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Research : NMD PHARMA Dec.

3, 2018

1. STH (ascaris) study: Grp 7

 Multiple grp comparison  anova will tel only but will not tell individually
the difference so use POSTHOC analysis
 Biophysical chemical parameters other than temp. : should controlled also
o eg. moisture, light
 microscopic eval of ascaris : petri dish ? divide in quadrants? Select only one
o Paperboat instead of quadrants
 Why include ascaris from pigs?
o Humans have lumbricoides
o No RRLs that it can be grown in rabbits
 Ethics: base it on PNH RS guidelines
 What is in the grass that will be antihelminthic?
o Flavonoids, saponins etc. with antihelminthic properties
o Make it clear cut for the rationale for choosing thisplant… no
traditional use? Communities use this?
o Folkloric claims as antihelminthic but no RRLs – mention this
 Embryonation rate – is there an OECD guideline? Standard procedure ?
 Standard bioassay procedure? Based on other studies with other plants,
but not with this plant… or do u have a way of knowing that they will be
infected ?
 HPLC ? why not do the usual wet method ? because you just want the
qualitative method only.

2. Renal and liver toxicity of paragis : Grp. 1

 Tea : 1 cup is what dose ? 500mg of paragis in 1 teabag ;
 is 500mg well documented?
 What is the compound that is toxic to liver and kidneys ?

3. Asparagus on HBA1c study : grp 5

 RCT will not know where the high metformin will belong they may be in
the grp without asparagus ; so allocate
 Structural-activity rltnship with metformin
 Add scientific rigor : described the sample size but not clear how they will
be selected – how you pick them up from the sample size ; the sampling
method should be simple random sampling and not probability sampling
 20 sample size : not enough; set assumptions beforehand, use the study by
 how many participants went down to this level? (In the previous study)
o and use that value;
o how much signif difference is that to rject the null hypothesis?
 Amt of samples should be enough to detect the no. of rejection
 Allow for dropouts  determine the reason
o Include intention to treat analysis
 Use randomization soft ware to randomly assigned so no bias
 Prognostic indicators (obese, lifestyle change – no matter how many years- )-
so can omit 1st screening procedure and go directly to 2nd screening

4. Antinephrolithiasis (paragis) : grp 10

 2nd obj : what is the intention of doing HPLC and FTIR ? percentage yield for
 And for FTIR ? to determine the functional groups… know if there is a
connection with struct and activity so may remove FTIR if not needed
 Estimate the dose for induction of nephrolithiasis and not ad libitum so know
the vol that should be administered….
 Levels of nephrolithiasis is not standard if you give without standard dose of
 How you will confirm nephrolithiasis ?
 Ethyleneglycol – no other stones aside from ca oxalate ?
 May form crystals but may not be presence of stones….
o Presence of RBCs ? to DX stones
o Figure out how to establish nephrolithiasis
 Beginning and end
 If with nephrolith at end … what will you do ? treat with
positive control.
o Light or electron microscopy- look at the study I have shown by khan
“of mice and men : ca oxalate nephrolithiasis in mice”
 PHFRS ethical guidelines

5. Amebicidal effect of mangosteen on E.hystokytica : Grp. 8

 No research project as the main protozoa- basis on why this project was
 Chemical component effective in killing protozoa
 Lavage: how sure are you that you have penetrated the large intestine
because trophozoites cannot survive the gastric acidity
 Cyst is the infective component
 What aspect in the ELISA ? in the result … IgM, IgG ,etc ? may be past infxn
after 2 weeks? SO ACUTE infectivity ? not PAST?
 Might be negative at first and wait bfor it becomes positive
 Why perform ELISA at the end? ELISA gives an impression that will also
performed also at the end?
 What if (+ ) ELISA and ( - ) ova?
 At end of 7th day :
 Define how outcome measure should be measured : what makes it highly
probable or equivocal ?
 Indicate in title what part of plant eg. pericarp extract ?
 80% ethanol : dried pericarp or fresh ? then if fresh 95%
 if air-dried 80% will do
 in statement of problem : how are you going to see which compds have anti
amebic activities ?
o answer : systematic review and by meta analysis only
 will your extract undergo lyopjilization? Bo difficulty in determining conc if
do lyophilization
 operational definition : what are the clinical sns and sxs : monitor closely
rats – how? Make sure that these are allpresent to dx
 what would constitute amebiasis ? make himay2
 7 days after no ameba … what now?
 Target sample size : 30 ; so you don’t start with 30 because not all may have
 Include tx with metro if not treted with mangosteen
 Will you have a separate definition of diagnosis; what if all these 3 are
present but others will not be positive after?
 #5 obj : Comparative viability ? failed to remove because before it is with in


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