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APRIL, 1937

MAGIC — Age cannot wither, nor custom stale her infinite variety. — William Shakespeare




B ig event of the past

month was David 3am-
berg's Hew Yorii ooening at Tommy Martin 13 another single l i g Usually thought of
on the bill. Early in the show with wi-l-innf
full evening type,

l o s e vi/Vin
/ n o mmQl<"fi
d K e nf*
the Teatro Cervantes on. his sleight-of-hand work, he does 01
well until he gets around to the a parlor, Club, and part
March 19th. The has cigarette routine. Works with coins j . -, r^/ ml , , , ~
been changed, because of cards, handkerchiefs and manages o i m e h O D D y . T h e b o o k de-f-
all of it with quiet effectiveness. But -irn" t . p i i r i <3 nn-t- fr>T-
copyright complications in his cigarette work leaves him open l « l ^ e J . y I S XLOZ I O r
for comparison with other cigarette but as a rare b i t Of
these states, from Pu Man- manipulators. and the comparisons .. . ., _ . , . 7°
do not favor Martin. Has an excel- Cana i t Will De Worth three
chu to Pu Chan, a combi- lent fan and egg stunt which can 4 - - ! m o a ,•(•„ „•_,.< „ „ a „ . f_,v
nation of Pu Manchu and be built up. He puts a small wad times 1ZS price in a 16W
of paper in his mouth and wets into Jy e a r s t o COltie.
Charley Chan. Those who a tiny ball. Drops the wad on an
open fan. which he flips up and dow n
have seen it opine that it as on a frying pan. Wad expands in T T^^.Tn 4-,,«v A ~ n
is the most beautifully front of the audience, and becomes I have stUCk in a COU-
dressed show to hit these an egg. which Martin takes and n l p nf vmiri p v i *1 1 £» r»PTr-i ^vy<l
XG O I v a
shores. The opening ran al- cracks open. It's a nifty trick and P UQeVlXJ.e r e v i e w s
most three hours, and the Martin can get much more out of froil Variety, not alone
it than at present. „ ,, . .J ' . . .
illusions, for the most MICHIGAN, DET. for their interest, but as
part worked into sketches, Detroit. March
a bit of comparison with
Le Paul a slick-appearing ma
are of a type, and carry i
gician h lots of card tricks, al- the next two pages. These
though most of 'em are hard to catc1
the writeups
were reproduced
written by two dif-on
an atmosphere totally different from what Amer-
ican audiences have seen. When I tallied about two from audience for coupla ferent critics in two dif-
mm e tricks. Fair.
the show two months afro, ferent cities, and illus-
after seeing it in Hav- trate that critics on the trade papers general-
ana, the boys all put on ly m t in rtrai.^ht language the dope on an act,
a pained look, when they giving the good points a boost, and mentioning
read in the Feb. Jinx a- the weak spots in criticism. However, as we go
bout the 300 genuine Chi- on our way to press, a new point has arisen as
nese robes they did only to v/hether or not the Variety reviewer had an
grunt. Now they're all a- "ethical" or "legal" right to review the Heck-
round in circles,and see- scher show, regardless of the quality of the
in? the shov/ three tines subsequent review. We'll have the dope next month.
in a row! With the right
management, and very few The following clipping appeared in the March
revisions, Pu Chan could 4th Hew York Times, and illustrates a cute ef-
Well become the country's fect which has been written about a few times
best magic road show. By but seldom used in actual practise.
the way, I wonder who the
first American louse will Perhaps the fact that some-
be to steal his idea on one else is actually doing
W. R. Rasch. president American o*s
the buzz saw illusion? Ha Products, will take the 7 of clubs tonight
it will start magi off on
Kenneth Chamberlain.
has it revamped into a real hriller a the same track. It's possi-
Pit and the Pendulum. Three duye after the show ble of many, many variations, ana as a publicity
opened, V. P. Grant had a tot.j.1 of 4-1 calls for effect is very strong, and
the colored sand trick! Too bad they all can't novel for a change.
buy a Chinese name too. Something like Dum Crum.
among the minor annoy-
Momentary odds and ends: Jack Gwynne has re- ances of the month was th©
turned from ilassau where the family vacationed usual postcard from Lane,
with one nightly show at the British Colonial the Beantown Comic, who did
Hotel. On the way north he met one Independent type, "It used to be the
road show magus who was booking himself tl rough passe passe bottles, but now
Georgia, and on the off nights pitched potato it's the passe passe Jinx."
peelers on the corner. .and one of the best Then he proved himself a
known New York club magicians recently accepted pediculous psychologist as
a job for JflS at a olace imere they had always well as a space chiseler by
psid $75. Jhen he got there they only wanted to scribbling, "If you can take
see the rope trick vriaich took about 2 minutes this one, kid, I'll give you
at the speed this fellow works. Mo one can kick credit." So itsy bitsy Prank's
at performing one trick for #15, but the fact quips are passe passe on
remains that he accented the irice and went ore- this page from now on, no
nared to give his all. At the Miami Cabaret matter how accidently clever
in Havana, they are oresentinf as part of the they may be. But for that last remark, he might
floor show a version of the old Jlyto illusion have kept on fooling me for months to come.
and 'tis very pretty. Jhere ; re quite a few of
these old principles tnat can well be adopted Val Evans also claims
to modern stage jresenfcaoions than magic, the "cutting of a pack of
and for the man who can dig them U D and revamp cards under the handker-
them it means money in the pocket. Prank chief," as per Jinx No.26
Ducrot has told me about his oriRinatin-"' the trick by Orville lieyer,as
SOth Century Handkerchief Trick, :md v/hen I saw well as Jean Hugard claim
his first mothod, ,/uerein CJIO trick la done with for it in Ho.27. The let-
but three unprc pared handkerchiefs and no pull, ter sounds very authentic
I could sincerely a^rert that the old timers and sincere. -- Dignified
did know nrhtit they were doing. The Jarrett magic is v/hen you pay ten
boor really went up in as advertised, and dollars for a current i-
.•/ill continually do so monthly. Bill Larsen tem and it arrives in a
has gone o.i record as definitely against it, but label covered suspender
those i o iave :nown Guy Jarrett personally, and box! — Apropos,from Vifin-
sat around beerias till the wee hours, enow only chell; Kever take praise
too arell of his sincerety and love for maglo, from people you wouldn't
and ro llze his ] -jrd bitten experiences as a taice criticism from.
creator, 'builder a n d assistant^ Road show magic
Page '193
Varl»ty - March 2 4 u 1937
their time creating effects which will became associated with it Keating Copy acts will piobabiv ;itwa\s ^. tribe and practically has a clan of
fool the other magics and which is was primarily liked for his pres- on in magic, and though it i$ .i sub- his own. This is Joseph Dunninger.
known as magician's magic. From entation and amusing patter. Caidmi. ject seldom fouched on. out-ide the • mentalist, whom Frances Rockefeller
show business point of view this ~*s a brilliant pantomnrmt.
pantomimist. made hi« hli mystics' c;itlcs. it canst n gi King books into many club engage-
sheer waste of time. Like the pro- reputation with cards, cigarets ant: deal of rancor. Perhaps [t'a because ments at fees reported to be very

