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The pyramidal tract

HIROSHI ASANUMA The Rockefeller University, New York, New York

CHAPTER CONTENTS "sensory" cortex (areas 1, 2, and 3) as well as from

regions located anterior to the motor cortex (e.g., area
Organization of Projection From Cerebral Cortex to Spinal Cord 6). Details of the distribution of cells of origin of the
Studies by cortical surface stimulation corticospinal tract are described in the chapter by
Studies by cortical depth stimulation
Microstructure of corticospinal projection Kuypers in this Handbook.
Projection to y-motoneurons Studies carried out by the Marchi method left many
Projections to spinal intemeurons unanswered questions, because this method necessi-
Pyramidal collaterals and branches within brain tates relatively large lesions in the cortex and stains
Afferent Inputs to Motor Cortex and Pyramidal Tract Neurons
General problems
only degenerating myelinated fibers. The pyramidal
Inputs from nucleus ventralis lateralis of thalamus tract, however, contains a large number of nonmyeli-
Peripheral inputs to motor cortex and pyramidal tract cells nated or thinly myelinated fibers, and myelinated
Pathways from periphery to motor cortex fibers lose their myelin sheath at their terminal
Functional significance of peripheral inputs to motor cortex branches. The use of the Nauta method (118) to trace
Inputs through association fibers
Inputs from sensory cortex unmyelinated as well as the terminal branches of
Inputs from association cortex degenerating fibers revealed finer details of pyramidal
Inputs through commisural fibers tract organization. At about the same time, advances
Function of Pyramidal Tract in electrical recording techniques made it possible to
trace single as well as groups of pyramidal tract fibers
electroanatomically. Furthermore the recent develop-
ment of the horseradish peroxidase technique has
THE PYRAMIDAL TRACT is by definition made up of all made it possible to determine the origin of neurons
those fibers that course longitudinally in the pyramids projecting to limited areas in the spinal cord. As a
of the medulla oblongata, regardless of their site of result of the application of these techniques, our
origin or termination. These fibers are thought to knowledge of the structure and function of the pyra-
originate from cell bodies in the cerebral cortex, and midal tract system is growing rapidly. The interpre-
most of them continue into the spinal cord to consti- tation of the results, however, needs to be done care-
tute the corticospinal tract. Some pyramidal tract fully because the structure and possibly the function
fibers leave the tract in the medulla and terminate at of the pyramidal tract vary with the species studied.
cranial nerve nuclei in the brain stem. The existence For example, in carnivores all or nearly all of the
of the pyramidal fiber bundle had been known for a pyramidal tract fibers terminate on spinal intemeu-
long time, but the importance of this tract was grad- rons (98), whereas in primates (22) and rodents (39)
ually recognized after the discovery of localization of some terminate directly on motoneurons. Because
motor function within the cerebral cortex by Fritsch most of the relevant experiments have been performed
and Hitzig in 1870 (53). After the introduction of the using cats and monkeys, results with these animals are
Marchi method around 1880 (25), the origin and the emphasized. The description of the experiments is
course of the pyramidal tract fibers were studied ex- limited in this chapter; therefore readers interested in
tensively. As early as 1889 Sherrington observed that the details should refer to the original reports. Some
after lesion of the leg or arm area of the "motor" of the excellent reviews published recently are listed
co~ex in monkeys and dogs, the number of degener- in GENERAL REFERENCES.
atmg fibers markedly diminished at the lower portions
of the lumbar or cervical enlargment, respectively ORGANIZATION OF PROJECTION FROM
(135, 136). After repeated experiments by a number of CEREBRAL CORTEX TO SPINAL CORD
investigators using this method, it became clear that
although the majority of the fibers originate from the Studies by Cortical Surface Stimulation
classic motor cortex (or area 4 of Brodmann) a con-
siderable fraction of them arise from the ~rimary After the discovery in 1870 of a motor representation

in the cerebral cortex by Fritsch and Hitzig (53), contraction of a group of muscles (158). During the
attempts were made to define the location of the course of his study with the chimpanzee and gorilla,
motor cortex using electrical current. As early as 1875 Sherrington (137) noted that the effect produced by
Ferrier (45) was able to draw a remarkably detailed cortical stimulation was always coordinated contrac-
"motor map" (using faradic current instead of galvanic tion of muscles. He also stated that "by cortical stim-
current, as used earlier by Fritsch and Hitzig), al- ulation, the true antagonists were never thrown into
though this map included precentral, parietal, and also simultaneous activity." Similar observations were re-
temporal lobes (Fig. 1A). As time went on the methods ported by other investigators, and it was agreed that
of stimulation and anesthesia were progressively im- to produce solitary contraction of a muscle by cortical
proved, so that by the turn of the century the area (surface) stimulation was very difficult. It should be
representing motor function had shrunk to roughly noted, however, that there were many limitations in
that seen in current textbooks (Fig. IB). During this pursuing these experiments. The stimulation used at
early stage of investigation, it was frequently asked that time was faradic current produced by induction
whether the structural organization of the motor cor- coils. With this instrument, frequency and duration of
tex is in accord with Hughlings Jackson's idea of the pulses were determined by the rate of vibration of
"minute representation." Strongly influenced by his the contact breaker, whereas the intensity was varied
contemporary evolutionists, Jackson proposed that by changing the distance between two coils. Because
the central nervous system is organized in a hierarchi- of the sparking at the make and break of the circuit,
cal fashion, i.e., the cerebral cortex controls the least however, accurate control of stimulus parameters was
automatic movements, whereas automatic movements impossible. To make the situation worse, the only
are controlled by lower levels. According to this theory anesthetics available were chloroform and ether, with
there is widespread overlap in the representation of which control of the depth of anesthesia was very
muscles within the motor cortex. Each muscle would difficult. Altogether the results supported Jackson's
be represented repeatedly in various parts ofthe motor notion that movements rather than muscles are rep-
cortex, and a group of corticofugal neurons located in resented in the motor cortex, i.e., "the nervous system
a small area of the cortex would project to various knows nothing of muscles and thinks in terms of
motor nuclei at several levels of the spinal cord. Hence movement" (158).
stimulation of a small area of the cortex would produce In 1947 Chang et al., aided by the rapid progress of

Toes Sulcus
Ankle,', I cen~.olos
Anus 8< Vagina" "

E!lelod /
Nose I \ ' Sulcus centrolis
Vocal \
co.ds Masbcation

FIG. 1. A: Ferrier's historic map of motor representation of monkey brain (46). 1, Opposite hindlimb
is advanced as in walking. 2, Flexion with outward rotation of thigh, rotation inward of leg, with
flexion of toes. 3, Tail. 4, Opposite arm is adducted, extended, and retracted; hand pronated. 5,
Extension forward of opposite arm; a, b, c, d, movements of fingers and wrists. 6, Flexion and spination
of forearm. 7, Retraction and elevation of angle of mouth. 8, Elevation of ala of nose and upper lip. 9
and 10, Opening of mouth with protrusion, 9, and retraction, 10, of tongue. 11, Retraction of angle of
mouth. 12, Eyes open widely, pupils dilate, and head and eyes turn to opposite side. 13 and 13', Eyes
move to opposite side. 14, Pricking of opposite ear, head and eyes turn to opposite side, pupils dilate
widely. B: motor representation in brain of chimpanzee. Left hemisphere viewed from side and above
to obtain best configuration of sulcus centralis area. Motor area indicated by stippling. Shaded
regions, marked EYES, indicate portions of cortex that yield conjugate movements of eyeballs under
faradization. S.F., superior frontal sulcus; S.Pr., superior precentral sulcus; I.Pr., inferior precentral
sulcus. [A from Ferrier (46); B from Sherrington (137).]

electrical techniques, made an important observation s s

(33). They were able to control the stimulus param-
eters, i.e., frequency, intensity, and pulse duration,
independently and were able to elicit an isolated re-
sponse of a single muscle without the simultaneous
contraction of any of the other muscles under obser-
vation (Fig. 2). The results clearly demonstrated top-
ographical representation of muscles within the motor

cortex, although the mode of representation was dif-
ficult to assess. They concluded that the Betz cells (by
which they meant pyramidal tract cells) for a partic-
ular muscle were distributed over an area of the cortex
with the highest cell concentration located at a partic-
ular focus within this area.
Another complication relating to the use of cortical
• H •
• 0
+ •

surface stimulation is the difficulty of determining
which neuronal element is activated when electrical
current is passed from the surface. Patton and Amas-
sian (123), using monkeys, studied this problem by
recording corticofugal volleys elicited by bipolar cor-
tical stimulation. They recorded a stable, short-la- ~
tency, short-duration, positive deflection (D-wave),
which was followed by a series of irregular rhythmic
waves (I-waves) lasting for several milliseconds (Fig. FIG. 3. Pyramidal tract responses (R) to stimulation (8) of motor
cortex and white matter in monkey. Recording electrode in lateral
column of spinal cord at fIrst cervical segment. Downward deflection
indicates positivity at electrode in pyramidal tract. Time: 1 ms.
.... \ Direct (D) and indirect (I) waves present at left, whereas only D-
o ., wave at right. [From Patton and Amassian (123).]
'. • Belz cell for Il'IJscle I
o Belz cell for Il'IJsde 2
o 1
G Belz cell for muscle 3 3). They presented convincing evidence that the first
• Belz cell for muscle 4 wave was elicited by direct activation of pyramidal
tract neurons and the later waves were caused by their
indirect excitation. The results clearly indicated that
"bipolar" cortical surface stimulation excites pyrami-
dal tract neurons directly and also synaptically
through cortical intemeurons.
This combined direct and synaptic activation of
M.I pyramidal tract neurons would complicate the inter-
pretation of experiments using cortical surface stimu-
lation. These interpretative difficulties were reduced
"'.2 by the efforts of Phillips and his collaborators (67, 87).
Instead of using bipolar stimulation, Hem et al. (67)
used monopolar anodal stimulation and were able to
_ _ _ _ ---A- activate pyramidal tract neurons only directly. Using
"'.3 this technique of monopolar stimulation, Landgren et
al. (87) recorded monosynaptic excitatory postsyn-
".4 _--L aptic potentials (EPSPs) from cervical motoneurons
in the monkey. Instead of simply mapping the low-
Focus A Focua B threshold areas on the cortex, they measured the size
limillli medium strona Iimillli medium strona
stim. stim. stim. stim. stim. stim. of EPSPs elicited in a given motoneuron by an elec-
FIG. 2. Diagrammatic representation of hypothetical distribu-
trode moved over the cortical surface to determine the
tion of pyramidal tract cells for individual muscles. Cell group for extent of current spread within the cortex. Then they
each muscle has focal distribution and overlapping fringe. Each calculated the focal areas. They concluded that in
symbol represents a pyramidal tract cell. Large concentric circles about one-half of the instances studied, colonies of
are spheres of excitation. Expected contraction of muscles to cortical pyramidal tract neurons that projected monosynapti-
stimulation at different strength shown by myograms in lower
portion, in which magnitude of contraction is determined by number cally to single spinal motoneurons were confined
of pyramidal tract cells involved in sphere of excitation. [From within narrow foci having a cross-sectional diameter
Chang et al. (33).] of the order of 1.0 mm (Fig. 4). In the remainder of

