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> E 8 Essential Photography Tips for Beginners Stay Close to Your Object Physically move closer to your subject or object, rather than using your zoom, in order to take better photos without affecting the quality of your photo. Use External Light Sources In any setting, lighting can be uneven. Making use of an external light source will help balance the lighting and prevent any dullness. Keep Batteries Charged Make sure your batteries are always charged! This will prevent halted photoshoots. You can also keep spare batteries on hand. Use the Rule of Thirds Sticking to the rule of thirds will help you compose your photo to perfection. Clean Your Lens A smudged or dusty lens would give you blurry photos, so make sure you clean your lens regularly. Explore Your Camera’s Settings Experimenting with the different modes on your camera will help you choose the right setting or mode for different photos and will ultimately let you take perfect photos. Use a Tripod Using a tripod helps with the stability of your photos and enables you to take sharper photos! Practice, Practice, Practice As they say, practice makes perfect Practising constantly will make you a better photographer in time! > Ss oO u rce Ss htips:// beginners

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