creation and maintenance of an internal environment in an
enterprise where individuals working together in groups can perform efficiently and effectively
towards the attainment of group goals". Koontz and O’Donnell.

Administration refers to the higher and policy determining levels. Administration is concerned
with the determination of overall corporate objectives, policies and master strategies. It
concentrates on the co-ordination of finance production and distribution. Administration
determines the corporate organization climate and structure and it acts as the central controlling
authority in the organization. Administration is represented by top management.


1. Managers at each level perform both functions and spends part of his time in
administrating and part of his time in managing.
2. Top management is in charge of administration i.e. deciding objectives, formulating
plans strategies and basic policies. Middle and lower management looks after actual execution of
programmes and projects.
3. Administration i.e. the function of direction is entrusted to top executive’s management
i.e. the function of execution is discharged by manager’s i.e. operative managerial group.
4. The two words management and administration have certain overtones one associates’
management with clarity of action and productive efficiency, whereas one tends to associate
administration with the time consuming delays red tape and bureaucratic attitude.


Division of work or specialization alone can give maximum productivity and efficiency. Both
technical and managerial activities can be performed in the best manner only through division of
labour and specialization.


Business organisation refers to all necessary arrangements required to conduct a business. It
refers to all those steps that need to be undertaken for establishing relationship between men,
material, and machinery to carry on business efficiently for earning profits. This may be called
the process of organising. The arrangement which follows this process of organising is called a
business undertaking or organisation.


While establishing a business the most important task is to select a proper form of organisation.
This is because the conduct of business, its control, acquisition of capital, extent of risk,
distribution of profit, legal formalities, etc. all depend on the form of organisation.
The most important forms of business organisation are as follows:
 Sole Proprietorship
 Joint Hindu Family Business
 Partnership
 Joint Stock Company
 Co-operative Society


A Joint Stock Company form of business organisation is a voluntary association of persons to
carry on business. Normally, it is given a legal status and is subject to certain legal regulations. It
is an association of persons who generally contribute money for some common purpose. The
money so contributed is the capital of the company. The persons who contribute capital are its
members. The proportion of capital to which each member is entitled is called his share,
therefore members of a joint stock company are known as shareholders and the capital of the
company is known as share capital. The total share capital is divided into a number of units
known as ‘shares’. You may have heard of the names of joint stock companies like Tata Iron &
Steel Co. Limited, Hindustan Lever Limited, Reliance Industries Limited, Steel Authority of
India Limited, Ponds India Limited etc.


When the ownership and management of business are in control of one individual, it is known as
sole proprietorship or sole trader ship. It is seen everywhere, in every country, every state,
every locality. The shops or stores which you see in your locality — the grocery store, the
vegetable store, the sweets shop, the chemist shop, the paanwala, the stationery store, the
STD/ISD telephone booths etc. come under sole proprietorship. It is not that a sole trader ship
business must be a small one. The volume of activities of such a business unit may be quite
large. However, since it is owned and managed by one single individual, often the
size of business remains small.


In order to avoid any possible confusion and conflict, each member of an organization must
received orders and instructions only from one superior (boss).
1. Define planning?
Planning is an intellectual process, the conscious determination of course of action,
the basing of decisions on purpose, facts and considered estimates – koontz.
2. List out the nature of planning?
1. Planning is an intellectual process.
2. Planning is a primary function
3. Planning is a continuous functions of management
4. Planning is an all managers function.
5. Planning is goal oriented.
6. Planning is future oriented.
7. Planning involves Decision making.
3. What is planning premises?
“Planning premises are defined as the anticipated environment in which plans are
expected to operate .
Types of planning premises.
1. Internal and External premises
2. Controllable and Uncontrollable premises.
3. Quantitative and Qualitative premises.

4. List out steps in planning?

1. Being aware of opportunity
2. Setting objectives (or) goals
3. Considering planning premises
4. Identifying Alternatives
5. Comparing alternative in light of goals sought
6. Choosing an alternative
7. Formulating supporting plans
8. Number zing plans by making Budgets.
5. List out types of planning?
1. Purpose
2. Objectives
3. Strategic
4. Policies
5. Procedures
6. Rules
7. Programs
8. Budgets

6. Define Objectives
Objective (or) goals are the ends towards which activity is aimed.
7. List out types of objectives ?
1. long term objectives
2. Short term objectives
3. Quantitative and objectives
4. verifiable and non verifiable objectives.

8. Define MBO: (Management by objective)

“Koontz and waiflike “
“MBO is a comprehensive manner and that is consciously directed toward the effective
and efficient achievement of organizational and individual objectives.

9. What are the limitations of MBO?

1. Failure to tech the philosophy of MBO
2. Failure to give guidance to goal setters
3. Difficulty of setting goals
4. Danger of inflexibility
5. Time Consuming.
10. What are the limitations of MBO?
Policies may be defined as guides to thinking and action of those who have to make
decision in the guess of accomplishment of the enterprise objective.
Types of policies:
1. Internal policies.
2. External policies
3. Appealed policies
4. Explicit policies
5. Implied policies

11. Define strategy:

Strategy is defined as “General programs of action and deployment of resources to attain
comprehensive objectives.”

12. List out types of strategy

1. Corporate level strategy.
2. Business level strategy.
3. Functional level strategy.

13. Define decision and decision making.

A decision may be defined in terms of commitment of resources, raw materials,
machinery, finance, time effort etc. in a particular channel of thinking and action.
“Decision making is a process of selecting the best alternative course of action, from
among a number of alternative to achieve the enterprise goals.”

