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As already outlined, hydrogen can be stored and transported in compressed, or liquified form

but this is far from ideal. One solution to the hydrogen storage problem is to generate H2 on
demand, at the point of use.

The way to facilitate this would be to bind hydrogen to a “carrier”, which would make it
possible to store and transport the fuel under atmospheric conditions. We are working very
closely with a hydrogen fuel company which adopts this approach and uses Ultra Pure Water
as a central part of the process.

Invented and developed in The Netherlands, this breakthrough technology is called H2Fuel.
The production, storage, transportation, and consumption of H2Fuel does not produce
harmful emissions such as CO₂ or other harmful substances. It can be stored, transported and
consumed under atmospheric conditions, is suitable for many purposes (in addition to
automotive, aviation, shipping and other transportation), can be distributed by means of the
existing infrastructures for fossil fuels (also inner-city filling stations), is commercially
acceptable for the large-scale storage of electrical energy and can be introduced in a
reasonably short time, since there are no technical barriers to prevent its implementation.
H2Fuel can also provide large-scale and small-scale energy and heat supplies without the
need for a network, will bring stability at times when sustainable energy fluctuates, and can
be produced, stored and transported globally.

The basic process involves binding hydrogen to sodium borohydride (NaBH4) together with
Ultrapure Water (UPW). An activator consisting of highly diluted hydrochloric acid, or a
catalyst, or a combination of both, triggers a reaction in these substances:

NaBH4 + 2 H2O > 4 H2 + NaBO2 + heat

1 kg of hydrogen (500 mol) requires 4.7 kg of sodium borohydride (125 mol) and 4.5 kg
water (250 mol). When the reaction creates 1 kg of hydrogen, 40 MJ of heat is produced. Half
of the hydrogen atoms are derived from sodium borohydride and the other half from the
(ultrapure) water.

During this instantaneous reaction not only the hydrogen from the sodium borohydride is
released (4H) but also the same quantity (4H) from the water, as well as heat. This means a
yield of 8H for a production of 4H. The efficiency is 98% of what is theoretically achievable.
No alternative has this extremely high efficiency.

The reaction takes place exothermically, on demand, within seconds and the residues can be
reused for conversion into sodium borohydride following a recycling process.

H2Fuel can be supplied in dry form (light and highest concentration), as a pumpable slurry
(lower concentration), or as a liquid (ready for use and the reaction concentration). Dilution
takes place with UPW at the distribution point and in the consumer’s installation.

The economics of the H2Fuel system are very favorable. For vehicle propulsion, for
example, including the cost of transportation to the distribution points, but excluding the
costs of the installation and business operation, the cost for the consumer is cheaper than
diesel fuel per unit of distance driven. This extremely low price is the result of, among other
things, the reuse of the residual products, the use of heat that is released during the reaction,
but mostly of the extraction of hydrogen from the ultrapure water at no cost.
Cost benefits also apply to other forms of transport and are not limited to energy
efficiency. For instance, a practical advantage of powering ships by H2Fuel is that, as fuel
oil is not consumed, fuel ballast tanks become redundant. This is because they are not
required to compensate for any significant loss of fuel mass while at sea.


 The powder referred to above is sodium borohydride (NaBH4).

 Each molecule of sodium borohydride contains 4 hydrogen atoms (4H).
 Two molecules of water (H2O) also contain four hydrogen atoms (2H2).
 Ultrapure water is water from which all interfering substances have been filtered out.
 Some of the required water comes from the fuel cell and is filtered.
 All of the basic substances and filtration installations needed are commercially
 One cubic metre of powder contains 9 MWh of energy.

Unpacking process

To make it pumpable, sodium borohydride, partially diluted with ultrapure water, is

introduced into in a mixing chamber. Very lightly acidified ultrapure water is also introduced.
Instead of acidification, a catalyst can also be utilised, depending on the requirements of use.
When these ingredients meet, a natural exothermic reaction takes place, such that four
hydrogen atoms split off from the sodium borohydride (NaBH4), and hydrogen gas (4H) and
a sodium boron compound (NaB) remain.
In this reaction, so much energy is released that the water splits into hydrogen gas (4H per 2
molecules) and oxygen (2O per 2 molecules). The oxygen thus released then bonds with the
sodium boron compound, yielding sodium metaborate (NaBO2) and hydrogen gas (4H).
Thus, overall, four hydrogen atoms (4H) are released per molecule of sodium borohydride
and 4 hydrogen atoms (4H) are released per 2 molecules of water, yielding a total of 8
hydrogen atoms (8H) and a reaction heat of 30MJ that is cooled to 90°C.

NaBH4 + 2H2O ——-> NaBO2 + H2O + 8H + 90°C of heat.

The hydrogen released has now become hydrogen gas and, with the help of a fuel cell for
generating electricity, can be used as a direct energy source; in addition to the use of the heat
from the reaction, the hydrogen can be converted into heat using a catalyst.

Packing process

The residual substances, consisting of sodium metaborate (borax) and water, are removed
from the mixing chamber, after which a portion of the water is evaporated. The oxygen that is
bonded to the sodium boron compound is removed and; in turn, hydrogen (4H) is again
affixed to it, again yielding sodium borohydride (NaBH4), and the process repeats.

The hydrogen required for this is obtained by having the unpacking process take place two
times simultaneously: the internal process and the external process. Both processes require
sustainable electrical energy. Further, the unpacking process results in a yield of 8H.

The internal process yields 8H and in turn splits it into 2x 4H, i.e., 4H for the formation of the
sodium borohydride (NaBH4) needed for the repetition of its own process and 4H for the
creation of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in the external process destined for market
consumption. There, the 4H which has been bonded to the sodium boron compound through
the splitting of the water is again converted into 8H (unpacking process).

