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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

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© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 1

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals

To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

by Gavin Sim

My mission in life is to touch as many lives as I can, and that is why I

am granting you the rights to give away this specially written eBook
(worth US$67) to anyone you deem to be able to benefit from it, but
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While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
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In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no

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This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use
as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers
are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal,
business, accounting and finance fields.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 2

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

I would like to thank my parents, Sim Tiam Huat and Jenny Tan, for their
unconditional love. I would also like to thank my wife, Chew Shi Hui, for
her unweavering support in my endeavours to touch more lives. I love
you all.

I would also like to give thanks to my mentors, in all fields. Mentors like
Yee Shun Jian, Ken Chee, Chris Duncan, and Joe Lee. Your words and
advices are what that always keep me going in the right direction.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 3

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1 - What are Rituals? ............................................................................................ 9
Chapter 1.1 - Daily Foundation ........................................................................................ 11
Chapter 1.2 - You Need a Success Journal? ................................................................... 13
What Goes in Your Success Journal? .......................................................................... 14
Chapter 1.3 - Daily Gratitude ........................................................................................... 17
Suggestions Of Things To Be Grateful For .............................................................. 19
Chapter 1.4 - Daily Motivation ......................................................................................... 21
Mental Input Notes ....................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 1.5 - Implementing Mantras ............................................................................... 24
Chapter 1.6 - Long-Term Goals ....................................................................................... 27
Chapter 1.7 - Daily Goals and Objectives ........................................................................ 30
Chapter 1.8 - Review of Chapter 1 .................................................................................. 32
Chapter 2 - Explosive Start............................................................................................... 35
Chapter 2.1 - Daily Priorities ............................................................................................ 39
Chapter 2.2 - 3 Buckets of Priorities ................................................................................ 42
The Power of Priority One ............................................................................................ 43
Your To-Do .................................................................................................................. 47
Chapter 2.3 - Momentum ................................................................................................. 48
Chapter 2.4 - Keep Starting ............................................................................................. 51
The 15-minute focus block ........................................................................................... 51
Tracking Your Completes ............................................................................................. 52
Implementing a Reward System .................................................................................. 53
Chapter 2.5 - Review of Chapter 2 .................................................................................. 54
Chapter 3 - Energy Maintenance ...................................................................................... 55
What is the right balance? ............................................................................................... 56
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 3.1 - 3 Types of Energy ...................................................................................... 59
Chapter 3.2 - Your Sweet Spot ........................................................................................ 61
To Do: Your Disposition ............................................................................................... 62
Chapter 3.3 - Energy Measurement ................................................................................. 63
Exercise ....................................................................................................................... 63
Chapter 3.4 - Maximising Your Energy ............................................................................ 65

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 4

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

To-Do: Work Blocks ..................................................................................................... 67

Chapter 3.5 - Five Energy Maintenance Rituals............................................................... 69
Shadowboxing Ritual ................................................................................................... 69
Verbal Mantras Ritual................................................................................................... 70
Physical State Change Ritual ....................................................................................... 70
Meditation and Relaxation Ritual .................................................................................. 71
Mental Stimulation ....................................................................................................... 72
To Do: 7-Day Challenge............................................................................................... 72
Chapter 3.6 - How You Live ............................................................................................. 74
How You Live Exercise ................................................................................................ 74
Chapter 3.7 - Review of Chapter 3 .................................................................................. 76
Chapter 4 - Recharge and Renew Ritual.......................................................................... 77
Chapter 4.1 - Planned Stop Time .................................................................................... 79
To-Do: Stop Time & External Commitment ................................................................. 81
Chapter 4.2 - Reviewing Completes & Incompletes ......................................................... 82
Chapter 4.3 - Review Tomorrow's Priorities ..................................................................... 84
To Do: Tomorrow's Priorities ....................................................................................... 85
Chapter 4.3 - Recharging Fully ........................................................................................ 86
To Do: Disconnect Activity .......................................................................................... 87
Chapter 4.4 - 3 Mental Rechargers.................................................................................. 89
Mental Recharger #1: Self-Hypnosis ........................................................................... 89
Mental Recharger #2: Meditation ................................................................................ 91
Mental Recharger #3: Mindfulness .............................................................................. 93
Chapter 4.5 - Rest ........................................................................................................... 95
To Do: Sleep Routine .................................................................................................. 95
Chapter 4.6 - Review of Chapter 4 .................................................................................. 97
Last Words ...................................................................................................................... 98
Resources ....................................................................................................................... 99

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 5

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Hi everyone.

First of all, thank you for downloading this eBook. Before you go on and
read the rest of the eBook to achieve massive breakthroughs, I would
like to share my story with you.

Humble Beginnings

I was born on 15 September 1986, in Singapore. I was raised as the

only child. My parents were not highly educated, but they did their best
to provide the best there was to me. To support my education, both my
parents worked long hours daily. This resulted in me growing up pretty
much alone. The good side was that I learned to be independent at a
young age, and the flip side was that I was very prone to external

With the amount of focus on my education, I managed to do pretty well

in school. I was in the top class in Primary, moved on to one of the top
Secondary schools there was, so on and so forth. I had the freedom to
choose what I wanted to do and study.

As I previously mentioned, I had much freedom as my parents were

working. Being a teenager, I got into some bad company. I knew people
who were in a gang, who were dealing with drugs, who were skipping
school. I hang out with these people. The lucky thing was that while I
enjoyed the company, I did not like the activities that they were doing. I
chose to stay away as time passes, and I am so glad.

The Rise

As I mentioned previously, life was pretty much smooth sailing for me

when I was younger. Being a Singaporean male means that you will be
conscripted, and there is always the option of being a full-time active
serviceman. I did not know what I wanted in the past, but I knew what I
do not want. I did not want to be in the Army when I enlist and to ensure
this; I signed on with the Navy.

I ultimately became a Naval Combat Officer, and I eventually rose to

become the Second-in-Command of a warship. Life was great. I was

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 6

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

married, had a house, had a car, had several investments, and had no
debts except for my mortgages.

The Fall

However, I always felt empty. I was just moving along with life, moving
along with what others expected of me. To be fair, I was leading a
decent life, but I am not sure if it could be defined as successful.

Then it happened. I went home one day to see my parents sitting in the
living room, waiting for me. I was puzzled. They do not normally do that.
Something must be up.

It was revealed to me that they were in debt due to gambling. I was

shocked. I always knew they gambled, but they seemed to be the
sensible type who knew what the limits were. Apparently, I was wrong.
However, we had to solve the problem first.

I emptied my bank account, and the debt was repaid.

Falling Deeper

After this incident, I understood the importance of achieving financial

freedom. I began to read feverously on how to invest and create passive
income. I attended courses and found my mentors in Value Investing.

I applied what I learnt, and within two years, I was able to see significant
results. I had over 30% compounded annual growth in my investments,
and I know that I would be able to retire comfortably.

However, things were not meant to be.

Remember how my parents broke the news of the debt to me? I

returned home another day to that dreadful setting. However, this time
round, the news is not about debts. It is far worse.

My dad informed me that he had been diagnosed with cancer. To be

specific, tongue cancer.

I was shocked, but I had to remain calm. My parents were relying on me

for what to do. I felt assured knowing that we had insurance policies that
covered such incidents. I sprang into action and called our insurance

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 7

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

To my horror, my dad had cancelled almost all of his insurance policies,

without my knowledge. I was furious. Where was I going to find all the
money now for his medical bills? Luckily, my dad did not cancel his
hospitalisation plan.

With that, I checked my dad into a private hospital and arranged for an
operation with the best doctors at the earliest date. Thankfully, my dad
managed to recover, and we were able to cover the expensive medical
bills with the insurance payout.


However, the greatest lesson I have learnt is that I have not been
spending enough time with my loved ones. Be it with my spouse or
parents or close friends. I have always been busy with work, work, and
more work.

The episode made me realised that time is limited for everyone.

I made a realisation that I need to achieve both financial and time

freedom so that I can spend both time and money on those who matter.

Back On My Feet

I read even more. I began to read not just on investing, but also on
personal development. I discovered that the joy comes not only in my
success, but seeing others succeed too.

In my journey, I made use of these four success rituals, that I still apply
daily, to help me achieve what I wanted in life. It had help me
tremendously, and I want it to help you too.

It is now my mission to help TEN million people to find success and

purpose in their lives so that they, in turn, could also help others to do
the same.

I hope that you will find this Ebook useful, and I wish you all the best.


© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 8

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1 - What are Rituals?

Hi, and thank you once again for downloading this eBook. I have packed
so much value within this book, and I am sure, if you take action, you will
find improvement in your life.

In this book, we are going to be talking about 25 different Success


Daily Foundation Rituals

1. Daily Foundation Ritual

2. Daily Gratitude Ritual
3. Daily Motivation Ritual
4. Mantras Ritual
5. Goals Ritual
Explosive Start Rituals

6. Priorities Ritual
7. Momentum Ritual
8. Keep Starting Ritual
9. 15-minute Focus Ritual
10. Tracking Ritual
11. Reward Ritual
Energy Maintenance Rituals

12. Disposition Ritual

13. Work Block Ritual
14. Shadowboxing Ritual
15. Verbal Mantras Ritual
16. Physical State Change Ritual
17. Mental Stimulation Ritual
18. Exercise Ritual
Recharge and Renew Rituals

19. Stop Time Ritual

20. Review Ritual
21. Disconnect Ritual
22. Self-Hypnosis Ritual

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 9

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

23. Meditation Ritual

24. Mindfulness Ritual
25. Rest Ritual

Why are rituals important?

Here's a definition of the word ritual, pulled right out of the dictionary. A
ritual is an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set, precise

What does that mean?

A ritual is something you do without all that much conscious effort.

When you think about how busy the average person's day is, from going
to work, if you have kids, if you have a spouse, your day gets extremely
busy. You are pulled in a million different directions, from the time you
wake up until the time you go to bed.

You cannot even consciously recall half the things you do in a day.

So the importance of having rituals is to create elements or stable points

in your life that you will follow through on and you will act on, without
necessarily needing to think about them.

That is the entire point of this book, is to help you develop rituals that will
guarantee your success. When I say guarantee your success, I mean
you follow through on the actions required to take you in the direction
that you want to go, that is most important to you in your life.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 10

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.1 - Daily Foundation

This is a point in your day where you will be able to create a state
that's conducive to your success, to your peak performance.

This is something ideally you want to do first thing in the morning.

We talk about rituals. Rituals are something you want to repeat on a

daily basis, and ideally, repeat them at the same time every day.

A daily foundation is a way of getting yourself ready for the day,

getting yourself energised, and it combines both mental and
emotional, as well as a third component, physical aspects of your

If you can get all three of these things congruent, if you think a certain
way, if you get yourself to feel a certain level of excitement about those
thoughts, then physically you can follow through on all of the ideas.

This comes down specifically to goal setting and goal achievement,

which we're going to get into later on in this program.

However, mental/emotional/physical translates to thinking, feeling and

actions. All of the actions you take throughout your entire day, whether
you like what you're doing or you aren't so happy with what you're doing,
they stem from your thoughts.

Those thoughts create a certain level of emotional intensity. They create

a certain vibe or feeling in your body. Typically, we as people will act
based on how we feel, but those feelings initially stem from how we think.

When we establish a daily foundation, we give ourselves a checkpoint.

We give ourselves a place to come back to each and every day, to reset
how we want to think about life, how we want to think about our goals,
what we plan to achieve. The thought patterns that are working for us,
and identifying the thought patterns that are working against us so we
can replace those with more positive thought patterns.

If you want to build a strong physical structure, like a home or a

building, you always start with a solid foundation.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 11

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

If you want to build a strong, successful life, the same idea applies here.
You want to start with a strong foundation, and that includes getting
yourself ready for success each and every day.

That is exactly what we are going to cover in this chapter.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 12

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.2 - You Need a Success Journal?

So I have one action item here for you, even before we dive in and look
at the heart of this lesson, and that is for you to get a journal that you
can use daily.

This can be a notebook; it could be your smartphone, a tablet, a

laptop, whatever you see fit.

However, the point of this is to have somewhere to document everything

that goes into building a solid foundation.

There are going to be a series of exercises here that require you to do

work, and guess what? You are going to be doing the work every single
day because it is a ritual.

We need a place for you to go back to each and every day.

If you like writing with a pen and paper, grab a notebook. If you prefer
doing it electronically, that is fine, too. The key is that you do it.

Go ahead and do that now, before continuing with the rest of this

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 13

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

What Goes in Your Success Journal?

Now, to build a solid foundation for success in your life, and you want to
establish this as a ritual, you are going to need the success journal that I
talked about. You already have that. Here is what goes into your
success journal.

First of all, the concept. What gets measured gets managed, and in
some cases, in most cases, improved.

Until you track something, until you become consciously aware of the
patterns behind something, it is very easy to let that thing slide.

For example, if you are trying to increase your fitness or lose weight; if
you do not understand or know where you are currently at and you do
not measure it from time to time, how do you have any clue, other than
maybe looking in the mirror or feeling how tight your clothes are?

You will have a very vague read on what your progress looks. The
same thing goes for every single aspect of your life.

If you are looking to improve an aspect of your life, you want to start
measuring it and measuring it frequently, so that you can begin
managing it.