NITERY VOGUE verbial absent-minded professor they billiard balls and his unique st\ ]. many mauiciiin^ little cl e to high. Some years ago he took out
are lost to the world in the depths of showmanship.
of their o«n researches. Chief re-
search man in the business is prob-
ably Dai Vernon. who practically re-
talk about, but those ate the fact) a full evening's length show which
Before Keating left magic lo till M is believed to have been backed par-
actor and go In pictures, he was ex- tially by Miss King and which
tremely bitter about his fclh.w dropped a pile of dough. It is re-
fuses any work but private engage- artists, since theie was h.udlv :i ported that he is voluntarily working
But Magicians Defeat Their ments as it might interfere with his magician In the Country who ua.-n'l off his indebtedness to her at present.
practise His wife even calls him perform.n£ the bird cage hick. The i
Showmanship by Techni- the "professor." It is generally con- an ucr W8K "Well, whj no',? Jlc Dunninger, whose work is not
of perfoi mance. Keating used to .H\1 didn't
cal Niceties—Cafes Want ceded however by those in the know about one act which pretty m.ic ! invent it.' much different from that of any
Entertainers, Not Techni- that Vernon's technique, useless as duplicated his that the pcrformr
much of it may be commercially, is might just as well use his p ctu i Supply Houses other magi, sells himself with a
noisy medicine dhow technique, and j
The magical s-uppij houses i
cians—Hence, Few Like tops in the field. Presently Vernon m front of the house, as he used principal!} in New York. Bosi i gets across. He explains lo his audi- '
is working on an act which has been
Cardini, Keating, Martin, bdoked unseen on his reputation, and Philadelphia. Chicago and on I i ences that he is proud of the fact ('
Coast. There are about a half do that he is not associated with any
Miaco, Et Al.t Click- while there is no use predicting
whether it will be good or bad. it in New York, but in i ecent ye magicians' organization!!, particu- I
the most important one has b< • laily the Society of American Magi-
Others Just Try to Baffle may be confidently stated that if he cians, which he thinks is a rap.
Each Other ever produces it it will be the best been approached by amateurs after Max Holden's, The Hornmnnn M
magic around and entirely original his performance W 10 say. "I know shop, which is owned by Frank ) To all practical purposes the So-
in its presentation. nil about your act except this ooi crot and combines 40 other ih ciety of American Magicians, is in
move. Will you teach me this?' including MarlmknV. is the ol reality little more thai a lodge. It
TRICKS OF TRADE In a Trance, Always Alifces
in tradition and in length of yi is well off financially. Outside of its J
establ shed. Holden, however, meetings and its occasional shows. '
This dream world which the rab- Among those who wot k In the had the most piogressive busfim • however, it doesn't accomplish much '
Magic acts pretry much in the dis- bit snatchers li\e in explains in part Cardini style are Paul Duke, Fin- and conducts it with his wife's r < i for the professional performer. Its
card several years ago, seem to some why there are so few good ones. neran (Carlyle) Miaco (who, inci- Part of running such a supi • thief value is as a social and fra-
extent, to be in for a revival, par- There are a lot of people with acts dentally, is a mute) and Tommv house is to provide a clubhouse : kuial order and it has branches all
ticularly in niteries. When well but the really good ones can be Martin. The latter is not strictly in magicians where they gather on £.•;- o\cr the country.
presented the black art always ranks counted on the fingers of one hand. this classification, but does do cigaret urday afternoons. Every Saturday,
as good entertainment, and is popu- tricks. Martin, in turn, has suffered The ineptitude of the society for
lar with audiences, but there are a The next point to be made is that from copying in the following way: in any city where there is such a practical pin poses was demonstrated
firm, the local magis gather to dis- s* veral years ago when it was unable
number of obstacles to widespread few agents or managers can tell a A feature of Martin's act was tht cuss shop and swap ideas and trick? (
popularity at present. Not the least good act from a bad one and they production of a real egg which ap- They seldom buy anything, but pro- to stop the exposure of tricks by
of these is the scarcity of good per- usually don't care. A magic act is a peared after a piece of paper W8J vide atmosphere by just hanging Camel cigarettr -. though it made
formers, but this has always been magic act and that's all there is to it on a fan and was tranr- around. Magis love to han^ around ( strenuous effoi Is fo d* so. It has
the casein this field. It fills a spot on the bill, pays 10ro bounced into the shape of an egg. In Philadelphia they #Uher at i b e e n nv>..- « i : c t i fi-L w i t h pictures
so why worry. The agents instead formed while not original with J3th street cafeteria and stay their and tries to fight every film con-
Magicians are usually their own of being interpreters of public taste This effect taining exposures. Itb members
worst enemies. They don't seem to offer anything they can sell. The Martin theless
and quite old, was never- from one o'clock until daun e\ e
revived by him, and he be- night in the year. In New Yoik 1 pledge themselves not to leveal any
realize that what people want is en- public being obliged to take what it j came associated with of the secrets, yet one of the most
tertainment, not tricks which are all gets, winds up willynilly by liking the dealers In Immediately about twice a month until 2 oi 3 a i
houses I in a w.k. 34th street restaurant o\ci prominent went along on the Camel
right to fool magicians with. In what they get. Not only don't the began receiving orders for the egg a cup of coffee. series and was mildly reprimanded
