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Dear participants, this research is intended to identify the factors that affect the
customer l o y a l t y . T h i s q u e s t i o n n a i r e w i l l n e i t h e r b e s h a r e d w i t h a n y o n e n o r
w i l l b e u s e d f o r a n y commercial purpose; this is only for the purpose of academic
research report; your survey responses will be kept confidential.


Gender: Male □ Female □

Age: Below18 □ 18-25 □ 25-40 □ 40 and above □

Income: Up to 5lakh □ 5 lakh- 10 lakhs □ 10lakh and above □

Profession: Student □ Salaried □ Self-employed □ Other □

1. Which telecom company connection you have subscribed?

 Airtel
 Vodafone
 Idea
 Others ______________________
2. Referring question 1; did the product purchased from above company satisfied you?
 Yes
 No
3. Which services are more helpful to you while using above company services?
 Call rates
 SMS service
 Quality network
 Data service
 Value added service
 Others______________________

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