It brings your conscious awareness back to those things that are

important to you and allows you to make adjustments going forward.

You can see where you are on course and offcourse, and each and
every day you can adjust your strategy, you can adjust your thinking,
and of course your actions, to make sure that you get back on track as
quickly as possible.

Each and every day you are going to wake up in the morning, ideally at
a particular time, and open your personal success journal. Then you are
going to start with your three key questions.

I am going to uncover those three questions for you in just a


If you can answer these three key questions every single day and
document your three answers to them, you will be far further ahead than

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 14

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

you were had you not done this, and ions and light years ahead of
people that don't even have a success journal.

So, this success journal will start with these three key questions,
and then it will help you document the following things:

 Your daily gratitude.

 Your mindset inputs.
 Your personal mantras.
 The goals you are working towards, both short-term and long-term.

I am going to deal with all of those in a few moments, but for now, you
have your personal success journal and each and every morning you
are going to open it up, and you are going to do the following.

Note today's date at the top of whatever page you are on, and ask
yourself the following three questions:

1. What went well yesterday? What did you do well? What were
you proud of yourself for? Document it down. Write it so you have
a log of it and you can revisit it in the future and remind yourself of
your successes.

2. What could have gone better? What could you have done
better? What could be improved on? What mistakes did you
make? Write all those down as well, so that you also become
consciously aware of what improvements you could be making in
your life.

You want both. You want the good the not-so-good things so that
you can document it, measure it, manage it and move forward.

3. What lessons did you learn? This usually stems from question
number 2, which is what you could have done better, but just in
general what lessons did you learn? Did you have an interesting
conversation with a friend or a mentor? Did you read a fascinating
article online that opened your eyes to a whole new world of
something you did not even know existed before?

All of this is important for you to not only contemplate and think about
but to also document in your journal so that each and every day you
have a running log of how your progression is going and how your life is
evolving over time.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 15

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Think about how exciting this would be if you were to start your journal
today and then in 30 days or even 60 or 90 days down the road, revisit
some of those lessons learned and watch and observe how it has
changed how you react and respond to the world.

You become more consciously aware, like I said earlier, of your

actions and your behaviours and the choices that you are making
day in and day out.

Until you have a personal success journal, until you start doing this as a
daily ritual, you are missing out on this opportunity to grow.

So stop depriving yourself of that opportunity, get your success journal

as I suggested in the previous exercise, and then today, starting right
now, write down today's date and do these three questions.

Now, the rest of the chapter is going to flow quite smoothly, in the sense
of what you do next.

I am going to give you a suggested series of steps that will become

part of your foundation ritual every single morning, ideally. If you
cannot do it in the morning, pick a time to do it every day

All you have to do is simply follow these steps. They do not take all that
much time. This entire process should take you no longer than an hour,
but it is going to force you to do things that get you ready for a
successful day, and then keep you feel inspired and motivated
throughout your day so that you can stay successful.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 16

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.3 - Daily Gratitude

Having said all that, here is your next step. You have got your personal
success journal, you have got your three questions answered for today's

Now you are going to move onto your daily gratitude.

Being grateful, as you probably already are aware of, is a very, very
important emotion. Many of us can get caught up in the stressors of life.
Many of us can get caught up in the things that we have to do.

Every one of us has a never-ending to-do list, where we are being pulled,
or we are being demanded to do things that sometimes we are happy to
do, and other times we just need to get it done. However, that can
override the sense of gratitude that we should be carrying with us as
often as we possibly can.

Look around you right now and start realising all the things that
you have in your life.

When you become disconnected from that, when you start wallowing in
the stressors of your life or things you must do or the problems you must
solve, you can become easily disconnected from all of the things that
you're so fortunate that you have.

When you do a daily gratitude, what you are doing is you are
conditioning empowering emotions.

You are reminding yourself of all the things that you are so
fortunate to have in your life.

Now, I get it. You might be facing many challenges right now. You
could be confronted with a whole stack of problems that you are forced
to solve right now, this week, this month, whatever it may be.

Having said that, there are still plenty of things that you are probably
grateful for if you took the time to sit down, write them down, dwell on
them, think about them.

That is what we are talking about here. When you do a daily gratitude,
you give yourself the opportunity to experience the empowering

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 17

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

emotions that come with realising that you have so much to be grateful

I am going to have some examples for you to follow in a few moments,

but here's what you want to do.

You want to, every single day once you have gone through your
three questions in your success journal, rewrite your gratitude
statements every single day, in your success journal.

You might start by being grateful that you are alive, that you woke up
this morning, and maybe your health is not great, but some parts of your
health are okay. Start there. It gives you a baseline to work with, and
then evolve and expand from there.

The point being is if you start dwelling on what you have, you will
experience the emotions of having that and you will be able to carry
that through on your day, and it gives you a much more powerful
state to attack the rest of your problems in your day moving

Here's the thing. This should take you no more than about five minutes.
Five minutes is plenty of time, sometimes even less. You can go longer
if you want if you are enjoying documenting and writing down and
brainstorming and bullet-pointing all the things that you have in your life.
That is great.

However, five minutes of focused effort on this is more than enough to

get you reconnected with the feelings and the emotions that come with
realising all the things that are great about your life.

When you reach that emotional state, now you are empowered to
take on the rest of your day.

If you need, refer to the accompanying guide below for a list of other

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 18

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!


When writing your daily list of “things to be grateful for”, you can use the
suggestions below to help you along…

• Your health
• Your family
• Your friends
• Fresh air to breathe
• Clean water
• Enough healthy food
• Shelter
• Safety/security
• Access to the internet
• Freedom of speech
• Holidays
• Technology
• Your cell phone
• Your computer
• Your vehicle/bike
• Electricity
• Eyesight
• Hearing
• Healthcare
• Music
• Movies
• Books
• Your free time
• Your freedom of choice
• Love

If you are having a hard time and saying, "Well, nothing is good in my life
right now, and everything stinks and I am stuck," and you do not know
what you are talking about, go to the suggested list we have provided to
you. Look at some of those things there.

Does even one of them correspond to your life right now?

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 19

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

I am going to guarantee you that at least five of them do, and probably
more. When you realise that, and you realise how much more you have
than perhaps other people in this world, you become grateful and you
experience much more positive emotions than the negative emotions
that come with overwhelm or looking at a giant to-do list or looking at
your problem list.

This is the importance of a daily gratitude.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 20

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.4 - Daily Motivation

All right, so at this point you have got your success journal, you have
done your daily three-question task that we discussed, then you went on
and spent maybe five minutes or so doing your daily gratitude.

Now it is time to give yourself a daily dose of motivation or inspiration or

whatever you call it. Feed your mind new ideas, fresh ideas, things that
get you excited again.

Because this stuff does not happen by default. It does not happen
naturally. We have to create it for ourselves.

There's a saying by Zig Ziglar that says "motivation often doesn't last,
either does bathing." That is why we recommend you do it daily.

It is up to us as success-oriented people, high-achieving type of

individuals, to make sure that we are ready to go each and every day.
We are consciously aware, we know that there are going to be days
where we do not feel it, we feel sick, we are depressed about something,
we are stressed out about something.

It is still up to us to generate the proper levels of enthusiasm and

excitement for our day. The best way of doing this is through various
forms of mental input.

Here are the most common suggested ways of doing this:

 Reading motivational or inspirational style books.

 Watching videos. YouTube has an infinite number of really cool
motivational-style videos that you can tap into and watch
whenever you want.
 Listening to good motivational speakers or audio programs
about various topics that you are interested in. It does not just
have to be motivational. It can be anything that gets you excited.
It could be your area of speciality, an expert speaking about that.
That might be enough to get you motivated for a week. Who
 Participating in mastermind groups. That is a big one that
many people forget. Reading or watching videos or listening to
audio is great, but what about immersing yourself, getting around
other people where you can have these discussions?

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 21

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

We are talking about daily success rituals here, so the mastermind

group one isn't necessarily something that will be able to happen every
single day, but you can incorporate it. You can mix it up.

Maybe some days you are going to be reading a book as part of

your daily foundation ritual. Other days you might be watching
some videos. Perhaps you are doing both.

Mental Input Notes

These are all things that you can use to establish your mindset and get
you feeling that level of enthusiasm that I mentioned earlier so that you
can attack your day versus limping into it because of your giant to-do list
that bogs you down and then never gets done because your mindset is
so weak.

So establishing the mindset starts here.

Here's the cool thing. As you go through and maybe read that
inspirational book or pull out a couple of good blog posts from your
bookmark list or maybe you are listening to a half an hour of audio from
a great speaker.

As you go through this, write down little key phrases or little lessons

I will never forget the time I read the book by Susan Jeffers called "Feel
the Fear and Do It Anyway". I realised there were so many things I had
no clue about when it came to facing my fears and how fears were
holding me back.

So as I went through the book, I would jot down a paragraph or a

sentence from the book, as a reminder to myself. Here's a great lesson.
I never want to forget it. And I will forget it if I do not write it down.

This is where your journal comes in handy again, because not only are
you establishing the things we talked about earlier when it comes to your
key lessons and your gratitudes, but you are also documenting new
things that you are learning. New insights that you are gaining that are
giving you a burst of inspiration at the moment.

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If they are giving you a burst of inspiration now, there's a chance

that you are also going to get some inspiration or motivation from
this later on, and that is the great thing about your journal. You can
revisit these things anytime you see fit.

You can go back in time. You can remember, "Hey, back on March 7th;
I remember that day distinctly. I got a lot done. I was feeling great.
Let's check out my journal. What kind of stuff was I reading? What was
I involved in? What kind of mental stimulus was I using to establish my
mindset that day?"

All of this is so critical, and that is why we want to set it as a ritual, as

your foundational ritual every single day.

Here is your to-do. Set aside at least 30 minutes, and I suggest

more actually if you can afford it. Maybe it means you get up an
hour earlier. However, set aside at least 30 minutes to read, watch,
listen or like we talked about earlier with mastermind groups,
discuss some content that will fuel your mindset, that you know
will get you feeling enthused, that you know will get you feeling
inspired for your day.

As you go through it, document the key lessons learned in your journal.

All of these things, ideally, should happen step-by-step-by-step. Start

with your key questions. Do your daily gratitudes, then do your mental
input that we talked about here, and write down those lessons as you
learn them.

This will become your study material for future use.

If you want to remember what you learned in a book, go to your journal

and check out your mental input notes that you took as you read through
that particular book.

So this is your to-do. Make sure you take the time to do it each and
every day as part of your foundation ritual.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 23

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.5 - Implementing Mantras

The next step is performing mantras. I bet you have experienced

this before. Give me a call if you have not. So you read an
inspirational book, or you go to a motivational seminar, you watch
something that fires you up, and you are enthused, and you are
feeling great for a while, and maybe it even helps you be more
productive for a particular span of time.

However, sooner or later, you forget. You forget about that emotion, or
you lose that passion. You forget about the thoughts that created the
feeling to begin with.

Before you know it, you are sucked back into a giant to-do list, being
pulled in multiple directions, having that feeling of overwhelm that we
discussed earlier.

This happens to the best of us, and it will control you if you do not turn
around and control it.

This is where mantras come into play.

As you feed your mind every single day and as you learn things about
yourself, what inspires you, what motivates you, what makes you feel
secure and empowered to attack your tasks versus falling victim to your

All of these little insights that you learn and gain along the way as you go
through your success journal, become little hints for you like things that
you should be creating as mantras.

Mantras are reminders to yourself. Ways of reinforcing the mindset

lessons or the things that are motivating you on a daily basis.

When you think back and you go, "Man, why was I so motivated that day
and why am I feeling so down right now?" using your success journal,
you can revisit those lessons. With mantras, you can have a series of
statements that you can use that will help you recreate the emotion
when you lose it.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

So what is a mantra? It is simply just a short statement or phrase

that you use, to remind yourself of how you want to be. The type of
person you want to be.

If you document the mantras that work well for you and you write them
down every single day in your journal, then you can revisit, reread them
and rewrite them as often as you need, to recreate that powerful or
empowering state that we talked about earlier.

An example of a mantra might be, "I aggressively attack my to-do list,"

versus maybe your old mindset is "I get overwhelmed by my to-do list".


"I take pride in being the hardest worker in my business or my

company," or whatever it may be, again, reinforcing the idea of hard
work as part of your self-image, in the context of the definition of who
you are.


A mantra to yourself might be, "I am brave and bold and express myself
fully every day."

This is the kind of stuff you can use to remind yourself and to train
yourself of the type of person that you are trying to become. Maybe you
are not there yet; maybe you are a little bit reserved. If you say this
particular mantra to yourself, "Hey, I need to be bold. I need to express
myself in every situation possible", gradually you become that person.

You may be feeling great when you do this ritual in the morning. You
are reading a success-based book, and you are reading all these stories
of people who have overcome challenges, and you're at the moment,
and you feel great, but as your day goes on you forget it.

When you have these mantras, not only in your mind but documented in
your journal so you can read them and then write them as often as you
need to, to recreate those emotions, now you are setting yourself apart.

Now you are giving yourself an opportunity actually to change your


© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 25

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

So here's what we are going to do. Your to-do at this stage of the
game is to create a phrase or a sentence for each mindset that you
want to remember during the day.