those of Landgren et al, (87), who reported that about

one-half of cervical motoneurons studied received
monosynaptic inputs from a restricted cortical area.
The results also are not concordant with those of
Chang et al, (33), who reported that isolated contrac-
tion of single muscles could be elicited by stimulation
of circumscribed cortical areas. These apparently con-
tradictory results have been to some extent resolved
by Asanuma et al, (13), who demonstrated that the
surface threshold currents (0.3 rnA) for activating a
given pyramidal tract cell did not change within an
area of 2.0 mm in diameter, With 004 rnA, individual

pyramidal tract cells could be activated from areas as

, wide as 4 mm in diameter. This was partly due to the
, activation of pyramidal axon collaterals that were
found to spread nearly LO mm from the cell body and
, , '0' to have an excitability as high as the cell or initial
10 5 0 5 10 segment of the axon. These experiments were carried
out using cats. Because it is known that minimum
thresholds for activating pyramidal tract cells from
FIG. 4. Amplitude change of monosynaptic excitatory postsyn- the surface of the cortex are approximately equal in
aptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded in radial motoneuron of baboon. cats (67) and monkeys (66), the projection areas re-
Amplitude plotted against distance from best point. Large curves, ported by Jankowska et al, (75) could have been
stimulus 1.3 rnA; small curves, stimulus 0.75 rnA; membrane poten-
tial -66 mY. Dotted line, points along line at right angles to smaller than they estimated. Asanuma et al, (13) con-
Rolandic fissure; unbroken line, points parallel to Rolandic fissure. cluded that surface stimulation could not resolve the
Upper right: points of stimulation around Rolandic fissure. Large question as to whether a single muscle is represented
circle, best point. Arcs show farthest limits of cell populations in the motor cortex,
excited by stimuli applied at points of zero synaptic action on test
motoneuron. [From Landgren et al. (87).]
Apart from this question of single muscle represen-
tation, investigators have generally agreed that motor
function is represented topographically within the cor-
the cases, however, these colonies were widespread in tex, This organization has been studied most exten-
the motor cortex, Jankowska et aL (75) restudied the sively by Woolsey and his collaborators (163), who
same problem in lumbar motoneurons of the monkey performed comparative studies on the localization of
using computer averaging technique, They stimulated cortical sensory and motor functions. A typical exam-
the surface of the cortex with single anodal pulses of ple of their results is shown in Figure 6, They also
near-threshold strength for pyramidal tract cells (004- studied the origin of the pyramidal tract, As already
0,5 rnA), assuming that the spread of current was stated, the Marchi method reveals only the degener-
limited to within a distance of LO mm from the elec- ating myelinated fibers, In addition, because only
trode, The area of origin of pyramidal tract cells about 10% of the pyramidal fibers are large enough
projecting to a given motoneuron was defined as that (> 51l.m) to show up with this technique (89), accurate
area from which were evoked EPSPs of at least 30% location of the origin of the smaller fibers was uncer-
the amplitude of the largest monosynaptic EPSPs, tain. Woolsey and Chang (162) developed an elegant
They reported that cortical areas projecting to a mo- method of stimulating the medullary pyramid and
toneuron were remarkably large, most often between then examined the distribution of antidromically
3 mm 2 and 7 mm 2 (Fig, 5). They also reported that evoked potentials on the surface of the cortex. As
areas of location of pyramidal tract cells projecting to shown in Figure 7, these potentials are not restricted
various motoneurons innervating one muscle were to the precentral (primate) or pericruciate (carnivore)
usually not identical. These areas often overlapped gyrus, the sites of the classic motor cortex, but spread
only partially or did not overlap at all. A problem in over the sensory as well as premotor areas. From these
the interpretation of their results (75) is that if each findings, as well as from the known evidence that
area actually occupies 3-7 mm 2 (average of 5 mm 2 ) stimulation of the sensory cortex with stronger cur-
and there is no overlap, then the total area necessary rents can produce movements and that peripheral
for innervating even one motoneuron pool [260 a- nerve stimulation evoked potential changes in the
motoneurons in medial gastrocnemius nucleus (31)] motor cortex, Woolsey (161) proposed the terminology
becomes so large that it cannot be fitted into the sensory-motor and motor-sensory to describe the clas-
motor cortex. Therefore some assumptions are neces- sic sensory and motor cortices, respectively. These
sary, such as the possibility that only a small fraction terms are still used by many investigators and need to
of motoneurons receives cortical innervation. Another be distinguished from the also-common term sensori-
difficulty is that the results apparently differ from motor, which refers to the sensory plus motor cortices.

A 0·4 rnA ' _ 6 B 0·5 rnA ----- 6

FIG. 5. Area of origin of pyramidal tract

cells projecting to a lateral gastrocnemius
motoneuron in monkey. A, B: averaged rec-
-I'-- 3 ords of postsynaptic potentials evoked from
indicated electrode positions by 0.4 and 0.5
rnA, respectively. C, D, E: comparison of
total projection areas and areas from which
2 largest excitatory postsynaptic potentials
1·5· (EPSPs) were evoked at O.4-mA strength
for illustrated lateral gastrocnemius moto-
L L L neuron and for motoneurons to synergistic
6 muscles (MG, medial gastrocnemius; PI,
C 6 D 6 E plantaris) and to antagonistic muscle (DP,
5 5 5 deep peroneal). [From Jankowska et a1.
4 (75).]
4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0
R 6 5 4 321 0 R6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Studies by Cortical Depth Stimulation of interpretation of the results of surface stimulation

experiments mentioned earlier. To activate pyramidal
Although Betz cells are known as the origin of fibers tract neurons, the current has to travel at least 1.2 mm
in the pyramidal tract, these cells contribute only 3% from the surface and when the neuron is located deep
or 4% of the total pyramidal fibers (89). They have in the sulcus, the distance is even greater. This large
been identified as a part of the origin of the tract by distance created ambiguity in the attempts to localize
the occurrence of retrograde cellular changes after motor function because of uncertainties about the
pyramidal section. The difficulty intrinsic to this effective current spread. The difficulty has been over-
method is that not all affected cells present changes come by directly stimulating the depth of the cortex
that are definite enough to permit recognition. This is through metal microelectrodes. Stoney et al. (141)
particularly true with small pyramidal tract cells. Be- could excite pyramidal tract cells directly and/or syn-
cause of these limitations, the analysis of the laminar aptically through a microelectrode with currents of
distribution of pyramidal tract cells had been limited only microamperes, less than one-hundredth of the
to physiological experiments in which the depth dis- current necessary to activate the same cells from the
tribution of antidromic unitary activities was exam- surface. Because the current necessary for activating
ined. In the early stages of microelectrode experi- pyramidal tract cells was so weak, it could be delivered
ments, there were reports that pyramidal tract cells through fine microelectrodes that were also able to
were located in both layer III and layer V. The latest record unit spikes. By using a pair of microelectrodes,
and most extensive analysis made using microelec- one for microstimulation of and the other for extra-
trode techniques (71), however, suggests that at least cellular recording from a given pyramidal tract cell,
the majority of pyramidal tract cells, both large and Stoney et al. were able to examine the spread of
small, are located in layer V in the monkey. Using stimulating current within the cortex. Negative cur-
retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase after rent was found to be more effective for depth stimu-
injections into the spinal cord, Coulter et al. (36) were lation. When the stimulating current was restricted to
able to stain large- and medium-sized pyramidal tract 10 /LA or less (0.2-ms duration), direct excitation was
cells in cats and monkeys and reported that they were limited to those cells located within a distance of less
all located in layer V. This study strongly supported than 0.1 mm, and synaptic activation was limited to
the conclusion that all corticospinal tract fibers origi- within a radius of less than 0.5 mm.
nate from pyramidal-shaped cells in layer V. They are Utilizing the intracortical microstimulation tech-
located at a depth of 1.2-2.0 mm from the surface in nique, Asanuma and his collaborators examined the
the monkey and slightly shallower in the cat because localization of motor function in the cat (12) and the
of its thinner motor cortex. monkey (10). Figure 8 shows an example of the results
These findings may explain some of the difficulties obtained using anesthetized cats, where the' effects of

A 8
FIG. 7. Distribution of potentials produced by antidromic activation of pyramidal tract neurons by
stimulation of medullary pyramid in cat, A, and monkey, B. Potentials are not restricted to motor
cortex. [From Woolsey and Chang (162).]

microstimulation were monitored by its facilitation or ranged from 0.5 mm to a few millimeters, the average
inhibition of spinal monosynaptic reflexes. At the being about 1.0 mm, and the fringes overlapped with
depths from 0.5 rom to 1.1 mm, 20-ItA stimulation those of neighboring sectors. Figure 9 shows an ex-
facilitated extensor digitorum longus (wrist dorsi- ample of such a sector, which was termed a "cortical
flexor) reflexes with the lowest threshold at 1.0 rom. efferent zone." The lowest threshold points in adjacent
At this depth, stimulation with 20 itA also facilitated penetrations were located along a line parallel to the
extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi radialis re- radial fibers, and the threshold increased rapidly as
flexes. Weak stimulation (less than 10 itA), however, the electrode was moved. At the fringes thresholds
produced the effect only on extensor digitorum longus suddenly rose to greater than 20 itA. A similar arrange-
reflexes. This is the major difference between the ment was found in the monkey cortex. In these exper-
effects of microstimulation and surface stimulation. iments (10) the effect of cortical stimulation was mon-
Usually threshold microstimulation produces the ef- itored by electromyographic recordings as well as by
fect only in one motoneuron pool, whereas surface observing movement of fingers. In adjacent penetra-
stimulation, even with threshold intensity, produces tions the effective sites for eliciting extension and
effects in more than one motoneuron pool. It was also adduction of the thumb were located in an area par-
shown that the effect of microstimulation was abol- allel to the radial fibers in the gray matter (Fig. lOA).
ished by pyramidal section (12). Altogether, the results When the stimulus intensity was doubled (Fig. lOB),
suggested that there are aggregates of pyramidal tract the distribution of the effective sites was more com-
cells in small areas of the cortex which send their plicated. The area for thumb flexion expanded into an
axons to particular motoneuron pools, and also sug- irregular shape, and two areas for thumb abduction
gested that these cells are intermixed with others were found. The authors suggested that the abduction
projecting to different motoneuron pools. In the ex- of the thumb produced by stimulation of the second
ample shown in Figure 8, the area for the extensor area was possibly due to the sum of the contractions
digitorum longus was limited to a small focus, but the caused by simultaneous activation of neighboring ex-
area for the extensor carpi uloaris was wider and had tension and flexion zones.
two foci. In their experiments Asanuma and collaborators
Asanuma and Sakata (12) were also able to delineate (10, 12) used only weak intracortical microstimulation
the extent of low-threshold cortical areas that facili- of 10 ~ or less and identified only the lowest threshold
tated a particular monosynaptic reflex in the cat. The efferent zones. On the other hand, Andersen et al. (7),
lowest threshold sites were confined within a sector using stronger intracortical stimuli (80 itA or less) in
that extended along the direction of the radial fibers the lightly anesthetized monkey, were able to activate
in the gray substance. The diameter of the sectors the same muscle units from different cortical foci,

FIG. 6. Composite figurine charts of precentral and supplementary motor areas of monkey brain
derived from several experiments in which left cortex was mapped by systemic punctuate electrical
stimulation. C, central sulcus; area between C and C' folds down to depth of sulcus. d, Medial edge of
hemisphere; area between e and e' is supplementary motor area located on medial surface of
hemisphere. Except for responses from points in ipsilateral motor face area (at extreme left), muscle
responses are on right side of body. Strongest and earliest movements indicated in solid, intermediate
in cross-hatching, and weakest in stippling. Symbols with crosses on ankles indicate eversion of foot;
symbols with open centers on hip and ankle signify adduction and inversion; curved lines with arrows
designate rotation. e, Sulcus cinguli; i, inferior precentral sulcus. [From Woolsey et al. (163).]


