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Summarize Spoken Text................................................................................................... 1

130001.Books 书籍(珀斯考生回忆)............................................................................................................................1

130003.Sound Receptors 声音接收器 (100% confirmated)........................................................................................ 2

130004.The Secret Life of Bees (Female novelist) 蜜蜂的秘密(女性小说家) (100% confirmated)......................... 3

130012.Drug Ads 药物广告 (100% confirmated)........................................................................................................4

130013.Industrial revolution Version 1 工业革命 版本一................................................................................................5

130016.We Are Animals 我们是动物 (100% confirmated)........................................................................................ 6

130021.Amory Lovins 艾莫里•洛文斯 (100% confirmated).......................................................................................7

130023.Citizenship Curriculum 公民课程 (增加最后一段) (100% confirmated).................................................8

130026.Environmental Law 环境法 (100% confirmated)......................................................................................... 10

130027.Globalization 全球化.......................................................................................................................................... 11

130028.Government Power 政府权力.............................................................................................................................12

130029.Indian Debt Version2 印度贷款 版本二 (100% confirmated)......................................................................13

130030.Livable Planet 宜居星球( SST &RL 147)..........................................................................................................14

130031.Music and Language 音乐与语言 (100% confirmated)................................................................................14

130032.Management Education 教育学管理..................................................................................................................16

130033.Talent Version 1 人才 版本一 女生版............................................................................................................... 17

130036.Talent 人才 Version 2 老爷爷版本 (100% confirmated)..............................................................................18

130040.Laughter as a Therapy 笑声作为一种疗法........................................................................................................ 19

130042.Global Warming 全球变暖 (100% confirmated).......................................................................................... 20

130046.Universities’ Competition 大学竞争 (100% confirmated)............................................................................22

130047.Industrialization 工业化 (100% confirmated)............................................................................................... 23

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130048.Food and Income 食物与收入............................................................................................................................ 24

130054.Can Food 罐装食品 (100% confirmated)......................................................................................................25

130055.Biology, DNA & RNA 生物学,DNA 和 RNA................................................................................................26

130056.Development Of Genes 基因五千年变化.......................................................................................................... 27

130057.Language acquisition 语言习得..........................................................................................................................28

130058.Language in vocabulary 语言词汇..................................................................................................................... 29

130059.Vitamin D Version 2 维生素 D 版本二..............................................................................................................30

130061.Governments Use Tricks 政府伎俩....................................................................................................................31

130062.Einstein 爱因斯坦...............................................................................................................................................32

130065.Misunderstanding of Globalization 对全球化的误解........................................................................................ 33

130071.The Definition of Risk 定义风险 (100% confirmated).................................................................................34

130072.Implicit and explicit memories 隐性和显性记忆...............................................................................................35

130073.Big Bang Theory 宇宙大爆炸............................................................................................................................ 35

130075.Obese Women 女性体脂实验............................................................................................................................ 36

130076.The decline of Bees 蜜蜂数量减少.................................................................................................................... 37

130077.Earthquake and Faults 地震................................................................................................................................ 38

130078.Smart Consumers and Brand 品牌与顾客需求..................................................................................................38

130080.Human rights in UK 英国人权........................................................................................................................... 38

130081.Australian housing price 澳洲房价(文本修改).............................................................................................40

130082.HTML 超文本标记语言.....................................................................................................................................41

130083.Sign language 手势语......................................................................................................................................... 41

130084.Genes affect human behaviors 基因影响人类行为........................................................................................... 41

130085.Pandemic Transmitting 传染病传播 (100% confirmated)............................................................................42

130086.London Architecture 伦敦丑建筑...................................................................................................................... 43

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130087.Industrialization and Adam Smith 工业化和亚当史密斯..................................................................................43

130089.Agriculture and Urbanization 农业与城市化.....................................................................................................44

130090.What makes people happy 快乐的原因..............................................................................................................45

130095.Motivation Version1 动机 版本一......................................................................................................................46

130132.History of Software 软件的历史........................................................................................................................ 47

130133.Educational Leadership 教育中的领导力.......................................................................................................... 47

130137.Description 描述(文本更新)......................................................................................................................... 49

130159.Recycling Water 循环用水(100% conformation)......................................................................................... 49

130165.Wonder Babies 神奇宝贝................................................................................................................................... 50

130166.Women’s Role 女性角色....................................................................................................................................51

130167.Lawyers V1 律师 版本一................................................................................................................................... 52

130168.Ancient People 古人........................................................................................................................................... 53

130169.Smart City 智能城市...........................................................................................................................................53

130171.New Zealand 新西兰.......................................................................................................................................... 54

130174.Washing Machine History 洗衣机的历史..........................................................................................................55

130175.Music and Brain 音乐与大脑............................................................................................................................. 56

130177.Instinct Version 2 直觉 版本二.......................................................................................................................... 57

130178.Fast Radio Burst 快速射电暴(文本有删减).......................................................................................................58

130179.Globalization and IT 全球化与信息技术(文本补充)...................................................................................59

130180.How To Spend Your Life 如何度过你的人生(文本补充)...........................................................................60

130181.Shakespeare's poem 莎士比亚的诗(文本补充)............................................................................................60

130182.Judgement 判断...................................................................................................................................................61

130187.Lawyer V2 律师版本二(文本更新)..............................................................................................................61

130189.History Course Study 历史课程学习(文本补全)......................................................................................... 62

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130193.Ocean environment 海洋环境............................................................................................................................ 63

130194.G7 七国集团....................................................................................................................................................... 64

130196.Paying 小孩子付钱............................................................................................................................................. 65

Write From Dictation....................................................................................................... 66

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Summarize Spoken Text

 本周新增:

130001.Books 书籍(珀斯考生回忆)
Why should we read the Republic? I met lots of students asked this question to themselves when they’re
given it as a set of books at the beginning of their university course. But in fact, there are many good reasons
to read the republic. And the first one I would pick on is just that it is immensely readable. It’s not Plato did
not write philosophy like a dry textbook. He wrote it like a living conversation. The whole of the Republic
which is a fairly fat book is a living conversation written in short almost soundbite type answers, but
nevertheless, developing some very very important ideas. So, my first answer then we should read the
Republic just because it is readable. It is readable it was written by a genius and it’s worth reading. It’s easy
to read. It’s not difficult. But then there's also obviously the thoughts, the content of the book and he's asking
this absolutely fundamental question "why should we bother to be good?" "what's in it for us effectively?". It
seems when we look at the world, it looks as though injustice pays. It looks as though crime pays whereas
the good people get trodden down. So, Plato addresses this absolutely fundamental question "why should we
be good". I’m not going to tell you his answer. Read the book.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing why should we read the 演讲者正在讨论我们为什么要读《理想国》。首

Republic. Firstly, it was readable, and Plato wrote it
like a living conversation. Secondly, there were
many important ideas and thoughts in the book, 对话。其次,书中有很多重要的观点和思想,都

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which addressed fundamental questions, such as why 涉及到一些基本的问题,比如我们为什么要做一

should we be good. Finally, the lecturer suggested
that we should read the book and find the answer.
(69 words) 答案。

130003.Sound Receptors 声音接收器 (100% confirmated)

Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

You've got sound receptors in your ear, and they are beautiful. We're not going to talk about them at any
length, but there's little flappy, these little spiky things going along in your ear and they can translate
vibrational energy coming from your ear, hurting your eardrum, being translated into a vibration into the
fluid in your ear into a physical motion of these little receptors there into an electrical motion, into an
electrical signal that goes into your ear. So, all of that, all of that's pretty impressive stuff. We are not going
to talk about the details of it, but I invite some of you who want to learn more about this, particularly MIT
students who would find receptors quite remarkable kinds of devices.

Sample Answer:

Sound receptors are little spiky apparatus that in 声音感受器是人类耳朵里的小尖状物,它可以把

humans ’ ears, which can translate the vibrational
energy of sound in our eardrums into physical
motions and after that it is converted into electric 后转换成电信号。最后,教授没有谈论细节,而
signals. At In the end, instead of talking about details
of it, the professor invited MIT students to have a
closer observation of sound receptors which is very 接收器,这是非常了不起的。
remarkable. (62words)

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130004.The Secret Life of Bees (Female novelist) 蜜蜂的秘密(女性小说家)

(100% confirmated)
Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

I have been writing non-fiction for years, and secretly wanting to be a novelist. When I first started writing
at the age of 30, it was with the intention of writing fiction, but I took a little detour for 10 or 12 years, and
write non-fiction which I absolutely have no regret about at all. I think it’s exactly the right thing for me to
do. But there’s this dream tucked away inside of me to do this. Now I was remembering reading something
that wrote, who is a great novelist from Mississippi who had a big influence on me actually. She said, "No
art ever came out of not risking your neck." And I think she’s absolutely right. It felt that way to me at the
time; it actually feels that way every time I sit down to write something. Finally, in the early 90s, I took my
deep breath and started writing fiction. It felt risky to me at the time to do that. And one of the very first
things I wrote was, what I thought was going to be the first chapter of a novel, called "The Secret Life of
Bees." I wrote it in 1992, and it is actually essentially the first chapter of the novel as it is now.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing a female novelist. She 演讲者正在谈论一位女小说家。她从小就开始写

started writing from a young age, who intended to
write fiction novels. However, she took some detours
but she never regretted it, since it enabled her to 路,但她从不后悔,因为这使她能够理解小说。
understand fiction. Then a famous female novelist
inspired her to take some risks. After that, she began
to write a novel the Secret Life of Bees. (62 words) 后,她开始写小说《蜜蜂的秘密生活》。

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130012.Drug Ads 药物广告 (100% confirmated)

Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

The amount of money drug companies spend on TV ads has doubled in recent years. Studies show they
work: Consumers go to their doctor with a suggestion for a certain prescription drug they saw advertised on
TV. Now a study in the Annals of Family Medicine raises questions about the message the ads promote.

You’re most likely to see drug ads during prime time, especially around the news. Researchers analyzed 38
ads aimed at people with conditions like hypertension, herpes, high cholesterol, depression, arthritis and

The drug industry says the ads arm consumers with information. Researchers found that the information was
technically accurate, but the tone was misleading.

"Typically, what we would see with these ads is that before taking a particular prescription drug, the
character’s life is out of control and the loss of control extended beyond the impact of their health
condition," says UCLA psychologist Dominick Frosch, who headed the study.

For example, herpes patients were portrayed as being incapacitated for days. Insomniacs were utterly out of
synch on the job. Depressed patients were friendless and boring at parties.

"When the character is then shown taking the drug, he then magically regains complete control of his life,"
Frosch notes.

None of the ads mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition. That’s not surprising,
given that the ads are just another form of mass marketing.

But prescription medicines are not soap.

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Sample Answer:

The expenditure on medicine advertisements has 药品广告的费用增加了一倍,尤其是在黄金时

doubled, especially during prime time. As a result,
many people bought drugs depending on what they
saw on the television. Although the information in 来购买药物。虽然广告中的信息是准确的,但基
advertisements is accurate, the tone is misleading,
and the ads did not mention the importance of
lifestyles. Therefore, consumers should be cautious 要性。因此,消费者在购买与购买肥皂不同的药
when purchasing medications which are different
from buying soap. (61 words)

130013.Industrial revolution Version 1 工业革命 版本一

France, one thought that they were called them "retarded", a word that was used, unfortunately, at that time.
And then one tried to see why not. Now, that analysis has been really rejected greatly over the past years,
because Industrial Revolution is measured by more than simply large factories with industrial workers and
the number of machines. This is the point of the beginning of this. The more that we look at the Industrial
Revolution, the more that we see that the Industrial Revolution was first and foremost an intensification of
forms of production, of kinds of production that were already there. And thus, we spend more time looking
at, you know, the intensification of artisanal production, craft production, of domestic industry, which we've
already mentioned, that is people mostly women but also men and children, too, working in the countryside.
The rapid rise of industrial production was very much tied to traditional forms of production. In Paris, for
example, in 1871, alright, 1870, the average unit of production had only slightly more than seven people in it.

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So, if you only look for big factories and lots of machines, you'll be missing the boat on the Industrial

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the Industrial Revolution 演讲者正在谈论法国的工业革命,因为工业革命

in France which was more than retarded, because the
Industrial Revolution was measured by number of
factories and machines. However, Industrial 命不仅是一种集约化的生产方式,而且与传统的
Revolution was not only an intensification form of
production, but also tied to traditional forms of
production. Therefore, if people only focus on 机器,他们就会错过工业革命的机会。
factories and machines, they will miss the boat on
the Industrial Revolution. (63 words)

130016.We Are Animals 我们是动物 (100% confirmated)

Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

Far too many people often say things like “animals do this, but we don’t.” or “this animal does this, and that
animal does this, but the humans don’t do things like that”. Those statements have some hidden assumptions
that we are not animals. When we say animals do this animals do that, we often assume that we are not
animals. If we are not animals, what are we? Are we plants, or trees, or flowers? No, we are not. Then OK
we are not plants. then are we micro-organisms, really tiny micro scroppy things? No, we are not. Then the
natural conclusion must be we are not living things. That’s not true. Yes, we are animals. And I see animals
in us, and I see humans in animals. So I’m going to talk about the animal behavior and human nature. In

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order to understand human nature, we can look into animals eyes, and animal behavior and find something
about what made us, who we are.

