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A. Landscape Elements

1. Plants Variety (outdoor & indoor)

 Dwarf Date Palm ( phoenix roebelenii)
- A very slow grower, eventually reaching heights of 8 to 10 feet, this plant is best seen
when given adequate space in bright spot free of draft. It adapts well to low light offices
and controlled temperature environment. Like most palms, the Dwarf Date Palm is one
of the best for removing indoor air pollutants and is especially adept at removing xylene.
A hardly, drought- tolerant and long-lived plant, the Dwarf Date Palm should not be
placed near children’s play areas it has sharp needle- like spines arranged near the base
of the leaf stem. These spines can easily penetrate through skin clothing.

 Pthos / Devil’s Ivy

- Is a very easy going houseplant that is almost idiot-proof to grow indoors. It can live in
homes, offices or even shopping mall. It’s not fussy. Neon Pothos a rising star, this
variety has massively increased in popularity in the last few years, in part because of
Instagram inspired posts. The attraction is hardly surprising. With is wonderfully vibrant
foliage that falls between the colors of yellow and green, it’s striking and bold but also
very pretty. It is easy going reasonably drought tolerant as well as serving as living air
purifier, it helps scrub the air clean of toxins.
 Barberton Daisy
- It is a common name for the Gebera Jamesonii, also known as the Transvaal or Gebera
Daisy. Native to South Africa this species is a perennial in warmer climates but cooler
countries (temperature region) it’s grown as an annual and flowering pot plant. There are
many varieties and hybrids sold that are more compact in growth than the basic type.
The basic types have stalks which grow up to 2ft tall that can become quite lanky and
unattractive. Grown indoors they can flower at any time of the year and each flower last
up to about 4 – 6 weeks. It is a lover of direct sunlight and bright windowsills. Place
close to south, east or west facing window to provide enough sunlight.

 Sansevieria; Snake Plant/Mother in Law’s Tongue

- The sansevieria often called an Elephants toothpicks – which is so fitting for these
statement plants with interesting sword like leaves – has succulent like adaptations and
is virtually indestructible. This makes this wonderful focal plant adaptable to different
conditions and low maintenance. With their robust, texture green, partially spiraled
leaves that extend vertically from the pot in a striking shape this indigenous plant is the
ideal addition to your indoor spaces. The snake plant cleans air better than most other
indoor plants as it has to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide. Additionally, it
emits oxygen and filters other toxins from the air such as benzene, xylene,
trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. When placed in office and home spaces Snake
Plants can assist in increasing productivity, decreasing stress, fostering happy vibes and
enriching overall well-being and health.
 Dracaena
- One of the most sought after houseplant in the world. Although the focus of the most
people when buying a houseplant is the ornamental benefits, there is more to a good
houseplant than the visible looks. Let us look at the key reason why dracaena is the
perfect plant for indoor use. They absorb the chemicals in the air. Plants remove up to
87% of volatile organic compounds every 24 hours. This according to NASA research.
Dracaena is one of the most effective houseplants in air purification. It helps remove
formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. This is chemical linked
with several health problems among them headaches, respiratory problems, anemia,
marrow disease, kidney disease among others. The plants have been linked to increased
self-esteem, improved mood and sense of well-being, increased sense of stability and
control as well increased feelings of relaxation, calm and optimism. All these contribute
to the feeling of being happy.


 Bamboo
- Bamboo is an exotic plant that can be seen in many gardens. They are extremely
durable plants that can see as hedge and other barriers within a garden. Most of verities
grow extremely tall, and even though they can be trimmed from the top, most grow to be
well above three feet in height. This guide is designed to give you the tips that you need
to grow bamboo in your garden as well as show you a few ideas that will inspire you to
incorporate bamboo into your outside décor.
 Endemic Plant Pandakaki
- A plant with white small flowers, scattered in our fallowed areas or in little thickets
under coconut trees are these shrubs we locally call pandakaki, tabernaemontana
pandacaqui. It is native to the Philippines and other neighboring Asian Countries. It is
very resistant to drought that we can see them leafless during dry seasons, but eventually
grow again with the coming rainy months. I observed that in drier patches they do not
grow as tall as this picture, some are just about a foot tall. The stems especially the base
of the plant are strong and cannot just be cut or pulled off by hands. We have a lot of
these plants in our area and around the surrounding localities. It is reported to be
common in Asia, and the Pacific Island including Australia.

