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Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies

(Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering)

Year/Sem: E3-SEM2 Date: 22-2-2020
Subject: Computational approach in MME Time: 40 Minutes
Subject Code: MM4101 Max. Marks : 20 Marks

Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. (20 X 1 = 10 Marks)
1. Which of the following methods is guaranteed to converge
(a) newton’s method
(b) bisection method
(c) secant method
(d) none of the above

2. Which of the following methods converge slowly compared to other methods

(a) newton’s method
(b) secant method
(c) bisection method
(d) none of the above

3.The following iterative scheme is used in which of the following methods

Xn+1 = Xn - [ f(Xn) / f’(Xn)]
(a) newton’s method
(b) bisection method
(c) secant method
(d) none of the above

4. The following iterative scheme is used in which of the following methods

Xn+1 = Xn - [ (Xn - Xn-1) / (f(Xn) – f(Xn-1) )]
(a) newton’s method
(b) bisection method
(c) secant method
(d) all of the above

5. Which of the following method is based on approximating the graph of y = f(x) with a
tangent line
(a) newton’s method
(b) hybrid method
(c) fixed point iteration method
(d) all of the above
6. Which of the following is called a two point method
(a) newton’s method
(b) bisection method
(c) secant method
(d) all of the above

7. Which of the following methods require value of derivative of function

(a) newton’s method
(b) hybrid method
(c) fixed point iteration method
(d) all of the above

8. Which of the following methods converge fastest

(a) newton’s method
(b) secant method
(c) bisection method
(d) all converge at same time

9. Which of the following scilab commands is used to find the roots of a function
(a) solve
(b) fsolve
(c) sqrt
(d) none of the above

10. Which of the following scilab commands uses graphical method of finding roots of function
(a) fsolve
(b) solve
(c) plot
(d) roots

11. The following scilab console command

-->p = poly([1,2,3],'x','coeff')
Declares which of the polynomials below
(a) x + x^2 + x^3
(b) x + (2*x^2) + (3*x^3)
(c) 1 + (2*x) + (3*x^2)
(d) 3 + (2*x) + (x^2)
12. The following scilab console command
-->q = poly([1,2],'x','roots')
Declares which of the polynomials below
(a) 2 – (3*x) + (x^2)
(b) x^2 + (3*x) + 2
(c) x^2 + (2*x)
(d) (x^2) + (3*x) – 2

13. Which of the following commands is used to find the solution of a polynomials
(a) fsolve
(b) roots
(c) solve
(d) none of the above

14. To avoid factors with complex roots scilab has the following command
(a) polfact
(b) factors
(c) roots
(d) derivate

15. Dividing a polynomial of degree ‘n’ by one of the factors of polynomial to get polynomial of
degree ‘n-1’is called
(a) derivat
(b) factoring
(c) deflation
(d) division

16. The following algorithm describes which type of interpolation

Find the value of i that minimizes the distance |X-Xi|
Set Y= Yi
Interpolation will be constant near a sample point
(a) Polynomial interpolation
(b) Linear Interpolation
(c) Nearest neighbor interpolation
(d) Lagrange interpolation

17. The following algorithm describes which type of interpolation

Find k such that Xk < X < Xk+1
Set Y = Yk + (yk+1−yk)/(xk+1−xk) *( x−xk )
(a) Polynomial interpolation
(b) Linear Interpolation
(c) Nearest neighbor interpolation
(d) Lagrange interpolation
18. A polynomial of order ‘n-1’ can be drawn through n data points (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3, y3)…
(xn, yn) such that
y=p(x )=c1+ c2 x+ c3 x2+….+ cn xn−1
Which type of interpolation uses the above statements
(a) Monomial basis interpolation
(b) Lagrange interpolation
(c) Newtons polynomials
(d) Linear interpolation

19. A polynomial of order ‘n-1’ can be drawn through n data points (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3, y3)…
(xn, yn) such that
p(x)=y1 L1( x) + y2 L2( x) + y3 L3( x)
Which type of interpolation uses the above statements
(a) Monomial basis interpolation
(b) Lagrange interpolation
(c) Newtons polynomials
(d) Linear interpolation

20. A polynomial of order 2 can be drawn through 3 data points (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3, y3) such
P2(x) = y1 + f’(x) *(x-x1) + f”(x) * (x-x1)*(x-x2)
Analogous to second order Taylor series
Which type of interpolation uses the above statements
(a) Monomial basis interpolation
(b) Lagrange interpolation
(c) Newtons polynomials
(d) Linear interpolation

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