Sample Answer:

This lecturer was discussing the relationship between 这位演讲者正在讨论人和动物之间的关系。我们

humans and animals. As we all know, Humans are
not like animals and they are neither plan or micro-
organisms. However, humans are living things. 物。然而,人类是生物。因此,人类和动物有一
Therefore, Humans and animals share some common
features. AS a result, to understand human nature, we
need to look into animal behaviours. (53 words) 需要研究动物行为。

130021.Amory Lovins 艾莫里•洛文斯 (100% confirmated)

Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

Amory Lovins, who knows who Amory Lovins is? Nobody. Amory Lovins is an unusual character. He’s
something of polymath. Just to say, he sorts of soaks up knowledge across the wide range of fields. He’s not
an academic.

He has a consulting company which he runs off until him recently out of his home in Colorado. He’s outside
snow mass in a house built into the side of a mountain that has no furnace.

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For about thirty years, he has been kind of iconoclastic or bold genius, thinking of ways save energy,
thinking of ways to solve problems, using technology that already exist. And he has demonstrated several of

He also offers he’s something that he’s such a rebel that people tends to think he’s kind of crazy. Anyway,
Elizabeth Kolbert went and spent some time with Amory Lovins and so he’s written this piece called Mr.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing Amory Lovins. He is an 演讲者正在谈论艾默里·洛文斯。他是一个不同寻

unusual character, not an academic, and has a wide
range of knowledge. He has a consulting company
and is regarded as a genius, thinking of ways to save 咨询公司,被认为是一个天才,总能想出节约能
energy and solve problems. People tend to think he
is kind of crazy. A writer spends some time with
Amory Lovins, so he has written his pieces called 狂 。 一 位 作 家 花 了 一 些 时 间 与 艾 默 里 · 洛 文 斯
Mr. Green. (68 words)
(Amory Lovins)在一起,所以他写了自己的作品

130023.Citizenship Curriculum 公民课程 (增加最后一段) (100%

Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

Last month I published alongside my annual report a subject report on the development of citizenship in
schools. The report celebrates the success of some schools in implementing the citizenship curriculum. It
praises those schools where they have taken and have substantial developments in the subject, and which
now go a long way towards fulfilling national curriculum requirements. In the report, we are critical of
schools which have not taken citizenship seriously, either through reluctance or lack of capacity to make
appropriate provision in the curriculum. Citizenship is marginalized in the curriculum. And in one fifth of

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schools, it is less well established in the curriculum than other subjects, and less well taught. And some
critics have seized on this as a reason for wanting to step back from supporting it.

Yet, the progress made to date by the more committed school suggests that the reasons for introducing
citizenship are both worthwhile and can be fulfilled, given the time and resources. Indeed, those reasons are
given added weight by national and global events of the past few months. While not claiming too much,
citizenship can address core skills, attitudes and values that young people need to consider as they come to
terms with a changing world.

The main problems standing in the way of implementation of citizenship continue to be: the lack of
commitment on the part of many school leaders; an insufficient amount of initial and in-service training
provision to ensure that every school can call upon teachers with subject expertise; and its uncertain place in
the curriculum.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the importance of the 演讲者正在讨论公民课程的重要性。虽然有些学

citizen curriculum. Although some schools have
implemented this subject, other schools were
reluctant to include this course into the curriculum. 门课程纳入课程。此外,公民资格课程可以涉及
Moreover, the citizenship curriculum can address
core skills, values and attitudes, enabling students to
adapt to the changing world. However, there are 变化的世界。然而,在实施公民课程的同时,也
many issues alongside the implementation of the
citizenship curriculum. (60words)

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130026.Environmental Law 环境法 (100% confirmated)

Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

Before we consider international environmental law and climate change we need to consider domestic
legislation, as it is within the sovereign states that international law is put into practice. This reflects the
environmentalists’ maxim, ‘think globally act locally’. United Kingdom legislative control over the impacts
of mans’ activity on the environment is not new. As long ago as the reign of Charles II the main concern was
the production of smoke from the burning of ‘sea coal. Almost all areas of trade and industry were subject to
very detailed legislative controls at that time, although some were governed by ‘self- regulation’ in the form
of guilds, who regulated both supply and methods of production. However, the measures implemented were
mostly ineffective because then, as now, the specifying of legal duties and standards without providing any
appropriate enforcement merely indicated good intentions but were of little practical effect. The next stage
was prompted by the Industrial Revolution with the urbanization of society and its profound effects on the
environment. Local industrialists used the Adam Smith model to maximize their economic benefit, but this
was to the detriment of the local environment with the operation of ‘Gresham’s Law’ that is, the bad drives
out the good. Those industrialists who were concerned for either the health of their employees or the local
environment faced higher costs than their competitors. The result was the need for increasingly
comprehensive statutory controls on the discharge of pollutants into various receiving media.

Sample Answer:

This lecturer was discussing domestic environment 这位演讲者正在讨论国内环境立法。虽然查理二

legislation. Although Charles II restricted the

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production of smoke from the burning of sea coal, 世限制了燃烧海煤产生的烟雾,但由于执行不

the implementation was failed due to the
inappropriate enforcement. What ’ s more, during
the industrial revolution, industrialists followed 实业家们遵循亚当·斯密的理论,不顾员工的健康
Adam Smith ’ s theory to maximize their profits,
regardless of employees ’ health conditions and
environmental consequences. Therefore, the 要补充的法定控制来减轻污染物。
complementary statutory control was required to
mitigate pollutants. (65 words)

130027.Globalization 全球化

Globalization, what is globalization? I think that it takes on a few different definitions in one sense of the
word. Globalization means proliferation of transactions across country. So, one way of thinking about
globalization is a way to describe, increase international communications, more trade happening between
countries and be less self-sufficient in providing goods and services to their people and more companies that
have offices in multiple countries, which we call multinationals. So, the source of growth in travel and
communication and corporate trade across borders. And this way of thinking about globalization is the
continuation of thinking that has been around for a long time, such as when the Europeans went to the
Orient, to find spices, which was also an example of global trade and communication. Another way to think
of globalization though, is an economic system. It is a system in which countries become integrated in a way
that never had been before. In this system, we see a global split in the process between consuming and
producing goods. Some countries produce goods, some countries consume goods, and then these countries
in different areas of the globe depend on each other in a kind of organic solidarity rather than having an
economic system being just inside your country. The system is the way economy in your country functions
depends on economy of another country. And in fact this way of thinking about globalizations represents a
new area of economic progression. The past industrialist economy has been a global issue.

Sample Answer:

There are various definitions of globalization. 全球化有各种各样的定义。首先,交易和一体化

Firstly, a proliferation of transactions and integrated

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trading happened across different countries, which 交易的扩散发生在不同的国家,包括跨国公司。

includes multinational companies. Secondly,
globalization represents an integrated economic
system. Therefore, In the past, countries were 在过去,国家在经济上是独立的,而现在,随着
economically independent while now they are part of
the global economy with globalization, as one
country's economy may depend on another country. 的经济可能依赖于另一个国家。
(57 words)

130028.Government Power 政府权力

Well, that’s one aspect of what’s called, reducing government — modifying government, to be more precise.

Another aspect of it is what’s called “devolution” — reducing — moving governmental power from the
Federal to the State level. And that has a kind of a rationale which you hear all over the time — place. For
example, there was an op-ed a couple of weeks ago in the New York Times by John Cogan — Hoover
Institute at Stanford, who has pointed out what he called a philosophical issue that divides the Democrats
from the Republicans. The philosophical issue is that the Democrats believe in big government and
entitlements, and the Republicans believe in getting power down closer to the people, to the States, because
they’re kind of populist types.

Well, it takes about maybe three seconds’ thought to realize that moving power down to the States, in
funding and so on, is just moving it away from the people, for a perfectly elementary reason: there’s a
hidden part of the system — of the power system that you’re not supposed to know about, or think about,
and that’s private power.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing modifying government, 演讲者正在讨论修改政府,这意味着通过将政府

which means devolution government power by
moving governmental power from the federal to the
state level. Besides this, the philosophical issue is 之外,哲学问题是,民主党人相信大政府和福
that the Democrats believe in big government and
entitlements while Republicans believe in getting

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power down closer to the people, to the States. The 各州。把权力下放到各州的原因是,体制中隐藏

reason for moving power down to the States is that
the hidden part of the system is private power.

(70 words)

130029.Indian Debt Version2 印度贷款 版本二 (100% confirmated)

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

The debt today is so high; it’s two hundred thousand rupees, three hundred thousand rupees of peasant who
have no capital. They, who know within a year or two, when they accumulate that kind of debt,. They will
never be able to pay back. Where is the debt coming from? It’s coming from a seed that is costing a hundred
thousand to two hundred thousand rupees per kilogram, depending on what you got. Seed that used to be
free, used to be theirs. Pesticides each time, the more they use, the more they have to use, 12 sprays, 15
sprays, 20 sprays. Pesticides used in just the last five years in the land areas of India has shot up by 2000
percent. That’s what the free market and globalization have brought. And since we are talking about
peasants, who have no money, who have no capital, they can only buy expensive seeds and expensive
pesticides by borrowing. And who lend them that money? The same companies that sell the pesticides,
which are the same companies that sell the seeds, as you know, are now also the major creditors.

Sample Answer:

Indian peasants have very high debt and they can 印度农民有很高的债务,他们永远也还不了。这
never pay back. This is because the cost of seed
increased significantly. Besides this, due to the
globalization and free market, peasants use more and 化和自由市场,农民比以前使用更多的农药。因
more pesticides than before. As a consequence, they

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have to borrow money and buy seeds from the same 此,他们不得不从同一家种子公司借钱购买种
seed company, and they are the biggest creditors.(60

130030.Livable Planet 宜居星球( SST &RL 147)

How often does a civilization occur? By studying that, we could look at stars that are suitable for the
development of civilizations. How many new stars appear every year? Seven, but some stars are too cold
and some are too hot. Only about 20% can be considered as suitable. We all know that there are some
factors for species and animals to survive and reproduce, including environmental conditions, temperature,
tolerance range, body size, weight, diets, seasonal and daily activity, behavior, and the altitude they live.
Animals migrate to find a new habitat because the change of environment and only species that have the
tolerance for new environment could survive and reproduce. Human beings are the only organism that
makes extensive use of technology to extend the limits of its natural tolerance range.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing stars that suitable for the 老师在讲适合文明发展的星球,只有一小部分星
development of civilizations, and only a small
amount of planet is livable. Because there are some
factors for species and animals to survive and 繁殖的因素。因此,动物迁徙是为了寻找新的栖
reproduce. Therefore, animals migrate to find new
habitat and only species that can tolerant for new
environment could survive and reproduce. However, 和繁衍。然而,人类利用技术来扩展他们的自然
human beings use technology to extend the limits of
their natural tolerance range. (70 words)

130031.Music and Language 音乐与语言 (100% confirmated)

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

Both music and language have a lot of similarities: They involve complex sequences that unfold in time.
They are both forms of communication. This has interested all the world’s best philosophers from Plato

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going back over 2000 years ago. Scientists like Darwin wrote about possible evolutionary links between
music and language in his book the Descent of Man and so did artists like Leonard Bernstein who gave a
series of lectures at Harvard in the 70s. He spoke about the grammar of language and the grammar of music
from Noam Chomsky’s theories.

So it’s a persistent question. It keeps drawing interest from scientists today but there are some basic obvious
similarities. For example, both music and language have rhythmic systematic patterns of timing accent and
grouping. Both language and music have melody-structured patterns of pitch, over time. Both have syntax,
discrete elements like words or notes, and principles for combining those elements into sequences.
Sentences are just random sequences of words. Both convey effect which means emotion using sound. You
can make out a lot of emotion from a person’s voice and music has the characteristic of providing emotions
like happiness or sadness.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the similarity between 演讲者正在讨论语言和音乐之间的相似性,音乐

language and music, which are both a form of
communication. The similarity also interested the
best philosophers. Besides this, This interested in the 优秀的哲学家感兴趣。除此之外,他对最优秀的
best philosophers, and Leonard spoke about the
similarity of grammar between music and language.
In conclusion, the primary fundamental similarity 语法上的相似性。总之,主要的基本相似点包括
includes the rhythm, systematic patterns of notes and
words, the melody, the syntax, the principle of

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sequence and emotion. (69 words) 序原则和情感。

130032.Management Education 教育学管理

Welcome to Stanford University business school which always promotes leadership in learning,
management and delivery of goods and services. We are not only delivering services and but also making
sure good quality. It is clear that educational purpose is to learn management and leadership. You should
realize your own responsibility through accomplishing assignments by yourselves instead of depending on
others. Profit and non- profit institutions like Stanford University provides learning, while Business School
is providing learning management. You should realize that the responsibility and accomplishments achieved
by others don’t indicate what you are capable of.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing Stanford Business 演讲者在谈论斯坦福商学院,其教育目的是学习

School, which educational purpose is to learn
management and leadership. Therefore, you should
realize your responsibility through accomplishing 来实现你的责任,而不是依靠别人。除此之外,
assignments by yourselves instead of depending on

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others. Besides this, business School provides 商学院还提供学习管理,所以你应该意识到,别

learning management, so you should realize that the
responsibility and accomplishments achieved by
others don't indicate what you are capable of. 力。

(60 words)

130033.Talent Version 1 人才 版本一 女生版

The time in late 1990s when management consultants wrote books with titles such as the war for talent.
There was a great deal of talk about the talent wars. And I think that was the bursting of the bubble with the
bursting of the dot-dom bubble and a sense of the people who had been the masters of the universe just a
few weeks before we' re out on the streets looking for jobs. I think this created a reaction, it gave me ideas
that there was a war for talent. In fact, all of things we saw in the late 1990s are reasserting themselves now.
All those shortages are reasserting themselves and the real reason the auditing was really the bursting of the
bubble, not the shortages of talent. There are very profound structural forces which are creating these talent
shortages, one is the fact that the nature of the economy is changing, it's putting more and more premium
upon intellectual skills analytical skills, creative skills which are in short supply. So there is a demand
increase, but there is also a decrease in supply. Because we are seeing now the aging of the baby boom, the
shirking of populations in Europe and Japan and not very long in China as well and the sort of stabilization
of the population of the United States so we see a time when there is a greater demand for intellectual skills
and slowing down in the supply of people who possess those skills and also a mismatch between the sort of
things that people are learning at school and university and the sort of things the economy is placing a
premium on particularly with the shortage of trained people in the sciences and engineering. So for all sort
of reasons, there's a premium on talent.

