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EE436L-Database Engineering Lab-01_Report

Data-Base Engineering
Data Modelling using the Entity-Relationship Model

Entity-relationship diagram using MYSQL-Workbench:

2016-EE-21 Hamza Sarwar

EE436L-Database Engineering Lab-01_Report

We assume that each department offer many courses and a course can offer in many sections
provided that each student enroll in various sections with limited one course per section.

 We create 5 entities i.e., Department, Faculty, Student, Course and Sections
 In each entity, we highlighted primary key as “Red”

 Department[Department ID(P),Name]
 Faculty[Faculty ID(P),Name]
 Student[Roll Number(P),Name, Session]
 Course[Course ID(P),Name, Credit Hour]
 Section[Section ID(P),Capacity]

Cardinality and Partitions:

 There will be a 1:N relation between Department and Faculty because
N faculty members works for 1 Department and in 1 department ,there
will be N faculty members working in it
 There will be a 1:N relation between Department and Student because
a department has N students whereas each specific student belong to
only 1 department by keep in mind the Constraints.
 There will be a N:N relation between Department and Course because
a department offers many courses. On the other hand, each specific
course belongs to many departments
 There will be a tertiary relation between Department ,Course and
Section because each course offers in various section provided that
student enroll only one course per section

2016-EE-21 Hamza Sarwar

EE436L-Database Engineering Lab-01_Report

Entity-relationship diagram using Lucid-Chart:

2016-EE-21 Hamza Sarwar

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