You can document that phrase as a mantra in your success journal

and revisit it as often as you need to. Not only revisit it, rewrite it
as often as you need to as well.

Because sometimes the act of writing it will create the emotions more
powerfully than only reading it. However, because you have your journal
here and you are documenting things daily, then you have the
opportunity to do that as often as you see fit.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 26

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.6 - Long-Term Goals

Now, moving onto the next part of your daily foundation, your daily
success ritual here, and that is reviewing your long-term goals.

Obviously, you need to have long-term goals to be able to review them,

and so that is the part of this program where you have just got to step up.

If you do not have these, you have to create them. Knowing what your
long-term goals are; it might be from a business perspective; it might be
from a health and fitness perspective, relationships, financial.

It is up to you to determine what's the most important thing to you in your

life or groups of things that are important to you in your life and set them
as long-term goals.

These give you a general sense of direction for whatever areas of

life are important to you.

Let's say for example right now, you are currently earning $80,000 a
year, and you want to double that. Your long-term goal would be to
make $160,000 a year.

You might have no clue how to do that right now, but that is your long-
term goal, and it gives you something to dwell on and think about and
plan on and scheme for every single day.

It is like your North Star. It is something that guides you and leads
you into the future, and ideally inspires you to keep going every
day, because that is an exciting possibility for the future.

If you do not set that as a long-term goal, how the heck do you know
what to do today?

That is the essential part of this, is your long-terms goals should be far
beyond your current capacity, and they should be about achieving your
full potential.

What are you capable of, if you push yourself? If you ask yourself,
"What am I capable of? What can I do that is far beyond my current
capacities? What excites me?"

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 27

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

The other question to that is what don't I like about my life right now that
I want to fix? If I am not happy with my financial situation, I can
complain about it, or I can decide and make a long-term goal to triple the
amount of money that I have and get excited about life again.

Then your daily success ritual becomes a lot more exciting because now
every single day you are thinking about how can I triple the amount of
money coming in. That is much more interesting than just living your life
day to day, just going through the motions.

So documenting whatever your long-term goals are every single

day and why those are your long-term goals.

This is very, very important. If you have never done this before, if you
do not have a few long-term goals right now pulling you in the direction
of your future, you need to create them, and you need to do it right now.

Your first iteration through your success journal, you should be

establishing your long-term goals and then revisiting them every single

So here's your to-do. We have already talked about some to-dos in your
success journal. This is the second-to-last piece.

In your success journal, write each long-term goal down. You can
simply write it down as G-O-A-L put an underline and a colon, and
then get to writing.

What is your goal? If it is annual income, write it. If it is body weight or

type of body composition, write that down. Maybe it is an individual skill
that you are trying to develop. Write down that long-term goal, that
stretch goal that's far beyond your current capacity.

Then document why you must achieve it. Think about all the
reasons, and not just because you want to buy more stuff if it is
money. What else does that mean to you?

What have you proven to yourself when you have taken your income
from $80,000 to $160,000? You have taught yourself a few lessons
about what you are capable of achieving, right? You could now retire
your parents? You could now spend more time with your loved ones?

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

So these are the reasons why, and you want to document the reasons
why you have these long-term goals. Remind yourself where you are
going and remind yourself why you are going in that direction.

This becomes very, very important and critical to your success,

especially as you move to the last piece of your daily ritual, your

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 29

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.7 - Daily Goals and Objectives

The last part of this chapter is setting daily goals and objectives. If you
know your long-term goals and the long vision, it is pulling you in the
direction of where you want to go. It is making you become a more
strong, capable, empowered person and your daily goals should match
up to meet those long-term goals.

It starts by doing this, and we are going to go through this top to


 Write down everything you want to accomplish today.

Usually, if you are like the rest of us, I am like this too, your list is
going to be far more than you can accomplish today, but you have
got to write it down. You have to know your baseline. Here are all
the things I need to get done.

 From there, determine, out of this giant to-do list of all these
things that you have to do, determine which items feed and fuel
your long-term goals. In other words, which one of these elements
that you wrote down in your giant list of things to do today will
move you closer to those long-term goals that will bring you this
happy, successful, more empowered life that you want to live.

 Once you have done that and you understand which of your daily
goals will move you in that direction, the third is key. Now it is
time to establish a top-down priority for each one of those
objectives. Let's say you have three long-term goals that are
guiding your life right now. A certain level of income, a certain
degree of fitness or health that you want to obtain, and maybe a
certain degree of relationship with your partner or your children or
whatever. These are three big ones.

Then you have a whole bunch of things you need to do that day.
You have to call your accountant, you have to take the car to the
shop, you have to do this and that. There's going to be some
things in there that fall under the umbrella of helping you achieve
those long-term goals of making more money, aching that higher
income level. Which one of those can you establish as the highest
priority action item? The highest objective for today. Write that
down as your number one priority, so that you can begin with
it. So that you can do that before you do anything else in
your day.

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This is not always going to be a realistic scenario where the very first
thing you do each day connects with your number one long-term goal in
life, but for the most part, every day you go into your large task list with
some level of choice of what do I do first, second, third.

If you never establish a priority, you are probably just going to pick the
most convenient thing to do randomly. Whereas with this system, with
this approach, you are going to acknowledge what your long-term goals
are, then look at your daily to-dos and acknowledge this is priority one
based on my long-term goals, and choose to do that item first.

If nothing else gets done for the rest of your day because that item
took so long, at least you know you have moved closer to the most
important thing in your life.

If you live this way each and every day because you have established it
as a routine, as a ritual, what are the odds that you are going to be far
more successful, far happier with the results you are achieving in your
life after three months, after six months, after a year?

You already know what the answer is. However, it all comes down to
you following through and doing this system.

Let's put it into an action item, so you know specifically what to do.

Write down your main tasks and objectives for the day in your success
journal. Again, this could be everything. The high-priority long-term goal
related stuff, and the trivial things.

Pick three to five items as a top priority for the day. Most days you are
probably not going to achieve more than about five major things.

Then just simply place a one, two, three, four, five beside each of that
primary activity, and then get to work on doing them in that exact priority.

Again, your list may be 50 different things here, and that is fine. You can
document them and stay aware of all the things that you need to get
done, but this system and this ritual allow you to think about what's most
important to you constantly. It helps you build those decision-making
muscles that will guide you in deciding, "How do I attack each day.
What do I do first? When I get that done, what do I do second?

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 31

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 1.8 - Review of Chapter 1

Let's review this whole concept of creating a daily ritual, a daily
foundational ritual that gets you primed for success, by tuning your
mindset, getting you feeling good, getting you inspired and ready to take
on your day.

Each and every day, how do I get primed for success? What's my

Start with your success journal. You should be living with this thing.
You may even show it to other to increase your accountability. However,
know this, it is yours and yours only.

Your success journal is all about the whole concept of what gets
measured gets managed.

You have your three questions to review. As you continue on your

journey, it is going to also serve as your guide and your tracking point for
your gratitudes and your mindset inputs and mantras and goals.

Once you have that journal, you have a place to start; you have those
three questions to answer, then you can go into your daily gratitudes.
This is how you set yourself up for success, by creating emotions that
are far stronger than any negative emotions that might be associated
with overwhelmed or big to-do lists that we all get sucked into.

Imagine the difference of somebody who logs into their email and
Facebook every morning versus someone who does a five-minute daily
gratitude and takes the time to dwell on everything that they are grateful
for, that they feel good about in their lives.

It is a huge difference, and you should use it as a tool or as a technology

to your advantage, to make you a more successful, happier person.

Once you have done your daily gratitude, you are going to
establish your mindset.

This requires some form of mental stimulation. We want to motivate

ourselves every day because it is just like bathing. We have got to do it
all the time if we want to experience the real motivation that comes with

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This arrives in the form of reading or watching videos or listening to

audio or even those mastermind groups that I talked about, all the while
documenting what you are learning. These key lessons that are
inspiring you or key ideas that are getting you to think and feel great
about the things that you are taking on and embarking on in your life.

Documenting those in your journal as you consume that information, as

you read those books or watch those videos. Establishing that mindset
and keeping it documented in your journal every day is of vital

As you do that and you learn more and more about yourself and
what works for you, then you want to implement those in the form
of mantras or reminders to yourself.

Little short statements or phrases that remind you of the type of person
that you are becoming. The type of person that you intend to be. The
kind of mindsets that empower you.

Maybe you used to become overwhelmed when you saw a big to-do list.
Now with your success mantras and the studying you have been doing
every single day as part of your daily foundation, you immediate
associate a big to-do list with you being a capable, powerful person who
gets through not only that to-do list but more.

Because you are a successful, hardworking person that's capable of it.

You are creating this type of attitude and mentality in your life, and those
mantras will guide you along that path.

Then, you are reviewing your long-term goals.

Long-term goals tell you where I am going. Where do I want to be in a

year or two or five years down the road? What type of person do I want
to become? Whom am I trying to uncover here? What's my potential, if
I set my mind to it?

If I think about all those things, this is really what I want and whom I want
to be. I need to write that down and document it and think about it and
dwell on it daily so that I get ideas about what to do for this last piece.

What are my daily goals? What are some of the actions I should be
pursuing today that move me in that direction of those long-term
goals that we have just talked about and we just covered?

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Not only am I documenting my long-term goals but also recording the

things that I am doing and establishing a priority every single day so that
I can measure it, I can go back three, six months down the road. I could
go back and say, "What set that one great idea in motion? Where did I
come up with that idea?"

Your journal contains all of that thought process, all of those decisions
and all of those actions that you have been taking along the way.


That is the whole principle of setting a daily foundation. Going through

this entire process, filling in your success journal as I mentioned earlier,
should take you no longer than one hour out of your morning.

Set a time every single day to do this. If you caught my suggestion

earlier, get up an hour earlier and do it first thing so that you have
the rest of your day to just get busy, in a high state of motivation, in
a powerful mindset.

If not, then make sure that the time you do choose to do this stuff is
consistent so that you never forget to it.

It becomes a ritual, something you do not have to think about, something

that's programmed to be part of who you are.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 34

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 2 - Explosive Start

Let's start by discussing this philosophy of the explosive start.
This is an idea or a concept that we would like to help you embed
as a ritual into your life.

Again, if it's a ritual, it's something you do without thinking. You do it

unconsciously or subconsciously and you do it all the time.

It becomes second nature and who you are.

Becoming somebody who is an explosive starter and always willing to

get started, is a very, very powerful concept.

The first concept is having a powerful start to your day, to set the

Imagine the difference between two different people in these two distinct
scenarios. Person number one, let's call her Sally, she wakes up every
morning with a very strict routine of putting on her shoes and going for a
run, coming back and reading a half an hour of empowering information
that inspires and motivates her to get her day going.

Person number two, Doug, gets up maybe an hour later, grabs

something sugary to drink or eat and reads the newspaper and sees all
these somewhat negative stories impacting his mind, before he gets
started with what he is hoping is going to be a productive day.

Put these two people side by side. I gave them arbitrary names and
random circumstances, but in Sally's situation, here we have somebody
that's already got off to an explosive start.

They have already reached a certain level of tonality or momentum

for their day, and as Sally enters her next piece of work, whatever it
may be, maybe it is the first task on her to-do list for the day, she is
already revved up and ready to go.

Whereas Doug still has to bring himself up to that level, because he has
had a very slow start about how he hopes to be the rest of the day from
a productivity perspective.

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So this is a small, very simplified example, that shows the power of an

explosive start and how that can set the tone for the rest of the day.

However, this is not just about starting in the morning, a morning

routine when you wake up and you get going.

This is about the principle of starting in general. Think about people who
are extremely high achievers, highly productive. Hopefully that is you,
and hopefully, you can explore times in your past where you have been
extremely productive.

Maybe compare that to times when you were not so productive or as

happy with your level of achievement as you might have been otherwise.

In general, people that are high achieving, that gets a lot done, are
always willing to start.

They are prepared to start any endeavour, even when the

conditions are imperfect because they understand the power of just
getting going. Just taking that first step is often all you need.

I got a very compelling introduction to this exact lesson, this exact

philosophy when I started my business. This was when I was still in the

I was somebody looking to break out on my own, to start my company,

but wasn't sure how to get started. However, I was not allowed to do that
as I was a public servant. My contract dictated that I not be allowed to
"moonlight" or have secondary jobs.

But I made a decision. I tendered my resignation. I just did it first. I knew

I had to find a job and start building secondary income, and I did all of
those after I tendered my resignation.

I have a lot of great ideas, and I am writing things down, but I was not
making any progress.

If somebody else were to come in and measure it, they would

measure zero. Nothing was happening.

To radically embrace this concept of explosive start, I went and paid to

learn from business gurus before I started my company and right after I

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Now, this is before I could execute any of the other plans regarding
things like deciding who my customers would be, what business I was
going to do and all of the other incredibly important details that go with
starting a business.

However, embracing this concept of explosive start, I took the first step,
and that was learning from the gurus, putting my money down,
essentially locking myself in before any of those other conditions were

In fact, there were no conditions whatsoever, other than the first situation
I created, by making the decision to learn from someone else.