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Sample Answer:

The changed profound structure and the nature of the 这种深刻的结构变化和经济的性质导致了人才大

economy lead to talent war. Firstly, intellectual 战。首先,智力、分析能力以及婴儿潮的老龄化
skills, analytical skills along with the aging of the
baby boom are the other reasons. Secondly, a greater 是另一个原因。其次,对智力技能的更大需求和
demand for intellectual skills and a decreased supply 熟练人才供应的减少也会增加。最后,人们在大
of skilled people also adds upon. Finally, a mismatch
between the knowledge that people are learning at 学学习的知识与知识经济之间的不匹配导致了这
university, and the knowledge economy contributes 一事实。
to the fact. (68 words)

130036.Talent 人才 Version 2 老爷爷版本 (100% confirmated)

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

I think there is an intense competition at the moment to hire the most talented and most intellectually able
people. There is a time when I think companies have many of the adventures in the world. That involves the
companies’ world. It was the bosses’ world. Now I think it reverses the case. We have a shortage in talent
base within countries and between countries, have an intense battle between companies to hire the most
talented workers and also between countries, which are looking to recruit talented young people, talented
young immigrants.

We have this sense of immigrants being things that countries are battled to keep out, and immigrants want to
get in, climb of the walls. I think the opposite isn’t the case. And the topic is that countries are trying to lure
bright young people to get them to go to universities and get them to become immigrants.

So, on many levels, talent is a premium. There is a shortage of talent, and so countries, companies, all sorts
of organizations, of course, volunteer organizations as well as, are competing to hire the best and the
brightest. You know we have a baby-boom population which is aging. We have an economy which is
becoming more sophisticated. And so, for all those sorts of reasons, talent is a premium.

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Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing talent war. Although I 演讲者正在讨论人才争夺战。虽然我过去认为公

used to think companies have many advantages in
the world, now the competition is fierce for
recruiting talent people. Therefore, Countries attract 很激烈。因此,国家通过鼓励年轻人上大学和成
young people by encouraging them to go to
universities and becoming immigrants. Besides this,
the baby boomer generation and the change of 经济的变化也导致了人才的短缺。总之,人才是
economy also lead to a shortage of talent people. In
conclusion, talent is a premium. (67 words)

130040.Laughter as a Therapy 笑声作为一种疗法

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

Laughter is one of the greatest therapies in combatting adversity, and whole communities and nations have
frequently relied on humor to get them through their bleakest times. On August 13, 1961, the barbed wire
was rolled out of Berlin to create the Berlin wall. For nearly 30 years, until it was dismantled, wall jokes

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proliferated – especially among those living in the east. Laughing was all that was left. (It was a way of

humanizing the tragedy of an ideology that had divided families and a nation. )本句待确定

Wags would ask, “When does a good border guard fire the warning shot?” And answer with chilling wit; “at
the end of the second clip of ammunition” – thereby making light of the German democratic republic’s
command to its border guards to “shoot to kill” anyone trying to cross the wall.

Jokes about those who rule you – and sometimes those who tyrannize you – are a form of folklore that has
existed in societies as seemingly different as communist in Eastern Europe, Czarist Russia, modern Egypt,
12-century Persia, and modern-day Iran. Humor can also be wonderfully subversive. It can protect self-
respect and identity.

Sample Answer:

This lecture was discussing humour which is crucial 这次讲座的主题是幽默,幽默对于战胜逆境至关

to combat adversity and can support people through
their bleakest times. Berlin wall jokes proliferated
until it was dismantled, humanizing the tragedy of 林墙被拆除前,有关它的笑话层出不穷,使分裂
divided family and nation. Besides this, jokes existed
in different forms within different countries.
Therefore, laugh and humour can protect people’s 话在不同的国家以不同的形式存在。因此,笑和
self-respect and identities.(60 words)

130042.Global Warming 全球变暖 (100% confirmated)

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

There can now be no reasonable science-based doubt about the reality of global climate change effects
brought on by the cumulative and rapidly growing emission of so-called greenhouse gases – primarily
carbon dioxide - into the atmosphere. As these effects become increasingly more obvious worldwide, so
commercial interests, groups of concerned individuals and national governments have been gripped by what

amounts to mass panic about what to do about it. To many, Paul Ehrlich’s Malthusian “Population Bomb”

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of 1968 appears about to explode in the world’s face in an indirect version of his millenarian vision of
population growth, which outpaces agricultural production capacity with predictably catastrophic results for
humanity. And his three-part crisis scenario does indeed seem now to be present: a rapid rate of change, a
limit of some sort, and delays in perceiving that limit. Ehrlich’s work was roundly criticized at the time, and
later, from many quarters, and much of what he predicted did not come about. Nevertheless, can the world
afford to take the risk that the climate scientists have got it wrong? Is it not in everyone’s interests to apply
the Precautionary Principle in attempting to avoid the worst of their predictions – now, rather than at some
future time? As the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Mr. Rajendra Pachauri
has recently pointed out, eleven of the warmest years since instrumental records began have occurred in the
past twelve years, while major precipitation changes are taking place on a global scale.

Sample Answer:

The increasing emission of carbon dioxide leads to 二氧化碳排放量的增加导致全球气候变化的影

global climate change effects. These effects
associated with the population bomb, so institutions
consider what to do with it. However, a scientist's 何处理它。然而,一位科学家的工作受到了批
work has been criticized, as the world cannot afford
to take the risk of scientists' mistakes. Therefore, it is
important to avoid the worst of their predictions 因此,重要的是避免他们最坏的预测,而不是在
rather than in the future. There are some major
precipitation changes globally. (69 words)

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130046.Universities’ Competition 大学竞争 (100% confirmated)

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

Today a university like the LSE certainly has to acknowledge that it is in competition for the best students,
all of whom have choices they can exercise, and many of them have choices which run across national and
continental borders. We are in competition, too, for staff. The academic job market is one of the most global
there is. And in the 21st century English is the new Latin, so universities in English speaking countries are
exposed to more intensive competition than those elsewhere. We are in competition for government funding,
through the assessment of research quality. We are in competition for research contracts, from public and
private sector sources, and indeed we are in competition for the philanthropic pound. Many of our own
donors were at more than one university, and indeed think of the LSEs requests alongside those of other
charities to which they are committed. That is a competitive environment which is particularly visible to

Sample Answer:

The competition between university is not only about 大学之间的竞争不仅是关于最优秀的学生,而且

the best students, but also about the staff in the
academic job market. The competition is more
intense in the English-speaking countries since 新的拉丁语,英语国家的竞争更加激烈。除此之
English is the new Latin. Besides this, there are other
forms of competition for research contracts from
public or private sectors, as government funding 研究合同,如政府资助的学术质量和慈善捐款。
assessed by academic quality and charity donations.
This competitive environment is obviously for the

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vice-chancellor. (70 words) 这种竞争环境对副校长来说显然是有利的。

130047.Industrialization 工业化 (100% confirmated)

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Within most developed countries, notions of pragmatism, notions of the fact that we have democracies, have
succeeded in tempering the market economy. In the 19th century, 18th century, the Industrial Revolution has
a very negative effect on people, particularly working classes all over the world. We see data where life
expectancy was reduced, hikes we were reduced, we were looking at the medical record. We can see that
actually, living standards, much among large fractions of population, actually went down. But eventually,
we pass the legislation about working conditions. And eventually, we circumscribe some of the worst kinds
of behaviour. We eventually, in the 20th century, we put regulations that composed better environmental
conditions. And so some of the damage was reversed, and that we have made the market economy work and
ways that the benefits of the all is far more what we shared in the world a hundred years ago.

Sample Answer:

The lecture was discussing industrialization. Within 讲座在讨论工业化。在大多数发达国家,民主成

the most developed countries, democratic has
successfully tempered the market economy, because
the industrial revolution has a negative effect on 面影响。但是,我们通过了关于工作条件的立
people. However, we pass the legislation about
working conditions and composed better
environmental conditions. Therefore, some of the

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damage was reversed, and we have made the market 到了扭转,我们使市场经济更有利于每个人。

economy better off for everyone.

(57 words)

130048.Food and Income 食物与收入

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

In my view, it’s impossible to talk about wildlife, and not think about its role in livelihood. And I guess part
of that is my own view, part of the research that I do in Africa. In most eastern-west Africa. I look a role; all
the humans rely on wildlife as the source of food, and also the source of income. And we talk about our
wildlife, it seems we talk about fish, we are talking about what probably the single most important source of
protein for human that across the globe. And, so, billions of, or more than a billion of people rely on fish as
their primary source of animal protein, and most of these people living in poverty. So the management of
fish resource of wildlife in that sense causing incredibly important to livelihoods and health. And also,
wildlife tourism is the multiple billion dollar industry, and in many places, such as Africa, South America, it
can be the No.1 source of income, it can be the No.1 source of foreign income for economies.

Sample Answer:

Wildlife related to livelihood, because humans rely 野生动物关系到人类的生计,因为人类依靠野生

on wildlife as the source of food and income. To be
more specific, fish is the most important source of
protein for humans, and many people who live in 人类最重要的蛋白质来源,许多生活在贫困中的
poverty rely on fish as their primary source of animal

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protein. Therefore, the management of fish resources 人依赖鱼作为他们动物蛋白质的主要来源。因

is important to livelihoods and health, as wildlife
tourism is the multiple billion-dollar industries. (67
words) 为野生动物旅游是数十亿美元的产业。

130054.Can Food 罐装食品 (100% confirmated)

One of the things that was going on during the Great Depression was the beginning of this sort of modern
food technology that rules, you know, the way Americans eat today. That is there are a lot of canned foods
were being - coming onto the market at the time. And also, refrigerators were really becoming very, very
popular during the Great Depression, both in cities and in rural parts of the country.

Thanks to electrification, the Rural Electrification Administration, people could buy appliances. You know,
farmers could buy appliances. And that meant frozen foods were becoming big. And, you know, at that time,
few people could afford to buy them during the early years of the Great Depression. But, you know,
gradually, these things picked up. And so this was, like, the sort of beginning of the era when people were
starting to think about supermarkets with rows and rows of freezer cases and rows and rows of canned foods.

Sample Answer:

During the Great Depression, modern

food 在大萧条时期,现代食品技术控制了人们的饮食
technology rules the way people eat, especially

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canned foods which were popular at that time. 方式,尤其是当时流行的罐头食品。除此之外,

Besides this, because of electrification, refrigerators
were really becoming very popular, and people can
buy applicants. At the same time, more and more 买申请者。与此同时,越来越多的人买得起大的
people could afford big frozen foods while
supermarkets started to have freezer cases and
canned foods (59 words)

130055.Biology, DNA & RNA 生物学,DNA 和 RNA

Now, the study of biology is responsible for some of the most profounding insights that humans have, about
the world around them. So, take a look at these four panoramas. In the upper left, you see some bacteria this
happen to be equal line; you obviously see a butterfly, a flower, a dolphin. If you see that at the outer space,
just looks these different forms and structures. You have no idea that they were all related to one to another.
So one of the most profound things that biology told us is that all life on earth is exceptionally related
similar to one to another. So, for example, all of these life forms rely on DNA and RNA for storing and
transmitting in using their genetic and inherited information. They are all based on cell. Cell is the
fundamental building blocks of all life. All of these organisms consist of cells, and the cells essentially have
the same chemicals inside of them - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and the whole bunch of other
stuff and much smaller amount. All these organisms conducted metabolism, in other words, chemical
reactions that using convert energy from one form to another. And the basic chemistry is all very similar to
one and another. The types of molecule is used very similar to one and another.

Sample Answer:

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Although animals look differently, they are 虽然动物看起来不同,但它们是相互联系的,因

interconnected, because all creatures are based on 为所有的生物都是基于遗传和遗传信息。更重要
the genetic and inherited information. What ’ s
more, cells are the foundation of building organs,
within which, the same chemicals are contained. All 的化学物质。所有的细胞都有DNA和RNA,用
cells have DNA and RNA, which are used to store
and translate genetically inherited information.
Therefore, metabolism systems enable all organs to 所有的器官都能通过化学反应将能量转换成不同
convert energy into different forms by chemical
reactions. (67 words)

130056.Development Of Genes 基因五千年变化

The pace, the pace of which that the human minds have evolved over the last half million years and more
recently the last 200,000 years has been so frighteningly rapid that the evolution of cognitive function and
perception in different ways, can only happen to the actions of a small number of genes. If one needed to
adapt dozens of genes changes and concert, in order to acquire the penetrating minds that we now have,
which our ancestors 500,000 years ago didn't have, the evolution could not have taken, could not have
occurred so quickly. And for that reason alone, one begins to suspect that the genetic differences between
people who lived 500,000 years ago sever that cognitive functions than ours are not so large. Therefore, a
rather small number of genes, maybe responsible for comforting us that powerful minds which we now,
which the most of us now possessed.

