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Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year

Name: Valerie Nixon Author: Self-Evaluation

Job Title: Date: Jun 3, 2018 9:31 PM EDT
School: Poland Regional H S

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PART 1 - Auto-populated from initial form

My professional growth goal is...
To improve my use of class critiques. I would like to use them more often and to improve my use of questioning. I believe that
this process helps students generate more personal ownership of their learning experience as it fosters independence, self
reflection, and confidence.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

What core proposition and standard does this goal align with?
Core Proposition 2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
Standard Indicator 2.3. Goal-Focused Planning.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

How will attainment of my goal be measured?

Students will provide a self assessment at the beginning, middle and end of the semester:
How do I feel about providing feedback?
What's hard/easy about giving feedback?
What's hard/easy about listening to feedback from my peers?
Is the feedback helpful?

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Describe the methods/strategies/activities that will be used to accomplish my

I will provide opportunities for group critiques and discussions that are more frequent than I have done in the past. We will
discuss our work in the middle and at the end of several assignments. I will start with more structured discussions, and small
groups for the students. The goal is for the discussions to involve the class as a whole at the end and for the students to lead

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What resources or support will be needed to reach my goal?

Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning, Jan Chappuis.
Speaking with my colleagues and looking into more suggestions from them.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Administrator Comments

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

PART 2 - Auto-populated from Mid-Year Goal Form

Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Tue Feb 25 21:02:17 EST 2020 1
Evidence of Progress: Ongoing (mid year)

I have kept a log of personal notes in response to class discussions in addition to the data I have collected from the students
evaluating their perceptions regarding their confidence of giving and receiving feedback. Both classes demonstrate increased
comfort in providing and receiving feedback to and from their peers. Their concept of what it means to critique a body of work
has also improved from comparing their responses with those given in September 2017.
This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Mid-Year Administrator Comments

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Professional Growth Goal Reflection and Summary: Due May-June

I believe that I met this goal more strongly in Studio in comparison with Drawing and Painting. Part of the issue was the
personalities present in the room. One group had more students that were confident in speaking and sharing than the other. In
Studio I offered a more controlled script early in the semester that we gradually deviated from. I encouraged students to use the
guidelines to assist them in what we were looking for, but to develop their own questions for the class that were meaningful for
them. Due to the wide range of projects created, it made the conversations in Studio more interesting too. In Drawing and
Painting students are all responding to the same prompt. Due to the nature of Printmaking I found myself not holding class
discussions as much as I would have liked. (High variations in rate of completion due to attendance, struggles with creating
successful prints... ) . For printmaking we started the semester off observing and discussing our work. We broke away from this,
however it will return for our final assessment.
Reflect upon your progress towards your professional growth goal. Did you meet your goal? If so, what led to your success within
this goal? If not, describe the barriers/challenges that led to your inability to meet your goal.

Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Tue Feb 25 21:02:17 EST 2020 2
Reminding all students that this opportunity to share our work with each other in addition to our personal reactions is a gift. All
cell phones must be away to give each other our full attention and respect. Checking in with students to discuss their work with
them as they progressed.

Studio: Providing a guided script to assist students in our first discussion. This same script was used throughout the semester:
identifying what you want to share... a list of questions to pick from.. then asking 'what do you like?' to bring closure and then
thanking the class for their feedback. As the semester progressed students were encouraged to deviate from this script to make
it more personal.
This group held critiques most frequently: Every time we met on a Wednesday.

Drawing and Painting: I would ask the class to pause and observe the body of work for 1 minute. I would then ask what they
noticed. Then I would ask what the purpose of the assignment was. Then I asked for examples of the targeted concepts from
the body of work. Then I would ask for the students to identify various aspects that they thought were successful of each image.
I offered an opportunity for students to ask for assistance if they wanted this from the group from time to time. This group only
discussed work upon completion of large projects. There were about 7 formal projects over the span of the semester.

Printmaking: Early on we held several discussions about what we had completed. Due to the fact that there can be up to 3
different projects happening in the room at once throughout the semester... the range of materials that are being taken
out/prepared... and the level of personal need - class critiques fell to the wayside. For the last 2 weeks of this semester all
printmaking will cease. Students will be asked to create something with their prints: books/paper dolls with
clothing/mobiles/origami... kites... In our last class we will share and discuss these images.

Successful things: having strong personalities in the room. making room for all opinions to be welcome as long as they are
respectful. Pausing throughout and having impromptu discussions in response to various questions... having a script to work
from... having students complete personal surveys upon completion of class critiques.

Things I could do to continue to improve: I could take advantage of some exercises that I have done previously, but did not use
this year. Such as having students complete small critiques in pairs and in written form from time to time. This would allow
critiques to take less time when appropriate. (In Studio Critiques would easily take an entire block to complete due to the
number of students... at the same time a lot of valuable contributions were made... so I feel conflicted about using the written
form.) . I could do this more often too... however, I believe that if I do it more frequently it would be at the expense of the
opportunity to create, which is what most students value the most.

I think changing my expectations about what level of discussion would be helpful . I think the outcome this semester is pretty
strong and I feel pretty confident about it. I would still like to improve my personal questioning... framing... and such. I believe
that continuing to explore mindfulness will allow me to expand in this area in addition to exploring other formats that are used to
discuss art.
What methods/strategies/activities or resources and support did you find to be most helpful toward achieving your goal? If your
goal was not met, what methods/strategies/activities or resources and support could potentially have helped you meet your goal?

I believe I will continue to focus on this area. I will continue to explore mindfulness and work on my own mindfulness in
remaining present and in tune with what is happening in the moment rather than allowing myself to feel pressured with time
leading to rushing or addressing something that students aren't ready to hear yet. I am becoming aware of texts written that
specifically focus on mindfulness in art. I would like to explore this next year and I am aware that there are other formats used
for formal critiques of art. I would like to start researching these as well.
How will your progress within this goal influence your professional growth-setting goal for next year?

Teacher Signature
Valerie Nixon (signed by Valerie Nixon on 2018-06-03 22:04)

Administrator Comments

Administrator Signature
Patrick Flynn (signed by Patrick Flynn on 2018-06-18 12:20)

Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Tue Feb 25 21:02:17 EST 2020 3

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