most cases the old standbys are good agents know, but the public doesn't trick, and many of the acts which but never expelled. Suit brought
enough and it's not what tricks are know either. Anybody who pleases j work in this style ha\e copied it. against Camels by Horace Goldin
done but how they are presented can get by. although a good act will A new magic store was opened this
Other factors contributing to the stand out. People usually talk more The amateurs and semi-profes- j month in New York by U. F. (Gen- [ regarding exposure of his 'Sawing a
earcity of good magicians are agent* about the magician on a program sionals catch every act as it comes eral) Grant, from Pittsfield. Mass. He i Woman in Two' is still pending in
md dealers in magical suppl> than any other act, even though along, see a trick they like and then has taken quarters on 42d street, om the courts.
houses, who are responsible for the they seldom can remember his name. go to the dealers for it. If the dealer block from Holden's. and now magis Peculiarly enough, amateurs headed
copy acts, and finally the public it- can't supply it. he makes up some- have two places to hang around the society for some time. Principal
self. From the standpoint of show- Even the magicians don't seem to thing that will give the same effect Store has lots of display space and reason is that few professional ma-
manship there are very few magic be able to tell a good act from a and the result is the trick can't be magis have been discussing the gicians have the time or the admin-
acts which come up to modern bad one. or at least that's the im- protected and everybody does it. question whether it would cut into istrate e ability to handle the job,
i3ndards.' pression given by their trade papers. usually not nearly as well. Who i- Holden's business. and that the tendency would be to
The pages of any magical society's to blame is hard to say. The agent- The old retailing axiom about t) I exploit the position for personal ben-
Magical acts fall into a, tew cate- house organ carries reviews of the hear about an act. think that cigaret • customer being always right is som efit. Present head of New York
gories, the full evening length show. shows put on by the various magicar or bouncing eggs is all there is 1 thing new to the Holdens. who d< membership is Julien J. Prosknuei,
which is practically, -the full societies at their meetings through- magic, and refuse to book a per- a large mail order business ar (1 who conducts a big printing business.
stage illusion act, also nearly dead. out the country. According to these former who doesn't have those ef- this will probably not be affected For many years it was under the
the large number of talkative trick- descriptions every act is a fine act fects. When Keating was hot, thi But the local club spirit of Saturday piesidcncy of Bernard M. L. Ernst,
sters, pantomime workers, close up There is never a woid of criticism same thing happened. Everybody had afternoons may, especially since an amateur, who became interested
?, and finally those who play onh . expressed and these papers have the to do the bird trick. So naturally, tt r Giant has davenports and sofas for ( through handling Houdini's legal
club dates. The only ones which | most hypocritica.1 re\ lewers in print. boys go around to the dealers, bi. the magis to sit on and a frtendliei work and was a most successful ad-
c ount for much today are the fiooi It's not that the reviewers don't the effect and incorporate the mate- atmosphere. Holden was the fin.1 • ministrator. The original founders
show workers and the infimate , know better: they just don't dare rial into their ov. n acts. store that ever installed chair- were two New York physicians.
workers as there are so few places express anything that smacks of
full stage magic acts can play. Also criticism. Anyone who tried to write One reason for the many imi- Prior to that the customers alwa>> The Academy of the Art of Magic,
tations of magic acts is that the stood up for the entire afternoon. formed last year, is the abracadabia
it would be hard to name 10 magic an honest piece about the average He once had i feud of several year:'
acts which play on a full stage in the magic show wouldn't ha\e a friend agents instead of promoting a fine standing with Al Baker, who con- | world's so-called Legion of Honor.
United States today. left the day after publication. It's act. often try to induce the act to ducted a shop for a time, but thi- It's an attempt on the part of a few
Magicians are a peculiar species ju=t not done. Every *
ac ]S a
^ n e take less money, to make it easier was mended when the latter closed I magicians, mostly close-up workers,
act ' to sell, and if they fail in this, will who wanted to go exclusive, as they
As a group they are highly clannish book a similar act. As for selling up several years back. Latter is one ! resented to some extent being classed
Usually the practising, of .effects re- The two outstanding performers effects, the dealers who are in the of the most popular club pei formers with all the amateuis in the S. A. M.,
sults in their becoming enraptured of recent years in the magic field merchandising business, not the busi- in the business today.
with their own proficiency and they have undoubted!; been Fied Keat- ness of protecting acts, can't be S. A. M. provides a lot of social
drift off into a dream world in which ing and Cardini. The former made blamed for selling the tricks. They fun, however, and every member
Dunnmger's Routine ceitainly gets his moneys worth for
'the trick's the thing' rather than the the o)d bud trick famous arid it. simply satisfy \\ hatever demand
cash audience. _Manv of them spend in turn, made him famous as he there is, or pi L create the demand. I One performer dispassociates him- , the dues paid.
self from the rest of the rna&ied 1 ^