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Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing human minds which 演讲者正在谈论人类的思想,这些思想已经进

have evolved and only happened in a small number
of genes. Besides this, the rapid evolution of
cognitive function and perception happened in 功能和感知的快速进化以不同的方式发生。然
different ways. However, genetic differences
between people who lived 500,000 years ago sever
that cognitive functions than ours are not so large, 得我们的认知功能并没有那么强大,只有一小部
and only a small number of genes are responsible
powerful minds which we have now. (66 words)

130057.Language acquisition 语言习得

Child language acquisition, three little words. So let's take them on at a time. Child, when to start being a
child? For many people, language acquisition starts around about twelve months when kids say that first
word, but don't forget the first year. At the first year, our first year of life is very important as well and
indeed before you are born, remember there are couple of months before you are born, when you actually
able to perceive in the womb, something of the language that's around you. So language acquisition starts
earlier than most people think. And it also ends later than most people think. When does child language
acquisition stop? Well, in a sense, you know, we are all children, we stay being children all in our lives.
There is no obvious endpoint for learning sounds, of course, there is for learning grammar, there is for
vocabulary, huh. I mean that goes on for the rest of our lives in million or more words in English. Most of us
only have a vocabulary of 50, 60, 70 thousand words, whatever it is until there is always something to learn.
So remember that two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart than some people think. That
means there is more scope for studying in it than most people think.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing languages acquisition of 演讲者正在讨论儿童的语言习得。人类在出生之

children. Humans can perceive language before they
were born. Besides this, there is no obvious endpoint
for the learning process because there is always

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something to learn. Therefore, the two ends of child 的终点,因为总有要学的东西。因此,儿童语言

language acquisition and investigation scope is wider
than people think.(50 words)

130058.Language in vocabulary 语言词汇

Well, a historical linguist compares languages at several levels. You start out looking for basic vocabulary.
All languages of the world, natural languages at least, have words for eye and head and nose and ear and for
sky and earth and for water, sand and for sibling, mother and father. They may not have words for uncle and
aunt. It becomes much vaguer because in one culture an aunt is different when it comes from your father's
side than from your mother's side. You don't include snow. Most people know what snow is but in the
tropics you don't have it. So you look for notions that are totally comparable and that occur everywhere in
the world. You can the hundred or two hundred most universal notions in a human life, those which you call
the basic vocabulary. So you take basic vocabularies and languages that you think are related. You look for
words that sound the same.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing language comparison. 演讲者正在讨论语言比较。这种比较是从每一种

The comparison started with common words that can
be found in every natural language. However, there
are some words are very vaguer in meaning. 思非常模糊。因此,比较应该从完全可比较的概
Therefore, the comparison should start from notions
that are totally comparable, which means vocabulary
and languages that you think are related. (51 words)

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130059.Vitamin D Version 2 维生素 D 版本二

近似文本: (答案根据回忆整理)

The body also manufactures vitamin D from cholesterol, through a process triggered by the action of
sunlight on skin, hence its nickname, "the sunshine vitamin." Yet some people do not make enough vitamin
D from the sun, among them, people who have a darker skin tone, who are overweight, who are older, and
who cover up when they are in the sun. Correctly applied sunscreen reduces our ability to absorb vitamin D
by more than 90 percent. And not all sunlight is created equal: The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays—the so-
called "tanning" rays, and the rays that trigger the skin to produce vitamin D—are stronger near the equator
and weaker at higher latitudes. So in the fall and winter, people who live at higher latitudes (in the northern
U.S. and Europe, for example) can’t make much if any vitamin D from the sun.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing vitamin D, which called 演讲者正在讨论维生素D,它被称为阳光维生

sunshine vitamin and isn't the vitamin. Because
there's no dietary need for vitamin D if you get
adequate sunshine. This means if we are far away 饮食中不需要维生素D。这意味着如果我们远离
from the equator then we cannot get adequate
sunshine. However, humans migrated away from that
tropical regions and created a need for Vitamin D in

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food because sunlight was inadequate, particularly 光不足,尤其是在冬季,人类从热带地区迁移过

during the winter. (68 words)

130061.Governments Use Tricks 政府伎俩

I suppose it's the truism to point out that citizens need to be well informed. Maybe it's something we take for
granted in our liberal western democracies. But there will be plenty of societies, well, that is run counter to
explicit government policy. Many areas of the world still suffer from the reverie of the deliberate missing
information. Governments, especially the unelected ones, but also some elected ones, have denied the events
that have ever taken place. They pretend that other events did take place. They would help spin what they
cannot deny. Ensure they've used every trick of the book, to pull the eyes of the world, and in an attempt to
cover up their mistakes.





Sample Answer:

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The lecturer was discussing governments use trick. 演讲者正在讨论政府使用的诡计。尽管公民应该

Although citizens should be well informed, this runs
counter to some societies ’ government police.
Besides this, governments deliberate missing 道而驰。除此之外,政府故意遗漏信息,这意味
information, which means they pretend some events
did take place and also help spin what they cannot
deny by using the trick on books to cover their 的伎俩掩盖自己的错误,从而帮助编造他们无法
mistakes. (53 words)

130062.Einstein 爱因斯坦
For thousands of years, philosophers and astronomers and thinkers of all sorts have imagined that the
universe, the space around us was rather like this floor in front of us. It was fixed and unchangeable and
things happen on it, just as people walk around. So the stars, the comets, and the planets, and the other
heavenly bodies moved around and traced down their parts on this completely unchanging stage of space. In

the 20th century, as the result of Einstein’s work, that view of the universe was completely transformed.

We began to understand that there was no absolutely fixed stage of space at all on which all celestial notions
were played out. But in some sense on the larger scale in the universe, the space itself was in this state of a

continuous dynamic change. That was a prediction made by Einstein. But is wasn ’ t Einstein Harold the

owner of making the discovery that our universe was really like that






Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the universe and 演讲者正在讨论宇宙和爱因斯坦。哲学家和天文

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Einstein. Philosophers and astronomers imagined 学家认为空间是不可改变的轨道。虽然爱因斯坦

that space is unchangeable with the orbits. Although
Einstein predicted that the universe was completely
transformed, it was another scientist made the 现宇宙本身处于一种连续的动态变化状态。因
discovery that space itself was in the state of a
continuous dynamic change.Therefore, people
understood that there was no absolutely fixed stage
of space(58 words)

130065.Misunderstanding of Globalization 对全球化的误解

Globalization is an overused and often misunderstood concept. We hear it all the time on news broadcasts
and in any type of public discussion. But the starting point for understanding globalization is that it is
industries and markets that globalize, not countries. That’s why it’s helpful to think of Globalisation as ‘the
integration of economic activities across borders’. But why does globalization matter? I would argue
globalization matters because it means the rise of interconnectedness between countries and markets across
the world. For example, one of the reasons why the financial crash of 2007/2008 was so serious was because
the financial and banking systems of countries around the world have become so closely interconnected with
the globalization of markets.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the misconception of 演讲者讨论了新闻广播公众讨论中经常存在的对

globalization which often exist in news broadcasts
public discussion. In fact, globalization is for
industries and markets, instead of countries, which is 场的,而不是针对国家的,它是跨国界的经济活
the integration of economic activities across borders.
Therefore, globalization means the rise of

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interconnectedness between countries and markets 场之间相互联系的增强。

across the world. (50 words)

130071.The Definition of Risk 定义风险 (100% confirmated)

What's the literal definition of "risk"? Business schools use risk analysis. So, what do you mean by "risk",
and we need a dictionary. When you look at dictionary, this is literal, literal definition of risk. What it says is,
the definition for example, the possibility of injury, a dangerous element or factor, chance of, degree or
possibility of such loss, and so on. So, risk has two parts, as you look at the literal definition of risk. One
part is the consequence of some kind of particular danger, hazard loss. And the other is about the probability,
of it: chance and consequence, OK? And then at least just as English language concerns, when you look up
the word of safe and safety, which you'll earn as, it's a little bit of a loop, a little circular argument that free
from harm or risks, secure from danger, harm or loss, the condition of being safe and so on for all. And why
we take out of it? At least when we talk about safe at least in English language, we are talking absolute
something is safe, or it sounds safe.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the definition of risk. In 演讲者正在讨论风险的定义。在字典中,风险有

dictionary, risk has two parts, one part is the
consequence of danger or hazard loss, while the
other part is about possibility. Besides that, the 部分是可能性。除此之外,safe在英语中的意思
meaning of safe in English is a loop that free from
risks or harms, and secure from danger, which means
absolute safe. (56 words) 这意味着绝对安全。

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130072.Implicit and explicit memories 隐性和显性记忆

Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

There are two different systems of memory: implicit and explicit. Implicit memory is called procedural
memory, which cannot be consciously recalled. It is an experimental or functional form of memory. With
implicit memory, behavior is automatic, and we do not know when we use it, such as using language
naturally or driving automatically. Implicit memory is about cultural and sociological norms, which is hard
to explain how and why. Explicit memory is also called episodic memory, which consists of a great deal of
highly personal memories related to time space and people. It is totally different from implicit memory, such
as remembering birthdays and multiple choices questions. Explicit memory is highly personalized and is
related to time and space.

130073.Big Bang Theory 宇宙大爆炸

One of the most amazing things that’s happened even in my lifetime is the prediction of cosmology. When I
started out forty odd years ago, we thought we knew that the universe began a big bang, some people
doubted even then. We thought the universe was about ten or twenty billion years old. But now for really
very sound scientific reasons we can say that the universe did started in a Big bang and it’s 13.8 billion years
old. So it’s not 14, its not 13 because a decimal point in there and that’s a stunning achievement to know
that. And we also know that the laws of physical that apply to tiny particles inside atoms also explains what
happened in the big bang, you can’t have one without the other. A very neat example of this is that when you
apply nuclear physics, that kind of physics to understand how stars work, you find out that the oldest star in
the universe is about 13 billion years old. So their universe is just a little bit older than the stars. Fantastic, if

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we done it and counted in the other way around and said that the stars were older than the universe, we
would say science were in deep trouble. But it’s not, everything fits together and we know how the universe
began, we got to know how the way it is. The future that it ‘ll suspects we don’t know quiet well what’s
going, but we got some ideas, which are as good as those ideas we had 40 years ago about how big bang

Sample Answer:

People believed the Big Bang happened 10 to 20 人 们 相 信 大 爆 炸 发 生 在 100 到 200 亿 年 前 。 然

billion years ago. However, by more precise
measurement of particles, it has been proved that it
actually happened 13.8 billion years ago, which fits 上发生在138亿年前,这与宇宙比最古老的恒星
well that the universe is older than the oldest star.
After the Big Bang, the universe keeps continuous
changing. People still need to understand how the 变化。即使人们知道宇宙大爆炸的起源,他们仍
Big Bang happened even though the origin is known.
(68 words)

130075.Obese Women 女性体脂实验

now we would like to look at a recent survey conducted by Canadian researchers on diet total 31 woman
volunteered in the survey they have been told to participate in the exercise program without changing their
diet after a careful observation the researchers found that some volunteers experienced a body fat change
after six months from the day they have started the experiment the findings further stated that some lost
significant amount fat which lead to decrease in body mass on the other hand there were others who did not
lose fat at all the study concludes that there must be two explanations. those who did not lose weight must
have eaten more and another factor is that it is because their psychological reason not to believe in losing fat.

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130076.The decline of Bees 蜜蜂数量减少

近似文本 :(答案根据回忆整理)

So, various conclusions. Yes, bees are in decline. These declines are well documented, they are real, and
reported by good, strong scientific evidence. It is the only evidence that counts. The drives to decline are
many. They are varied depending on species. The fact of pollinator loss could be absolutely huge. So is it a
catastrophe? Not yet, but it could be. On the positive side, we're aware of the problem, aware this is being
raised with time, and people are taking actions fast. We've recognized the problem. And that, at least, is
being done.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the decline of bees. This 演讲者正在讨论蜜蜂的减少。这种下降是有据可

decline was well documented and has strong
scientific evidence. Besides this,there are many
reasons for the decline and it also depends on 种数量的减少还有很多原因,这也取决于物种。
species. Although this decline is a massive loss for
pollinators, it's not a catastrophe yet, as people start
to realize the issue. (53 words) 但它还不是一个灾难,因为人们开始意识到这个


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130077.Earthquake and Faults 地震

So faults are breaks in the earth crust, we can identify them because of the discontinuity in the structure
within the earth crust across fault. And earthquake occur on these faults, so vary processes by which these
faults moves to a large extent is due to earthquakes. So we have a fault plane and the earthquake is so focus
on this fault plane and the earthquake starts at the particular point on the fault plane and we call that the
focus of the earthquake. The rock prorogate out from that point on the rupture plain to cover the entire fault
plane. The rupture is in that particular earthquake. We talked about the epicenter of the earthquake a lot. The
epicenter is just the surface projection of the focus of the earthquake. So if you wanted to looking at map
view where the earthquake was located we would be able to look that into the earth. We would see the focus
down some depth in the earth or the epicenter just a point vertically above that focus at the surface of the
earth. So this is the focus between the faults and the earthquakes.

Sample Answer:

The lecture is about the relationship between faults 这个讲座是关于断层和地震之间的关系。断层是

and earthquakes. Faults are fractures in the earth’s
crust, which cause earthquakes when faults move.
The focus of the earthquake is called hypocenter, 的震源位于地壳中,称为震源。震中位于地球表
which is located in the crust of the earth. The
epicenter is located on the surface of the earth which
can be identified by using fault maps. (58 words)

130078.Smart Consumers and Brand 品牌与顾客需求

Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

Consumers are extremely smart, and they can make smart purchasing decisions in just a second on the
performance and the value of the product. Therefore, the brand is essential to business because people are
willing to pay more for brand that has better performance and consumer value. Our brand has the softest but
strong product. Do not shake before you put it in the washing machine because you do not want it separated.