xECU /

z 6 CEOC
o 7
~ 8
t: 10

!§ 12



0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 mm


FIG. 8. Threshold changes for facilitation or inhibition of 4 spinal monosynaptie reflexes during
insertion of stimulating microelectrode into cortex in cat (top right inset). Ordinates, threshold
currents (p.a) for just-observable facilitation (upper graph) and inhibition (lower graph). Note that
graphs symmetrically reach maximum current of 20 /La bordering hatched area, which indicates no
effects with stimulation of 20 /La. EDL, extensor digitorum longus; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; ECR,
extensor carpi radialis; EDC, extensor digitorum communis. [From Asanuma and Sakata (12).]

although with different thresholds. Using squirrel be given to the extent of effective spread of such
monkeys, Strick and Preston (147) examined the dis- repetitive stimulation and to the means by which it
tribution of efferent zones with weaker current of 10 activates corticofugaI neurons. From the time of some
/-LA or less. They reported that finger areas and wrist of the earliest studies utilizing intracortical micro-
areas were mutually intercalated with small bands of stimulation, it has been known that even weak stimuli
0.25-mm width. The same movement was represented may excite pyramidal tract neurons not only directly
twice in the small area of the motor cortex. The but also synaptically (141). For the purpose of exam-
difference in thresholds reported by Andersen et aI. ining the relative contributions of these modes of
(7) may indicate that the density of neurons projecting activation, Jankowska et al. (74) recorded descending
to a particular motoneuron pool varies among the volleys from the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord
different foci. Kwan et aI. (86), using unanesthetized following cortical stimulation. As shown in Figure 11,
awake monkeys, mapped motor representation with the direct response did not change much during repet-
the microstimulation technique. They reported that itive stimulation, but the indirect (synaptic) responses
finger zones were tightly clustered in a central area to the second and third stimulus presentations were
surrounded by loci evoking movement about the wrist. much larger. Similar results were reported by Asan-
They concluded that there is a nested-ring organiza- uma et al. (13), whose studies showed that micro-
tion of the forelimb zones in the motor cortex such stimulation delivered to the pyramidal tract cell layer
that a cortical zone controlling movement of a distal produced both direct and indirect descending volleys,
joint is partly encircled by the zone controlling a more but only indirect waves when delivered to the super-
proximal joint. The microstimulation method has thus ficiallayers. During repetitive stimulation, the synap-
enabled the delineation of progressively finer details tic responses were grouped in one volley after each
of organization of efferent zones in the motor cortex. stimulus. Judging from the latencies, Jankowska et al.
To evoke motor effects from the cortex necessitates (74) concluded that "practically all of the earliest
repetitive stimulation. Therefore consideration must indirect and a great part of the later responses" were

6 4 3
- .........
~ Post·cruci ate Pre·cruclate

76 2
• ••••


mm 5 mm
FIG. 9. Distribution of low-threshold points for facilitation of monosynaptic reflexes in medianus
pronator nerve (pronator of wrist). A: tracks that passed low-threshold points of less than 20 lUi. Each
track number corresponds to surface position shown in B. Numbers along penetrations show threshold
currents. [From Asanuma and Sakata (12).]

induced monosynaptically. If an indirect (and mainly synaptic postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in neurons of
monosynaptic) activation of pyramidal tract cells is the same layer as well as in the superficial layers, and
the predominant effect of intracortical microstimula- the horizontal spread was wider. This wider spread
tion, it becomes important to consider the extent of was mostly inhibitory, however. Microstimulationalso
the monosynaptic spread from the site of stimulation. produced polysynaptic PSPs in neurons of wider areas,
It is known that neurons in the cerebral cortex are but the effects beyond the monosynaptic range were
connected predominantly in the radial direction (99), predominantly inhibitory. Hess et al. (68) microion-
with the spread of fibers in the horizontal direction tophoretically ejected small amounts of glutamate into
being limited to a short distance (35, 99, 149) except the visual cortex in the cat to excite a small group of
for layer I. Figure 12 shows cells and their intercon- neurons and reported that the effects upon neighbor-
nections in the neocortex as drawn by Szentagothai ing cells were predominantly inhibitory. The possibil-
(149). The connections are mostly in the radial direc- ity that association fibers produce corollary activation
tion, and the only horizontal spread is in the deep of neurons in distant regions of the motor cortex seems
layer by basket cells, which probably act as inhibitory small, because a microlesion of the motor cortex pro-
neurons. As the motor effects of microstimulation duces degenerating fibers only in the vicinity of the
appear from layer II or deeper, the horizontal spread lesion (55). Taken together, the results suggest that a
of impulses in these layers is of interest. This has been train of microstimulation pulses activates corticofugal
studied by Asanuma and Rosen (11) by stimulating neurons mostly transsynaptically, but also suggest
the cat cortex with a microelectrode at various depths that these activated neurons are located within a
and recording postsynaptic potentials from nearby horizontal radius of about 0.5 mm from the stimulating
neurons through another electrode. They found that electrode.
monosynaptic spread from the superficial layers (II, Recent development in anatomic techniques has
III) was limited to neurons located within a horizontal made it possible to examine the structural basis for
distance of 0.5 mm from the stimulation site. Stimu- the localization of motor function. Using the Nauta
lation of the deep layers (V and VI) produced mono- method, Kuypers and Brinkman (85) showed that a

M-Cx M-Cx
4 5 10 15
4 5 10 15

FIG. 10. Distribution of effective spots for pro- \
ducing thumb movements within depth of motor
cortex. Effects examined at lOO-J.lm steps in each
penetration. A: Examined with stimulating current \
of 5 B: examined with 10; 0, thumb flexion;
0, thumb extention; ., thumb adduction; ., thumb \' \ 1111 11111 1111111111

abduction; -, spots of no effect. [From Asanuma

and Rosen (10).]

lesion in either the forelimb or hindlimb area of the minal branches of individual fibers left the body of the
precentral cortex produced degeneration of fibers at corticospinal tract and entered the spinal gray matter
all levels of the spinal cord but that the common at right angles over a distance of one to three segments
regions of distribution were restricted to parts of the and terminated on interneurons within the interme-
spinal gray matter outside the motor nuclei. Those diate zone (Fig. 13). These interneurons, in turn, pro-
fibers terminating within the cervical or lumbar motor jected from one to four segments rostral and caudal,
nuclei originated only from the respective forelimb or and frequently in both directions. Futami et al. (54)
hindlimb area of the precentral cortex. More recently, observed similar patterns of branching following injec-
Groos et al. (60) injected horseradish peroxidase into tions of horseradish peroxidase into single pyramidal
different spinal segments in the cat and observed that tract fibers in the spinal cord in the cat. These findings
5-10 labeled neurons formed clusters having diameters could be interpreted to indicate that some pyramidal
of 0.3-0.5 mm, which they interpreted as a sign of tract neurons exert influences on spinal motoneurons
functional subdivision within the motor cortex. Neu- located in a small area within one segment, whereas
rons projecting to the spinal enlargements were most others can exert the effects over as many as 6-8
abundant in area 4, the primary motor cortex; but segments through interneurons. As a given motor nu-
substantial populations of neurons were located also cleus that innervates a muscle extends from one to
in areas 1, 2, 3, and 6, and labeled neurons included three segments along the spinal cord (31, 132), the
large and small pyramidal cells of layer V. results suggest that some pyramidal tract neurons can
influence more than one motor nucleus. However,
Microstructure of Corticospinal Projection these studies were made with the cat, in which the
pyramidal tract is known not to make direct synaptic
Data presented in the preceding section lead to the connections with motoneurons (98), and there is a
conclusion that there is a fine localization of cortical possibility that some interneurons on which the py-
motor function at the level of individual muscles, ramidal tract axons terminate do not have connections
especially for the distal limb muscles. It cannot be with motoneurons. Subsequently Shinoda et al. (139)
concluded, however, that all projection neurons within performed electroanatomic experiments in monkeys
a given cortical efferent zone terminate only in a in which pyramidal tract cells were activated antid-
particular motoneuron pool. On the contrary, the ob- romicallY from branches located within spinal motor
servation that stronger microstimulation even at the nuclei. They found that about one-third of the pyra-
center of a cortical efferent zone produces contraction midal tract neurons sending axons to cervical motor
of more than one muscle suggests that neurons pro- nuclei also sent other axon branches to the lower levels
jecting to different motoneuron pools are intermixed of the spinal cord. Those pyramidal tract neurons
in a given efferent zone. terminating only within the cervical cord branched
In addition to this issue of the projections of neigh- extensively, and nearly one-half of the neurons distrib-
boring corticospinal neurons, there is the remaining uted axons to more than one segment. Some sent
fundamental question of whether or not individual branches as widely as three segments of the cervical
corticospinal neurons synapse only with motoneurons ventral horn. It was also found, however, that pyra-
innervating one muscle (41). Several attempts have midal tract neurons activated from the various motor
been made to answer this question. Scheibel and nuclei were not alike, i.e., those activated from within
Scheibel (134) stained terminal branches of presumed motor nuclei innervating distal forelimb muscles
corticospinal fibers of the cat using the Golgi-Cox branched significantly less than those activated from
method. They observed that both collateral and ter- nuclei innervating proximal muscles.

" ::

"4 1 '*-.'....... ..i'\..
C H FIG. 11. Descending volleys evoked by repeti-

~ -"'---:" ~'; tive intracortical stimulation in monkey. A, F: an-

..--'; .r \ r:""'
I ' " • tidromic potential from pyramidal tract cell. B-D,
D . , \j G-J: descending volleys evoked by increasing
( strength of stimulation at same electrode position
~ .~
... \1 as in A and F, recorded from lateral funiculus at
• 1 i ~
L,-L2• J: intracortical stimulation with same

-'r-'.~ ,/.j /1
J . '" ' strength as for D and I, but 300 Iill1 deeper. Super-
• r •
imposed traces at left and corresponding averaged
! ': V! / records at right. Amplitude of stimuli shown at
:i ' .: i:
-- ................... -- \;
...; . i
right, and their timing on lower traces in D and J.
Arrows indicate direct responses to cortical stim-
] ulation, negativity downward. [From Jankowska et
~V al. (74).]
-r-,--r 10 JlA

J'TT"'TTTTTT r Iii i I
1+S msec 1+S msec
(A-D) (F-J)

