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Chapter 1


Mobile game addiction is defined as impulse control

disorder, which does not involve use of an intoxicating drug and

is similar to pathological gambling. Also, it is also referred

to video game overuse, pathological or compulsive use of

computer games and videogames (Greenfield & Young, 2009). Due

to excessive use of computer games there is effect in their

personal traits like anxiety, sensation seeking, neuroticism,

and aggression which are the symptoms that a person is under the

development of gaming addiction (Mehroof, M et al. 2010). Brain

is also affected in computer addiction; regions of the brain

associated with cravings in substance abuse also appear to be

activated in gaming addicts when they view images of video games

(Ko, C et al. 2010). There are two types of gaming, “excessive

gaming” and “addictive gaming” these two types of gaming is

different from each other; the difference between “excessive

gaming and “addictive gaming” is that two gamers may play for

an identical number of hours each day, but their psychological

motivation and the meaning that gaming has within their lives

can be very different. Gaming addiction should be defined by how

much the negatively impacts other areas of life, not by how much

time is spent playing (Griffiths, M et al. 2010). Most online


gamers are male. Among male gamers, more severe online gaming

addiction is correlated with older age, lower self-esteem, and

lower dissatisfaction with daily life. This relationship did not

hold true for female gamers (Ko et al. 2005). Excessive use of

technology is relatively rare. Compared to females, males are

more likely to develop a gaming addiction. Boys are more likely

to play aggressive or violent games while girls are more likely

to play platform and puzzle games (Griffiths, 2008). In Germany,

1.5 – 3.5% of teenage internet users show signs of gaming

addiction. Gaming addiction is associated with higher rates of

anxiety and depression, and poorer academic performance (Peukert

et al. 2010). Computer gaming addiction is positively correlated

with achievement motivation, sensation-seeking, a positive

evaluation of one’s intelligence, and a negative evaluation of

one’s skills in interpersonal relationship (Zheng et al. 2006).

According to Anjum (2012), mobile games affect students’

life in both positive and negative ways. In the years where

mobile games are not yet created, students are not yet engrossed

in activities using technologies.

As studied by Anjhum Khan (2018), students easily

distracted by the variety of mobile games played. Most of the

students go through this same situation over and over again. And

they end up spending hours on application they want to use and

waste their study time.


As opposing study by the same researcher (Anjhum Khan,

2018) playing mobile games is also beneficial in other subjects

and non-scholastic activity. Students can create great projects,

presentation, arts and crafts, image editing, video editing or

join social media groups to increase computer prowess or learn

new skills like animation and programming.

Therefore, this study strived to find out the factors why

students excessively use computers, furthermore, to know if

there will be a significant difference in the performance of

students in using computer.

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this is to identify the perceived effects of

playing mobile online games to selected Grade 10 Students of

General de Jesus College, SY 2018-2019.

This study is about “Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile

Online Games to Selected Grade 10 Students of General de Jesus

College, SY 2018-2019”. This study aimed to recognize the

effects of excessive usage of playing mobile games to students

and to raise awareness about the effects of the forenamed topic.

This research aims to prevent student from too much usage and

playing of mobile games because it have a huge impact in

students’ life. Playing these kind of games can be prolific if

not operated in moderation, it may negatively influence one’s

daily life, relationship, and work. It may be a source of


problems such as absence of social despair and sleep

deprivation. (, 2013)

There are diverse factors which may present to creating a

person a mobile games addict. It is mainly sourced by the

aspiration to divert oneself from unpleasant emotions like

depression, loneliness and anxiety. For example, one may endure

loneliness in their real life, and they may begin excessively

using online chatting or gaming as a way out to attempt to

temporarily grasp their loneliness (, 2013).

This way, we assure that students have awareness about the

risk of playing mobile games too much, to not depend their lives

on technology, overcoming addiction and being socially active

in the environment they live in.

These awareness may help them to manage their time and do

something significant and worth living instead of locking

themselves up in the control of computers.

The researchers applied the input-and-output access to

determine the perceived effects of playing mobile online games

to selected Grade 10 Students.

Figure 1 shows us the research paradigm that the

researchers applied in conducting this study.

Among the input components of this study are the profile

of the respondents consisting their age, sex, number of hours


spent in playing mobile online games, and the perceived effects

of playing mobile online games (effects in academics, social

life, one’s behavior, one’s filial relationships, and one’s


The process element comprises the data gathering

instrument, particularly the questionnaire.

The output element consists of disseminating information

about the perceived effects of playing mobile online games.