I was pretty much tied in at this point. I was not only emotionally
invested; I was financially invested in making sure this thing

Otherwise, that money I paid to learn was gone. When you are starting
a business, you do not want to start off your head off into the reds.

The interesting thing that happened was once it was booked, all of the
other finer details eventually came into play.

I figured out what I wanted to do. I thought out whom my clients were
going to be and how to reach out to them, so on and so forth.

Lots and lots of details, and I had to learn it all on the fly.

However, by embracing the explosive start philosophy, I entered

into a momentum that I could not back out of, even though a lot of
the time it was uncomfortable and I was not sure what I was doing.

I effectively guaranteed myself to be productive and to at least achieve

the main goal, the main result, which was getting my business going,
despite all of my other fears and insecurities and imperfections, the
conditions were not right.

I got started, and eventually because I got started, I was able to get

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That is the key piece here. Explosive starts can be the difference
between success and failure, when you make the decision and
when you decide in favour of yourself and your goals.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 2.1 - Daily Priorities

Now, to know what to get started on and how to start, it is imperative to
understand your daily priorities.

It is great to embody this whole idea of, okay, I am going to get started, I
am going to snap my fingers and get my energy levels up and get going,
except you need to have some direction to go in.

So before we dive into becoming that explosive starter, let's make sure
that you know where you are going and what you want to do and what's
most important to you.

It starts by getting everything out of your head and documented.

You can do this in some journal or notebook. If you want to write it down
on paper, or you can do it electronically on a smartphone device or your

Remember your success journal?

It does not matter how you do it. The key thing is to get everything out
of your head.

This is something, again, you probably want to do in the mornings or

maybe even the night before. All of the things that you need to get done
on this particular day. The most little tasks that don't have all that much
impact on your overall life, to the biggest, most important, vital things
that if you do not do them, you could be in big trouble financially or

Get them all out of your head and written down, so that you can look at
them and examine them.

Once you have done that, you can start scanning through them and
eventually get to the point here where you determine your highest
priority tasks of the day.

There are probably going to be, on an average day, four, five, six, seven
things that you want to get done, that you consider "high priority"
regarding advancing your success. Be it in your business, your financial
life, your relationship life, whatever. It is up to you to make those

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 39

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

The key piece here is you must choose, decide, pick, a single task
as your priority number one task of the day.

Meaning that you cannot let this day go by, you cannot do anything else
until you complete this priority number one task.

Again, this has to relate back to what's most important to you in your life,
and it goes back to your value system.

However, you choose to pick your priority one item is up to you. That is
a gut check. That is something that you are going to have to look at
your life and where you are trying to go, but ultimately you need to
decide on one thing as your priority number one for the day.

Circle it on your list, write it down again, whatever you need to do, to
highlight it as the number one priority for your day.

Then you have a guiding post, a direction for your day.

Then you can move onto the next piece, which is determining two
to three additional high-priority items.

This is assuming that you get priority number one done. Where would
you want to go next?

Because once you get in the mode, once you start being productive, you
do not want to sit and evaluate again. Take the time to evaluate all this
once so then you can just put your head down and go.

So after priority number one, what's two to three additional high-priority

items? Again, relating back to your priorities in life, where you are trying
to go, your biggest goals.

Finally, organise the rest of your lower priority items into your list for the

I understand, and I am sure you do as well, that you are going to have
huge, big priorities that relate to significant life goals that you are
working towards, but that does not mean you can suddenly ignore
paying the bills or taking the kids to school or feeding your cat.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 40

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

All those things still have to happen, but they are a lower priority in the
grand scheme of things. You can still document them, and you can still
organise them so that at least consciously you have an idea of where
they are going to get handled and when they are going to get handled.

You may find this similar to setting daily goals. It is, in essence, the
same but this chapter will break down into finer details for your to start
your day right.

However, the biggest takeaway here is to make sure that you

understand your biggest priority of the day.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 2.2 - 3 Buckets of Priorities

That brings us to your first to-do or your first action item. So it is all
about getting organised, and again, use your success journal!

Moreover, what you want to do here is create three buckets of priorities.

Three different areas that you can look at and evaluate as you go about
your day, from the time you get started until basically the time you shut
off the lights and go to bed.

The first bucket is your number one priority.

There should only be one item inside of bucket number one, and that is
your biggest, most high-priority task of the day.

Put it in there, look at it, evaluate it and accept the fact that this is your
number one, you are going to be doing this thing today.

Second bucket. This is where you put your two to three additional
high-priority tasks.

Should number one get completed and get finished, then you know
exactly where you are going second, third, fourth and so on.

Once you identify those in the second bucket, then all of the lower
priority tasks that you know you need to get done, you have got to
fill them in here and there, you can put those in bucket number

Have them written down, so you will not forget about them, but you are
not going to dwell on them all that much because you have bigger things
to focus on here.

You have a priority scale, and you have buckets that you can revisit
throughout your day. Do not waste any time finding where to go next. As
you attack your day, hopefully from a position of power and aggression,
you will get these things completed so you can be happy with your level
of productivity.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 42

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

The Power of Priority One

Now that you understand your priorities for the day and you have, most
importantly, identified a priority number one, let's talk quickly about why
this is so powerful, why it is important to have a priority one task.

I like to call the power of "priority one" a "procrastination killer".

Because what this allows you to do, when you understand your biggest
priority for the day in relation to your most important life goals, is to focus
all of your energy on completing a single task before you do anything
else. So that the rest of your tasks, the rest of your day, actually flows
more smoothly and seems relative to what you've already done, seems

Versus the other way around.

Imagine if you were to do all of your low-priority stuff first that is really
easy to get done, but in the back of your mind, you are letting this big
thing grow into something that it probably shouldn't be.

That is precisely the definition of procrastination. We want to be

able to flip that. We want to make sure that does not happen to you.

When we are talking about success rituals, we want to make sure that
you create a routine of starting things, of understanding what your
priority is, so that this never becomes an issue for you, or at least you
drastically reduce the possibility of it becoming a long-term problem for

So here's what you need to be prepared for.

When you understand your priority number one task, and you focus all of
your energy, probably first thing in the morning on doing that task,
completing it before you do anything else, be prepared for what I like to
call low priority mental nagging.

Because you have gone through your buckets, you know you have a
priority one, you know you have got some lower priority stuff, and then
you know you have got a bunch of to-do's that are going to be kind of
nagging at you behind the scenes or mentally.

Those are always going to be there.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Even if you were to spend your whole day getting rid of those low-
priority things, a whole batch of new low-priority things is going to
come in and replace them.

So those are always there, and you know that instinctively already.

If you can prepare in advance, mentally, know that as you go into your
day and you do nothing but priority number one, you will accept and then
ignore all of that mental nagging for those low-priority tasks, because
you are choosing to be a starter.

You are choosing to create a ritual of being somebody who gets the
most important high-priority item done first before you move on.

If you can prepare for that, know it's coming, do it more often, as you do
this daily and it becomes a ritual, those low-priority mental nagging items
will become less of an issue. To the point where you will be able to
ignore them entirely, because you are going to see the power of this.

You are going to live the strength of finishing your highest priority task
first, and you will see that you always have time left to do those low-
priority things.

You are going to get them done, and they are going to come back
up the next day anyways.

Let me show an example to you from a paper by Dr Pitchel, who's a

researcher at a University in Canada. To me, this highlights perfectly
the power of getting started, especially on your highest priority tasks.

Here's a bit from the article.

In a series of studies, my students and I used electronic

pagers, to gather what is called experience sampling data.
We paged research participants randomly throughout the
day over a week or two.

Each time we paged them, we asked things like what are

you doing, is there something else you should be doing,

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

how are you feeling, what are you thinking. In addition,

depending on the study, we got participants to rate what
they were doing and what they were supposed to be doing
on things like how stressful they perceived the task to be.

A rating of 10 indicated extremely stressful, while zero

meant not stressful at all. This type of data allows us to
take a sort of snapshot through time, of what the
participants were doing. Importantly, we also got a real-
time glimpse of what they were thinking and feeling as

As expected, on Monday, when participants were avoiding

some task in preference to others, we found that they
typically said things like "I feel like doing it tomorrow, or not
today, I work better under pressure."

We rationalise the dissonance between our behaviours of

not doing and our expectations of ourselves. I should be
doing this now.

Later in the week, few, if any, participants spontaneously

said things like "I feel like doing that task today", or "I am
glad I waited until tonight because I work better like this."
More surprisingly, we found a change in the participants'
perceptions of their tasks.

On Monday, the dreaded, avoided task was perceived as

very stressful, challenging and unpleasant. On Thursday
or maybe the wee hours of Friday morning, once they had
engaged in the task they avoided all week, their
perceptions had changed. The ratings of task
stressfulness, difficulty and unpleasantness decreased

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 45

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

What did we learn? Once we start a task, it is rarely as

bad as we think. In fact, many participants made
comments when we paged them during their last-minute
efforts, that they wish they'd started earlier. The task was
interesting and they thought they could do an even better
job with a little more time.

Just get started. That is the moral here. And then, of course, know
what to do, what to focus on, especially when you first get started
here, is the second half of that equation.

Knowing your priority one, your highest priority item for the day. That is
the main to-do that I would like to suggest to you here, that you walk
away with.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Your To-Do

So your to-do, your action item, is to take the priority number one item
that you identified in the previous exercise and complete it first.

If you are literally going through this as you start your day, then you want
to pause right now and go and do it.

That might not be a trivial task. We could be talking about a significant

chunk of your day here, and that is okay. Because the main lesson here
is that you execute on, you get started and then you complete your
priority one task of the day, to set up all these other things that we have
been talking about.

Especially setting that tone for your day so that the rest of your
tasks seem easy or seem lower challenged.

Your priority number one item, it might be huge, it might be something

that's going to take you a series of days or maybe even more. We could
be talking about a multi-week project here.

So if it is something that spans more than you can do today, then

complete the piece that's capable of being achieved today.

That might mean that you give yourself an hour towards this task or the
morning. At your lunch break is when you stop, and you move onto your
other duties.

Whatever it is for your particular project, the main thing here is, without
really worrying about perfection, the main thing is whatever your priority
one task is, get started on it and give yourself a significant amount of
time to spend on doing it.

If you can complete it, then complete it. If it is not realistic to

complete, then pick a segment of that priority and make sure you
complete that section.

Again, this is before you do any of those lower priority "nagging" tasks.
You are going to leave them to the side for now so that you can focus
exclusively on this so you can receive the benefit of actually finishing
your biggest priority task and watch how the rest of your day then begins
to adapt to that completion and to that win, as you have started your day

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 2.3 - Momentum

Now, you might be wondering why is it so important that I get my first

highest priority thing done first?

Why can't I put it off to a bit later once my day is going and I am
caffeinated, and I have got my phone calls out of the way?

This is why. What we are talking about is the power of momentum.

Momentum is an incredibly powerful force on planet earth, and it works

just as well in nature as it does in your life.

What momentum does for people is it creates what I call a positive

pressure in your life.

For example, let's put these priority tasks and all these things to the side
for a minute and talk about something very fundamental in life.

I have used this example personally. I know other people that have as
well. The ritual of flossing. You want to become somebody who flosses
every single day. It is a small little habit. It does not take all that much
time to complete.

However, so many people struggle remembering to do it every day.

Maybe they do it a couple of times a week, they do it on a Monday and a
Thursday, and then they forget the rest of the time.

Then they go in for their dental checkup, and that is when they wish they
had done it more frequently.

Well, I remember putting the power of momentum into play for this
very simple ritual of flossing.

All I did was over the course of three days, I forced myself to floss. I set
reminders; I had a little thing on my phone, I had some different
strategies in place to make sure that I forced myself, no matter what,
before going to bed, for three straight days, I was going to floss no
matter what.

We can all do that to a degree, especially when it comes to flossing.

How hard is that to follow through on something like that?

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However, here's what I noticed what happened.

At the end of the third day, it had already become something that I was
proud of. It had become something that I realised, wow, this is not all
that difficult. An extra minute in my evening ritual and I am incorporating
a success habit, a health habit, that I want to have, that I simply forget to
do a lot of the time.

By the end of the third day, it was starting to become part of my


When the fourth evening hit, this little pressure sort of hit my brain, even
though it was no longer in my reminder set on my calendar anymore,
this pressure activated in my mind saying, "you have already got three
days going here. Let's make it a fourth."

I did not want to break the streak.

That is what I am talking about with positive pressure. You can start
building a momentum in your life for all the positive habits that you want
to create, simply by forcing yourself to execute on it for a small number
of times.

This could be something like going to the gym or going for a run every
day. Sometimes it is even just starting your run. "I am going to run to
the first stop sign and see what happens." Very often, just getting there,
you say, well, I have already gotten this far. Let's see how far I can go

There are plenty of examples of this that happen in your life all the time,
and it is simply the power of momentum taking you over. Over and over
and over again.

This is exactly why priorities are so important.

When you execute priority number one, and you complete it, you have
set yourself up for a momentum of productivity. The rest of the items on
your task list, on your priority list, are going to be far easier to complete
because you are now in energy or flow of momentum that you
deliberately created, knowing exactly how this would impact your life.

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Here is exactly what I am going to suggest you do right now if you want
to put this into play, and actually if you want to experience the power of
momentum in your life, over and above the exercises we have talked
about here.