Fetz et al. (48, 49) studied this problem using a toneurons innervating different muscles, but they sug-
different approach. Their rationale was that because gest that at least some pyramidal tract neurons do so.
pyramidal tract neurons have direct connections with A natural question then arises regarding how these
motoneurons in primates, the activity of a given py- pyramidal tract neurons innervating various groups of
ramidal tract neuron would change the excitability of motoneurons are organized within the motor cortex to
the motoneurons upon which it terminated, so that produce movements. To investigate this question, As-
following the pyramidal tract neuron discharge, the anuma et al. (20), using anesthetized monkeys, re-
firing probability of these motoneurons would be in- corded antidromic spikes simultaneously from a group
creased. This change of motoneuronal firing frequency of pyramidal tract cells through an electrode placed in
would be detectable by averaging unitary electromy- a fixed position in the motor cortex and traced the
ograms. With this assumption, they implanted elec- branches of these pyramidal tract neurons in the spinal
trodes into various muscles of awake monkeys and cord. They made a grid of microelectrode insertions
could observe transient increases of electromyographic into the spinal cord and delivered weak stimulating
activity in more than one muscle following discharges currents to activate these pyramidal tract cells anti-
of individual pyramidal tract cells in the motor cortex. dromically. By adjusting the dimensions of the grid
The results suggested that at least some pyramidal and the intensity of stimuli, they could activate all
tract neurons send terminal branches to more than branches within given areas. Because the stimulating
one group of motoneurons innervating different mus- electrode could also be used to record antidromic field
cles. The results have to be interpreted with some potentials from spinal motor nuclei, they could relate
caution, however. It is known that a group of cortical the locations of pyramidal tract branches and of motor
neurons located within a limited area receive similar nuclei. An example of the results is shown in Figure
inputs in the sensory (70, 113) as well as in the motor 14. Four pyramidal tract cells were simultaneously
(27, 28, 133) cortices in both cats and monkeys. It is recorded through the same electrode, indicating that
possible that some pyramidal tract cells receive the these cells were located close together. Three of them
same inputs from the same source and produce syn- sent branches to the spinal motor nuclei as well as
chronous discharges, even if only occasionally. Be- outside the nuclei, and one, marked by the parallelo-
cause the averaging of the electromyograms was made gram, sent branches outside the nuclei only. As shown
for several thousands of pyramidal tract cell dis- in Figure 14A and summarized in Figure 14B, all three
charges, a possibility exists that the transient facilita- neurons sent terminal branches to nucleus extensor
tion in different muscles was produced by different digitorum brevis and all three passed through nucleus
pyramidal tract neurons. Although the authors (49) flexor digitorum longus. If the sites of synaptic con-
were aware of the problem, it is difficult to exclude tacts between pyramidal tract axons and motoneurons
this possibility completely. Thus, all the results until is limited only to soma or proximal dendrites, the
now are inconclusive as to whether a single pyramidal results could indicate that a given pyramidal tract
tract neuron terminates upon different groups of mo- neuron synapses with motoneurons innervating differ-

Assoc. call.

FIG. 12. Interconnections of some cell types in cerebral cortex. Two pyramidal cells shown in
laminae 3 and 5. Specific afferent fiber (spec. aff.) shown to excite stellate cell (SI), the axon of which
establishes cartridge-type synapses on apical dendrites. Specific afferent fiber also excites stellate
interneurons (S3) that give inhibition to pyramidal cells in adjacent cortical columns, indicated by
shadings. Sp, stellate pyramidal cells; S2, short axon inhibitory cells in lamina 2; S5, S6, interneurons
with ascending and descending axons. [From Szentligothai (149).]

ent muscles. The exact site of synaptic contact, how-

ever, is unknown, and if some pyramidal tract fibers m -------------- -----.- ((2)j~
synapse on distal dendrites, the location of apparent p ~---.
terminal branches does not reflect a connection be-
tween the pyramidal tract fibers and identified motor
nuclei. This caution is necessary because motoneu-
rons, especially those with large cell bodies, send den-
dritic branches several millimeters from the soma,
spreading even into the intermediate zone of the spinal
cord (134). With these limitations in mind, Asanuma
et al. (20) examined the distribution of spinal branches
of four groups of pyramidal neurons and found that in
all cases there was at least one motor nucleus in which
the majority of the neurons sent branches that either
terminated there or passed through. Because of tech- c
nical limitations they could not determine if those
fibers that passed through a common nucleus made
synaptic contacts with nearby neurons by short
FIG. 13. Terminal branches of pyramidal tract axons in lumbar
branches, but the possibility does exist. A similar cord of cat. Horizontal section cut slightly obliquely (inset diagram)
organization has been reported in the pyramidal tract showing relations of lateral corticospinal terminals (f') to propri-
system of the cat in which a group of pyramidal tract oneurons. Terminating corticospinal elements, c, project synapti-
neurons located close together tended to be activated cally upon lateral dendrites and somata of propriospinal neurons d
and e. At arrow, terminals from two different corticospinal fibers
antidromically by stimulation through the same elec- converge on same dendrite. Propriospinal neurons d and e project
trode in the spinal cord (138). The results altogether axons toward midline, m, and/or lateral propriospinal bundles, p, to
suggest that although pyramidal tract axons from a form secondary terminals, f2. [From Scheibel and Scheibel (134).]



l:r 1~1


o L-6 : : : I : :
: : I : : I
I , I I I
I 1 I I " I I I

111 Id 1:111 fl n
L-7 I I
1 I

:: : 1 : I I I I I : ' :
I I ,I' I I I I 1 I I I
I I I I I It' I I I I
I I I 1 I I I I I I I, I I I I

uuu u11 n11

I I I I I I I I , I 1 I I I 1 1
lil I I : :
11 ':
o S-l : I I I I I I


U1111 1-1 11

1°1 [lOmm
FIG. 14. Distribution of terminal branches of 4 pyramidal tract neurons in spinal cord. These 4
neurons recorded simultaneously through same cortical electrode. A: likely course of axonal branches
summarized in 4 representative transverse planes. Each neuron represented by different line and
symbol. B: areas of passage (open symbols) and termination (filled symbols) of axon collaterals in
ventral hom in relation to motor nuclei identified by antidromically evoked potentials. Continuous
bars, explored parts of spinal cord; dashed bars, unexplored areas; OTHER, those sites that
histological examination indicated as ventral horn, but antidromic stimulation of isolated motor
nerves did not identify nuclei. FDL, flexor digitorum longus; EDB, extensor digitorum brevis; EDL,
extensor digitorum longus; PER, peroneus; LG, lateral gastrocnemius; MG, medial gastrocnemius;
SOL, soleus; TIB, tibialis; 1.., sixth lumbar segment; L7 , seventh lumbar segment; S" first sacral
segment. [From Asanuma et al. (20).]

small area in the motor cortex project to a wide area still remained in question whether the effect was me-
in the spinal cord, there is a focal area to which they diated by this tract. Fidone and Preston (50), using
project most heavily. Figure 15 illustrates the above pyramidal cats, and Grigg and Preston (59), using
conclusion in a simplified form. pyramidal monkeys, examined cortical effects on y-
motoneurons. They dissected hindlimb nerves and
recorded unitary activities of both a- and y-fibers that
Projection to y-Motoneurons innervated the same muscle. They reported parallel
predominances of facilitation or inhibition on a- and
The cortical representation of y-motoneurons was y-motoneurons of the same muscle. They also showed
first studied by Mortimer and Akert (111) in anesthe- (59) that there were monosynaptic connections made
tized cats and monkeys. They recorded unitary activ- by fibers of the pyramidal tract upon y-motoneurons
ities from lumbosacral ventral root filaments and dif- in primates. Clough et al. (34) stimulated the motor
ferentiated a- and y-motoneurons by their physiolog- cortex in the baboon and recorded intracellularly from
ical properties. They reported that the cortical area, y-motoneurons that innervated distal forelimb mus-
which activated y-motoneurons, was comparable to cles. Of 19 y-motoneurons that they recorded, 6
the one for a-motoneurons in both species. Because showed EPSPs at monosynaptic latencies and 4
they did not section the pyramidal tract, however, it showed short-latency inhibitory postsynaptic poten-

the sensory cortex end dorsomedially in the cord, in

laminae IV, V, and VI of Rexed (131). Neurons in
these laminae transfer afferent impulses from the pe-
riphery to local spinal segments and to higher levels
of the central nervous system. The fibers from the
motor cortex end in laminae V, VI, and VII in the cat
(119) and end further ventrally to lamina IX in the
monkey (84), where motoneurons are located. These
branching patterns suggest that the pyramidal tract
functions not only in transferring corticofugal impulses
directly to motoneurons, but also functions in modu-
lating reflex activities of the spinal cord. Furthermore,
those pyramidal tract fibers arising from the sensory
cortex may influence the transmission of afferent im-
pulses to higher centers, including the motor cortex.
This problem was studied most intensively by Lund-
FIG. 15. Simplified diagram showing mode of pyramidal projec-
berg and collaborators (102,103). They produced con-
tion from motor cortex to spinal motor nuclei (MN). Group of vincing evidence that the pyramidal tract and group
pyramidal tract neurons located in small area of cortex project Ia muscle afferents converge on the group Ia inhibitory
primarily to given motor nucleus, but some send axons to another pathway in cats (103). They used the conventional
motor nucleus and some send branches to more than one motor
method of conditioning monosynaptic reflexes by var-
ious stimuli. As shown in Figure 16, the inhibitory
tials (IPSPs), probably elicited by disynaptic connec- effect produced by deep peroneal nerve stimulation is
tions. Although they did not use pyramidal baboons, greatly enhanced by cortical stimulation. Because the
the monosynaptic EPSPs indicated that the transmis- cortical effect disappeared after pyramidal section,
sion was via the pyramidal tract. Thus the results they attributed the effect to the pyramidal tract. In
demonstrate the existence of y-representation in the the succeeding study (102), in which recordings were
motor cortex and show that at least some corticofusi- made intracellularly from spinal interneurons, they
motor connections are made through the pyramidal were able to demonstrate the convergence of inputs
tract. The overlap of alpha and gamma representa- from the motor cortex with those from skin and muscle
tions suggests that there is an a-y-linkage at the cor- afferents. Although they did not use pyramidal cats in
tical level. this experiment, they concluded that the effect was
The activity of y-motoneurons may be inferred by mediated by the pyramidal tract based on the short
monitoring discharges of spindle afferents. Koeze et latencies of the PSPs, which did not allow time for a
al. (83) examined cortical effects on spindle afferents disynaptic connection from the cortex to the target
using prolonged repetitive stimulation in the baboon. interneurons. The control of the spinal cord from the
They found both excitatory and inhibitory effects, but higher centers, including the pyramidal tract, has been
because they did not use pyramidal animals, other reviewed by Lundberg (100, 101).
pathways may have been responsible for the effects. The effects of cortical stimulation on spinal reflexes
in pyramidal cats and baboons were studied exten-
Projections to Spinallnterneurons sively by Preston and collaborators (130). Using the
conditioning-testing method, they reported that the
Although there are direct connections between py- amount of facilitation or inhibition produced by cor-
ramidal tract fibers and motoneurons in primates (22), tical stimulation was different in different motoneuron
the majority of the fibers terminate on spinal inter- populations. The pyramidal effect was predominantly
neurons (25). Those terminating on motoneurons arise inhibitory for extensor motoneurons and predomi-
primarily from pyramidal tract cells in the limb area nantly facilitatory for flexor motoneurons in both cats
and terminate on motoneurons innervating limb mus- and monkeys. This pattern, however, was reversed in
cles (84,96). Recent evidence indicates that even those motoneurons of the baboon. Preston et al. argued that,
innervating motoneurons send other branches outside although both the cat and the baboon are considered
the motor nuclei (Fig. 14). In cats the direct connection to be quadrupeds, the baboon uses the forelimb in a
to motoneurons has not been demonstrated (98, 119). manner similar to that of the erect primates. Because
In his pioneering study, Lloyd (98) elegantly demon- of these considerations, they suggested that the motor
strated, using the pyramidal cat, that pyramidal vol- cortex inhibits the tonic activities of postural mecha-
leys reached motoneurons through interneurons lo- nisms to permit volitional movements to occur.
cated in the intermediate region of the spinal cord. Thus· results from various laboratories demon-
The distributions of pyramidal tract axons arising strated that the pyramidal tract not only excites par-
from the motor and the sensory cortices are different ticular motor nuclei, but also exerts influences on
in both the cat and the monkey, suggesting a difference postural mechanisms of the spinal cord through inter-
of function between the two groups: those arising from neurons. The manner in which these specific and