Figure 1. Research Paradigm





Increased knowledge and
dissemination of information about
the perceived effects of playing
mobile online games.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the perceived effects of

playing mobile online games to selected Grade 10 Students of

General de Jesus College, SY 2018-2019.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following


1. How may the profile of the respondents be described

in terms of:

1.1. age;
1.2. sex; and
1.3. number of hours spent in playing mobile

2. How may the perceived effects of playing mobile games

be described in terms of:

2.1. Perceived Effects in Academics;

2.2. Perceived Effects in Social Life;

2.3. Perceived Effects in One’s Behavior;

2.4. Perceived Effects in One’s Filial

Relationships; and

2.5. Perceived Effects in One’s Health?


Significance of the Study

It is assumed that the findings of the study will be helpful

not only to students, school administrator, and faculty members

but also to the following future researchers

Students. The findings of the study may be used in a way

to help them to discover the effects of playing mobile games and

their advantages and disadvantages. This will help them prevent

over using and being dependent in playing mobile games.

School Administrators. The school administrators may use

the findings of this study to create better plans for the

improvement of students in academic performances and for

students to understand the risk of spending too much hours of

playing mobile games.

Faculty. The outcome and finding of the study may help them

to understand why student are inclined in playing mobile games

and the perceived effects of doing so.

Researchers. As students, it helped the researchers to be

more responsible, not to be hooked on playing mobile games too

much. It is also resolved that time must be rendered on doing

significant things.

Future Researchers. This study will help them to provide

an ample and precise information on the effects of playing mobile


Scope and Delimitations

The main reason why this study is conducted was to determine

the perceived effects of playing mobile online games to selected

Grade 10 Students of General de Jesus College, SY 2018-2019.

It aimed to identify the perceived effects of playing

mobile online games (effects in academics, social life, one’s

behavior, one’s filial relationships, and one’s health).

The study also aimed to provide suggestions on how to manage

the time of the students efficiently to help them become more


The study was limited to the descriptive method of

research, using questionnaires as the major sources of data,

supported by different studies conducted regarding the perceived

effects of playing online games.

Definition Of Terms

Students – one who is enrolled and attends classes at a

school, college, or university. (, 2016)

Application – is a software programs that runs in computer

or mobile phone. Each program has specific application for the

user like web browsers, e-mail programs, word processors, games

and utilities are all application. (, 2018)


Imperative – it means very important or completely

necessary. A noun meaning a necessity or something that is not

avoidable (, 2018)

Skill – developed aptitude or ability. It is also ability

to use one’s knowledge effectively and readily in execution of

learned physical task. (, 2018)

Computer Expertise – It is lightly connected to the

abilities the students need to have in order be able to work

efficiently with a computer in the process of language learning.

It refers to the mastering of the use of computers. (igi-, 1988-2018)

Misuse – is a wrong or improper use of a good, substances,

privilege or rights. (, 2018)

Modernization – transformation from a traditional, rural,

agrarian society to a secular, urban, industrial society.

(, 2018)

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of related literature and

related studies which are significant and related to the present

study to enhance and enrich the present investigation.

Related Literature

These researches were studied about the psychological

factor, whether that is factor to the online game addiction

among students. Unlike with substance abuse, the biological

aspect of videogame addiction is uncertain. Research suggests

gambling elevates dopamine, but there’s more to addiction than

brain chemistry (Rooij, Online video game addiction:

identification of addicted,2010). The addict suffers from a

psychological component to the addiction. Online gaming allows

a person to escape the real world and change the perception of

self-worth (Rooij, Online video game addiction: identification

of addicted, 2010). An online gaming addiction is not that far

from drug addiction. Both are searching for a way to make they

feel better. The lure of a fantasy world is especially pertinent

to online role-playing games. These are games in which a player

assumes the role of a fictional character and interacts with

other players in a virtual world. An intelligent child who is

unpopular at school can feel dominant in the game. The virtual


life becomes more appealing than real life. Too much gaming may

seem relatively harmless compared with the dangers of a drug

overdose, but experts say video game addiction can ruin lives.

