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Copynght 2009�2013 Or Bradley Nelson All nghts reserved

The Body Code System - The Body Code 2.0 I 1

Energies - > - > T h e Body Code 2.0 I 2
An energy created out of the heart's desperation to feel love, joy, etc.

A profound attractor field and a driving force behind addictions of all kinds

Only one AHE will be found at a time, but the heart may recreate it if
underlying causes are not removed (especially the heart-wall)

Approximately 42% of people have this

Only occurs when a Heart-Wall has been present at some point

Can usually be released before Heart-Wall is released, but not always

The removal of the Heart-Wall will not remove an

Addictive Heart Energy

Cravings for or attracting inappropriate, harmful and/or

Symptoms: pleasurable things (i.e. negative emotions, sugar, food, drugs/
alcohol/cigarettes, pornography, illnesses, conflict)

Excessive and unhealthy drive to work, exercise, etc.

Ask "Do you have Addictive Heart Energy?"

Identify and remove any underlying or contributing

causes (this will help prevent re-creating the AHE)

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Energ ies - Addicti ve Heart Energy- > The Body Code 2.0 I 3
Energ i es - Allergy or Int olerance - > The Body Code 2.0 I 4
An energy that results from negativity surrounding a certain idea.

Identify the specific idea using muscle testing. A person may be

allergic to any type of idea , negative, positive or neutral. (i.e.
"loneliness", "joy" or "money", respectively)

Identify and clear any underlying causes that may have

helped to create the allergy

Roll 3 times down the govern ing meridian to release

Energies - Allergy or Int olerance- I dea A l l erg y The Body Code 2.0 I 5
Energ ies - Allergy or Int olerance- Phys i c a l A l l ergy The Body Code 2.0 I 6

An energy that develops from changes in the way the

energy field reacts to the energy of something (i.e. a
particular food, cat hair, d ust)

Identify the specific allergen using muscle testing and intuition.

Identify and remove any underlying causes (i.e. trapped

emotions, organ imbalance)

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

An energy that causes the body to have a negative reaction to a food or other element. Most often refers to food
intolerances, which cause digestive problems and energy loss when that food is eaten.

Common intolerances:

Identify what the intolerance is to, using common sense and muscle testing.

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Avoid the food I substance for a couple of days. This allows the body to process the
release and regain balance

Energies - Allergy or Int olerance - I ntol era n ce The Body Code 2.0 I 7
Energ ies - Emotional- > The Body Code 2.0 I 8

The Emotion Code n.t Chart

�.h: Coumn
I A column 8
Abandonment Effort Unrece· ed
Betrayal Heartache
Heart or Fortom Insecu rity
Small lost Ove�OY.
Intestine Love Unreceived Vulnerability
Anxiety Failure
Row2 Oespa1r Helplessness
Spleen or Disgust Hopelessness
Stomach Nervousness lack of Control
Worry low Self-Esteem
Crying Confusio
Row3 Discouragement Defensive ess
lungo Rejection Grief
Colon Sadness Self-Abuse
Sorrow Stubbomess
Ange Depression
Row4 Frustration
liver or Guilt Indecisive ess
Gall Hatred Panic
Bladder Resentment Taken for Granted
Blaming Confl'ct
Row5 Dread Creative Insecurity
Kidneys or Fear Te rror
B l add r Horro Unsupported
Peeved WishyWashy
Humiliation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Glands & longing Shock
Sexual lust Unworthy
Organs OveiWhelm Worthless
Usually, trapped emotions become lodged in the body
after birth, but these are also possible:

The Emotion Code T¥ Chart

IJNnosbdl-c oumn A
Cl Coumn
I 8
Received during preg­
Abandonment Effort Unreceived
nancy, usually from Row1 Betrayal
mother, usually during
Heart or Forlorn Insecurity
3rd trimester. Roll 3
Small Lost Ove�oY.
times down the govern­
ing meridian
I ntestine Love Unreceived Vulnerability
Anxiety FaUure
Row2 Despa1r Helplessness
Spleen or Disgust Hopelessness
Stomach Nervousness lack of Control
Trapped Emotions that Wo_rry Low Self-Esteem
become lodged in the Crying Confusion
spirit-body prior to Row3 Discouragement Defensiveness
Lung or
Rejection Grief
Two types are usually
Colon Sadness Self-Abuse
- Fear-related about
Sorrow Stubborness
impending life on Anger Depression
Earth Row4 Bitterness Frustration
- Grief-related about Liver or Guilt IndecisiVeness
leaving home with Gall Hatred Panic
God Bladder Resentment Taken for Granted
Roll 3 times down the
governing meridian Blaming Conftict
RowS Dread Creative Insecurity
Kidneys or Fear Terror
Bladder Horror Unsupported
Peeved WishyWashy
Received at moment of conception from Humiliation Pride
mother or father. May go back several Jealousy Shame
generations. Identify generations and roll Glands& Longing Shock
10 times down the governing meridian Sexual Lust Unworthy
Organs Overwhelm Worthless


Energ i es - Emotional- Tra pped E motion The Body Code 2.0 I 9

Energ ies - Emotional - Tra pped Emot i o n The Body Code 2.0 I 1 0

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
{ Start Here
0 0
If yes,
Wal l
_ flowchart

Is the Trapped
Slide Magnet down Emotion in Column A?
back or over head 3X
(1 OX for inherited
_ emotions) Is the Trapped

Emotion in Column B?
Ask, "When did
this occur?" Is the Trapped Emotion
. in an Even Row?
Ask, "Did you absorb
this emotion from Is the Trapped Emotion
someone else?" in an Odd Row?
Ask where it is lodged Is the Trapped Emotion
in Row 1, 3, 5 (2, 4, 6)
Is the Trapped
Emotion ?
(Name emotions one by one)
If answer is
. u nclear, ask
. if YES, deter­
. "Is this an
·· mine genealogy
· I nherited
·· ·••
Emotions trapped in and around the heart to create a "Wall"
The Emotion Code TV Chart
Each emotion must be eliminated one at a time. Each must be, i"C ColumnA Column B
identified as "Heart-Wall Emotion" in order to find and release

Abandonment Effort Unreceived
Betra yal Heartache
Use the word "Hidden" if you do not at first find a Heart-Wall Heart or Fo�om Insecurity
Small Lost Ove�OY.
Heart-Wall emotions can be any type of trapped emotion,
(prenatal, inherited or pre-conception) and even a psychic
Intestine Love UnreceJVed Vulnerabili ty
trauma on rare occasions Anxiety Fa iu re
Row2 Oespa1r Helplessness
Spleen or Disgust Hopelessness
Stomach Nervousness Lack of Control
Wo_rf'J low Seff-Esteem
Cryi ng Con fus ion
Row3 Discouragement Defensiveness
lung or Rejection Grief
Colon Sadne ss Self-Abuse
Sorrow Stubbomess

Anger Depression
Bitterness Frustration
liver or Guilt Indecisive ess
Gall Pa nic
Ask: "Do you have a Heart-Wall?" (If yes, you can find the
thickness and material if desired
Bladder Resentment Taken for Granted
Ask: "Can we release a Heart-Wall Emotion now?" Blaming Conflict
RowS Dread Creative Insecurity
Kidneys or Fear Terror
Identify the emotion and any other necessary
information (i.e. age) Bladder Horror �
Unsup rted
Peeved Wishy ashy
Humil iation
Jealousy Shame
Glands & Shock
Sexu al
lust Unworthy
Organs Overwhelm Worthless

Energies - Emotional- Hea rt Wa l l The Body Code 2.0 I 1 1

Energies - Emotional- H ea rt Wa l l The Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 2

{ Start Here } ·


If NO, ask if there is a

. Hidden Heart-Wall





Is the Trapped
Slide Magnet down Emotion in Column A?
back or over head 3X
( 1 OX for inherited Is the Trapped
emotions) Emotion in Column B?


.. · .....

Ask, "When did this occur?"
Is the Trapped Emotion

in an Odd Row?
. Ask, "Did you absorb this
. from someone else?" Is the Trapped Emotion
in an Even Row?

Is the Trapped Emotion
. in Row_ (1 ,3,5 or 2,4,6)?

Is the Trapped
. Emotion ?

(Name emotions one by one)

If answer is unclear, ask "Is this an
. Inherited Emotion?" If YES,
. . ... ·
. .
determine inherited emotion
. . . . . . . . . . . ..
·· . . .
· .. .. and genealogy
The Emotion Code 11ol Chart
, h:
thnlsl.od ColumnA ColumnS
Effort Unreceived
Betrayal Heartache
Heart or Forlom Insecurity
Small Lost OverjoY.
Intestine Love Unreceived Vulnerability
An energetic "ringing" in the body that
occurs after an emotional event. (Like Anxie ty Failure
the ringing that continues long after Row2 Despa1r Helplessness
hitting a bell with a hammer).
Spleen or Disgust Hopelessness
Stomach Nervousness Lack of Control
Worry Low Self-Esteem
Ask: "Do I have an emotional Crying Confusion
resonance?" Row3 Discouragement Defensiveness
Lung or Rejection Grief
Colon Sadness Self-Abuse
Sorrow Stubbomess

Anger Depression
Bitterness Frustration
Liver or Guilt Indecisiveness
Gall Hatred Panic
Bladder Resentment Taken for Granted
Roll 3 times down the governing meridian
RowS Dread Creative Insecurity
Kidneys or Fear Terror
Bladder Horror Unsupported
Peeved WIShyWashy

Humiliation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Glands& Longing Shock
Sexual Lust Unworthy
Organs Overwhelm Worthless

Energies - Emotional- E m ot i o n a l Reso n a n ce The Body Code 2.0 I 1 3

Energ ies - Mental- > T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 14
An energy that is continually sent out from the body to
other people, who receive it subconsciously

Can influence ability to form and keep relationships, can

attract negativity, wrong people, etc.

Command Messages

Descriptive Messages i.e., "I'm stupid"

Identify if it is a command or a descriptive message

Identify correct wording using common sense and intuition

Release by rolling UP the governing meridian 3 times

If necessary, a new broadcast message can be installed

as a replacement. Identify the correct wording using
intuition and muscle testing. Listen to what the body
needs, it may surprise you ! Install by rolling DOWN the
governing meridian 3 times.

Energ ies - Mental- B road cast M essag e The Body Code 2.0 I 15
Energies - Mental - Despa i r A n c h o r The B o d y C o d e 2.0 I 16

A negative statement that i s perceived a s a

truth by the s u bconscious m i n d , which wi l l
seek t o verify o r fulfil! that "truth."

Usu a l l y created fro m severe or repetitive

negative th inking

Identify the exact word i n g of the statem ent

through i ntuition and m u scle testi ng.

Roll 3 times d own the g overn i n g meri d i a n

The trapped energy of a "picture in the mind"

The subconscious will attempt to fulfill this image, and will direct (or
misdirect) behavior to make sure this image "comes true"

Often interfere with goals and relationships, depending

on what the image is of

Identify what the image is of (or about) through intuition and muscle testing

Ask, "Is this an image of you? Of another person?

If yes, the image could be anything. lt is often

helpful to identify a corresponding emotion by
using The Chart of Emotions

Ask, "Is this an image of something that For example, ask: "Does this image
symbolizes something to you? symbolize an emotion in Column A?
Column B? Etc.

Usually no other information will need to be

identified once the emotion is found

Released with 3 rolls down governing meridian

Energies - Mental- I mages The Body Code 2.0 I 17

Energies - Mental- M e m o ry F i e l d The Body Code 2.0 I 18

The energy of memories stored in the energy field (often in front of a person)

Makes it very difficult to move ahead in life

Previously known as "Need to Move the Past"

Ask, "Is this all your memories in general?" or "Is this about a specific
event?" or "Is this from similar events throughout life?"

Identify any necessary information such as age or type

of events (i.e. abandonment)

Identify the correction process necessary

Corrected by rolling 3x down governing meridian while

holding the intention to either:
An energy that becomes trapped when life overwhelms
us and we lose the desire to live

Can occur from even a temporary

experience of these feelings

Causes depression, trouble moving forward, problems with the legs and feet

Identify any other necessary information

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Energ ies - Mental- N o Wi l l to L i ve The Body Code 2.0 I 19

Energies - Mental- N eed fo r T3 Sess i o n The B o d y C o d e 2.0 I 20

T3 (Three Dimensional ) Therapy i s the most advanced

method in the world for finding and releasing negative
subconscious beliefs and programs.

T3 was discovered and developed Gwen Legler, MSW

and Leilani Alexander, students of Dr. Nelson

Ask: "Do you need a T3 Session?"

This work should only be done by a Certified T3 Practitioner

Self-Study Course & Training now available- visit: httrr//

An energy that develops from wishing for death , either
as a n escape or from self-abusive thoughts.

Can cause serious depression and suicidal tendencies

Ask: "Do you have a wil l to die energy?"

Identify any necessary information such as age, related event, etc.

Roll 3 times down the govern ing meridian

Energ ies - Mental - W i l l to D i e The Body Code 2.0 I 21

Energies - Offensi ve - > The Body Code 2.0 I 22
An energetic connection or cord between 2 people

Healthy Cords
Usually don't need to be removed, unless relationship has
ended and person needs to move on!

Gut to Gut is most common, but other locations are

Unhealthy Cords possible too. Look at symbolism in corded body part (i.e.
brain, reproductive /se x organs)

Identifying the person is

sometimes necessary,
Questions you may need to ask: especially if the cord was
created recently

Identify all necessary information

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian while

Create a new healthy (Heart to Heart) cord if necessary
visualizing the new cord being created

Energ ies - Offensi ve- Card i n g The Body Code 2.0 I 23

Energies - Offensi ve- Post- H y p n ot i c S u g gestions The Body Code 2 . 0 I 24

The energy of a negative statement in the

subconscious mind

Repetitive music and video games desynchronize the

cerebral hemispheres and open the deep subconscious
mind to "suggestion", similar to being hypnotized

A post-hypnotic suggestion can come directly through negatively

charged entertainment or can be placed into the mind by dark
entities when the mind is open and vulnerable

Can result in depression, suicidal tendencies and "inversion" where a

person will test positive for negative things and negative for positive things
(i.e. good is evil and evil is good). Releasing all post-hypnotic suggestions
will correct inversion.

Identify word for word through testing and intuition

Rolls 3 times down the governing meridian

Energy weapons placed b y another person o r entity into the energy field

Can be self-inflicted in cases of extreme self-abuse

Usually placed subconsciously as a manifestation of ill feelings

There is often symbolism in the type and location of the weapon

Cause pain, irritation of tissues

Ask: "Do you have a saboteur?"

Identify any necessary information, i.e. type of weapon,

age, location in the body, who it came from

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Energ i es - Offensi ve- Sa bote u r The Body Code 2.0 I 25

Energies - Offensi ve - Entities T h e Body Code 2.0 I 26

Two different ki nds of spirits

without bodies

Tend to hang around and try to influence our thoughts and behaviors

Were once mortal human beings,

but are now "ghosts"

They will do anything to

experience, even o nl y tem­
porarily, and even in a muffled
way, the pleasures of the
flesh, and will enter a human
body to do so

Have never had, and will

never have, a physical body

Their main desire is to exert control

Evil Spirits
over a person, to addict them to
anything they can, to get them to do
things that distance them from the

Ask, "Are there entities attached to or around you?"

Identify and remove an y imbalances that are making client vulnerable or attractive
to entities (note that they are attracted by low vibrations)

To remove either type of entity, we have had success by doing the following: While rolling UP the
Governing Meridian, say these words: Entity/Entities-In the name of Jesus Christ, (or the Creator) I
command you to depart from this person and never bother him I her again.
A sphere of very negative energy that has been deliberately placed into a person's energy
field by another person or entity

Often located in the body in an area that corresponds to the intended result of the curse; For
example, if the curse was intended to shut your mouth, the curse will be found in that area, etc.

Often cause severe pain or sabotage

.. .
Ask: "Do we need to know more about this curse?" ··

·· ·• .
·• • ·• .
· ·•· .

·• ·
·•· .
·•· .
••• Ask: "Did you

receive this

curse from ..."



. .

Ask: Is the .






Is this curse energy located on

the left side, etc. .

�----------------------------------------�� · ·

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian, while saying

these words: "I release you from this curse, in the name
of Jesus Christ, (or the Creator.")

Energ i es - Offensi ve- C u rses The Body Code 2.0 I 27

Energ ies - P ost-Traumatic- > T h e Body Code 2.0 I 28
A n energy that develops when there i s inflammation i n the tissues

Often the result of injury

Causes inflammation to persist longer than it should

Ask: "Do you have inflammation energy?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Released with 3 rolls down governing meridian

Energ i es - Post-Traumatic- Infl a m ma t i o n The Body Code 2.0 I 29

Energies - P ost-Traumatic- M iasm The Body Code 2.0 I 3 0

Discovered by Hahnemann (homeopathy founder)

An inherited distortion of the energy field from a

suppressed disease that occurred during an ancestor's life

Influences the balance of body, mind and spirit

Ask: "Do you have a miasm?"

Identify which ancestor it came from, i.e. mother's father

Rol l 1 0 times down the governing meridian

An energy that occurs when the body is under extreme
or sudden physical stress

Usually releases from the body automatically, but may become trapped

Usually an auto accident, fall, being punched, etc

Can also be from emotional trauma or event, or extreme

and prolonged stress such as illness

Ask: "Do you have a physical trauma energy?"

Identify any other necessary information (i.e. age of

occurrence, whether it was from physical or emotional
trauma, who else was involved )

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Energ i es - P ost-Traumatic- Phys i ca l Tra u m a The Body Code 2 . 0 I 31

Energies - P ost-Traumatic- Psyc h i c Tra u m a The Body Code 2.0 I 32

The Emotion Code TM Chart

�. l-e columnA c olumn 8
Abandonment Effort Unreceived
Betrayal Heartache
Heart or Similar t o a trapped emotion, but must
Fortom Insecurity
be identified as a psychic trauma
Small Lost
Intestine Love Unreceived Vulnerability
When two emotions* are felt
Anxiety Failure simultaneously, they can become
Row2 Despa1r Helplessness trapped into one sphere of energy.
Spleen or Disgust Hopelessness *Rarely more than 2
Stomach Nervousness Lack of Control
Worry Low Self-Esteem lt is sometimes not possible to identify
the individual frequencies
Crying Confusion
Row3 Discouragement Defensiveness
Lung or Rejection Grief
Colon Sadness Self-Abuse Ask, "Do you have a psychic trauma?"
Sorrow Stubbomess
Anger Depression Identify any necessary information,
Row4 Bitterness Frustration i.e. emotional frequencies, age,
liver or Guilt Indecisiveness genealogy if inherited
Gall Halted Panic
Bladder Resentment Taken for Granted
Blaming Conflict Released with 3 rolls down governing
Row5 Dread Creative Insecurity meridian, 1 0 rolls if inherited (very rare)
Kidneys or Fear Terror
Bladder Horror Unsupported .._ page 33
Step by Step Flowchart
Peeved WishyWashy
Humiliation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Glands & Longing Shock
Sexual Lust Unworthy
Organs Overwhelm Worthless
( Start Here

Note: There
are nearly
. always just
2 trapped
Ask "When did emotions,
. this occur?" rarely 3.

If Yes, focus on one

emotion at a time

and identify each
one as you would a

regular trapped
emotion, by column,
. row, etc.

· .


·· ·••··

. .
. .

. ·
··.. . ·
. .. . ..
.. ..
.. ..
······· •·•·•
······••··•• ·········· •··••••··•

Energ i es - Post-Traumatic- Psyc h i c Tra u ma The Body Code 2.0 33

Energies - P ost-Traumatic- Psyc h i c Tra u ma The Body Code 2.0 I 34

This page i ntentiona l ly l eft

Pathogens - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 3 5
Pathogens - Parasites - > The Body Code 2.0 I 3 6

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Organisms that grow, shelter and feed i n the

body. Many different strains, ranging from
microscopic to large organisms
page 37 VRM1

Most don't show up in medical testing

Steal nutrients, invade bodily tissues and create

VRM2 poisonous toxic waste (uric acid)
page 38

page 39 VR M3

Ask, "Do you have a parasitic infection?"

page 40

Sodium Chlorite

page 41
Do not begin any VRM program unless the person plans
to complete it entirely.

Produced by Systemic Formu las, Inc.

Formula #491 - VRM1 - LARGE

Do not eat beef or pork while on this program. Fish and poultry This herbal vermifuge i s for the
may be eaten in moderation, during breakfast and lunch. treatment of larger micro-organ isms in
the large intestine.

Capsules should always be taken at least 3 hours apart

from any protein meal. 30 capsules per bottle

Pau D'Arco; Rose H i ps;

As with any cleansing program, the elimination system
Garlic; Valerian Root;
must be kept open; drink at least 2 quarts of water daily.
Hops; Bromelain
Enzyme; Zapilopatle
In rare cases, aching may result. Soaking in an Epsom Beans; Hojas de Jalapa;
Salt bath w i l l norma lly reduce this condition. D olomite; Wormseed Oil.

In rare cases, a rash may develop as a result of toxin

1 -3 capsules at bedtime for 4-6 cycles

elimination. Soaking in a baking soda bath will normally
reduce this condition; repeat as needed.
of 15 days each (1 0 days on, 5 days
off), or as directed.

Usually used in a sixty day

program (4 cycles of 15
days); however, ninety days
(6 cycles) may be required.

May temporarily cause loose stool.