FIG. 16. Pyramidal effects on gastrocnemius-so-

leus, G-S, and deep peroneal, DP, monosynaptic
reflexes. Reflexes were recorded simultaneously at
two different sweep speeds. Upper traces, reflex
discharges in ventral root; lower traces, potentials
at dorsal root entry zone. A: unconditioned test
A , reflex. B: effect of conditioning G-S reflex with
maximal group Ia volley in DP. C, D: effect of train
of 6 stimuli to motor cortex on A and B. E-H:

H~ortell+ OP+
repetition of same series after transection of py-
ramidal tract shown in inset. [From Lundberg and

test -..-JL A Voorhoeve (l03).]

p •

10 msec 5 maee

general effects interact during natural movements is, ever, is limited to a narrow range of less than 1.0 mm
at present, rather difficult to assess. One of the seem- (99). Physiological experiments (13) have also dem-
ing paradoxes is that, although the electrophysiologi- onstrated that some pyramidal tract cells can be acti-
cal method has demonstrated connections between vated antidromically only from a horizontal distance
the pyramidal tract and various spinal neurons, a of less than 1.0 mm. The excitability of these axon
lesion of the pyramidal tract leaves very little func- collaterals is as high as the neuron somata or axon
tional deficiency. As is discussed in more detail in hillocks, and any cortical stimulation excites cell bod-
section FUNCTION OF PYRAMIDAL TRACT, p. 727, within ies and axon collaterals indiscriminately (13). A ques-
the first 24 h after a properly placed lesion, monkeys tion then arises as to the manner in which these axon
can stand, grip the cage, and take a few climbing steps collaterals influence neighboring corticofugal neurons.
(92). The only permanent deficiency is the loss of Do they excite the neighboring pyramidal tract cells
discrete usage of individual digits. These findings serve or do they inhibit them in a way similar to that in
to remind us that the pyramidal tract is not the only which spinal motoneurons inhibit the neighboring mo-
pathway from the higher central nervous system con- toneurons? Phillips (125) studied the problem by stim-
trolling the movements or modulating the postural ulating the pyramidal tract with a strength subthresh-
mechanisms of the spinal cord. To what extent the old for an intracellularly recorded pyramidal tract cell.
pyramidal tract participates in the postural control in Unlike ventral root stimulation, pyramidal stimulation
normal animals during willed movement is still in produced early depolarization followed by hyperpolar-
question. ization in the target cell. Later, Takahashi et al. (150)
demonstrated that this early EPSP is produced by
Pyramidal Collaterals and axon collaterals of slow pyramidal tract cells, which
Branches Within Brain synapse directly on the fast pyramidal tract cells.
Using lightly anesthetized cats or nonanesthetized cats
The pyramidal cells in layer V, including Betz cells, immobilized by coagulation of the brain stem, Stefanis
are known to send axon collaterals as far as layer II. and Jasper (140) examined the effect of repetitive
The horizontal spread of these axon collaterals, how- stimulation of the pedunculus upon pyramidal tract

neurons. They found that repetitive antidromic stim- inhibit neurons in the dorsal column nuclei, clearly
ulation greatly enhanced the recurrent inhibitory ef- demonstrating that the pyramidal tract can modulate
fect, which lasted several tens of milliseconds after activities of the sensory relay nuclei. Andersen et al.
stimulation. These inhibitory effects were frequently (6) showed that cortical stimulation could evoke de-
interrupted by facilitatory effects. They suggested that polarization of primary afferent fibers in the cat, and
the recurrent inhibition by pyramidal tract axon col- Fetz (47), using the same species, demonstrated that
laterals functions to increase the contrast between a at least a part of the depolarization was mediated by
central group of most active cells and the surrounding the pyramidal tract. The latter investigator also dem-
neurons. Using unanesthetized cats, Brooks and As- onstrated that pyramidal tract stimulation could ex-
anuma (26) examined the effect of pyramidal stimu- cite or inhibit neurons in the dorsal horn. From these
lation on the receptive fields of cortical neurons. They experiments it has become clear that some pyramidal
demonstrated that the size of receptive fields of py- tract neurons can influence the activities of various
ramidal tract neurons were reduced to the center of subcortical motor nuclei or sensory relay nuclei. Fur-
the fields during and after repetitive stimulation of the thermore, Zarzecki et al. (165) have shown that some
medullary pyramid. pyramidal tract cells in area 3a (63) send long axon
Besides the recurrent axon collaterals, pyramidal collaterals to the motor cortex. Yet there are demon-
tract axons send branches to various subcortical nu- strations that some corticofugal neurons projecting to
clei. Until recently it was difficult to determine the ventrolateral nucleus (23) and the dorsal column
whether the projection fibers to subcortical nuclei nuclei (57) do not project to the spinal cord. Anatomic
were branches of pyramidal tract neurons or inde- studies with horseradish peroxidase have revealed that
pendent fibers. Advances in electrophysiological tech- cortical cells projecting to the corpus striatum are
niques have made it possible to determine whether located in the superficial part of layer VI and also in
some of these projections are made by branches of the deeper part oflayer V in the monkey (76), whereas
pyramidal tract axons. Tsukahara et al. (155) stimu- the majority of corticocaudate projection cells are
lated the red nucleus in cats and were able to anti- located in layer III in the cat (81). Thus the results
dromically activate pyramidal tract cells identified by are still controversial, but it seems that at least some
prior pyramidal stimulation. They also demonstrated pyramidal tract fibers give off collaterals before reach-
that pyramidal stimulation could produce EPSPs and ing the medullary pyramid and send branches to var-
IPSPs in red nucleus neurons. Humphrey and Corrie ious subcortical nuclei. The functional significance of
made an extensive study on the branching of pyrami- these collateral branches are still unknown, but it may
dal tract axons by activating pyramidal tract cells from be said that activities of the pyramidal system are
the red nucleus in the monkey (71). They found that accompanied by corollary activities of the sensory and
the pattern of branching was different between fast other motor systems to produce purposeful move-
and slow pyramidal tract cells. About 20% of fast ments.
pyramidal tract cells that they examined sent branches
to the red nucleus, whereas only 8% of slow pyramidal AFFERENT INPUTS TO MOTOR CORTEX
tract cells sent branches. Because slow pyramidal tract AND PYRAMIDAL TRACT NEURONS
cells are more numerous than fast pyramidal tract
cells, they estimated that only about 10% of total General Problems
pyramidal tract cells send branches to the red nucleus. Inputs to the motor cortex have been studied less
In another study (72) they stimulated the pyramidal extensively than the outputs from the motor cortex,
tract and subcortical white matter after ablation of and they have been studied more anatomically than
the motor cortex in the monkey and reported that physiologically. Various methods, each with its own
subcortical stimulation exerted much bigger facilita- limitations, have been used to determine the connec-
tory effects upon red nucleus neurons. As subcortical tions. It is generally agreed that the motor cortex
stimulation activated pyramidal as well as nonpy- receives its main inputs from the thalamus. It also
ramidal inputs to the red nucleus, they concluded that receives projections from the ipsilateral hemisphere
the pyramidal collateral route is of only minor signif- through association fibers and from the contralateral
icance in activating red nucleus neurons. Endo et al. hemisphere through commissural fibers. Recent de-
(40) reported that some identified pyramidal tract cells velopments in autoradiography and horseradish per-
could also be antidromically activated from the corpus oxidase techniques have made it possible to study
striatum, ventrolateral or ventral posterolateral nu- further details of projections from various areas, and
cleus of the thalamus, the red nucleus, the reticular our knowledge is increasing rapidly.
formation, or the pontine nucleus. Some pyramidal
tract cells could be activated from more than one of Inputs From Nucleus Ventralis
these nuclei. In addition to the subcortical motor Lateralis of Thalamus
nuclei, pyramidal tract branches reach sensory relay
nuclei. Jabbur and Towe (73) stimulated the sensori- The motor cortex receives its major inputs from the
motor cortex in pyramidal cats and could excite or nucleus ventralis lateralis of the thalamus. Olszewski

(120) subdivided this nucleus into three main parts:

pars oralis, pars medialis, and pars caudalis in the
monkey. The largest subdivision is the pars oralis, and
it receives fiber connections from the cerebellar nuclei
and the globus pallidus. The pars medialis receives
fibers from the globus pallidus and the substantia
nigra. Corticofugal fibers from the precentral cortex
project to the pars oralis and the pars caudalis, con-
stituting reciprocal connections between the nucleus
ventralis lateralis and the cortex. It has been suggested
that there is a crude topographic organization within
the nucleus ventralis lateralis (157). Medial parts of
the nucleus send fibers to the face area, intermediate
parts to the arm and trunk area, and lateral parts to
the leg area of the cortex. Using the Fink-Heimer
method, Strick (142) studied the distribution of degen-
erating fibers from small regions of the nucleus ven-
tralis lateralis in the cat. He confirmed the existence
of crude topographic projection to the motor cortex,
and reported that the projection from a small area of 250 u
the nucleus ventralis lateralis was not restricted to a
small area of the motor cortex. A small lesion in the FIG. 17. Terminal intracortical domain generated by axon of
nucleus ventralis lateralis produced sparse degenera- single thalamic ventrolateral neuron shown in relation to large fifth-
tion spread over a relatively wide area of the motor layer pyramidal neuron. g, Gray matter-white matter junction.
cortex. Larger lesions increased the density of degen- Reconstruction at lower left shows single ventrolateral fiber system
projecting onto pericruciate gyrus, pc. Two of these tridimensional
eration within the same cortical area, indicating an plexuses are shown developing from same fiber via branch point, b;
extensive arborization of individual ventrolateral fi- young kitten cortex. c, Cruciate sulcus; m, medial; 1, lateral. [From
bers in the motor cortex. Massion and Rispal-Padel Scheibel and Scheibel, in Asanuma et al. (19).]
(108) examined the projection from nucleus ventralis
lateralis in cats using physiological methods. They axonal plexus in the lower two-thirds of the terminal
implanted several (12-16) stimulating electrodes into arbor suggested that contacts were most likely made
the depths of the motor cortex and examined the with some of the basal dendrites of pyramidal cells
distribution of neurons in the nucleus ventralis later- and with some of the oblique branches of the apical
alis activated antidromically from the individual elec- shafts. The majority of terminal branches were located
trodes. They also confirmed the existence of topo- in the superficial layers, which suggested that they
graphical relationships between the motor cortex and might have synaptic contacts with or climb along the
the nucleus ventralis lateralis and in addition found apical dendrites of large- and medium-sized pyramids.
that some ventrolateral neurons (8 of 29) could be Strick and Sterling (148) examined synaptic termina-
activated from more than one cortical stimulating site, tions of afferent fibers from the ventrolateral nucleus
clearly indicating that some neurons send branches to in cats using light microscopy and electron micros-
different parts of the motor cortex. Because the num- copy. They reported that following the ventrolateral
ber of the cortical electrodes was limited, it is likely lesion, degenerating synapses were mainly found in
that the actual ratio of the neurons with bifurcating three layers: the upper one-third oflayer I (18%), layer
axons is higher than they had observed. Subsequently III (66%), and layer VI (13%). Some of the synapses
Asanuma and Fernandez, in collaboration with Schei- were found on the dendritic shafts or cell bodies of
bel and Scheibel (19), studied the characteristics of stellate cells, but most (91%) were found on the den-
these projections in cats using physiological and ana- dritic spines. Because it is known that ventrolateral
tomic methods. They found that each terminal bush stimulation produces mono- and polysynaptic activa-
of these multiple branching neurons covers a much tion of pyramidal tract cells (5), it is likely that some
wider area than that covered by the specific projection of these degenerating fibers made synapses on the
fibers originating from the thalamic sensory relay nu- dendritic spines of pyramidal tract cells.
clei and project to their respective sensory cortices The nature of the afferent inputs to ventrolateral
(99). Scheibel and Scheibel (19) were able to stain neurons has been studied repeatedly (19, 106, 107),
these terminal bushes of young cats using the Golgi and all the investigators agree that these neurons do
method (Fig. 17). The width of these terminal bushes not receive specific peripheral inputs. This excludes
measured in the horizontal direction was 1.16 ± 0.27 the possibility that receptive fields of neurons in the
mm in diameter, and the terminal fibers reached to motor cortex are transferred through ventrolateral
the upper part of the second cortical layer. The pre- neurons. Activities of neurons in the nucleus ventralis
dominantly oblique direction of the components of the lateralis during natural movements were studied by

