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A Detailed Lesson Plan on Past and Perfect Tense for Grade 8

I. Objectives
At the end of an hour, the grade 8 students are expected to attain the following
with 80% level of proficiency level:
A. Identify the different types of context clues;
B. Follow instructions carefully;
C. Use various strategies in decoding the meaning of words. (EN8V-IVd-15)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Context Clues
B. References:
C. Materials: Chalkboard, chalk, manila papers, adhesives tapes and
permanent markers
D. Concept: Context clues are words that surround an unfamiliar word that
give clues to the word’s meaning, there are types of context clues,
definition, synonym, antonym and explanation.
E. Methodology: Inductive Method

III. Learning Procedure

Teachers’ activity

I. Introductory Activity
A. Prayer/Greetings:
Class, kindly stand let us pray.

Good Morning/Afternoon, class.

Classroom Management:

Before you take your seats, please pick up the pieces of paper or trashes and arrange your cha

You may now take your seats.

Checking of Attendance:

Class monitor kindly check the attendance please.

B. Motivation:
The teacher will show pictures on the board and she will ask questions to the students’ base on t
pictures given to them.

Okay now class, What object do these pictures help make?”

Okay very good!

What helps you guess or identify such thing?

Okay very good!

Based on the pictures given to you and also by the answer of your classmate, what do you think is our topic for today?

C. Presentation:

Okay very good, our topic for today is all about context clues but before we go into details about our
topic let’s first try to read the objectives for today.
Who will read?

D. Discussions:
Okay now class, a while back I have presented to you the word context clues.

I have here the definition of context clues.

(The teacher will post the definition on the board)
Who will read?

Okay. Thank you so much.

I have here sentences on the board and I want you to identify the context clue on the follow
sentences, is it clear? I want you also discover what helps you identify the following underlin
words with the use context clues.

Am I understood class?
Who will try to read and answer the number one sentence?

Okay very good!

Okay class, what do we mean when we talk about curator?

What helps you find the answer class?

Very good!
Okay try to read first on what is on the board. Any volunteer?

That is our first type of context clue on how to get the clue from the sentence.

How about the second sentence? Who will read and answer?

Thank you so much. Okay what does the underlined word means class based on the sentence?

Okay very good.

How did you get the answer?

Very good!

Who will read on what is posted on the board?

Very good! Now let’s move on to the sentence number three.

Who will read and answer?

Thank you so much.
So, what does the underlined word means based on the sentence?

Exactly! It is opposite or that is what we call the Antonym.

(The teacher will post the definition of antonym)

Okay how about the last one, who will read and answer the sentence?

Okay thank you so much. What does the celestial body mean in the sentence?

Okay very good. How did you get that idea?

Okay very good observation.

Who will read what is on the board?

Okay now class, is it clear to you?

E. Generalization:

What is again context clue?

What are again the types of context clues?

Okay very good! It seems that you really understood our topic very well.
F. Application:
We will have an activity; I’ll group you into 4. (count 1-4) Group 1 will stay on this area, group
will be at the back of group 1, group 3 will be at the right side of the classroom and group 4 will
at the back of group 3. Proceed now to your respective groups and when you were already
your group kindly form a circle. I have here 4 envelopes with group numbers, so for every gro
there are two words and its corresponding meaning all you need to do is you will used tho
clues for you to be able to make sentences using the different types of context clues. 2 examp
for each type of context clues.

I’ll give you 5 minutes to do the activity after that you will have to present it in front of the class.
give each group 2 minutes for their presentation of output but before that I have here rubrics
your presentation of output.
(The teacher will post the rubrics and she will call a student to read it)

Who will read?

Is it clear class?

Okay work on your activity. Your time starts now.

After 5 minutes…

Okay time’s up! Present your output in front. Please choose a representative to report in front.

Let’s start with group 1.

Okay thank you so much group 1. Let’s give them 5 claps.

Now, group 2 will present their work.

Thank you so much group 2. Let’s also give them 5 claps.

Now let’s go to the work of group 3.

Very good group 3. Let’s give them 5 claps also.

Now let’s go to the last group, group 4 present your work.

Okay very good group 4. Let’s give them 5 claps also.

Very good class. Let’s give ourselves a round of applause.

Class how important it is to be able to know context clues? What is the purpose of this?

Okay very good! It seems that you’re now ready for your quiz.
Prepared by:

Bernadette A. Narte
-Student Teacher-

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