 Boxwood
- Any artistic masterpiece is improved with the perfect frame. Likewise, a garden- a living
masterpiece – is enhanced when surrounded by an elegant border. Defining an herb
garden with a solid green edge is like framing a picture: It draws the eyes to the beauty
within ad defines its boundaries. One of the most easily recognized garden borders;
boxwood is also a symbol of gardener’s long term commitment and investment.
Boxwood’s slow growth habit can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you want
to plant a classic boxwood boarder, know that boxwood is not an instant hedge. It may
take year to see the lush, thick green hedges of an elaborate Edwardian or Colonial
 Hemerocallis ( daylilies)
- Often called the perfect perennial because of its numerous qualities: showy flowers,
wide array of vibrant colors, drought tolerance, heat stress immunity, ability to grow
most hardiness zones and low care requirements, Daylily is a remarkable and stunning
addition to the garden. Each flower typically last no longer than 24 hours, opening up in
the morning and withering during the forthcoming night, possibly replaced by another
one of the same scape (flower stalk) the next day. Some species are night blooming.
They open late in the afternoon and stay open throughout the evening until the morning.
If you spend time in the garden late in the day.

 Tuberous Begonias
- Types of tuberous begonias include upright or trailing varieties with single, double or
ruffled blooms in tropical shades of pink, yellow, orange, red and white. The gold,
purple, green or burgundy leaves re nearly as attractive as the flowers. They also require
of a bit of sunlight. A location in dappled or filtered light also works well, but the plants
won’t survive midday sun or heat. Begonias need moist, well-drained soil and are likely
to rot in soggy conditions.
 Bromeliads
- Is the name for family of plants that is incredibly diverse. These are 2,877 different
species of bromeliads. All bromeliads are native to tropical climates. It grow original
habitat is humid and they grow on shady forest floor or attached to trees. This means
bromeliads outside. However, make sure you have space that will not expose your
bromeliad to a large amount of direct sunlight.

2. Lighting on Landscape
 Azirier Solar Lights
- Energy Saving and Environmental Protection: solar energy charging can be reused.
Light in the day will automatically bring you light at night. No other pollution, no need
to connect wires or power grids. 11*43.5cm; warm light 2.4 lumens, designed for
decoration, add warmth to your home in your garden, porch or yard. Durability: made
from high – quality durable materials, suitable for outdoor use, no worries about rain,
snow frost, or sleet. Confront all kinds of bad weather.
 Solpex Solar Pathway Lights Outdoor
- LED Solar Garden Lights, Waterproof Solar Landscape Lights for Lawn, Patio, Yard,
Garden, Walkway. It is easy to install, just simply turn on the switch under the cap and
push the stake into the soil. These solar path lights automatically turn on at night and
turn off at dawn. These outdoor garden light could be easy to decorate and add a
delightful warm white glow to your driveway, patio, or flower beds, its energy saving,
no electrical needed; absorb sunlight to charge. The LED light charged by direct
sunlight or 4 to 6 hours can provide 6 to 8 hours illumination. Weather resistant: suitable
for outdoor use, no worries about rain, snow, frost, or sleet.

3. Different types of pavers

- What are pavers? Pavers are slab and blocks made from a wide variety of materials to
create driveways, patio, pool decks, etc. They are very good concrete alternative for such
- What are pavers used for? They are used for many parts of home, especially outdoors.
The most common uses are: patios, driveways, pool decks, planters, fire pits, and walk
- Types of materials: the main distinguishing features of pavers among the many options
is the material with which it’s made, pavers are made from variety of materials.

 Brick Pavers (clay)

- This has been used as surfacing materials for some centuries now. The brick pavers are
made from molded clay that is baked in a kiln and is set into mortar or sand based on the
driveway. They can be laid in a range of patterns and color combinations. They are quite
abundant in texture, character, and color. They can be ideal alternative to concrete. Pros.
They come in a range of colors and shapes, and they can be laid in a range of patterns to
realized distinct visual effects. They are made from natural materials which can be
reused, cleaned or salvaged hence clay brick pavers are an eco-friendly alternatives.
Cons. They are somewhat fragile hence can crack or chip easily or over time. They
required good
base and

maintenance to sustain regular driveway usage over time.

