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Cirebon,February 20 2020

Subject : Employment Application

Dear head of state High School 1 Plumbon


The place

With Respect

I here by make a request for a job application to become an honorarium teacher at the school the
father/mother leads. As for my personal data as follows :

name : Hilyatul Auliya;

date of : 08 Oktober 2001

religion : Islam;

last education : S1 Biology Education;

address : Marikangen village;

mobile phone number : 085703071994;

email :;

Based on the information above, I intend to apply for a job to become an honorarium teacher
that you lead now. As a consideration, I attach :

1. Photocopy of KTP 1 sheet;

2. 3x4 photos,only 1 sheet;

3. Diploma 1 sheet; and

4. List of corriculum vitae 1 sheet.

Based on this cover letter I make it really, for attention in the wisdom of father/mother, I say
many thanks.

Best regards

Hilyatul Auliya

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