Pathogens - Parasites - V R Ml The Body Code 2.0 I 37

Pathogens - Parasites- VRM2 The Body Code 2.0 I 38

Do not begin any VRM program unless the person plans

to complete it entirely.

Produced b y Systemic Formulas, Inc.

Formula #492 - VRM2 - SMALL

Do not eat beef or pork while on this program. Fish and poultry This herbal vermifuge is for the
may be eaten in moderation, during breakfast and lunch. treatment of small, blood based foreign
life forms and small parasites in the
Capsules should always be taken at least 3 hours apart G.l. tract and outer tissues.
from any protein meal.
30 capsules per bottle
As with any cleansing program, the elimination system
must be kept open; drink at least 2 quarts of water daily. Black Walnut Husks;
Wormseed Herb;
INGREDIENTS: Kamala; Quassia
In rare cases, aching may result. Soaking in an Epsom
Salt bath will normally reduce this condition. Chips; Bromelain
Enzyme; Bethyl Nut.

In rare cases, a rash may develop as a result of toxin

elimination. Soaking in a baking soda bath will normally
reduce this condition; repeat as needed.

1-3 capsules at bedtime for

4-6 cycles of 15 days each
(10 days on, 5 days off), or
as directed.



May temporarily cause loose stool.

Do not begin any VRM program unless the person plans
to complete it entirely.

Produced by Systemic Formulas, Inc. Formula #493 - VRM3 -

Do not eat beef or pork while on this program. Fish and poultry
may be eaten in moderation, during breakfast and lunch. This herbal vermifuge assures good health in
the intestinal tract by helping the body
Capsules should always be taken at least 3 hours apart eliminate microscopic organisms.
from any protein meal.

As with any cleansing program, the elimination system

must be kept open; drink at least 2 quarts of water daily. Black Walnut Leaves; Car­
rapichinho; Erva Tostao; Aniz
In rare cases, aching may result. Soaking in an Epsom Estrelado; Bromelain Enzyme;
Salt bath will normally reduce this condition. Wormseed Oil; Yerba Santa.

In rare cases, a rash may develop as a result of toxin

elimination. Soaking in a baking soda bath will normally
reduce this condition; repeat as needed.

1-3 capsules at bedtime for

30-75 days, or as directed.



Pathogens- Parasites- VRM3 The Body Code 2.0 I 39

Pathogens - Parasites - VRM 4 The Body Cod e 2.0 I 40

Do not begin any VR M program unless the person plans

to complete it entirely.

Produced by Systemic Formulas, Inc. Formula

#494 - VR M4 - CELL

Do not eat beef or pork while on this program. Fish and poultry
may be eaten in moderation, during breakfast and lunch. This herbal vennifuge is effective in treating
cases of amoebas and other protozoan micro­
organisms, especially in the internal organs.
Capsules should always be taken at least 3 hours apart
from any protein meal.
30 capsules per bottle

As with any cleansing program, the elimination system

Kamala; Guarana;
must be kept open; drink at least 2 quarts of water daily.
Maracuja; Worm­
In rare cases, aching may result. Soaking in an Epsom seed Herb; Papain;
Salt bath will normally reduce this condition. Alfazema.

In rare cases, a rash may develop as a result of toxin

elimination. Soaking in a baking soda bath will normally
reduce this condition; repeat as needed. 1-3 capsules at bedtime for
30-75 days, or as directed.

Usually used in a sixty day

program (4 cycles of 15 days);
however, ninety days (6
cycles) may be required.



May temporarily cause loose stool.

Also known as MMS , Miracle Mineral Supplement or chlorine dioxide

Widely used in the alternative cancer community for over 70 years.

Highly effective against all pathogens

Works best on an empty stomach, partly because

vitamin C, various antioxidants, immune builders and
food have a neutralizing effect on it.

This product is normally sold as two bottles: one bottle of 50% citric acid
solution and one bottle of 28% sodium chlorite solution.

To make two drops of activated sodium chlorite:

1. Put one drop of 5 0% citric acid solution into a glass.

2. Put one drop of 28% sodium chlorite solution into a g lass.
3. Stir them together periodically for three minutes. The solution
will turn brown.
4. Add 6 to 8 ou nces or more of purified water and drink the water.

Start off slow. Can nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting. If these
symptoms occur, discontinue use, or cut back on your dosage.

Muscle test for the appropriate u ltimate dosage, and start off slowly. Start with
no more than one drop of activated sodium chlorite per day (if you're following
the instructions above, drink half the glass of water and throw the rest away).

Multiple dosages per day may be needed.


Pathogens - Parasites- Acti vated Sod i u m C h l o rite The Body Code 2.0 I 41
Pathogens - Fungal - > The Body Code 2.0 I 42

A n opportunistic organism -
grows where possible

· ··

Common after:



Tai-Ra-Chi & T4 from Systemic Labs

{ Follow dietary recommendations here

Ca n d i d a D i et - page 272
Ask, "Do you have a fungal infection?"
Roll 3 times down the govern ing meridian

Olive Leaf Extract

Colloidal Silver

{ Activated Sodium Chlorite �

Larger, single cell organisms
Test for dosages and length of time needed

Ask, "Do you have a bacterial infection?"

Pathogens - Bacterial - > The Body Code 2.0 I 43

Pathogens - Viral - > The Body Code 2 . 0 I 44

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Olive Leaf Extract

Colloidal Silver

{ Activated Sodium Chlorite �

Extremely small (1/100th bacterial size)
Test for dosages

Diseases and conditions caused by

viral infection: The Flu, Common Cold,
Herpes, Hepatitis, AIDS, etc.

Ask: "Do you have a viral infection?"

A type of fungus, but shows
up specifically as Mold

Can grow anywhere in body

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian
Causes a wide variety of
symptoms, including
joint and muscle pain,
fatigue and brain fog
Test for dosage, can
be up to 40 capsules Neern Leaf Capsules
per day for up to 6 (available from most Health
days, or longer if Food Stores)
daily dosage is lower

Can be eaten raw,

in cooking or used Organic, virgin cold-pressed coconut oil

{ Activated Sodium Chlorite �

Die-off may create flu-like symptoms

I mportant to restrict sugar and all

starch intake during correction, as
these feed the organism
Ask: "Do you have a mold infection?"

{ Follow dietary recommendations here �

Ca n d i d a D i et - page 272

Pathogens - Mold - > The Body Code 2.0 I 45

Pat hogens - Mold - > T h e Body Code 2.0 I 46

This page i ntentiona l ly left

C i rc u its & Systems - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 47
C i rcu its & Systems - Organs - > T h e Body Code 2.0 I 48
A muscular, elastic organ that contains
urine from the kidneys

Blaming Conflict
Dread Creative Insecurity
Fear Terror
Horror Unsupported
Peeved Wi Was

Paraspinal Muscles

Ask: "Is your bladder happy now?"

Ask: "Is your bladder happy?"

Ti bialis Anterior Muscles, Peroneus

Longus and Brevis Muscles

C i rcu its & Systems - Organs- B la d d e r The Body Code 2.0 I 49

C i rcu its & Systems - Organs- Co l o n The Body Code 2.0 I 5 0

Crying Confusion
Discouragement Defensiveness
Rejection Grief
Sadness Self-Abuse
Sorrow Stubborness
Absorbs water and salt from fecal material

Eliminates fecal material

Feeling of incomplete defecation

Bloody stools or rectal bleeding

Tensor Fascia Lata Muscle (shown on left side) and

the Hamstring muscles (rear of thigh)

Ask: "Is your colon happy?"

Ask: "Is your colon happy now?"

Anger Depression Secretes bile, which helps us to digest and absorb fat

Bitterness Frustration
Guilt Indecisiveness
Hatred Panic
Resentment Taken for Granted

Discomfort in the right knee

Identify and remove any Popliteus Muscle right (back of knee)

underlying causes

Ask: "Is your gallbladder

happy now?" Ask: "Is your gallbladder happy?"

Circuits & Systems- Organs- Gallbladder The Body Code 2.0 I 51

C i rc u its & Systems - Organs- H e a rt The Body Code 2.0 I 52

Abandonment Effort Unreceived

Betrayal Heartache
Forlorn Insecurity
Lost Overjoy
Love Unreceived Vulnerabil

Discomfort in the chest

and shoulders

Trouble giving and receiv­

ing love ( Heart -Wall}

Identify and remove any Subscapularis (underside of shoulder blade)

underlying causes

Ask: "Is your heart happy?"

Abandonment Effort Unreceived
Betrayal Heartache
Forlorn Insecurity
Lost Overjoy Controls and regulates flow of fecal material
from the small intestine into the colon
Love Unreceived Vulnerabi

Right Iliacus Muscle

Ask: "Is your ileocecal valve happy?"

Ask: "Is your ileocecal valve

happy now?"

C i rc u its & Systems - Organs- Ll eoceca l Va l ve The Body Code 2.0 I 53

C i rcu its & Systems - Organs- K i d n eys The Body Code 2.0 I 54

Blaming Conflict
Dread Creative Insecurity
Fear Terror
Horror Unsupported
Peeved Wis Was

Discomfort in the lower back

Discomfort in the mid back

Identify and remove any

underlying causes

Ask: "Is your left kidney (or right

kidney) happy now?"

Ask: "Are both your kidneys

happy? (left & right)
Supports the immune system

Anger Depression
Cleans the blood, detoxifying foreign
Bitterness Frustration substances and chemicals
Guilt Indecisiveness
Hatred Panic
Resentment Taken for Granted

Pectoralis Major Muscle

Swelling under the right lower ribs

Identify and remove any Right Rhomboid Muscle

underlying causes

Ask: "Is your l iver happy?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Organs - Live r The Body Code 2.0 I 55
C i rcu its & Systems - Organs- L u n g s The Body Code 2.0 I 56

Crying Confusion
Discouragement Defensiveness
Rejection Grief
Sadness Self-Abuse
Sorrow Stubborness Elimi nate C02

Deltoid Muscles (outer shoulders)

Coracobrachialis (shown below)

Identify and remove any

underlying causes

Ask: "Is your left lung (right

lung) happy now?"

Ask: "Are both your lungs

happy?" (left and right)

Serratus Anterior (sides of chest)

Absorbs nutrients from food
Abandonment Effort Unreceived
Betrayal Heartache
Forlorn Insecurity
Lost Overjoy
Love Unreceived Vulnerabil

Symptoms of

Identify and remove any

underlying causes

Ask: "Is your small intestine

happy now?"

Ask: "Is your small

intestine happy?"

Quadriceps Femoris Muscles

C i rcu its & Systems - Organs- S ma l l Intest i ne The Body Code 2 . 0 I 57

C i rcuits & Systems - Organs- S p l ee n The Body Code 2.0 I 58

Anxiety Failure Disposes of old red blood cells

Despair Helplessness
Disgust Hopelessness
Nervousness Lack of Control Reservoir of blood

Low Self-Esteem

Lower Trapezius Muscle

Ask: "Is your spleen happy?"

Ask: "Is your spleen happy now?"

Anxiety Failure
Despair Helplessness
Secretes protein-digesting enzymes,
Disgust Hopelessness hydrochloric acid and mucous
Nervousness Lack of Control
Low Self-Esteem Chums swallowed food to begin the
digestion process

Neck Flexor Muscles and Pectoralis Major

Clavicular Muscles

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Ask: "Is your stomach

happy now?"

Ask: "Is your stomach happy?"

Brachioradialis Muscles

C i rcu its & Systems - Organs - Stomach The Body Code 2.0 I 59
C i rcu its & Systems - Organs- Uterus T h e Body Code 2.0 I 60

Humiliation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Longing Shock Part o f the female reproductive system
Lust U nworthy
Overwhel m Worthless Provides growth environment for fetus

Gluteal Muscles (buttocks)

Adductor Muscles (inner thigh)

Ask: "Is you r uterus happy?"

Ask: "Is your uterus happy now?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Glands - > The Body Code 2.0 I 61
C i rcuits & Systems - Glands- Ad re n a l s The Body Code 2 . 0 I 62

Produce Adrenaline as well as certain

other hormones

Humil iation Pride Help the body to deal with stress

Jealousy Shame
Longing Shock
Lust U nworthy
Overwhel m Worthless

Sartorius M uscle (shown right leg)

Gracilis M uscle (inner thig h )

Ask: "Is your left adrenal (or Ask: "Are both your adrenal glands
right adrenal) happy now?" happy?" (left & right)

If not, determine which is unhappy

Secretes hormones

No known emotions are

produced by this gland

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Ask: "Is your hypothalamus happy now?"

Ask: "Is your hypothalamus happy?"

Muscles of the Pharynx

C i rcu its & Systems - Glands- Hypot ha l a m us The Body Code 2.0 I 63
C i rcuits & Systems - Glands - Ova r i es T h e Body Code 2.0 I 64

Humiliation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Longing Shock Part of the female reproductive system

Lust Unworthy
Produce ova or eggs
Overwhel m Worthless

(none known)

Ask: "Are both your ovaries happy ?" (lef t &

Irregular menstruation

Pain in the lower
abdomen (between
If not , detennine which is unhappy
belly button and hip
on either side)

Ask : "Is your right ovary (or left

ovary) happy now ?"
Secretes Insulin a n d other Digestive Hormones

Humiliation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Longing Shock
Lust U nworthy
Overwhelm Worthless

Triceps Muscles (back of arms) and

Latissimus Muscles (back)
Discomfort i n t h e m i d back

Discomfort in the left shoulder

Discomfort i n the low back

Levator Scapula Muscles

Ask: "Is your pancreas happy?"

Ask: "Is your pancreas happy now?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Glands- Pa ncreas The Body Code 2.0 I 65
C i rcu its & Systems - Glands- P i neal G l a n d The Body Code 2.0 I 66

N o known emotions are

Produces melatonin (sleep aid)
produced by this gland

Muscles of
Identify and remove any the eyes
underlying causes

Ask: "Is your pineal

Ask: "Is your pineal gland happy?"
happy now?"
Four small glands situated at the back of the thyroid

Secrete parathyroid hormone

Controls the amount of calcium in blood and bones

um levels

Low blood calci­ Levator Scapulae

um levels

Ask: "Is your parathyroid happy?"

Ask: "Is your parathyroid

happy now?"

Discomfort in the Either high or

neck or shoulder low function:

C i rcu its & Systems - Glands - Pa rathyro i d G la n d The Body Code 2.0 I 67
C i rcuits & Systems - Glands- Pitu i ta ry G l a n d The Body Code 2.0 I 68

Secretes hormones that

regulate body balance or
'homeostasis" and influence
other glands

N o known emotions are produced by this gland

Identify and remove any Production of breast milk

underlying causes

Ask: "Is your pituitary
happy now?"

Ask: "Is your pituitary gland happy?"

G$1- J No known muscle connections
H u m i l i ation Pride
Part of the male reproductive system
Jealousy Shame
Longing Shock Produces a thin, zinc-containg opaque
secretion (Prostatic Fluid) that helps to
Lust U nworthy nourish sperm cells
Overwhelm Worthless
Muscular contractions help to propel ejaculate fluid

Gluteal Muscles (buttocks) and

Identify and remove any Add uctor Muscles (inner thighs)
underlying causes

Ask: "Is your

prostate happy Ask: "Is your prostate happy?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Glands - Prostate The Body Code 2.0 I 69
C i rcu its & Systems - Glands- Testi c l es The Body Code 2.0 I 70

Humiliation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Longing Shock
Lust U nworthy
P a rt o f the male
Overwhelm Worthless

( N one known)

Ask: "Are both your testicles

happy?" (left & right)

Identify a n d remove any

underlying causes If not, determine which is unhappy

Ask: "Is your left testicle (or

right testicle) happy now?"
H u mi l iation Pride
Jealousy Shame
Longing Shock
Lust Unworthy Helps T-Cells to mature
Overwhelm Worthless
Helps protect against autoimmune disease

Identify and remove any Teres M ajor Muscles
underlying causes

Ask: " I s your thymus

happy now?" Ask: "Is your thymus happy?"

C i rcu its & Syste ms - Glands - Thy m u s The Body Code 2.0 I 71
C i rc u its & Systems - Glands - Thyro i d The Body Code 2.0 I 72

Secretes Hormones

Controls Metabolism and Blood Calcium

Teres Minor

Ask: "Is your thyroid happy?"

Ask: "Is your thyroid happy now?"

Discomfort i n the shoul­

der, wrist or elbow
Chakra means "wheel" or "disk"

Identify and remove any underlying

causes of imbalance

If no underlying cause of imbalance can be found, roll 3 times down

the governing meridian to "reset" the chakra

Ask, "Is your ___ happy now?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Chakras - > The Body Code 2.0 I 73
C i rcu its & Systems - Chakras- C rown The Body Code 2.0 I 74

Connection to divine

Clarity I intuition White, indigo and deep blue

Absorption of light

C i rc u its & Systems - Chakras - Brow The Body Code 2.0 I 75

C i rcu its & Systems - Chakras- Throat The Body Code 2.0 I 76

Sense o f security

Fluent thought


light or pale blue or turquoise

Unconditional love


C i rcu its & Systems - Chakras- Heart The Body Code 2.0 I 77
C i rcu its & Systems - Chakras - S o l a r P l exus T h e Body Code 2.0 I 78

Personal power


C i rcu its & Systems - Chakras- Sacra l T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 79

C i rcu its & Systems - Chakras - Root The Body Code 2 . 0 I 80

Sense of security

page122 - page 82

page121 - page 91

"'-page 92

- page 94

page111 -page 95

page105 page 97

Circuits & Systems - Systems - > The Body Code 2.0 I 81

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- C i rc u l atory System The Body Code 2.0 I 82

Facilitates the movement o f blood c;

nutrients throughout the body


Identify and remove any underlying ca 1

happy now?"
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems - C i rc u l atory System - Abdo m i n a l Vessels The Body Code 2.0 I 83
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- C i rc u l atory System - H e a d & Neck Vessel s The B o d y Code 2 . 0 I 8 4
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems - C i rc u l atory System - Head & Neck Vessels - Fa·ce & N ec k Vessels The Body Code 2.0 I 85
C i rc u its & Systems - Systems- C i rc u l atory Syste m - Head & N e c k Vessels - S ku l l Inte r i o r Vesse ls The Body Code 2 . 0 I 86
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- C i rcu l atory System - Lowe r L i m b Vesse ls The Body Code 2.0 I 87
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- C i rc u l atory System - T h o ra c i c C i rc u l a t i o n The B o d y C o d e 2 . 0 I 8 8
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- C i rcu l atory System - Thora c i c C i rcu lation - H e a rt C i rc u l a t i o n The Body C o d e 2.0 I 8 9
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- C i rc u l atory System - U pper L i m b Vessels The Body Code 2.0 I 90
Made up of organs that break down food
into protein, vitamins, minerals,
carbohydrates, and fats.


Ask: "Is your __ happy now?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems - D i g esti ve System The Body Code 2.0 I 91
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- E n d o c r i n e Syste m The Body Code 2 . 0 I 92

Made up o f a group o f glands that produce the body's

long-distance messengers, or hormones.

Hormones are chemicals that travel via the

bloodstream to the organs and tissues. Hormones
control body functions, such as metabolism,
growth, and sexual development.


You can also check to see if a certain hormone

level is imbalanced, using the chart below.

Identify and release any underlying causes

Ask: "Is your _ happy now?" or "Are your

levels balanced now?" 93
Body Code System 0
Hormones -o

Col u m n A Col u m n B Q)

Ad i ponect i n Atr i a l - natr i u ret i c peptide (AN P)

Ad ren a l i ne (ep i n e p h r i ne) Betatrop h i n
Ad renocort i cotro p i c h o r m o n e (ACTH) C a l c ifero l (vita m i n 03)
Row 1
Amyl i n C a l c i to n i n
A n d rogens (e. g . , testostero n e) Calcitriol
A n g i oten s i nogen C h o l ecystoki n i n ( C C K)

Cort icotro p i n - releas i n g h o r m o n e

F i b ro b l ast G rowt h Factor 1 9 ( FG F 1 9)
(C R H)
Fol l i c l e-st i m u l at i n g h o r m o n e (FSH)
Dopa m i ne
G astr i n
Row 2 E ryt h ropoiet i n ( E P O)
G h rel i n
E ryt h ropoiet i n ( E P O)
G l ucag o n
Estrogens (e. g . , estra d i o l )
G l u cocorti c o i d s (e. g . , cort i s o l )
FG F-23 ( p h o s p h aton i n)

G o n adotro p i n - releas i ng h o r m o n e
(G n R H) Insu l i n
G rowth h o rmone (G H) I ns u l i n- l i ke g rowth facto r- 1 ( I G F- 1 )
G rowth h o r m o n e-relea s i n g hormone Irisin
Row 3
(G H R H) Lept i n
Hepc i d i n Lutei n i z i n g h o r m o n e ( L H )
H u ma n c h o ri o n i c g o nadotro p i n ( H CG) Melato n i n
l n c reti ns

M i nera l ocort i c o i d s (e. g . , a l dostero ne) P rogestero ne

Neu ropept id e V Prolact i n ( P R L) Q)
N o rad ren a l i ne ( norep i nep h r i ne) PYY3-36
Row 4
Osteoca l c i n Ret i n o l B i nd i ng P rotei n 4 0
Oxytoc i n Secret i n c
Pa rathyro i d h o r m o n e (PTH) Seroto n i n

Somatostat i n Thyrotro p i n - releas i n g h o r m o n e (TR H)

Row s T h ro m bopoiet i n Thyroxi ne (T4) I
Thyroid-st i m u l at i n g h o r m o n e (TS H) Vasopress i n

Copyright 201 3 , Wel l ness U n masked , I nc. , & Dr. Brad ley Nelso n . All rig hts reserved �
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- I m m u n e System The Body Code 2 . 0 I 94

Made of various parts that work together to fight

infection and keep the body healthy

The body"s first line of defense against

pathogens that enter the body via nose or

Lymph nodes in the throat and behind the


Lymph nodes that appear randomly in

the lower small intestine

The tissue inside bones. Produces red

blood cells and lymphocytes that support
the immune system.
A defense system that fitters out

- ,
disease-causing organisms, prOOuces
white blood cells, and generates

disease-fighting antibodies

Th ym u s Made up of a network of vessels that help circulate
nutrients and body fluids. These vessels cany
excess fluid and proteins away from the spaces

page 71 between tissues and organs and return it to the

... bloodstream .

pathogens that enter the body via nose or

The body's first line of defense against


Lymph nodes in the throat and behind the

Lymph nodes that appear randomly in

the lower small intestine

A tube located near the junction of the

small and large intestine. (In the right
lower quadrant of the abdomen)

Stores intestinal bacteria to repopulate

the gut after illness

The tissue inside bones. Produces red

blood cells and lymphocytes that support
the immune system.