Children who play four to five hours per day have no time for

socializing, doing homework, or playing sports leaving little

time for normal social development. According to Lan Ying Huang

(2003), by playing the online game features online gamer

participants may view the games as source of providing diversion

and filling time. “The biggest risk factor for pathological

video game useseems to be playing games to escape from daily

life,” said Joe Hilgard, lead author of the study and a doctoral

candidate in the Department of Psychological Sciences at

Missouri. “Individuals who play games to get away from their

lives or to pretend to be other people seem to be those most at-

risk for becoming part of a vicious cycle. These gamers avoid

their problems by playing games, which in turn interferes with

their lives because they’re so busy playing games (Peters 7 et

al, 2007). Internet addiction gives the gamer to the unique

psychological properties which is the users increase their use

of these internet services, the utility they gain from each

usage does not diminish, leading not only to self-destructive

addiction but also to social ills. When a problem, playing video

games can interfere with real-life obligations such as work, and

players can end up lying about playing video games. The study

found that “problematic” video game use can have similar effects

as other addictive activities, such as abusing alcohol (Inwon


Games addiction shows the bad effect among the people

nowadays. Addiction to the internet shares some of negative

aspects of substance addiction and has been shown to lead to

consequences such as failing school, family and relationship

problem (Brian. D. NG, M.S & Peter. W. H, 2005). It can make the

people who has addicted will feel that the games can provide

opportunities for achievement, freedom and even a connection to

the players. Those benefits trumped a shallow sense of fun,

which doesn’t keep gamers as interested (online gamers

anonymous, 2008). The role of media in advertising the games

also make more cause why the games addicted will be more

interested with those games. In 2005, advertiser spent $80

million to reach game players, this spending is expected to top

$400 by 2009 (Park Associate 2006).

Internet addiction is a relatively new phenomenon in which

social workers and psychologists are unaware of and are thus

unprepared to treat at present. Mu (2006) points out that some

of the main symptoms of Internet and online game addictions,

including the decrease in friend and face-to-face interactions

with others, become infrequent while the member of friends in

the virtual world exponentially increases. Ultimately, the

psychokinesis becomes weaker and weaker over time. This means


that after a long time of playing online games, the players

begin to realize the dangers of online gaming. At this point

players generally try to play less as they try to orient

themselves back to the demands of society. However this is mostly

unsuccessful as it almost always ends up failing. Zhang (2007)

and Zhou (2007), who also researched on the same topic, reported

different results on the online game addiction and the finding

supported the same symptoms. With regards to undergraduate

students who were addicted to the Internet or online games,

Zhang (2007) indicated that most of these students had bad grades

in their universities. Moreover, Zhou (2007) stated that the

physical symptoms of Internet and online game addiction were

cervical spondylitis, neurasthenia and insomnia. Cervical

spondylitis, a fairly common symptom of many MMOG players, is

essentially a spinal injury which results from keeping the same

sitting position for hours while playing games. This situation

is more often than not leads to injuries to the cervical vertebra

on the spinal cord. Neurasthenia on the other hand is a

neurological disorder that results from when players engage in

hours and hours of game playing with no virtually sleep intervals

in between. Even though players may end up playing games for a

long time before going to sleep, their brains still keep running

and experiencing phantom excitement from playing games even when

they are asleep. This causes sleep sensitivity and disorders

which induce addicted players to wake up several times during


the night and as such this leads them suffering from insomnia

which can cause mental anxiety and eventually result in nervous

breakdowns and general tiredness. Once the nature of physical

and mental symptoms that manifest in MMOG addicts had been

determined, we perused in various literatures on this topic to

discover the ways through these addiction could be evaluated.

One of the useful information sources was obtained from Young

(1999), who conducted a study aimed at enabling social workers

to better understand, detect and treat Internet addiction. The

research by Young focused on the complications that precede an

Internet addiction diagnosis. With regards to this research it

is relevant in determining the criterion through which to

evaluate our interviewees. It would help us to determine whether

the individuals were addicted to online games or not. To create

a more holistic point of view this thesis also aims to identify

the negative consequences associated with using the Internet and

the ways to assess and identify the reasons causing the onset

of pathological Internet use.

It is widely believed that game players who spend playing

too many hours (above 10 hours a day) are at high risk of being

addicted to video games (Anand, 2007). Previous studies have

shown that video game addiction among adolescents gamers is

highly correlated with psychosocial problems such as time spent

on games (i.e., usage), life satisfaction, loneliness, social

competence , and aggression (Lemmens et al., 2009). For example,


Peters and Malesky (2008) further support the relationship

between addiction of World of Warcraft players to the game and

the time they spend playing online, the relationship that is

also supported among adolescents who are addicted to online

games in general (Gentile, 2009; Xu et al., 2012). However, due

to the lack of research on the causal relationship among game

addiction and these psychosocial variables, the authors avoid

making conclusions regarding the direction of the relationships.

