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Moreover, “the human per- sonality is escentially one dur- ing the successive stages of development,” and therefore, it is the child who forms the adult manez woman Iwedozothelp thechild, wehavenothelped that adult. Thus Moatessori says: “In our mostrecento child, “Man” (The Formation of Man. [ionioasor aia not epeak only lh words; she also spoke in images, and she left us two images for the Hour planes of development: “the constructive rhythm’ andthe bul. 1... weeall the Maw the Unxnows, 1 xofthealphabet, when used in mathematics, means“an Gainows\" Thomethematcal meaning hae become pat ofthe or nary languagein italy and haegivenrisetoexpressions cuchas great X una grossa X)meaning “a great unknown.” Lisinthis sense that we Should interpret the lrgeand impressive X that Maria Montessori hat Girawnin the middle ofher chart,between the drawingaboveand that below, between “nature” and “supranature.” ‘Thus, in The Formation of Man, we read, "This miracle of Nature— for the formation of the intelligence, of a human personality, is cer- tainly a miracle”—is a field, so to speak, that “has hitherto been unexplored... an unknown.” “We only know that in the human psyche, there exists an enigma, natyet touched upon by our interest.” ‘And in The Absorbent Mind, we find Montessori expressing the same idea in this way: "We know how to find pearls in the shellsof oysters, gold in the mountains and coal in the bowels ofthe earth, but we are ‘unaware of the spiritual germs, the ereative nebulae, that the child hides in himself when he enters this world to renew mankind.” And aso ih The Formation of Ma bat fom a different perspective: “The alu hs always sen only intelli socety and ins progress The cid has remained futside socety an unkown quantity inthe equation of fife” The NAMTA Journal ST

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