14. List out types of decision making.

1. Programmed and non programmed decisions
2. Major and minor decision.
3. Routine / Operational and strategic decisions.
4. Individual and group decision.
5. Organizational and personal decisions.
1. Define Organizing?
 Organizing means the identification and classification of required Activities.
 The grouping of Activities necessary to attain objectives is known as organizing.
2. What is meant by formal organization?
Formal organization means the intentional structure of roles in a formally organized
3. What is meant by informal organizational?
The functions of the executive, describe informal organization as any joint personal
activity without conscious joint purpose, even though contributing to joint Results.
4. Define functional Department.
Grouping activities in accordance with the functions of an enterprise, is known as
functional Departmentation.
5. State the problem with matrix management.
Because of the potential conflict, Managers may want to protect themselves against
blame by putting everything in writing, which increases administration cost.
Matrix organization requires many, time consuming meeting.
6. Write the guidelines for making matrix management effective.
 define the objectives of the project or task.
 Clarify the roles, Authorities and Responsibilities, of managers and team members.
 Ensure that influence is bases on knowledge and information, rather than on rank.
 Balance the power of functional and project managers.
 Select an experienced manager for the project who can provide leadership.
 Reward project managers and team members fairly.
7. What is meant by power?
Power a much broader concept than Authority, is the ability of individuals or groups to
induce or influence the beliefs or actions of other persons or groups.

8. Define Authority.
Authority in organization is the right in a position to exercise discretion in making
decisions affecting others. It is, of course, one type of power, but power in an organization

9. What is meant by coercive power?

Coercive power is still another type. Authority closely related to reward power and
normally arising from legitimate power, it is the power to punish, whether by firing a subordinate
or with holding a merit increases.

10. What is meant by scalar principle in organization?

A clearer the line of Authority from the ultimate management position in an enterprise to
every subordinate position, the clearer will be the responsibility for decision making and the
more effective will be organization communication.
1. Define Motivation :
Motivation is a set a of stimulating someone (or) oneself to get the desired course of action.
2. What are the factors affecting motivation?
i. Achievement, ii. Advancement, iii. Growth, iv. Recognition, v. Responsibility and
Authority in Relation to one’s job vi. Work itself.
3. State the theories of motivation.
1. Maslow’s hierarchy of need
2. Her berg’s motivation Hygiene theory
3. McClelland’s need theory
4. Equality theory
5. Vroom theory.
6. Expecting theory.
4. Explain Equality theory :
Equality is determined through the calculation of simple ratio

Outcomes by a person Outcomes by another person

 =

Inputs by person Inputs by another person

5. What are the three dimensions of motivation?

a. Physical dimension
b. Social dimension
c. Psychic and ideological dimension.
6. Define Leadership :
Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates (followers) to work with
7. State the functions of leadership.
1. Integrating and directing, 2. Develops Team spirit, 3. Arbitration, 4. To develop
environment conductive to work, 5. Acts as healthy link between top management and the work
8. What is the theory of leadership?
1. The trait theory, 2. The follower’s theory, 3. The situational theory and, 4. The system
9. Define Communication :
Communication is the sum of all the things one person does when he wants to create
understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic and
continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.
10. State the process of communication.
i. The sender, ii. Encoding, ii. The message, iv. The channel, v. Decoding, vi. The
receiver and, vii. Feedback.
11. What are the Barriers to communication :
1. Barriers in Organizational structure
2. Semantic barriers
3. difference in status (or) rank
4. Badly expensed message.
5. Faculty Translation.
12. State the types of communication :
1. Formal and information communication.
2. Oral and Written communication.
3. Upward, downward and lateral communication.
1. What is controlling?
The managerial function of controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in
order to make sure that that enterprise objective and the plans devised to attain them are
2. Write the process of controlling.
1. Establishing standards 2) Measuring performance against these standards. 3)Analyzing
the cause of deviations and 4) Correcting variations from standards and plan
3. What are the controlling Techniques?
1.PERT and CPM 2)
3. How to measure the performance?
i)Income II) expenses iii) Inventory iv) Quality of the product
4. What Does Multinational Corporation - MNC Mean?
A corporation that has its facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its home
country. Such companies have offices and/or factories in different countries and usually have a
centralized head office where they co-ordinate global management. Very large multinationals
have budgets that exceed those of many small countries.
5. What is international management?
6. What do you mean by globalization?
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and
aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on
political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being
in societies around the world.
7. What is liberalization?
Liberalization refers to a relaxation of previous government restrictions, usually in areas of social
or economic policy. In some contexts this process or concept is often, but not always, referred to
as deregulation.
Important Big Questions
1. Define planning what are the steps in planning?
2. Explain the process of MBO?
3. Explain the Strategic planning Process?
4. Describe the Decision making Process ?
5. Why is poor delegation of Authority often found to be the most important course of
managerial failure?
6. Explain briefly formal and informal organization.
7. Explain the Different types of Departmentation.
8. Distinguish between authoritarian, democratic and laissez – faire leadership styles and
their managerial implication.
9. Explain the expectancy model of motivation.
10. Describe the common barriers to effective interpersonal communication. How may there
barriers to overcome?
11. Explain Herberg motivation – Hygiene theory
12. Describe in detail about the different parts of communication models.
13. Define leadership. Explain fielder contingency approach to leadership.
14. Discuss the importance of communication in a modern industrial organization.
15. Explain different style of leadership based on authority.

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