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- Lym p hatic System The Body Code �-0 I 9 5
C i rcuits & Systems - Systems - Lym p hatic System - Ly m p h N o d es The Body Code 2.0 I 96

Small organs located throughout the body which

are full of white blood cells

Become swollen during times of infection

Ask: "Do you have an imbalance in your lymph nodes?"

If necessary, identify the region of body where

imbalanced lymph nodes are (i.e. right upper body)

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Ask: "Are your lymph nodes happy now?"

T h e nervous system is t h e body's
com m u nication system, and is d ivided i nto:

Central Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System

Ask: "Is your ___ happy?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems - N e rvou s System The Body Code 2.0 I 97
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- N ervous System - Per i p h e ra l N e rvous Syste m The Body Code 2.0 I 98
Part of the peripheral nervous system

A mostly subconscious control system in the body

Affects heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation,

perspiration, pupillary dilation , micturition (u rination ),
and sexual arousal.

Divided into 3 parts:

Parasympathetic Sympathetic ganglia Sympathetic The division of the

autonomic ner­
Constricts pupil
Dilates pupil Parasympathetic vous system that
Nervous System takes over during
,.-------"���-- Inhibits relaxation diges­
salivation tion, sleep, etc.

Relaxes bronchi The division of the

autonomic nervous
system that takes over
Sympathetic Ner­
Accelerates during "Fight or Flig ht"
vous System
,------ heart reaction, panic, fear,
high levels of activity,

A separate nervous sys­

tem belonging to the
digestive system , respon­
Enteric sible for secretion and
Nervous motility. lt functions au­
System tonomously, but may be
modified by both sympa­
thetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems

Ask: "Is your __ Nervous System Happy?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Ask: "Is your sympathetic (or parasympathetic) nervous system happy now?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- N e rvous System - Peri p hera l N e rvous System - Auto n o m i c N ervou s System The Body Code 2.0 I 99
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- N ervo us System - Per i phera l N ervo us System - Somatic N e rvous System The Body Code 2.0 I 1 0 0

Intercosta l

Shown i n blue (red is Central Nervous System)

Responsible for carrying information from the spinal cord and brain to the
rest of the body and vice versa (2 way communication)

Ask: ''Do you have a n i mbalance i n your somatic nervous system?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Conduit for infor­
mation from
brain and infor­
mation from body

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- N e rvo us System - Centra l N e rvo us System The Body Code 2.0 I 1 01
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- N e rvo us System - Centra l N e rvou s System - B ra i n T h e Body Code 2.0 I 1 02

posture, car­
diac, respi­
ratory and

Functions include
relaying sensation,
special sense and
motor signals to the
cerebral cortex, along
with the regulation of
consciousness, sleep
and alertness.
Associated with per­
ception and recognition
The cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain and is associated
of auditory stimuli,
with the higher brain functions, such as thought and action. lt is
memory, and speech.
divided into four sections called lobes: frontal lobe, parietal lobe,
temporal lobe, and occipital lobe.

Associated with reasoning,

planning, parts of speech,
movement, emotions, and
problem solving.

Associated with movement,

orientation, recognition,
perception of stimul i .

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- N e rvo us System - Centra l N e rvous System - B ra i n - Cerebru m The Body Code 2.0 I 1 03
C i rcuits & Systems - Systems- N e rvous Syste m - Centra l N e rvous System - B ra i n Stem The Body Code 2.0 I 1 04

Associated with maintaining vital body

functions, such as breathing and heart rate.

Associated with functions such as:

vision, hearing, eye movement, and
body movement

Associated with motor control and

sensory a nalysis.
page 70 t Testicles

page 6 9 { Prostate �
Allows humans to produce children.

Sperm from the male fertilizes

the female's egg, or ovum, in
the fallopian tube . The fertil­
ized egg travels from the
fallopian tube to the uterus,
where the fetus develops over
a period of nine months.

Ask : "Is your happy?"

Identify and remove any

underlying causes

page 6 0 { Uterus � Ask : "Is your

page 1 0 6 { Fallopian Tubes � •

happy now?" ---

page 64 { Ovaries �
page 1 07 t Vagina �
page 1 08 f Mammary Glands �

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- Re p roductive Syste m The Body Code 2.0 I 105
C i rcuits & Systems - Systems- Re p ro d u ctive System - Fa l l op i a n Tu bes The Body Code 2.0 I 106

The tubes i n the female system that carry the eggs from
the ovaries to the uterus

There are 2 fallopian tubes- on the left and the right sides

Ask: "Do you have an imbalance in you r left fal lopian

tube? Right fallopian tube?"

Identify and remove any u nderlying causes

Ask: "Is your _ fal lopian tube happy?"

The vag ina is a muscular sheath that facil itates
both sexual i ntercourse and ch ildbirth

Ask: "Do you have an i m bala nce in your vag ina?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Ask: "Is your vag ina happy?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- Rep ro d u ct i ve Syste m - Vag i na The Body Code 2.0 I 1 07
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- Reprod uctive System - M a m m a ry G l a nd s The Body C o d e 2.0 I 1 0 8

The mammary g lands are responsible

for prod ucing milk to sustain the young.
Structural ly, they are modified sweat
glands. Note that 80% of breast cancers
originate in the mammary glands.

Ask: "Are both your mammary

glands happy?" (left and right)

I f not, determine which mammary gland is unhappy

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Ask : "Is your mam mary gland (left or

right) happy now?"
Produces pre­
ejaculate fluid
sperm from
epid idymis
to prostate

Storage area for matu­

ration of sperm

Produce most of
seminal fluid

Provides for delivery of

sperm into female body

Houses and protects

testicles as well as
providing tempera­
ture regulation for
growth of spenm

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- Re p ro d u ct i ve Syste m - M a l e Re p roductive System The Body Code 2.0 I 1 0 9
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- Reprod uctive System - Pen i s T h e B o d y Code 2 . 0 I 1 1 0
Brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon
dioxide through the act of breathing

Ask: "Is your ___ happy?"

Ask: "Is your __ happy now?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- Resp i ratory System The Body Code 2.0 I 1 1 1
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- M uscu l a r System The Body Code 2.0 I 112

This section is for skeletal muscles, which expand

and contract to allow the body to move

Identify the specific muscle (or muscle

group) that is imbalanced

muscle happy?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Ask: "Is the __ muscle happy now?"

C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- M u scu l a r System - A b d o m i n a l M uscles The Body Code 2.0 I 1 1 3
C i rc u its & Systems - Systems- M u scu l a r System - N ec k M us c l es The Body Code 2.0 I 114
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems - M uscu l a r System - H ead M uscles The Body Code 2.0 I 1 1 5
C i rcuits & Systems - Systems- M uscu l a r System - T h o ra c i c M us c l es The Body Code 2.0 I 116

Posterio Su­


I liocostalis





C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- M uscu l a r Syste m - Back M u sc l es The Body Code 2.0 I 1 1 7
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- M uscu l a r System - U pper L i m b M uscles The Body Code 2.0 I 1 1 8
C i rcu its & Systems - Systems- M uscu l a r System - Lower L i m b M uscles The Body Code 2.0 I 119
Circu its & Systems - Skeletal System - > The Body Code 2.0 I 1 2 0

Made up of bones, ligaments and tendons.

Shapes the body, protects organs and works with the

muscular system to help the body move.
page 186

Ask: "Is your happy?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

happy now?"
page 162
Eliminates waste from the body in the form of urine.


happy now?"

Circuits & Systems - Urinary System - > The Body Code 2.0 I 1 21
Circuits & Systems - Integumentary System - > The Body Code 2.0 I 122

Serves a s a protection barrier between

the external environment and the
remainder of the body.

Ask: "Is your happy?"

happy now?"

Eliminate use of toxic products and irritants

for a healthy integumentary system
The outennost part of skin that fonns a protection
against the external environment

Consists of many layers of epithelial cells that replace

themselves about every two or two and a half months

The middle layer of the skin

Contains connective tissue and blood vessels

The deepest layer of skin

Attaches to bone or muscle and houses fat deposits (adipose tissue)

Circu its & Systems - Integumentary System - Skin The Body Code 2.0 I 123
Circuits & Systems - Disconnections - > The Body Code 2.0 I 1 24
When the spirit body becomes dislodged so i t is 0% connection
residing partially outside the physical body results in death!

Usually due to physical trauma such as a fall, car

accident or intense emotional stress

If a portion of the spirit is outside of the physical body, the result

will be similar to disconnection of spirit and body

lt is possible to be functioning with less than 1 0%

connection, but life will be hard !

Ask: "Is 1 00% o f your spirit within your physical body?

Identify exact percentage, i.e. 73%? etc.

Identify and remove any underlying causes

While rolling magnet down the governing meridia n , say

"I now bring your spirit back 1 00% into your physical
body, where it belongs."

Retest to find current percentage

Raising the connection above 30% suddenly may result in cold or flu
symptoms as the immune system becomes aware of pathogens and toxins
and is .able to fighU eliminate them

Circu its & Systems - Disconnections- S p i rit Out of Body The Body Code 2.0 I 1 2 5
C i rcuits & Systems - Disconnections- M o r n i n g S i ckness The Body Code 2.0 I 126

Whe n there i s a disconnection

between any part of the pregnant
mother and any part of the baby or
baby's support system, it can result in
"morning sickne ss" or nausea for the

Multiple dif ferent disconnections

can occur, address one at a time

Identify the disconnected

parts using the charts
provided, by asking: "Is th is
a disconnection of the
unborn child from the
mother?" etc . or "Is this a
disconnection of the mother
from the unborn child?"
Follow this line of question­
ing further until you identify
the disconnected parts

Identify and remove any underlying

imbalances for the disconnection

Reconnect the parts w ith 3 rolls down

the governing meridian

Begin again to make sure you identify

all disconnections
Circu its & Systems - Disconnections- M o rn i n g S i c kness - M other D i sco n n ected fro m U n born C h i l d T h e Body Code 2.0 I 1 27
Circuits & Systems - Disconnections- M o r n i n g S i ckness - Mother D isco n n ected fro m U n bo r n C h i l d - Mother's S p i rit T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 128
C i rcu its & Systems - Disconnections- M o r n i ng S i c kness - Mother D i sco n nected fro m U n born C h i l d - M other's Body The Body Code 2.0 I 1 2 9
C i rcuits & Systems - Disconnecti ons- M o rn i ng S i c k n ess - Mother Disco n n ected from U n bo r n C h i l d - M other's B ra i n T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 3 0
Circu its & Systems - Disconnections- M o rn i n g S i c k n ess - U n born C h i l d D iscon nected fro m M other The Body Code 2.0 I 131
Circuits&Systems-Disconnections- M o rn i n g S i ckness - U n bo rn Ch i l d D i sconnected from Mother- Spiritua i U n born C h i l d The B o d y C o d e 2 . 0 I 1 3 2

Mother's Spirit Mother's Spirit

Mother's Body Mother's Body

Mother's Brain Mother's Brain

Mother's Spirit Mother's Spirit

Mother's Body Mother's Body

Mother's Brain Mother's Brain

Mother's Spirit Mother's Spirit

Mother's Body Mother's Body

Mother's Brain Mother's Brain

Mother's Spirit Mother's Spirit

Mother's Body Mother's Body

Mother's Brain Mother's Brain

Circuits & Systems - Disconnections - M o r n i n g S i c kness - U n born C h i ld D isco n nected from Mother - Phys i c a l U n born C h i lahe Body Code 2.0 I 133
C i rcuits & Systems - Disconnections- S p i rit I Phys i c a l D i scon necti o n T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 134

When the spiritual body and the physical body are not
fully connected in some area

Often results in:

Ask: "Do you have a spiriUphysical disconnection?"

"Is it located above the diaphragm? Below? The right side?"

You may also ask if it is in a particular organ

"Is this a disconnection of the spirit from the physical

body? Or the physical body from the spirit?"

Identify the level of con nection in that area I body part (i.e. 52%)

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Reconnect spirit to the physical body by rolling DOWN

governing meridian 3 times

Reconnect physical body to spirit by rolling U P the

governing meridian 3 times

Note that it is sometimes

impossible to achieve
Retest the level of con nection perfect con nection immedi­
ately, especially if that body
part is very imbalanced .
A break o r tear i n the spirit o r energy body. Usually
affects the heart. Can affect other body parts or the
whole spiritual body.

A spirit I spirit disconnection of the heart would be

considered a "broken heart". (This would indicate the
heart the heart was broken into 2 or more "pieces").

Identify the affected body part using intuition and muscle testing

Consider the symbolism when identifying the affected body part or region.

If desired , identify the level of connection between the 2 parts of the

spirit that are disconnected (i.e. there is 54% connection)

There are almost always underlying causes

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Focus lots of love and intention to heal when correcting

this kind of disconnection

Retest to check the level of connection

Identify anything else needed to heal the disconnection

further (i.e. forgiveness, spiritual nourishment)

C i rcu its & Systems - Disconnections- S p i ri t I S p i ri t D i scon nect i o n The Body Code 2.0 I 1 3 5
C i rcuits & Systems - Disconnections- Phys i ca l I Phys i ca l D isco n nect i o n T h e Body Code 2.0 I 136

A breakdown of communication and connection

between 2 parts of the physical body (usually in the
same immediate area, i.e. 2 different muscles of the left

There will always be an underlying cause

Identify the affected body part(s) or

region using intuition and muscle testing

Consider the symbolism when identifying

the affected body part or region .

If desired, identify the level of connection between

the 2 parts of the body that are disconnected (i.e.
there is 78% connection between the muscles of
the left knee)

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Roll 3 times down the governing

meridian to reconnect

�I Retest to check the level of connection

Circuits & Systems - Acupunctur e Syst em - > The Body Code 2.0 I 1 37
Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e ri d i a ns
- T h e Body Code 2.0 I 138

page 1 5 0 --- page 1 3 9

._ page 1 4 0

-- page 1 41
page 148

--page 142
page 147 J u ey i n L i ver M e ri d i a n of Foot

page 143
page 146 S h a o y i n K i d n ey M e r i d i a n of Foot

page 145 Ta i y i n S p l e e n M e r i d i a n o f Foot

Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow of ta iyin (greater yin) energy

Element: Metal

Collateral channel is an extension of the merid ian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

Imbalances i n organ, meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc. )

Ask:: "Are both of these merid ians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped E motion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.

Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System- 12 Sta n d a rd M e ri d i a ns - Ta i y i n L u n g M e ri d i a n of H a n d The B o d y C o d e 2.0 I 1 3 9

C i rcuits & Systems - Acupuncture System - 1 2 Sta n d a rd Meri d i a ns - Shaoy i n H e a rt M e ri d i a n of H a n d T h e B o d y Code 2 . 0 I 1 40

Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow of Shaoyin (lesser yin) energy

Element: Fire

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

I mbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

Imbalances in organ, meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confi rm by asking if the meridian is

"happy'' and test again.
Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow of Jueyin (absolute yin) energy

Element: Fire

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

Imbalances in organ , meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the merid ian is

"happy" and test again.

Circu its & Systems - Acupuncture System - 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e r i d i a n s - J ueyi n Perica rd i u m M e r i d i a n of H a n d The B o d y C o d e 2.0 I 1 41
Circu its& Systems -AcupunctureSystem - 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e ri d i a ns - S h a oya n g Sa nj ia o (Tri p l e Wa rmer) M a r i d i a n of H a n d The B o d y C o d e 2 . 0 I 1 4 2

Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow of Shaoyang (lesser yang) energy

Element : Fire

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel , then the meridian,
then the related organ

Imbalances in organ, meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask : "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian i s

"happy " and test again.
Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow of Taiyang (greater yang) energy

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

Imbalances in organ, meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.

Circu its & Systems - Acupuncture System - 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e ri d i a ns - Ta iya n g S ma l l I ntest i n e M erid i a n of H a n d The B o d y Code 2.0 I 1 43
Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e ri d i a n s - Ya n g m i n g La rge I ntest i n e M e r i d i a n of H a n d
- The B o d y C o d e 2.0 I 1 4 4

Meridian shown i n thin black and blue lines

Flow of Yangming (yang brightness) energy

Element: Metal

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

I m balances in organ, meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.
Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow o f Taiyin (greater y i n ) Energy

Element: Earth

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

I mbalances in organ , meridian or

collateral channel may man ifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.

Circu its & Systems - Acupuncture System - 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e r i d i a n s - Ta i y i n S p l een M e ri d i a n of Foot The Body Code 2.0 I 1 4 5
Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e ri d i a ns - S h a oy i n K i d n ey M e r i d i a n of Foot
- The Body Code 2.0 I 146

Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow of Shaoyin (lesser yin) energy

Element: Water

Collateral channel is an extension of the merid ian

I mbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

Imbalances in organ, meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.
Merid ian shown in thin black and blue lines

Collateral Channel shown in lighter blue and white area

Flow of Jueyin (absolute yin) energy

Element: Wood

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel , then the meridian,
then the related organ

I mbalances in organ, meridian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

If no, determine which meridian is unhappy

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the merid ian is

"happy" and test again.

Circu its & Systems - Acupuncture System- 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e r i d i a n s - J ueyi n L i ver M e ri d i a n of Foot The Body Code 2.0 I 1 47
Circuits & Systems - Acupunct ure System - 1 2 Sta n d a rd M e ri d i a ns - Shaoya n g G a l l b l a d d e r M e ri d i a n of Foot The Body Code 2.0 I 148

Meridian shown i n thin black and blue lines

Flow of Shaoyang (lesser yang) energy

Element: Wood

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

I m balances in organ, meridian or

collateral channel may man ifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain, etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

( most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.
Meridian shown in thin black and blue lines

Flow of Taiyang (greater yang) energy

Element: Water

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

Imbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian ,
then the related organ

I mbalances in organ, merid ian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pai n , etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.

Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System - 12 Sta n d a rd M e r i d i a n s - Ta i ya n g B l a d d e r M e r i d i a n of Foot The Body Code 2.0 I 1 49
C i rcuits & Systems - Acupuncture System - 1 2 Sta n d a rd Meri d i a n s - Ya n g m i ng Sto m a c h M e r i d i a n of Foot The Body Code 2.0 I 150

Meridian shown i n thin black and blue lines

Flow of Yangming (yang brightness) energy

Element: Earth

Collateral channel is an extension of the meridian

I mbalances often affect first the

collateral channel, then the meridian,
then the related organ

Imbalances in organ, merid ian or

collateral channel may manifest
outwardly in the area of the collateral
channel (i.e. skin rashes, pain , etc.)

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again .
ge 152

page 1 58 Yin H e el M e ri d ian

(Yin Q iao Mai)

page 156 Yang Linking M e ri d ian

(Yang Wei Mai)

page lSS

Circu its & Systems - Acupuncture System- 8 Extra o rd i n a ry M e r i d i a n s The Body Code 2.0 I 151
C i rcuits & Systems - Acupuncture System- 8 Extra o rd i n a ry M e ri d i a ns - Conception M e ri d i a n ( R e n M a i ) T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 52

The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects

to all other meridians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and absorb excess
energy from them.

I nfluences flow of yin energy

Imbalance creates trouble in reproduc­

tive system (male and female),
impotence, trouble with the face, lips and
eyes, digestive trouble,

Ask: "Is this meridian happy?"

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects
to all other meridians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and absorb excess
energy from them.

Influences flow of

Imbalance creates trouble in the brain, bone marrow,

spinal cord, nervous system, stroke, psychological
issues and headaches

Used as the main entrance point for

Intention Energy in The Body Code

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emolion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

'happy" and test again.

Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System 8 Extraord i n a ry M e ri d i a ns - Gove rn i n g M e ri d i a n ( D u M a i )

- The Body Code 2.0 I 1 53
C i rcuits & Systems - Acupuncture System 8 Extra o rd i n a ry M e r i d i a n s - Penetra t i n g M e ri d i a n (C h o n g M a i )
- The Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 54

The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects

to all other meridians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and absorb excess
energy from them.

Influences flow of energy and blood in

whole body, and 1 2 main meridians

Associated with major arteries,circula­

tion, kidneys, stomach

Imbalance creates trouble in the abdomen, female

system, gastrointestinal system, heart and circulatory
system. Can also create depression and spiritual issues.