Pick a small habit. Something you can implement starting today. You
could use my dental floss example. It could be anything that doesn't
require a whole lot of thought or effort. It is simply something you have
to remember to do.

Implement it today, implement it tomorrow and implement it on the

third day. See what happens on the fourth day. Just run this
experiment for yourself and see how that positive pressure kicks in.

See the fact that you will want to execute this new habit on the fourth
day, simply because you do not want to break the streak.

After you have done this, you have picked a habit that you want to have
in your life anyway, so there's no reason to stop doing this at all.

Plan to keep going, but study your mindset. Consider what happens to
you with the positive pressure that gets created when you choose to
embrace the power of momentum.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 50

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 2.4 - Keep Starting

We have discussed the explosive start philosophy. We have talked

about why it is important to understand your daily priorities top to bottom,
and more importantly, it is important to understand priority number one
for each and every day, related to your specific goals in your life.

Then we talked about the power of momentum, that can only occur once
you get started. And that's exactly what we want to drive home here.

That brings us to the final thought here, and that is the idea of you
need to keep starting.

Even though you have had an explosive start to your day, even though
you have picked a priority number one and you have chosen deliberately
to complete that, in order to create a momentum for your day and
ultimately for your life, you must now realise that you have to keep

Even once you have reached the end of priority number one and you've
done your big task for the day, you now need to move on to your next

It is just as important now to get started again, to explosively start

your next major activity, your next major priority.

Alternatively, if you are now allocating time to your lower priority

activities, you also must start those.

If you developed the ritual, the habit, the mindset, the conditioning of
always starting something new, then you can begin to implement this
and achieve all the things you want to achieve.

I have three different ideas you can run with. Let them sink in as
you begin to implement these concepts into your life.

The 15-minute focus block

Often what will happen is you will set your big priority for the day, or
maybe you are moving on to your next priority, and you will hit a bit of a

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mental or energy block where you do not really feel like getting started,
or you have some self-doubts. You are not sure what to do first.

In these situations, the last thing you want to do is succumb to


If you remember the study I referenced earlier, you do not want to

become like those students in that study that kept putting things off until
the last minute, and then they regretted that they did not have more time.

Instead, recognise that it is a block for you, and then force yourself
to spend a 15-minute focus block doing nothing but thinking about
the task at hand.

This does not mean that you create the pressure that you must complete
this right now, at this moment.

All you are going to do is spend 15 minutes thinking about it,

brainstorming it, giving yourself ideas as to how you might begin it
successfully. By allowing yourself to ease into the process so that you
do not duck away from it and then start doing things you are not
supposed to do or that are a lower priority that you do not want to be

Again, the ritual is to be starting. How you get started is by

spending this 15-minute focus block.

What you will find happens, nine times out of ten, is that your 15-minute
focus block allows you to activate some energy. You will get an idea,
and now you know how to get started, and you can begin diving into
your task at hand, be it your priority one of the day or whatever action
you are moving onto right now.

That is the first one. 15-minute focus block.

Tracking Your Completes

As you go through your day, as you complete your big priority items and
you move into the lower priority or even small priority ones, you want to
make sure that you write down and consciously recognise all the things
that you have done throughout a given day.

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You actually might surprise yourself that when you get to the end of the
day, you think back and you think, "oh geez, I only completed this one
thing or these two things." However, when you track your completes you
might get to the end of the day and realise there were three dozen things
that you got done, over and above these high-priority tasks that you also
committed to.

You close your day off feeling successful, feeling empowered and
recognising your achievements.

That brings me to my third point.

Implementing a Reward System

It does not have to be extravagant, it does not have to be over the top,
but you need to put some system in place to reward yourself for not only
starting but sticking to and completing all of the things that you deem a
high priority in your life.

It might be asking your spouse or your team, if you are working in a

corporate environment or running your own business, to ask them to
recognise you. Ask them to congratulate you on what you have
completed, so that you feel like you have been recognised.

Maybe it is taking some down time to watch a program or read a book

that you have been putting off because you have been too busy.

Whatever that reward system is to you, give that positive feedback

loop to your brain so that you are rewarded subconsciously to keep
doing this. So that you always are starting and sticking to this plan
that you know is going to help you become more productive.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 2.5 - Review of Chapter 2

In closing, the lesson here, the main message I want you to walk home
with is a starter.

Embrace the power of the explosive start. Understand the momentum

that this will carry through to you, not only today but each and every day.

As you develop it as a ritual, as it becomes part of your

conditioning and part of who you are, there is nothing you cannot

Every task can be broken down into something that you can take action
on right now and will always fit back into the perspective that it needs to
be in.

You will never look at it as something overwhelming. It will never

grow beyond its current capacities.

You will look at it for what it is, and you will take action, you will get
started on what needs to be started at the moment.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 54

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 3 - Energy Maintenance

Congratulations on reaching Chapter 3! Today, we are going to be
talking about a concept called energy maintenance.

What we want to do for you today is give you some ideas and strategies
and tips as to how you can go about your day as a high achiever, as
somebody who likely has a lot of goals and things that you are looking to
build into your life, and keep your energy levels high.

Maximise your energy and maintain your energy for peak


Now, this is not necessarily an area that many people spend much time
on. What we want to do here today is raise your awareness or help you
become conscious of your energy levels and the amount of energy you
bring, how that plays a role in your overall success in your life, and
particularly how you can take proactive steps to manage and ultimately
maximise your energy levels.

Before we get there, I want to share a quote with you from Tony
Schwartz. He says, "We create the highest value, not by how many
hours we work but by how much energy we are capable of bringing
to whatever hours we work. We create the most value as human
beings when we find a dynamic balance between work and rest."

I emphasise the word balance here because I believe this is the area we
all struggle with the most.

You are reading this eBook right now because you are a success-
oriented individual and high achiever. Alternatively, you want to be. You
would not have picked up this program if you were not.

I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that you struggle

with balance.

There are going to be times where you are pedal-to-the-metal, and you
are putting in the hours, and you realise you have not taken enough
down time to let yourself recharge and come back and be your best self,
bringing that high-quality energy to your working hours.

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At the same time, maybe you have tried to take some breaks and take
your foot off the pedal a little bit, and maybe you did it a bit too long, and
you found that your breaks were almost hurting you, to an extent.

What is the right balance?

The rituals we help you define today will help you find that balance,
but also maximise your energy levels when you do choose to
expend that energy.

So the purpose of this training is twofold. First, I want to create

awareness for you and remind you on a daily basis, again, as a success-
oriented person who's probably pushing hard, creating awareness that
energy maintenance is a tool that you can use, and it is a powerful tool
for personal success.

It needs to become part of your daily conscious awareness. You are

thinking about it, and you are taking action to maximise your energy.

Second, help you identify rituals, so you do not have to think about it all
that often, you just do these things, so you can use these to maximise
your energy levels on a daily basis. Sometimes you are going to need
this on an hourly basis if you are really pushing hard and have much
stuff on the go.

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Now, to get the most out of this training, we have a few assumptions
here, I call them prerequisites. I just want to make sure you go into this
with the right frame of mind.

If you do not fall into these assumptions nicely, in other words, if you
have not hit all of these as prerequisites, then I am going to suggest you
take a few minutes to make sure that you meet these prerequisites.

It should not take you all that long, as somebody who is already an
achiever and goal-oriented, you probably have a lot of this stuff on the
go already.

First, you have clearly defined goals. You know where you are
going. It could be in multiple areas of your life.

We could be talking about business or finance, any relationship goals

that you have, we might be talking about your health and wellness, your

I do not know what it is for you. There are probably multiple areas, but
they are clearly defined.

Second, you have a plan of action to achieve those goals.

Now, you may have some huge goals, and you do not know the exact
steps and processes you are going to follow to reach the end state of
those goals, but you have a plan that you are working.

Maybe that plan is changing on a daily or weekly basis, but you have a
plan that you are following. In other words, you have some action that
you are taking towards these goals.

Third, you want to maximise your output.

Obviously, any hours that you do spend working on your goals, you want
to get the most out of yourself so those working hours are very, very

Finally, you realise that this requires maximising your energy.

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If you are running on empty, if you have not slept enough or maybe you
skipped a whole night of sleep to get a project done, you are going to
realise very quickly that your productivity and energy is going to be
impacted by that.

You want to be able to make sure that you have plans in place to
maximise your energy, so you are not affected by these kinds of

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Chapter 3.1 - 3 Types of Energy

To really understand how to maximise your energy, let's take a quick

look at the three different types of energy and how they are going to play
a role in your overall energy levels on a daily basis.

First, we have what we call mental energy.

This could include things like thinking, your focus, your imagination, your
visualisation. How energetic do you feel when it comes to your mental

Focus is probably the biggest one here. If you find yourself as the type
of person who's easily distracted, a good example would be social media,
do you almost have an addictive personality where you check social
media more often than you should, where it interrupts high, critical,
important tasks that are relevant to you and your goals?

For some reason, the social media, or maybe it is email, or you are
checking texts on your cell phone, whatever it may be, your focus is
being diverted away.
That is an indication that your mental energy may be suffering.

The second energy type that you want to take into consideration
here as we go through this is emotional energy.

This deals with your sense of well-being. A big one is your self-talk.
What is the kind of phrases or thought patterns that are going through
your mind? In turn, how are those making you feel? What's your
general level of happiness?
These are all descriptive phrases that will kind of give you an indication
of what your emotional levels of energy are at.

Third and finally, and this is probably the most obvious, things that
you feel on a daily basis, your physical energy.

Your alertness. Your general fitness levels. Your general health.

This would be what you describe to people. "I am feeling great today. I
have a high level of energy." It is usually because you feel it in your
body. It is your physical energy making you say those types of things.

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In this program, we want to be conscious of all three levels or all three

types of energy, and we want to realise that we can develop rituals that
will help us maximise all three levels, so we get back to what we were
talking about earlier, which is balance.

If we can balance all three levels here, we will then feel a maximum
level of energy that we can then bring to the quality hours that we
want to put in, in our productive working time.

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Chapter 3.2 - Your Sweet Spot

To help you get the most out of this chapter and pick and develop the
rituals that will work best for you and your energy maintenance plan, we
want to help you uncover your sweet spot.
This will be the sweet spot where you are expending just the right
amount of energy so that you feel good, you are productive, at the
same time you are not overdoing it and feeling burnt out.

Too much of something can cause pain. At the same time, too little of
that same thing may also cause pain.

Look no further than the fitness world. How often you work out and use
your muscles and use your body plays a perfect role here.

If you are the type of person who goes crazy and tries to work out
multiple times a day, you will quickly realise that your body is going to
burn out and will be less effective with that level of intensity, over a long

The same thing goes on the opposite end of the spectrum.

If you are not working out at all, you are not using your body.Your
muscles start to atrophy; you are going to get pain.

Either example here, you are going to get pain, and you are going to feel
like you are out of sync. In other words, you are not in the balance.

That is what the sweet spot is all about. Finding a place where your
energy expenditure is in the balance with the type of personality that you
That brings me to your complex. You are likely going to be one of
two. You are either going to be the complex of somebody who's a
worrywart or a superhero.
If you are a worrywart, you are the type of person that probably thinks to
themselves, "I am overdoing it, I am working too many hours, I am going
to burn out," and you start getting stressed out about how much energy
you are putting forth towards your goals and your endeavours.
Opposite end of the coin, maybe you have a superhero complex and you
feel like burning out is just a myth. That cannot happen to me. The
more hours I work, the more successful I would be, to your detriment.

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You do not even see what's going on, as you run yourself into the
ground and become less successful over time because you are
overdoing it.

So are you the type of person who under does it a little bit, or are you
overdoing it? Either way, you are probably going to have pain, because
you are not maximising your energy and you are not maximising the
hours you bring into that productive working time.
To Do: Your Disposition
Your first to-do will be to pause right now and take the time to brainstorm
your general disposition.

Think about it. Honestly and truthfully on a daily basis, are you
more prone to overdo it or underdo it?

Be honest with yourself here, because let's say you are the type of
person who overdoes it and thinks you can work 20 hours a day and
never have any negative consequences to that.

This will help you pick which energy maintenance rituals will be the
most useful for you, just like somebody who under-do it will have
to have a different set of energy maintenance rituals.
So pause now, make a decision as to your general disposition and then
use that moving forward.

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Chapter 3.3 - Energy Measurement

Now that you have done that, it is time to take a look at your energy
measurement, and this is where you get a read on how you have been
to date.
You want to learn how to read your mental, emotional and physical
energy levels at any given time.
Again, you probably haven't done this very often before. You are a goal-
oriented person, and a high-achiever. You are never probably given
much thought to your energy levels on an hourly basis.

Here, we help you become more conscious of it by doing and energy

audit or assessment.

What causes your energy to peak, and what causes your energy to dip?
Have you ever actually thought about those things?
Have you ever noticed maybe you are in a funk, well, what caused you
to get into that funk? Was it a comment from somebody? Did
something go wrong at work? Did you just happen to have a bad
morning and for no reason, you are suddenly out of your normal flow
state that you like to be in?
If you never really take the time to assess it and to audit what's
determining or impacting your energy levels, then how can you
possibly correct it?