130080.Human rights in UK 英国人权

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近似文本 :(答案根据回忆整理)

The human rights act can be said by reaching, some of them are controversial in the UK's history of rights.
At the same time, it can be described as some cause documents, they provide some start point for world
application for low to rights. In many ways, the precious protection contain UN the human rights act that we
are not new to people who living in UK, the 18% that UK law most closes the European conventional
human rights. The convention itself was devised following the end of the Second World War by the
counselors of bureau. UK lawyers play the significant role in drafting the convention. And UK was among
the first governments who ratify the convention in 1951. Rights sometimes are described as being positive or
negative nature. That’s to say somethings expresses right to you and the other is freedom from. In 1998,
50% specific rights of freedoms, which include rights to liberty security, a free trial, free expression, free
elections, and the rights.

Sample Answer:

This lecture is about human rights. The UK was the 这个讲座是关于人权的。英国是二战中第一个提

first country that mentioned human rights in the
World War II, the UK lawyers played an important
role. Moreover, human rights have both the positive 此外,人权具有积极和消极的性质。积极的方面
and negative nature. The positive aspects include
freedom, being free from slavery and torture,
election and marriage, while the negative aspects 极的方面包括宗教和性。人权是最低标准的基
include religion and sex. Human rights are the
baseline of the minimum standard. (67 words)

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130081.Australian housing price 澳洲房价(文本修改)

Well, it’s like, why is Australian housing is so expensive? Essentially, it’s showing of how well the
Australian economy has been doing over the last 15 years. We have had 15 years more or less of an
uninterrupted economic growth during which average earning has been raised by close to 90 percent. While
over the course of that period, the standard variable mortgage rate has roughly halved. That meant that the
amount which a typical home buying household can afford to borrow under rules which aren’t strictly
applied as they used to be had more than doubled. Over the same period, rising immigration in falling
average household size has meant that the number of households looking for accommodation has risen by
about one and a half million. That’s around 200 thousand more than the number of dwellings has increased
by. So you have had a substantial increase in the purchasing power of households. No net increase in the
supply of housing enhance all that addition purchasing power has gone into pushing up the price of housing.

Sample Answer:

This lecture is about Australian housing prices. 这个讲座是关于澳大利亚房价的。近年来,澳大

Australian housing prices have increased
dramatically in recent years. There are three reasons
for growth. First, due to half of the mortgage rate, 先,由于一半的按揭利率,人们倾向于从银行借
people tend to borrow money from banks to buy a
house. Second, people have more purchasing power,
which means housing has become more affordable. 味着住房变得更容易负担。第三,移民的增加导
Third, the increasing number of immigrants has
resulted in more demand in housing. (67 words)

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130082.HTML 超文本标记语言
Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

The 1990s came around and normal people got online, thanks to the UK and Tim Berners-Lee who invented
HTML. During the first decade, there were extraordinary creativity as people created webpages, learning
resources and other online contents. They did it without profitable models, religious factors, advertisements,
skepticism, fears, and traditional or motivational factors. People did it because they enjoy it. It simply
happened, and it was a good idea.The 1990s came around and normal people got online, thanks to the UK
and Tim Berners-Lee who invented HTML. During the first decade, there were extraordinary creativity as
people created webpages, learning resources and other online contents. They did it without profitable models,
religious factors, advertisements, skepticism, fears, and traditional or motivational factors. People did it
because they enjoy it. It simply happened, and it was a good idea.

130083.Sign language 手势语

Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

Sign language is a language theory of human communication. It is clear that we cannot do anything in
computer without symbolisation. Human can use sign language and movements to convey ideas. In other
words, you can ask for help with your gestures instead of using words language. Thus, human communicate
combining hand and word language. This is supported by example of comparing human beings and

(学生回忆)-文中舉了個 example 是在說在古時人們被 rhinoceros 攻擊,他們用手語跟同伴說"come to help",在舉

例前 speaker 還有口誤說了 dinosaur,然後開玩笑說恐龍已不存在是 rhinoceros

130084.Genes affect human behaviors 基因影响人类行为

Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

Since the discovery of DNA structure, people have believed that genes have an impact only on people’s
physical structure. But the study of mapping of genes in 2001 found that there is a genetic responsibility to
human’s physical and psychological behaviors, which has changed the way we understand our behaviors.

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The research on genes has provided integrating information, and the findings can benefit biologists,
psychologists and neuroscientists.

130085.Pandemic Transmitting 传染病传播 (100% confirmated)

What we know is that the impact of the pandemic would be catastrophic if it is similar to what we had in
1918. In the United States, there has been unprecedented amount of preparation so far. It’s um, affects every
aspect of public health. We have efforts for treatment, efforts for better prevention, clinical management,
key communications, the domestic and international responses, and also efforts to try to prevent
transmission within community. The federal government has had tremendous amount of resources that they
have put into development of the new antiviral drugs, antiviral drugs stock piles; development of new
vaccines and manufacturing facilities for vaccines. So, there’s quite a lot that’s happening in the United
States. However, developing countries do not have the level of resources found in more developed countries.
That’s the real challenge.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing pandemic, which has a 演讲者正在讨论流行病,它对公共卫生的许多方

catastrophic effect on many aspects of public health.
Therefore, an unprecedented amount of preparation
has been carried out in the United States, such as 前所未有的大量准备工作,如更好的预防、临床
better prevention, clinical management. Besides this,
the federal government has put a tremendous amount
of resources into medical development. However, 大量的资源。然而,发展中国家没有那么多资
developing countries do not have that many
resources. (59 words)

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130086.London Architecture 伦敦丑建筑

It seems to me that architecture is very much something that causes us both pleasure and trouble. I live in the
part of western London where I think many of the streets are, where I live are really really ugly, and this
distresses me every time I walk to a supermarket or walk to a tube. I think why did they built that and with
terribly without architecture. It last so long, and if you write a bad book or do a bad play, you know, I will
be shocked when it be showed and then no one would suffer. A bad building has a serious impact for, could
be hundreds of years on the people around it.

And suppose the book arose a little bit from the frustration, almost anger than there is so much bad
architecture around. And then I realize if you talk about architecture, you will say why building are not more
beautiful. Then you will say I can use such work as "beauty", that's a really arrogant word. And no one
knows what beautiful is. It's all in the eye of beholder. I couldn't help but think that actually. Well, you know
that we all attempt to agree that Rome is nice than Milkykings, and San Francisco has the edge of Frankfurt,
so we can make that sort of generalization, surely they are somethings we can say about why a building
work or why it doesn't. So the books really attempt to suggest why architecture works when it does and what
might going to be wrong when it doesn't work.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the appearance of 演讲者正在讨论建筑学的外观。建筑可以带来乐

architecture. Architecture can cause both pleasure
and trouble, as the lecturer lives in London where
has much ugly building. In fact, a bad building has a 有很多丑陋的建筑。事实上,一个糟糕的建筑会
serious impact on the people around it. Although
books really attempt to suggest why architecture
works when it doesn't work, even no one knows 解释为什么建筑在不工作的时候也能工作,但甚
what beautiful is, as it's all in the eye of the beholder.
(68 words)

130087.Industrialization and Adam Smith 工业化和亚当史密斯

Youtube 视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

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腾讯视频讲解(按住 Ctrl 点击)

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In the past, it is previously believed that a nation’s wealth is how much money people can pile up. However,
Adam Smith believed that the wealth of a nation is the nation’s ability to produce output. National income is
equal to the national output. With the development of industrialization, Adam Smith agreed that
manufacture should be included in the nation’s wealth.

130089.Agriculture and Urbanization 农业与城市化

I am trying here to capture the dynamics that is conventionally being associated with urbanization
developments. And get back once again, to this question of agriculture. Once you have cities and you also
the reverse of the cities, you have countryside. You have rural areas and have this relationship with urban
areas, and it needs to developed agricultural goods. And you trade with increasing industrial goods.
Increasing agriculture productivity, reduces labour needs and opportunities in the rural areas, pushing people
towards to the cities. There is this notion that in order to have progress and development in cities, you need

people. If everybody is busing growing to crops, growing food that exists, you can’t have people all going

into the city. You need to increased productivity in the countryside. You need to have one farmer producing
enough food for more than one family. And then you will have growth and productivity in the countryside,
which will free of people move to the cities. In fact, in many ways, it will compel it. They will go to the
cities and search for jobs and provide labour force for the production of all kinds of things.






Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the relationship between 演讲者正在讨论城市化发展与农业之间的关系。

urbanization development and agriculture. Firstly,

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rural areas product agriculture goods for cities, and 进行贸易。其次,农业生产力的提高推动人们向

trade with industrial goods. Secondly, increasing
agriculture productivity pushes people towards the
cities, while progress and development in cities need 因此,需要提高生产力,将劳动力转移到城市进
more people. Therefore, the productivity needs to be
improved to free labor force to cities for the
production of commercial goods.(61 words)

130090.What makes people happy 快乐的原因

So happiness economics can help us get to these questions, and I'll try to give you some examples of this.
Now, even though there's a lot of skepticism, originally about using this survey - surveys what people say
make them happy. The number of reason that we are getting increasingly confident in doing so. One is that
their consistent pattern - remarkable consistent pattern, that determines well-being across large samples of
people, across countries, across the world, and over time. Some of the basic things that make people happy,
and I will show you some of these income health, marital status, employment status. Some of these very
basic things are remarkably consistent across countries across world. So that gives us some sense that these
surveys are picking up consistent patterns. And when we know what consistent patterns are, we can look
how other things that very much more, affect people's well-being. The environment and equality, the natures
institution raging on living, and all kinds of other things that very much more

Sample Answer:

This lecture is about happiness. People are skeptical 这堂课是关于幸福的。人们对什么能让人快乐持

about what makes people happy. According to a

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survey on happiness conducted based on many 怀疑态度。根据一项基于全球许多样本的幸福调

worldwide samples, one factor that makes people
happy is the consistent patterns, which are prevalent
across the borders. This pattern has some basic 模式在世界各地都很普遍。这种模式有一些基本
factors including income, marital status, and
employment status. The survey also shows other
critical factors, including equality, living 显示了其他关键因素,包括平等、生活环境和自
environment, and the natural instinct. (68 words)

130095.Motivation Version1 动机 版本一

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Motivation is a concept that means turning people’s move into actions and there is internal motivation and
external motivation. Many psychological factors can affect motivation, such as one’s interest, values, and
inspiration. Motivation is also affected by age because when people grow older, there are more things that
they have already done. The current dominated opinion is that rewards and punishments are the most basic
factors to drive human’s behaviors.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing motivation, which 演讲者在讨论动机,包括外部因素和内部因素。

includes external and internal factors. There are
many external factors of motivation, including value,

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interest and inspiration. Besides this,

many 除此之外,许多心理因素也会影响动机。另外,
psychological factors can affect motivation. In
additional, motivation is also affected by age. In
conclusion, punishment and rewards are the basic 影响动机的基本因素。
factors that affect motivation. (51 words)

130132.History of Software 软件的历史

The history of software is of course very very new. And the whole IT industry is really only 67 years old
which is extraordinary and to be so close to the birth of a major new technology, a major new discipline is
quite remarkable given where we got to in those 67 years. And the progression has been not so much a
progression as a stampede because Moore's Law, the rapid expansion in the power of computing and the
rapid fall of the cost of computing and storage and communications has made it feasible for information
technology to move into all sorts of areas of life that were never originally envisaged. What has happened is
that there has been as I said a stampede for people to pick the low-hanging fruit. And that is what's guided
the development of software and information technology over the past decades and continues to do so with a
number of consequences that we will explore.

Sample Answer:

This lecture is about the history of software which is 这堂课讲的是软件的历史,它只有67年的历史。

only 67 years old. The rapid expansion in the power
of computing and the rapid fall of the cost of
computing and storage and communications has 迅速下降使信息技术进入生活的各个领域成为可
made it feasible for information technology to move
into all sorts of areas of life. Moreover, we will
continue to do so with a number of consequences 果。
that we will explore. (67 words)

130133.Educational Leadership 教育中的领导力

The Education Leadership Initiative was started by Dean Bob Joss of Stanford Graduate School of
Business. He talked a lot about the importance of education leadership. Education leaders need to be

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dynamic and entrepreneurial change agents. Managing is not enough – increasingly leaders must rise to
the challenge of changing their organizations through innovative, problem-solving strategies. So we are
combining forces from our School of Education and School of Business to support the development of
management skills and leadership capacity for current superintendents and other central office leaders.
The School of Education will focus on learning while the School of Business will focus on management.
Now many institutes are providing education leadership learning opportunities, for profit or non-profit.
We want to make sure that here at Stanford, we are not only delivering the services but with good quality.
The program incorporates case-studies and research-based presentations, discussions, and exercises.
Participants also collaborate and build relationships through group work. However, they must realize that
it is their own responsibility to achieve and accomplish – what others can do does not indicate what you
are capable of.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing management and 演讲者在斯坦福大学谈论管理和领导力。领导者

leadership at Stanford University. Leaders need to
be dynamic and entrepreneurial change agents, but
management is not enough. Therefore, the School of 管理是不够的。因此,教育学院将重点放在学习
Education will focus on learning while the School of
Business will focus on management. Besides this,
Stanford commits to deliver services with good 坦福承诺提供高质量的服务。因此,个人应该通
quality. As a result, individuals should be responsible
for achievement and accomplishment through group
work. (68 words)

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130137.Description 描述(文本更新)
Today we will discuss about abstraction commonly known as description. There are two methods of
description: these are symbolic language and body language. The abstraction is an important part for
developing a computer. This is originated from the symbolic system in the computer system. The origin of
symbolic system was developed when people tried to communicate with each other. The symbolic language
took communication to wider people and popularity grew. The other part of abstraction is the body language.
People accepted body language as well. The physical movement facilitates the development of sign language,
which popularly became hand words. 。

Sample Answer:

This lecturer was discussing description which 这位讲师正在讨论包括象征性语言和肢体语言在

includes symbolic language and body language.
When people tried to communicate with each other ,
they developed a symbolic system and this system 一个符号系统,这个系统已被应用于计算机开
has been adapted in computer development. Besides
this, the physical movement has developed as sign
language. (52 words)

130159.Recycling Water 循环用水(100% conformation)

Why do we need to recycle water?