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" {left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects
to all other merid ians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and absorb excess
energy from them.

Influences balance of yin meridians

I mbalance creates trouble with blood

circulation, depression , headaches, chest pain,
gastric pain, and loss of willpower.

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

( most often a Trapped E motion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy'' and test again.

Circu its & Systems - Acupuncture System- 8 Extraord i na ry M e r i d i a ns - Y i n L i n k i n g M e ri d i a n (Yi n We i M a i ) T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 155
Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System- 8 Extraord i n a ry M e ri d i a ns - Ya ng L i n k i n g M e ri d i a n (Ya n g We i M a i ) The Body Code 2.0 I 1 5 6

The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects

to all other meridians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and absorb excess
energy from them.

Influences balance o f 1 2 Main Yang Meridians

Associated with the Shaoyang Meridians

Imbalance creates lack of energy, chills,

fevers, lower back pain

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right )

Find any remove any underlying causes

( most often a TrappedEmotion or two ) .

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects
to all other meridians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and absorb excess
energy from them.

A "belt" that binds the yin and yang

energy in the body, influences circulation
to the legs and supports lumbar region

Imbalance creates weakness in the

lumbar area, fullness of the abdomen,
weakness in the legs

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

If no, determine which meridian is unhappy

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.

Circu its & Systems - Acupuncture System 8 Extraord i n a ry M e r i d i a n s - G i rd l e Meri d i a n ( D a i M a i )

- The B o d y Code 2 . 0 I 1 57
C i rcuits & Systems - Acupuncture System 8 Extraord i na ry M e ri d i a ns - Yi n H eel M e ri d i a n (Yi n Q i a o M a i )
- T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 58

The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects

to all other meridians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and absorb excess
energy from them.

Influences the balance of yin and yang, and the

ascent of fluids and the descent of energy

Imbalance creates cold, weakness or

numbness in the lower limbs, lumbar
imbalance, digestive issues, urogenital
problems, respiratory issues, excessive
sleepiness, eye issues, hot flashes,
lower abdominal pain

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians connects
to all other meridians in the body. They
act as deep reservoirs that replenish the
other meridians and a bsorb excess
energy from them.

I nfluences the balance of yin and yang, and the

ascent of fluids and the descent of energy

Associated with the bladder meridian

Imbalance creates visual d isorders,

insomnia, trouble walking, lower limb
trouble, epilepsy with seizures

Ask: "Are both of these meridians

happy?" (left & right)

Find any remove any underlying causes

(most often a Trapped Emotion or two).

Confirm by asking if the meridian is

"happy" and test again.

Circuits & Systems - Acupuncture System- 8 Extraord i na ry M e r i d i a n s - Ya n g H ee l Meri d i a n (Ya n g Q i a o M a i ) The B o d y Code 2.0 I 159
C i rcuits & Systems - Acupuncture System- Dental M e r i d i a n s T h e Body C o d e 2.0 160

Dental Relationship Chart

B y F ri tz K ra m e r, w i t h s o m e c h a n g e s b y K l i n g h a rd t I W i l l i a m s

TMJ, R.ight Poslttiot Uft:: Posttriot TM J , Left: Shouldtr·

elbow, hand knee, hip, kntt, U(� klwt, mt'D-
Right Shouldor, Right : anterior hip/ knee, Right: Shoulder-elbow-hand Right: Postenor Left: Posterior Left: Shoulder·elbow-hand Left: anterior h i p / knee,

(uln.r), S.l. joint, lAteral ankle (ulnar), S-1 joint

Joints medial a nkle (radial), foot, big toe """" · hip, (rad ial ), foot, big toe medial ankle elbow-hand

foot, toes
coccygt•l tolnt. coctygeai )Oint,. lateral ankle
potferM)r •nkle posterior 1nkle
foot, toes

R i g h t B r e a s t L e f I B e a s
r t

lobe of piluit•ry
Endocrine Anterior Parathyroid Thyroid Thymus Posterior In termed late Pi neal Pineal Intermediate Po terior Thy m us Thyroid Pa rathyroid Anterior
pituita ry p it u i ta ry lobe o r p i tuitory pituitary pituitary

Left heart, left

right duode- bla d de r, u ter us, side or
Right heart, Pancreas, rig hi side of stomach, Right lung. right side of la rge Rlghtslde of Right k idney, Left kidney, Left side of Left l u ng, left side of la rge Spleen, left side of stomach,
eso p hagus
hver, gall bl11dder, uterus,
intestine liver, biliary in testine esophagus

Organs nu m, terminal bladder, ri ght prosto t . p rostate, r«tum,
lde ol biliary rectum, anu anus jeJunum, 1leum

� ID m � � � � £J B � � @ � & m !31
... ...
Teeth 0 0
Pic tured
0 0
0 0
... upper I st upper f:
3nd molar (J)
Right upper Right upper Right upper Right upper Right u pper Right u pper Right Right Left Left Left upper Left Left upper Left Left upper Left upper
Names of
0:: (w isdom) lateral 0::
(J) 2nd molar 1st molar 2nd bicu pid 1 st bicuspid canine upper upper upper up per canine bicuspid 2nd bicuspid 1st mola r 2nd mo la r 3nd molar

Teeth (pre-molar) (pre-molar) (cu pid)
cen tral central lateral (cu pld) (pre-mola r) (pre-molar) (wl$dom)
inci�r inasor lnd5or

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

... Right lower

Names o f Right lower Right lower Right lower Right lower R1gh t R1ght Left Left Lefl iower Left lower 1 st Left lower Left lower lsl Left lower Ltlt lower ...
0 Right lower
2nd molar 1st bicuspid can i ne lower lower lower canine bicuspid 2nd blcu pid mola r 2nd molar 3rd molar 0
( pre-mola r)
Teeth 3rd molar 1 s t molar 2nd bicuspid

cen t ral
0 (wisdom) (pre-molar) (pre-molar) (cuspid )
lateral central latet1\l
(cuspid) (pre-molar) (wisdom)
inciso r incisor Incisor

w fJ} fD V � V Vu�� � � � � � �
... Q
Pictured Oi

RJgh1 kidney, L<llkodnty, Left heart, left

bt.ddtr,ute:rus,�r. UltfUf.
Right heart, Pancreas, right side of stomach, Right l ung. right side of l a rge Right side or Left side of Left lung, left side of la rge Spleen , left side of stomach,
pt'OIUill!, r«tum., prottoltt', rectum.
terminal i leum, hver, g;lll i n testine side or jejunum,
pylorus, esophagus intestine liver, biliary esophagus
O rgans IICO'cecol bladder, nght ileum
d ucts

'""' a nu$
side of bill a ry

Ova r i es, te t l cles Adrenal Ad rena ls Ova ri es , t est i c l es I
B a B
R i g h t r e s t L e f t r e a s t
RlghL Shoulder, Right. !�tenor 1.4-ft. Potttnor Left· Posterior Left: TM/, a nterior h i p/ knee, lc!lr Shoulder·
�!bow, tund
I kn«. Mrro- kl"'ft, J,\('fOo lcn ' hip, �lbow·Nnd
Rig ht : TMJ, anterior h i p / knee, Right: Shoulder-elbow-hand Right: Posterior Left: Shoulder-elbow-hand
(uln.-.t), S.I. JOint, CO«YKMI ptnt, l;.lenlll ankle ( , S·I �nl,
Joints kneo, hop,
fooe, ton
med ial an kle (radial), foot, big toe (rad ial), foot, big toe
P04tt'rlnt Ankl
med ial ankle
OMtt'floW ankl foot. t<ld
l a teral ankle (()(( yg�al ,oint,
Can create pain and I or malfu nction i n
connected bodily tissues

Most structural misalign ments will be

found in the skeleton.

Ask: "Do you have a misalignment?"

Identify and remove any underlying

causes of misalignment

Ask, "Is the ___ happy now?"

If tissue or bone is stil l "unhappy", it may need to be

manually adjusted . Test to confirm this

M isa l i g nme nts - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 1 61

M i sa l i g n ments - Skelet on - > The Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 62
Cra n i a l Bones - page 1 6 4

al Bones - page 1 6 5
M i d d l e Ear Bones - page 1 66

M isalignments - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton The Body Code 2.0 I 1 63

M i sa l i g nme nts - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton - S ku l l - Cra n i a l Bones T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 6 4
M isal i g n ments - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton - S ku l l - Fac i a l Bones The Body Code 2.0 I 1 6 5
M isa l i g n ments - Skelet on- Axi a l S ke l eton - S ku l l - M i d d l e E a r Bones T h e Body Code 2.0 I 1 6 6

Te nsor Tympan i

Create a mechanical connection that

conducts sound waves from the
eardrum to the labyrinth where the
mechanical motions are interpreted by
the nervous system as sound

Do you have an imbalance in your middle ear

bones on the left side? Right side?

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Tympan ic Membrane Eustachian Ask: "Are your middle ear bones happy now?"

(Ear Dru m) Tu be
Dental Relationship Chart
B y F ri tz Kra m e r, w i t h s o m e c h a n g e s b y K l i n g h a rd t I W i l l i a m s

Right: TMJ, ntenor h i p / knee, R.Jiol: r..t<nor Loll ......... tall: l'ootrit! or Left: TMJ, an t tall· Should r-
tlbow, hand . ....... hip. ..__ _ ....... ......,. medial ank le elbow·hand
rior hip/knee,
(radial), foot, big toe
Rish Should<r, Right Left: Shoulder-elbow-hand
(rad ial), foot, bi
Rig ht: Shoulder-elbow-hand Poo tonor
medial ankle
(ulnar), S.t jOint. la1 raJ ankle <OC<ypl joonl.
Joints toe �. hip.

pc»ttrior Jnkk potttriof 1nklc fool, lOOS

<OC<yp joint, loleral ankle (ulnar), 5-I joult
(oot# tOH

R g h B r e a s t L e I t B r e a s I
G l an d s
i t

Posterior lnttrmediatt Pi nea l Pineal rmermtdlat Parathyroid

lobe oJ pltuit>ry
Endocrine An terior Para t hy roid Thyroid Thymus Post rior Thymus Thyroid Anterior
Glands pituitary pitui tary lobe of pitu otary pituitary pituitary

Right hrart, Pane rea , r igh t side of tomach, R igh t lung. right Id Right Id or tan tudney. Left lung. left side of large Sp leen, left sode of stomach, tah hrort, left
bver, gaU bladder, u teru , bladd r, uteru hver, bi ha ry i n t es t i ne sode of
of large Right kidney, Left ide of
nght duoc* i n tes t i ne
d uc t
esophagu esophagus
Organs num. �nnlnal bladder, right prostate, prosta te, r«tum, duodenum.
! Stde of bthary
Ileum rrctum. M anus jejunum, ileum

!b � � [J B � � �

ID m � @ � & � �
,_ ,_

Teeth 0 0
0 0
Right upp<r R igh t upper Right upper Ri g h t u p per t..n tall Left upper 1 st tall upper �
� Jrd molar Q)
Q) Jrd molar
Left upper
Left upper Left upper Left upper
Rtght upper Right upper Right Right
2nd bicu sp id
Names ol
cmtral lateral Q:
2nd molar 1 s t molar 1st bicuspid u pp<r upp<r upp<r upper bicuspid 2nd blcu ptd l s l molar 2nd molar
a: {pre-molar) (cu pid)
lnciJOr lnCIJOt Incisor
Teeth (wiSdom)
Ut r•l control
(cusptd) (pre-molar) {pre-molar)
(w iJd<>rn)

American I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 14 15 16
2 3 12 13

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 l 19 18 17

R ight lower Wt Left lower Left lower 1 t Lt(t low r

Right lower �r tow r 3rd motor
Names ot Right Uft Left lower
cam ne
Right low r Right Left lower 1 s t Left lower
1 t bicu p id
Right lower
2nd bicuspid 2nd molar
Right lower
Right lower
2nd bicusp id

0 0
rol «ntrol la t ra l (wiSdom)
molar town lower c•nine bicu pid molar
Teeth 1st molar
(cu pid) 0
3rd molar

inciJor IJIClJOr Incisor m<OOr

0 (wbdom) (pre-mola r) (pr molar)
la (cuspid) {pre-m la r)


w fJ} V Vu�� � � � � � �i

� V V
Pi ctu red m

R l gh t '-tt. Pancrea , right si d e of tomach, Rlght lung. rogh t id e o f l arg l\oil't l.ldney, Loll ..,., Lefl lung. lef t sid Splttn, lefl ide of tomach,
�. umut. bl.tdckt, UtttuJ. ' sade of I<JUnum,
terrrun a l lleum,
Right lde of Left side of of larg tafi hrort. left

phagus prc»t•tt, r«tu:m, liv r, b i l iary p ha gus

prottott•, rectum.
bver, goll tnl hne
pyl rus, inleslin
Organs bladder, nght ....
side of bohary .
Anus ducts

Ova r i es, te t tc l es Adrenals Adrenal Ova r ies, testicles I I
g h l 8 e J e ( I 8 s ,'
g l ands
R i r a s L r e a

R.lll't Sllou lde<, Right: TMJ, anterior hip/ knee, Right PostMIOC' Ra hL f'o&llmOr Loll - Uft .... rior Left : TMJ, anterior htp/ knee, l.clt Should..-
Joints .-, hond knH, h&p, ....... ....... k ...... t«ffo -�-h.and
Rig ht: Shoulder-elbow-hand Left: Shoulder-elbow-hand
(uiNr� S.L JOW, (...._ ) , 5-l l"'nt.
l31erol Mkt
�. hip, (radial), foot , big toe media l ankle
medial ankl {radial), foot, big toe
-- �: :=!:'.':': =='-'=' 131erol nkle

M isa l ig n ments - Skelet on - A x i a l S ke l eton - Teeth The Body Code 2.0 I 1 67

M isa l i g n ments - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton - T h o ra c i c Cage T h e Body Code 2.0 I 168
M isal i g nments - Skelet on - A x i a l S ke l eton - T h o ra c i c Cage - Tru e R i bs The Body Code 2.0 I 1 69
M isa l i g nments - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton - T h o ra c i c Cage - Fa lse R i bs T h e Body Code 2.0 I 1 70

M isa l i g n ments - Skele ton- A x i a l S ke l eton - Verteb ra l Co l u m n T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 71

M isa l i g n ments - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton - Ve rteb ra l Col u m n - Cerv i c a l Verte b ra e T h e Body Code 2.0 I 172

Connects to: Blood supply to the head,

pituitary gland, scalp, bones of the face, brain
inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous
system , eyes, ears

Misalignment Symptoms: Headaches,

Connects to: Thyroid gland, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood
bursa i n the shoulders, elbows pressure, migraine headaches, mental
conditions, nervous breakdowns, amnesia,
sleeping sickness, chronic tiredness, dizziness
M isalignment Sympto m s : B u rsitis,
or vertigo
colds, thyroid conditions, goiter

Connects to: Eyes, optic nerves,

auditory nerves, sinuses, mastoid
bones, tongue, forehead, heart

M isalignment Symptoms: Sinus trouble,

Connects to: Neck muscles, allergies, crossed eyes, deafness. eye
shoulders, tonsils troubles, earache , fainting spells, certain
cases of blindness

Misalignment Symptoms: Stiff neck,

pain i n upper a rm , tonsillitis ,
whooping cough, croup

Connects to: Cheeks, outer ear, face, bones,

teeth, trifacial nerve, lungs

M isalignment Symptoms: N e u rallgia,

neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema
Connects to: Vocal cords, neck
glands, pharynx

Misalignment Symptoms:
Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat
conditions such as sore throat
or tonsillar abscess Connects to: Nose, lips, mouth, Eustachian
tube, mucus membranes, lungs

Misalignment Symptoms: Hay fever,

catarrh. hard of hearing, adenoids
Connects to: Stomach, Connects to: Arms from the
esophagus, peritoneum, elbows down, hands, wrists
liver, duodenum and fingers; esophagus and
trachea, heart
Misalignment Symptoms:
Stomach troubles, includ­ Misalignment Symp­
ing nervous stomach, toms: Asthma, cough,
indigestion , heartburn, shortness of breath,
dyspepsia, etc. pain in the lower arms
and hands

Connects to: Liver, solar

plexus, circu lation, heart, Connects to: Heart, its valves
esophagus, stomach and coronary arteries; lungs
bronchial tubes
Misalignment Symp­
toms: Liver conditions, Misalignment Symp­
fever, low blood pres­ toms: Functional heart
sure, anemia, poor conditions and certain
circu lation, arthritis chest pains

Connects to: Gallbladder, Connects to: Lungs,

common duct, heart, lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura,
bronchial tubes chest, breast, heart

Misal ignment Symptoms: Misalignment Symptoms:

Gall bladder conditions, Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia,
jaundice, shingles congestion, influenza

M isa l i g n me nts - Skelet on - A x i a l S kel eto n - Verte b ra l Co l u m n - T h o ra c i c Verte b rae - Thora c i c Verteb rae 1 - 6 The Body Code 2.0 I 1 73
M isa l i g n ments - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton - Verteb ra l Col u m n - T h o ra c i c Verteb rae - Thora c i c Verteb rae 7-1 2 T h e Body Code 2.0 I 1 74

Connects to: Small intestine,

lymph circulation , large intestine,
Connects to: Kidneys, appendix,
urinary bladder, uterus, kidneys,
testes, ovaries, uterus, adrenal
ileocecal valve
cortex, spleen, pancreas, large
Misalignment Symptoms:
Rheumatism, ,gas pains, certain
M isalignment Symptoms: Diabetes,
types of sterility
ulcers, gastritis

Connects to: Kidneys, ureters,

large intestine, urinary bladder,
adrenal medulla, adrenal Connects to: Spleen, stomach,
cortex, uterus, ovaries, liver, pancreas, gallbladder,
ileocecal valve adrenal cortex, small intestine,
pyloric valve
Misalignment Symptoms: Skin
conditions like acne, pimples, Misalignment Symptoms: Hiccups,
eczema, or boils lowered resistance

Connects to: Kidneys, ap­

pendix, testes, ovaries, uterus,
adrenal cortex, spleen, Connects to: Adrenal cortex,
pancreas, large intestine pancreas, spleen, gallbladder,
ovaries, uterus, small intestine
Misalignment Symptoms:
Kidney troubles, hardening Misalignment Symptoms:
of the arteries, chronic Allergies, hives
tiredness, nephritis, inflam­
mation of kidneys
Connects to: Large
intestine, inguinal
rings, uterus

M isalignment
Misalignment colitis,
Symptoms: Poor circula­ dysentery, diar­
tion in the legs, swollen rhea, nuptures or
ankles, weak ankles and hernias
arches, cool feet, weak­
ness in the legs, leg

Connects to: Ap­

pendix, abdomen,
upper leg, urinary

Misalignment Symp­
toms: Appendicitis,
cramps, difficult breath­
ing, acidosis, varicose

Connects to: Sex

organs, utenus,
Connects to: Prostate gland,
bladder, knee,
muscles of the lower back,
prostate, large intes-
sciatic nerve

Misalignment Symptoms:
Symptoms: Bladder
Sciatica, lumbago, difficult,
troubles, menstrual
painful, or too frequent
troubles like painful
urination, backache
or I rregular
periods, miscar­
riages, bed wetting,
impotency, change
of life symptoms,
many knee pains

M isa l i g n ments - Skelet on - Ax i a l S ke l eton - Verteb ra l Col u m n - Lu m ba r Verteb rae The Body Code 2 _ 0 I 1 75
M i sa l i g n ments - Skelet on- A x i a l S ke l eton - Verteb ra l Col u m n - Sacru m a n d Coccyx The Body Code 2.0 I 1 76

Connects to: Hip bones, buttocks, rectum, sex organs,

genitalia, urinary bladder, ureter, prostate

Connects to: Rectum, anus

Misalignment: Symptoms : Hemorrhoids or piles, pruritis

or itching, pain at the end of spine on sitting
M isa l ig n me nts - Skelet on - Append i c u l a r S ke l eton The Body Code 2.0 I 1 77
M i sa l i g n ments - Skelet on- Append i c u l a r S ke l eton - U p per L i m bs The Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 78
M i sa l ig n ments - Skeleton- Append i c u l a r S ke l eton - U p per L i m bs - Wrist a n d H a n d Bones The Body Code 2.0 I 179
M isa l i g n m ents - Skelet on- A p p e n d i c u l a r S ke l eton - U pper L i m bs - Wrist a n d H a n d Bones - Wrist The Body Code 2.0 I 1 8 0
M i sa l i g nments - Skelet on- Append i c u l a r S ke l eton - U p per L i m bs - Wrist a n d H a n d Bones - H a n d Bo nes The Body Code 2.0 I 1 81
Misalignments - Skelet on- A p pend i c u l a r S ke l eto n - Lowe r Li m bs The Body Code 2.0 I 1 82

page 183

-- page 1 84

- page 185
M isa l i g n ments - Skelet on- Append i c u l a r S ke l eton - Lower L i m bs - Leg The Body Code 2.0 I 183
M isa l i g n m ents - Skelet on- Append i c u l a r S ke l eton - Lower L i m bs - Pel v i s The B o d y C o d e 2 . 0 I 1 84
Tarsal bones

Proximal P h alanges

M isa l i g n ments - Skelet on- Append i c u l a r Skeleton - Lower L i m bs - Foot The Body Code 2.0 I 185
M isalign ments - Connecti ve Tissue - > T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 186

Connective tissues fall into 4 categories:

Disks, Fascia, Ligaments and Tendons

Keep the body connected, enable

Tendons connect
movement and flexibility
muscle to bone, and
are found on both
ends of every mus­
cle i n the body

Ligaments connect bone to

bone, and are found
throughout the body
If not, correct energetically by rolling
3 times down the governing meridian
(or 10 times for fascia)

page 188
Disks act as shock absorbers
between the vertebrae of the spine

They may become misaligned or

imbalanced like any other tissue

Identify which d isk is imbalanced

Ask: "Is your _ disk happy now?"