 Concrete
- Concrete pavers come in many shapes and sizes. The used of concrete pavers is one of
the most popular flooring options for driveways and roadways. Concrete pavers come in
a wide range of colors, sizes, textures and even thickness, you can even customize it the
way you need it. This medium offers are more natural look and leaves an effortless
minimalist finish. The installation of concrete pavers is fairly straightforward and hassle
free given the fact that is uniform and can easily be cut. Pros. As stated above, concrete
pavers are easy to comes in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. It uses lo-cost
raw materials making it cheaper than bricks. More durable than poured concrete since it
has undergone some processes. Cons. Since it’s the color can be customized, artificial
pigments can be fade over time. It can crack in extreme changes of temperatures. Needs
high maintenance in terms of sealing to prolong life. Have a short longevity due to its
low-cost raw materials.
 Bluestone Pavers
- Bluestone comes in a wide range of sizes and shapes. They offer a variety of looks as
they can be crushed into gravel, left in more massive slabs or are cut into distinct
patterns of tiles. Pros. Bluestone is quite durable and can be shaped into any basic
shape. It has magnificent color. The color often starts as royal blue, but constant
exposure to sunlight makes the color to fade until we are left with a light grey. It can be
integrated with the various paving materials. Cons. Counterfeits are being sold authentic
bluestone. It can be a bit costly to acquire an authentic bluestone as they are rare.
Bluestone pavers vary in their cost due to their varying of thickness and the existence of
different types of pavers. Irregular pavers are bit less costly while thermal pavers are bit
more expensive.

 Flagstone
- Flagstone is a sedimentary rock that is used as pavers most often for patios. The pavers
are uniquely shaped and fit together like a puzzle. Its thinner paver compared to brick
and concrete and so it’s not all that good for a driveway. Flagstone comes in a variety of
colors but most commonly gray hues and reds. Pros. Flagstone has a non-slip texture and
surface making it an ideal flooring option. It is also durable and will last longer than
concrete pavers. It is versatile to use in landscaping since it offer many variations in
color, shapes, sizes, and shapes. Flagstones varying shapes allow homeowners to create
nearly any pattern they want to achieve. Its shapes and colors can collaborate well with
other stones in case you want some extra customizations. And since it is naturally
formed, it has unique and beautiful finish in it. Cons. Since flagstone is natural, it is
difficult to achieve the exact same planned output, if you have one. Flagstone has a
significantly higher cost than any other pavers since it is mined and transported from the
actual source.
 Marble
- Marble is formed when limestone is exposed to extremely high heat and pressure. This
process randomly disarranges crystal particles, thus explaining its unique pattern.
Marble pavers has been used for both residential and commercial purposes, may it be for
patios, driveways, walkways and even grass-yard lanes. These pavers make gorgeous
outdoor landscapes while exhibiting a graceful and elegant aura. Pros. Marble pavers has
a smooth and regal polish making it look more sophisticated as compared to other pavers
made of stone and granites. Its natural stone and patterns create a unique finish to your
driveway, pool deck, flooring etc. These classic pavers are highly-durable and will last
long. If you will ever have plans of selling your home, these pavers will add value to it.
Cons. Conducts heat very well, expect your area to be scorching hot especially during
the afternoons. Since it is relatively softer than others, it can be easily scratched. Might
have stains and discoloration when exposed to some acidic chemicals like sauces,
beverages or even cleaning products.
 Travertine
- Travertine pavers like marbles, all-natural and eco-friendly pavers that can be used in
different ways. These are sedimentary rocks formed and developed under pressure and
changing temperature. With its natural appeal, travertine pavers has been a popular
option for outdoor landscaping and flooring. It looks good even in patios, countertops,
pool areas and even on indoor floorings. Travertine pavers can be found almost
everywhere around the globe so its availability will never be a problem.
 Cobblestone
- Are commonly made of granite although sometimes, it can be made out of basalt,
limestone or sandstone. This type of pavers has been used for several centuries, giving
justice to how tough and durable it is. Cobblestone pavers indeed have the best of both
worlds: long lasting durability and an attractive aesthetic.

4. PWD & Disabled Matter

 Accessible facilities such as: lifts, accessible toilets, accessible parking spaces
 Guidelines for accessible signage

Outside the building

- Make sure that parking spaces for people with differently abled are accessible.
- The parking spaces and drop off points are kept clear for people who need them
- The surface and lighting around the building and on the paths that customers use to get
to the building.
- Entrance door is correctly design, and that atleast one entrance is accessible if the main
entrance is not accessible.

Ramps and Steps

- If any public service areas have slopes that are steeper than 1:20, make sure that both
steps and ramps are available, and that they are correctly designed.

Steps and lifts

Steps - avoid putting steps within a floor in a building, where possible. Where steps are
necessary, provide a ramp or platform lift as appropriate.

Lifts - provide accessible lifts in all new building that have more than one floor. Make
sure that the lifts are designed to best practice guidelines.
Corridors and Doors

- Corridors and routes are not obstructed by deliveries, machinery, or anything else
- Doors are kept open where possible
- Doors that closed are easy for customers to open
- Doors are wide enough for all customers.


