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Rising Tension Between U.S.

A and Iran

Tension or war is a conflict carried out by force of arms between nations, or between
parties within a nation which can be on land, sea, on the air, always caused by something.

What caused struggles between the two countries? Politics, Nationalism, Ideology,
land, resources, historical rivalry, ethnic conflict and region are the main cause of conflict
between the two countries Tension have risen steadily since the beginning of the Trump
administration. President trump, pulled the United States out of the nuclear deal last year.

What would be the effects of war in people's life? War affects people's life , it can
destroy the land and properties of all human beings, it even post-traumatic stress disorder
to the people who involved, and it also gives negative impact in people's life.

What should we do to stop the war? There's a lot of way to stop the war but we
should first understand what causes it, and we should have unity to reach our goal which
is having peace, because the more we work together, the less they will seem strange and
threatening and the more we will recognize each other as individual and as a human
beings. We should know how to communicate with others to and learn how to listen on
what they suggest or say.

Struggles is always a choice and it is always a bad choice. It is a choice that always
leads to more war. It is not mandated in our genes or in our human nature. It is not the
only possible response to conflicts. Nonviolent action and resistance is a better choice
because it defuses and helps resolve conflict.

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