Gentile (2009), compare pathological gamers versus non-

pathological gamers among 1,178 American adolescents (aged

between 8 and 18) regarding their psychosocial behaviour. The

results show that pathological gamers are twice as likely as

non-pathological gamers to have attention problems such as

attention deficit disorder. However, the author avoids making

conclusion regarding the direction of causality between

pathological gameplay and attention problems. In a study on a

large sample of adolescents (13-16 years olds) in the

Netherlands, van Rooij et al. (2011) show that compared to non-

addicts, video game addicts have significantly higher levels of

depressive moods, loneliness and significantly lower levels of

self-esteem. In this study, the results of this comparison for

social anxiety level is not significant

Although playing video games is one of the most popular

leisure activities in the world, research into its effects on

players, both positive and negative, is often trivialized. Some


of this research deserves to be taken seriously, not least

because video game playing has implications for health. One

innovative application of video games in health care is their

use in pain management. The degree of attention needed to play

such a game can distract the player from the sensation of pain,

a strategy that has been reported and evaluated among pediatric

patients. One case study reported the use of a handheld video

game to stop an 8 year old boy picking at his face. The child

had neuro dermatitis and scarring due to continual picking at

his upper lip. Previous treatments had failed so the boy was

given a hand held video game to keep his hands occupied. After

two weeks the affected area had healed. Controlled studies using

both randomized controlled trials and comparison with patient’s

own baseline measures show that video games can provide

cognitive distraction for children during chemotherapy for

cancer and treatment for sickle cell disease. All these studies

reported that distracted patients had less nausea and lower

systolic blood pressure than controls (who were simply asked to

rest) after treatment and needed fewer analgesics. Video games

have been used as a form of physiotherapy or occupational therapy

in many different groups of people. Such games focus attention

away from potential discomfort and, unlike more traditional

therapeutic activities; they do not rely on passive movements

and sometimes painful manipulation of the limbs. Video games

have been used as a form of physiotherapy for arm injuries, in


training the movements of a 13 year old child with Erb’s palsy,

and as a form of occupational therapy to increase hand strength.

Therapeutic benefits have also been reported for a variety of

adult populations including wheelchair users with spinal cord

injuries, people with severe burns, and people with muscular

dystrophy. Video games have also been used in comprehensive

programs to help develop social and spatial ability skills in

children and adolescents with severe learning disability or

other developmental problems, including autism; children with

multiple handicaps (for example severely limited acquisition of

speech) and children with impulsive and attention deficit

disorders. However, there has been no long term follow-up and

no robust randomized controlled trials of such interventions.

Whether patients eventually tire of such games is also unclear.

Furthermore, it is not known whether any distracting effect

depends simply on concentrating on an interactive task or

whether the content of games is also an important factor as

there have been no controlled trials comparing video games with

other distractors. Further research should examine factors

within games such as novelty, users’ preferences, and relative

levels of challenge and should compare video games with other

potentially distracting activities. While playing video games

have some benefits in certain clinical settings, a growing body

of evidence highlighting the more negative aspects of play—

particularly on children and adolescents. These include the risk


of video game addiction, (although the prevalence of true

addiction, rather than excessive use, is very low) and increased

aggressiveness. There have been numerous case reports of other

adverse medical and psychosocial effects. For instance, the risk

of epileptic seizures while playing video games in

photosensitive individuals with epilepsy is well established.

(Graf et al 1994) report that seizures are most likely to occur

during rapid scene changes and when games include patterns of

highly intense repetition and flickering. Seizures and excessive

or addictive play do not seem to be linked directly, however,

as occasional players seem to be just as susceptible. Other case

studies have reported adverse effects of playing video games,

including auditory hallucinations, enuresis, encopresis, wrist

pain, neck pain, elbow pain, tenosynovitis, hand-arm vibration

syndrome, repetitive strain injuries, peripheral neuropathy, and

obesity. Some of these adverse effects seem to be rare and many

resolve when the patients no longer play the games. Furthermore,

case reports and case series cannot provide firm evidence of

cause and effect or rule out other confounding factors. On

balance, given that video game playing is highly prevalent among

children and adolescents in industrialized countries, there is

little evidence that moderate frequency of play has serious

acute adverse effects from moderate play. Adverse effects, when

they occur, tend to be relatively minor and temporary, resolving

spontaneously with decreased frequency of play. More evidence


is needed on excessive play and on defining what constitutes

excess in the first place. There should also be long term studies

of the course of video game addiction.


Chapter 3


This chapter discusses how this study was undertaken. It

includes the research design utilized, the research locale and

the respondents of the study, the choice of respondents as well

as sampling procedures. This also includes the research

instruments used, the data gathering process, and the data


Research Design

The study used the descriptive method because it is the

most efficient method available. Posinasetti, (2014) stated that

this method observes the information concerning the status of

the stated phenomena. Because of the fact that this method

explains events, objects, resources, institutions, groups and

various fields, it makes the data easier to understand.

Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding

inquiries in different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive

research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at

present. The main characteristic of this method is that the

researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report

what has happened or what happening. The methods of research

utilized in descriptive research are survey methods of all

kinds, comparative and correlational methods. (Kothari: Research


In this manner, descriptive method is viewed as the most

appropriate method to be used to know the advantages and

disadvantages of using computer to selected Grade 10 students.

