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Carlos & Jaimie Donate – Independent Baptist Missionaries to Guatemala Since 1991


USA Address- c/o First Baptist Church/ Sue Highfill, 507 State Street, Hammond, Indiana 46320
Field Address- Manzana P Lote 21 Colonia Colinas de Minerva, Zona 11 de Mixco, Guatemala, C.A. Web- Email:


January 2nd, 2019
Dear Friends,
Lamentations 3:22, and 23 says, “It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his
compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

As we begin a new year, let us thank God for His mercy and faithfulness in 2018! We serve a good God, who
blesses us with many blessings. What an honor to be called His children!

In December we taught on the importance of the doctrine of the incarnation of God. Many Guatemalans
celebrate Christmas with the wrong emphasis, and as missionaries we must preach and teach why He came,
rather than when He came.
We spent every Saturday going out soul winning in Milpas Altas, a city about 45 minutes north from
Guatemala City. The village of Guamuch (pronounced “goo-ah-mooch”) is a small neighborhood about a mile
away from our actual Mission, with about 1000 souls, most of them Roman Catholic mixed with Mayan Indian
ancestral religion. There we met the village leader, Mr. Procopio Guamuch, a devout religious older gentleman
in his 80´s. It was his ancestors who founded the village which bears his name. At first, he didn´t want us there,
but after we explained that we were there to survey the area for any medical needs among the people, and to
share the good news of Jesus Christ, he gladly allowed us to use his big spacious yard to visit anyone with a
medical need and to conduct a Bible club; it’s now been 3 weeks---and thus far so good. We feel, however, that
soon we may need to find us another area or try to bus the kids and young people to the actual mission about a
mile away. Pray we could get us another vehicle for this purpose.
Incidentally, it was at the Guamuch village that Ana Veronica, a 17-year-old Mayan Indian teenager and her
mom Maria Victoria, got saved. Ana has catamenial epilepsy, which makes her very weak and anemic each
month soon after her menstrual cycle begins. When they got saved, the mother asked me if I could pray for her
daughter´s health, which I did. However, I also brought her some homeopathic medication, which she gladly
accepted. A week later, she began to have seizures, but because she had begun to take her remedy, they were
much less severe than before, and less frequent. Recently, Dr. Joselyn Santos, MD, a young female doctor from
our church got to see her to follow up on Ana Veronica, and she told Dr. Santos she was so grateful that we had
cared enough to pray with her and give her this medication! We too were grateful to God for His goodness
towards Ana Veronica. Pray we can continue to reach the many indigenous Guatemalans of this village and
others just like it. Likewise, we praise the Lord for Mr. Roberto Batres, 72 years old, from El Salvador, who
made his public profession of faith in Christ on December 30th and will soon be baptized!
Thank you for helping us help the many in Central America! Without your help and prayers, we could not do

Sowing the Precious Seed of the Gospel,

Brother CA Donate
Luke 9:6

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