If not, rebalance by rolling 3 times down

the governing meridian

M isa l i g n ments - Connecti ve Tissue - D i s ks The Body Code 2.0 I 1 8 7

M isa l i g n ments - Connecti ve Tissue - Fasc i a T h e B o d y Cod e 2.0 I 188

Connective tissue that surrounds and protects all the

other tissues of the body

Different names depending on the tissue or organ it is covering

Can become distorted due to emotional or physical stress or trauma

When imbalanced , it is cal led "fascial distortion"

Joint problems

I mproper posture

General malfunction

Ask: "Do you have fascial distortion?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Roll 1 0 times down the governing meridian

Toxicity >
- - > The Body Code 2.0 I 1 8 9
Toxicity - Hea vy Metals - > T h e Body Code 2.0 I 1 9 0

Heavy metals result from contaminated food . vaccines,

polluted air and water, and cosmetics, etc.

Ask, "Do you have heavy metal toxicity?"

Clear the toxin by rolling 3 times down governing meridian

Chec k to see what other remedies may be needed

(sometimes mo re than one remedy is necessary)
Tox icity - Excesses - > The Body Code 2 . 0 I 191
Toxicity - Excesses- Stress H o rmones T h e Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 92

Ad renalin and cortisol are considered to be the "stress

hormones" of the body, and can be produced in excess
during difficult times, becoming toxic to the body.

Ask, "Do you have excess toxic Adrenalin in your body?"

Eva l u at i o n
Ask, "Do you have excess toxic Cortisol in your body?"

Roll 3 times down governing meridian

N ote that vigorous physical exercise wil l also clear

these toxic hormones from the tissues
Metabolic waste refers to the byproducts of all metabolic
processes. If the organs of elimination are compromised
in any way, or are working less efficiently than they
should, metabolic waste can build up in the body.

Ask, "Do you have excess metabolic wastes in your body?"

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

I n addition, colon hydrotherapy, cleanses of various

types, liver and kidney cleanses may be beneficial.

Toxicity - Excesses- M eta b o l i c Wa ste The Body Code 2.0 I 193

Toxicity - Excesses- Free Ra d i ca l s The Body Code 2.0 I 194

Made o f unstable atoms created by oxidation

From overeating , radiation, tobacco, d irect sunlight,

smog , poll ution , foods high in fats and sugar

How the body "rusts"

Ask: "Do you have free rad ical toxicity?"

Rol l 3 times down the govern ing merid ian

Studies show that periodic fasting and eating fewer

calories slow down rate of free rad ica l formation

Take anti-oxidants such as Aca i , organic berries,

wheatgrass ju ice , natural chocolate, etc.
Chinese medicine recognizes six "pernicious
influences" which may create imbalances in the body.

Excesses of any of these 6 types of energy may enter

the body through foods, the skin, or the acupuncture
system, and create imbalance.

For more information, research Chinese Medicine Theory

Ask, "Is there excess ___ energy in your body?"

Roll 3 tirnes down the governing meridian

Tox icity - Excesses- S i x Pern i c i o u s I nfl u e n ces The Body Code 2.0 I 1 9 5
Toxicity - EM Spectrum - > T h e Body Code 2.0 I 1 96

Electromagnetic toxins or electromagnetic

pollution can become trapped in the body and
distort the energy field of the body

Ask: "Do you have a toxic energy?"

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Toxicity - Chemicals - > The Body Code 2.0 I 1 97
Toxicity - Chemicals- Food Ad d it i ves The Body Code 2 . 0 I 1 9 8

Perhaps t he most commonly

ingested 'toxin'

Read "'Sugar Blues" or

Our modem rocessed food i s filled with
all sorts of chemicals that prolong shelf
"Sugar Shock" for a more life, enhance .flavor, etc.
in-depth picture of how
sugar affects the body

Ask, "Do you ha�e food additives toxicity?"

Identify the type of food additive or any other

Extends the shelf life of food necessary inforfnation

I nterferes with metabolic

prooesses and creates
abnormal cells

Test to see if detoxification is needed

Avoid food additives in the future!

Flavor enhancer

Addictive properties


Causes "Chinese
Restaurant Syn­
d rome"

Creates obesity

More information in
"Conspiring Men" DVD

ca'u se or intensify behavioral problems

(e pecially in those with ADD I ADHD I

Au\ism Spectrum Disorders)

Ca�1se headaches, nausea,

Used to keep prooessed food moist mu�cle pain
and extend shelf life
Vaccines contain very toxic components, such a s aluminum,
formaldehyde and mercury, which are added as 'adjuvants' that
weaken the organism or preserve the vaccine

Nearly all medications are toxic, particularly to the liver and

kidneys. The breakdown products of medications may stay in the
body for life unless discovered and released.

Like all toxins, these will tend to be found in the liver or

kidneys or the fat layers

Tox icity - Chemicals- M e d i c a l The Body Code 2.0 I 1 9 9

Tox icity - Chemicals- Recreati o n a l Drugs The Body Code 2.0 I 200

Recreational drugs generally a re very imbalancing to the

energy field, and will often lead to weakness of the chakras,
as well as liver damage, kidney damage, and so on

Drugs (excluding caffeine and tobacco) open the body to invasion by entities

Identify the type or any other necessary information

Eliminate use of recreational d rugs

Toxins in the environment
(outdoors, home, office, etc) that
are absorbed through the skin,
lungs or digestive system.

Roll 3 times down the goveming meridian

Check to see if detoxification is needed ·-

Use natural alterna­

tives like white
vinegar, baking soda
or non toxic enzyme

Toxicity - Chemicals- E n v i ron menta l The Body Code 2.0 I 201

Toxicity - Prions - > The Body Code 2.0 I 202

Deformed or mutated protein molecules that wreak

havoc in the tissues of the body

Our testing indicates that these dangerous proteins are

usually derived from normal proteins in the body that are
then damaged by toxins, particularly by heavy metals.

Can be ingested by consuming tainted meat products

and byproducts, and are implicated in bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease.

Ask: "Do you have prion toxicity?"

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Identify if there are any underlying causes, such as heavy metal toxicity
1 . Some pathogens create toxins in the
body as a byproduct of their own
metabolism. For example, parasites
Two types of
produce uric acid , which often causes
joint and muscle pain.
toxicity :
2. When pathogens die, the release of toxins that
ensues is what creates "die-off' symptoms.

Ask, "Do you have microbial toxicity?"

Determine what sort of pathogen is producing the toxins.

Determine if the toxins are type 1 from an active

infection , or type 2 from an infection that is dying off.

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Determine if further action is necessary to eliminate the

pathogen (see Pathogen section)

Toxicity - Microbial - > The Body Cod e 2 . 0 I 203

Toxicity - Dental - > T he Body Code 2.0 I 204
A n encapsulated pocket of dead bone that i s infected with
anaerobic bacterial organisms, producing very powerful toxins

70 to 90% of all tooth extractions result in cavitations. Most

dentists are vaguely aware of cavitations, but only a relatively
few holistic dentists make a practice of finding and removing

Cavitations are often difficult to detect, and often go undiagnosed

The same extremely toxic anaerobic bacteria that are

found in cavitations are also found in root canal teeth

Ask, "Do you have a cavitation?" Focusing on 1

quadrant at a time, ( upper left teeth , etc. ) or on individual
teeth and then testing will help narrow it down .

Correction requires surgical intervention

Toxicity - Dental- Cav itation The Body Code 2.0 I 205

Toxicity - Dental - Root C a n a l The Body C o d e 2 . 0 I 206

A dead tooth inhabited b y toxic anaerobic bacteria

Cause heart and circulatory diseases, a rthritis and rheumatism,

diseases of the brain and nervous system , and even cancer

95% of breast cancers will have corresponding root

canal(s) on the same side as the cancer

Root canals can not be done safely because it is

impossible to sterilize the miles of bacteria-containing
microtubules found in a typical tooth.

If a client has a root canal, test this question: "Would

you be healthier if this tooth were removed?" Focus on
1 tooth at a time (in the case of mutiple root canals) and
see what the body says

In our experience, root canal teeth always need to be

extracted, and cavitations are usually found u nderneath
the root canal, which also need to be surgically cleaned
out and sterilized . This is highly specialized dental work
that is performed by very few dentists.
An area of decayed tooth surface, due to bacteria

Cavities are best found by a dentist, of course. If no

dentist is available, you might ask, "Do you have a
cavity?" Narrow down the possibilities by upper or
lower j aw, then by tooth, to determine location.

Cavities can be healed, contrary to popular belief. Ask if

the tooth is happy, find out why if it is not, and watch
what happens. In the event that nothing you do works,
you can test for dental materials that are compatible,
and of course, avoid amalgam fillings at all costs.

Toxicity - Dental- Cavity The Body Code 2 . 0 I 207

Toxicity - Dental- Fluoride The B o d y C o d e 2.0 I 2 0 8

A toxic by-product I industrial waste produced by the

nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries

Used by the dental industry, but has never been proven to prevent cavities

Found in teeth whitening treatments, dental fluoride treatments, fluoride

toothpaste, dental floss, bottled water, vitamins, etc.

Ask, "Do you have fluoride toxicity?"

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Stop using products containing fluoride

Determine if further detoxification is needed (detox

saunas and oral chelation are often helpful)
Dental filling material that typically contains 50%
mercury, the 2nd most toxic material on the planet!

Amalgam fillings have been widely used as a major

dental restorative material since the 1 800s

Several countries have now banned the use of amalgam fillings

Causes chronic mercury poisoning, resulting in all kinds of physical


Ask: "Do I have toxins from my mercury amalgam fillings?"

Roll 3 times down the governing meridian

Oral chelation and infrared saunas are helpful to detoxify mercury

Removal of metal fillings must be done by a qualified dentist using all

possibly precautions against further mercury exposure

Toxicity - Dental- M e rc u ry A m a l g a m The Body Code 2.0 I 209

Toxicity - Dental- Denta l R e l a t i o n s h i p C h a rt The Body Code 2.0 210

Dental Relationship Chart

B y F ritz Kra m e r, w i t h s o m e c h a n g e s b y K l i n g h a rd t I W i l l i a m s

Righ t. Shoulder. R igh t : TMJ, anterior hip / knee, Ri&hl: IUtenor LeA: Potttriot Ltft. Posterior Left: Left: TMJ, anterior hip / knee, Ltft: Shoulder·
"-'· hlp, kntt. oocn>-, ucr� "-'· hlp.
Right: Shou lder-elbow-hand Right: Posterior Shoulder-elbow-hand

coccy se•l )oint, eo«ygtal joint, (ulnar), 5-l joint

(ulnar), 5.1. joint,
Joints elbow, hllnd (radial), foot, big toe med i a l ankle elbow-hMd
med ial a nkle (radial), foot, big toe
po�tedor an.kJe postttktt ankle
foot, toes
lat ral ankl lateral ankle
foot, toes

R i g h t B r e a 5 t 1 L e { t B r e a 5 t

Endocrine Intermediate Thymus Anterior

of pituitory
A nterior Parathyroid Thyroid Thymus Posterior Pinea l Pineal lntermcdiAIC Posterior Thyroid Parathyroid
pituitary pituitary lobe of pituitary lobe pituitary pituitary

Left kidney.
bladder, uteru , side of
Right heort. Pa ncreas, right side of stomach, R ight l ung, right side of l a rge Rlght sldc of Rlght lddoey, Left side o f Left lung, left side of large Spleen, left side o f stomach, Left heart, left

d uoden u m .
righ t d uode- esophagus intestine hver, gall bladder, uterus, l i ver, biliary inte tine esophagus
Organs num, terminal bladder. righ t prostate, prostate, recrum,
d ucts
ileum lde of bihary rectum, anus anus jejunum. ileum


� � � £J B � � �

ID � � � m !E t1!

Teeth 0 0
0 0
+- Righ t upper Right u pper �
Q) Jrd molar Jrd motor Q)
Ltft upper

2nd bicuspid 2nd molar

Left upper Left upper
ca n i n e
R ight upper Right upper Right Right t..fl Left Left upper 1st Left upper Left upper
Right upper Right upper
Names or
2nd bicusp id 1st bicuspid
(w isd om )
2nd molar 1st molar canine upper upper upper upper blcu pid mola r
In cisor
Teeth la teral central central laterAl (wisdom)
(pre-molar) (pre- molar) (cu pid ) (cuspid) (pre-molar) (pre-mol a r)
Incisor incisor incisor

American 1 7 12
2 3 4 5 � 6 8 '9 10 11 13 14 15 16

32 31 30 29 28 T7 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

'- Righ t lower R igh t lo we r ten ....

Right lower
l owe r
Names ol Righ t lower Right lower Right lower Right Right Left lower Left lower 1st Left lower Left lower 1st Left lower t.. f l lower
0 Jrd molar 0
cen tral l a ter a l
2nd molar canine lower lower lower canine bicuspid 2nd bicuspid molar 2nd molar
Teeth Jrd molor 1st molar 2nd bicuspid 1st bicuspid

0 (wisdom) (pre-mola r) (pre-mola r) (cuspid) IIHeral central
(cuspid) (pre-mola r) (pre-mola r)
Incisor hlci.Jor Incisor

w fJ} � V � V Vu�� � � � � � �i

Right heart, Righ t side of RIJ�I kidney, Lcf1 kidney, Spleen, left side o( stomach,
side of jejunum,
Pancrea , right ide of tom a eh, Right lung, ri g h t side of large Left side of Left l ung, left side o( large LeJt heort, left

right pto6Wt, r«:1Um. Ile um

liver, gall bl•dckor, uterus. bl.tddtr, uttrus,
terminal Ileum.
d uc t s
intestine liver, biliary intestine
pylorus, esophagus esophagus
Organs lleo-ceaol bl•dder, pr'O'to�te,rtc'tum..
side of billory


O v a r i es, tes t i cles A d renal A d renals Ova r i es, testicles I I

I D s t L D I
R g h t r e a e f t r e a s
Risht Shoukltt, TMJ, anterior hip/ knee, RJaht: Palterior Y.fl! Post�rior t..ft. Post rlor Left: TMJ, a n terior hip / knee, �Aft Shouldu•
�lbow, twnd """"· hip. kl'lft", MCf'Oo knoo, ....... clbow·Nnd
Right: Right: Shoulder-elbow-hand Righr. Posterior Left: Shoulder-elbow-hand
(uiNr), S.L joint. eo«ylfll Joinl, eo«ygt!ll joint (uiNt) , S.l roono,
Joints """"· hip.

foot. lOtS foot. ton

med i a l ankle (rad ia l), foot, big toe (rad ial), foot, big toe medial ankle
on&l tint llnkl� tvoo�. t�tlor AnkJ•
lilterill ankle liltCri\1 ankle
page 269 MllaBi$�
page 212

- page 213

page 248
- page 214

page 247 M a g n eti c F i e l d

page 21 7
page 246 D e h yd rat i o n

N utrition & Lifestyle - > - > The Body Code 2 . 0 I 211

N utrition & Lifestyle - pH Imbalance - > The Body Code 2.0 I 21 2

Measures the acidity or alkalinity of the body

A pH of 7.3 to 7.5 is healthy for the human body

A pH lower than 7 . 1 is too acidic

Most people have a too-acid pH (vs a too-alkaline pH ),

because most of our diets encourage acidity in the body

Causes of acid p H : too much meat, sugar, stress, acid foods

Follow these three simple steps using pH paper:

1 . Wait for two hours after having anything in your mouth

(to ensure the saliva is pure)

2. Swallow the saliva in your mouth, and then suck new

saliva from below your tongue. Repeat 2 more times.

3. Apply saliva to a piece of pH paper, wait 20 seconds,

and compare the resulting color to the pH color chart.

OR test your pH using via muscle testing!

Ask: "Is your body pH too acid?" or "Is your body pH too alkaline?"

Mix the juice of 1 /2 a fresh lemon into

pure water and drink daily. The diet may
To gradually
need to be altered to include more
alkaline forming foods and eliminate
acid-forming foods.

Mix a teaspoon of Baking Soda into a glass of

To rapidly
water and drink 3 times a day for 2 days. Make
alkali nize:
any necessary dietary changes
N utrition & Lifesty le - Remedies - > The Body Code 2 . 0 I 213
N utrition & Lifestyle - Malnutrition- > The Body Code 2 . 0 I 214
A group of conditions generally related t o poor quality or
insufficient quantity of nutrient intake, absorption, or utilization

Results from deficiencies in any or

all nutrients normally available
Two major types
of malnutrition: Results from a deficiency of
specific micronutrients such as
vitamins, minerals, etc.

In the First World , the most common

type of malnutrition is from micronu­
trient deficiencies, which are typically
correctable by supplementation

Identify type of malnutrition

Identify and correct any imbalances causing malnutrition

(i.e. small intestine imbalance)

Test to see which foods and/or nutrients are needed , and at what levels of intake ..._

If malnutrition is severe, get qualified professional help

N utrition & Lifestyl e - Malnutrition- Phys i ca l M a l nutrition The Body Code 2.0 I 215
N u t rition & Lifestyle - Malnutrition- S p i ri t u a l M a l n utriti on The Body Code 2 . 0 I 216

A condition caused by lack of spiritual "food"

Our testing shows that around the world, roughly:

1 . 53% of people are in a state of spiritual starvation

2. 32% are in a state of spiritual malnourishment

3. The remai ning 1 5% of people are feeding their spirits regularly

enough that they can be considered spiritually well-nourished .

Ask, "Are you spiritually malnourished?

. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .

Test client for various sources of high-vibration spiritual

food, as desired , similar to testing supplements

Usually corrected by prayer, meditation , reading

scriptures and performing service for others
N utrition & Lifestyle - Foods, Herbs & Nutrients - > The Body Code 2.0 I 21 7
N utrition & Lifestyle - Foods/ Herbs & Nutrients- Foods The Body Code 2.0 I 218

Hippocrates said , "Let food be your medicine"

Sometimes there is a particular food that we need to

consume in order to heal faster or maintain health

Sometimes there is a particular food we need to avoid

Ask, "Is there a particular food on this list that you need?"

Or ask, "Is there a particular food on this list that you need to avoid?"

Identify the food ( s ) -- Food List - page 2 1 9

Incorporate the food into your diet i f needed

Avoid the food if needed


Body Code Healing System 0:i

Foods Q)
Co l u m n A Co l u m n B Co l u m n C Co l u m n D 0
Beef Cauliflower J i cama o range ..s:::
Liver Celery Lentils Papaya 1-

R ow 1 Veal Cilantro Lima Beans Peach

Chicken Collards Other Beans Pear
Duck Cucumber Parsnips Persian Melon

Eggs Dandelion G reens Peas Persimmon

Fish Endive Potato P ineapple
R ow 2 Shellfish Eggplant Sweet Potato Plum
G oose Garlic Turnip Pomegranate
Lamb G reen Beans Winter Squash R aspberry

N uts Jerusalem A rtichoke Acorn Strawberry

Seeds Kale Butternut Tangerine
R ow 3 Tofu Leek Hubbard Watermelon
Turkey Bibb Lettuce Spaghetti Amaranth
Cheese Other Barley

Cottage Cheese Butter Lettuce Yam B ran Flakes

Cream Iceberg Lettuce Apple Buckwheat
R ow 4 Cream Cheese Red Leaf Lettuce Apricot corn
Kef i r Romaine Lettuce Banana M i llet
M ilk Blackberry Oat-bran

Yogurt Mung Bean Sprouts Blueberry Oatmeal

Corn Mushrooms Boysenberry Quinoa
Row S R ice B read Mustard G reens Cactus Fruit R ice
R ice Cakes Mustard Spinach Cantaloupe M elon Rye
R ye Radish Casaba Melon SOY

Sour Dough Okra Cherimoya Wheat V)

Wheat Onions Cherry Other 0
R ow S 0
Other Breads Parsley Cranberry Butter
Pasta Scallions Crenshaw Melon Mayonnaise

Alfalfa Sprouts snow Peas D ried Fruit Nut Butters

Other Sprouts Spinach Elderberry Oil
R ow 7 A rtichoke Squash Fig (fresh}
Asparagus summer Gooseberry
Avocado Yellow G rapefruit

Bamboo Shoots Zucchini G rapes

Beet G reens Swiss Chard G uava
R ow S Bell Peppers Tomato Honeydew
Bok Choi Turnip G reens Kiwi
B roccoli Watercress Kumquat

B russel Sprouts Vegetable Starch Lemon
Cabbage Beets Lime >o
R ow 9 N apa Carrots Loganberry Ill
Red Corn M ango -
Savoy G arbanzo Beans Nectarine :,:j

Copyright 2009, Wel l n ess U n masked , I n c . , & D r. Bradley Nelson . All rig hts reserved c
N utrition & Lifestyle - Foods, Herbs & Nutrients - H e rbs The Body Code 2 . 0 I 220

Sometimes there is a particular herb that w e need to

consume in order to heal faster or maintain health

Sometimes there is a particular herb that needs to be avoided

Ask, "Is there a particular herb on this list that you need?"