Circular production of hydrogen
Zoutzuur = hydrochloric acid (HCl), UPW = ultra pure water, waterstofgas = hydrogen gas,
mengkamer = mixing chamber

There are many people who claim to have found the solution for the world’s energy problems
as there is no lack of people aiming for their moment of fame. Here we have a Dutch
innovator Gerard Lugtigheid, who claims to have found the solution of the pressing energy
storage problem. What is special in this is that he gets the support of heavy-weights with a
reputation to lose.

Focal point of excitement is the hydrogen absorption capacity of a powder with chemical
formula NaBH4 or Sodium Borohydride. The properties of the substance are not entirely
new and were the subject of an investigation earlier, notably by the US government,
Department Of Energy (DOE). In 2007 a conclusion was drawn with far-reaching

[] – Go/No-Go Recommendation for Sodium Borohydride for On-Board

Vehicular Hydrogen Storage (2007)

The hydrogen storage technology considered for the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
(NaBH4) has clearly not met all the 2007 targets. In addition, the Panel sees no promising
path forward for this technology to reach all the 2010 targets. Based on its charter, then, the
Panel unanimously recommends a No-Go decision.

An unnoted Dutch hospital technician, while busy with the development of a manual
resiscitator/cigaret size H2 nebulizer, collaterally got in touch with the topic of chemical
storage of hydrogen and proceeded where the DOE had left off:
[] – Gerard Lugtigheid

What did he achieve? Well: storage of twice the amount of hydrogen in a powder in a given
volume at ambient pressure and temperature as compared to pure hydrogen at 700 bar. Add
ultra-pure water to the powder, as well as tiny quantities of a catalyst (HCl) and you obtain a
steady stream of hydrogen that is easy to control:

[] – Hydrogen generator vessel for hydrolysis of hydrides

This is the reaction that releases the hydrogen:

NaBH4 + 4 H2O ⇒ 4 H2 + NaB(OH)4

This reaction approaches a remarkable 20 % gravimetric efficiency when calculated in

relation to the weight of the NaBH4 alone, and in excess of 6 wt.% when calculated in
relation to both water and NaBH4.

However the reaction requires a catalyst. Without the catalyst, sodium borohydride dissolves
in water without noticeable hydrogen generation. With inadequate catalysts, on the other
hand, the reaction results in the hydrated forms of borax, which significantly decreases the
overall gravimetric efficiency and increases the cost and energy input in the regeneration

So, 20% of the weight of the sodium borohydride powder is hydrogen, or 6% if the water is
included in the calculation. 2 kg of water are required to completely neutralize 1 kg of
sodium borohydride. 6% of 2+1=3 kg is 180 gram. 1 kg hydrogen contains 33.3 kWh. So, 3
kg of fuel contains 5.94 kWh. Compare that with a conventional car battery of 15 kg and 1.2
kWh energy content. That would an energy density gain of factor 25. An Opel
Ampera/Chevvy Bolt manages 8 km/kWh. In other words, 2 liter of water and 1 kg of
hydrogen-powder will bring you slightly less than 50 km. Or a standard 60 kg fuel will bring
you 1000 km. Bye-bye car battery-powered e-vehicles.

Regarding the speed of hydrogen release: 0.3g of NaBH4 + 10 mg of the catalyst + 0.6g of
tap water generates hydrogen flow of excess of 20 ml/min and can be scaled-up
proportionally. The speed of release can be controlled by the amount of catalyst added.

The findings are so spectacular that they have drawn the attention and confirmation from
Dutch vice-admiral Jan-Willem Kelder, as well as from TNO, a sort of Dutch counterpart of
the German Fraunhofer Institute and the TU-Eindhoven. The Dutch government and ministry
of economic affairs in particular are also well aware of the development. Meanwhile patents
have been granted in America, Japan, Russia, China and a few other countries. In Europe
however, patent applications are still pending.

[] – Letter to Dutch parliament

The vice-admiral has put his name on the following presentation of 27 slides, giving
additional information about the findings:

[] – H2Fuel: Hydrogen energy carrier

The reaction is slightly different:

NaBH4 + 2H2O = 8H + NaBO2

The residu NaBO2 can be recycled back into NaBH4.

The process is inexpensive and can be used in the automotive, shipping, and aviation
industries, as large-scale storage for electrical energy, heat generation, industrial applications,

Lugtigheid explains that the core difference between the work of the DOE and his work is the
addition of Ultra-Pure Water. That’s what greatly enhances the amount of hydrogen that can
be extracted from the powder. At [2:20] activator fluid is let lose on the powder and
immediately large amounts of hydrogen are released from the powder and pushed away the
water in the long glass tube. The amount of hydrogen produced can be accurately controlled
by the amount of activator fluid added to the powder.

[deepresource] – H2Fuel – Hydrogen Powder NaBH4

Mierenzuur = formic acid, ammoniak = ammonia (NH3), waterstofgas = hydrogen gas,

poeder = powder

A few figures:

– 98% of the potential hydrogen can be actually released.

– In a 60 liter tank, 6.6 kg hydrogen can be stored
– The cost of 1 kg hydrogen from h2-fuel is 5.5 euro
– Cost NaBH4 is 0.89 euro/kg in China; shipping cost to Rotterdam 1.03 euro/kg.
– Cost UPW if 6.08 euro/m3
[] – Ultrapuur water
[] – US H2Fuel patent
[] – De programmaraad stelt voor: H2Fuel
[] – Advanced Chemical Hydrogen Storage and Generation System
[] – Ultra pure water
[] – Test met waterstof bij Plant One Rotterdam
[] – New experiment makes hydrogen usable in cars

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