Evarts (43) and Strick (144) in the monkey. They study by Welt et al. with cats (159), it was found that
found that some ventrolateral neurons discharged cells with similar receptive fields were grouped to-
prior to movements, suggesting that they were related gether in a small area of the cortex. These cells were
to the initiation of movements. Unlike many motor intermixed with other groups of cells that received
cortex neurons that receive peripheral inputs, how- inputs of different modalities but that had receptive
ever, most of them were not influenced by natural fields located in the same area of the body. These
stimulation in the periphery. groups of cells were located in a small area extended
along the direction of radial fibers in the cortex, and
Peripheral Inputs to Motor Cortex their diameters ranged from 0.1 mm to 0.4 mm. An
and Pyramidal Tract Cells example of these aggregates of cells is shown in Figure
During the several decades following the discovery A natural question following these observations is
of the motor representation within the cortex (53), the whether a group of afferent inputs converging from a
major interest among neurologists and neurophysiol- particular part of the body to a small area of the cortex
ogists was the localization of motor function; little is related to the motor function of the cortex. The
attention was paid to the sensory inputs to the precen- problem has been studied by Asanuma and his collab-
tral cortex (124). With the advancement of electrical orators in cats (18) and monkeys (133) using a closed-
techniques, Adrian and Moruzzi (1) were able to record chamber system that allowed recordings from single
discharges in the pyramidal tract in response to pe- cortical neurons while animals were awake and able
ripheral stimulation, which clearly demonstrated that to move. The receptive fields of neurons were exam-
pyramidal tract cells received peripheral inputs. As ined first, then the same electrode was used to stimu-
already stated, Woolsey and his collaborators (163) late these neurons and their neighbors to produce
studied the distribution of evoked potentials in both contraction of individual limb muscles. It was then
the sensory and motor cortices in combination with possible to relate the afferent inputs to a small area of
stimulation of the cortex, and they reported that there the cortex with the motor effects elicited from the
were rough topographical relationships between affer- same area. They found that a given efferent zone
ent input and efferent outflow. They observed that received polymodal inputs from skin as well as from
the area of the motor cortex where the largest evoked deep structures. Figure 19 shows an example of the
potential was recorded by stimulation of a particular results in the cat. The cutaneous receptive fields of
part of the body had the lowest threshold for the neurons in a given efferent zone were spread over a
movement of the same part of the body. Following the relatively wide area surrounding the target muscle,
development of the microelectrode technique, the na- but most of them were located on a skin region that
ture of the inputs was studied extensively. In the early lay in the path of the limb movement produced by
stage of these experiments, however, the results were contraction of the target muscle. The inputs from the
confusing. The experiments were frequently carried deep structures arose mostly from the joint where the
out under chloralose anesthesia using electrical stim- target muscle was inserted (18). This input-output
ulation instead of with unanesthetized animals and relationship is more elaborate in the monkey motor
natural stimulation. Under the former conditions, mo- cortex (133). As illustrated in Figure 10, cortical effer-
tor and sensory cortical cells received widespread con- ent zones that produced contraction of individual mus-
vergence of inputs without recognizable patterns of cles were located along the direction of radial fibers
spatial localization or sensory modality. Most cells within the depth of the motor cortex. While delineat-
responded to electrical stimulation applied to any part ing these efferent zones, Rosen and Asanuma (133)
of the body (153). It was noticed later that chloralose examined the peripheral inputs to neurons in each
enhances the activity of the nonspecific system (2). efferent zone. As in the cat, a single zone received
These widespread responses could therefore have been various inputs arising from deep as well as superficial
produced by abnormal activities of the system. receptors. Figure 20 illustrates the input-output rela-
The receptive fields of neurons in the motor cortex tions of cortical efferent zones in a sagittal row of
were studied extensively with cats by Brooks et al. (27, penetrations through the thumb area of the cortex. In
28) and by Buser and Imbert (32). The experiments addition to passive movements of thumb, two cells in
were carried out under local anesthesia with natural the thumb flexion zone responded to touch of the skin,
stimulation. These authors found that the pattern and the receptive fields of both cells were on the
of sensory activation was similar in pyramidal tract ventral aspect of the thumb. The cells in the zones
and nonpyramidal tract cells. About 65% of cells re- producing extension, adduction, and abduction of the
sponded to cutaneous stimulation, 20% to passive joint thumb were activated by touch of the distal tip, medial
movement, and the remainders were not driven. More surface, and lateral surface of the thumb, respectively.
than one-half of driven cells received modality-specific The characteristics of this input-output relationship
inputs from a fixed small area of the body. The rest suggested that each zone received afferent inputs re-
received inputs from wide areas of the body, and some lated to movement produced by the activity of the
of these had labile receptive fields. In a subsequent same zone, because the receptors were located in the




FIG. HI. Example of multimodal sensory inputs from small area in periphery to cortical column in
cat. A: location of penetration on pericruciate cortex. Dotted line indicates sagittal plane of section.
B: diagram of sagittal section and of radial penetration in gray matter. C: photomicrograph of part of
section containing penetration. Figurines show peripheral receptive fields. Adequate stimuli to deep
structures shown at left and those to the superficial structure shown at right. [From Welt et al. (159).]

region that tended to be stimulated by contraction of neurons by natural stimulation. They reported that
the target muscle. From these experiments in cats and the majority of neurons examined received afferent
monkeys, it was concluded that a cortical efferent zone inputs from areas that were anatomically closely re-
receives feedback information related to the contrac- lated to the joint involved in the movement with which
tion of the target muscle. the discharges of the neuron were modulated. These
Lemon et al. (93,95) studied the input-output rela- results are in agreement with those obtained using
tionship with a different approach, using awake mon- microstimulation methods (133), but Lemon et al. (93,
keys. They recorded activities of precentral neurons 95) also reported that not all the members of a re-
while the monkey performed a wide variety of move- stricted local population shared the same peripheral
ments in order to collect a food reward placed in a territory. These latter results may contradict the pre-
number of different positions. They selected those vious study (133) in which neurons in a given efferent
neurons that showed definite modulation of their dis- zone received inputs related to the movements pro-
charge frequency related to specific movements about duced by microstimulation of the same zone. This
one joint and then examined receptive fields of these problem was restudied by Murphy and his collabora-



.... .

FIG. 19. Afferent inputs converging into cortical efferent zone for palmar muscle. Of 8 penetrations,
4 passed through palmar zone, and 17 cells could be isolated within the zone. Six of 17 cells responded
to natural stimulation of skin; receptive fields shown by figurines connected to cell locations by
respective lines interrupted by penetration and cell number. These 6 neurons shared common
receptive field on ventral surface of paw. [From Asanuma et al. (18).]

tors (115) using awake monkeys and the microstimu- previous results, because Rosen and Asanuma (133)
lation technique. They studied the same monkey over reported that cells activated by tactile stimuli had
a period of 18 mo and made a detailed map of cortical receptive fIelds almost exclusively on the glabrous
efferent zones in relation to their afferent inputs. They volar surface of the hand and lay within cortical effer-
confIrmed the results of Rosen and Asanuma (133) ent zones projecting to fInger flexor muscles. The
and concluded that the results of Lemon et al. (93) controversy might have stemmed from the following
could occur if penetrations were made in the boundary differences. In their study, Rosen and Asanuma (133)
areas of adjacent zones or if they were made in a restricted the stimulating current to 10 !LA or less
direction parallel to the cortical surface in the sulcus, because current beyond this range frequently pro-
which would sequentially traverse several vertical ag- duced complicated fInger movements, making analysis
gregates representing different limb joints. Murphy et of the results difficult. Because the thresholds for
al. (115), however, also reported that when neurons contraction of proximal limb muscles were higher,
received cutaneous inputs the movements induced by their study was restricted to areas that induced move-
microstimulation of the same sites were, in about one- ment ofthe hand and fIngers. Murphy et al. (115) used
half of the cases, in the direction which withdrew the stronger current of up to 30 !LA and examined input-
limb away from the loci of adequate peripheral stimuli. output relationships not only in the distal, but also in
These results were somewhat contradictory to the the proximal limb area. These zones from which move-


5 10····· 15


'. j.. ..1

.\•••• '. ·······UD
...... .....
.....' ····un
un'" 1\' III' 1111


. ------ I Thumb e"ten.lon


.. ' un
UD Thumb extension
........ • Add

...:....' • Abd


FIG. 20. Afferent inputs converging to thumb area of monkey motor cortex. Several penetrations
passed through areas, which when stimulated produced extension, flexion, adduction, or abduction of
thumb. Each area marked by symbols explained at lower right. Cortical sites from which movement
could not be produced are shown by small bars on electrode tracks. Locations of isolated cells are
indicated by dots, and are connected to descriptions of receptive fields and adequate stimuli by dotted
lines. Filled areas on figurines are superficial receptive fields. UD, undriven cells. [From Rosen and
Asanuma (133).]