Or ask, "Is there a particular herb on this list that you need to avoid?"

Identify Herb(s) � Herb List - page 221

Identify immediate dosage if necessary

Stop using the herb if it needs to be avoided

N ote : Herbs must be used with cauti o n ! Some

herbs can be toxi c in h i g h doses, some will i n d uce
abortion, etc. If you are in doubt as to the safety of
any herb, consult a n herbal ist!
Body Code Healing System N

Herbs N
Colu m n A Col u m n B C ol u m n C Col u m n D 0
Alfalfa herb Comfrey leaf H o rseta i l herb P ro po l i s res i n ..c
Angel ica root Corn S i l k I m mo rtal root P u l sati l l a flower
Row Arnica flower Cotto n Root bark J u n i pe r be rry Q u assia wood
Aspen bark Cow Pars n i p root Kava- Kava root Raspberry leaf
Astraga l u s root C ramp bark Ke l p frond Red C l over flower
Bapt i s i a root D a m i a n a herb Ko la N u t Red Root

Barbe rry root D a n d e l i o n root Lave n d e r leaf Rosemary leaf

Bayberry root bark Desert W i l low bark Licorice root Sarsapari l l a root
Row Benzo i n g u m Devi l 's C l aw root L i l y of the Val l ey root S aw P a l m etto fru it
Beto ny flower Dogbane root Lobe l i a herb Shephe rd 's P u rse herb
B l ack Cohosh root Dong Q u a i root Ha H u ang ste m S ku l lcap herb
B l ack H aw root Ech i n acea root M arav i l l a root S p i ke n a rd root

B l ack Wal n u t hu l l E l ecampane root M arshmal low root Sti l l i ng i a root

B l e ssed Thi stle herb E l d e r flowe r M atar i q u e root Storksbi l l herb
Row Blood root Eucal pytus leaf M i l k Thi stle seed St. John 's wa rt flower
3 Blue F l ag rhz. Eyebright herb M e nta Poleo herb Thuja leaf
B l u e Cohosh root False U n icorn root Mo rmon Tea Toadflax herb
Blue Ve rva i n herb F e n n e l seed Mothe rwort herb Usnea l iche n

B l uebe rry leaf Feve rfew flower M u l l e i n leaf Uva U rsi leaf
Boneset Fi reweed herb M yrrh g u m Valerian root
Row Bricke l l i a herb F r i n g etree bark N ettles herb V i rg i n i a S n ake root
4 Buchu l eaf G ar l i c b u l b Oat seed White Oak bark
B u g l eweed herb G e ntian root , g reen Ocoti l l o ste m bark White Sage leaf
B u rdock root G i n g ko leaf O regon G rape root White W i l low bark

B u rdock seed G i nseng root , W i l d A m . Osha root W i l d che rry bark

C a l e nd u l a flower Golden Seal root Pansy herb Wild G i ng e r root
Cascara S ag rad a root G otu Ko l a herb P a rtridge Berry W i l d Yam root
C atn i p herb G rave l Root ( S q u aw V i n e ) Witch H azel leaf
5 Caye n n e fruit G ri nd e l i a flower Passi o n Flower Yarrow flower
C e l a n d i n e , G reate r G u arana seed Pau D 'Arco bark Ye l l ow Dock root

Chamo m i l e flower H awtho rne flower & P e n n y royal herb Ye rba Mansa root
Chaparral leaf berry P i ps i ssewa herb Ye rba S anta leaf
R ow Chastetree berry Hops strobu les P l e u risy root Yohi m be bark
C i n n amon bark H o reho u n d he rb Poke root Yucca root
C l e m at i s herb H o rse Chestnut bark P rickly Ash bark
C l e avers herb H o rse rad i sh root Prickly Poppy

Copyright 2009, Wel l n ess U n masked , I nc. , & Dr. Brad ley N elson . All rights reserved
N utrition & Lifestyle - Foods, Herbs & Nutrients- N u trients The Body Code 2.0 I 222

Most people suffer from o n e ore more nutritional deficiencies

Note that the body will periodically need to get a d ifferent

source of a given nutrient. For example, a person may test
fine for a certain brand of calcium. After taking that brand for
a few months, the body may refuse to absorb that brand, and
will need a different source!

Ask, "Is there a particular nutrient on this list that you need?"

Identify N utrient(s) �- N utrient List - page 223

Identify immediate dosage needed to correct deficiency

Identify long term maintenance dosage if necessary

Body Code System
N utriti o n a l C h art Q)
Col u m n A Col u m n B 0
Vita m i n A page 224 Calci u m page 235 _c
Row 1 Carotenoids page 225 C h ro m i u m
Vita m i n D Copper page 236
Vitam i n E page 226 Iodine
Vitam i n K I ro n page 237

Thiam i n B1 page 226 M ag nesi u m page 237

R ow 2 R i boflavin B2 page 227 Mang anese
N iaci n B3 Molybde n u m page 238
Pantothe n i c Acid B 5 page 228 P hosphorus
Pyridoxine B 6 Selen i u m page 239

Bioti n B? page 228 Zinc page 239

Row 3 Folate Bg page 229 Potassi u m
Cobalam i n B 1 2 Sod i u m page 240
Choline C h loride
Vitam i n C page 230 S u lfu r

Omega 3 page 230 Flavonoids page 247

Row 4 Omega 6 page 237 Boron
Go-Enzyme 01 0 Cobalt
P robiotics/ Prebiotics Lecith i n page 242
Carn iti ne page 232 Oxygen c
· ;::::
Antioxidants page 232 Cholesterol page 242 :::::1
R ow S P rotei n Lute i n I Zeaxnth i n
Satu rated Fatty Acids Monounsatu rated FApage 243
Carbohyd rates page 2337 Polyu nsatu rated FA
Fiber Lycopene

H istidine page 233 E nzymes page 243

R ow 6 Lysine page 234 Meth i o n i n e
Leucine Phenylalan i n e page 244
I soleucine Threo n i n e "'0
page 235 0
Val i ne Tryptophan page 245



Body Code System
N N utriti o n a l C h a rt
CO Vitam i n s : The name vita m i n was proposed i n the 20th centu ry, it was orig i nally cal led
£: vitami nes fro m "vital a m i n es" from an o rgan ic fu nctional g ro u p in chemistry. The name
was l ate r shorted to vitam i n as we see it today.

Vitam i n s can be classified i nto two d i fferent g ro u p s : water sol u ble and fat sol u bl e .
Vitam i n s A, D , E , a n d K are fat sol u b l e a n d the rest are water sol u bl e .

T h e reco m mendations l i sted here are fro m t h e D R I or D ietary Reco m m e nded I ntake .
These should be used o n ly as a g u ide as the dosage may exceed the "recom me nded"
amo u nt . Dr. Weston P rice fou n d in his stud ies of trad itional cu ltu res that the d i et of the
prim itives contai ned th ree to ten times the amou nt of the reco m m e nded dosages.
Hypervitami nosis refers to a state i n the body where the vitam i n levels are high and can
constitute a toxic or poisonous state . This state is not ach i evable when the vitam i n s are
procu red from food , as is reco m mended . lt is possible to ach ieve this state thoug h , by
very h i g h dosages of "su pplement" vitam i n s ; so cautio n is advised .

Vita m i n A :
I nfants : 400-500 mcg/ day (mcg=microg ram . 1 microgram= 0 . 0 0 1 m i l l i g rams)
C h i ld ren : 300-400 mcg /day
c Ad u lts : 600-900 mcg I day
· .:: P reg n ant/ lactating : 700- 1 300 m cg/ d ay

General P u rpose :
Vitam i n A is an i m portant vitam i n that acts as a catalyst o n which i n n u merable
biochem ical p rocesses depend . lt is also an i m portant anti-oxidant i n the body.

Food S o u rces :
Best sou rce is ani mal prod u cts because it is preformed Vitam i n A ( Reti nol) . I n
other words a n active form that the body can u se i m med i ately without processing .
Ani mal : Liver, Eggs, M i l k , Cod l iver o i l , Fish , Butter (real butter) , C heese , beef.
P lant (See caroteno ids) : Sweet potatoes, carrots, p u m p ki n , sq u as h , kale ,
spi nac h , b rocco l i , o r dark leafy vegetables.
*when u s i ng plant sou rces it is i m po rtant to eat that sou rce with a h i g h
>­ q u al ity fat, l i ke butter. Because vitam i n A is fat sol u ble it wi l l n o t be absorbed i n the
Cl) small i ntesti ne without the presence of fats and b i l e . S i m i larly the conve rsion of plant

:.J carotenes i nto Vita m i n A is best ach ieved i n the presence of vitam i n A, so for people
clS who are deficient a h i g h q u al ity ani mal sou rce is reco m mended .

Body Code System N

N u triti o n a l C h art N
Ca rotenoids : ..c
Rx :
No recommend dosages.

General Pu rpose :
Carotenoids are basical ly the i n active fo rm of Vitam i n A . The body can use
carotenoids to make vitam i n A, but it m u st be in the p resence of a h i g h q u al ity fat to be
absorbed and converted . Carotenoids are also a g reat sou rce of anti-oxidants.

Food Sou rces :

Sweet potatoes, carrots , p u m p ki n , sq u ash , kale , spinac h , b rocco l i , or dark leafy

Vita m i n D :
Rx :
I nfants : 25 mg/ day
C h i ld ren : 25 mg I day
Ad u lts : 50 mg/ day
P regnant I lactating : 50 mg/ day Vl
General P u rpose : ......
· ;;::
N eeded for calci u m and phosphorus absorption and thus essential to bone z
health , strong teeth , and normal g rowth .

Food Sou rces :

Ani mal : Fish , M i l k , Eggs, liver, Cod l iver o i l . I m portant that these are fatty
sou rces otherwise there is no fat carrier for absorptio n .
S k i n synthesis : Vitam i n D can b e received thro u g h skin synthesis. Esse nti ally a
cholesterol molecu les is converted to Vitam i n D by UV rad iation (cholesterol levels m u st
be sufficient to suppo rt this) . I mportant to note that s u n screens, cloth i n g , and seasons
of the year will affect and block this reaction from occu rri ng . Recom mendatio n : 1 0- 1 5
m i n utes of sunshi ne/ day without the su nscreens (may need to b u i ld u p safely) (from
spri ng to fal l)
Body Code System

N N utrit i o n a l C h a rt
m Vita m i n E :
..c Rx:
I nfants : 4 - 5 m g / day
C h i ldren : 6-7 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 1 - 1 5 mg/ day
P reg nant/ lactat i ng : 1 5- 1 9 mg/ d ay

General P u rpose :
N eeded for circu lation , tissue repai r, and heal i n g . Also a powerfu l anti-oxidant.
Helps with ste ril ity problems, P M S , and m u scu lar dystrophy.

Food Sou rces : (Al pha- tocophero l most active form)

Wheat germ , almonds, haze l n uts , peanuts, spi nach , b rocco l i , tomatoes,
avocados, asparag u s , o l ives, corn , u n refi ned vegetable oils, butter, and organ meats .

Vita m i n K : (two forms: P hyl loq u i nones K- 1 , plant sou rces ; and Menaq u i nones K-2 ,
ani mal so u rces. )
Rx :
I nfants : 2-3 mcg/ day
C h i ld ren : 30-50 mcg/ day
Ad u lts : 60- 1 20 m cg/ day
c P regnant/ lactating : 75-90 mcg/ day
· ;::
General P u rpose :
N eeded for blood clotting and p l ays an i m po rtant role i n bone health and
formatio n .

Food Sou rces :

M i l k , Eggs, l iver, Butter, g rains, dark g reen vegetables

Thiam i n :
I nfants : 0 . 2-0 . 3 mg/ day
» C h i ld re n : 0 . 5-0 . 6 mg/ day
CV Ad u lts : 0 . 9- 1 . 2 mg/ day
� P regnant/ l actating : ,.., 1 .4mg/ day

Body Code System
N utriti o n a l C h art N
General P u rpose : u

A l l the water so l u ble B vitam i n s work as a team to promote healthy n e rves , ski n , ""0
eyes, hair, l ive r, m u scle ton e , and card iovascular fu nction . They protect u s from mental CO
d isorders, depressio n , and anxiety. S u gar consu m ption depletes B vitamins. Thiam i n is ..c
needed for hyd roch loric acid prod u ctio n , and is u sed to treat constipatio n , fatig u e ,
herpes, a n d m u ltiple sclerosis.

Food S o u rces :
G rains, M u s h rooms, spi nach , flaxseeds , tu na, g reen peas , brussel sprouts ,
brocco l i , Black, pi nto , a n d I i ma beans , sesame a n d su nflower seeds, a n d the g e r m l ayer
of g rains.

R i boflavi n :
I nfants : 0 . 3-0 .4 mg/ day
C h i l d ren : 0 . 5-0 . 5 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 0 . 9- 1 . 3 mg/ day
P regnant/ Lactating : 1 . 4- 1 . 6 mg/ day

General P u rpose :
Related to the conversion of n utrients i nto energy, maki ng other vitamins and
m i n e rals available to the body, and acts as an anti-oxidant.

Food Sou rces : l/)

G rains, l iver, ve n iso n , yog u rt , m i l k, m u s h rooms, spi n ac h , eggs, al monds. c
N i aci n :
Rx :
I nfants : 2-4 mg/ day
C h i l d ren : 6-8 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 2- 1 6 mg/ day
Preg nant/ Lactating : 1 7- 1 8 mg/ day

General P u rpose :
Deficie ncy resu lts i n pe l l ag ra, characte rized by dermatitis, tremors , dementia and
d i arrhea. N i ac i n helps in the conversion of food to energy and aids in the d i gestive
system , ski n and n e rve fu nction .

Food Sou rces :

G rains, meat and organs meats, m u s h rooms and asparag u s are also g reat sou rces.
Body Code System
N utrit i o n a l C h art
"'0 Pa ntothen i c Acid :
CO Rx :
I nfant : 1 . 7- 1 . 8 mg/ day
C h i ldren : 2-3 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 4-5 mg/ day
P reg n ant/ Lactati ng : 6-7 mg/ day

General P u rpose :
Essential for ad renal g l and function . P l ays an i m portant role i n cel l metabol i s m
a n d choleste rol prod u ction a n d a i d s i n t h e body's abi l ity t o withstand stress . Deficiency
signs are fatig u e , l i stlessness, weakness , and n u m b ness and ti n g l i ng .

Food Sources :
Fou n d i n organ meats, egg yol ks , whole g rains, avocados, m u s h rooms, and
cau liflowe r.
Pyridoxi ne:
I nfants : 0 . 1 -0 . 3 mg/day
C h i ldren : 0 . 5-0 . 6 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 . 0 - 1 . 7 mg/day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 1 . 9-2 . 0 mg/day

General P u rpose :
Contributes to enzyme fu nctional ity, req u i red for the synthesis of
c neu rotransmitters l i ke se roto n i n , norepinephrine and mye l i n formatio n . Deficiencies
l i n ked to d i abetes, nervou s d i so rders , and coronary heart d i sease .
Food Sou rces :
Mostly ani mal p rod u cts , also g rains, legu mes, carrots and spi nach .

B i oti n :
I nfants : 5 - 6 mcg/day
C h i l d re n : 8- 1 2 mcg/ day
Ad u lts : 20 - 30 mcg/ d ay
P reg nant/ Lactati ng : 30-35 mcg/ day

General P u rpose :
H e l ps i n energy formatio n from food and is necessary for body to process sugars
and fats.
Body Code System

N utriti o n a l C h art N
Food S o u rces : u
G rains, and ani mal prod ucts '0

Fol ate
I nfants : 65-80 mcg/ day
C h i l d re n : 1 50-200 mcg/ day
Ad u lts : 300-400 mcg/ day
Preg nant/ Lactating : 500-600 mcg/ day

General P u rpose :
Necessary for D N A and R N A creation and strengthen i n g the chro mosomes,
plays critical role in developing healthy red blood cel l s , it also protects DNA from
damag e . Deficiency d u ri n g preg nancy can resu lt i n spinal b ifida.

Cobala m i n 8 1 2 :
Rx :
I nfants : 0 . 4-05 mcg/ day
C h i l d ren : 0 . 9 - 1 . 2 mcg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 . 8-2 . 4 mcg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 2 . 6-2.8 mcg/ day

General Pu rpose :
P l ays i m po rtant role i n the metabol ism of all cel ls, especially those i n the G l tract,
bone marrow, and n e rvous tissue. Often re lated to fatig u e .

Food Sou rces :

Liver, Kidney, m i lk, eggs, fish , cheese and meat. Only fou n d i n ani mal prod u cts.

I nfant : 1 25- 1 50 mg/ day
C h i l d ren : 200-250 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 375-550 mg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 450-550 mg/ day
General Pu rpose : "tj
An essential com ponent of structu ral tissue , a promoter of l i pid transpo rt and an �
i m portant component of neu rotransm itters . lt also fu nctions as an e m u lsifier in bile and
thus aid ing with digestion and absorption of fats. >.
Food Sources : ::i
Eggs, butter, meat, flax seeds, sesame seeds , and cau l iflower. �
Body Code System
N utriti o n a l C h art
(!] Vita m i n C :
Rx :
I nfants : 40-50 mg/ day
C h i ldre n : 1 5-25 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 45-90 mg/ day
P regnant/ Lactating : 80- 1 20 mg/ day

General P u rpose :
Serves as an anti-oxidant, aids the ad renal g l ands i n ste roid synthesis, promotes
resistance to i nfections thro u g h i nvolvement with leu kocytes and i nterfe rons. Also helps
to mai ntai n l u ng fu nction .

Food Sou rces :

Fru its , vegetables, and organ meats.

Omega 3's

Omega 3 also referes to E PA and D HA. Omega 3 fatty acids can not be synthesized by
the body and th u s m u st be obtai ned in the d iet. There are some conversions of other
fatty acids i n the d iet to the n eeded omega 3 's , but because of the lack of overa l l good
n utritio n in most people it recom m e nded that they take a supple ment fo r this. The
(/) omega 3 is a long chain fatty acid and th u s acts as an i mportant component of cel l
membranes and p recu rsors t o cel l u lar com m u n ication v i a p rostag l and i n s ,
· ;;::
....... thro m boxanes, l e u kotrienes, paracrines a n d other hormonal s i g n a l s . They c a n modify
z the process of i nflam matio n and are i m po rtant i n brain fu nctions.

In regards to Omega 6 's and Omega 3 's it is i mpo rtant to maintai n a proper ratio
betwee n the two . Reco m mended is 2 : 1 (6 to 3) .

Rx :
C h i ldren : N o rx,
Ad u lts : 650mg-2000mg/ day
P reg nant/ lactati ng : N o Rx

S o u rces : Flaxseeds and o i l s , mari ne sou rces : Kri l l , Cod l iver, Mackere l , and Sal m o n .
Body Code System ™

N utriti o n a l C h art N
Omega 6

N ote : This wi l l rare ly show u p as a n utritional need , but more of an indication that "0
so meone is getti ng too much . I n which case it is best to recommend they i ncrease their m
omega 3 dosag e ! ..c

Omega 6 fatty acids h e l p t h e body with s k i n issues and proper fu nction o f cel l u lar
metabo l ism . Most people get more than enough omega 6 i n thei r d iet. E levated levels
of omega 6 actually do harm . You want to mai nta i n a ratio between Omega 6 and 3
about 2 : 1 .

C h i l d ren : 4 . 4 to 4. 6g/ day
Ad u lts : 1 0- 1 2g/ day
Preg nant/ Lactating : N o rx

Sou rces : Vegetable o i l s

Co- Enzyme Q1 0

Also known as U b iq u i nones this enzyme has 1 0 side chai n s , (Go- E nzyme 0 1 0) . The
u b iq u i nones are essential components of the mitochond rial e lectron transpo rt chain
(The process of maki ng ATP or energy i n the body) and can be needed by people with
low energy. lt also acts as an anti-oxidant in the body!
Rx : c
Ad u lts : 3-6mg/ day .......
· ;::
Sou rce : Meat and ani mal prod ucts

P robioti cs/ P rebiotics

N o Rx:

P robiotics - microbial foods or supplements that can be used to change or reestablish

and promote the g rowth of beneficial i ntestinal flora (bacteria) .

Prebiotics - nondigesti ble foods prod ucts that sti m u l ate the g rowth of bacte ria al ready
present in the co lo n ; i m p roves gastro i ntestinal health .

P rebiotic sou rces : Whole g rains (especially oatmeal) , flax and barley ; g ree n s ; berries,
bananas, and other fruits ; leg u mes ; onions, garlic, honey, leeks.
Body Code System ™
N utrit i o n a l C h art
u P robiotic food sou rces : Live cu ltu re prod u cts such as : Yog u rt , kefi r, butterm i l k and othe r
"'0 fermented dai ry prod ucts ; fe rmented vegetables s u c h a s ki m chi a n d sauerkraut,
CO fermented soy p rod u cts such as m i so and tempeh.

Carn iti ne

N o Rx:

Used i n the body to transport long chain fatty acids ( LC FAs) across the m itochondrial
membrane for oxidation (energy util ization) . The h u man body has l i m ited abil ity to
synthesize this enzym e . P l ant foods are general ly very low sou rces for obtai n i ng
carn iti ne, so meat and dai ry p rod ucts are reco m mended !