You cannot. This is the exact purpose of this particular point that I am
going over right now.


I have an exercise for you, make sure you do it.

What I want you to do is sit down and give 5 to 10 minutes of real

thought to this. Review the past week, or go further if you have a
good memory, and make a note of:
1. What times of day your energy peaked.
2. What times of day your energy dipped.
3. What factors contributed to both your peaks and your dips?

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Again, this will give you tremendous insight into what determines your
energy levels, because each and every person is a little bit different.
As an example, a negative comment from a colleague or a peer or a
friend or even a family member may motivate one person to make them
extremely productive while for another person it might cause them to go
into a funk, where they're feeling depressed and angry and sorry for
themselves and they get nothing done.
These are the kind of indicators you want to look for and do this for all
three areas.

Think about your mental energy levels. Think about your emotional
energy levels, and also your physical energy levels.

Take note of all three of these.

So again, what times of day your energy peaked, times of day your
energy dipped and the factors that contributed to both the peaks and the

Pause now, and go ahead and do that.

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Chapter 3.4 - Maximising Your Energy

Now that you have done that, you are ready to start looking at various
strategies, techniques, tips that you can begin implementing as rituals,
into your daily life, for maximising your energy.
We are going to do this for three different areas. We are going to
come at this from three different perspectives if you will:
1. How you work.
2. How you adapt daily.
3. How you live generally.

All three of these areas have a huge impact on the amount of energy
you will experience and feel at any given time, and we want to start with
how you work.
What we are talking about here is how you spend your time in your
productive working hours.

The traditional model, we have seen it for years, is nine-to-five with

maybe a lunch break. As our world becomes more busy, more
competitive and so on, we see environments where it is eight-to-six, or in
some corporate settings, even worse.

People are working extremely long hours, with very few breaks in

We want to change that. We want to flip that paradigm and focus

more on what I am talking about here, which is recognising that our
energy works in rhythms.
If you can understand that and understand how your rhythms are, if you
can work in focused blocks of continuous effort with planned, deliberate
breaks in between, you will be far more productive than somebody who
tries to grind it out and work seven, eight, nine hours in a row, with no

I want to prove this to you or give you some convincing evidence, so to

speak, from, which is a fascinating blog dealing
with energy and productivity management.

The post is called "The 90-Minute Solution: Why Less is Truly More,"
and I would like you to read just a short segment from it here.

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The way we are working isn't working — for employees or

their employers. There is a better way to fuel productivity
and high performance. The first key to changing the way
we work is recognising that the value of those you manage
isn't generated by the number of hours they work, but
rather by how much value they produce during the hours
they are working. Working longer hours, juggling more
tasks and answering more emails is not the solution.

As every great athlete understands, the highest

performance occurs when we balance work and effort with
rest and renewal. The human body is hard-wired to pulse
and requires renewal at regular intervals not just
physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

Unfortunately, rest and renewal get no respect in the

organised world. Instead, most managers instinctively
view those who seem to need time for rest and renewal as

However, what are the costs of working continuously? Do

we think as clearly, creatively and strategically, or work as
efficiently with colleagues and clients, in the 10th or 12th
or 14th hour of a workday devoid of real breaks, as you do
in the 2nd or the 4th hour?

Of course not. And that's because human beings are not

wired to operate like computers.

More than 50 years ago, the pioneering sleep researcher

Nathaniel Kleitman discovered something he named the
"basic rest-activity cycle" — the 90-minute periods at night
during which we move progressively through five stages of
sleep, from light to deep, and then out again.

While it is much less well known, Kleitman also observed

that our bodies operate by the same 90-minute rhythm
during the day. When we are awake, we move from

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higher to lower alertness every 90 minutes. Other

researchers have called this our "ultradian rhythm."

Our bodies send us clear signals when we need a break,

including fidgetiness, hunger, drowsiness and loss of
focus. However, mostly, we override them. Instead, we
find artificial ways to pump up our energy: caffeine, foods
high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, and our body's
stress hormones — adrenalin and so on, kick in.

After working at high intensity for more than 90 minutes,

we begin to draw on these emergency reserves to keep us
going. In the process, we move into a stress type of state.

The consequence of this is our body begins to shut down,

and we become less capable of thinking clearly and

So what does this mean for you?

It means that you need to start looking at your day and start planning to
have focused blocks of uninterrupted effort, ideally 90 minutes at a time,
and plan your breaks in between.

A good cycle to consider is 90 minutes on and 20 minutes off.

Forced breaks, knowing what we have just talked about in this article
here and what we are discussing in this overall program. Maximising
your productivity, maximising your energy, requires this rhythmic change
in how you go about your day.

So if you have been pulling 8, 10, 12, 14-hour days, you need to stop
that right now and develop a new energy maintenance plan.

To-Do: Work Blocks

Here is your to-do. Begin incorporating the concept of a 90-minute work

block into your day.

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Start with one today, literally today. Do not go any further throughout
this eBook or your work day without doing this one.
Create a work block and a break block and force yourself to stick to
it. Do it once today, once tomorrow and start building upon this, to
the point where this is your only mode of operation.

You work in the 90s and you rest for the 30s, knowing that this will
maximise your energy levels and will make you the most productive you
can be when you are on. And when you are not, you disconnect entirely
and disengage from what you are doing, and that will ensure you have
maximum levels of energy.

So far, we have given you a framework to work within; we have talked

about the reasons why your 90-minute focus blocks, your 20-minute
breaks, you understand that you are going to begin incorporating that.

At the same time, when you are focused, when you are turned on and
getting your work done, there are going to be opportunities for your
energy to dip, and you have probably seen this before.
You have got a deadline, you cannot afford to hit an energy lull right now,
but sometimes it happens.
It could be mentally, emotionally, physically, some combination thereof.

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Chapter 3.5 - Five Energy Maintenance Rituals

You need methods to quickly boost your energy throughout the
day, especially when you need to draw upon your highest levels of

The following tips and advice can be things that you can start
implementing, rituals you can start creating, that will help you maximise
your energy when you need it the most.
Shadowboxing Ritual

The first one, it is a technique called mental shadowboxing.

What you want to do here, it works best with pen and paper; you can
also do it with a tablet or a laptop where you type it out, but the key thing
is to do it and do the following.
Write a series of empowering statements to yourself, reminding
yourself how you want to be.

You hit a lull in your energy or your aggressiveness or your

assertiveness, you put everything aside, you sit down, you give yourself
maybe five minutes, and you start typing out to yourself, "I am a powerful
person. I insist on achieving my goals. Every day I step closer and
closer to my goals because this is my identity. This is who I am," so on
and so forth.

It is almost like you are speaking to yourself, but you are doing it in the
form of print or written.

It allows you to do it in a situation where maybe you cannot speak out

loud to yourself, which we are going to get to in a minute, but you can
still issue these statements to yourself.

What you will notice begins to happen, just after a minute or two of
doing this, is you will feel an energy shift. This is an excellent way
to reconnect with the higher side of your personality, the most
potent part of your personality.

Moreover, sometimes within a three to five-minute span, your energy will

go from low to high, simply because you used this mental shadowboxing
Write this down as a potential ritual for yourself to use on a daily basis.

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Verbal Mantras Ritual

Verbal mantras or affirmations. This is essentially an extension of the

mental shadowboxing technique that we just covered and is the very
culmination of the mantras in your success journal.

The only difference here is this one you are speaking out loud to

The previous one, maybe you are in an office environment, and you're
surrounded by many people, and you do not want to do this technique,
that one works great.

If you work alone and there's nobody around, or you just don't care, then
you can use this.

Create a series of statements, power statements, that you can say

out loud and to yourself. You might even want to do it while
looking in the mirror.

Very similar to the mental shadowboxing, you are issuing statements to

yourself that remind you of the higher side of your personality.
Statements that remind you to stay on task, to stay aggressive with your
goal-achieving actions that you are working on.
Issue these statements to yourself out loud. Shout them if you need to.
Look at yourself in the mirror while you are shouting.
This will, again, shift your energy from low to high. It happens in a
matter of one to three minutes maximum if you do it the right way.

Note this one down as another potential ritual you can incorporate.
Physical State Change Ritual

Next one: Physical state change. This one is huge, and it is something
that not very many people use.

You want to stand up and move your body at a high level of

As soon as you notice your energy shift, if it is dipping and you still are in
high productivity mode, you are in the middle of a 90-minute block, you
cannot afford to have an energy dip, stand up. Get out of your chair.
Jump out of your chair.

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Clap your hands. Shout out loud. Anything that moves you from low
physical energy to high physical energy.
This can take impact within 30 seconds.

Imagine screaming out loud and clapping your hands together that, "I
can do it," whatever that statement may be to yourself while moving your
body around.

You are getting your heart rate up. You are physically changing the
state of your body. This will impact your emotional and your mental
state as well.

This awesome technique is very powerful and can work in a matter of

minutes or less. It would get you from low to high energy when you need

Dancing to some of your favourite music might be the way to go here.

Put on some tunes, crank them up, dance around for 30 seconds, then
get back to work because you have shifted your energy from low to high.

Once again, note this down as a potential ritual for you to incorporate.
Meditation and Relaxation Ritual

Now, going to the other end of the spectrum here, meditation and

In some cases, maybe your energy is being dipped or being impacted

because you are running on high. You are stressed out. You are
worried about too many things.

Sometimes taking your mind off of everything and simply thinking about
nothing might be the exact solution you need to revive yourself and feel
a new sense of energy spur up from within.

In this case, you can find a good guided meditation on a place like
YouTube. You can find some relaxing music, put on some
headphones and simply close your eyes and decompress, for at
least 15 minutes.
This is important. This one takes a little bit longer because it takes your
body a little bit of time to calm down from a high-stress state.
So this is something you might want to wait to incorporate during one of
your 20-minute decompression or break blocks.

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However, if worse comes to worse, if you are in the middle of a focused

block of concentrated work and you are not getting anything done, then
use this technique to get back on track and simply restart a new 90-
minute focus block at the end of your meditation or relaxation technique.

Note this one down as another potential ritual for you to use daily.

Mental Stimulation

Another energy booster is mental stimulation.

Here, just simply take some time. Read a book or watch a video
about a topic that motivates you.

It might have something to do with your industry or the business that you
are in. It might have something to do with a goal you are working
towards. Maybe you have some side project you are working on, and
you're following a master, somebody who's incredible at designing
kayaks, and you want to be able to design kayaks at the level they do it.

Well, maybe just watching them perform their craft and perform their
artwork for 10 minutes gets you so excited and motivated about your day,
about what you are working on, that it shifts your energy from low to high.
Sometimes that mental stimulation, seeing it on a video or reading
a short chapter in a book, will give you just the energy boost you
need to get back on track in your focused block of concentration.
So note this one down and don't forget to use it anytime you feel your
energy dip.

To Do: 7-Day Challenge

So here's your to-do for this energy booster section.

Every day for the next seven days, choose one energy booster that
you will use, the moment that you notice your energy beginning to

You are going to start noticing this all the time because of this chapter.
You are becoming consciously aware of your energy levels on an hourly

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When you notice the energy dip, pick one of the boosters that we
have discussed here, give it a shot and then document them.
One of these might work better than some of the others, so find the ones
that work the best for you and use that one as often as you need to, but
don't forget that variety is also important.

So create these as rituals, but don't be afraid to switch from one to the
The key thing is that you develop an energy maintenance plan that gives
you the energy you need to accomplish the tasks you need to perform.

So have some fun with it, but make sure you develop it as a ritual. Do it
once every day for the next seven days.

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Chapter 3.6 - How You Live

We have talked about how you work, and we spoke about the 90-minute
blocks. We talked about how you adapt daily, and we have given you
some potential rituals that you will begin incorporating into your life right

And this is something for you to start thinking about and start
making some long-term decisions on, but we did not want to leave
it out, and it is how you live generally.

Your lifestyle in general, as you know, will have an enormous impact on

your energy and how you experience energy levels on a daily basis.

So how you live usually comes down to these categories. Obviously, we

can go in a few different directions as well but think about this.

 What's your fitness like?

 What's your nutrition like?
 What are your sleep patterns like?
 How do you deal with stress?
 What are you doing from a personal development perspective?
All of these things will play a huge role in your energy levels on a daily

How You Live Exercise

With that, I would like to leave you with one final exercise that you can
use to address how you live so that it can have a positive impact on your
energy levels, and you can incorporate this into your energy
maintenance plan.

What I would like you to do is pick one area that we covered in the
how you live section that will have the highest impact on your
energy improvement.

Reminder: This is dealing with fitness, nutrition, sleep, stress

management or personal development.

If you want, you can create another category for yourself as well, but
these are the big ones.

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Picking the highest impact one for you, spend the next seven days
"fixing" that area.

Let's say, for example, you know that your fitness levels can be
improved. You do not do enough with your body, you are not all that fit,
and it is causing you to have huge dips in your energy, and it is actually
impacting your ability to achieve your goals.

Over the next seven days, every single day, do something that improves
your fitness. Go for a walk, go for a jog, do a 10-minute in-home
workout or maybe join a gym and start working with a personal trainer.

However, do something every single day, so that you begin

incorporating a more positive lifestyle habit in that particular area,
and then pay attention to how this impacts your overall energy
levels on a daily basis.

