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Felicia’s belief on assessment and evaluation, and how will she approach it in her classroom

Evaluation and assessment are linked but not mutually exclusive, you can assess without eval,
assessment is vital in when learning has occurred and what
Her approach:
- In her classroom, assessment for learning should be occurring every day because
teachers need data on how their students are learning and what their students are
learning so they can better plan for upcoming days and upcoming weeks
- All information should be informing their backwards design lesson plan so you know
that your evaluation at the end will both be building competencies and meeting
curriculum expectations
- Assessment for learning will tell you who you are getting to that evaluation so that you
- Evaluation should be occurring relatively often, 1-2 times a week, in terms of giving
feedback to students because this is vital for them to prove their learning

Conlan’s belief on assessment and evaluation

- Evaluation is assessment of learning
- Assessment should be done early and often and shouldn’t matter as much.
- Feedback is important more-so than grades.
- He will integrate assessment into teaching by … assessing……

Graeme’s belief
- Assessment and eval – can provide feedback for also the teacher on how they are
- On student end: assessment can allow students to apply knowledge, outside the
classroom, expand ideas and problems, evaluations can give them a concrete idea of
how they are doing in the course. Depending on how the students are doing in
particular, he could review his own work to make sure the assessments are fair for
them, they are valid, they can apply them to everyday life outside of school.
- Achieve this through multiple assessments throughout the unit and curriculum
particularly early on so that he has an idea of where the students are and what
materials they need to further expand their learning, or where they need help in order
to understand the course material

Jen’s addition
- The biggest thing for me is that the most important kind of assessment is assessing early
to see what the students already know.
- I think being able to use the assessments to check if you yourself as a teaching have
explained the material properly and if they have learned what you wanted to learn. For
example, if all students failed then it is not on them because it shows that you have not
taught them. It will tell you how you need to change your teaching.

Keywords that we should use:

- DA (diagnostic assessment to lead to differentiated instruction- Learning for All (2013))
- 1 specific example of something we did and the outcome (C&A plan, a test, whatever)
- Backwards Design
- AoL, AfL, [AaL]

Planning lessons is a complex task. Describe how you decide what needs to be taught. What
guides your instructional strategies? Share your beliefs about the best teaching strategies that
you would use in language and math.

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