No Rx : (See vitam i n s A, C and E)

Antioxidant - molecules such as so me vitamins (Vitam i n C and E) that i n h i b it action of

activated oxygen molecu les (free rad icals) that can damage cel ls.

P rotei n
c Prote i n , a class of the m acro n utrients , is a large biolog ical molecule consisting of one
· ;;:: or more amino acids. P rote i n s perform a vast array of fu nctions i n the body
Rx :
C h i l d re n : 1 3-34g/ day
Ad u lts : 46-56g/ d ay
P reg n ant/ l actating : 46-56g/d ay

A l l com p l ete p roteins (contai ns all esse ntial amino acids) come from a n i mal sou rces .
P l ant sou rces are g reat too , but m u st be combi ned properly to ensure all esse ntial
a m i n o acids are p resent !

Satu rated Fatty Acids

Rx : 20-40% of dai ly calories

Body Code System ™

N u triti o n a l C h a rt N
Another cl ass of the macro n utrients fats , satu rated fatty acids are more i m po rtant than u
for j u st energy needs. Satu rated fatty acids help to i m p rove bone, heart, l iver, l u ngs and "0
brai n health . They are also i m po rtant for proper nerve sig nal i ng and for a strong 0)
i m m u n e system . Satu rated fatty acids usually carry with them the essential fat sol u ble .s:::.
vitamins (vitamin A, D , E, and K) .

Carbohyd rates

R x : 40-60% of daily calories

The th i rd class of macro n utrients, carbohyd rates are manufactu red by plants and area
a major sou rce of energy i n the d iet. Carbohyd rates are com posed of carbo n , hyd rogen
and oxygen i n a ratio of C :O : H 2 .

No Rx:

Fiber - nondigesti ble carbohyd rates that h ave bee n extracted o r manufactu red from
plants that have a beneficial physiologic effect i n h u mans.

The role of fiber i n the G l tract is complex and varies based o n the sol u b i l ity of the fiber.
I n so l u ble fiber general ly increases the fecal vol u me and decreases the transit time i n V)
t h e G l tract. On t h e other hand , sol u ble fibers can form g e l s resu lti ng i n slowed G l c
transit time and slowed o r decreased n utrient abso rptio n .

H i sti d i ne

I nfants : 28mg/kg/day
C h i l d ren : No Rx
Ad u lts 8- 1 2 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of prote i n s req u i res the presence of all necessary amino acids d u ri n g the
process . An essential amino acid is an amino acid that can not be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m u st be obtain i n the diet.

Sou rces : A l l ani mal prod u cts

Body Code System
N utrit i o n a l C h art
u Lysi n e
(1) Rx:
..c I nfants : 1 03mg/kg/day
C h i ld re n : 44-64mg/kg/day
Ad u lts : 1 2mg/kg/day

Synthesis of prote i n s req u i res the presence of all necessary am i no acids d u ri n g the
process . An essential a m i n o acid is an amino acid that can not be synthesized in the
body and therefore m u st be obtain in the d i et .

Sou rces : All ani mal prod ucts

Leuci ne

Rx :
I nfants : 1 6 1 mg/kg/day
C h i l d re n : 44-7 4mg/kg/day
Ad u lts : 1 4 mg/kg/day

Synthesis of p rotei n s req u i res the presence of all necessary am i no acids d u ri n g the
process . An essential amino acid is an amino acid that can not be synthesized in the
body and therefore m u st be obtain i n the d i et.

Sources : All ani mal prod u cts

Isoleu c i n e

I nfants : 70mg/kg/day
C h i ldren : 44-73mg/kg/day
Ad u lts : 1 Omg/kg/day

Synthesis of proteins req u i res the presence of all necessary am i no acids d u ri n g the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that can not be synthesized in the
body and therefo re m u st be obtain i n the d iet.

So u rces : All ani mal p rod u cts

Body Code System

N utriti o n a l C h a rt N
Va l i ne u
Rx: CO
I nfants : 93mg/kg/day ..c:
C h i l d ren : 25-38mg/kg/day
Ad u lts : 1 Omg/kg/day

Synthesis of protei n s req u i res the presence of all necessary amino acids d u ring the
process . An essential amino acid is an am ino acid that can not be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m u st be obtain i n the d iet.

Sou rces : All ani mal prod u cts

Calci u m

Rx :
I nfants : 2 1 0-270mg/ day
C h i ldren : 500-BOOmg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 000mg - 1 300mg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 1 000- 1 300mg/ day

Calci u m is the most abu ndant m i n e ral i n the body, makes u p abo ut 1 . 5% to 2% of the
body weight and 39% of total body m i n erals. Approximately 99% of the calci u m exists in
the bones and teeth . The remai n i n g 1 % of calci u m is i n the blood and extracel l u lar fl u id V)
and with i n the cel l s of a l l tissues, where it reg u l ates many i m po rtant metabo l i c fu nctions. c

Food sou rces : Dairy p rod ucts are the most concentrated sou rces of calci u m and where
the hig hest level of absorption is achieved . Dark g reen leafy vegetables such as kale ,
col lards, tu rn i p g reens, m u stard g reens, a n d b rocco l i ; o rgan meats s u c h a s ad renals
and l iver are g reat sou rces as wel l .

I n suppleme nts there are a few common forms : Calci u m carbonate , calci u m citrate ,
calci u m g l u conate , calci u m lactate , calc i u m phosphate , etc. The most co mmon is
calci u m carbonate which is rel atively i nsol u ble and is not absorbed as we l l as calci u m
citrate . Calci u m phosphate is the form fou nd i n m i l k and has a h i g h bioavai labil ity, but
not i n supplement form . Calci u m citrate o r l actate is reco m mended for supplement
pu rposes.

C h rom i u m

I nfants : 0 . 2- 5 . 5 mcg/ day
Body Code System
N utrit i o n a l C h art
u C h i l d re n : 1 1 - 1 5 mcg/ day
"'0 Ad u lts : 20-30 mcg/ day
CO P reg nant/ lactati ng : 20-45 mcg/ day
C h ro m i u m i s considered an u ltratrace m i neral because of the low amou nts needed . l t
a i d s i n g l u cose metabolism b y potentiati ng i n su l i n action a n d therefore i nfl u ences
carbohyd rate , l i p i d , and protei n metabol is m .

S o u rces : B rewer 's yeast, oysters, l iver, a n d potatoes have h i g h cho m i i u m

concentration s ; seafood , whole g rai ns, cheeses , and meats have med i u m

C h ro m i u m is removed i n processed foods.


Rx :
I nfants : 200-220 mcg/ day
C h i l d re n : 340-440 mcg/ day
Ad u lts : 700-900 mcg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 1 000- 1 300 mcg/ day

Copper, a normal constitu e nt of blood , i s anothe r establ i shed essential m icro n utrient.
Conce ntrations of copper are hig hest in the l iver, brai n , heart , and kid ney. M u scle
c contains a low level of copper, but, because of the its l arge mass, skeletal m u scle
contains almost 40% of al copper i n the body.
Copper is a com ponent of many enzymes, and sym ptoms of copper deficiency are
attri b utable to enzyme fai l u res.

S o u rces : Copper is d i stributed widely in foods. Food high i n coppe r are shel lfish ,
oyste rs, o rgan meats, m u scle meats , choco l ate , n uts, g rains, and l eg u mes.

Iod i n e

I nfants : 1 1 0- 1 30mcg/ day
>. C h i l d re n : 90 mcg/ day
ell Ad u lts : 1 20-1 50 mcg/ d ay

...J P reg n ant/ Lactating : 220-290mcg/ day

Body Code System

N utriti o n a l C h art N
Iod i n e is sto red i n the thyroid g land , where it is used i n the synthesis of tri iodothyro n i n e
(T3) ad n thyroxine (T4) . "0

S o u rces : Seafoods such as clams, lobste rs , oysters , sard i nes, and other saltwater fish
is the richest sou rce of iod i n e . Fresh water fish contai n l ess but are sti l l g reat so u rces of
iod i n e .

Rx :
I nfants : 0 . 27- 1 1 mg/ day
C h i l d re n : 7- 1 0 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 8 - 1 8 mg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 9-27 mg/ day

The fu nctions of i ro n relate to its abi l ity to participate i n oxidation and red u ctio n
reactions. Because o f this redox p roperty, i ro n h a s a role i n the blood a n d respi ratory
transport of oxygen and carbon d i oxide and i n the e lectro n transport chain and energy
creation in the m itochondria.

Sou rces : Best sou rces are Liver, seafood , kid n ey, heart , lean meat, and pou ltry. Beans
and vegetables are the best p lant sou rces .

M agnes i u m Vl
I nfants : 30-75mg/ day
C h i l d ren : 80- 1 30mg/ day
Ad u lts : 240-420mg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 3 1 0-420mg/ day

The major function of mag nesi u m is to stabi l ize the structu re of ATP i n ATP dependent
enzyme reactions. lt i s a cofactor for more than 300+ enzymes reactions. lt is needed
for the synthesis of prote i n s and fatty acids, and plays an i m portant role in the g lycolytic
pathway. lt also plays role i n cel l com m u n ication via second messengers (cAM P) .

Sou rces : P retty abu ndant i n most foods , but good sou rces : seeds , n uts, leg u mes,
g rains, dark g reen vegetables, and dairy p rod ucts and meat .


Rx :
Body Code System
N N utriti o n a l C h art
u I nfants : 0 . 003-0 . 6mg/ d ay
"'0 C h i ldren : 1 . 2- 1 . 5 mg/ day
()) Ad u lts : 1 . 6-2.3mg/ day
..s:::: P reg nant/ Lactating : 2 . 0-2 . 6mg/day

Symptoms of manganese deficiency include wei g ht loss, de rmatitis, change i n hai r color
and g rowth , and occasional ly nausea and vo m iti ng . lt can also affect the reprod u ctive
system , pancreatic fu nction and several aspects of carbohyd rate metabol i s m .
Manganese plays an i m portant role i n enzyme activity, especi ally those o f the
m itochondria and the enzymes with anti-oxidant properties. In add ition , manganese is
u sed to activate many e nzymes. lt u sed in the fo rmation of con nective and skeletal
tissues, g rowth and reprod u ctio n , and carbohyd rate and l i pid metabol ism .

Sou rces : Whole g rains, leg umes, n uts and tea. Fruit and vegetables are modest
sou rces. Ani mal prod u cts contain less manganese are poor sou rces.

Mo lybden u m

Rx :
I nfants : 2-3 mcg/ day
C h i l d ren : 1 7-22 mcg/day
Ad u lts : 34-45 mcg/ day
P regnant/ Lactating : 50 mcg/ day
c Molybden u m is i m portant i n oxidation-red u ction ( redox) reactions. lt aids i n the
· ;;:: breakdown of key am i n o acids and i n the formatio n of others .
Sou rce s : Leg u mes, w h o l e g rains, dai ry p rod u cts , meat a n d d a r k leafy g reens.

P h osphorus

Rx :
I nfants : 1 00-275 mg/ day
C h i l d ren : 460-500 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 700- 1 250 mg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 700- 1 250 mg/ day

P hosphorus ran ks second to calci u m i n abu ndance i n h u man tissues. lt participates i n

n u mero u s essential fu nctions i n t h e body. D N A and R N A are based o n phosphate . The
major form of energ y, ATP, contains high energy phosphate bonds. lt as acts in cel l u lar
com m u n ication via cAM P and other secondary messengers . lt is u sed to form the
TM 1'0

Body Code System N

N utriti o n a l C h art N
phospholipid membrane i n every s i n g l e ce l l . lt is u sed i n the buffer system of the body u
to contro l p H . Finally it fo rms with calc i u m to strengthen teeth and bones. "'0
S o u rces : In general good sou rces of protei n are good sou rces of phosphoru s . Meat, ..c
pou ltry, fish , and eggs are excel lent sou rces. M i l k, leg u mes, and g rains are other g reat
sou rces.

Selen i u m

I nfants : 1 5-20 mcg/ day
C h i l d ren : 20-30 mcg/ day
Ad u lts : 40-55 mcg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 60-70 mcg/ day

A rather narrow dietary i ntake range exists for sele n i u m , below which deficiency occu rs
and above which toxicity can occu r. Selen i u m is necessary for proper fu nction of
g l utathione peroxidase , which protects against oxidative damage ( free rad icals ) . lt aids
in the conversion of T3 to T4 ( thyroid ) .

Sou rces: Selen i u m content i n foods is com p l etely dependent o n the sele n i u m conte nt
of the soi l . S u pplementation is best with selen i u m .

I nfants : 2-3 mg/ day
C h i l d ren : 3-5 mg/ day
Ad u lts : 8- 1 1 mg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 1 1 - 1 3 mg/ day

Zinc, primarily an i ntrace l l u lar i o n , fu nctions i n association with more than 300 different
enzymes. l t participates in reactions i nvolvi ng e ither synthesis or deg radation of
carbohyd rates , l i pids, p rote i n s and n u cleic acids. l t serves as a sig nal ing ag ent in the
brai n .

Sou rces : The most abu ndant sou rces o f zi nc occ u r i n ani mal flesh . M i lk, seafood ,
whole g rains, and l eg u me are also fai r sou rces .

Potassi u m

Body Code System ™


N N utriti o n a l C h art
u Rx:

-o I nfants : 0 . 4-0 . 7 g / day
C() C h i ld re n : 3 . 0- 3 . 8 g/ day
Ad u lts : 4 . 5-4.7 g/ day
P regnant! Lactating : 4 . 7-5 . 1 g/ day

Potassi u m is responsible for mai ntai n i ng normal water balance , osmotic eq u i l i b ri u m ,

and the acid-base balance . lt is i mportant i n n e u ro m u scu lar activity and p romotes cel l
g rowth .

Sou rces : As a ru l e fru its, vegetables, fresh meats and dairy prod u cts are all g reat
sou rces of potassi u m

Sod i u m

I nfants : 0 . 1 2 - 0 . 37 g / d ay
C h i ldre n : 1 . 0- 1 . 2 g/ day
Ad u lts : 1 . 2 - 1 . 5 g/ day
P reg n ant/ Lactating : 1 . 5 g/ day

S od i u m is i m po rtant i n mai ntai n i ng acid-base balance , n e u ro m u scu lar function , and

p l asma vol u me .

c Sou rces : Sod i u m C h loride o r Salt. Recommended Real Salt or Sea Salt.

C h loride

Rx :
I nfants : 0 . 1 8- 0 . 57 g/ day
C h i l d ren : 1 . 5- 1 . 9 g/ day
Ad u lts : 1 . 8-2 . 3 g/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 2 . 3 g/ day

S i m i lar to sod i u m and potassi u m , chloride acts as an e lectrolyte and aids i n acid-base
balance , neu ro m uscu lar fu nction and p l asma vol u me .

>o Sou rce s : Sod i u m C h loride o r Salt. Reco m m ended Real Salt o r Sea Salt.

:::; Su lfu r
Body Code System

N utrit i o n a l C h art N
N o Rx : »
Althou g h a m i neral , su lfu r mai n ly exists as a molec u l e i n the body as a constituent of CO
th ree amino acids : cyst i n e , cyste i n e , and meth i o n i n e . As such it exists as part of these £:
molecu les which aid in cel l u lar reactions, con nective tissu e , redox reactions, etc .

Sou rces : Meat, pou ltry, fish , eggs, beans , brocco l i , and cau l iflower.


N o Rx :

Flavonoids - pigments that act as free rad ical scavengers i n the p lants , contribute to
mai ntenance of heart health and boost anti-oxidant defe nses.

Sou rces: Berries (especially dark colored ) , cherries, red g rapes , g reen tea, cocoa,
onions, and apples.


Rx :
I nfants : no rx
C h i l d re n : 2-6 mg/ day Vl
Ad u lts : 1 1 -20 mg/ day c
P reg nant/ Lactating : 1 7-20 mg/ day · ;::
Boron deficiencies affect to major organs : the brai n and bon e . Boron deficiency alters
bra i n composition and fu nction and red uces bone com position , struct u re , and strength .

Sou rces : G ood sou rces i ncl ude : noncitrous fru it, vegetables, n uts , and leg u mes.


Rx :
See Vitam i n B 1 2 reco m mendations:
I nfants : 0 . 4-05 mcg/ day
C h i l d re n : 0 . 9- 1 . 2 mcg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 .8-2.4 mcg/ day
P reg nant/ Lactating : 2 . 6-2 . 8 mcg/ day
Body Code System™
N utrit i o n a l C h art
u Most of the cobalt i n the body exists with vitam i n 8 1 2 stores i n the l iver. The essential
""0 role of cobalt is in vita m i n b 1 2 . This vitam i n is essential for the matu ration of red blood
(l] cel l s ad n normal function of all cel ls. In add ition to 8 1 2 the e nzyme meth i o n i n e
..c ami nopeptidase , an enzyme i nvo lved w i t h D N A t o R N A translation , is t h e only other
known need for cobalt.

Sources : Cobalt exists in most food as an u ltra trace m i neral , but o n ly m icroorg an isms
prod uce 8 1 2 . Therefore ani mal organs or meat are reco m me nded .

Lecith i n

No Rx:

Lecith i n (phosphatidylch o l i ne) - a phospholipid contai n i n g chol i n e ; fou nd i n the

membranes of biolog ic o rganisms. lt is a part of b i l e , where e m u lsifies fats , and is part
of l i poprote i n s , where it transports trig lycerides and cholestero l .

Sou rces : Liver and egg yol ks are rich sou rces. Soybeans, pean uts , l eg u mes, spi nach ,
and wheat germ are also good sou rces.


N o Rx :
· ;::
Choleste ro l is the basis for all steroid derivatives m ade i n the body, i nc l u d i n g cortisone
z and aldosterone from the ad renal g l ands and testoste ron e and estrogens fro m the
testes and ovaries, repectively, and b i l e acids made i n the l iver. Vitam i n D hormone is
m ade when u ltraviolet rays cleave cholestero l . Cholesterol is also i m portant i n cel l
membranes where i t aids i n structu ral and f l u i d ity.

Sou rces : A n i mal prod ucts .

Lutei n I Zeaxanth i n

N o Rx :

Lute i n and zeaxanth i n are the two most abu ndant carotenoids. They have antioxidant
p roperties and promote eye health .

Sou rces : G reen vegetables such as kale , spi nach , tu rnips , lettuce, b rocco l i , z u cch i n i ,
Body Code System ™
N utriti o n a l C h art N
Mono and Polyu n satu rated Fatty Acids CO
N o Rx:

Monounsatu rated fatty acids ( M FAs) conta i n only one double bond and polyu nsatu rated
fatty acids ( P U FAs) contain two or more double bonds. Because fatty acids with double
bonds are easily oxid ized h u man store l i pids as satu rated fats, mostly trig lyce rides.

Fats are energy rich and th u s be an easy sou rce of calories i n the d iet. In add ition the
fat sol u b l e vitam i n s are usually prese nt i n high q u al ity fat sou rces. They play a role in
ce l l membranes, cel l u lar com m u n ication and cel l structure and protection

Sou rces : An i mal prod u cts, n uts, seeds, and g rains.


N o Rx:

Lycopene - one of the carotenoid phytoche m icals ; appears to act as a free rad ical
scavenger. H as h i g h potential to red uce the risk for heart d isease and prostate cancer
in men .
Sou rces: Tomatoes, g rapefru it, watermelo n , and g u ava. Tomatoes shou ld be eate n with c
a fat to i ncrease bioavai lab i l ity th ro u g h absorptio n . · ;::

Enzymes (d igestive)

No Rx:

There are m a n y enzymes that partici pate i n the digestive process ; they c a n o ri g i n ate
from the pancreas, stomach , and smal l i ntest i n e . Most of these enzymes are released
in an i n active form that is activated by a low p H . ( H i g h pH in the stomach w i l l lead to
d i gestive problems) . When the body is maxed out it may be beneficial to u se d i gestive
enzymes as a way to allow the body to heal .
Sou rces : S u pplements ! >.
Meth i on i ne clS
Body Code System
N N utrit i o n a l C h art
""0 Rx:
CO I nfants : 58 mg/ kg/ day
..c C h i ldren : 22-27 mg/ kg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 3 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of p rotei n s req u i res the presence of all necessary a m i no acids d u ri n g the
process. An esse ntial amino acid is an amino acid that can not be synthesized in the
body and the refore m u st be obtai n in the d i et .

Sources : A l l ani mal prod ucts

P henylala n i ne

I nfants : 1 25mg/ kg/ day
C h i ldren : 22-69 mg/ kg/ day
Ad u lts : 1 4 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of p rote i n s req u i res the prese nce of all necessary amino acids d u ri n g the
p rocess. An essential amino acid is an am ino acid that can not be synthesized in the
body and therefo re m u st be obtai n in the diet .

S o u rces : All ani mal p rod ucts
· ;::::
Th reo n i ne

Rx :
I nfants : 87mg/ kg/ day
C h i ldren : 28-37 mg/ kg/ day
Ad u lts : 7 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of proteins req u i res the presence of al l necessary amino acids d u ri n g the
process . An essential amino acid is an amino acid that can not be synthesized in the
body and therefore m u st be obtain i n the d iet.

S o u rces : All ani mal prod u cts

Body Code System
N utriti o n a l C h art N
Tryptophan ""0
Rx: ..c
I nfants : 1 7 mg/ kg/ day
C h i l d ren : 3 . 3 - 1 2 . 5 mg/ kg/ day
Ad u lts : 3 . 5 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of protei n s req u i res the prese nce of all necessary amino acids d u ri n g the
process . An essential am ino acid is an amino acid that can not be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m u st be obtain in the d iet.