ments were induced away from the peripheral recep- old efferent zones (10 J.LA or less) were clustered in
tive fields were located in the rostral part of the motor some parts of the motor cortex constituting an over-
cortex and represented proximal limb muscles where lapping mosaic, and in other parts the zones were
cutaneous inputs have not been reported by previous scattered with intercalating silent areas. Peripheral
investigations (133,93). In the results of Murphy et al. afferent inputs projected more heavily into the low-
obtained from the area near the central sulcus, how- threshold zones. In the efferent zones 52% of all iso-
ever, the relationship was the same as that reported lated cells responded to peripheral stimulation,
by the previous investigators (133). This seems to whereas in the silent areas (threshold> 10 J.LA) only
suggest that the input-output relationship in the prox- 32% responded. Although an increase in the stimulus
imallimb area is more variable than that in the distal intensity delivered within a silent area could produce
limb area. muscle contractions, the effect then tended to appear
In their study, Rosen and Asanuma (133) recorded in more than one muscle and the input-output rela-
from a total of 192 cells, and about one-half (45%) tionship became less clear, even in the distal limb area
responded to peripheral stimulation. The distribution (133).
of these responsive cells was not uniform within the Asanuma et al. (19, 133) did not identify the recep-
motor cortex, however. As already described, not all tors located in the muscle. The identity of these recep-
areas of the motor cortex, even in the distal limb area, tors has been studied by Murphy et al. (116, 117) using
produced contraction of muscles with intracortical locally anesthetized cats. They denervated the fore-
microstimulation of limited intensity. The low-thresh- limb except for those nerves innervating the extensor

digitorum communis muscle and the flexor palmaris peripherally evoked potentials in the monkey motor
longus muscle. After fixation of the elbow joint, the cortex after removal of the sensory cortex. In the cat,
distal tendons of these muscles were severed, and the Thompson et al. (152) reported that receptive fields of
muscles were stretched by pulling the tendons. Mur- neurons in the motor cortex did not change before and
phy et al. observed that neurons in the motor cortex during the cooling of the sensory cortex. The nucleus
responded to both low-velocity stretches, which acti- ventralis posterolateralis of the thalamus, which relays
vate primary endings of muscle spindles, and high- peripheral inputs to the sensory cortex, does not pro-
velocity stretches, which principally activate second- ject to the motor cortex, and the nucleus ventralis
ary spindle endings and Golgi tendon organs. Because lateralis, which sends the major inputs to the motor
they combined intracortical microstimulation with cortex, does not receive peripheral inputs in either
these recordings, they were able to relate the location cats (19, 106, 107) or monkeys (144). Hence the path-
of these neurons to the cortical efferent zones. They way for direct inputs to the motor cortex was uncer-
found that neurons showing threshold responses to tain. Recent development of horseradish peroxidase
low-velocity stretches were located exclusively within technique made it possible to reveal finer features of
the cortical efferent zones that projected to the same projection than were revealed by the degeneration
muscle. Neurons responding to high-velocity stretches methods. It has been shown in both cats (88) and
were found not only in the same zone, but also- monkeys (143) that a small area between the ventralis
although sparsely-outside of the zone. The results lateralis and ventralis posterolateralis [(pars oralis of
revealed that the cortical efferent zones receive pe- ventralis posterolateralis of Olszewski; (77)] sends fi-
ripheral inputs not only from receptors in the skin, bers directly to the motor cortex. Subsequently the
joint, and connective tissues, but also from those lo- physiological properties of neurons in this border area
cated in the muscle itself. have been studied in both cats (14) and monkeys (15,
94). In these experiments the thalamic projection neu-
PATHWAYS FROM PERIPHERY TO MOTOR CORTEX. Until rons were antidromically activated from the motor
recently it has been controversial as to whether the cortex and then the receptive fields of these identified
motor cortex receives peripheral inputs directly from neurons were examined. In both species, neurons in
the thalamus or only via the sensory cortex (160). the border area between the ventralis lateralis and
There were observations that indicated that some of ventralis posterolateralis received somesthetic inputs
the inputs from the periphery arrive at the motor similar to those received by neurons in the motor
cortex directly from the thalamus. Using evoked po- cortex. In the example shown in Figure 21, 56 neurons
tential methods, Malis et al. (104) were able to record were isolated, and 3 of them were activated antidrom-

1 2 3 4
::=:i} ~ E=CD ID==
FIG. 21. Thalamic neurons that transfer periph-
eral somesthetic inputs directly to motor cortex in
cat. A: sagittal section of ventral thalamus showing
electrode tracks and lesions. B: reconstruction of
=:1l =:§ (CO) (CJ
tracks from histological preparations. Short bars ~~ID=
on tracks show locations of neurons with no recep-
tive fields. Long bars at right are locations of ~«t=
neurons activated from skin receptors. Long bars :Q.':ll~
at left are those activated from deep receptors.
Circles indicate lesions made during experiment.
Arrows indicate neurons activated antidromically
from motor cortex. C: receptive fields of neurons
B ~~
shown in B. Solid areas indicate receptive fields ,---~--'T-----"'".--T-------,-"" ~~
for hair bending or light touch. Circles indicate
deep receptive fields such as pressure or passive ~
joint movement. Numbers on column correspond
to track numbers, and each figurine corresponds to
respective long bar on the track. [From Asanuma ~
et al. (14).]

ically from the motor cortex. Of these 3, 2 were acti- Motor ex

vated by passive movement of joints. Of 40 cells pro-
jecting to the motor cortex from the border area, 12
received inputs from the skin, 20 from deep structures,
and 8 were undriven from the periphery. Furthermore
it has also been shown that ablation of the sensory
cortex does not significantly change the characteristics
of the receptive field of neurons in the motor cortex in
either cats (14) or monkeys (15). It was concluded that
at least some of the peripheral somesthetic inputs
arrived in the motor cortex directly from the thalamus
without passing through the sensory cortex in both
cats and monkeys (15).
Pathways conveying the inputs to the motor cortex
were studied by making lesions in the spinal cord.
Asanuma et al. (17) reported that in the cat the
amplitudes of potentials evoked in the motor cortex
by stimulation of either skin or muscle afferents were
reduced by section of the spinocervical tract or dorsal
column. In the monkey (16), section of the dorsal
column abolished the evoked potentials in the motor
cortex, but spinothalamic tract section reduced the
amplitude of the potentials only in the sensory cortex.
Brinkman et al. (24) observed that the receptive fields
of neurons in the monkey motor cortex disappeared
almost completely after dorsal column lesions. From
the above experiments it became clear that the dorsal
column plays the major role in transferring peripheral
inputs to the motor cortex in the monkey, whereas FIG. 22. Simplified diagram of connections between motor cortex
both spinocervical tract and dorsal column are in- (motor Cx) and periphery. Neurons in motor cortex are connected
volved in the cat. predominantly in radial direction and are subdivided into cortical
The simplest connections between the motor cortex efferent zones marked by hatched and dotted areas. Fringes of these
efferent zones overlap with fringes of others, constituting overlap-
and the periphery are shown diagrammatically in Fig- ping mosaic within cortex. These efferent zones are intercalated
ure 22. This diagram is meant to illustrate only a part with silent areas where threshold for motor effect is high. Cortico-
of the connections between the cortex and the periph- spinal fibers from given efferent zone project most heavily to given
ery. Pathways are shown by which cortically induced motor nuclei to produce contraction of a muscle, but they also
project to other motor nuclei to produce subliminal fringes of
movements send peripheral information directly back excitation. Afferent inputs originated by contraction of target mus-
to the original cortical areas continuously during cle ascend spinal cord and project to original efferent zone directly
movements. through nucleus ventralis pars oralis, constituting a closed loop
between cortex and periphery. This corticoperipheralloop circuit is
FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF PERIPHERAL INPUTS TO well developed for distal limb muscles but is less clear for proximal
MOTOR CORTEX. It has been shown that voluntary muscles.
movement is severely disturbed by interrupting inputs
from the periphery. Mott and Sherrington (112) re- animals the reflexes in which the motor cortex is
ported that deafferentation of the upper limb resulted known to participate are the placing (21) and grasping
in a loss of the use of the hand, closely resembling the (37) reactions. Both reactions can be elicited by tactile
symptoms that follow ablation of the motor cortex, stimulation of a part of a limb. Although it is possible
although the responses to electrical stimulation of the that the peripheral inputs arriving directly at the
cortex were not impaired. This experiment was re- motor cortex play some role in these reflexes, it is
peated by many investigators, and it was found that unlikely that they play a major role. Both reflexes
the loss of the movement is not permanent. It became persist as long as sensory and motor cortices are intact,
clear that in certain circumstances the monkey can but disappear after either the sensory or the motor
eventually ambulate with the deafferented arm and cortex is removed, whereas the peripheral inputs to
can also learn to reach for food using visual guidance, the motor cortex persist after ablation of the sensory
although the movement is not as smooth as in the cortex. Furthermore it has been shown recently in the
normal animal (82). These observations demonstrate kitten (52) that the tactile placing reaction persisted
the importance of afferent inputs for voluntary move- in the hindlimb after transection to the spinal cord at
ments, but the role of afferent inputs arriving directly the level of the first lumbar segment. Amassian (3)
at the motor cortex is still in question. In normal reported that in the kitten tactile placing was sub-

served by a subcortical circuit, and the subsequent association fibers. Physiological studies in the monkey
involvement of the cerebral cortex started to occur have revealed that different areas of the primary sen-
through tonic rather than dynamic activity. The re- sory cortex receive different inputs from the periphery.
sults suggest that tactile placing is a subcortical or Areas 1 and 2 receive inputs primarily from receptors
even a spinal reflex. As the tactile placing reaction located in deep structures such as those excited by
disappears with pyramidal section in adult monkeys rotation of or pressure on joints, whereas area 3b
(154), the role of the pyramidal tract in the adult receives inputs from receptors in the skin (129). In
monkey may be to modulate the activity of subcortical both cats and monkeys, neurons in area 3a receive
circuits. These circuits may be activated not by the inputs primarily from group I muscle afferent fibers
direct inputs to the motor cortex, but by the inputs to (4, 121, 128). Projections from these subdivisions of
the sensory cortex, which are then relayed to the the sensory cortex to the motor cortex have been
motor cortex via corticocortical and/or subcortical studied subsequently. Grant et al. (58), using cats,
pathways. made a needle-stitch lesion in area 3a where the max-
It was proposed that the direct sensory inputs to the imal group I-evoked potential was recorded. They
motor cortex function as positive feedback information found that degenerating U-fibers originating from the
related to movements (15). As the type of inputs to lesion traveled in the white matter to the cortex of
the cortex and the nature of efferent projection to the areas 4y, 3b, and 2. These fibers branched in layer III,
muscle indicate the existence of loop circuits between and some of them reached layer I. The degenerated
the motor cortex and the periphery, it is possible that fibers were distributed as distinct columns with a
impulses circulate within a set of circuits during a diameter of about 1 mm, the same diameter as the
particular movement. This circulation of the impulses cortical efferent zones in the motor cortex. Zarzecki et
could result in an increase of the excitability of efferent al. (164), using anesthetized cats, studied the physio-
and afferent relay nuclei involved in these circuits and logical properties of projection neurons in area 3a,
subsequently further increase the excitability of re- which were identified by their antidromic activation
lated cortical efferent zones. Such an increased excit- from the motor cortex (area 4y). They showed that
ability of these loop circuits including the cortical most of the projection neurons were located in layer
efferent zones could alter the efficacy of excitatory and III, with some in layer V. By recording intracellularly
inhibitory inputs from other pathways. Because the from those neurons, they were able to demonstrate
motor cortex is known to be involved in multiple-loop strong excitatory synaptic inputs from group I affer-
circuits with various sites in the central nervous sys- ents. The information transferred by these cortico-
tem, such as other areas of the cerebral cortex, sub- cortical fibers may contribute to the formation of
cortical nuclei, and cerebellum, there is the possibility receptive fields of neurons in the motor cortex, but it
for an interaction of these circuits, including the one probably does not playa major role because cooling
between the cortex and the periphery, in the produc- area 3a does not abolish inputs from a specific muscle
tion of various combinations of muscle contractions to neurons in a given efferent zone (116).
during normal movements. Theories concerning the functional significance of
this projection are still controversial. One of the sug-
Inputs Through Association Fibers gested functions has been a participation in cortical
regulation of muscle contraction. It has been shown
The existence of interconnections between various
that the sudden extension of the forearm of a human
parts of the cortex has been known for a long time,
subject could evoke two separate bursts of electro-
but detailed studies were made after the introduction
myographic activity in the biceps muscle (62). The
of the Nauta method (118). The development of au-
first was identified as the tendon jerk by its short
toradiography and horseradish peroxidase methods
latency. The second burst had a latency of about 50
have made it possible to reveal yet a finer structure of
ms, and the magnitude of this component increased
the connections between various areas, and these stud-
when the subject resisted the tension and decreased
ies are progressing rapidly. Stimulated by these find-
when he was told to "let go" (61). This second burst
ings, physiological experiments are also vigorously
was termed "function stretch reflex" (109), and Mars-
being carried out. The following section describes the
den et al. (105) suggested that this reflex might serve
recent information concerning the fine connections
to counteract unexpected loads encountered in the
between the motor cortex and other areas of the
course of a willed movement. They proposed that this
reflex was mediated by a relatively simple transcortical
INPUTS FROM SENSORY CORTEX. The connections be- loop. Several studies have been carried out to clarify
tween the motor and the sensory cortices have been the role of sensory and motor cortices in this reflex
studied extensively. Using the Nauta method, Jones using chronically trained monkeys (42,44, 151). It was
and Powell (78, 80) studied these connections in the shown later (56), however, that the two separate bursts
cat and the monkey. They found that in both species of electromyographic activity persisted in decerebrate
the first and second somatic sensory area and the and spinal cats. These results indicate that the second
motor cortex are all reciprocally interconnected by burst does not necessitate the transcortical loop that

