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UDC 621.3(;]. 222.



N. I. Gordon

Izvestiya VUZ. Radiofizika, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 547-551, 1965

The frequency dependence of the phase velocity of a surface wave at the boundary between a magnetic
m e d i u m and a vacuum is investigated. The energy flux from an antenna elevated at a height a above
this surface is computed.

In [1] Ginzburg demonstrated the possibility of the propagation along a m a g n e t i c - v a c u u m interface of waves whose
amplitude decreases exponentially with distance from the interface (surface waves). In the same paper Ginzburg obtained
the dispersion equation for these waves:

lJ,~ l / t ? -- 1 .q-Fu 2 -- I~.~.= - - u, O)

p21 --- ~2
where ?,• = - - , /11 and g2 are components of the m a g n e t i c permeability tensor of the m a g n e t i c m e d i u m [2]:

p:~ 0 .
.~ 0 pj

Equation (1) is invariant with respect to the transformation co -* - co, u ~ - u , H 0 --> - H 0.

Let the m a g n e t i c m e d i u m occupy the h a l f - s p a c e x < 0, and let the wave be propagated along the Z axis. Then
E, ]-[ ~ g i~/--iqzZ--qxx (x > O), E, H ~ e--i"'t-iqzZ+qxX (X < O) ,

q~ = q~ c' ' q = q~--"~"' q~--=--u-'c

Here co is the wave frequency, c is the speed of light in vacuum. It is easy to see that u(co) = - C / V p (Vp is the phase
velocity of the wave).
In order to investigate the frequency dependence u(co) it is necessary to assign specific values of gl, gz, Vs. Con-
sider first the case of a ferromagnetic. Then the components of the linear susceptibility tensor have the form (see, e . g . ,

t 2 @, t -- ~2
lh = , I % - - - - (2)
t2 _ _ ~2 12 _ _ ~2

H e r e ~ -- - - M 0 is the saturation m a g n e t i c moment, H0 is the external m a g n e t i c field,
M./' 4~gM 0,
g the gyromagnetic ratio, and B the anisotropy constant.
From dispersion equation (I) for u2(v) we get

2~ 2 - 2 t 2 - 3 t - 1 --2l/~(v ~-P-t)
u z ----- (3)
4[~ 2-t 2-t- I/4]

Investigation of expression (3) shows that surface waves exist in the interval ] / f ' -}- t ~ ~ < ] / / 2 -t- t -}-1/4. At fre-
quencies 9~ > l / ' t 2 -}- / ~- 1/4 the wave damps out (uZ(u) < 0). At a frequency Vma• = V [2 @ / the phase velocity
is a m a x i m u m : Z,p = c / / / - ~ 1 , while at ~min = 1//2 ~- t + l ~ it vanishes.
Now let us consider the propagation of surface waves along the boundary of an antiferromagnetic dielectric, for
which the equal m a g n e t i c moments of the two sublattices are antiparallel. In this case we have the following formulas
for tq and gz [3?


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