ell, here they are. The most discussed, de- sible as to whether they ^re j;ood or bad for ma-
W nounced, and damned articles regarding ma-
gic and magicians to make an appearance in many
gic and magicians, and your own definite reasons
for the opinion.
a moon. The articles and reviews were written by a
All three of the reproduced articles were member of the S.A.M. with a paid up card. He
put together by the same writer, and nade their paid to see the shows reviewed as Variety does
bows in Variety, a weekly trade paper for theat- not have a pass. He is on the sbaff of Variety
rics and proffessional thespians. After the re- to review shows and write articles for the trade
view of the Heckscher Theatre show came out, publication, when I talked to him about his views
hell started to pop around the magical emporiums on what he wrote, he defended them as unbiased
and the resultant language would have shucked a and honest reviews from the practical and box
green cocoanut at forty paces. office outlook, lie cited the other vaude and
theatre reviews contained in Variety and The
Rumors flew like humming bird wings in a hur- Billboard by country scattered critics to show
ry and for a time it looked as though a lynching his criticisms were written with the sine un-
party was the only solution. So, as The Jinx is biased attitude. He stood on a critic!s right
often wont to do, we are laying the whole thing to review any show or performance where an ad-
out to air, and for all who care to read and mission fee is charged and anyone with the price
make comment. Regardless of what you may have may enter. He said that although the Heckscher
heard, these are the facts in the case, and my show was a benefit performance, every perfon.aeir
reason for republishing the articles is to get
a concensus of opinion from as many magi as pos- (continued on the next page)
Page 199
riimur1 — — ~ except one received money.
Cardini was introduced as the most