Using this method will yield to proficient and effective data

gathering and interpretation in an orderly and systematic

manner. More so, it will certainly determine the existing

problems of Grade 10 students with regards to computer usage.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in the high school department of

General de Jesus. The school was founded on June 20, 1946 and

was formerly known as General de Jesus Academy. The school was

named in honor of Gen. Simeon de Jesus, the hero of San Isidro

who was executed by the Japanese in Fort Santiago. It is a

private, non-sectarian institution founded by Paz Policarpio

Mendez, Soledad Medina, Francisco Narciso, Teopilo P. Abello,

and Ricardo Odulio. It is located on Vallarta St. Poblacion, San

Isidro, Nueva Ecija. The school started with seven teachers,

including the principal, and 225 students from first year to

fourth year high school.

From 1946 to 1977, the school operated only academic

secondary course. In 1978, due to the demand of the parents who

could not afford to send their children to Manila or Cabanatuan

City to continue college, the school board finally decided to

open its collegiate department. Liberal Arts were the first

course introduced by the school.


In 1992, the Pre-School and Elementary departments started

to operate. From its modest beginnings, the school has grown

into a progressive institution that is one of the best in the

province. Its prestige as an institution offering quality

education has been further enhanced with the accreditation of

its major programs. After 50 years, General de Jesus Academy was

changed to a college by virtue of the SEC approval on August 28,


At present, the school offers various accredited courses.

One of these is the Level III Re-accredited Bachelor in

Elementary and Secondary Education Program by the Federation of

Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP). Under its

current administration headed by Dr. Josefina Magno, the school

does her best to practice discipline, integrity, and excellence

whenever and wherever.

The school’s philosophy is:

The development of a morally upright, civic-minded,

and useful citizenry is the responsibility of any
educational institution.

The school’s vision is:

General de Jesus College as a leading learning

institution where every learner is transformed into a
God-loving and highly productive citizen responsive to
local, national and global needs.

The school’s mission is:

General de Jesus College is committed to produce

graduates who are instilled with nationalistic, moral
and spiritual values and who are equipped with life and
career competencies.

Figure 1. Map of San Isidro


Sample and Sampling Procedure

The type of sampling procedure used in this study is the

simple random sampling which is a form of probability sampling

technique. It could be more accurately called a randomly chosen

sample. Random samples are used to avoid bias and other unwanted

effects. With this type, the respondents were chosen randomly.

The researchers randomly chose 11 participants in every section.

Bueno (2016) defined simple random sampling as any form of

sampling where, in advance of the selection of the sample, each

member of the population has a calculable and non-zero chance

of selection. The relative chance of selection of any two members

of the population is not affected by knowledge of whether a

third member has or has not been selected.

The distribution of the respondents in each section is

presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents

Actual Number of
Total Number of
Sections Students per
Faith 45 11
Honesty 45 11
Loyalty 45 11
Joy 44 11
Charity 45 11
Hope 45 11
Peace 43 11
Love 38 11
TOTAL 350 77

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of the study were the selected Grade 10

students of General De Jesus College during the school year

2018-2019. They were asked for their consent and approval to

answer the questionnaire and test that the researchers gave them

which supply the information the researchers need.

Grade 10 students are more active in terms of using

computers as we have observed in our school. Most of them use

computers after classes which makes them the best possible


Data Gathering Procedure

The respondents were given a questionnaire that has 2

parts. The first part sought to provide the students’ personal

information. The second part sought to provide the information

about the students’ computer usage.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used by the researchers was the


1. The Questionnaire

The questionnaire was designed by the researchers after

consulting various literature and studies about the forenamed

topic. After making the first draft, this was presented to their

adviser for critiquing. The suggestions given by the research

adviser served as the basis in writing the preliminary which is

composed of two parts.

Part I contains the profile of the students which includes

the respondents’ sex, age, and number of hours spent using the


Part II contains questions regarding the perceived effects

of playing mobile games.

The students were asked by the researchers to answer the

questionnaire sincerely and religiously. They were assured that

their answers will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Validation of the Instrument

A letter of request and permission was written and given

to the office of the principal of the school and the other

personnel concerned to give the researchers the permission to

do their research in their school. The researchers prepared the

questionnaire anchored on their experiences, reading of

different books, related literatures and other sources. The

draft was prepared and presented to the adviser for comments

and suggestions.

Administration of the Instruments

The researchers undertook several steps in gathering the

data needed. Before administering the questionnaire to the

respondents, the researchers made a letter of request and


permission to the principal and a letter to the respondents.

Upon the approval of the request, the researchers personally

conducted the distribution and administration of the research

instruments. The respondents were informed about the purpose of

the study, the content of the questionnaire, and the necessary

instruction on how they should answer it.

They were assured that their personal identities would not

be revealed for them to freely express themselves on the test

and on the questions. Sufficient time was given to the students

to answer, after which the researchers collected questionnaires

from the respondents. The data obtained were carefully tabulated

and interpreted. This serves as the bases for making conclusions

and recommendations.

Statistical Treatment

All the data gathered through the use of questionnaires

were tallied, tabulated, summarized and orderly recorded.