Sou rces : Al l animal prod ucts

N utrition & Lifestyle - Dehydration- > The Body Code 2.0 I 246

Common for thirst impulse to be confused with hunger

Leads to difficulty muscle testing; causes imbalance and

malfunction in organs and tissues

Tap water often does not correct dehydration. lt is

believed to be a homeopathic blend of many energies,
including ind ustrial wastes, agricultural runoff, artificial
hormones and antibiotics, etc.

Headache, joint pains, low back pain, neck

pain, foggy thinking, constipation

Is there an underly­
ing imbalance
preventing you
from utilizing the
Are you able to water you're drink-
absorb this wa­
Are you taking in the ter properly? This indicates an underly­
right quality of water ing imbalance. Find it on
Are you for your body? The Body Code Chart,
drinking clear it and ask this
enough question again.

Start drinking different

water that tests good for
your body!

Test the body for its daily

water requirement in
ou nces or liters

Consider purchasing a Nikken PiMag Water Filter or equivalent

A deficiency or imbalance in the body's magnetic field

Sometimes cal led M FDS, or Magnetic Field Deficiency Synd rome

Caused by a lack of connection with earth's magnetic

field as well as other imbalances on the chart

Ask: "Do you have an imbalance in your magnetic field?"

Identify and remove any underlying causes

Identify if magnetic supplementation is necessary

( N ikken MagStride insoles and Sleep System are ideal)

Optional : Become a N i kken consu ltant (click here)

N utrition & Lifestyle - Magnetic Field - > The Body Code 2.0 I 247
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Nee ds - > The Body Code 2.0 I 248
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- Adj u n ctive Thera py The Body Code 2 . 0 I 249
N utrition & Lifesty le - Outside Nee ds- E n ergy Tec h n i q ues The Body Code 2.0 I 250
Ca l o r T h e ra py

N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- Energy Wo rk The Body Code 2.0 I 251
N utrition & Lifesty l e - Outsi de Nee ds- Phys i c a l N eeds The Body Code 2.0 I 252

p a ge 25 3

p a ge 255 p age 254

Applied Kinesiology
The Trager Approach

Ayu rvedic Massage

Thera peutic Touch

Barbara B ren nan H ealing

Touch for Health

C ra n i o-Sacral Thera py
Trigger Point/ Myotherapy

Deep Tissue Massage

Healing Touch

M a n u a l Lym phatic Drai nage

Myofascial Release
Structura l I ntegration Therapy
N e u romuscu lar Thera py
Swedish Massage
O rtho-Bionomy
Thai M assage
Refl exology

N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- Phys i c a l Needs - Body Wo rk The Body Code 2 . 0 I 253
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Nee ds- Phys i ca l N eeds - Detoxification The Body Code 2 . 0 I 254

Beyond Chelation comes

in a canister that is a 30
day supply of capsules in
1----1 separate packets. Click
for more information or to
Beyond purchase.

Optimum Health ACZ-Nano is an oral

spray that is a wonder-
1----1 ful cleanser of heavy
Institute (OH ! )
metals, and very easy
to take.
ACZ Nano

bltRJLbightechhealth com
page 260 -- page 256

page 257

fEI � "'- page 258

page 25 9

N utrition & Lifestyle - O utside Needs - Phys i c a l N eeds - Exercise The Body Code 2.0 I 255
Nutrition & Lifestyle- Outside Needs- Physical Needs - Exercise - Martial Arts The Body Code 2.0 I 256

Chi Kung
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- Phys i c a l Needs - Exerc i se - M ovement Thera py The Body Code 2 . 0 I 257
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- Phys i c a l N eeds - E xe rcise - Sports The Body Code 2.0 I 258
P owe rl ifti n g

N utrition & Lifestyle - Outsi de Nee ds- Phys i c a l N eeds - Exercise - M uscle Tra i n i n g T h e B o d y Code 2 . 0 I 259
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outsi de Nee ds- Phys i c a l N eeds - Exerc i se - Aero b ics The Body Code 2.0 I 260

Water Ae ro b i cs
-page 262

page 266

page 263

page 265 page 264

N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- M e n ta l & E m ot i o n a l Fitness The Body Code 2 . 0 I 261
Nutrition & Lifestyle- Outside Needs- Mental & Emotional Fitness- Spiritual Nutrition The Body Code 2.0 I 262
D rea m T h e ra py

N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- Menta l & E m ot i o n a l Fitness - Menta l Rej uvenation The Body Code 2.0 I 263
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs - M enta l & E m ot i o n a l F i t n ess - M e n ta l Fitness Thera p i es The Body Code 2.0 I 264
G u i d ed I ma g e ry

N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs - M enta l & E m ot i o n a l Fitness - M e nta l Repattern i n g T h e Body Code 2.0 I 265
N utrition & Lifestyle - O utsi de Nee ds - M e nta l & E moti o n a l Fitness - Stress M a nagement The Body Code 2.0 I 266

B reath Wo rk
N utrition & Lifestyle - Outside Needs- C h i ro p ractic Ca re The Body Code 2 . 0 I 267
N utrition & Lifestyle - Sleep - > The Body Code 2.0 I 268

Sleep is a restful state in which healing takes place at an accelerated rate.

Ask, "Are you getting enough restful sleep?" or "Is there

anything interfering with your ability to sleep?"

Find any imbalances that are interfering with normal , deep sleep
and correct them. Then ask the questions above again.
Occasionally, the spirit or body may become
deficient in a certai n color.

Colors are j ust frequencies, and someti mes a certain color is

the perfect remedy for restoring balance.

Identify the color that the body needs through muscle testing.

The deficiency can be corrected in various ways, most

notably by wearing clothing or looking at things that are
that particular color, or using colored light thera py.

N utrition & Lifestyle - Calor Deficiency - > The Body Code 2.0 I 269
r--. TM
Body Code System
Live r C l eanse
"'0 This three day p rog ram w i l l h e l p t o cleanse t h e l iver and t h e lymphatic system .
..c • D ri n k two c u ps of u nsweetened black cherry j u ice dai ly, o n e i n the morn i n g and o n e at
n i g ht.
• Take ten ( 1 0) tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll dai ly, spl itting them u p thro u g h the day,
or taki ng them five (5) i n the morn i n g and five (5) at n ig ht.
• Make the fol lowi n g d ri n k and d ri n k it throug hout the day .
• (2) q u arts of g rapefru it j u ice mixed with (8) lemons and (2) q u arts of d i stil led water.
Drink this m ixtu re at (30) m i n ute i nte rvals th ro u g hout the day.

• G et a colon hyd rotherapy treatment each d ay d u ri n g the 3 days you are o n the
cleanse . I f you start to feel sick o r have a fever o r headache, it means you r colon has
toxic mate rial i n it and the toxi ns are being reabsorbed i nto you r blood stream , cau sing
you r sym pto ms. If th i s happens, an enema or colonic will q u ickly help to get the toxins
out of the co lo n .

• You m u st re member that the fi rst fu nction o f the l iver is t o detoxify you r body. You
can not be h ealthy and feel good if you r l iver does not fu nction as it was i ntended to
fu nction . Le mon j u ice and g rapefru it j u ice are two of the best sti m u lants that help the
l iver to cleanse its tissues and sti m u l ate it to g reater efficiency. Caution sho u ld also be
observed as too m uch g rapefru it and lemon j u ice over too long a period of time can be
dangero u s to the body. P lease consu lt a holistic physician if you are i ntend i n g on
conti n u i ng this cleanse for a longer than 2 weeks, o r if you h ave any q u estion about
u sage or safety.


Body Code System
Live r and G al l b l ad d e r F l u s h

The l ive r and gallbladder flush is an i m po rtant detoxifying agent which w i l l help restore
the normal fu nctional capacity of these organs. lt is not recom mended for clie nts u nder
25 years of age or clients with known l arge stones. Listed below are the steps that
sho u ld be fol l owed :

( 1 ) Monday thro u g h Satu rday noo n , d ri n k as m uch apple j u ice as you r appetite wi l l
perm it i n add ition to reg u lar meals and any supplements that may have been
p rescri bed . The apple j u ice sho u ld preferably be pu rchased from a health food store
to ass u re there are no add itives.
(2) At noon on Satu rday, you should eat a normal l u nch .
(3) Three h o u rs later, d ri n k one bottle of mag nes i u m citrate laxative (widely avai lable i n
t h e U S at d rug stores) this w i l l beg i n to flush the i ntesti nes o f toxic waste materials,
so plan o n staying home o r near a bathroo m !)
(4) Two h o u rs later, repeat step 3 .
( 5 ) You may h ave g rapefru it j u ice , g rapefru it o r other citrus fru its o r j u ices for you r
eve n i n g meal .
(6) At bedti m e , you may have one of the fol lowi ng :
- a c u p of u n refi ned ol ive o i l fol l owed by a small g l ass of g rapefru it j u ice ; or
- a c u p of warm u n refi ned ol ive o i l b lended with a c u p of lemon j u ice.
( U n refi ned o l ive oil may be pu rchased from any health food store . lt is best to u se
fresh citrus j u ice , but can ned o r bottled are perm issible) .
(7) Fol l owing step 6 , you sho u l d g o i m med iately to bed and l i e on you r rig ht side with
you r right knee p u l led u p close to you r chest for 30 m i n utes.
(8) The next morn i n g , one h o u r before breakfast, d r i n k one bottle of mag nesi u m citrate
laxative .
(9) Be s u re to conti n u e with you r normal d i et and any n utritional prog ram that has been
p rescribed for you .

Some clients have occasionally reported s l i g ht to moderate nausea when taki ng the
ol ive oi l/citrus j u ice ; this nausea wi l l slowly d i sappear by the time you go to sleep. If the
o l ive oil i n d uces vom iti ng , you need not repeat the p roced u re at this time. This occ u rs
only i n rare i n stances.

This fl u s h i n g of the l iver and gallbladder sti m u l ates and cleanses these organs as no
other method . C l ients who have chro n ical ly suffered fro m gallstones, b i l i o u sness,
backaches , nausea, etc. occasionally find small gallstone-type objects in the stool the
fol lowi n g day. These objects are l i g ht g reen to dark g reen i n color. They are ve ry
i rreg u lar i n shape, gelati nous i n text u re , and vary i n size fro m g rape seeds to cherry
seeds . I f there seems to be a large n u mber of these objects i n the stool , the flush
sho u ld be repeated i n two weeks.
('.. Body Code System TM

Anti-FungaVMold Dietary Suggestions


AVO I D These Foods
CO S ugar Sugar Syrup C hoco late
(J) Honey Molasses Artificial Sweeteners
Alcohol Wine and Beer Spi rits Liquors

G rains, G l uten Wheat, Rye Oats, Barley Corn , R ice

Fruit Fresh Dried

Vegetables Root veg etables Peas

Meats Po rk C u red meats Processed meats

Fish All except wild salmon Shellfish

Dai ry Products C heese M i l k and C ream Whey Products

Beverages Coffee, Tea Sodas , Energy dri n ks J u ices

Beans Soy (al l products) Beans Leg u mes

N uts Cashews Pean uts Pistachios

Condi ments Ketchup and Mayo Relish Soy Sauce

Fats, Oils Peanut and Corn oil Canola oil Soy oil

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� r•

Veg etables All non starchy vegetab les (g rows above the g rou nd)

Live C u lt u res Yog u rt (no added sugar) Saue rkraut Other fe rme nted
Kefir Kimchee vegetables

Meat Beef, C h icken Lam b , Tu rkey *All o rganic free range

Fish Wild Salmon, Anchovies Herring Sardi nes

N uts and Seeds Al monds, Flax Haze l n ut S u nflower Seeds

Coconut meat Pecans Wal n uts

G rains (non-g l uten) Buckwheat, Oat bran Q u i noa Mil let

H e rbs and Spices Any

Fats, Oils Virg i n Coconut Oil Flax Oil Butter
CV Ol ive Oil Sesame O i l
10 Sweeteners Stevia Xyl ito l
c Beverages Probiotic dri n ks Herbal teas Lemon water
By clicking on the "I Ag ree" l i n k below, you a g ree that you have clicked on and
read the "Wa rn i n g s ! " map be low as wel l as the " U sage Agreement" map a n d the
Disclaimer" map, and that you a g ree to abide by these conditions.

page 274 ""'-- page 275

page 276 ""'-- page 277

page 278 "'-page 279

page 280 "-page 281

Copyri g ht 2009·20 1 3 D r. B ra d l ey Nelson. A l l rig hts reserved .

Terms Agreed - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 273

Disc l a i m e r - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 274

D is c l a i m e r

Your use of this product is governed by the fol lowi ng Terms and Conditions. By accessi n g this software, whether in pri nted or digital form , you accept, without l i mitation or
qual ificati on, the Terms and Conditions detailed below. If you do NOT accept these Terms and Cond itions, please disconti n ue your use of this product immediate ly.AII
materials provided i n the Body Code System are provided for i nformational or educational purposes only and are not i ntended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional
medical advice, examination, diag nosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any q uestions you may have regarding a
medical condition . N ever disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of i nformation you accessed on or through any portion of this product.


Although Dr. Bradley Nelson a n d Wel l ness U n masked, Inc. attempt to ensure the integ rity and accuracy of The Body Code System, it makes no g uarantees whatsoever as to
the correctness or accuracy of the product. lt is possible that the product cou ld include inaccuracies or errors. In the event that an i naccuracy arises, please inform
tleaifwU.ilwuy4c:;_QID and Wel l ness Unmasked, Inc. so that it can be corrected. This Agreement is entered into in the State of Nevada and shall be governed by and construed i n
accordance with t h e laws o f t h e State o f Nevada , exclusive o f its choice of l a w roles. By u s i n g t h e website lieaifwU.ilwuy4c:;_QID you consent and submit to the exclusive
j u risdiction of the state and federal courts sitting i n the Cou nty of C lark in the State of Nevada, and waive any j u risdictional, venue, or inconven ient forum objections to such

The Body Code System allows you to purchase products and services d i rectly from third party vendors {"Th i rd Party Vendors") through l i n ks i n this software. By using this
software, you acknowledge and agree that the creators and owners of The Body Code System, Inc. shall have no liability for any cost, damage or harm arising directly or
i n d i rectly from (i) any produ cts or services ordered through links i n the software and (ii) any action or inaction of any Third Party Vendor. The creators and owners of The
Body Code System,lnc. makes no warra nties or representations whatsoever regarding any prod uct or service provided or offered by any Third Party Vendor and you
acknowledge that any reliance on representations and warranties provided by any Th i rd Party Vendor shall be at your own risk.

SERVIC ES. T h e Body C o d e System m a y provide l i n ks t o other sites on t h e World W i d e W e b for t h e convenience o f users i n locati ng products, i nformation, and services
related to the practice of Energy Medicine or other alternative thera pies. These sites may be mai ntai ned by third parties over which The creators and owners of The Body Code
System, Inc. exercise no control. Accordingly, The creators and owners of The Body Code System,lnc. expressly disclaim any responsi bility for the content, the accuracy of the
information, and/or qual ity of products or services provided by or advertised on third party web sites.

You agree that The creators and owners of The Body Code System,l nc. shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such dealings. The creators and
owners of The Body Code Syste m , l nc. shall not be responsible or liable for the statements or conduct of any third party on this website including but not limited to advertisers.
Promising to cure someone is unethical and
impossible to predict

Becomes a legal liability for you - avoid at all costs!

Do not practice medicine without a license!

Never ask, "Do you have Cancer, Lupus, Polio, etc. (any named

Body sees separate imbalances, not disease as we define it.

Sometimes there is a problem with perception and they MAY have the
disease, but the body will give you a NO answer anyway!

Wa rnings - > - > The Body Code 2 . 0 I 275

Usage Agreement - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 276

P l ease read this p a g e . B y u s i n g T h e Body C o d e M i n d M a p Syste m , you a re a g ree i n g to all p o i nts l i sted here. t

1. I hereby agree that I will never make

any promise to cure or treat any disease
or disorder, whether human or animal.
9. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this
system via the Internet or via any other means without
the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable
by law. I agree to not participate in or encourage 2. I hereby agree that I will not diagnose the presence
electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. or absence of any disease or condition in any
individual, whether human or animal, unless I am a
licensed physician or healthcare provider and such
d iagnosis falls within my scope of legal practice. I
8. In the event of a dispute or disagreement I consent to agree further that I will not hesitate to recommend
the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of a court of that my clients seek medical advice for any
competent jurisdiction in St. George, Utah, and to the conditions or symptoms that are beyond my
exclusive use of the laws of Utah. knowledge, or that are unusual or suspicious, to
either myself or my client

5. I hereby agree to save and hold harmless Wellness

Unmasked, Inc., and any of its employees, and Dr. Bradley 3. I hereby agree that I w ill not interfere with
Nelson, including any of h is heirs and assigns, from all cost, the recommendations of any client's medical
injury and damage incurred by any breach of this provider as far as their particular recommen­
agreement, including any other injury or damage to any dations are concerned regarding
person or property whatsoever, any of which is caused by medications, chemotherapy, dietary
an activity, condition or event arising out of the performance, supplements etc, with the under- standing
preparation for performance or nonperformance of any that such interference may be construed as
provision of this agreement by me. practicing medicine without a license .

6. The above cost, injury, damage or other injury or

damage incurred by or to any of the above shall include,
in the event of an action, court costs, expenses of 4. I hereby agree that I will follow all established
litigation and reasonable attorneys' fees. This save guidelines and precautions in suggesting
harmless clause is not intended to indemnify against any nutritional supplementation, herbs, etc. to my
cost or damage, or portion thereof, caused by me . clients, and that if there is any doubt whatsoever
regarding the safe dosage or known contraindica­
tions for or to the use of any supplement or herb,
that I will seek professional advice.
lt is possible to have an energetic shield around you, to allow good energy in
and out, but prevent negative energy from entering

U seful for dealing with volatile situations and relationships

Perform a baseline muscle test

A sk : Are you shielded from negative energies?

.. · ······· · ··
···· ·· ·
"I now am placing a shield around you which will block
all negative energies from reaching you ."

Run down governing meridian with magnet while

making the following statement or something equivalent:

Simply saying "Shields Up" will reactivate the shield.

Do this daily as it often deactivates during sleep.

Shielding - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 277

I m portant Po i nts - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 278

Surrogate test­
ing amplifies a
weak signal

This is when someone

becomes untestable
suddenly, usually after Think hidden or inherited
releasing a particularly
strong energy, or when Get another baseline test
their body is done with the

Usually only lasts 30-60 seconds

People can become temporarily

May indicate neck untestable at any time, particu­
misalignment larly if something big is emerg­
ing. If you get 3 or 4 strong or
Drinking a glass of weak tests, test baseline again
May indicate
pure water will usual­ to be sure they are still testable.
ly solve this
lt is possi ble to fi nd out how wel l a person's i m m u ne
system is fu ncti o n i ng by s i m p l y asking

Ask: " H ow wel l is you r I m m u ne S ystem fu n ction i n g , as

a percentage of its total ca pabil ity?"

Exa m ple: " I s it fu ncti o n i n g at 50% or h i g he r?" If

no, "Between 25 and 50%?" Etc.

I d entify and release any u n d e rlying ca uses for lowered i m m u n ity

Ask what the percentage is

Release of a tra pped e m otion wi ll a l ways res u lt in

i m p rovement i n i m m u n e fu nction percenta g e !

Suddenly ra ising a person's i m m u n e fu nctio n a bove

30% can someti mes resu lt in cold or fl u sym pto m s .
This i s beca use t h e i m m u n e system becomes awa re
and suddenly able to fig ht off pathogens that were
already i nfecting the body.

I m mune F u nction - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 279

Su rrogate Testi n g - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 280

Testing a Subject
who is untestable but present
Surrogate stops touch­
ing subject and state­
ments made by subject
no longer test accord­ If Subject is a Conscious adult
ingly on the surrogate get permission from same


\·· ·· · · · ·-
. -t , Surrogate

- · · · · · · · · · ·- · - · · · - · ·- - - ��-- -

If Subject is unconscious, get
permission from parent or
guardian or closest kin

If Subject is a child, get permis­

sion from parent or guardian

Once the connection is made, all testing that

is done on the surrogate is actually being Surrogate touches subject, and subject
done on the subject, as the surrogate is makes congruent or incongruent
acting as a link to the subject. Corrections statements while surrogate is tested
may be made on either the subject or the for responses. Surrogate is linked to
surrogate, with no difference in result. subject when muscle tests on
surrogate are consistent with
statements being made by subject.
Testing another person (the subject) at a distance

Can be done with a partner (one person acting

as proxy, one as tester)

If subject is a con­
Can be done alone, with one person acting as proxy and
scious adult get their

If subject is unconscious, get

permission from parent! Proxy makes this
. . .
guardian or closest kin statement:
. .

"My name is (sub­
ject name)"
If subject is a child , get permis­
sion from parent/guardian

Tester performs
muscle test

'----------" " . . . . .
Connection is made
Once the connection is made,
all testing that is done on the
proxy is actually being done
on the subject, as the proxy is
actually acting on behalf of Proxy ma kes this
the subject. All corrections
that are made on the proxy "My name is .
(proxy's own
are actually being made on .
the subject. .

Tester performs
muscle test

Connection is broken

Proxy Testi n g - > - > The Body Code 2.0 I 281

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