Society of American Magicians imitated magician and went-through

his entire act with cards and cigar-
ettes. He stood out from the other
performers as the only one, except-
On the other hand,magicians reviewed
are up in arms. They say that the arti-
ing Al Baker, with a really fine act cles are the work of a "sorehead" whose

Stages Its Annual Hocus-Pocus and received a well deserved ovation.
Otto, a comedy juggler from Philly
working in one. followed with an old
fashioned small time act typical of
magical ability has become irrepairably
null and void. That such reviews are a
March 3 , 193? many club workers. bad thing because the magus will lose a
Once a year the Parent (N. Y.) the audience to help and works them Lariy Grey ended the maajje part
Assembly of the Society of Ameri- in for many laughs. Cole ought trf of the "show with on imitatiojy of a lot of work, Variety being a trade pa-
an Magicians gives a benefit for its be able to get nitery bookings but which need's better timing . per for agents and managers. They ques-
ospital fund and this gives all the ought to dust off his gag book as much too long. He followed this
uicker-than-the-eye men a chance he can be very funny. tion this fellow's right to be a critic
or a real spree. Magicians like noth- Chandler and Clemons came on with imitations of Sd Wynn. Bing
ng better than going to see other with a fast movng act until male Crosby and also Cardini. giving a and reason that he cannot have the lay-
nagis work and the proverbial state- member of the team began to talk.. rather good take-off of the latter. man's viewpoint.
.ent about the busmen's holiday What language he was speaking the j Showwhich closed with Jewell's puppet
vas never applicable with more audience will never know. After a circus is a very good puopet
uth than to members of this craft. several productions of flowers, fish- , show especially for kids at Xmas
bowls, etc., he did the rising cards. time. It's put on to cover the entire What I want are scattered opinions of
This show serves a triple purpose. and and blew blew smokesmoke into into aa glass con- t ge with audience peering through
glass con-
t gives those on the bill a chance tamer, a trick seldom seen these \ • drop which simulates another both amateurs and professionals on the
a trot out their favorite hanky- days :«5jium. Puppets are also at the
anky. illusions and apparatus tricks, d but an old one ne which
h i h isi still
t l l I PJ
in boxes. Show includes writeups. If it can be shown he's wrong
ives those in the audience a look pretty effective. Mannerisms and ]**^'
ly^elerf* nts _ lift
.fens. etc.
t magic acts many of which play gestures ought to
which are pretty hokey-
be fine for a place like IP ' Thes?
the Th«js? sho show*; put on ~.—., v-— and taking advantage of his position .to
nly outside New York or at least American Music Hall.
n no other theatre, and finally the tike one baqk to -old v&tide days, Rut put across poisoned arrows, let it be
how raises money for the hospital Silent Mora from Boston followed show more conclusively than ever
und. with some clever sleight-of-hand how impossible it is ever to expect a done. Every copy of The Jinx containing
with billiard balls, handkerchief' i revival of this type of program. remarks for and against will be mailed
This year's frolic,1
captioned 'A and some moves which are oiiginal Acts are almost all dated and while
Vight of Mystery and given as usual with him. He broke the silence by well received by the audience, it's to the Variety editor. I'll give up a
:t the Heckscher theatre in N. Y.. talking all the way through his act a cinch to see why this is the case
leld nine acts which took three bringing back
lours to put on. with the entire pro- bringing
back reminiscences
reminiscences of the j since it's
of the i t s a special type of audience.
audience, page next month to such opinions,but be
gram arranged by Sam Margules. old leader,
days with his line to the j which would eat up anything which
'Music, Professor.* was hocus-pocus, no matter how bad
sure and make them short and containing
?he audience was about evenly di- "lalf of the show closed with it was. definite reasons.
'ided between magic nuts and Wall :at George who started by
Street brokers, the latter gathered Flowers v.fcre given every act
Royal V. Heath. Of the Stock Ex- producing a number of objects end- through the courtesy of Jack Trepel
change, whose spare time hobby is ing with fc duck which disappeared himself an amateur magician anc
hmkmg up mathematical tricks and with the old-fashioned sucker effect. cuts for the program were con- If reviews are to be sugary and al-
writing books about them. At least He also performed the tipover box. tributed b> Hajrry Latz, another fan ways flowery, that's one thing. If they
lalf the seats in the orchestra were needle trick and closed his act Wltb Taking all things into consideration
55 a throw, the house being a sell- an illusion of the vanishing assistant,
out. Magicians for the most part who promptly reappeared for the especially the difficulty of finding should be honest and unbiased, with the
magic acts which are rapidly be faults brought out for assimilation, it
coming fewer it's a very creditable
•lUBUdiniflk, t time illusion show with its boxe-. job, but that still doesn't remove the is something else again. If amateurs on
The Cantons opened the show with rh.ghly colored apparatus and the taint of the historical museum to
which this type of show has long the same bill with professionals should
paper tearing, linking rings and ' •] i k
other novelty material p erf or mod. Second half of the show began since been relegated, not be reviewed in the same light, then
n Chinese costume. Like all the with Al Baker's ventriloquism The mere thought of puttin; ing a
acts on this program it was well ro- Baker, who also acted as master of show of this type into a moc odern. that r)oint should be made clear and ad-
too long. ceremonies, has a flair for pood theatre is an idle dream which onl; hered to.
, eature humor and although he works almost devotees of the black, art can stil
Cole, formerlyy aa featured
s ngle act in vaude, followed wit entirely at clubs and pnvatc parti * entertain. Such an enterprise woulc
part of his ojd-time act. Cole U1 He has a fine wit and has been simply be a costly mistake. Every
young in appearance but ha^n' called the Will Rogers of magic, HI year after the show, magis gather
ch mged his routine or his gags for vent act with Dennis is always well together and discuss the possibilities
I've been advised not to print these
at least 10 years. Included cards, received as Baker is a master at of this type of unit. So far -there are articles and spread the alleged bad re-
egg to flag, and the w. k. egg bag. handling the dummy. He is aW> no takers and it doesn't lopk as ports. However, that wouldn't stop them
Latter is always the height of his quick to take advantage of situation though there would be for a long
I as he brin,s two kidsuri (:on nnd to turn a little thing into a b< 4 time which should save somebody and we'll get an answer to the question
some monejc
y / / old colored sand trick, not seen in of, "WHEN IS A REVIEW NOT k REVIEW?"
these parts for many years. Isis. the
CERVANTES, N. Y. educated insect, which performed
telepathic tests was the next numbev
(iMYSTERIES OF FU-CHAX) and is one of the show's weaker
David Bamberg. whose father, points. Next follows ropes and rings
and then Bamberg performs hand
Theo. Bamberg (Okito) and grand- shadowgraphs at which his father
father were famousf ii
magicians, carries was famous, and which are enthusi-
on the family tradition under the astically received. Trunk escape, well
name Fu-Chan with a show adver- presented is next, production of a
tised as the greatest magical ex- girl from a fan who did another