To facilitate analysis and interpretations of data,

computer calculations and data processing were employed using

Microsoft Excel.

The following statistical tools were employed:

Slovin formula was used to calculate the sample size. It

is a systematic process to apply if the population figure (N)


is known. This is divided by the denominator composed of a

constant 1 x population size x the square of the margin of error

(0.05 or 0.01).

Frequency counts and percentage were the statistical tools

used in this study in order to describe the profile of the

selected Grade 7 students of General De Jesus College and to

determine what proportion of the respondents belongs to a

specific category.


% = _F_ x 100


% = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total Number of Respondents

100 = constant value

Weighted mean was used to determine the mean age and the

final weight of each item on the perceptual strengths of the



WM = 𝐍


WM = Weighted mean
TWF = Total Weighted Frequency
N = Total Number of Respondents

The scale value and verbal description was used in scoring

the items in the instrument, numerical weights were assigned to

the respondents to each of the items contained in the


In order to find the mean values of the items in the

Attitude Scale, the following mean range of scores was used:

Scale Mean Range Verbal Interpretation
The students do the said
5 4.21 – 5.00 Always
action most of their time
The students often do the
4 3.41 - 4.20 Often
said action
The students are do the
3 2.61 – 3.40 Sometimes
action sometimes
The students seldom or
2 1.81 – 2.60 Seldom almost never do the said
The students never do the
1 1.00 – 1.80 Never

Chapter 4



This chapter presents the major findings on the key problems

of the study which determine and describe the perceived effects of

mobile online games to selected Grade 10 students of General De Jesus

College and to come up with the purpose measures to help the teachers

and the students to understand and know the effects of mobile online

games and to stop them from using too much computers. The data is

presented in a tabular form and are substantiated by analysis and


1. Profile of the Respondents

This section describes the profile number of respondents

according to sex, age, and number of hours spent in using computers.

1.1 Sex

Table 2 shows the distribution of the respondents according

to sex.

Table 2
Distribution of Respondents According to Sex
Sex Frequency Percentage
Male 36 46.75
Female 41 53.25
Total 77 100.00

The sex composition of the sample shows that

female respondents constituted 41 of the total number of sample,

and the males constituted 36 of the total number of sample.


These findings imply that female respondents slightly

outnumbered the male respondents of the study.

1.2 Age

The distribution of the respondents according to age

is shown on Table 3.

Table 3

Distribution of Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

10 0 00.00
11 0 00.00
12 0 00.00
13 0 00.00
14 7 09.09
15 and above 70 90.01
Total 77 100.00

The distribution of the respondents profile mainly focused

on just a specific range within different age bracket. The age

range of 10-13 was non-existent as we didn't have any respondents

within that age. We had respondents whose age is 14, 7

respondents to be precise, which was 09.09% of the total

percentage of respondents. The major age range was 15 and above.

Our respondents were in this age range obviously because of

their grade level which is Grade 10.

The data suggest that the majority of the respondents

belonged to the age bracket: 15 and above years old.

1.3 Number of Hours Spent in playing


Table 4 presents the distribution of respondents

according to the number of hours spent in playing.

Table 4

Distribution of Respondents According to the

Number of Hours Spent in Playing
Number of Hours Frequency Percentage
spent in playing
1/2 28 36.36
1 7 09.09
1 ½ 4 05.19
2 5 06.49
2 ½ 7 09.09
3 26 33.88
Total 77 100.00

As seen on the table, 28 students spend half an hour to

play mobile games. This is 36.36% of our total respondents. 7

students spend an hour, 4 students an hour and a half, 5 students

spend 2 hours, 7 spend 2 and a half, and 26 spend 3 hours a day

playing mobile games.

The 7 students who answered that they spend an hour to play

video games accumulated 09.09% of the total percentage of

respondents. The same is true to the 7 students who answered

that they play mobile games for two and a half hours. Four

students said that they play for an hour and a half which is

5.19%, 5 students said that they play for 2 hours. The second

most total of answers was 3 hours of playing video games which

has a total of 26 answers accumulating 33.88% of our total


2. Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile Games

2.1. Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile Online Games in


Table 5 shows the perceived effects of mobile

online games in academic performance of students.

Table 5

Responses to the Perceived Effects of Mobile Games in

1. I feel sleepy during class hours. 3.53 Agree
2. I feel disturbed during class
3.03 Agree
3. I cannot concentrate during class
hours. Disagree
4. I cannot catch up and understand
our lesson. 2.72
5. I feel less motivated in
participating in class 2.78 Disagree
6. I keep on checking my phone even
2.90 Disagree
during class hours.
7. I usually forget to do the school-
2.95 Disagree
8. I usually forget to do my
2.87 Disagree
9. I usually forget to do my
2.65 Disagree
10. I am getting low scores during
exercises, quizzes, and 2.75 Disagree
11. I am getting a failing mark
2.61 Disagree
because of little time to study.
12. I am experiencing decline in
2.64 Disagree
academic progress.
13. I cannot comply with different
2.60 Disagree
school requirements.
14. I am being reprimanded by my
teacher because of losing focus 2.44 Disagree
and attention during class.
15. I find it hard to understand the
reading passages that my teacher 2.64 Disagree
is giving.