Again, the key here is to pick one, the highest impact one, so that you
can begin working on it immediately and building it as a ritual.

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Chapter 3.7 - Review of Chapter 3

You have now become more conscious, more aware of your energy,
your energy levels and how it impacts your productivity.

Hopefully, you have decided on particular rituals that you can begin
incorporating, based on your personality type or your complex, and you
have a series of activities you can begin using immediately. Especially
those we covered over the next seven days, that will change your
personality and change what you do on a daily basis, that will have the
hugest impact you can have, on your energy levels.

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Chapter 4 - Recharge and Renew Ritual

Welcome to Chapter 4 of the eBook. Today we are going to be talking
about another vital concept for high-achieving people just like yourself.

It is the concept of having a recharge or a renewal phase in your


This is something that many people that are driven for success, people
that are very goal-oriented and have much stuff they want to achieve,
very often forget to do.

It is something I can understand, and I am sure you can as well, why

recharging and renewing is something we put aside because the idea of
hard work and working proficiently towards our goals is something that
we can be proud of.

We can hang our hat on the fact that every day we put maximum effort
into what we do, and that is necessary for success.

However, you can overdo it. You can go overboard here and reach
a point where you get a diminishing set of returns on your efforts.

I think you understand this concept if you have ever pushed yourself
kind of beyond your limits. Maybe you have pulled a couple of all-
nighters, and you started to realise what happened to your body when
you did not give yourself a chance to recharge and renew.

So what you want to do here is raise your attention, come to your

awareness, bring your consciousness back to the importance of having
a recharge phase or renewal phase into your life and building it in as a
ritual, so that every single day you have that balance.

You are working hard, you are working diligently toward your goals, but
you're also planning your times to recharge and renew so that the time
when you are working is fully productive and fully maximised for your
efficiency and long-term success as well.

As a high-achieving person, you might be used to pushing yourself

beyond your limits.

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Maybe you are taking on many commitments, and over the next week,
you are going to be putting in double the hours that you may want to do
or you may be planning to do on a regular basis.

However, you are prepared to make that sacrifice because it gets you
closer to your goal, it moves you up the next step in your success ladder
or whatever that may be.

Understanding that the optimal status or optimal state for success is a

careful balance between these times when we have to push hard, push
beyond the pain, do more than we maybe necessarily want to do on a
given day. It is also about planning a time to step back and do these
renewal or recharging exercises we are going to get into today.

Like I said earlier, we want to raise your awareness and your

consciousness to acknowledge the importance of the recharge phase.
As you finish reading this chapter, you will have some very specific items,
specific activities that you will implement and work into your life on a
daily basis. That will help you find that balance and give you long-term
optimal success so that you do not burn out and you actually will keep
producing at a high level.

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Chapter 4.1 - Planned Stop Time

So the first concept we are going to talk about here is having a planned
stopping time.

This is interesting. Many training programs are designed to help

you get started and motivate you to have a productive day and to
get your mindset in the right place. That is exactly what we have
done in the first three chapters.

We are starting at the end of your day here. I am going to assume that
you have already been a hardworking individual. You have already
accomplished a lot of the tasks that you want to accomplish, or at least
made strides towards those.

We want to acknowledge right now the fact that you also need to plan a
time to stop so that you can build in these recharge and renewal rituals
that we are going to be talking about here.

The key here is that clarity is power.

Any time you give a direction to your mind where you are extremely
clear about the outcome, you have a far better chance of success at
whatever it is you are going to do.

You are playing a game of darts. You are aiming for the middle. You
know exactly where your brain is trying to throw that dart. Whether you
hit that or not probably depends on your amount of experience with that
particular sport, but you get the idea.

If you know where you are going, there's a very good chance you
are going to get there eventually.

Same thing goes with building a recharge ritual into your life. If you give
yourself a planned block of time for work and then a planned stop time,
where there's no wiggle room, where you're actually going to commit
yourself to stopping. Now you've given yourself a framework for success
when it comes to building in a recharge ritual into your life.

Knowing that you are going to have a planned stop time, how will you in
your life hold yourself to the commitment that I plan to stop my workday
at 3 p.m., at 5 p.m., at 7 p.m., whatever it may be for you?

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You will have to make the call on the amount of time required to reach
the success you're trying to reach for, but acknowledge the fact that
whether your day is a 5-hour day or 12-hour day, you do need to
recognize that stop time and hold yourself accountable to ending at that

As you know, work will always continue to grow and pile up on

your plate and your to-do list. You had to be willing and prepared
to walk away from it, at your planned stop point.

So a commitment might be something like joining a class at a gym

where you have got to be there at 6 p.m., and that means you have got
to stop work at 5:30. Fine, that is great. Your stop time is now locked in.

What you will find is happening as you commit to this and as you do this
more often, your designated work times now are very concise. They are
very clear to your brain.

Maybe you start your day at 8 a.m., and you have committed to stopping
at 4 p.m. Now your work blocks will have an increased sense of urgency.
You know that you have got to get all the stuff done, whatever you have
assigned yourself for that day, by 4 p.m., no if's, and's or but's.

Your level of urgency will increase. Naturally, what will happen at this
point is the amount of wasted time of your mind floating around, maybe
wasting time on social media or your cell phone texting when you should
not or maybe addictively checking your email. That will have a far less
chance of happening now because you have this focused block of time
to work in.

The last point I want to make here is the fact that when you do this,
you commit to an actual stop time, what you are doing is removing
ambivalence or this sense of choice.

When you remove the choice, your mind and body naturally accept this
commitment that you have made, and you almost enter the state of
surrender, where you will do what you have committed to do.

Anytime there's a sense of ambivalence where you are kind of like,

maybe I could do this, or maybe I should do that, if you have never
committed to a diet as an example, if you have given yourself wiggle
room, you have seen exactly what happens.

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Your willpower fades, and you start eating the cookie or the bad food,
the fried food, whatever it may be. Removing that choice, removing the
ambivalence and committing to a stop time will ensure that you will
create the time to build in your recharge rituals which we will now dive

To-Do: Stop Time & External Commitment

However, first, let's make sure you lock this in. So your to-do right
now is to set an absolute, drop-dead time where you will stop work
completely each day.

I understand this may have to vary. It may have to change from day to
day. If you can stop at the same time every day, even better, because it
has a higher chance of becoming a ritual or routine in your life.

However, then, make sure to lock yourself in by creating at least one

external commitment. Joining the gym, being accountable to other
people, you are going to meet them somewhere, you are going to do
something with your family, your children, your spouse, whatever it may

Forcing yourself to in fact stop that work time and move on to

whatever it is you are going to commit to.

Do that now. Set it up for yourself so that it starts today and you can
move beyond.

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Chapter 4.2 - Reviewing Completes & Incompletes

Moving along our time scale here, once you have decided to stop work,
an important step is to bring some closure to your day by reviewing your
completes and reviewing your incompletes.

This starts with simple documentation. Documenting everything you

finished in your given work day, writing it all down, and writing what you
did not get finished. Get that into your success journal as I have taught
you to create in Chapter 1.

What happens here is that you are going to remove all this chatter or
worrying or concern or whatever it is from your mind, and assign it to

It gets it out of your head and puts it down so that you can review
and assess it and deal with it later on.

Remember, your goal here is to stop what you are doing. To stop the
work so that you can invest in the recharge phase.

By removing any other limiting factor, i.e. things that are pulling you back
into your to-do list or back into work, this will increase your chances of
actually sticking with your recharge phase.

So get it down on paper and worry about it later on. You cannot do
anything about it now because you are done your work day.

This also allows you to celebrate your wins or your successes.

Very often, you are going to do this little exercise, maybe spend a few
minutes documenting what you finished that day, and it will blow your
mind. It is like, "Oh my goodness, look how much I finished today. I
stuck with my commitments. I got much stuff done, I even went beyond
some days and got even more done than I expected to do."

It is a great feeling, to acknowledge the fact that you did accomplish

some stuff because very often you can get to the end of your day and
feel like you did nothing. This allows you to revisit that and recognise
the fact that you did get stuff done.

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At the same time, it allows you to audit your time and look for any

Maybe there were a few segments of your day when you were not firing
on all cylinders, where you did waste some time, or you are not fully
committed or fully heads down on what you should have been. This lets
you acknowledge that, kind of review why it happened, and make sure it
does not happen again moving forward.

This is how you start building in long-term success habits into your

You want to do your completes and incompletes in the following


Create a column for completes and then a column on the other side for
incompletes, and then spend 10 to 15 minutes maximum, this is after
you have stopped your work day, you are going to take the next 10 to 15
minutes to fill in both columns.

What you got completed, what you finished, acknowledge those

successes, and then what was left undone. What are those open loops
floating around in your mind that are going to bother you for the rest of
the evening if you do not at least acknowledge them?

Write those down after your stop time. Do that today, and ensure you do
that every day is moving forward, as a new ritual.

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Chapter 4.3 - Review Tomorrow's Priorities

Now, one final step here before you officially close out your day
after you have stopped work is to look at your next day priorities.
This is huge.

If you only implement this one tip from this training, I believe you will
walk away with a tonne of value and some real life changing advice. So
make sure you execute on what we are going to be talking about here.

Your job is to think, plan and ultimately prepare your next day, entirely in

It allows you to fully decompress properly, so that as you do your

recharge rituals, you do not have to worry about your pending work day.
You do not have to worry about what's going to be on your mind
because you have set it aside.

You can allow your subconscious mind to sort of process what it is you
want to do the next day.

It is also a great time to set your next day's priorities right at the
end of your work day, because everything you have just finished,
your completes and more importantly your incompletes, are fresh
on your mind.

You can look at everything that is not done and decide at that moment,
what should I get back to work on tomorrow and are there some new
priorities that I need to put ahead of even some of these pressing
concerns right now.

It allows you to think about it, set a priority on it and understand moving
into your evening and ultimately the next day, exactly what you want to
be doing, eventually giving you a running start for your next day.

So your productivity will go up, but also your wasted time will go down
because you do not start your next day thinking about, "All right, what's
today's agenda? What's on my plate? Where did I leave off yesterday?"

It has already been handled the day before, and your mind, your
subconscious mind has had the entire night and even some of the
early parts of the morning to start preparing you for your day.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

So as much as this is a recharge and renewal success habit or ritual, it

is equally an empowering way to start your new day and having a
productive start to every day that you want to be on and want to be

To Do: Tomorrow's Priorities

Here's what we are going to suggest doing here. Using the same pen
and paper, journal/electronic device, whatever you chose in the previous
exercise, looking at your incompletes and anything else on your plate
that you want to be achieving today and this week, choose between
three and seven priorities for your next day.

You might have heard this term, or this concept of the mind can
efficiently process three to seven things.

Anything beyond seven, you are going to start forgetting and getting
confused. So really try to stick within that range.

Then, write each one of these priorities down. You do not have to do it
in order right away. Take some time to look at them really, and then
before you are done, assign a number to each one. Number one being
the highest priority item and likely the thing you want to start first
tomorrow, down to seven, if you did a total of seven or whatever number
you stopped at.

Make sure you give a tangible, hard number priority to each one.

Do that as your to-do right now. Begin this today, and start doing this
every single day as a recharge/renewal ritual for your success.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 85

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 4.3 - Recharging Fully

Now, once you have gone through the concepts discussed so far and
you have done the to-do's or the exercises we have suggested, you are
really at a point now where you can begin your full recharge ritual. You
can disconnect from work.

That is exactly what we are going to be talking about here, are setting up
some disconnect activities that you will execute every single day.

The purpose here is to take your mind completely off your work or
whatever goals you are working towards right now.

There is a power in actually disconnecting and removing any thought or

energy or any processing power towards what it is you are working on.

What happens here, is you might have experienced this before in your
life, is when you disconnect and disengage fully, meaning you are not
even considering thinking about this thing or working on it, it produces a
very optimal creative state.

You might have noticed it when you were in the shower or maybe on
vacation, and some of your best ideas would strike your mind, seemingly
out of nowhere. It always comes from this state of not thinking about it,
not putting any effort towards these big goals you are consumed with,
during your work hours for the most part.

So a full disconnect allows these processes to occur and

encourages them to happen in a creative state.

This might include things like participating in sports. Maybe you want to
join a local volleyball club or something like that. Watching movies.
People very often look at movie time as a waste of time; I do not want to
watch TV or movies because I could be doing something productive.

The whole point here is not to be productive. To let your mind kind
of flow and do what it needs to do outside of your focus hours.
You will be surprised what happens here.

It might also include volunteer work. It can still be work. You can still do
things that are making you feel like you are productive, but it is going to

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 86

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

be totally outside of the scope of what you do in your regular eight to

four working hours, as an example.

You might also want to look at using this disconnect session for quality
time with your family. How often are you spending time with your kids or
your spouse or extended family, if you have it?

Maybe you evaluate some of your time habits over the course of a year
and realise, "I do not spend enough time with my parents or cousins or
sisters and brothers." Here's your time to build that back into your life,
and it will serve you in the form of disconnecting and allowing your brain
to recharge.

