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BS ChE/ NSTP 002-A6


(A reflection paper for the outreach activity)

As an adage stated "Small acts, when multiplied by millions, can transform the world".
Indeed, small acts are not just small acts, they are the key to have a better world to live in. It can
greatly affect people's life when you are able to help them without asking in return, especially
when you are a stranger to them and they are a stranger to you as well. Opportunities to help is
one of the the things to be cherished. It ignites your spirit of compassion. Having, giving and
experiencing an outreach program where in you'll going to extend help to a total stranger
especially a kid change my perspective and it somehow broaden my horizon.

The outreach activity was one of the most unforgettable moment in my life. Aside from the
fact that our outreach was almost not possible for that day and we are all panicking (luckily, we
are able to make way on how to be possible), outreach can be done outside the four walled
classroom, teaching children who are out of school and those who were playing. Teaching
childrens of the things that they didn't know and making them smile is a heartwarming sight
and it was an honor for me as well as for my groupmates because in our own little way we are
able to help them even though we are still studying. It was a fun activity because we are able to
share some of our knowledge to those little children. It inspires me to do such activity often,
even though I am not required to do so. Outreach also does not need to be grand, as long as
you make them happy and you are sincere in what you are doing, that is more than enough.

I got many realizations in the outreach program that was conducted. I learned to appreciate
things around me , especially God's over pouring blessing that I did not pay attention before.
I've realized that I am so fortunate for the things that I have and that I should never take it for
granted. I am lucky in where I am now because I am able to eat 3 times a day, I have a good
health and complete family who were there in everything I do . It also give me motivation to
study harder and and finish what I started so that when time comes, I will have all the
resources to help those who are in need as many as I can. It has been my dream to help other
people however, in my situation right now, I can't still do such thing (big help) because I am still
study and my parents are paying for my tuition fee. At the end of day Children's laughter were
like a music to us and thier smiles has been inculcated within. Let us continue to helpnand serve
other people, because as Martin Luther King says, "Everyone can be great, because everyone
can serve".

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