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By Alicia García

Dedicated this year to the 500th anniversary of the foundation of San

Cristóbal de La Habana Villa, the Day of Cuban Cuisine and the
World Food Day, the 8th International Culinary Festival will be held
at the Havana Conference Center from October 14 to 18.

Under the slogan “Cuisine: Identity and Cultural Patrimony”, the

Culinary Federation of Cuba has called on professionals and
students of culinary arts, state and private entities, and all people
fond of a well -served table, to participate in this mayor non-
competitive event to exchange experiences and become updated
on current trends of the national and regional cuisine.

The event’s comprehensive agenda includes master classes,

workshops, culinary salon, bartenders and sommeliers shows, and a
related exposition. Also, prior to the festival, theoretical-practical
courses will be conducted on Cuban Cuisine.

The Scientific Workshop will deal with topics such as Ecological

Cuisine, Havana and its Culinary Traditions, Wholesome Food,
Influence of Culinary Culture on the Development of Peoples, and
Food and Nutrition Sustainability.

On its part, the Culinary Salon covers internal aspects of national

cuisines and their identity, complemented with a display of
autochthonous dishes, national and international cocktails and
wines, to show the skills and knowledge about culinary art and the
universe of beverages.

The related exposition allows promoting products, equipment,

services, publications and other aspects associated with national
and foreign gastronomy.

The organizing committee is presided by Chef Eddy Fernández,

head of the Culinary Federation of Cuba . Some of the sponsoring
organizations to this event are: The World Association of Chef
Societies (WorldChefs), The Association of Gastronomic Restorers
of the Americas and the World (AREGALA), the Association of
Bartenders of Cuba (ACC), the Club of Sommeliers , the Ministry of
Interior Commerce and the Ministry of Food Industry.

This international festival is extending an invitation to build up

bridges of friendship and brotherhood among the peoples from
different latitudes, specially based on the merrymaking of the
senses: the cuisine.

For further information contact:


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