travaganza ever presented in the
United States.' In contrast with Spanish dance number, and show
others who have made similar t winds (j u c ti o nup with grand finale and pro-
claims, this is substantiated by the costume of three girls in Chinese
which contains some of the ' T— , , , , .
most elaborate costumes and stage I w e i he e usual assortment of magis
ever gathered together for , on hand at the opening and
n effect,the performer takes from his pocket a telegram
this tvnp nf nprformance
iuw iyp« vi ptuwruuiuic. qualified approval. Most of them
I v-eie enthusiastic ana registenng un-
It has been successfully playmg in i s a i d t h e y h a ( J n e v e r s e e n a n y t n i n g
Latin American countries ami is re- ' b e t t e r o f i t s k i n d a n d e v e n t h e
ljably reported to have raked m a mma: nj?lcian-s wives. w h o are tough
on which is an obviously coded message. A nair of regular
dice aj?e banded a spectator along with the telegram,and the
lot of dough there Currently it is , c l l ( l c._s oon n mmagic
a g ) C s h a w s of ny kind performer turns his back. The dice are thrown, and the two
•resented m a Spanish picture j jjw liked- -• it. Magicians usually like any
louse, entirely in Chinese costume. thing to do with magic, but its Bam-
with Fu-Chan talking Spanish, berg's acting and humor, which gets
top figures multiplied together. The spectator then is ask-
though he speaks English well and across despite the foreign language, ed, to count to that word in the wire and concentrate stead-
v. .is born in Brooklyn. Intention which makes his magie good. He has
reported is to switch gradually into a sparkling peisonality. there is no lly upon it and its meaning. Nothing has been told the per-
English as soon as assistants can fumbling and the music builds up the
learn the language. show well.
former, and although he has no idea of the numbers arrived
Fu-Chan is an ingratiating and All these things are in its favor at with the dice, he correctly gives out the letters of the
personable young man with a very and. if properly exploited, show may
agreeable manner. He is the sixth turn into a considerable success in' wordl
member in direct line of a lamily its present quarters where it is
who have been magicians snee the temporarily booked for three weeks.
18th century. His first performance Company gives 14 shows a week All one needs is a telegram as per that on the cover of
here was on Friday (19) and r;,n most seats priced at $1. Given a
off smoothly. chance it may become a fad for
fchls Issua and two dice. The spectator actually selects the
Show opens with production of socialites and from then on it would ./ord as described above and you start to concentrate. After
Fu-Chan himself from a large book, be easy sailing. Performance of
fi ret shown emptv. Leaves are nearly three hours contains plenty of muaaina your hair a bit and grunting, say, "My dear sir,you
turned by assistants revealing pic- good unit material and Bamberg evidently have never had your mind read before,and the word
tuies of other perfoimeis who as- should have no trouble getting book-
sume the Chinese robes, after which ing in picture houses if he wants to
Fu-Chan steps out. Then follow a break up his show. Understood, how-
is oorallig to me in a jumble. However, I will call out let-
series of production tiicks. dltcKfl. ( that he wishes to keen it intact ters as I get them, and you please cross them off as I call
bowls of water, flowers, goldfish, silk • and move downtown which them, ./hen you have crossed oub the last remaining one of
handkerchiefs, and the like.* The j make things tough as the show at
handkerchief productions are par- I present does not seem ready to face the letters in the word, say "RIGHT" in a loud voice in or-
ticularly well done. Several sucker . ]e...jt critics and a Broadwav and
tricks common to thi type of .-how ence. This difficulty could be met der that I may not sink too much into a trance."
are included such as the vanishing with smart styling up of the show to
ducks and paper tearing. An attrac eliminate some of the gaudy sets
tive dancer is produced from a 3ai: e which, for all their splendor and The words in the telegram are so chosen and so arranged
pagoda, after which Fu-Chan pro- color, are not in the best of taste.
duces an enormous bowl of water Richness of the costumes which are that no matter what numbers show on the dice, their product
ai\i more tfucks. Then come the very attractive, is lost against the
floating ball illusion, the vanishing Rets. Every time Bamberg makes an will lead to a word which you will arrive at by repeating
woman, the needle trick and to clo e entrance he wears another Chinese the following letters slowly, and in the order given, until
first half, production of an as- robe and there seems no limit to his
s tant dressed as a gorilla from a wardrobe. There are eight assistants,
doll's house and finally the vanish- who also are attractively dressed.
the spectator says, "RIGHT," when all of the letters in the
i'.-; of the gorilln. Show has the material for a first chosen word will have been given.
Second half of the show opens ela°s production, if Bamberg will be