16. I cannot write well because I

am too preoccupied by thoughts 2.44 Disagree
about phone.
17. I find it hard to participate
2.49 Disagree
in class discussions.

The fact that most items had a weighted mean of 2, which is

verbally stated as “disagree”, seems to be a good thing. It means that

despite the fact that students spend some time playing mobile games,

it doesn’t hinder them from achieving academic excellence.

They are able to catch up with their lessons as stated in item

4, “I cannot catch up and understand our lesson,” which had a weighted

mean of 2.72 verbally stated as “disagree”.

They can also maintain focus and aren’t preoccupied by thoughts

about their phones as stated at items 3, 6, and 16.

2.1. Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile Online Games in

Social Life.

Table 6 shows the perceived effects of mobile

online games in the respondents’ social life.

Table 6
Responses to the Perceived Effects of Mobile Games to Social Life



1. I am experiencing 2.90 Disagree

restlessness and tension after
playing online games.
2. My temper shortens because of 2.87 Disagree
playing online games.

3. I become more violent in 2.72 Disagree

terms of dealing with other
people compared before.
4. I get easily distracted and 2.90 Disagree
my mood changes abruptly.
5. I am experiencing anxiety at 2.53 Disagree
6. I am experiencing panic- 2.50 Disagree
attacks after playing online

The current table still does not have any significant difference

from the last 2 tables, the general weighted mean of the items that

contain questions about the effects of mobile games to one’s behavior

is 2.74, verbally stated as “disagree”.

Students are still neutral in terms of their interaction with

other people, playing video games doesn’t seem to affect their

behavior that much, negatively.

2.3. Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile Online Games in

One’s Behavior

Table 7 shows the perceived effects of mobile

online games in the respondents’ behavior.

Table 7
Responses to the Perceived Effects of Mobile Games in One’s Behavior


1. I have lesser time bonding 2.84 Disagree
with other people.
2. I would rather play online 2.75 Disagree
games than bond/talk with other
3. I become more violent in 2.64 Disagree
terms of dealing with other
people compared before.
4. I had lots of friends 2.40 Disagree
because of too much playing of
online games.
5. The development of my social 2.61 Disagree
skills was hampered because of
playing online games.

Table 7 showed no significant difference from the former table.

The general weighted mean is 2.65 which is verbally stated as

“disagree”. This means that the respondents’ social lives aren’t that

affected by their playing of mobile online games.

They are still able to have time to bond with other people as

stated in item 1, “I have lesser time bonding with other people,” the

weighted mean in that specific item is 2.84 which is verbally stated

as “disagree”.

2.4. Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile Online Games in

One’s Filial Relationships

Table 8 shows the perceived effects of mobile

online games in the respondents’ filial relationship.

Table 8
Responses to the Perceived Effects of Mobile Games in
One’s Filial Relationship


1. I have lesser time bonding 2.64 Disagree
with family.
2. I would rather play online 2.41 Disagree
games than bond/talk with
family members.
3. I am isolating myself from 2.42 Disagree
the family just to play online
4. I am having little / no 2.49 Disagree
interaction at all with the
5. I am being reprimanded by my 2.61 Disagree
parents because of playing
online games.

The respondents seem to have more time with their family than

expected as the general weighted mean of our items regarding the

negative effects of playing mobile games is 2.51, verbally stated as


Students are still able to bond and talk with their family

members as stated in items 1 up to 4. These results will make anyone

think that mobile game players could be interactive with their family

members too.

2.5. Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile Online Games in

One’s Health

Table 9 shows the perceived effects of mobile

online games in the respondents’ health.

Table 9

Responses to the Perceived Effects of

Mobile Games in One’s Health
1. I am experiencing poor sight 3.16 Agree
because of frequent playing of
online games.
2. I am experiencing hearing 2.65 Disagree
impairments after playing online
3. My hand-eye coordination is 3.16 Agree
being improved.
4. I am losing weight because of 2.69 Disagree
playing online games.
5. I feel dizzy after playing 2.88 Disagree
online games.
6. I am experiencing health 2.82 Disagree
impairments because of playing
online games.
7. I am experiencing muscle 2.61 Disagree
tensions after playing online

The table showed the effects of playing mobile games to the

health of our respondents. Item 1 states ”I am experiencing poor

sight because of frequent playing of online games,” it had a weighted

mean of 3.16, verbally stated as “agree”. This means that most of the

respondents are having eyesight problems due to playing mobile games.