Because we don’t generate much new water. Chemically the process of generating water, which is basically
taking hydrogen and oxygen and burning them to produce water, is not a process that happens a lot anymore.
So in terms of our total volume of water in the world, yes it is changing, but it’s not changing significantly
relative to the rate at which we are using or demand fresh new water.

Now there are a lot of different areas of technology involved in water recycling, and we are later in the
interview going to get to industrial use and the reclamation of sewerage. What about in the home at the
moment; what sort of technology is being utilized in the home when we talk about water recycling?

Well very little on average. Typically in a modern home, we turn on the tap, we take a glass of water, we
probably in turning on that tap flush ten glasses of water down the sink. We take a shower, we use fresh

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water, we do a whole range of things, and there is nominally very little recycling of that. It goes down the
drain and it goes off to a wastewater treatment plant.

There is actually very, very little recycling at a local level. People don’t actually say well I’m now going to
take the water I just used, put it through a sophisticated process and reuse it and have a closed loop. It’s not a
closed loop in the home.

Sample Answer:

People don ’ t generate much new water as the 由于化学制水的过程不常发生,人们不会产生很

chemical process of generating water is not happens
frequently. Therefore, the total volume of water
didn't change significantly. Although different 技术已经涉及到水循环,这很少发生在家里。因
technologies have been involved in water recycling,
which rarely happens in the home. Because people
don ’ t put the used water through a sophisticated 后再用,这需要一个闭环。
process at home and reuse it, which requires a
closed-loop. (65 words)

130165.Wonder Babies 神奇宝贝

So, there is an example comes from the other end of life and has to do with what’s called wonder babies.
This was a study which was done a few years ago in Trieste which is basically at the border on Slovenia and

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Italy. So there are a lot of Italians and there are a lot of Slovenians and there are of course a lot of mixed
marriages. What they did was they took three groups of babies, all babies were seven months old so there
were a bunch of Italian speaking babies, bunch of Slovenian speaking babies and a bunch of Italian-
Slovenian babies from mixed families. They showed those babies various puppets and then they switched
the situation. Typically when the seven-month-old baby is used to particular setting and the situation
switches it takes them a little while to regroup. So turned out that seven-month-old Italian and seven-month-
old Slovenian babies would get used to the puppet appearing on the right, and then when the puppet would
appear on the left they would continue looking to the right as if nothing had changed. Whereas the bilingual
babies very quickly would turn their head and notice that the puppet has changed its position.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing wonder babies. There 演讲者正在谈论神奇宝贝。有一项研究是关于来

was a study about three groups of seven-month-old
自不同家庭的三组 7 个月大的婴儿。一些婴儿来
babies from different families. Some infants are from
bilingual families while others are from monolingual 自双语家庭,另一些来自单语家庭。在实验中,
families. During the experiment, researchers changed
the position of puppets around babies. As a result,
bilingual babies can adapt to the difference faster 双语宝宝比单语宝宝更能适应这种差异。
than that of monolingual babies. (60 words)

130166.Women’s Role 女性角色

Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

Keywords: Women in 19th century;play an important role; Provide for their home; Expand knowledge for
their children and husband.

变有了 social identity。还说到了女性扮演的家庭角色,主要说了两个方面,一方面是说承担的家务

1.讲的是母系社会,关键词 motherhood,

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女性没有 social identity, 多半在家里照顾小孩: in the 19thcentury, women did not have social identity and
played the role of motherhood and domesticity.

后来女性有了 special role of social identity, 可以提高小孩和丈夫的知识, 而且可以参加课程:later on,

women have the special role of social identity, and they can expand knowledge for their children and
husband and they need to take classes.

1. The role of women is constantly changing over the years.

2. There are two main aspects to discuss the change of role, which are historical aspect and classical aspect.

3. In the 19th century, women played an important role in domesticity and motherhood.

4. 还 记 了 一 些 小 短 词 domesticity 和 motherhood (They took the class and supported their homes and
families, and also expanded knowledge for their children and husband./ two steps: first been widely
expanded and became a mother, then use their experience to raise children and help husbands.) 4. Nowadays,
women play a special/central role in the society so women's roles have been widely expanded and then they
have gained their social identity.

130167.Lawyers V1 律师 版本一 (-01:42)
My name is Graham Virgo, I’m a professor of English Private Law in the Faculty of Law at the University
of Cambridge. And I’m going to consider the question why you should study law, if you don’t want yo
become a lawyer.

A lot of people who study law at university do so because they want to become practising lawyers, whether
barristers or solicitors. But it is not necessary to read law at university to become a practising lawyer.
Equally, studying law at university is a legitimate subject for academic study even if you definitely don’t
want to become a lawyer or think that you may not become a practising lawyer. That’s because the study of
law at university is not a vocational subject, it is an academic subject and an intellectual discipline. Even for
those students who study law at university intending to become practising lawyers, they are required to do
additional vocational training to prepare them for working either as a barrister or a solicitor, for them the
study of law at university by it self is not sufficient to train them to become lawyers.

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So why do such students study law at university and why do others study law even is they don’t want to
become a lawyer? The answer is fairly similar in both cases, namely that studying law at university trains
the students to think and write logically and clearly.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the question of why 演讲者正在讨论学生为什么学法律的问题。在大

students study law. It is not necessary to study law in
university to become a lawyer. Because the study of
law at university is an academic subject, which 大学法学是一门学术性的学科,它注重培养学生
focuses on training the students to think and write
logically and clearly. However, it requires additional
vocational training to become a practicing lawyer.(59 业律师需要额外的职业培训。

130168.Ancient People 古人
Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

Although we don’t have real people to study on, we can know that our ancestors in Stone Age hunted
animals for food instead planting their food according to their skeletons’ information. The quality of diet, a
wild variety of food source including 100 different animals. Therefore, there was a wide variety of food in
Stone Age. However, their lifestyle was still difficult because lots of plants and animals have already
reduced, and they had infection diseases later after consuming those bad quality animal foods as diet.


物。饮食质量,野生各种食物来源,包括 100 多种不同的动物。因此,石器时代的食物种类繁多。然而,他们的生活方式仍然是困难


130169.Smart City 智能城市

The concept of smart city started in 1990s, which means the integration of information technology and
science. For example, smart parking space use guidance to reduce the traffic, and the intellectual lamps with

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sensors can save energy. But there is a line about how we use this kind of technology, the level of data
collected, and whether we would cross the line.

130171.New Zealand 新西兰

This is my next contribution to New Zealand’s super diverse future. The status quo is not sustainable. Super
diversity stocktake. What I would talk to you about now is designed to help us to adept to a super diverse
New Zealand. To make sure that we are foot for the future. Because New Zealand is super diverse right now.
Predominantly in Auckland, but actually throughout New Zealand. Here, we are already 50 percent Maori,
Pacifican and Asian. 44 percent are not born in New Zealand. And we have over two hundred ethnicities.
Now the definition academically of super-diversity is 25 percent are born in New Zealand a hundred
ethnicities. So we are almost double that number already. And Auckland will continue to become younger
and browner as Angela says some population ages and shrinks. So the megatrend here is not age. And the
megatrend here is not urbanization. The megatrend is demography. It’s ethnicity. And we need to get our
head around that because most of the benefits from super-diversity that we, as a country, are enjoying at the
moment such as great renovation, productivity and investment increase New Zealand’s financial capital,
whereas the most of the challenges from super-diversity adversely affect New Zealand’s social capital.
However, if you don’t mitigate the challenges to your social capital, you are not gonna maximize sustainably
the diversity dividing benefits for your financial capital.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing New Zealand which is a 演讲者正在谈论新西兰,这是一个非常多元化的

super diverse country. Auckland will continue to
become younger and browner, leading to the
megatrend of demography. Although the benefits 而导致人口大趋势。虽然超级多元化的好处可以
from super-diversity can increase New Zealand ’ s
financial capital, the challenges also adversely affect
New Zealand ’ s social capital. Therefore, 社会资本产生负面影响。因此,应缓解社会资本
challenges to social capital should be mitigated to
maximize the benefits of super-diversity for financial
capital.(68 words)

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130174.Washing Machine History 洗衣机的历史

Here in the wagon barn are some of the most important inventions in human history. Sure, you can see
examples here of the wheel or the automobile, but the inventions I'm talking about are the domestic
appliances that allowed for increased leisure time and redefined gender roles in society. To a degree as never
seen before in human history, the evolution of the washing machine as demonstrated in this barn is a
representative example of this changing domestic life. For many centuries, sailors used to place their
clothing in a cloth bag, tie the back to a rope and throw it overboard, letting the ship drag it for hours. The
principle was simple: force water through the clothes to remove the dirt. But in the household before running
water and electricity washing clothes took a staggering amount of labor. To wash, boil and rinse a single
load of clothes could take 50 gallons of water, which had to be hand carried from a pump or well. Pan
wringing rubbing and lifting the clothes could expose women to caustic substances in the soaps. The whole
process for a households laundry could take an entire day or more of backbreaking labor. In 1846, a patented
washing machine imitated the human hand moving cloth over a washboard by using a lever to rub the
clothes between two rib surfaces. This machine was sold in the U.S. as late as 1927. The first electric clothes
washers in which a motor rotated the tub were introduced into America about 1900.

Sample Answer:

The washing machine is an important invention in 洗衣机是人类历史上的一项重要发明,它增加了

human history that allowed for increased leisure time
and redefined gender roles in society. However,
before the invention, the principle of washing clothes 色。然而,在发明之前,洗衣服的原理是让水通
is that water through the clothes to remove the dirt,
which took a staggering amount of labor. Therefore,
a patented washing machine was invented, after that 此,发明了专利洗衣机,第一个电动洗衣机在美
the first electric clothes washers sold in America. (64

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words) 国开始销售

130175.Music and Brain 音乐与大脑

Interest in music in the mind is as ancient as philosophy itself. Plato was marveled at the power of music
over human character and human emotions. In fact, he was quite concerned about the way music could
either degrade or elevate the minds of young people. So you can see, in some sense, nothing has changed.
He said rhythm and harmony find their ways into the inward places of soul. Well, yes, that's true and he said
this in 400 BC. But what has changed since then? It's just in the last few years, brain science has started to
seriously investigate music and this young science is confirming music's power over us. For example, some
colleagues in Montreal decided to do a study to investigate what happens in the brain when people get chills
to music. This is intense emotional responses that often manifest themselves as shivers tingling of the spines.
Anybody here had this? OK, it's not uncommon. And they specifically looked at chills - instrumental music.
So this wasn't due to any associations that people had with lyrics. It was just sounds of music and they
looked it. They took advantage of the fact that people often know quite well what music gives them chills
they know piece, sometimes the very passage in the piece and so they had people bring in their own self-
selected CDs and they scan their brains while they were having these experiences listening to music.


思想。所以你可以看到,在某种意义上,什么都没有改变。他说节奏和和谐会进入灵魂的深处。是的,这是真的,他在公元前 400 年




们看了看。他们利用人们通常知道很好音乐给他们发冷他们知道,有时非常畅通,所以他们让人们带来自己的自我选择的 cd 和扫描他


Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing music and brain. Brain 演讲者正在谈论音乐和大脑。脑科学研究证实,

science has investigated and confirmed that music
can influence human character and emotions Besides
that, there is a study shows people have intense

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emotional response when they get chills to music. 究表明,人们对音乐有强烈的情感反应。因此,

Therefore, researchers allowed people bring their
own self-select CDs, and scan their brain while they
listening to the music.(57 words) 乐时扫描自己的大脑。

130177.Instinct Version 2 直觉 版本二

Instinct is a term used to describe a set of behaviors that are both unlearned and set in motion as the result of
some environmental trigger. Instincts are also often discussed in relation to motivation since they can also
occur in response to an organism's need to satisfy some innate internal drive tied to survival. Instincts are
present across species and are consistent within individual species. In other words, many different species
rely on instincts, and if one member of a species possesses an instinct, then they all do. Before we move into
a discussion of specific types of instincts, it is important to distinguish the difference between an instinct and
a reflex. Both are types of unlearned behavior that tend to serve a survival purpose. The difference is that a
reflex is a typically a simple reaction or a response to an environmental trigger whereas an instinct is a much
more complex set of behaviors.

For instance, an example of a reflex would be when a baby turns his head toward an object that is pressed
against one cheek in an effort to nurse. The head turn is a simple reactionary process. An instinct would be
the manner in which a mother bird regurgitates her food to feed her young in response to their signals of
hunger. Both are reactions to environmental cues; however, the mother bird must engage in a series of much
more complex behaviors in order to respond to the cues the environment is providing her.