v. ith a particular^ effective illusion smart enough to combine forces \\ ith
With a huge executioners type of a stage designer and disregard the
blade apparently passin? visibly uncritical backslaoping magical com-
through the body of a women, with peers in the audience. This, plus a
\arious chamber of horror t/tecK on clever explnitrtinn man. ought to
the side. It's presented as a sketch assure him. stf conkidemble pucee»$,
in which white explorer Tails into as there hasn't been anyone around This makes an excellent impromptu mental stunt. To make
the hands of Fu-Mnnchu pl»ye<3
Bamberg. and \\h ; le the Illusion and in years who has more possibility of it look proper, and not so faked up, send yourself a night
tricks are okay, the bufflnCM oould b' Carrying on with the big magic show
impioved upon. Ona ot the high tradition. In its present form it's very telegram and keep it in the envelope ready for use. That is
spots of the show follows with Fll good entertainment, which can be
Chsmj; ^xcellciit rue-cnUtiqi) ''t th improved by styling. Bamberg is a
good actor and should make out well.
much better than typing or writing it on a blank.
Page 200
Modern Maeic Pro&rams TATTLE TAL£ CARD
NO. POUR E ffective is the work-up of this conception,
and it is done with a borrowed deck. The bit
of setting up can be done during another trick
or in a spare moment. The magician is blindfold-
ed, whilst shuffling the pack. He hands cards
| KATE LEIPZIG I to spectator and asks him to deal about half of
the cards, say 26, onto the center of table.
Barbizon-Plaza, Hew York City, March 21, 1937. Then spectator is asked to take any number of
Time: 30 minutes. Reviewed by Dr. Jacob Daley. cards from one to ten from the middle of the
deck (cards held in hand) and hide them in hia
1 Twentieth Century Handkerchief Trick. Hank pocket. After this he is told to drop those cards
vanished by use of glass chimney and found remaining in his hand beside those on table; then
between two silks- previously tied and placed to choose whichever packet he wishes and hand the
in a tumbler. other to the blindfolded magician. Each places
his packet behind his back, and brings forward
2 Leipzig Pour Ace Routine. Committee of four one card at a time from the top of his packet
invited on stage. The aces placed in dif- to coincide with the card the other bring3 forth.
ferent parts of the deck and caused to van- The first person to run out of cards declares
ish. They reappeared one at a time, by slap- that fact. The other brings forth his next card.
ping the face of the deck by performer, and The magician states that cards are so familiar
finally by the assistant. with him that they tell him all that goes on in
the pack. He asks spectator how many cards he
3 Pour Card Discovery Routine. Pour cards were hid in his pocket. The card last brought forward
peeked at and deck shuffled. The first card is turned over and proves to be the tattle tale,
appeared at bottom of deck. The second card telling by its number of spots, the exact number
discovered by assistant telling performer to of cards hidden in the spectator's pocket.
atop as cards dealt down. The third card was
found by assistant dealing cards and stop- There is almost nothing to this as only ten
ping at will. The last card was discovered cards are arranged on top of deck at start. On
by pushing a knife into pack. top is an Ace, then a Two, then a Three, etc.,
up to the ten spot. Pay no attention to suits.
4 Stabbing Card. Trick. Two cards chosen, re-
placed in pack and shuffled. A piece of news- Prom here on the trick works itself. False
paper wrapped around deck and a knife plunged riffle shuffle while being blindfolded but keep
into center. On removing paper, the blade the top ten cards in place. Spectator counts
was found between the two chosen cards. half (26) of the deck on table which puts the
setup on bottom of that packet with the Ace at
5 A Comedy of Errors Card Trick. Two serving the face. After one runs out of cards the next
plates given to assistants. One selected a card the other brings forth tells the number
card without looking at it and placed card hidden in pocket from the other packet. Just be
on plate. Performer announced that he would sure the deck consists of 52 cards with no Joker.
attempt to find the other three cards of same
value by riffling deck. The three cards thus
found were put on second plate. Card on first
plate shown but it did not match. The three
cards on other plate are caused to change to
the value of the first.
6 Sympathetic Suits. A packet of thirteen clubs
from ace to king in correct order v/as shown.
A rubber band placed about packet and put
on table in full view. Another packet of 13
hearts shown and thoroughly mixed. An as-
D o you happen to have a set of the old card
from the pocket indexes among your souvenirs?
And have you, by chance, one of the popular
sistant selected one heart and reversed it card in the pocketbook effects? If you have but
in the heart packet. The cards in the club the first, you have the makings for a stunning
packet are now found to be in the same order. press and drawing room stunt. And if you also
as those in the mixed heart packet, and the have the latter, a neat variation is possible.
identical club card reversed itself in the
proper position. Pill the indexes, not with the usual cards,
but with folded slips of paper on which are
7 A Tumbler Vanish. A glass tumbler covered written the names of the cards, like this: "The
with newspaper and an assistant asked to chosen stranger will think of the ." Fifty-
provide a bill. The performer attempted to
vanish the bill and cause it to return to
the assistant*s pocket. Suddenly the paper
crushed, the tumbler vanished, and the glas»
was produced from the assistant's coat.
8 Me and My Shadow. This final effect was the
standard "Walking Away Prom a Shadow" 11- The Jinx is an independent mon-
lus ion. thly for magicians published by
Theo. Annemann of Waverly, N.Y.,
Mr. Leipzig's act is clean and polished, and U.S.A. It can be obtained direct
he is fortunate enough to possess a very pleas- or through any magical depot for
ing approach. His superb showmanship and his 25 cents a copy, and by subscrip-
tact serve him admirably in making his assis- tion is $1 for 5 issues postpaid
tants feel comfortable and most cooperative. to any address in the world.
This all helps considerably in enhancing the
effects he presents.
Page 201
three of those papers are indexed and the con- card of each cluster should be the stuie, say the
tainers pocketed. i,:o.; find yourself at soueone's six of diyjiionds.
home or in a news office, Write a prophecy, fold
it and drop it in a. hat or "bowl, but finder palm The red backed pack is fanned, but the bottom
it out. How ask the observor or host to think cards are not spread. A card is selected. Find-
of some friend and uo call thei.i on the phone. ing the short red backed card, the Magician re-
This unknown (to perfo«,ier) person ia asiced. to moves the bottom bunch. He is apparently hold-
think for u few moments and then naiae :*n~j card ing a cluster of red backed cards. Only the top
that cones to his or her mind. You ii.-uuediutely card of the heap has a red back. The chosen red
ask host, or caller, to ask the stranger if they backed card p;oes in that group.
had any particular reason for picking that card
or if it was just a blind selection. This allows The same procedure qoes with the blue pack.
a full twenty to thirty seconds stall, and you A card is selected and goes into the bottom clus-
have secured the correct paper from pocKet. You ter, which is presumably blue due to the top
pick up hat or bowl with that hand, and drop- card of the packet.
ping paper to bottom, give container to spec-
tator to read aloud to the person at other end
of wire. Imagine tnat person's feelings I