- Public building should have signs to let people understand where they need to go. The
sign should:
- Be design according to best practice guidelines
- Have Braille or raised lettering wherever possible
- Have writing that is large enough for people to read
- Used appropriate symbols


- If you provide toilets for the public, provide toilets for the people with disabilities can
- Provide an alarm system in accessible toilets, and test it regularly to make sure that a
member of staff will help somebody in an emergency.
- Make sure that accessible toilets are not used for storing cleaning equipment, deliveries,
or anything else.
- Provide sanitary bins in accessible toilets, and put them where they will not obstruct
wheelchair users.

5. Building Utilities
 MRF ( Materials Recovery Facility)
- Also known as materials reclamation facility or material recycling facility, solid waste
management plant that processes recyclable materials to sell to manufacturers as raw
materials for new products. MRF are generally classified as either “clean” or “dirty”,
depending on whether the facility handles materials that are mixed with other municipals
waste. MRF’s play an important role in reducing the waste stream, the demand for raw
materials, and pollution associated with the manufacturing of new products.
- Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from water, primarily from
household sewage. It includes physical, chemical, and biological process to remove
these contaminants and produce environmentally safe treated wastewater (or treated
effluent). A byproduct of sewage treatment is usually a semi-solid waste so slurry, called
sewage sludge that has to undergo further treatment before being suitable for disposal or
land application.
 Mechanical System
- Any building service using machines, they include plumbing, elevators, escalators, and
heating and air-conditioning systems. The introduction of mechanization in building in
the early 20th century brought about major adjustments; the new equipment demands
new space, and the design team began to include electrical and HVAC (heating,
ventilating, and air-conditioning) engineers. Heating and cooling changed dramatically.
Modern buildings, with their large heat gains, turned central heating into little more than
a supplement. Heat removal is a much more serious burden, especially in warm weather,
the roofs of high- rises are occupied by cooling towers and mechanical penthouse; entire
floors are often dedicated to the containment of blowers, compressors, water chillers,
pumps, and generators.

6. Catch Basin
- Catch basin is the primary part of many landscape drainage systems. A catch basin has a
grate on top and drainage pipe that slopes away from the basin. This box is set into the
ground at a low point on the property, catch basins help maintain proper drainage and
catch debris, which help maintain proper drainage and catch debris, which helps prevent
pipes downstream from becoming clogged. Water and solids enter the box through the
grate. Solids enter the box through the grate. Solids settle to the bottom while water
drains out of the pipe. This pipe typically connects to the larger local plumbing system
and directs the water to a sewage plant or steam.

7. Perimeter Fences
- A perimeter is an imaginary line around the edge of a polygon. In the case of a property.
A perimeter fence is any kind of demarcation that marks off the boundary of the
property by enclosing it in some way. There are several different types of perimeter
fence. They may be used for privacy, safety or security, or as elements of landscaping.

8. Security Fences
 Camera Placement
- When planning camera placement during installation, many factors must be taken into
account. As mentioned in camera selection, the surveillance objectives will determined
what types of camera should be used, as well as how it should be positioned. Getting
useful image involves much more than simply pointing the camera in the required
direction. Lighting and back lighting, angles, reflections, dead zones, and the zoom
factor for PTZ cameras are all matter to consider. Camera placement is also an important
factor in determining vandalism. By placing camera out of reach on high walls or on the
ceiling, many spur-of-the-moment attacks can be prevented. The downside may be that
the angle of view is affected, which can be compensated for some extent by selecting a
different lens.
9. Security Posts/Guard House & Quarters
- Security guard houses will instantly boost a facility’s overall security. Security guard
houses act as an access control checkpoint and the main security hub facility. The
majority of the time, the presence of a guard house alone will be enough to dissuade a
potential intruder. However, the building’s main function is to control the access to the

10. Water Features

- Water features can be as simple as a small reflecting pool or as elaborate as a waterfall
cascading into a fish pond with a fountain. With so many option to choose from, it is
helpful to recognize the four basic categories of water features; ponds, fountains,
waterfalls and streams.
 Ponds
- The four basic types of ponds are, reflecting pools, ornamental pools, water gardents and
fish ponds, each of these may be any size, shape or depth.
 Reflecting Pools
- Reflecting pools are designed to be decorative features usually in a garden as a central
feature. They often have formal, geometric shapes with walking surfaces that overhang
their edges all the way around. For added artistic beauty these water features are
normally located near a decorative landscape feature that is vividly reflected in the
glassy surface of the water.
 Ornamental Pools
- Ornamental pools are generally located near a deck or patio. They are designed around
an ornamental piece like spouting statue a vertically cascading fountain or bell fountain.
 Fountain
- An almost limitless variety of shapes and sizes of fountains may be added to your water
features. The sound of water tumbling and splashing on itself combined with refreshing
mist carried by the breeze is truly invigorating.

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