Sample Answer:

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The lecturer was discussing the difference between 演讲者正在讨论本能和反射的区别。本能是一组

instinct and reflex. Instinct is a set of unlearned and
environmental triggered complex behaviors, which
related to motivation. Besides this, instincts are 行为。除此之外,本能存在于所有物种中。虽然
present across species. Although both instinct and
reflect are unlearned behaviors, reflect is a simple
reaction to an environmental trigger whereas instinct 触发的简单反应,而本能是一组复杂的行为。
is a complex set of behaviors. (56words)

130178.Fast Radio Burst 快速射电暴(文本有删减)

A fast radio burst is very much like what it sounds. It’s a very fast burst of radio waves. It comes from outer
space, a long way away. And by fast, I mean really fast. So it starts and stops in about a thousandth of a
seconds, so you click your fingers, and it’s finished.

Fast radio burst is a real mystery. We don’t really understand exactly where they come from or what actually
makes them. And there’s a lot of open questions that we really don’t have an answer for. There are probably
more theories about what makes fast radio bursts than there are actual detection of these things. So since
2007 we only had 20, but there are probably 30 or 40 different theories on what makes them.

The most interesting thing about this burst is the fact that we found it with the Australian square kilometer
ray path finder. So that is, it wasn’t really obvious that we would be able to do this as well as we ended up
being able to do it. So this telescope is really a fantastic telescope. In fact, it’s probably the best telescope on
the planet at the moment for finding these bursts. So whereas in the past, it is taken ten years to find 20
bursts, once we are really going with this new instrument, we’ll be able to find them much more quickly.
One or two every week

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing fast radio burst. This 演讲者正在讨论快速无线电脉冲。这个爆炸来自

burst comes from outer space, which is a Mystery.
Besides this, there are a lot of theories about what
makes fast radio bursts, as it heralds a new era. 快速射电爆发的理论,因为它预示着一个新时代
However, the new era is not only for the telescope,

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but also for the whole field, which enables us to 的到来。然而,新时代不仅是望远镜,而且是整

measure many bright and faint stars that are much
further than we imagine (70 words)


130179.Globalization and IT 全球化与信息技术(文本补充)

Well, I would argue that what they will say was the most important thing to happen in the early 21st century,
was the merger of globalization and the IT revolution. The two really fused in a way that the more IT started
to drive more and more globalization, and more and more globalization started to drive more and more IT.
And what that fusion did was take the world from connected to hyperconnected and from interconnected to
interdependent. These are huge differences of degree that are differences in kind. It happened over the last
decade. You are all feeling it in your jobs, in your universities, in your schools. But no one's really
explaining it to people. Everyone's living this fusion now.

好吧,我认为他们会说的是在 21 世纪初发生的最重要的事情,是全球化和 IT 革命的融合。这两者在某种程度上融合在了一起,随着




Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the merger of 演讲者正在讨论全球化与信息技术革命的结合。

globalization and the IT revolution. Globalization
and IT have a mutual reinforcement effect. Besides
this, fusion takes the world from connected to hyper- 外,融合还将世界从连接过渡到超连接,从相互
connected and inter-connected to inter-dependent.
Therefore, these are huge differences of degree that
are differences in kind. Although no one explains 差异就是种类上的差异。虽然没有人解释这种融
the meaning of the fusion, everyone's living in it
now. (62 words)

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130180.How To Spend Your Life 如何度过你的人生(文本补充)

What do you desire? What makes you itch? What's all of the situation would you like? Let's suppose, I do
this often in vocational guidance of students, they come to me and say, well, we're getting out of college and
we have the faintest idea what we want to do. So I always ask the question, "what would you like to do if
money were no object? How would you really enjoy spending your life?" Well, it's so amazing as a result of
our kind of educational system, crowds of students say well, we'd like to be painters, we’d like to be poets,
we'd like to be writers, but as everybody knows you can't earn any money that way. Or another person says
well, I'd like to live an out-of-doors life and ride horses. I said you want to teach in a riding school? Let’s go
through with it. What do you want to do? When we finally got down to something, which the individual says
he really wants to do, I will say to him, you do that and forget the money, because, if you say that getting the
money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You will be
doing things you don't like doing.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing how to spend the life. 演讲者正在讨论如何度过一生。他经常就职业指

He often asks this type of questions to students on
vocational guidance and these students always give
various ideas that cannot earn money. However, the 种各样赚不到钱的想法。然而,演讲者建议学生
speaker advised that students should focus on the
thing they are interested in and forget about the
money, otherwise they probably end up wasting their 们可能会浪费时间,做一些他们不喜欢的事情。
time and doing something they dislike. (64 words)

130181.Shakespeare's poem 莎士比亚的诗(文本补充)

Let's think about perhaps the top 10 things that people would like to know, ought to know about
Shakespeare if they're getting into his works. The first thing to say is that he did live quite a long time ago.
He lived 400 years ago. So if you're reading Shakespeare or listening to Shakespeare, you're listening to
somebody whose language is not quite the language of our current. You're listening to someone who was
writing in a language which is a bit out of date for now. It needs a little bit of effort to understand that
language but the understanding will be done partly for you by the actors if you're hearing it if you're seeing

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it performed. Another thing is that Shakespeare was a very great poet. He wrote poems are at narrative
poems and sonnets but he was also and this is my third point he was also a great theater poet, his poetry is
dramatic poetry in the plays. He's not just writing static poetry, lyric poetry in the plays, which is therefore
declamation. He's writing dramatic poetry which consists of interaction between the characters of the plays.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing Shakespeare's poem. He 演讲者正在讨论莎士比亚的诗。他生活在 400 年

lived 400 years ago and his language was out of date.
Therefore, people need to watch performance to
partly understand the meaning of the language. 观看表演来部分理解语言的含义。除此之外,他
Besides this, he was a great poet writing narrative
poems and sonnets. He not only wrote static poetry
and lyric poetry in the plays, he also wrote dramatic 仅在戏剧中写静态诗和抒情诗,而且还写戏剧
poetry.(60 words)

130182.Judgement 判断

Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

A company executive wants to hire a manager. There is a candidate with a good record and good

past performance. But he is not hired, because he is not well-fitted into this position, although he

is highly recommended by his previous employer.

• Another example is that a football coach wants to find a kid player. People think this kid is

excellent at football, but the coach recognized that the kid has difficulty controlling the football.

• In conclusion, it is hard to judge people how good they are within just 30 minutes to one hour.

130187.Lawyer V2 律师版本二(文本更新)
Studying law at university over three years gives you a really unique opportunity to acquire a much greater
and much more mature level of understanding and knowledge of the law, which can be a real benefit to your

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career in the future. If you’re not so sure if you want to study law. Law can also be an incredibly helpful
degree for a multitude of other careers. For example, politics, journalism, the charity sector and the United
Nation. It can be a springboard to all these different types of degrees that careers. Why is this? Because of
the way that we teach law. A law degree involves not only studying what the legal rules are, but really
taking an analytical approach to the world around us. It involves thinking about why certain law exists. Can
they be justified philosophically? How have they developed historically? What social goals are they trying
to serve and how should the law develop in the future? So here in Cambridge, we’re not just studying what
the law is, what the law could be, what the law should be.

Sample Answer:

This lecture is about the study of law, which gives 这堂课是关于法律的学习,它给了学生一个非常

students a really unique opportunity to acquire a
much greater and much more mature level of
understanding and knowledge of law. Law is also 知识水平。法律对其他职业也很有帮助。因为学
helpful for other careers. Because studying law
involves not only legal rules, but analytical approach
to the world around us. (54 words) 界的分析方法。

130189.History Course Study 历史课程学习(文本补全)

I am going to talk today really mostly about what I do as a curator here at the National Museum of Australia,
but I want to draw some kind of generalities from that in terms of how this series of curatorial practices if
you like, tools, techniques and methods that I think could be of interest to your students and of interest to
you in developing extension history courses. I want to talk about what I do as a curator and then from that
also talk a little bit about the kinds of history that I think museums are particularly good at creating and
communicating. I think this is something I would really like to discuss because it is not necessarily very well
understood that museums as Dave insisted by putting up my quote in his slide, create a very particular kind
of history. It’s not the kind of history that gets created in books or in dating films or in compositions, it’s a
very particular kind of history that grows out of the fact that museums are centrally interested and defined by
their collections. I should that is not an uncontested view of museums but it is certainly my view of

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Curators try to understand material culture as evidence of other people’s lives as a means to try to
understand other people - what they look like, what they did, how they made a living, what they hoped for in
their lives, how they tried to construct their world and why they made particular choices. One way in which
curators differ from other historians is therefore in terms of how we interrogate the past, what elements we
use to communicate the past. Most academic historians are trained very much in the discipline of words and
they concentrate on words still today, although it is changing a little bit. If you go through university history
I think primarily you are encouraged to draw on things like archival accounts, manuscripts and now oral
histories, and most of that work is actually promulgated in the form of books.

There are also other kinds of historians. Obviously, filmmakers and photographers concentrate on creating
images of the world and arranging them in meaningful sequences, but curators attend to objects. We look at
objects as evidence of the past and try to arrange objects in meaningful ways called exhibitions.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing history learning, and she 演讲者正在谈论历史学习,她认为博物馆擅长历

thinks the museum is good at history.
Because history that grows out of the fact that
museums are centrally interested and defined by 因为历史源于这样一个事实,即博物馆的核心是
their collections. Besides that, material culture is
evidence for people ’ s liv while most academic
historians focus on words. However, curators attend
to objects and arrange objects in meaningful ways, 是文字。然而,策展人关注物品并以有意义的方
called exhibitions. (62 words)

130193.Ocean environment 海洋环境

Not complete. Based on memory. 根据回忆整理,欢迎补充

回忆 1 提到 pragmatical and potential solutions 和 人类 damage ocean 还有 关键词 sea levels, footprints

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回忆 2.Human behavior, human footprint. 开头先说 ocean environment 是个 problematic issue, 然后说

lecture 会 给 一 些 solution. 但 也 喜 欢 可 以 provoke critical way to think 。 有 很 多 的 evidence 证 明 了

human behavior 对 ocean 有影响,fish,coral system 还有…最后貌似说的是 reduce/decrease human

footprint can help this issue


Ocean environment was impacted by human behaviors. There are many evidences can prove it, such as
footprints impact on fish, coral form, and the sea level was expected to change. Fortunately, there are some
potential solutions to solve these problems such as reducing human footprint. Meanwhile, the speaker would
like us to provoke critical way for thinking solutions.

130194.G7 七国集团
Well, who makes these decisions? In the international arena, the decisions are made by states but to George
Orwell's phrase, some states are more equal than others, the ones who are most equal are the ones called G7,
the seven rich industrial countries, and they have an overwhelming effect on states decisions. And of G7 the
one that's far and away the most equal is, of course, the United States, which since the Second World War
has had a position of overwhelming international power, you know, historical president to then, and of
course, has used it to design a world and the interests of powerful sectors within. Alongside the powerful
states, there are the institutions that they have designed the international financial institutions the IMF from
world banks, world trade organization took over from gap a couple of years ago. Those are institutions of
global dominant, global control, which are themselves controlled by the rich countries and primarily by the
United States, which once again has an overwhelming influence.

Sample Answer:

The lecturer was discussing the seven rich industrial 演讲者正在讨论七个对国家决策具有压倒性影响

countries which have an overwhelming effect on
states' decisions. The United States has international
power since the Second World War, and their 有国际力量,他们的总统曾经设计世界和强大部
presidents used to design the world and the interests
of powerful sectors. Besides this, they have designed

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the international financial institutions the IMF and 构,国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织。这些都

world trade organization.Those are institutions of
global domination and controlled by the United
States. (69 words)

130196.Paying 小孩子付钱

Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for
work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life. Paying children to do extra work around
the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.
Allowances give children a chance to experience the things they can do with money. They can share it in the
form of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save and
maybe even invest it. Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: you have to cut
costs and plan for the future. Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to
future saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal
finance. A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest. Interest rates
on savings can be very low these days. But compounding works by paying interest on interest. So, for
example, one dollar invested at two percent interest will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the
money will earn two percent of one dollar and two cents, and so on. That may not seem like a lot. But over
time it adds up.

Sample Answer:

Paying children allowances for housework which is a 为孩子们支付家务津贴是家庭生活的正常组成部

normal part of family life, can provide an
understanding of how a business works. Besides this,
saving helps children to open the door to future 外,储蓄帮助孩子们打开了未来储蓄和投资的大
saving and investing, as saving account is an
excellent way to learn about the power of compound
interest which works by paying interest on interest. 的力量,它通过利息支付利息。
(58 words)

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Write From Dictation

 本周新增:
 201006.A party is thrown in the small meeting room
 201008.A recent article shows a number of interesting experiments.
 201009.A very basic feature of computing is counting and calculating
 201012.The aerial photographs were promptly registered for thorough evaluation.
 201018.All industries consist of input, process, output and feedback.
 201035.Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterparts.(已确认)
 201043.Before submitting your dissertation your advisor must approve your application.
 201046.The article reflects a number of very interesting experiments.
 201054.We hold visiting tours throughout the year for students.
 201060.Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among reputable scientists.
 201061.Clinical placements in nursing prepare students for professional/practical practice.
 201069.Control systems in manufacturing provide a high level of accuracy.(珀斯考生回忆)
 201062.Clinical practices in nursing prepare students in practical practices.
 201070.Radio is one of the most popular forms of entertainment throughout the world.
 201091.The evaluation forms will be reviewed by university personnel.
 201093.Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.
 201099.Free campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students.★小米老师确认
 201111.He is regarded as the foremost economist this year.
 201121.I thought it was through the small meeting room.
 201125.If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available.★Lily 老师确认
 201126.This paper challenged many previous theories.
 201132.If you seek for further extension, contact your faculty for more information.
 201140.Tribes vied with each other to build up monolithic statues.
 211141.It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources.★布里斯班机房考生确认

 201151.It was hard to anticipate how all the different characters would react.(已确认)

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 201155.Let me know if anybody struggles in the lab.