Item 3 states, “My hand-eye coordination is being improved,” it

had a weighted mean of 3.16, verbally stated as “agree”. Hand-eye

coordination could be improved through playing games as experts have

said and it proves true in the response of our respondents.

The table had a general weighted mean of 2.85, verbally stated

as “disagree”. Most items are questions regarding the negative effects

of playing mobile games to the students’ health. We think that it is


safe to conclude that mobile games don’t affect the students that

much, negatively.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions

and major recommendations yielded by thorough study and analysis

of data.


This study determined and described the perceived effects

of mobile online games to selected grade 10 students. The

descriptive method of research was employed in this study.

Different instruments were used such as questionnaire and test

to gather data in this study.

The respondents in this study were the selected grade 10

student of General de Jesus College, S.Y 2018-2019.

The statistical treatment of the data included the

frequency counts, percentages, and weighted means.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following


1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in

terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Sex; and


1.3. Number of hours spent in playing online mobile


2. How may playing mobile online games affect the

respondents in terms of:

2.1. Academics;

2.2. Social Life;

2.3. Behavior; and

2.4 Filial Relationship?

Major findings

The findings of the study were summarized as follows:

1.Profile of the Respondents

This part described the respondents in term of sex,

age and number of hours spent in playing online mobile


1.1 Sex

The sex composition showed that the respondents are

almmost equally divided. The girls are composed of 41

(53.25%) while the boys are 36 (46.75%) with a total of 77


1.2 Age

Based on the figures, most of the respondents

(90.01%) belong to the age of 15 years old and above. The

remaining part (09.09) belongs to students that are 14

years old.

1.3 Number of hours spent in playing

According to the questionnaire we’ve distributed,

28 students (36.36%) spend half an hour to play mobile

games. 7 students (09.09%) spend an hour, 4 students

(05.19%) spend an hour and a half, 5 students (06.49) spend

2 hours, 7 (09.09%) spend 2 and a half, and 26 (33.88%)

spend 3 hours a day playing mobile games.

2.Perceived Effects of Playing Mobile Online Games

2.1 Academics

As a whole, this area was described as

“disagree” by the respondents as supported by the

2.76 grand mean. Item 1 “I feel sleepy during class

hours” obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.53

while items 14 and 16, “I am being reprimanded by

my teacher because of losing focus and attention

during class”, ” I cannot write well because I am

too preoccupied by thoughts about phone” obained the

lowest weighted mean of 2,44.


2.2 Social Life

This area was described as “disagree” by the

respondents, having a 2.74 total mean. Items 1 and

4, “I am experiencing restlessness and tension

after playing online games”, “. I get easily

distracted and my mood changes abruptly”, both

have the highest weighted mean being 2.90.

However, item 6, I am experiencing panic-attacks

after playing online games” had the lowest

weighted mean at 2.50.

2.3. Behavior

We were able to describe this area, through

the questionnaire, as “disagree” having a 2.65

weighted mean. Item 1, “I have lesser time bonding

with other people” have the highest weighted mean

at 2.84. Item 4, on the other hand, “I had lots

of friends because of too much playing of online

games” have the lowest weighted mean with 2.40.

2.4. Filial Relationship

This area was able to be described as

“disagree” with a 2.51 general weighted mean. Item

1, “I have lesser time bonding with family” had

the highest weighted mean and item 2, “I would rather


play online games than bond/talk with family member”

has had the lowest weighted mean of 2.41.


Based on the findings the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The respondents were both male and female, however female

students slightly outnumbered the male ones, they belong

to the age bracket of 14 or higher and they were spending

1-2 hours playing mobile games.

2. Most of the respondents have more time to spend for their

families and friends than what you’d expect. They are also

performing well in terms of academics as they are still

able to post high scores despite the fact that they are

playing mobile games often.

3. Their health is not compromised as they said that they do

not experience muscle tensions or having hearing

impairments which are common problems upon playing mobile

games. However, some of them said that they are

experiencing poor eyesight which is probably because of the

LED screens of their phones.



For Students

1. Rather than spending time playing mobile games consider

spending time with socializing with people.

2. Students should engage themselves more on outdoor

activities. It will be good for your health and socialize

with friends and family outdoors. Keeping a more healthy

physical, mental and social life.

3. Concentrate on spending your spare time in discovering

your talents rather than spending time on nonsense things

like playing mobile games

For Parents

1. They should support their children upon doing what they

want but they should still delimit their children from

playing mobile games for a long period of time as it may

be dangerous for their health and may affect their

academic performance.

For Future Reasearchers

1. Future reaserchers may explore more positive effects of

playing mobile games there are. They could ask whether

playing boosts their confidence and other aspects of life.

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