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What is Chemical Engineering?

The first concept of chemical engineering must be defined as the ability to apply scientific knowledge
to the invention and improve the use of industrial techniques in all its dimensions, knowledge of
natural sciences and mathematics. Another concept of chemistry is a science that studies the
structure, composition, and properties of matter, as well as the changes that happen during
chemical reactions and their connection with energy.

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that has a solid background in Science, this specific
specialty plays a fundamental role in the design, evaluation, optimization, simulation, planning,
construction and operation of plants for the production of compounds whose production requires
certain transformations of physical and chemical type of a certain matter.

One of the biggest advantages of this career is a wide knowledge that is gained which allows and
able to handle the raw material in a very efficient way for different processes, however, a great
disadvantage is the care that has to be taken with the staff of the place since dangerous processes
are handled if care is not taken and also the exploitation of the environment even though in both
cases there is more care and safety.

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