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1. Where do you study?

2. Why did you choose that subject?

3. Is there something that helps you to study efficiently?
4. Who is more important for you, lecturers, or friends?
5. What do you like the most about your studies?
6. What facilities do university provide?
7. Is there anything you want to change in your university?
8. How often do you visit parks?
9. What do you do when you go to a park?
10. Did you visit parks when you were a child?
11. Do people in your area like these parks?
12. Do you prefer parks with open or parks with leisure facilities?
13. What do you want to improve at the parks in your hometown?
14. Do you manage your time?
15. How do you manage your time?
16. Are you good at managing your time?
17. Do you like being kept busy?
18. Are you ever late for anything?
19. Do you think planning is important for time management?
20. Do you think children should learn to manage time?
21. Which do you prefer to use, pen, or pencils?
22. If someone gave you some pens or pencils, how would you feel?
23. When was the last time you bought some pens or pencils?
24. Do you usually use a pen or a pencil for writing?
25. Are you good at numbers?
26. Do you often use numbers to do something?
27. What’s your favourite number? Why?
28. Would you like to do jobs dealing with numbers in the future?
29. Are you good at memorising number?
30. Do you like math?
31. What is the importance of learning mathematics?
32. When did you start learning math?
33. Is it your favorite subject?
34. Do you use calculator for math?
35. How do math skills help us in daily life?
36. In your opinion, is it necessary for people nowadays to be good in mathematics?
37. Do you like perfumes
38. Do you have a favourite perfume?
39. Is there a special brand of perfume you like?
40. Have you bought yourself a bottle of perfume?
41. Have you ever bought a perfume as a gift?
42. Do you recycle stuff?
43. How do you feel when you see trash lying on roads?
44. Is it important to have recycle bins?
45. Do you influence others to use recycle bins?
Describe an incident/situation when someone apologized to you.
You should say:
 when this happened
 what happened
 who apologized to you
 and explain why they apologized to you.
Describe a uniform (school or company) you once wore.
You should say:
 when you wear it
 who bought it for you
 what it is like
 and explain how you feel about it.
Describe an article you read from the internet or magazines about healthy life.
You should say:
 what the article was about
 where you read it (which magazine or website)
 when you read it
 and explain what you learned from the article.
 Do you think articles about fitness are generally useful?
Describe a time when you visited a park or garden.

You should say:

1. where the park is
2. when you visit it
3. what you did there
4. And explain why you visited it.

1. Do you think people are selfish? Why?

2. Do you think it is important to be considerate of others? Why?
3. Do you think people need to be considerate of others when they are speaking? Why?
4. In what situations people need to make an apology?
5. What kinds of people are more likely to say sorry?
6. Would you like to make an apology if you had made a mistake? Why?
1. On what occasion should people wear uniforms?
2. Do you think it is important for students to wear school uniforms?
3. What is the significance of uniforms in work, like in airlines or other workplaces?
4. Should companies ask for employees’ opinions about the design of uniforms?
5. Can people tell a person’s personality by his/her clothes? Why?
6. What do you think about high-end brands?
7. Do people buy high-end brands mean they always live a high quality life?
1. Do you think that people follow up what they read about health on articles?
2. Do you think is easier to live a healthy lifestyle now?
3. How do people keep fit in your country?
4. Do you think health services should be free?
5. Do you think the government is responsible for public health?
6. Do you think there are more unhealthy people these days than there were decades ago?
1. Do people often visit park nowadays?
2. Do you think all age groups enjoy going to park?
3. How important are parks or gardens in cities? Why?
4. Nowadays most of the people are planting flowers or vegetables in their backyards.
What is your opinion?
5. Is it necessary to teach kids in school about the importance of environment?
6. What steps should the government take to improve the awareness of environment
among the citizens?

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