carries group I muscle afferents. One possibility is that INPUTS FROM ASSOCIATION CORTEX. Strick and Kim
the cortex influences the functional stretch reflex by (146), using the horseradish peroxidase method, and
tonically changing the excitability of the lower centers. Zarzecki et al. (165), using physiological methods,
Another suggestion has been made by Phillips (127) demonstrated that there was a rather heavy projection
based on the following evidence. Foerster (51) reported from area 5 to area 4 in the monkey, and that the
that rhizotomy performed on patients with intractable projection was topographically arranged. It has been
pain impaired most severely the manipulation of in- reported by Mountcastle et al. (114) that some neurons
dividual fingers, although the patients could move in areas 5 and 7 of the monkey cortex were not
their arms and hands. On the other hand, Merton activated by sensory stimuli but were discharged at
(110) reported that deprivation of all inputs other than high rates when the animal moved its arm to obtain
the spindle feedback did not impair the movement of an object. They proposed that these neurons function
the thumb in a normal subject. In this experiment a in a command fashion, directing visual attention to
sphygmomanometer cuff was kept inflated at the wrist and the exploration of the immediately surrounding
until all sensation was lost from the hand. Skin and extrapersonal space. The strong connection between
joints and intrinsic hand muscles were thus reversibly area 5 and the motor cortex suggests a functional
denervated, but the spindle feedback from the long coupling between the two areas, but whether or not
flexors and extensors of the fingers remained intact. this connection plays an important role in the com-
In this condition the subject was still able to move his mand of movement, which is a complex function, is
thumb voluntarily and even to move a pointer at- still in question.
tached to it through a prescribed angle. Eklund and
Hagbarth (38) reported the following experiments. A Inputs Through Commissural Fibers
normal subject was instructed to try to maintain a
steady isometric force, flexing the elbow against a Much is known about the commissural connections
restraining strain-gauge dynamometer at the wrist. for the visual and association cortices, but few studies
When the biceps tendon was vibrated, there was a have been carried out concerning the connections
large increase in force of which the subject was quite between the motor cortices. Using cats, Asanuma and
unaware. As longitudinal vibration is a highly selective Okuda (19) reported that orthodromic excitation of
stimulus to the primary endings of the muscle spindles pyramidal tract cells could be evoked from a circum-
(29), it is likely that the artificially disturbed spindle scribed area of the contralateral cortex. The excitatory
feedback provided the wrong information. Based on point was surrounded by an area, the stimulation of
these evidences and on the results of his group (87) which inhibited the discharges that were evoked from
that colonies of corticomotoneuronal neurons have a the center. The results suggested the existence of
direct and powerful connection with the motoneurons topographic projections between cortices with a gen-
innervating the hand muscles in the baboon, Phillips eral feature of an on-center, off-periphery arrange-
(127) proposed that inputs from muscle spindles to the ment. This, however, does not seem to be the general
cortex may function as part of a transcortical servo scheme of connection between the motor cortices,
loop that signals the discrepancy between intended because it was later found in the monkey (122) that
and actual movements. although axial and limb girdle areas of the precentral
Jones et al. (77), using anterograde and retrograde areas are mutually interconnected, the neurons in the
transport methods, and Vogt and Pandya (156), using hand and foot areas do not project to the contralateral
a degeneration method, have more detailed studies of cortex. There is a somewhat similar arrangement in
projections from the somatic sensory areas in the the somatosensory area in the cat in which the callosal
monkey. Both groups reported that area 3b, which is connections are limited to areas representing the face,
known to receive inputs primarily from skin receptors, trunk, and limb girdles (79). These results are inter-
did not project to the motor cortex but projected to esting because they suggest that distal limb areas
areas 1 and 2. Area 1 was reciprocally connected to controlling the fine movements of limbs are mutually
area 3 but sent the strongest projection to area 2, and independent, which may be important for the produc-
area 2 was reciprocally connected to the motor cortex. tion of a variety of combinations of independent limb
Neurons in area 2 receive inputs predominantly from movements.
receptors in deep structures (129) in the monkey, and
it is possible that area 2 transfers these inputs to the FUNCTION OF PYRAMIDAL TRACT
motor cortex. It is also known, however, that in the
monkey, receptive fields of neurons in the motor cortex The traditional methods of studying the functions
do not change significantly after removal of the sen- of the central nervous system are to stimulate or
sory cortex, including area 2 (15). In addition the ablate a part of the system and to observe the effects.
virtual absence of projection from areas 3b and 1 to Stimulation experiments were dealt with in the pre-
the motor cortex makes it unlikely that corticocortical ceding sections, and only ablation experiments are
projections play an important role in forming cuta- described in this section. A new method introduced
neous receptive fields of neurons in the motor cortex. recently in which activities of individual neurons are

studied in relation to trained movements of the animal monkeys, and in 8 of them the lesion was virtually
(41) are not discussed here. The results from this latter limited to the pyramidal tracts. These animals could
type of experiment are described fully in the chapter sit with head up and could stand, walk, run, and climb
by Evarts in this Handbook. immediately following the operation. They soon re-
To study the genesis of the symptoms of hemiplegia gained the capacity for independent use of their ex-
has been one of the most intriguing challenges to the tremities, and within 3 wk they could reach accurately
neurologist and neurophysiologist. Hemiplegia, caused with either hand to pick up morsels of food by closure
by damage to the internal capsule, is typified by pa- of all fingers in concert. Individual finger movements
ralysis with spasticity. It is accompanied by exagger- never returned, however, even after recovery periods
ated deep tendon reflexes, the Babinski sign, and of up to 11 mo. In addition all movements were slower,
absence of abdominal and cremasteric reflexes. All of and the monkeys fatigued more rapidly than normal
these symptoms were once thought to be caused by a animals. These results virtually confirmed the obser-
lesion of the pyramidal tract. Accumulation of careful vations reported by Tower, except for their emphasis
clinical observations had cast some doubt on this that pyramidal deficits were more restricted to the
interpretation, although the controversy continued as manipulation of distal extremities. Using the monkey,
to whether the lesion of the pyramidal tract contrib- Hepp-Reymond and Wiesendanger (64) and Hepp-
uted to the spasticity of the muscles. It was Tower Reymond et al. (65) examined the effect of pyramidal
(154) who clearly demonstrated that a pyramidal le- section on the reaction time and force exerted during
sion did not produce spastic paralysis. The main defi- precision tasks. The monkeys were trained to squeeze
cits after pyramidal section were diminished muscle a transducer between the thumb and index finger and
tone, diminished cutaneous reflexes, slow tendon re- were tested before and after unilateral or bilateral
flexes restricted to the stimulated muscle, and defec- pyramidotomy. After partial pyramidotomy there was
tive initiation and execution of all performance by a long-lasting slowing in the performance of the finger
skeletal musculature, particularly the loss of all dis- grip. This delay was due not only to weakness of the
crete usage of digits. The tactile placing reaction was muscle contraction, but also to delay in the initiation
lost permanently, but a Babinski sign did not develop of the movement. These results partially conflict with
although it was later shown that the Babinski sign the results reported by Laursen and Wiesendanger
could develop in the chimpanzee after pyramidal sec- (91) on cats and Laursen (90) on monkeys. In both of
tion (69). Tower summarized pyramidal functions in these experiments, the animal was trained to react to
space and time as follows: "The spatial function is the the test stimulus in different fashions, depending on
ability to bring into action any portion of the skeletal the conditioning stimulus. After partial pyramidotomy
muscui", ure, and in all combinations. This detailed it was found that the reaction time was increased
control of the skeletal musculature enables the dis- when a choice was involved but not when discrimina-
crete usage of musculature, especially of the digits, tion was unnecessary. It should be noted that in these
and the modulation of extrapyramidal activity, which discrimination experiments (90, 91), arm and wrist
are outstanding pyramidal functions. In time, the py- movements were studied, whereas for the precision
ramidal tract operates in two phases. One is a contin- tasks described above (64, 65), finger movements were
uous, or tonic, action in effect at all times in the necessary. The involvement of different muscle groups
waking state. The other is a specifically timed increase in the two experimental situations may account for
of discharge, or phasic action, which is evoked in the difference in conclusions. The experiments of
relation to particular situations." She concluded that Laursen and Wiesendanger (91) and Laursen (90) are
"together, the tonic function provides for smooth, important because they suggest that the pyramidal
continuous, efficient action while the phasic function tract participates in movements that involve learning
contributes, outstandingly, precision and lability to and selection.
total performance." In this section only representative studies that ex-
The pioneering work of Tower has been repeated, amined the permanent deficits produced by pyramidal
and the results have been confirmed by many inves- section were discussed. It should be noted, however,
tigators, but there were some controversies. One of the that a well-known feature of the central nervous sys-
problems was whether or not the loss of control of fine tem is "redundancy of function," and loss of function
movements was permanent. Bucy et al. (30) cut the produced by ablation of one system is rapidly compen-
cerebral peduncles bilaterally, although not always sated for by other systems. Thus it is obvious that the
completely. They observed that some of the fully permanent functional deficits produced by pyramidal
recovered animals were able to use the thumb and section reveal only a part of pyramidal functions, all
index finger along to pick up food, although others of which cannot be explored by simply destroying the
could not. The difficulty in these experiments was pyramidal tract. However, whether the initial deficits
determining the extent of the pyramidal section. Law- that recover as time passes are also due to the loss of
rence and Kuypers (92) argued that the recovery was pyramidal function or to other factors such as pressure
caused by incomplete section of the pyramidal tract. temporarily produced by acute hemorrhage is difficult
They interrupted the pyramidal tract bilaterally in 39 to determine (37). This is one of the reasons why there

is still controversy between the interpretation of the the pyramidal tract neurons has been worked out.
results of stimulation experiments and ablation exper- Progress in recording techniques have enabled us to
iments. study the nature of afferent inputs to individual py-
ramidal tract neurons. Microstimulation technique re-
vealed columnar organization of cortical efferent
SUMMARY zones. Introduction of the horseradish peroxidase
method is still exploring various connections to the
Twenty years have passed since the publication of motor cortex. Thus the wealth of knowledge we have
the chapter on the pyramidal tract by Patton and accumulated becomes incomparable to that which we
Amassian in the Handbook of Physiology's first edi- possessed 20 years ago, as is evidenced by the richness
tion of the nervous system (123a). During this time a of description in this chapter. We hope that the prog-
remarkable progress has been made in our understand- ress in the coming 20 years will be as fruitful as in the
ings of the structure and function of this tract. De- past and will explore further the details of the py-
tailed distribution of the origin and the termination of ramidal functions.

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