This can also happen in other types of recreational activities. Things like
rock climbing or going bowling may cost you a few bucks, but the
experience is so fun, and you can immerse yourself in that activity, have
a tonne of fun and at the same time get these benefits we are talking
about here. These creative states that only happen when you force
yourself to renew and recharge.

Finally, this could be a good time for you to work on maybe a hobby or
some skill development that has nothing to do with work but that will
have that rewarding feeling. This will give you something to look forward
to outside of your hard driving goals that you are focusing on each and
every day, as a success-oriented person.

To Do: Disconnect Activity

So your to-do right now is to take the next five days, five work days
specifically, and select in advance one disconnect activity that you
plan to do for each of the five days.

It could be the same thing each day, or it could be one new thing times
five days, five different things, for the next five days.

It is really up to you and the sense of adventure that you want to

incorporate here, but make sure that you add it to your agenda or your
calendar or priority list so that you do not forget. When you are done with
your work and done reviewing your completes and incompletes and your
priorities for the next day, that you do disconnect and follow through on
this and experience all the great fun and excitement that comes with
actually disconnecting.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

So select those five right now and ensure that you begin them
today, as you go through your recharge ritual phase.

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Chapter 4.4 - 3 Mental Rechargers

Now, creating rituals in your life that allow you to recharge or renew so
that you are fresh and productive each and every day, can take a few
different formats.

Right now, I would like to share with you some mental rechargers that
could come in handy, and walk you through some very specific tips on
how to use each one of these.

The three I am going to cover are self-hypnosis as a tool for

recharge and renewal, meditation as the same kind of tool for
recharge and renewal, and finally, mindfulness exercises.

All three of these can be used as a means to help you kind of build
rituals, to renew and recharge your mind and body for the next day, and
each one of these may or may not come in handy, depending on your

We will go through these, and then you can pick and choose which ones
work best for you.

Mental Recharger #1: Self-Hypnosis

The first one is self-hypnosis, and self-hypnosis is a form of self-

directed hypnotism that can be used for a variety of different ends.

It essentially means using subtle suggestions to alter the way we think

about something, which in turn can be used to help overcome a phobia
or an addiction or just change the way we feel about ourselves, or for a
range of other benefits.

Normally, getting hypnotised would mean going to visit a hypnotist who

would walk you through a particular series of instructions, in such a way
to get you into a relaxed state and kind of a highly suggestible state.

From there, they would then be able to talk you through a series of
suggestions that would gradually change your beliefs on a particular
topic, until you eventually came away feeling different and better than
you did before.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

But how would this work if you were both the patient and the hypnotist?
That is the key question here.

There are a few ways to practice self-hypnosis, but one of the most
effective and most similar to getting hypnotised professionally is to
use scripts.

What is a script?

The idea with a script is simple. You are going to be writing down the
part that would normally be spoken by your hypnotist, and then
recording it so that you can play it back to yourself or in some format.

Now, you can sit somewhere quiet and feel relaxed and listen to the
recording as though it were a professional hypnotist talking to you, or,
you might decide to memorise and repeat the script to yourself, like a
series of positive affirmations. Alternatively, you could even read it to

Most, though, will choose to prerecord the script in a spoken form and
then go through it that way.

Now, how do you write your script?

The tricky part is knowing how to write your script and what you want to
put in it. This is really up to you and you can find much guidance online
to help, but it should start in most cases with a section designed to help
you relax and get into a suggestible state.

This might be achieved through the use of visualisation, breathing

techniques or tensing and relaxing your body.

After this point, you begin with the script design to have some
effect by getting you to take certain beliefs onboard.

You can achieve this, for example, with phrases designed to weave in
statements as presuppositions. Saying, "You feel confident," may be
met with resistance by your unconscious mind, whereas "You love the
feeling you have of being confident, which is happening more and more,"
is a much more gentle and more likely way to take effect into your brain.

So try self-hypnosis and try starting by using a script.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Mental Recharger #2: Meditation

Now, the next mental recharger that you might want to try out is

I will give you a few quick tips on simple ways you can start meditating.
The best thing about meditation is it does not require much time.

You may need to set aside 20 minutes per day to make it a

beneficial exercise.

You may want to use the following steps to set up your routine for
meditating, and aim to at least once a day, if not twice a day.

First, select a time. You want to choose a time that's convenient for you,
and then during this period ensure that you are not going to be disturbed
or having anybody bothering you.

You need to be able to feel fully relaxed, and your mind should be
free of any worry.

Many people enjoy meditating either as the sun comes up in the morning
or sets in the evening. If possible, you can even meditate outside, if you
can set that up.

You also want to choose a quiet location. This is crucial.

You do not really want to have your spouse or children or whoever

interrupting you, so pick a quiet room in the house, that would be ideal,
or even a secluded spot somewhere in your garden or like I said earlier,

Next, also consider your position. You need to make sure you are
sitting comfortably while you are meditating.

While sitting cross-legged or in the lotus position, it is recommended but

not always necessary; you could even sit comfortably in a chair and still
receive the same benefits.

However, make sure you are in a position that's going to allow your body
and mind to fully relax, without getting any levels of discomfort
throughout your body.

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Another good tip is to meditate before meals.

If you eat a large meal, you often feel tired and lethargic. This is why it
is best to meditate before you eat when you still have a pep in your step.

Don't try to meditate if you are on the verge of getting really hungry
because then you will be breaking your concentration that way.

What you will want to do is right before a large meal or before your
general eating times, when you are still feeling good and comfortable in
your body.

Next, give yourself a chance to warm up.

So with any other type of exercise, the same idea, you will want to warm
up. Even if you are just going to be sitting down for your meditation, it
helps to get your blood flowing and getting it flowing to all areas of your
body and brain.

So you might want to stretch out a little bit, get your arms and legs
moving, so that you feel like of in that place mentally and physically that
you can get into this thing and truly meditate with purpose.

Another quick tip that works for many people is just the act of

Smiling can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable and have a
general sense of calm throughout your body. Remember, you are going
to learn how to relax and allow your mind to wander as you meditate.

So feeling happier is certainly going to help you make this happen more

Finally, let's talk about your eyes.

During the meditation process, you will be sitting or maybe standing,

with your eyes closed. So when your 20 minutes is up, you do not want
to rush to open your eyes.

Instead, give yourself plenty of time to become aware of your

surroundings again.

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In the same way, you do not want to jump up and answer the phone.
Allow your body to return to its conscious state again naturally.

Just by following some of the tips I have given you here, this will enable
you to start meditating and reap the benefits of these short 20-minute
sessions and make sure you can build these into your life on a daily
basis as we said earlier.

One 20-minute session a day is maybe all you need for a full recharge.
Build this in as one of your rituals today.

Mental Recharger #3: Mindfulness

The third and final mental recharger that you might want to try as part of
your daily recharge routine here, or rituals, is the practice of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the observation of your thoughts and emotions, or

simply being aware of what you are feeling, what you are thinking
and what you are experiencing at any given moment.

Imagine what it might be like to be an animal like a squirrel. A squirrel

does not have worries about the dynamics of the workplace, about debt,
about their relationships. Squirrels do not have their heads in the clouds,
daydreaming about what might be. They do not have regrets or

Instead, a squirrel directly experiences the world as it is. Hyperreal

across all the senses. Squirrels simply take in the world around them as
it happens, and react on a dime.

This is what mindfulness is all about, and look no further than the
martial arts world.

An aspiration for many martial artists, including Bruce Lee actually, is to

reach a state known as the no mind state.

No mind effectively means that you are reacting without thought,

purely on instinct.

Instead of experiencing your surroundings, thinking how best to respond

and react, you instead act without pause or consideration at all.

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In martial arts, this state of no mind is accomplished by rigorous training.

By just repeating the same block over and over again, you eventually
reach a point where your arm moves to block, without any need for you
to consciously command it to do so.

Likewise, repeating the same punch over and over again, the martial
artist can reach the point where they are able to hit perfectly. At this
point, they have strengthened the neuropathways required to deliver the
perfect technique, and thus, it reaches the point where it is second

Many athletes in other sports achieve similar performance flows

when they are completely engaged in what they are doing, and you
often hear it being called the flow state.

So as you might imagine, the practice of mindfulness will only enhance

your skill as an athlete, as a success-driven individual, wherever it may
be for you, to achieve at a higher level.

As a quick starter for mindfulness, if you want to practice and get

involved, try simply being aware of your body.

Look at the distribution of your weight or of your breathing or even just

your body temperature, and you will find that instantly you become far
more present, so to speak, and much closer to mindfulness and sort of
this choiceless awareness.

You can begin here, and then you can evolve further. Simply do a
Google search on other additional mindfulness techniques that you want
to get involved in, but start here and see if mindfulness is a ritual you
also want to build into your daily routine.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 4.5 - Rest

Now, no training about the whole concept of recharging and renewing

would be complete without at least quickly discussing the concept of rest.

Are you getting sufficient rest to perform at optimal levels?

Right now, I am going to suggest a few things to you. First and

foremost, the idea of a pre-sleep ritual.

Our bodies are very rhythmic. Our bodies become accustomed to doing
things the same way day after day, and you can enhance your ability to
fall asleep more quickly if you create a pre-sleep ritual.

This might be doing things in a certain order, from winding down, maybe
watching a program, to reading a book, to the order in which you take a
shower, brush your teeth and do your flossing and what have you.

If you create a sequence of events that you define as your pre-sleep

ritual, decide to go to bed at the same time every night and also follow
that up by waking up the same time each morning, you put yourself into
a routine or ritual state of habits that will make it far easier to fall asleep
and enter a deeper level of sleep.

What you will want to do here is study your body and your energy
patterns. You will find that an optimal sleep schedule for you may be far
different from the people that you do business with or your spouse or
members of your family or friends or whoever.

So you will really want to take some time to study it, look at your
energy levels and explicitly link back how your rest is impacting
your productivity.

From there, you can build a pre-sleep ritual and decide on your sleeping
and waking times effectively.

To Do: Sleep Routine

So your final to-do here is to take some time and think about this.

Think back to the nights where you had a excellent rest, where you felt
great. What were the contributing factors?

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Break it into three parts.

First, determine your ideal pre-sleep routine. What things that work well
to help you get relaxed and wind down and ultimately fall asleep quickly?

Second, determine ideal sleep time. Are you a night owl? Do you like to
wake up super early? Determine a good time for you to fall asleep and
ultimately a good time for you to wake up.

Once you have chosen all three, design this plan, lock it in and use it for
one week. Every single evening, every single morning with your wake-
up time, and stick with it for an entire week, to evaluate how it impacts
your ability to recharge.

Use this as your final step in your recharge ritual process and
watch how your energy levels peak and your productivity peaks, as
you become more aware and ultimately take more control of your
ability to renew yourself.

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25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Chapter 4.6 - Review of Chapter 4

I hope that you have taken some time to develop your recharge and
renewal rituals, and that you stick to them at least for the next week to
see how it impacts you, and then adjust and evolve from there.

This is a huge, important piece of the puzzle when it comes to

achieving success in your life.

Don't forget to do it. I know you are a hard-working individual, but also
make sure you work hard at renewing yourself and recharging for the
next day.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 97

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Last Words

I hope that you have found this eBook useful and that it will help you in
achieving more, as per how it has helped me in my own life.

Do not that knowledge is not power. Applying the knowledge is what

gives your power.

In this instance, if you have gone through the whole eBook, but have yet
to action upon any of the to-do items, probably nothing has or will
change in your life.

You have to TAKE ACTION.

I hope to hear stories of your success.

To your success,

Gavin Sim

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 98

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!


1. Manifestation Miracle - Learn how to live your dreams!

2. Shyness and Social Anxiety System - Learn how to overcome your


3. Panic Away - Learn how to end your panic attacks!

4. Tesla Code Secrets - Discover how to make use of the secrets used
by the most brilliant mind that ever walked our earth!

5. Millionaire's Brain Academy - Learn how to train your mindset into a

Millionaire's mindset!

6. 3 Week Diet - If you want to learn how to lose weight the better, give
this a look.

7. - I always buy books (audio, kindle, physical) to keep

learning. I strongly recommend that you look at the best-seller lists and
take your pick.

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 99

25 Highly Effective Success Rituals - To Help You Find Your Purpose and Achieve Success!

Specific Books

One of the most inspiring and impactful books ever

written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has
captivated readers for 25 years. It has transformed the
lives of Presidents and CEOs, educators and parents— in
short, millions of people of all ages and occupations.

After interviewing fifty of the world’s greatest financial

minds and penning the #1 New York
Times bestseller Money: Master the Game, Tony Robbins
returns with a step-by-step playbook, taking you on a
journey to transform your financial life and accelerate your
path to financial freedom. No matter your salary, your
stage of life, or when you started, this book will provide
the tools to help you achieve your financial goals more
rapidly than you ever thought possible.

Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying

to a whole new level, promising that if you properly
simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have
to do it again. Most methods advocate a room-by-room or
little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at
your piles of stuff forever. The KonMari Method, with its
revolutionary category-by-category system, leads to
lasting results.

This book contains the distilled tools, tactics, and ‘inside

baseball’. What makes the show different is a relentless
focus on actionable details. For example: What do these
people do in the first sixty minutes of each morning? What
do their work out routines look like, and why? people?

© 2017 Gavin Sim, Founder, 100

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