 201162.Many graduates of journalism can get jobs in the communications field.
 201168.You will need to purchase an academic gown for commencement.
 201169.Most of these students have not considered this issue before.
 201171.Most of the features were part of the previous system.
 201173.Speed is defined as how quickly a person or an object moves.
 201180.Mutually exclusive events can be described as either complementary or opposite.
 201181.Native speakers are exempt from the language tests in their own language
 201184.Our professor is hosting the business development conference.
 201187.Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert.
 201199.Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects.
 201203.Biology involves the study of life of/at all levels.
 201232.Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk.
 201246.She used to be an editor of the student newspaper.
 201256.Students’ concession cards can be obtained by completing an application form.
 201261.Students have the option to live in college residences or apartments.
Students have options of choosing to live in college residences or apartments.

 201264.The students were instructed to submit their assignments before Friday.(珀斯考生回忆)

 201267.Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts in economics.★布里斯班机房考


 201270.Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing.★珀斯机房考生确认

 201278.Children acquire their first language without any conscious effort.
 201280.Protective clothing must always be worn all the time.
 201281.The application process may take longer than it’s expected. (已确认)

 201284.The article (shows) a number of very interesting experiments(学生回忆)

 201287.The artists tied to conservative politicians earned their own roles of critics.
 201292.The business development seminar includes an internship with a local firm.
 201293.The business policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm.★悉尼机房考生确认
 201298.A celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.

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 201299.The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus.

 201300.The city’s/cities/cities’ founders created a set of rules that became law. (已确认)

 201304.The commissioner will portion the funds among all the sovereignties.(已确认)
 201305.One function of body fat is to keep the internal organs warm.
 201320.Sugar is a compound which consists of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
 201322.International exchanges formed the important part of our study program.
 201331.The first assignment is due on the fourteenth of September★阿德机房考生确认.
 201332.The following economic policy lecture has been cancelled.
 201343.The island is located at the south end of the bay.
 201350.The library holds a substantial collection of materials on economic history.
 201351.The lowest grade has been omitted from the calculation.
 201354.The massive accumulation of data was converted into a communicable argument. (已确认)
 201363.Scientists were unsure when the early man left Africa.
 201364.The nation achieved prosperity by opening its ports for trade.★李老师确认
 201367.The new paper challenged the previously accepted theories
 201371.The placement test of mathematics and statistics is offered every semester. (已确认)
 201372.The plight of wildlife has been ignored by developers.
 201375.The qualification will be assessed by using a criterion reference to approach.(已确认)
 201377.The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.
 201388.The same issues featured both explanations of the problem.
 201389.Renovation works have been undertaken throughout the building
 201398.The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.★惟知老师确认
 201403.The teacher asked the group to commence the task.
 201404.A series of lectures showed economics have been recorded.
 201405.The technician left the new microscope in the biology lab.
 201406.The theme of the instrumental work exhibited more of a demure and compositional style.
 201410.The toughest part for education is funding.
 201412.Assignments should be submitted to the department office before the deadline.

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 201413.Undergraduates may pay their interests on special stages within specific programs.(珀斯考生

 201422.The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.★小米老师确认

 201449.This newspaper challenges the previously accepted theories.
 201450.This paper challenged the previously accepted theories.(24/6 考场回忆)

 201456.Those seeking formal extension should contact their faculty for information.(已确认)
 201463.Traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities.
 201470.University departments carefully monitored articles and other publications by faculty.
 201483.We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.★李老师确认

 201494.When workers ask for higher wages, companies often raise their prices.★布里斯班机房考生确

 201496.While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issues must first be addressed.
 201500.You are required to complete the research paper by Monday.
 201503.You can contact all your tutors by email.
 201520.Your lowest quiz grade has been eliminated from the calculations.
 201531.In this language course, we focus on fluency and accuracy.
 201563.Good research delivers practical benefit to real people
 201565.There are opportunities to receive the grants from most artistic fields..
 201582.They were struggling last year to make their service pay.
 201591.A good research assistant is not afraid to be asked questions.
 201601.Governments need to make solar energy more affordable to everyone.
 201608.Some departments have their own special book collections.★布里斯班机房考生确认
 201610.The economy is now showing the/its first sign/signs of recovery.
 201620.They developed a unique approach to training their employees.
 201640.Muscle cells bring parts of the body closer together.
 201643.Being bilingual is not necessarily being having the ability of understanding two languages.
 201645.Journalism faces the crises in the light of the digital revolution.
 201651.Purity is one feature that makes gold expensive.
 201653.The research has produced some other unexpected results.

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 201658.Food has become a political issue in the world.

 201661.As union members, we can influence the change of the university.
 201663.Our facilities include five items in the university.
 201669.The opening hours of the library is reducing during the summer.
 201672.A laptop has been founA laptop has been fod at the biology lab.
 201676.Graphs and charts allowed data more easily to be understood.
 201678.The department is organizing a flight to London in July.
 201682.Career services provide tips about how to cope with job interviews.
 201685.You will learn how to rationally assess your arguments.
 201686.Undergraduates have a wide range of cultural modules to choose from.
 201688.Food cannot be eaten in the main library.
 201689.Social media is criticized of causing internet addiction.
 201690.It is necessary to dress formally for the graduate/graduation ceremony.
 201695.Measures must be taken to prevent unemployment rate from increasing.
 201696.Advanced technology will create growth in the economy.
 201697.Your statistical information depends on your raw data.
 201699.The researchers are disappointed that their results are proved to be inconclusive (学生回忆)
 201701.Students should leave their bags on the table by the door
 201702.Slides and handouts can be downloaded after the lecture.(待确认)
 201704.Even simple techniques need to be practiced to become better.
 201707.Certain organisms can reproduce using just one parent.
 201709.Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.
 201710.Salt is produced from the seawater or extracted from the ground.
 201714.The coffee machine (located) on the third floor is not working today.
 201717.All medical students must clean their hands before entering the room.
 201719.Blue whale is the largest mammal ever lived.
 201720.The bus for London will leave 10 minutes later than planned.
 201721.The printers automatically print two sides of each page.
 201722.Make sure you choose a course that provides great career opportunities.

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 201723.Sound waves are unable to travel through vacuum.

 201726.Horizontal line on the graph indicates there is no period of change.
 201741.There is a significant difference between theory and practice of education.
 201747.Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.
 201752.A lack of sleep can increase the chance of some illnesses
 201753.The invention of the printing press increases the demand for paper
 201754.Art students often exhibit their work on the university buildings
 201755.The office hours will be changed from next term
 201773.The shipwreck of this year ruined some artifacts which were interested by historians.
 201779.We no longer respond to any postal reference requests.
 201780.People see stars that were billions of years ago.
 201781.You must hand in your essay in midday on Friday.
 201783.Natures are defined as specific chemical compounds.
 201785.Scientists are always asking the government for more money.★阿德机房考生确认
 201786.Plants are able to continue growing throughout their lives.
 201787.There are dedicated specialist librarians available all the time.
 201788.We can’t consider any increase in our prices at this stage.
 201790.Castle was designed to intimidate both local people and enemies.
 201797.Artists need to make their work both original and accessible
 201798.Our study program equips students with central skills for university.
 201803.A regional assembly was moved to the devolution of power.
 201804.Studying history can help you better understand the present.
 201805.The career service provides suggestions on how to pass the job interview.
 201806.The study shows the sense of recent technologies.
 201810.Social science is the study of solving social problems.(考生回忆)
 201817.Your ideas are sophisticated in seminars and tutorials.
 201820.There is no criterion passed for qualified journalists.
 201821.Children are producing words before they are able to walk
 201822.The rising of the sea level indicates climate change.

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 201823.Packages are likely to be used in many computers.

 201824.Most food constructions require large amount of water or fertilizer.
 201825.Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media.
 201826.We are dealing with the most challenges that we face today.
 201827.Classical mechanism is considered as a branch of mathematics.
 201828.In statistics, a detailed lecture of view is very important.
 201829.The goal of the company is to get investment.
 201830.Designers need to keep up with the social trend..
 201831.Practical experiments are essential parts of chemical classes.
 201833.You will be tested via quiz and dissertation.
 201834.New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we live.
 201835.Classical mechanism is considered as a branch of mathematics.
 201836.Studying medicine is always with a wide range of opportunities.
 201837.The course involves pure and applied mathematics.
 201838.He was regarded as the foremost economist at that time.
 201839.In any written assignment, a detailed literature review is very important.
 201840.Marine environment has been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable development.
 201841.Calculators allow us to add numbers that we all made mistakes.
 201843.The lecture will cover the reason of climate change.
 201844.This course aimed to develop your knowledge of statistics.
 201846.This advanced course requires a basic knowledge of economic theory.
 201847.Eating fish twice a week is an accommodation on a health diet.
 201848.There are many different styles of business management.
 201849.The northern campus car park is located behind the library
 201850.University student should purchase the graduation gown for the commencement.
 201851.Linguist is the scientist and knowledge(不确定) of the language.(学生回忆)
 201852.The food crops require a large amount of water and fertilizer. 已确认
 201853.Employment figures are expected to be improved
 201854.New media journalism is an interesting area for study. 3
 201855.We are rethinking the solutions for the society.

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 201856.Plagiarism in a test is very severe.

 201857.There is an accounting assessment for finance students.
 201858.Many university lectures can now be viewed on the internet.
 201859.New materials and techniques are changing the way of architecture.
 201860.Professors with higher educational standard trained them extremely seriously.
 201862.Scholarship applications must be handed in at the end of the month.
 201865.The university provides different facilities for students and staff.
 201867.We should never underestimate the power of creative

 201870.Psychologists say what we have experienced influences our behaviors.

 201873.Information technology has changed the way people work today.
 201874.Audition of the university choir will be on hold the next week
 201875.Relying on natural abilities will not let you go further in science
 201876.The library will stay open until midnight this week
 201884.The government is funding research study on the consequences of unemployment.
 201892.Physical health can be improved by regular training
 201901.Philosophy contains a lot of logics and reasons to analyze human experience.
 201904.These/The resources cited are not enough for this assessment.
 201905.Please return the books to the correct positions on the shelves
 201907.The history department is very active in research.
 201908.Two sides have disagreed on how to solve the problem.
 201912.This article covers architecture planning and construction.
 201914.Exotic activities can help students develop more talents.
 201918.Neuroscience is a compound of completely separate parts.
 201919.Honey can be used as food and health product.
 201920.The disease that was serious has been now eradicated.
 201921.You should attend safety course before the engineering workshop.
 201923.When the roots of a plant failed, foliage suffers.
 201925.The laboratory library near the entrance of the library,
 201926.That means they have so many struggling overlaps
 201927.Students develop confidence in their ability to think critically.

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 201931.Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk.

 201938.Expertise in particular areas distinguishes you from other graduates in a job interview.
 201939.The generic biology technology lab is located at the North Wing of the library.
 201940.Physics is a detailed study of matter and energy
 201941.In Europe, the political pressure is similar regarding globalization.
 201942.Online courses allow students to work in their own pace.
 201943.You have the freedom to study what interests you most.
 201944.All students have their own styles of learning.
 201945.Art helps us to deep the appreciating of our world.
 201946.Reading histories involves a level of careful selections.
 201947.Education is learning skills for employment.
 201948.Experts say learning and listening music can reduce the stress.
 201949.Water is heated to something and added to the mixture.
 201950.Researches show that spending time outdoors has a range of benefits.
 201951.When sentencing, the courter will depend on if the criminal is guilty or not.
 201952.The students are waiting for a meal.
 201953.Teaching assistance plays a vital role in the learning process.
 201954.Scholarships are available for both local and international students.
 201955.We prefer postgraduate students than previously possible.
 201956.Our company is intended to hire more than ten thousand people worldwide.
 201957.Finding cocoa in dark chocolate promotes immunity and mood.
 201958.The British students need to study mathematics in secondary school.
 201959.Family life is difficult for parents who have shift work.
 201960.The Internet has transformed the nature of publishing.
 201961.You wrote something as well as scientific paper was.
 201962.While the information indicates something for consuming products..
 201963.Many important policies need to be made.
 201964.Scientists can develop new elements in the laboratory.
 201965.Businesses must obey regulations.

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 201966.Our workshop is opening for all the students on the campus.

 201967.The night's sky has always involved mystery and wonder.
 201968.Career management is a very important subject.
 201969.The universities provide exchange programs to other countries.
 201970.Every living thing begins as a single cell.
 201971.The renowned journalism will last for half of the century.
 201972.The degree is taught by using a mixture of lectures and seminars.
 201973.The falling birth rate means the number of students dropped.
 201974.Our aim is to transform the classical teaching in the classroom.
 201975.The use of mobile phones is not permitted in the library.
 201976.It is interesting to observe the development of the language skills of toddlers.
 201977.Lots of people turned out to be at the presidential address.
 201978.Career mobility is very important for new graduates.
 201979.The technology has transformed the nature of society.
 201980.In the research, data must be collected by analysis.
 201981.It is the members contribution.
 201982.We are facing the discomfort on campus.
 201984.More research is required in the field of food science

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