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7” Berceuse. (Ea. Guinand.) (Lullaby,) (Soprano, or Tenor.) English Version by Dr. TH. BAKER. ©. CHAMINADE. Tranguillo. pote. Voice. Viens prés de Come close to ‘Tranquillo. (@): 152) Piano « p dolce; motto legato e systenuto. =~ |S co rit. x a tempo. Viens plus présen~ co - re; Monamourt’ap- pel > Ev - erclos-er move. thee; 'Tis my love that calls the poco rit. a tempo. — En-fant, je tla - do - - rel Dar-ting,how J Jove. _ thee. fa Copyright, 1898, by @. Schirmer, Inc. anasdaal a Copyright renewal assigned, 1023, t0.G. Schirmer, Inc, Printed inthe ”" 7 Au de-hors souffle tn vent gla-cé Out of doors cold the stormwind blows, — Qui All de fa re pa- Nat-ure of herscastat- Dé - pouil - le tou-te la na-tu je md - ing ag in wan-ton ire. SS - z +t “poco string. 9 seuil dun hi-ver trop pres - sé- Ah! verge of ear-ly win- ter - snows, nf poco string. Ppp ¢@ tenpo. Viens prs de Viens plusprés en - co - Come —_ close to Ev - er clos-er — move— PP a tempo. poco rite a tempo. Mon d-mourt’ap- pel - le, Enfant,je a - do- ’Tis my love that calls thee: Dar-lingyhow I love a tempo. 41726 e mon-de lutte @ - yee ar-deur__ ‘The world would fain for - get its woes sostenuto assa?. — leshochets de sa fo - li - &, |Sous le poids des ans hom-me pli- fopl-ish dreamsthat soonshall Neath the weight _of __yegrsmsn_duth bend, Z - poco string. 5 A- vant de songer au bon - heur. Ere aught of hap-pi-uess he knows. PEPE A tenyo. a tenpo. Viens pres de Viens plus presen - co - res Mon amour t'ap- Come closeto Ev - erclos-er move — thee; Tis my love that intempo. 3 a tempo. pel - le: En-fantje ta - do - calls _thee}Dar-linghow 1 love ~S

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