Or fill the indexes with playing cards as

usual. Don't explain ./hat you will do, but just
have someone colled who names a card. You take
pocketbook out and inside is the card! Telephon-
ing a stranger to you is what makes this perfect.


erformer shows two packs of cards. One pack

P has red backs and the other has blue. Prom
red pack a card is freely selected. The per- The packets are put into their clips. To i-
former takes a bunch of about a dozen cards from dentify the supposed red heap, the magician holds
the pack and the selected card is replaced among the packet face towards spectators and removes
them. JI rubber band is placed around the packet the top card which he sets so the back is seen.
and it is set in full view in a clip on the tab- He puts the lengthwise band on the heap and sets
le. the heap face front in the clip. Thus he has a
blue-backed heap designated by a red backed card!
The same procedure is then adopted with the He does the same v/ith the other packet, so he has
blue backed pack, i\ card is chosen and replaced a red backed heap designated by a blue backed
in a small group of a dozen cards. These are card!
also fastened with a rubber band. The blue paak-
et is set in another clip, some distance from
the red.

Taking the red packet, the magician removes

s card and sets it in front of the clip, back
toward audience. This identifies the red packet,
^.nother elastic is put about the packet, length-
wise, to go with the crosswise band. The same is
done with the blue packet. <>n identifying card
in front of the clip, and a lengthwise elastic
band. This makes it impossible for the magician
to remove a card from either packet.

Then comes the mystery. The two packets are

taken, tapped together and tossed in the air.
Each is caught and replaced in its proper clip.
The red packet is given to the man who chose the
red card; the blue to the man who chose the blue

A blue card is discovered in the red heap. I t

Is the card that was chosen from, the blue packl
A red card is found in the blue heap. It is the
card that './as chosen from the red packl
The magician takes both heaps, holding the
faces toward the audience. He taps them and
BED PACK throws them in the air together. This prevents
anyone from noting which is which. The packets
are caught and recognized by their backs. Each
is replaced in its proper clip. But the perform-
'BLUE PACKET er has actually exchanged the heaps!

The method is both subtle and simple. The packs The trick is done. It simply remains to give
are arranged beforehand. Take a dozen red cards the red heap to the man who took the red card;
and put them on the bottom of the blue pack. the blue heap to the chooser of the blue card.
Place a dozen blue cards on the bottom of the Each person finds a stranger in his packet - a
red pack. Just above the cluster of red backed card with the back of the opposite color. Each
cards is a SHORT blue card. Just above the blue card proves to be the card selected by the op-
cluster is a SHORT red backed card. The bottom posite party.
Page 202

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